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  1. I'm new here. Well, I am asking if there is any plugin or a way to make a sound when a player is jumping? Like those in Stalker Anomaly mods, ' EFT gear rattle sounds' that is in moddb.I am actually interested in small things. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. Description: This plugin is a library that allows you to get animation's bones and attachment with their positions and angles. I use this plugin to do some test like this post shown:How to draw debug line on dedicated server? Get entity's hitbox's bone position and angle, and draw line on it. And this plugin is also a library for a plugin that I am working on.:bee: Usage: See and anim_test.sp. Source: You can ALWAYS find latest source at my GitHub: Paimon-Kawaii - L4D2-Plugins/MyPlugins/L4D Animation :wink: Download: Attached Files l4d_anim.smx (5.3 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_anim.sp - 6.8 KB) l4d_anim.txt (2.4 KB) (2.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Makes clients think the gamemode is ShootZones (or Dash in Dark Carnival map 2, c2m2_fairgrounds as ShootZones is a valid mode for that map) for a few seconds. This tricks game clients to use the L4D2 survivor arms and icons due to the mutation modes being invalid for all maps and falling back to survivor_set 2 on the client. After a few seconds of delay it will set the client's mp_gamemode to the proper gamemode so the TAB menu will work properly, but this will mean players will get a few seconds of a broken TAB menu. This should not mess with the server's mp_gamemode ConVar that all plugins/scripts rely on. NOTE: Due to the nature of connecting clients, I can't guarantee that everyone will be able to get this fix. It is possible someone with a very slow computer or network may fail. Original idea and version is from magicboyman2021. I did not directly steal his code, but I somehow came to a similar functionality for my version. -= ConVars =- sm_forcel4d2_viewmdl_forceset2 1 - min:0/max:1 (REQUIRES LEFT 4 DHOOKS) Forces survivor set to 2. Disables itself if l4d_info_editor.smx OR forceset.smx plugins are loaded. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (L4D2_arms.sp - 5.2 KB) L4D2_arms.smx (6.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Cvars PHP Code: // 1 = remove incap bloodstain, 2 = remove death bloodstain. add numbers together // - // Default: "3" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "3.000000" remove_survivor_bloodstain_enable "3" Change log Spoiler Code: 1.0 (2024-02-02: -init public release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (remove_survivor_bloodstain.sp - 2.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Hey, first of all, sorry for my bad English. My server keeps crashing regularly and displays the following error message. "SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Minoflop FATAL ERROR (shutting down): Bad entity in IndexOfEdict()" Can anyone make sense of it or do you need more information? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. I was searching alot for RegameDll supported TTT mod (trouble in terrorist town mod) But not getting any Request fellow alliedmodders please share if possible Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. Description This plugin adds more target filters ready to use. FeaturesAllow enabling/disabling the plugin. Allow setting a debug cvar to print to chat which clients were found. New Target Filters List Spoiler @a -> all players @h -> all humans @human -> all humans @b -> all bots @bot -> all bots @alive -> all alive players @d -> all dead players @s -> all spectators @spec -> all spectators @specs -> all spectators @spectator -> all spectators @spectators -> all spectators @c -> Consortium @consort -> Consortium @consorts -> Consortium @consortium -> Consortium @consortiums -> Consortium @e -> Empire @empire -> Empire @empires -> Empire @ch -> Consortium (humans) @chumans -> Consortium (humans) @cb -> Consortium (bots) @cbots -> Consortium (bots) @ca -> Consortium (alive) @calive -> Consortium (alive) @cd -> Consortium (dead) @cdead -> Consortium (dead) @eh -> Empire (humans) @ehumans -> Empire (humans) @eb -> Empire (bots) @ebots -> Empire (bots) @ea -> Empire (alive) @ealive -> Empire (alive) @ed -> Empire (dead) @edead -> Empire (dead) @assault -> Assault main class @exo -> Exo main class @stealth -> Stealth main class @support -> Support main class @hassault -> Assault main class (humans) @hexo -> Exo main class (humans) @hstealth -> Stealth main class (humans) @hsupport -> Support main class (humans) @bassault -> Assault main class (bots) @bexo -> Exo main class (bots) @bstealth -> Stealth main class (bots) @bsupport -> Support main class (bots) @aassault -> Assault main class (alive) @aexo -> Exo main class (alive) @astealth -> Stealth main class (alive) @asupport -> Support main class (alive) @dassault -> Assault main class (dead) @dexo -> Exo main class (dead) @dstealth -> Stealth main class (dead) @dsupport -> Support main class (dead) @cassault -> Consortium Assault main class @cexo -> Consortium Exo main class @cstealth -> Consortium Stealth main class @csupport -> Consortium Support main class @eassault -> Empire Assault main class @eexo -> Empire Exo main class @estealth -> Empire Stealth main class @esupport -> Empire Support main class @chassault -> Consortium (humans) Assault main class @chexo -> Consortium (humans) Exo main class @chstealth -> Consortium (humans) Stealth main class @chsupport -> Consortium (humans) Support main class @cbassault -> Consortium (bots) Assault main class @cbexo -> Consortium Exo (bots) main class @cbstealth -> Consortium (bots) Stealth main class @cbsupport -> Consortium (bots) Support main class @caassault -> Consortium (alive) Assault main class @caexo -> Consortium (alive) Exo main class @castealth -> Consortium (alive) Stealth main class @casupport -> Consortium (alive) Support main class @cdassault -> Consortium (dead) Assault main class @cdexo -> Consortium (dead) Exo main class @cdstealth -> Consortium (dead) Stealth main class @cdsupport -> Consortium (dead) Support main class @ehassault -> Empire (humans) Assault main class @ehexo -> Empire (humans) Exo main class @ehstealth -> Empire (humans) Stealth main class @ehsupport -> Empire (humans) Support main class @ebassault -> Empire (bots) Assault main class @ebexo -> Empire (bots) Exo main class @ebstealth -> Empire (bots) Stealth main class @ebsupport -> Empire (bots) Support main class @eaassault -> Empire (alive) Assault main class @eaexo -> Empire (alive) Exo main class @eastealth -> Empire (alive) Stealth main class @easupport -> Empire (alive) Support main class @edassault -> Empire (dead) Assault main class @edexo -> Empire (dead) Exo main class @edstealth -> Empire (dead) Stealth main class @edsupport -> Empire (dead) Support main class @r -> random player @random -> random player @rs -> random Spectator @rspectator -> random Spectator @rc -> random Consortium @rconsortium -> random Consortium @re -> random Empire @rempire -> random Empire @rca -> random Consortium (alive) @rcalive -> random Consortium (alive) @rcd -> random Consortium (dead) @rcdead -> random Consortium (dead) @rea -> random Empire (alive) @realive -> random Empire (alive) @red -> random Empire (dead) @redead -> random Empire (dead) @rassault -> random Assault main class @rexo -> random Exo main class @rstealth -> random Stealth main class @rsupport -> random Support main class @rcassault -> random Consortium Assault main class @rcexo -> random Consortium Exo main class @rcstealth -> random Consortium Stealth main class @rcsupport -> random Consortium Support main class @reassault -> random Empire Assault main class @reexo -> random Empire Exo main class @restealth -> random Empire Stealth main class @resupport -> random Empire Support main class Cvars A configuration file named "nd_moretargetfilters.cfg" will automatically be created for you upon the first run in the "\cfg\sourcemod\" folder. PHP Code: // Output to chat info about clients found by the target filter. // 0 = Debug OFF, 1 = Debug ON. // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" nd_moretargetfilters_debug "0" // Enable/Disable the plugin. // 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable. // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" nd_moretargetfilters_enable "1" Admin Commands sm_print_cvars_nd_moretargetfilters => Print the plugin related cvars and their respective values to the console. (z flag required) Change Log Spoiler 1.0.0 (01-February-2024) - Initial release. Notes @all, @humans, @bots, @alive, @dead are filters already included in SM by default. Thank you! Silvers - for a lot of target filter examples from [L4D & L4D2] Left 4 DHooks Direct plugin. Post Reply Any feedback, bug reports, fixes, improvements, translations or suggestions for the plugin are welcome. Installation Put the "nd_moretargetfilters.smx" file (click Get Plugin) in your "\addons\sourcemod\plugins\" folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nd_moretargetfilters.sp - 51.