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  1. Sound filter (v0.1) This plugin loads a list of strings from a configuration file, then prevents any sounds that contain any of those strings in their filename from playing. Configuration The configuration is loaded as a KeyValues file from configs/disabledsounds.cfg. It should contain a list of case-insensitive substrings to test for. As an example, I use this configuration (also attached to the post) on my TF2 jump server to disable soldier/demoman pain sounds and fall damage sounds. Code: "Sounds" //substrings { "1" "soldier_painsevere" "2" "soldier_painsharp" "3" "demoman_painsharp" "4" "demoman_painsevere" "5" "pl_fallpain" "6" "pl_fleshbreak" } Convars/Commands sm_soundfilter_enabled: 1 to enable, 0 to disable. Default 1. sm_soundfilter_reload: Reload list of strings from disk. I have only tested this on TF2, but theoretically it should work on any source mod that supports Sourcemod 1.7 or 1.8. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (soundfilter.sp - 2.1 KB) disabledsounds.cfg (175 Bytes) soundfilter.smx (5.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Made for TF2 but should work for any game What this plugin does: It removes all func_nobuild brushes on the map. Commands/Cvars sm_buildanywhere_enabled (default: 1) - Enables the plugin sm_buildanywhere_repetitions (default: 100) - The maximum amount of brushes removed sm_buildanywhere_refresh - Immediately removes all nobuild brushes Installation: Drag and Drop Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (BuildAnywhere.sp - 1.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. CS:GO Particle Viewer Features: View all current (3/7/2016) CS:GO particles (sm_pm or sm_particlemenu) Toggle the particle effect to follow the player (sm_toggleparent) Add your own particles (Not tested but should work) Commands: Quote: All commands have admin flag "b" (ADMFLAG_GENERIC) sm_particlemenu - Displays the particle menu of all CS:GO particles (as for 3/7/2016) sm_pm - Displays the particle menu of all CS:GO particles (as for 3/7/2016) sm_delparticle - Deletes clients particle system sm_toggleparent - If toggled, particle effect will follow player, if not it will be created infront of players head All CS:GO particles (3/7/2016) Spoiler ambient_fx.pcf ***************************************** achieved aircraft_navgreen aircraft_navred aircraft_strobe_orange ambient_leaf_blow_e ambient_leaf_blow_n ambient_leaf_blow_s ambient_leaf_blow_vertical ambient_leaf_blow_vertical_COLLISION_BACKUP ambient_leaf_blow_w ambient_paper_blow_e ambient_paper_blow_n ambient_paper_blow_s ambient_paper_blow_w ambient_smokestack ambient_smokestack_noise ambient_sparks ambient_sparks_backup ambient_sparks_core ambient_sparks_glow apc_wheeldust apc_wheeldust_clumps apc_wheeldust_clumps_slow apc_wheeldust_large apc_wheeldust_slow copter_land_loop_1 copter_land_loop_1_dust_low copter_land_loop_1_grass copter_takeoff_1 copter_takeoff_1_dust_low copter_takeoff_1_grass cratebeacon_light_blink cratebeacon_light_blink_a cratebeacon_light_blink_b dissolve engSmokeA engSmokeA_con engSmokeA_rev engSmokeB engSmokeB_con engSmokeB_rev env_sparks_a env_sparks_b env_sparks_c env_sparks_d env_sparks_directional env_sparks_directional_a env_sparks_directional_e env_sparks_directional_f env_sparks_directional_g env_sparks_directional_h env_sparks_dierctional_i env_sparks_e env_sparks_f env_sparks_g env_sparks_h env_sparks_i env_sparks_j env_sparks_k env_sparks_omni impact_dirt impact_dirt_child_base impact_dirt_child_clumps impact_dirt_child_smoke_puff impact_generic_burst_3 impact_generic_smoke_large leaf_blow_green_horizontal leaf_blow_green_vertical ricochet_sparks_contrast_glow_soft stars_skybox stars_skybox_tiny ***************************************** blood_impact.pcf ***************************************** blood_impact_basic blood_impact_basic_fallback blood_impact_chunks1 blood_impact_drops1 