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  1. Did you type "!map example" and open a map with the same name that you don't want opened? This plugin prevents it from opening when you try to open a map with the same name. For example, when you type "!map son", if there is a map containing more than one "son" word, it gives them to a menu and opens the selected map. Attached Files False_Map_Blocker.smx (5.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (False_Map_Blocker.sp - 4.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. The audio files you have loaded will be played sequentially at a specified time. Cvars*auto_sound_player 300.0 | Audio playback time interval. auto_sound_player_folder "Server_Name/auto_sound_player " audio files folder location. Example: ( Server_Name/auto_sound_player ) not include sound/ " It is automatically cfg creating after you install the plugin. cfg/Plugincim_com/Auto_Sound_Player.cfg Open the file and the "auto_sound_player_folder" value change. Upload the audio files you want to be played to the folder location you specified. NOTE: there should be no special characters in the name of the audio file and the audio file that has been uploaded once should not be uploaded again with the same name. Don't forget to fastdl the uploaded files. Attached Files Auto Sound (477.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. When a player takes damage in Fortnite, if she has armor, her armor starts to decrease first. This plugin does exactly that. Damage taken drops from armor first. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (fn_damage.sp - 2.5 KB) fn_damage.smx (3.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Hi, Rcbot2 lastest version not working on my server, exacly botquota. Rcbot2 1.3 work but whhen server restart, there is 0 bot creating by Rcbot2. Rcbot2 1.3 create bot when there is at least 1 player (real or fake). This plugin create a first fake player when map start for Rcbot2 starting botquota and 5 second after kick fakeplayer. Just put the plugin on server, nothing to set. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (firstbot.sp - 815 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Hello. This is especially important if you have a tight deadline or need assistance with a specific project. It is important to choose an physics essay that hires writers with excellent academic credentials and a variety of backgrounds. These are individuals who have the skill and experience to produce high-quality work that will stand out from the crowd. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. i have Automix p1mps version 1.1.9-F i was decompile but code was mixing after decompile i want to set thi any one set me plzz Attached Files stats_pug.txt (42.9 KB) pimpspug.txt (176.6 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. Description When a player calls for a medic using the built-in radio commands, this plugin will check if there's a nearby teammate bot who's a medic. If one is found then this changes the bot's behavior to travel towards the player requesting medical attention and throw a medpack. Similar behavior was added for a bot engineer to throw an ammopack to teammates requesting supplies. Special Thanks Gallomimia for the idea behind the plugin. Also, the team who perfected the [TF2] Bot Combat Improvements plugin deserve a lot of credit as they developed the first proof-of-concept that I saw before writing this. Many of the functions towards the tail end of this plugin are based on or wholly adopted from the TF2 plugin. - EfeDursun125 - enderandrew - Marqueritte - Showin' - Crasher_3637 Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nd_bot_radio_helpers.sp - 25.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. There was a plugin in Half Life, when you shot with rpg and hold the fire key you were fly with rpg missile. It's name was "RocketManFly". I lost it, anyone have that plugin? Sorry for bad English. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. Hi, im looking for a plugin for my basebuilder server. i want a plugin where all the dead players in the Builder team (Counter-terrorist) will be automatically transfered into the Zombies team (Terrorist) the very last round before a mapchange. If there is like 7 (Zombie) and 6 (CT), and if 5 CT die they will be instantly switched to Zombies Thanks in advance. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. This is the first plugin I've written, so please contact me for feedback if you have any problems. About:Change A2S INFO description and map name Support map name display own internal set of translation in official Maps Support map name display finalestatus in finalemap Cache all mission and chapter displayname in .phrases.txt mission and chapter info will be added automatically if it does not exist in .phrases.txt Requirements: Sourcemod 1.11+ Left 4 Dhooks SourceScramble l4d2_source_keyvalues Admin Commands: (requires "z" flag) PHP Code: // Reload A2S_EDIT Setting (only reload data/a2s_info_edit.cfg) sm_a2s_edit_reload CVars: PHP Code: // A2S_INFO MapName DisplayType. // 1.Mission // 2.Mission & Chapter // 3.Mission & FinaleType // 4.Mission & Chapter & FinaleType // 5.Mission & [ChapterNum|MaxChapter] a2s_info_mapname_type "4" // What language is used in the generated PhraseFile to replace the TranslatedText of en? // (Please Delete All A2S_Edit PhraseFile After Change This Cvar to Regenerate) // translations/a2s_chapters.phrases.txt and a2s_missions.phrases.txt a2s_info_mapname_language "en" Known Issue:Map name displayed in the in-game serverbrowser has a length limit, too long will be truncated. But does not affect third-party serverbrowsers. ChangeLog: Code: 1.1.0 - Add windows sign and mempatch. 