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  1. what if we have a clone boss fight plugin? All of players will transfer into CT and one of them will be on Terror team. Then the player on Terror will have some bots as his Clones :) The Cloned Bots can not damage other players, they just are some clones. CTs should find and hunt the main boss, and whoever hunts the boss, will be the next boss. Here are some keys: - the cloned bots should have the same skin as the player who is boss. - the cloned bots can not damage others, they shoot, they will play like a normal bots, but their bullets can not hit any damage. - the cloned bots' damage is 1 (it is better that can be changed via cvars). so they can get killed easily. - the cloned bots' can revive after death (it should be a cvar if they can revive or not and how many seconds later after death they should revive) - the mp_playerid should be set to 1, so CTs can not detect the boss by crosshair and seeing the boss name. - the cloned bots' difficulty should be expert so they can more wisely. thank you brothers Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. Somewhere may be GOOGLE TRANSLATED, because my English SUCKS HAHA:)Description▷As we known, we can get an achievement when we play game mode outpost and reach level 20. But maybe you don't know we are unable to win this game, even you reach level 2147483647 (32bit int, I tested it). You really want to win this game? perhaps you can try this. Use this if you really want to show a WIN credit when reach a specific game level. CVAR list Code: sm_outpost_endlevel 25 //what level we should get victory? integer between 3 to 2147483647, default is 25. Changelog Code: 05/11/2023 (1.0.9) Initial release. Especially thanks to Bob for providing some solutions to technical problems. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (end of outpost.sp - 5.0 KB) end of outpost.smx (5.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Hello today i saw a interesting plugin that i want someone to make. In my previous post, i said im a newbie, and still i am, but i need help on how to make this. I found two different plugins, but i wanna combine them. I've tried using AI but it didnt work so i need help. (The plugins i used are "Show me the time (a clock and info plugin)" AND "[ZP] Display the Current Mode") The plugin shows the current mode, the next map, the timeleft, and the current time at the top left corner of the screen, under the radar, and the color of those things change depending on the gamemode. I've attached a picture of the plugin i've saw and any help is really appreciated!. (The picture is in hungarian, but i think you can get the point of what i really need:P) Attached Thumbnails Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. basebuilder Difficulty system Humans emerge victorious at the end of the round, and the difficulty increases. As the difficulty increases, so does the zombie's health, gravity, and speed On higher difficulty, zombies can also pass through teammates. The human build time also increases with difficulty This isn't my plugin, I just added the settings for zombie health, gravity, and speed basebuilder65 from Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (basebuilder65.sma - 86.5 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (bb_classes65.sma - 3.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (Bb_Difficult.sma - 7.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (Bb_Semiclip.sma - 3.0 KB) (9.9 KB) (1.9 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. Some plugins cause a menu to open, and they have several pages, for example, the "Dance" plugin, has several pages in it. I want to bind a menu selection, for example, "bind p "say /dans 9,4". then whenever I press p, it will open the dance menu, and will press 9 (which will go to the next page), then will press 4 and select a dance mode. possible through binding or any plugin which can do it? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. Hello g-mans, can someone make a plugin that *sends commands to client console* like: register_clcmd("item_LongAk", "Get_Weapon") item_LongAk its the command that needs to be send in client's (player's) console in order to equip the thing To be more specific a menu that pops up when the player its respawned , like when round begins , something like the menu from csdm(respawn mode), or ZP4.3(start menu) with Previous selection and Remember selection. I want this for adding guns for players *Any team* . Something like (just an example) : [Grenades] 1. Frost Grenade 2. Pumpkin Grenade 3. Molotov Grenade [Pistols] 1. Colt Anaconda 2. Dart Pistol 3. Knife Pistol [Primary Weapons] 1. Ak47 Long 2. Plasma gun 3. Drill Gun 4. Thanatos5 5. MG3 6. M4a1 Scope 7. Quad Barrel 8. Previous Selection 9. Remember Selection and a command on chat like /guns to re-enable the menu I have try'd making this myself but i don't have knowledge for making such things. if possible a .ini file , something like [Rifles] 1. <AkLong> item_Aklong // The command that will be send 2. <Gun> item_gun Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. Description Automatically kicks special infected bots right after death. Why Special infected bots take around 6 seconds to be kicked from the server upon death, consuming client slots until then. Kicking right after death will increase their spawn rate success related to having "no slots" available. Features Allow setting which special infected bot should be kicked. Allow speeding up the Tank incapacitated animation to kick. Cvars A configuration file named "l4d_kick_si_bot_on_death.cfg" will automatically be created for you upon the first run in the "\cfg\sourcemod\" folder. PHP Code: // Enable/Disable the plugin. // 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable. // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" l4d_kick_si_bot_on_death_enable "1" // Which special infected should be kicked right after being killed. // 1 = SMOKER, 2 = BOOMER, 4 = HUNTER, 8 = SPITTER, 16 = JOCKEY, 32 = CHARGER, 64 = TANK. // Add numbers greater than 0 for multiple options. // Example: "127", enables for all SI. // - // Default: "127" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "127.000000" l4d_kick_si_bot_on_death_si "127" // Kicks the Tank bot when it becomes incapacitated. // 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable. // Note: must have TANK flag enabled on "l4d_kick_si_bot_on_death_si". // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" l4d_kick_si_bot_on_death_tank_incapacitated "1" Admin Commands sm_print_cvars_l4d_kick_si_bot_on_death => Print the plugin related cvars and their respective values to the console. (z flag required) Change Log Spoiler 1.0.1 (03-November-2023) - Public release. 1.0.0 (03-October-2023) - Private release. Notes [L4D2 ONLY] The Spitter damage sound won't be heard if you doesn't have the latest [L4D & L4D2] Left 4 DHooks Direct (by Silvers) plugin. WORKAROUND: When the Tank dies burning by "inferno" entities (e.g: Molotov), kick will only work in the next frame. This feature is also on [L4D & L4D2] ZSpawn: Zombie Spawn manager by Earendil plugin. Related messages Dropped <BOT> from server (Kicked by Console : infected team is full) Dropped <BOT> from server (Kicked by Console : death anim finished) Related Plugins [L4D & L4D2] Left 4 DHooks Direct by Silvers [L4D & L4D2] ZSpawn: Zombie Spawn manager by Earendil Post Reply Any feedback, bug reports, fixes, improvements, translations or suggestions for the plugin are welcome. Thank you! Silvers - for fixing the Spitter damage sound on [L4D & L4D2] Left 4 DHooks Direct (OnAcidDamage fix). Earendil - for [L4D & L4D2] ZSpawn: Zombie Spawn manager plugin, which also has this feature. KadabraZz - for testing. Installation Put the "l4d_kick_si_bot_on_death.smx" file (click Get Plugin) in your "\addons\sourcemod\plugins\" folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_kick_si_bot_on_death.sp - 16.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. I have a problem with this plugin first of all, the models I set do not remain saved for example, when I click to save, only one saved model remains that is, when I change the map, model x turns into model y there are two models and when changing the map only one remains, the x model set by me turns into the y model when changing the map I tried several options but I couldn't figure it out Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (zombiemodels_v3_tested.sma - 9.1 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis

    RSSReload Abort

