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[L4D1/2] Spawn Special Infected (Limit-Bypass)

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Spawn specials without being limited by the director's enforced rule of only-3-in-play!

I've really worked more than on my older plugins on finding the signatures to make this possible.
Plus I've exhausted my coding juice, so it's only one simple but spammable command. Sorry.

-= Tested Games =-

-= Commands =-
sm_dzspawn <zombie> <mode> = Spawn a special infected, bypassing the limit enforced by the game. Example: sm_dzspawn hunter.
For <mode>, it toggles whether not to use a (simple) trace. If 1, the trace won't be used, and instead the infected will spawn at your location.


Non-playable infected aren't able to be spawned by sm_dzspawn yet. This is because they're already spammable by default. (Common infected and witches.)
You can get another plugin to spawn the aforementioned non-playable infected.

-= Further Info =-
- The spawned specials don't play their sounds when they normally initially spawn.
(Example: Hunter's initial growl. If spawned with this cmd, the Hunter won't emit any sound and be completely silent if it decides to stand there.)

-= Releases =-

Version 1.0.0
- Initial release.

-= How to Install =-
- (OPTIONAL) Move the .txt file to your gamedata folder inside the Sourcemod directory. The plugin, by itself, will auto-generate the gamedata needed if it doesn't find one, hence this being optional.
- Move the compiled .smx file to your plugins folder inside the Sourcemod directory.

Attached Files
File Type: txt spawn_infected_nolimit.txt (3.1 KB)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (spawn_infected_nolimit.sp - 21.7 KB)

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