1.0.8 - Add KeyValue file in data folder, for storing status and description text. 1.0.7 - Add map name display finalestatus in finalemap. 1.0.5 - Add sb_all_bot_game change to 1 so that Localizer init phrases. 1.0.4 - Remove maxplayers modify and mempatch. 1.0.3 - Add ProcessConnectionlessPacket memPatch to support official engine.dll/so. 1.0.2 - Add additional checks to support lakwsh modify engine.dll/so. 1.0.1 - Fix RebuildInfo_MapName memPatch. 1.0.0 - Initial release.Thanks: Silvers - Various handy plug-ins and tutorials. Dragokas - Various help in reading the game's built-in localized content. sorallll - Some help on the code. fdxx - Various help for reading keyvalue on memory. Github:lakwsh - Various signatures, offsets help. Installation: Make sure the all the requirements in the Requirements are installed and working. Download "A2S_Info_Edit.txt" and put into your servers \addons\sourcemod\gamedata\ folder. Download "A2S_Info_Edit.sp" and put into your servers \addons\sourcemod\scripting\ folder. Compiling plugin and put into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder. Notice: Don't click "Get Plugin"!!, this plugin compile need inc file with Left 4 Dhooks, SourceScramble, l4d2_source_keyvalues and Localizer. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (A2S_Info_Edit.sp - 24.4 KB) A2S_Info_Edit.txt (3.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Nuclear Dawn King of the Hill Gamemode Plugin Description Teams fight over control of the Primary Resource Point in timed round matches. The team who controls Prime for the longest amount of time will win the round. Gameplay ChangesTurns off all tertiary and secondary resource resource points No building within x distance of primary resource point No artillery shelling within x distance of primary resource point No commander abilities within x distance of primary resource point No building too close to enemy bunker - action is in the middle Make starting map structures invulnerable to sieging Make new structures harder to destroy Force bots to capture/defend main point only Limit nades for team defending prime Installation Install the [ND] Build Structure Intercept plugin ( Ensure the file is in the addons/sourcemod/gamedata/ directory Copy the nd_king_of_the_hill.smx file to the addons/sourcemod/plugins/ directory Copy the file to the addons/sourcemod/gamedata/ directory Copy the file to the addons/sourcemod/gamedata/ directory Copy the file to the addons/sourcemod/gamedata/ directory (Optional) Add mp_roundtime 15 to the cfg/server.cfg file (Optional) Add mp_maxrounds 4 to the cfg/server.cfg file GitHub Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nd_king_of_the_hill.sp - 33.8 KB) (343 Bytes) (3.1 KB) (3.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Hello, I'm here to request for someone to make a plugin that will ban an users hardware id upon banning them from the server. I am willing to pay up to 50$ but the price is debatable. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. Hello, How can I detect if player starts voice chat? (the moment he press K button) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. Could someone write a code that blocks only suicide in DeathMsg Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. I am looking for a calladmin plugin for use [ANY] Discord/Slack API (CallAdmin ...) it must be able to these items Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. Gamedata Status (Not working? File an issue) What Is This? Counter-Strike: Global Offensive records lots of player actions for internal stats tracking, such as shots, damage, props broken, headshots, and more. These stats are often used for achievements, the scoreboard, and end-of-round fun facts (“Ace!”, “Counter-Terrorists had an Accuracy of…”). This plugin is a low-level wrapper around that statistics functionality, and allows other plugins to easily access a wide variety of statistics without needing a variety of hooks and the mother of all jagged arrays. The fully methodmapped include handles many aspects of statistics collection for you and does most heavy lifting. See some examples here! Additionally, Counter-Stats lets you generate fun facts on demand and display them as you see fit—for example, in chat. Features Uses internal CS:GO tables and linked lists instead of hardcoding for fast adaptation to updates. Enumerate over all gun-related stat indexes, keyed by gun name: Kills, Shots, Hits, and Damage. Access any stat index for a specific player, and get it’s value for the last few seconds, the current round, or the current match. Enumerate over all fun facts, keyed by ID and localization string. Invoke any fun fact creator and get it’s data values, subject, ID, and localization string. Fully methodmapped API Zero non-sourcemod dependencies Counter-Stats is low level and has generally “good” performance (more on that here). However, users should be careful when handling funfacts (and it’s enumerator) as they