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. So I have a server in l4d2 which I find myself playing sometimes but it's not unusual to find people leaving because they see me with 5 ping, is there any way I could delay my packets as to actually play with 50 ping? I assume I would have to install something like wireshark or similar to delay my network packets, right? Apologies as I haven't fiddled in local network programs in a long time and the only one I know is wireshark. Thank you. I was thinking of using fake lag or something similar but I feel as though that'd be ingenuine to the players playing with me, as I would hit/shove at times where I wouldn't be able to react Edit: I just now realized I've posted in the wrong forum, and also I have found which should work for me. (Can this post be removed or something?) Przeczytaj cały wpis


    Hi! My English is bad. Who will help me find a plugin called: MultiGump I need to have 3 jumps! and only the survivors could jump 3 times, and the zombies 1 time. Please help me, I will be grateful! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. Descriptionadd normal beamring and thirdstrike beamring to survivors. please experience it in the game Cvars PHP Code: // 1 = enable normal beamring, 2 = enable thirdstrike beamring. add numbers together // - // Default: "3" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "3.000000" survivor_beamring_enable "3" // amplitude of normal beamring // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" survivor_beamring_normal_amplitude "0.0" // attachment of position to show normal beamring. leave empty to use client abs origin // - // Default: "spine" survivor_beamring_normal_attachment "spine" // color and alpha of normal beamring, split up with space // - // Default: "0 255 0 255" survivor_beamring_normal_color "0 255 0 255" // end radius of normal beamring // - // Default: "30.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" survivor_beamring_normal_end_radius "30.0" // interval to show normal beamring again // - // Default: "1.0" // Minimum: "0.100000" survivor_beamring_normal_interval "1.0" // life of normal beamring // - // Default: "0.06" // Minimum: "0.060000" survivor_beamring_normal_life "0.06" // model of normal beamring // - // Default: "materials/sprites/laserbeam.vmt" survivor_beamring_normal_model "materials/sprites/laserbeam.vmt" // start radius of normal beamring // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" survivor_beamring_normal_start_radius "0.0" // width of normal beamring // - // Default: "1.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" survivor_beamring_normal_width "1.0" // height add to z axis of normal beamring // - // Default: "0.0" survivor_beamring_normal_z_axis "0.0" // amplitude of thirdstrike beamring // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" survivor_beamring_thirdstrike_amplitude "0.0" // attachment of position to show thirdstrike beamring. leave empty to use client abs origin // - // Default: "spine" survivor_beamring_thirdstrike_attachment "spine" // color and alpha of thirdstrike beamring, split up with space // - // Default: "0 0 0 255" survivor_beamring_thirdstrike_color "0 0 0 255" // end radius of thirdstrike beamring // - // Default: "30.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" survivor_beamring_thirdstrike_end_radius "30.0" // interval to show thirdstrike beamring again // - // Default: "0.6" // Minimum: "0.100000" survivor_beamring_thirdstrike_interval "0.6" // life of thirdstrike beamring // - // Default: "0.06" // Minimum: "0.060000" survivor_beamring_thirdstrike_life "0.06" // model of thirdstrike beamring // - // Default: "materials/vgui/black.vmt" survivor_beamring_thirdstrike_model "materials/vgui/black.vmt" // start radius of thirdstrike beamring // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" survivor_beamring_thirdstrike_start_radius "0.0" // width of thirdstrike beamring // - // Default: "1.5" // Minimum: "0.000000" survivor_beamring_thirdstrike_width "1.5" // height add to z axis of thirdstrike beamring // - // Default: "0.0" survivor_beamring_thirdstrike_z_axis "0.0" Change log Spoiler Code: 1.0 (2024-01-31: init public release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (survivor_beamring.sp - 12.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Hi guys , how can i change the sound of flash explosion ? I will change to realistic sound : It's possible? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. Description: This plugin makes tank's rock have something powerful. Like the name said, it becomes odin's weapon, just like the "Gungnir". If tank throw rock, rock will ignore the distance and the time, impact the target at once. No miss, no survivor. Usage: Put it into 'plugins' folder. And you also need [L4D & L4D2] Left 4 DHooks Direct Cvars: odins_rock: Turn on/off the plugin. odins_tp: Tank will teleport to player after the rock hit if this convar is true. odins_rock_human: Can player tank use this or not. odins_time: AI tank will throw rock after this convar time, 0 is off. odins_trick: The damage for the player hit by rock. odins_rock_punch: Rock will impact the player, this is the speed on the xOy axis. odins_rock_punch_h: Rock will impact the player, this is the speed at the z axis. Source: You can ALWAYS find latest source at my GitHub: Paimon-Kawaii - L4D2-Plugins/MyPlugins/Odin's Rock :wink: Download: Attached Files odins_rock.smx (8.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Hello! This is my GentleSpy. Abilities: - Super Jump - Health Formula: 2555 * red_players - Rage: =Ambassador= 3 shots circa 500 dmg/shot - Weighdown: look down & crouch Attached Files (6.62 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. scale the damage on low ammo for rare usage. dosen't work for grenade launcher, and recommand not enable for m60 rifle. Commandssm_scale_damage_on_low_ammo_reload (admin flag "z") :reload config data from file. Change log Spoiler Code: 1.0 (2024-01-30: init public release. Configs installationput scale_damage_on_low_ammo.cfg in sourcemod/data/ when sum of clip and ammo lower than "ammo_left", damage will scale to "damage_scale", but at least take 1.0 damage. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (scale_damage_on_low_ammo.sp - 5.6 KB) scale_damage_on_low_ammo.cfg (1.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Description; Its general purpose is to limit satchel and tripmine, if it exceeds the limit, the entity is removed. If the satchel is exploded or the owner of the satchel dies, its right is reset. If the tripmine explodes, the owner's right is reduced. Cvars; tripmine_limit 5 // value: default 5 satchel_limit 5 // value : default 5 Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (satchel_tripmine_limit.sma - 2.4 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. History This plugin was originally built on this , but I modified it for my own personal needs and added more functionality, making it a completely different plugin now. Description This plugin adds custom tags based on admin flags or based on SteamID's. It also has support for LevelsRank and it can add the Translation Phrase of the corresponding rank from LR before the tag. You should read the plugin's beggining to understand some key-factors and if you want to enable the support for LevelsRank DependenciesSimple Chat Processor MultiColors Optional: LevelsRank ConVars and Commands Spoiler PHP Code: // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.11.0.6952) // ConVars for plugin "advanced-tagmanager.smx" // Enable or disable the plugin menu // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_advtm_enable "1" // THIS CVAR WONT EXIST IF YOU DO NOT ENABLE LEVELSRANK SUPPORT IN THE PLUGIN // Try to fit rank, tag and name before the ':' (only affects clients that have both a rank and a tag) // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_advtm_trim "1" // And commands sm_advtm_reload: "Reloads all of the configs and reassigns tags" sm_advtm_getcookie <name/userid>: "Get the advtm_chattag cookie of a client" sm_advtm_setcookie <name/userid> <cookie>: "Set the advtm_chattag cookie of a client (dont use unless necessary)" Installation Copy and paste the files into your SourceMod folder. If you want to compile for SourceMod 1.10 or if you want to enable LevelsRank support and compile make sure you have the dependencies installed. ImportantThe config file "advancedtagmanager_simpletags.cfg" should be ranked by the flags required and it should always exist with an entry present, otherwise the plugin will fail; the other two files are optional. It provides a fast and easy configuration by just specifying the flags, but if two flags of the tags are the same or anything else that would make the user get the incorrect flags you must use the "advancedtagmanager_tags.cfg" where you specify the STEAMID2 of the user. "advancedtagmanager_tags.cfg" will always take priority over "advancedtagmanager_simpletags.cfg" because it is a more targeted way of managing the tag. If the client's name gets trimmed because of the length of the rank or the tag, either modify the rank from the Translation Phrase of LevelsRank or shorten the tag length, or just enable sm_advtm_trim 1 and it will move the name into the message. If someone can test this on CS:GO and reply if it works it would be great. I would also love to post pictures if I figure out how xd Tested on Sourcemod 1.10 and 1.11! Attached Files (30.