    is there any plugin which abort reloading while the ammo is greater than zero and player wants to shoot? for example player have 15/90 ammo, he presses reload, now he have 15 bullets left but he should wait to complete reloading, but I need if the player decide to shoot and if he has more than 0 bullets, then the reloading abort and he can shoot. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. Instruction: 1.copy script TankSpawn.smx to your folder (plugins) or compile sp -> smx. 2.Play in dedicated server or hosted. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (TankSpawn.sp - 1.0 KB) TankSpawn.smx (3.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Descriptioncvar "sb_all_bot_game" lets the server keep running even everyone idled or only bots per team in game, but after the last player leaved, the bots keep playing, it's uncontrollable and wasteful. so this plugin auto enable "sb_all_bot_game" on the first player join the server, and disable it on the last player leaved. Cvars PHP Code: auto_all_bot_game_enable Change log Spoiler Code: 1.0 (2023-11-02: -init public release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (auto_all_bot_game.sp - 1.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Hi everyone, I'm looking for a cs 1.6 plugin that makes the bodies of the dead move when shooting, There is a plugin that does the same, but with weapons on the ground, I would like it to be with the bodies of the dead, I'm sending a video of the plugin Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. is there any plugin that can play custom sound on killing (gaining a score) and on player death? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. The message actually works, but it shows sprite files as additives I don't want this so. I'm wondering if this can be recreated with amxx. I've been trying for a few days but I didn't get any results Maybe this code (from xash3dmaster. I didn't find in hlsdk. not full code) can be recreated with amxx. If this is possible please share :) PHP Code: void CL_DrawBeamFollow( int spriteIndex, BEAM *pbeam, int frame, int rendermode, float frametime, float *color ) { particle_t *particles; particle_t *pnew; float div; vec3_t delta; vec3_t screenLast; vec3_t screen; CL_FreeDeadTrails( &pbeam->particles ); particles = pbeam->particles; pnew = NULL; div = 0; if( pbeam->flags & FBEAM_STARTENTITY ) { if( particles ) { VectorSubtract( particles->org, pbeam->source, delta ); div = VectorLength( delta ); if( div >= 32 && cl_free_trails ) { pnew = cl_free_trails; cl_free_trails = pnew->next; } } else if( cl_free_trails ) { pnew = cl_free_trails; cl_free_trails = pnew->next; div = 0; } } if( pnew ) { VectorCopy( pbeam->source, pnew->org ); pnew->die = cl.time + pbeam->amplitude; VectorClear( pnew->vel ); pnew->next = particles; pbeam->particles = pnew; particles = pnew; } // nothing to draw if( !particles ) return; if( !pnew && div != 0 ) { VectorCopy( pbeam->source, delta ); TriWorldToScreen( pbeam->source, screenLast ); TriWorldToScreen( particles->org, screen ); } else if( particles && particles->next ) { VectorCopy( particles->org, delta ); TriWorldToScreen( particles->org, screenLast ); TriWorldToScreen( particles->next->org, screen ); particles = particles->next; } else { return; } // draw it DrawBeamFollow( spriteIndex, pbeam->particles, frame, rendermode, delta, screen, screenLast, pbeam->die, pbeam->source, pbeam->flags, pbeam->width, pbeam->amplitude, pbeam->freq, color ); // drift popcorn trail if there is a velocity particles = pbeam->particles; while( particles ) { VectorMA( particles->org, frametime, particles->vel, particles->org ); particles = particles->next; } } Or it is done by creating beams as in the link below. I know this is very specific and this is so complicated but I need it SFMBE Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. Hi. Is there a way or plugin, to change the player model skin? Game: Counter-Strike 1.6 I play offline with Podbot only. Example what I search: The bot "Travis" has the modelskin gign. Now I want to change it to sas. change_skin "Travis" "3" (3 = sas) I searched the internet before and can't find a plugin. Przeczytaj cały wpis

    RSSScout Mode

    is there any plugin which enables a mode in which players only have scouts? just like a knife fight or grenade fight, this time a scout fight. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. Hello everyone, I wanted to know if there are anyone here who can make a plugin for me for skins for cs2 server. Regarding payment, we will discuss how much it will cost Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. Descriptiongive designative items at round start first spawn or new survivor character spawned, by default it gives first aid kit and pain pills. Change log Spoiler Code: 2.1 (2023-10-31: -init public release. Configs installationput round_start_item_giver.cfg in sourcemod/data/ Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (round_start_item_giver.sp - 4.7 KB) round_start_item_giver.cfg (602 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. C4 Grams Case - v0.0.1, posted at : 30/10/2023 This is a very small plugin which will give you X Grams of C4 to change the blast radius of C4. Once the bomb is planted it will randomly choose how many grams