blood_impact_dust blood_impact_goop_heavy blood_impact_goop_light blood_impact_goop_medium blood_impact_green_01 blood_impact_headshot blood_impact_headshot_01b blood_impact_headshot_01c blood_impact_headshot_01d blood_impact_headshot_01e blood_impact_heavy blood_impact_light blood_impact_light_headshot blood_impact_medium blood_impact_mist1 blood_impact_mist1_light blood_impact_heavy blood_impact_red_01 blood_impact_red_01_backspray blood_impact_red_01_chunk blood_impact_red_01_drops blood_impact_red_01_goop_a blood_impact_red_01_goop_a_backup blood_impact_red_01_goop_b blood_impact_red_01_goop_c blood_impact_red_01_mist blood_impact_yellow_01 blood_pool gore_goop_generic impact_blood_glow impact_blood_glow_light impact_blood_glow_light_master impact_blood_glow_normal_master molotov_groundfire_child_base8 ***************************************** burning_fx.pcf ***************************************** burning_character burning_character_b burning_character_c burning_character_d burning_character_e burning_gib_01 env_embers_large env_embers_medium env_embers_medium_spread env_embers_small env_embers_tiny env_fire_large env_fire_large_b env_fire_large_smoke env_fire_large_smoke_b env_fire_medium env_fire_medium_b env_fire_medium_smoke env_fire_medium_spread env_fire_medium_spread_b env_fire_random_puff env_fire_small env_fire_small_b env_fire_small_base env_fire_small_coverage env_fire_small_coverage_b env_fire_small_coverage_base env_fire_small_coverage_base_smoke env_fire_small_coverage_c env_fire_small_coverage_smoke env_fire_small_smoke env_fire_tiny env_fire_tiny_b env_fire_tiny_smoke smoke_gib_01 ***************************************** explosions_fx.pcf ***************************************** c4_timer_light c4_timer_light_child01 c4_timer_light_child01_small c4_timer_light_child02 c4_timer_light_child02_yellow c4_timer_light_dropped c4_timer_light_dropped_fallback c4_timer_light_fallback c4_timer_light_held c4_timer_light_trigger c4_timer_light_trigger_child01 c4_train_ground_effect c4_train_ground_effect_blast c4_train_ground_fleks c4_train_ground_glow_01 c4_train_ground_glow_02 c4_train_ground_low_02 c4_train_ground_low_03 c4_train_ground_primary_01 c4_train_ground_smoke_01 expl_coopmission_gas_explosion_debris_parent expl_coopmission_gas_explosion_debris_trails expl_coopmission_gas_explosion_main expl_coopmission_skyboom expl_coopmission_skyboom_core expl_coopmission_skyboom_shrapnel expl_coopmission_skyboom_smk01 expl_coopmission_skyboom_sparks01 expl_coopmission_skysmoke explosion_basic explosion_basic_water explosion_c4_500 explosion_c4_500_fallback explosion_child_clumps01a explosion_child_clumps01b explosion_child_clumps02a explosion_child_clumps02b explosion_child_clumps03a explosion_child_core04b explosion_child_core04c explosion_child_core04c_1k explosion_child_core04e_1k explosion_child_core06a explosion_child_core06b explosion_child_core09b_1k explosion_child_distort01b explosion_child_distort01c explosion_child_distort01d_1k explosion_child_dust03a explosion_child_dust04a explosion_child_dust04b explosion_child_dust06a explosion_child_dust07a explosion_child_dust09a explosion_child_dust09b explosion_child_dust10a explosion_child_flash01b explosion_child_flash02b explosion_child_flash02b_1k explosion_child_flash03b_1k explosion_child_shrapnel02e_1k explosion_child_shrapnel03a explosion_child_smoke01h_1k explosion_child_smoke03b explosion_child_smoke03c explosion_child_smoke03d explosion_child_smoke03d_ring explosion_child_smoke03d_ring_copy explosion_child_smoke03e explosion_child_child_smoke03f explosion_child_smoke04c explosion_child_smoke06a explosion_child_smoke07b explosion_child_smoke07c explosion_child_smoke08a explosion_child_smoke09a explosion_child_smoke_bottom explosion_child_snow03a explosion_child_snow04a explosion_child_snow04b explosion_child_snow06a explosion_child_snow07a explosion_child_snow08a explosion_child_snow09a explosion_child_snow09b