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Description : Unfortunately on dod:s there are more and more buggy maps which do not have enough Player Spawn, this plugin which will log the maps which in a simple text file. Setting : File : HTML Code: dod/cfg/dod_spawn_missing/dod_spawn_missing.cfg PHP Code: // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.11.0.6502) // ConVars for plugin "dod_spawn_missing.smx" // number of spawn for one team, server 32 slots = 16 // - // Default: "16" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "17.000000" dod_num_spawn "16" Facilities : 1. Download files. 2. Upload files to server : [PHP]dod/addons/sourcemod/plugins/dod_spawn_missing.smx dod/addons/sourcemod/scripting/dod_spawn_missing.sp [PHP] 4. Change map, plugin will create cfg file. 5. Setting cfg file : 4. Change map, it'ok. Log File : HTML Code: dod/addons/sourcemod/logs/spawn_missing.txt Important : The log file will only be created in case you have launched a map on which there is not enough spawn. Changelog : Plugin 1.0 Have fun... ;-) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (dod_spawn_missing.sp - 1.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Thanks to Knoxville101 Knoxville101 for explaining to me when the bug occurred. Description : This plugin fixes a bug created by some mappers who copied the mdl from the original flag and simply changed the textures which results in you changing the flags on all the official maps that you play after this map. When does the bug occur? : If you are on your server on an official map and you put a buggy map, you will not have the problem. You leave this map running on your server, you quit dod:s, you launch dod:s, you connect to the server and there you see the modified flags, you put an official map and you still have the modified flags. Is there a list of bugged maps? : Not really, Knoxville101 has600 maps on its server and it has around sixty bugged maps. Here is the start of a list he gave me so I could test the plugin: PHP Code: dod_len_place_b3 ar_4_towers ar_agency ar_byre ar_dust_strip ar_lumberyard ar_badlands ar_bank_d3 ar_cobblestone_courtyard ar_office ar_poolstay ar_safehouse_lake ar_safehouse_r2a ar_shoots ar_stmarc ar_stmarc_r3 dod_killingfieldz_snow_rc4 dod_killingfieldz_syp_rc69 etc... Facilities : 1. Download files. 2. Upload files to server : [PHP]dod/addons/sourcemod/plugins/dod_fix_keep_flag.smx dod/addons/sourcemod/scripting/dod_fix_keep_flag.sp dod/materials/models/mapmodels/flags2/alliedflag.vmt dod/materials/models/mapmodels/flags2/alliedflag.vtf dod/materials/models/mapmodels/flags2/axisflag.vmt dod/materials/models/mapmodels/flags2/axisflag.vtf dod/materials/models/mapmodels/flags2/britflag.vmt dod/materials/models/mapmodels/flags2/britflag.vtf dod/materials/models/mapmodels/flags2/neutralflag.vmt dod/materials/models/mapmodels/flags2/neutralflag.vtf dod/models/mapmodels/flags2.dx80.vtx dod/models/mapmodels/flags2.dx90.vtx dod/models/mapmodels/flags2.mdl dod/models/mapmodels/flags2.sw.vtx dod/models/mapmodels/flags2.vvd [PHP] 3. Update your FastDownload. 4. Change map, and it's ok. Important : Don't forget to update your FastDownload otherwise players will not be able to download the files. Changelog : Plugin 1.0 Have fun... ;-) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (dod_fix_keep_flag.sp - 2.9 KB) (290.