of C4 are planted. It will go between 100 grams and 1KG, making the bomb range go between 10 meters (which is very low) and 100 meters (which is almost all the map depending on the map size) More InformationType /c4distance to know the bomb radius and how far you are from the bomb c4gc_terror_no_damage if enabled terrorists won't take bomb damage There are 10 mp3 cool sounds for each possible explosion Some stuff is hardcoded and for now will stay that way Video Translation Credits: French: ANTICHRISTUS Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (c4_gc.sma - 2.7 KB) (2.02 MB) c4_gc.txt (978 Bytes) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. Hello I use amxbans . Can some one help plugin working with mdb ban system I need to change the parameters for the command. old mdb commans Code: server_cmd( "amx_mban 1440 #%d ^"[^x03TEST^x01] hack (#2221) detected!^"", get_user_userid( id ) );How do its work with amxbans? I change amx_mban to amx_ban but not work. THanks, Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. is there any plugin that can hide enemy names on crosshair? I have activated a plugin that turns on hidden mode which a player is hidden with a knife and should hunt others, but sometimes if the enemies crosshair are over the hidden player, his name will appear and he can get hunted easily :( thank you friends Przeczytaj cały wpis


    Hello, I played a mod in zula game a long time ago Let's see if such a mod can be found here or not Maybe someone made it The mode is such that one person is considered as a hunter He only has a shotgun in his hand Every time he kills someone, his hp and arrows are filled And whoever kills him gets the title of hunter and replaces the previous hunter. The new hunter is immortal for 5 seconds. Note that everyone revives after 5 seconds after being killed At the end, whoever has the most kills It is known as the winner of the round The game is played on small maps Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. Descriptionauto switch to the next campaign map on the game end. recommand to use [L4D2] Transition Info Fix to fix issues after map change. Change log Spoiler Code: 1.1 (2023-10-27: init public release. Configs installationput map_change.cfg in sourcemod/data/ Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (map_change.sp - 2.1 KB) map_change.cfg (718 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Descriptionthe plugin I use for my self. original method from [ANY] Restart Empty Server (or Map). but required Connected Counter. fix issue that resetting all cvars to default value on server empty. Cvars PHP Code: change_map_on_empty_enable change_map_on_empty_log Change log Spoiler Code: 1.2 (2023-10-27: init public release. Configs installationput change_map_on_empty.txt in sourcemod/data/ put the map name into each line in the file. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (change_map_on_empty.sp - 3.1 KB) change_map_on_empty.txt (215 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. Descriptionsimple plugin provide native and forwards of real player fisrt time connected, and really disconnect. original method and logic from [TF2] Empty Server Map Restarter. dose not support late load. Native and Forwards Spoiler PHP Code: /** * @brief Called when a new human client connected * * @param userid userid of the client * @param count count of connected human userids, include the "userid" param * @param userids array of connected human userids, include the "userid" param * * @noreturn */ forward void ConnectedCounter_OnConnected(int userid, int count, const int userids[MAXPLAYERS]); /** * @brief Called when a human client is disconnecting * * @param userid userid of the client * @param count count of connected human userids, exclude the "userid" param * @param userids array of connected human userids, exclude the "userid" param * * @noreturn */ forward void ConnectedCounter_OnDisconnect(int userid, int count, const int userids[MAXPLAYERS]); /** * @brief Get the connected human userids count and array * * @param count buffer to store connected human userids count * @param userids buffer to store connected human userids array * * @return true on success, false on failure. * * @error called too early, the data has not been initialized yet. */ native void ConnectedCounter_GetConnected(int& count, int userids[MAXPLAYERS]); Change log Spoiler Code: 1.1 (2023-10-27: init public release. Attached Files (1.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (connected_counter.sp - 3.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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