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  1. team mix plugin plugin mixes the teams to balance when a team is too strong, vote to balance the team Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. Hello, I have this code that I would like that when the ct or the tt has a superkatana "mod furien" knife is the basic one and katana is to buy the item in the store, I would like that if any player who has this item dies that the katana falls to the ground and other users who are alive can take it easily. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (furien_superknife.sma - 4.6 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. Hello, please I am looking for an "AMXBans" without errors when banning players, because, when banning a player, I have several errors. If the player is NoSteam at the time of banning, this bans his IP, his id and I think also "VALVE_ID_LAN" this error causes other NoSteam players to become banned without being associated with the sanctioned player. Another error is that some players in the Ban Menu cannot be selected, their name is grayed out and I cannot do anything to ban them. I need help please, if anyone knows any updated amxbans I would greatly appreciate it, But I also have some errors when adding administrators I am currently using this version: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. Hi! Someone can help me? I need slq saving. Sorry my english to low. Thank u for help. :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Karacsonyi_dobozok.sma - 5.9 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. hola tengo este codigo que me gustaria que cuando el ct o el tt tenga una superkatana "mod furien " knife es el basico y katana es comprando el item en tienda , me gustaria que si cualquier jugador que tenga este item muera que se caiga la katana al suelo y otros usuarios k esten vivos la puedan cojer paso sma. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (furien_superknife.sma - 4.6 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. Note: This plugin is only automate the server slot adjustment and survivor spawn. There is no bot takeover feature. Please use another plugin like: [L4D(2)] AFK and Join Team Commands (1.1) or any plugin found from internet. Also this plugin conflicts with any similar plugins that automate the survivor spawn, like [L4D/L4D2] LEFT12DEAD About: Dynamically adjust the survivors count based on connected players. Dynamically adjust the server slot based on connected players. Add survivor bot if there is no bot to takeover when player joined to the server. Kick survivor bot when player disconnected by self. (optional) When Medkit density installed, it will adjust medkit count dynamically based on in-game survivor count. Dependency: l4dtoolz Optional dependency: Medkit dencity Cvar: Code: sm_aslot_version - Plugin version sm_aslot_debug - 0/1 - Toggles debug message sm_aslot_kick - 0/1 - Toggles auto kick. When set to 1 and player disconnected by self, survivor bot will be kicked if survivor counts higher than 5. sm_aslot_fixed_survivor_limit - -1~32 - Fix survivor_limit with this number. or if set to -1 (not recommended due to bug) it will adjust survivor_limit dynamically based on in-game player count. sm_aslot_fixed_server_slot - -1~32 - Fix sv_maxplayers with this number. If set to -1 It will adjust sv_maxplayers dynamically based on in-game player count + 1Installation:Download autoServerSlot.smx from here: Put autoServerSlot.smx into sourcemod plugins folder Done Changelog: Code: - 1.0 Initial release on alliedmodders forum.You can download latest source file from GitHub. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Can someone solve this ? Ty. (2 8 ) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "cvars") PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <hamsandwich> native strip_user_weapons(index); native cs_get_user_hasprim(index); native cs_get_user_buyzone(index); new cvars[4]; new const name_cvars[][][] = { {"surf_delete_corpse", "1"}, {"surf_buyzone_kill", "0"}, {"surf_superwalls", "1"}, {"surf_strip_sec_weapons", "1"} } public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Surf Addon", "1.1", "cyby"); RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "ham_take_damage"); RegisterHam(Ham_TraceAttack, "player", "ham_trace_attack"); RegisterHam(Ham_Killed, "player", "killed_player"); for(new i = 0; i < sizeof name_cvars; i++) cvars = register_cvar(name_cvars[0], name_cvars[1]); if(get_pcvar_num(cvars[0]) > 0) set_msg_block(get_user_msgid("ClCorpse"), BLOCK_SET); } public ham_take_damage(vic, inf, att, Float:dmg, dmgbits) { if(!is_user_alive(att) || att == vic || !is_user_alive(vic)) return HAM_IGNORED; if(get_pcvar_num(cvars[1]) == 0) { if(get_user_team(att) != get_user_team(vic)) { if(cs_get_user_buyzone(att)) { client_print(att, print_center, "You can't attack here!"); return HAM_SUPERCEDE; } if(cs_get_user_buyzone(vic)) return HAM_SUPERCEDE; } } if(get_pcvar_num(cvars[2]) > 0) { if(!