allocate small amounts of memory which is (currently) not freed by CounterStats—as well as requiring SDKCalls to be compiled (which are subsequently cached). Installation Download the release .zip file and extract it to your addons/sourcemod directory. The latest release is always available on GitHub. Download the Latest Version on GitHub …Or check out the source code & documentation Commands Counter-Stats 0.1 currently has no cvars.cs_enumerate_weapons - List all weapons & stat indexes in the global weapons table cs_enumerate_funfact - List all fun facts in the global fun fact linked list cs_debug_weapon <weapon_name> - List all stats of the given weapon for the current client. cs_debug_funfact <funfact_name> - Evaluate the funfact under the CTWin round end condition and print results. cs_benchmark - Benchmark most non-allocating operations and print results cs_benchmark_leakmemory - Benchmark some allocation operations and print results Future Plans Enumeration of all stats—not just for weapons. (Props broken, headshots, etc) Proper fun fact memory handling & freeing Player-to-Player stats (how many times x killed y…) Custom end-of-round fun fact handlers (requires client translations) Attached Files (16.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. about glow the supplies by range, like back4blood scavenger cards, cancel glow when picked report map supplies left on map start / player join / item picking permission configurable who can receive message and use command paid request by my friend "コクシムソウ" Creditsrequest and idea - コクシムソウ referenced library Left 4 DHooks Direct referenced library SMLib (String_EndsWith) ConVar PHP Code: // admin flag to access command and receives query results, // n=cheats, empty=everyone, see more in /configs/admin_levels.cfg supply_indicator_access "n" // announce types, 1=console 2=chat 4=center 8=hint 16=text included phrase 'MapLeft' supply_indicator_announce "18" // l4d2 only, apply glow to supplies, -1=disabled 1000=1000 units range 0=infinity range supply_indicator_glow "1000" // l4d2 only, does glow flashing supply_indicator_glow_flash "1" // l4d2 only, glow species, same as *_supplies supply_indicator_glow_species "-1" // how handle infinity supply pile, 1=count as 1 0=not count -1=count as infinity supply_indicator_pile "-1" // report event, 1=player join 2=item spawn 4=item picked 8=item pick broadcast -1=all, add numbers together you want. supply_indicator_reports "-1" // supplies to indicate, 1=vomit jar 2=pipe bomb 4=molotov // 8=first aid 16=defibrillator 32=adrenaline 64=pain pills 128=laser -1=All // add numbers together you want. supply_indicator_supplies "-1" changelog v0.1 (7-March-2023) - pre release v1.0 (8-March-2023) - just released Installation put l4d_supply_indicator.smx on /plugins/ put l4d_supply_indicator.phrases.txt on /translations/ Attached Thumbnails Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_supply_indicator.sp - 18.0 KB) l4d_supply_indicator.phrases.txt (1.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Description: 》The player model switches between colors (rainbow). Video Direct Download Source Code Main repository Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. When right-clicked with weapons, it zooms by reducing the player's fov value. Attached Files weapon_fov.smx (6.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (weapon_fov.sp - 6.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. I have this plugin installed on my servers: Chat Manager: I also have many HLTV servers recording all the things that happen on my servers 24/7 ________________________________ I noticed that the chat is not showing up in the HLTV recordings :cry: My question would be: Is there any possible way to make this plugin work with HLTV? Thanks Quote: Link to the complaints that I did several months ago waiting for an answer from ocixcrom, they were never answered Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. Description Change the money earned by kill. You can assign differents money by each weapon. Commands sm_reload_money_cfg - Reload plugin config To Do Maybe add HS bonus? Changelogs Spoiler Version 1.0 - Plugin Release [B][SIZE="4"]GitHub Repo Attached Files (8.1 KB) WeaponAward.cfg (767 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (WeaponKillAwards.sp - 2.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Description: 》Restrict Fortnite emotes to use via ZephStore Note: 》Turns off !emote, !emotes, !dance, !dances commands, but !setemote, !setemotes, !setdance, !setdances commands can be used. Requirement:: 》ZephStore 》FNEmote Install:: 》install the .smx plugin into the addons/sourcemod/plugins path. add the "fnemote" parameter to the file addons/sourcemod/translations/store.phrases.txt Example Config Direct Download Source Code Main repository Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. If the administrator say: !map dust2, the map changes to de_dust2 (change level de_dust2). And. I want to get a plug-in that becomes exec matchmod.cfg when admin say: !matchmod. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. anyone have Team Surrender amxx plugins for rehdls? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. Name of the weapon in HUD I use an example skin Ex: Model Name "V_UMP45" "UMP45 Primal '' Przeczytaj cały wpis
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