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[NMRiH] Multilingual Objectives (v1.0, 2020-01-01)

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This plugin adds localization support to native objective messages.
It differs from existing solutions in that it overrides the native objective dialog, rather than displaying additional screen messages.

Each objective has a unique identifier with the format "<map name> <objective name>".
To translate an objective message into different languages, simply add its identifier to the translation file, like so:

PHP Code:

"nmo_cabin objStart"
"fr"    "Sors du grenier"
        "de"    "Finde einen Weg, um aus dem Dachboden auszubrechen!"
        "nl"    "Ontsnap van de zolder"

// You can also override the default English message
"en" "Hello world"

You can get a list of all objective names for a map using the `dump_objectives` console command and looking at the second argument:


] sv_cheats 1; dump_objectives
24: objStart - Break out of the attic.
21: ObjA - Find keys to unlock door.
25: ObjC - Family is the answer, find the secret book.
23: ObjB - Break planks to proceed.
26: ObjD - Release stair gate.
33: ObjI - Find the car battery, power up the generator and call for help!
30: ObjE - Blast through cabin wall.

Admins can also use the helper command sm_oid to fetch the translation phrase for the current objective.

Admin: /oid
The current objective is nmo_cabin objStart in the translation file.

  • sm_translate_objectives (1/0) (Default: 1)
    • Toggle the translation of objective messages.

GitHub repo:

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