(dmgbits & (1<<1))) return HAM_IGNORED; if(!get_isplayer(att)) return HAM_SUPERCEDE; } return HAM_IGNORED; } public ham_trace_attack(vic, att, Float:dmg, Float:vecdr[3], tr, dmgbits) { if(!is_user_alive(vic) || !is_user_alive(att)) return HAM_IGNORED; if(get_pcvar_num(cvars[1]) == 0) { if(get_user_team(att) != get_user_team(vic)) { if(cs_get_user_buyzone(att)) return HAM_SUPERCEDE; if(cs_get_user_buyzone(vic)) return HAM_SUPERCEDE; } } if(get_pcvar_num(cvars[2]) > 0) { if(!(dmgbits & (1<<1))) return HAM_IGNORED; if(!get_isplayer(att)) return HAM_SUPERCEDE; } return HAM_IGNORED; } public killed_player(victim) { if(get_pcvar_num(cvars[3]) > 0) { if(!is_user_connected(victim)) return HAM_IGNORED; if(!cs_get_user_hasprim(victim)) strip_user_weapons(victim); } return HAM_IGNORED; } stock bool:get_isplayer(attacker) { new victim, crap; get_user_aiming(attacker, victim, crap); if(!is_user_alive(victim)) return false; return true; } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. Hello friends, I have a small issue with the Jailbreak mode. You know when the game mode voting appears after a few rounds? I'm trying to figure out if it's working. I've added the mod smoothly, no errors are being thrown. I've played 10 rounds or more, but the voting for the game mode doesn't show up. Is it because I'm trying this offline with bots? I even added a bot registered as a real player, but the game mode voting still doesn't open. Do you have any advice or anything? I'll leave the entire script here; if someone is more familiar with it, please check. Thanks in advance. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. Well here again I wanted a plugin that is VIPS models in a MENU but for ZP4.3. I haven't found one that works for me, the model fails and I'll stick with the skin even if it's Zombie or Nemesis. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. Hi, can someone make a plugin that lets u color func_wall with right click ? But only people with a specific flag to have acces to it ? Thank u. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. In the video, money is displayed on the right side of the person who kills the person. Can it be achieved? Thanks Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. Can someone give the plugin or help me how to put the infection effect from zombie plague with blood particles on biohazard mode? watch the video to see the effect I'm talking about: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. Hi, Due to the fact that I have been dreaming of my own server network for a long time, I have even taken steps in this direction by buying a 4xXeon6x2.4+64GB RAM machine, and I am currently editing maps for CS 1.6 to make the gameplay enjoyable. I am looking for someone who will make significant edits to the code , it's about reworking the HUD, adding a few new functions such as a rocket, a mine or a first aid kit that regenerates every X seconds and their limit in EQ, which means that a class equipped with rockets has 2/2 rockets after respawning, and after use it is X seconds and another the rocket is added to the inventory. Additionally. I wanted there to be additional dmg from intelligence, but not as a point but as a percentage, because when we hit the leg we have 50 base dmg plus intelligence damage depending on how it is set, but let's assume 1 point + 1 damage, and I would like it to be 1 point + 1% damage, this will make it at 10 points, a shot for 50 will ultimately give 55, and a shot for 400 will give 440, not 60 and 410 as it is now. Additionally, I want one class to have a 100% chance to kill with a weapon if the opponent has below 70HP. There are probably a few more things that I had in mind, but they slipped my mind at the moment. If you are able to help me, of course, for a fee, please contact me on discord: lamer_ten_prawdziwy, but if you don't have discord, we can write under the topic or we will find a messenger together. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. This is a very simple plugin. This only works if you're using the Zombiereloaded plugin and you allow zombies to respawn (zr_respawn is set to 1). It's supposed to stop zombies from regenerating after being headshot by humans. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Block the respawning of headshot zombies.sp - 1.3 KB) Block the respawning of headshot zombies.smx (4.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. hello, is it possible to do it like one server with 2 gamemode like . When server change map first round or before the map is changed vote Which mode do you want to play 1. Public 2. GunGame Thanks. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. Aceleracion' Gifts Drop & Spawn fork Info: Drop Standard Gift when special infected dies Drop Special Gift when a tank/witch dies Note:Survivor needs to touch the gifts to get weapons/items/health Require:left4dhooks Put this file in your addons/sourcemod/scripting/include folder Mission and Weapons - Info Editor: To unlock all melee weapons in all campaigns Standard Gift Spoiler Defibrillator First Aid Kit Pain Pill Adrenaline Incendiary Pack Explosive Pack Molotov Pipe Bomb Vomitjar Gascan Propane Tank Oxygen Tank Firework Crate Pistol Magnum Pumpshotgun Chrome Shotgun Smg Silenced Smg MP5 Rifle SG552 AK47 Desert Rifle Spas Shotgun Autoshotgun Hunting Rifle Military Sniper SCOUT Baseball Bat Chainsaw Cricket Bat Crowbar Electric Guitar Fire Axe Frying Pan Katana Machete Tonfa Knife Golf Club Pitchfork Shovel Gnome Laser Sight Incendiary Ammo Explosive Ammo Ammo Health+100 Health+10 Health+30 Health+50 Health-1 Health-5 Health-10 Health-20 Empty Special Gift Spoiler First Aid Kit Defibrillator Pain Pill Adrenaline Grenade Launcher M60 Machine Gun AWP Ammo Health+100 The README on GitHub contains more information you want to know -Source Code Download- Attached Files (41.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Description: Quad Damage is the powerful artifact from Quake Champions. When the player picks up this item, his damage increases by four times. Currently supported mods: - Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update Requirements: Developed using required Metamod and AMX Mod X version. - Metamod-P 1.21p38: - AMX Mod X 1.10: Installation: - Unpack and copy into SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Half-Life\ - Compile apb_powerup.sma and install like any other plugin. Attached Files (166.9 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (apb_powerup.sma - 18.0 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. Hey everyone. I was told to post here about modding a CS 1.6 dedicated server. I'm looking to replace the gun sounds of the default ones, like the reloads, the shooting and what not. I was told that advanced stuff like rehlds, regamedll, reapi or orpheu could make it happen. Is anyone here familiar with any of those to help me on how to change the sound effects? I would also like to replace the sound of footsteps if possible. AMXX base isn't suited for this as i found many plugins that are only able to change the knife sounds. But i need to do the same for the guns. I hope this is possible by any means. Thanks in advance. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. Hello guys Could someone make an pluging that can add StatTrak Technology to Weapons in CS 1.6, and also remembers and count kills as also has flag access? If need I could donate for that. I dont need custom weapons or something like that, just stock models from CS 1.6, I hope it doesent need editing weapons models but if so it would be also ok. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. Hello guys , i want a plugin like this : When the last player left alive on a certain team remains against at least 2 players, he can only be killed by Head-Shot I would like a message to appear in the chat when this is the last one: Name* is the last one left, he can only be killed by Head-Shot, success! Thank you very much for your help! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. PHP Code: ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= C:\ = Status X - AMX Mod X script. Copyright © 2023, WATCH_DOGS UNITED. = ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= = ============================ ================================================================================================= ========================================================================================================== = Credits | | Credits Reason | | Web Address ============================ ================================================================================================= ========================================================================================================== = | | | | = AMX Mod X | | Plugin creation opportunity; © Copyright AMX Mod X Dev Team; | | = WATCH_DOGS UNITED | | Plugin creation; | | = Cuttlas | | Plugin creation request. | | = | | | | ============================ ================================================================================================= ========================================================================================================== = ================ = Description | ================ = = Use this plugin if you want to specify if the enemy, teammate, or hostage status will be visible for a specific team when aiming. = = Below are some of the consequences of disabling status: = = Disabling status could make it harder for the player to conclude who/what ()e's aiming in the darkness or other sort of obfuscation; = Disabling status may give more concentration and naturality, or realism for the game; = Disabling status may reduce CPU usage by a bit due to the long strings removal; = Disabling status may reduce visual chaos; = Disabling status may produce a more innovative gameplay. = = The sense of it's configuration is up to the plugin's user. = ================ = Commands | ================ = = sts_ct - Specifies the team status available for Counter-Terrorists. 3 = Both team status; 2 = Counter-Terrorists; 1 = Terrorists; 0 = None. Default: 3 ( Both ) = sts_t - Specifies the team status available for Terrorists. 