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[L4D] L4DNoSmoking (v1.0.0, 2019-07-20)

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This plugins prevents the smoker from smoking the last survivor.
It checks for the following status:
1 survivor running around
the other survivors dead, incapped, pounced, smoked, smoked from ledge, hanging from ledge or falling from ledge.

Tested on L4D1. Included conditions for L4D2 but untested.

Use cfg to set the server to automatically slap the smoker to break his tongue or kill the smoker, when he tries to smoke the last survivor.

CVAR/Command list:
killorslap (default=1) 1 = kill smoker / 2 = slap smoker
displaykillmessage (default=3) 0 - Disabled; 1 - small HUD Hint; 2 - big HUD Hint ; 3 - Chat Notification

2019-07-15 (v1.0.0)
* Initial release.

Installation instructions:
Click 'Get Plugin' button, place SMX in the sourcemod plugins folder and you're done. Or compile it yourself.

no idea about older versions of sourcemod, I compiled it with:
SourcePawn Compiler
SourcePawn Compiler

none atm

Based on code snippets from:
* [L4D, L4D2] No Death Check Until Dead (survivor/infected checks)
* [L4D & L4D2] Survivor Bot Takeover v0.8 (check incap routine)
* And TeleportEntity suggestion by xZk to break tongue instead of using SlapPlayer

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (L4DNoSmoking.sp - 6.0 KB)

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