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. I am not the author of this plugin, I simply update code with new declaration and some new functions. Original Autor : FeuerSturm Original post : Original Source File : DOD:S PLUGINS Description : This plugin will add a little fun to your server, just enableit and all players will be respawned with Knife/Spade and/or Colt/P38 (depending on your settings). SmokeGrenades and/or FragGrenades can be added as well! Amount of clips for the pistols can be set by cvar! Players can gain health boosts by killing with a melee weapon or by making headshots with the pistol (configurable!). Players can be made glow in their team's color (Green for Allies / Red for Axis) Setting : Folder : HTML Code: dod/cfg/dod_closecombat_source/dod_closecombat_source.cfg PHP Code: // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.11.0.6502) // ConVars for plugin "dod_closecombat_source.smx" // <1/0> = enable/disable displaying a hint message about the CloseCombat setup for spawning players // - // Default: "1" dod_closecombat_announce "1" // <0/#> = set number of frag grenades to give to each player - 0 to disable fraggrenades! // - // Default: "3" dod_closecombat_fraggrenades "3" // <1/0> = enable/disable making players glow in their team's color // - // Default: "1" dod_closecombat_glowplayers "1" // <#/0> = set amount of health points to add for pistol headshots - 0=disable // - // Default: "10" dod_closecombat_headshotbonushp "10" // <#/0> = set amount of health points to add for melee kills - 0=disable // - // Default: "25" dod_closecombat_meleebonushp "25" // <#> = set amount of clips to hand out for the pistol // - // Default: "50" dod_closecombat_pistolclips "50" // <0/#> = set number of smoke grenades to give to each player - 0 to disable smokegrenades! // - // Default: "2" dod_closecombat_smokegrenades "2" // <1/0> = enable/disable using sounds for headshots, melee kills and announcement // - // Default: "1" dod_closecombat_sounds "1" // <1/2/3/0> = set CloseCombat Weapons - 1=Melee only - 2=Pistols only - 3=Melee & Pistols - 0=disabled! // - // Default: "0" dod_closecombat_source "0" Start mode : You start mode by changing cvar value : <1/2/3/0> = set CloseCombat Weapons - 1=Melee only - 2=Pistols only - 3=Melee & Pistols - 0=disabled! HTML Code: dod_closecombat_source Important : This plugin may conflict with others affecting weapons: Gungame, Pistol (adds a pistol), ammo, Bazooka Mode, etc... Facilities : Download files. Upload files to server : PHP Code: dod\addons\sourcemod\plugins\dod_closecombat_source.smx dod\addons\sourcemod\scripting\dod_closecombat_source.sp dod\addons\sourcemod\translations\dod_closecombat_source.txt Change map, like this cfg files were created by plugin. Setting files. Change map. Changelog : Plugin 1.0 : 13 October 2008 - Version 1.0 Plugin 1.1 : 16 November 2008 . smoke grenades and/or frag grenades can be added to players closecombat equipment as well! (see new cvars "dod_closecombat_fraggrenades" and "dod_closecombat_smokegrenades") . added Multi-Language support! . fixed players still glowing after disabling the plugin . fixed "Client X is not in game" errors Plugin 1.2 : Plugin udated by Micmacx Have fun... ;-) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (dod_closecombat_source.sp - 12.2 KB) dod_closecombat_source.txt (944 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Hello everyone, this plugin does not work in ZP 5.0. Can you fix this? Thanks Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. Commands "sm_hrc" enter the menu hl2mp\cfg\sourcemod\HRCBOTMENU.cfg default for the plugin to work properly in manual mode recommended to delete cvars in server.cfg: mp_teamplay ,hrcbot_autobalancebots Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source ([HL2DM]Hrcbotmenu.sp - 22.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    Hello everybody! My English is bad. Help me find the plugin: when you kill an ordinary or special zombie, kill + 1 appears on the screen and so on. Please help me. Attached Thumbnails Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. i need a no weapon dropping plugin Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. DAFTAR SLOT BANK BRI, SITUS SLOT BANK BRI, LINK SLOT BANK BRI, LOGIN SLOT BANK BRI, AKUN SLOT BANK BRI LINK DAFTAR > WA : 0813-7817-2369 Game Terbaik Slot Bank BRI Gampang Menang Slot Bank BRI Gates of Olympus Slot Bank BRI Mahjong Ways 2 Slot Bank BRI Sweet Bonanza Slot Bank BRI Starlight Princess Slot Bank BRI Koi Gate Slot Bank BRI Pragmatic Play Slot Bank BRI Joker Gaming Slot Bank BRI Spadegaming Slot Bank BRI RTG Slot Slot Bank BRI Flow Gaming Slot Bank BRI Microgaming Slot Bank BRI Playtech Slot Bank BRI Habanero Slot Bank BRI PG Soft Slot Bank BRI Play'n Go Slot Bank BRI CQ9 Slot Bank BRI Global Gaming Slot Bank BRI One Touch Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. How to make BOT use random numbers IP, Instead of This way it looks better Przeczytaj cały wpis
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