3 = Both team status; 2 = Counter-Terrorists; 1 = Terrorists; 0 = None. Default: 3 ( Both ) = = sts_hg - Specifies the hostage status availability for a team. 3 = Both teams; 2 = only for Counter-Terrorists; 1 = only for Terrorists. 0 = None of them. Default: 3 ( Both ) = = Note: - Currently, when a cvar is changed, it will have effect as soon as the player aims to the opposed team or the hostages. = ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= = Changelog | ================ = = Dec 04, 2023 - v1.0 - Initial release. = ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= Attached Files (2.5 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  22. Hi, I have this Vampire Zombie class which should heal when it hits an enemy, but it also heal when it hits an ally. Can someone modify it so it wont heal if u hit an ally ? Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <fakemeta> #include <basebuilder> #include <hamsandwich> #include <fun> #include <xs> // Plugin stuff new const PLUGIN[] = "[ZP] Zombie Class: Vampire Zombie" new const VERSION[] = "1.0" new const AUTHOR[] = "NiHiLaNTh" // Zombie parametres new const zclass5_name[] = { "Vampire Zombie" } // name new const zclass5_info[] = { "\r[\wV.I.P\r]" } // description new const zclass5_model[] = { "baseb_SnowMan" } // player model new const zclass5_clawmodel[] = { "v_candycane_snowman_bb" } // claw model const zclass5_health = 1500 // health const zclass5_speed = 220 // speed const Float:zclass5_gravity = 0.7 // gravity const zclass5_admin = ADMIN_LEVEL_H const zclass5_credits = 0 // Class ID new g_zclass_vampire; // CVAR pointers new pcv_multi; // Zombie classes must be registered on plugin precache public plugin_precache() { g_zclass_vampire = bb_register_zombie_class(zclass5_name, zclass5_info, zclass5_model, zclass5_clawmodel, zclass5_health, zclass5_speed, zclass5_gravity, 0.0, zclass5_admin, zclass5_credits); } // Plugin initialization public plugin_init() { // Register our plugin register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) // Forward RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "fw_TakeDamage") // CVAR pcv_multi = register_cvar("zp_vampire_multi", "2") // additional health multiplier } // Target has been injected... public zp_user_infected_post(id, infector, nemesis) { // Our zm class if (zp_get_user_zombie_class(id) == g_zclass_vampire) { client_print(id, print_chat, "[ZP] Damage or infect someone to get additional health."); VampireInit(id); } // Vampire zombie cannot damage anyone on Single/Multi infection rounds so... if (zp_get_user_zombie_class(infector) == g_zclass_vampire) { set_pev(infector, pev_health, float(pev(infector, pev_health) + 1000)) } } // Victim took damage from entity public fw_TakeDamage(victim, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage, damage_type) { // Not alive if (!is_user_alive(victim)) return; if (!zp_get_user_zombie(attacker)) return; if (zp_get_user_zombie_class(attacker) == g_zclass_vampire) { // Calculate additional health static ExtraHealth; ExtraHealth = floatround(damage * get_pcvar_num(pcv_multi)) // Set new health set_pev(attacker, pev_health, float(pev(attacker, pev_health) + ExtraHealth)) } } // Vampire zombie was born... public VampireInit(id) { // Not alive if (!is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; // Not our zombie class if (zp_get_user_zombie_class(id) != g_zclass_vampire) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. Related Plugins:[L4D2] Spitter Acid Glow [L4D2] Vomitjar Glow [L4D & L4D2] Glare [L4D & L4D2] Fire Glow [L4D & L4D2] Infected Glow [L4D & L4D2] Enhanced Throwables - by Lux About:Based on the [L4D & L4D2] Fire Glow plugin. Creates a dynamic light where Vomitjars explode. The light flickers and fades in and out. Maximum of 8 lights simultaneously. Recompile changing "define MAX_LIGHTS" value if you want more. Thanks:S.A.S - For the request. Cvars: Saved to l4d2_vomitjar_glow.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder. PHP Code: // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d2_vomitjar_glow_allow "1" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all). l4d2_vomitjar_glow_modes "" // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none). l4d2_vomitjar_glow_modes_off "" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together. l4d2_vomitjar_glow_modes_tog "0" // How far does the dynamic light illuminate the area. l4d2_vomitjar_glow_distance "250.0" // The light color. Three values between 0-255 separated by spaces. RGB Color255 - Red Green Blue l4d2_vomitjar_glow_color "255 0 100" // Vomitjar Glow plugin version. l4d2_vomitjar_glow_version Changes: Code: 1.0 (03-Dec-2023) - Initial release. Installation:Click "Get Plugin" and put the .smx file into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_vomitjar_glow.sp - 11.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Hello, I made a plugin where the map changes after the round ends. :wink: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. In fact, it has the same purpose as him Similar to the knife reward Just don’t want rewards, just sound effects Przeczytaj cały wpis
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