explosion_child_snow10a explosion_child_snowclumps01a explosion_child_snowclumps01b explosion_child_snowclumps01c explosion_child_snowcore06a explosion_child_sparks01 explosion_child_water_core01a explosion_child_water_foam explosion_child_water_mist02a explosion_child_water_rings01a explosion_child_water_rings01b explosion_child_water_rings01c explosion_child_water_splash01a explosion_child_water_splash02a explosion_child_water_splash03a explosion_child_water_splash03b explosion_child_water_splash04a explosion_child_water_splash05a explosion_child_water_splash06a explosion_child_water_splash07a explosion_coop_mission_c4 explosion_coop_mission_core09b_1k explosion_coop_mission_shrapnel02e_1k explosion_coop_mission_smoke01h_1k explosion_hegrenade_brief explosion_hegrenade_dirt explosion_hegrenade_dirt_fallback explosion_hegrenade_dirt_fallback2 explosion_hegrenade_interior explosion_hegrenade_interior_fallback explosion_hegrenade_snow explosion_hegrenade_snow_fallback explosion_hegrenade_snow_fallback2 explosion_hegrenade_water explosion_hegrenade_water_fallback explosion_screen_c4_blood explosion_screen_c4_blood2 explosion_screen_c4_blood_distance_culled explosion_screen_c4_blood_OLD explosion_screen_c4_fadeout explosion_screen_c4_fadeout_TEMP_PAX explosion_screen_c4_red explosion_screen_c4_red_distance_culled explosion_screen_hegrenade_dirt explosion_screen_smokegrenade_new explosion_smoke_disperse explosion_smokegrenade explosion_smokegrenade_CT explosion_smokegrenade_fallback explosion_smokegrenade_T molotov_child_flame02a screen_blood_splatter screen_blood_splatter_a screen_blood_splatter_b ***************************************** footstep_fx.pcf ***************************************** footstep_dirt footstep_grass footstep_grass_b footstep_mud footstep_puddle footstep_puddle_b footstep_wet ***************************************** impact_fx.pcf ***************************************** impact_asphalt impact_asphalt_cheap impact_asphalt_cheap2 impact_asphalt_child_base impact_asphalt_child_burst impact_brick impact_brick_cheap impact_brick_child_base impact_cardboard impact_cardboard_cheap impact_cardboard_child_base impact_cloth impact_cloth_cheap impact_computer impact_computer_cheap impact_concrete impact_concrete_cheap impact_concrete_child_base impact_concrete_child_smoke impact_dirt impact_dirt_cheap impact_dirt_child_base impact_dirt_child_clumps impact_dirt_child_smoke_puff impact_electronic impact_electronic_cheap impact_electronic_smoke impact_empty impact_generic_burn impact_generic_burst impact_generic_burst_1 impact_generic_burst_2 impact_generic_burst_3 impact_generic_smoke_large impact_generic_smoke_medium impact_generic_smoke_small impact_glass impact_glass_cheap impact_glass_child_base impact_glass_child_bits impact_grass impact_grass_cheap impact_grass_child_base impact_grass_child_blases impact_grass_child_burst impact_grass_child_clumps impact_helmet_headshot impact_helmet_headshot_glow impact_helmet_headshot_spark impact_leaves impact_leaves_cheap impact_leaves_cheap2 impact_leaves_child_base impact_leaves_child_bits impact_metal impact_metal_cheap impact_metal_child_base impact_metal_child_glow impact_metal_child_glow2 impact_metal_child_smoke impact_metal_sparks_trailing impact_mud impact_mud_cheap impact_paper impact_paper_cheap impact_physics_dust impact_physics_sparks impact_physics_sparks_glow impact_plaster impact_plaster_cheap impact_plaster_child_base impact_plaster_child_bits impact_plastic impact_plastic_cheap impact_puddle impact_puddle_cheap impact_puddle_ring impact_ricochet impact_ricochet_sparks impact_rock impact_rock_cheap impact_rock_child_base impact_rubber impact_rubber_cheap impact_rubber_child_base impact_sand impact_sand_barrel impact_sand_cheap impact_sand_child_base impact_sand_child_bounce impact_sand_child_burst impact_sand_child_burst2 impact_sandbarrel impact_sandbarrel_cheap impact_sandbarrel_sand impact_screen_smoke_large impact_screen_smoke_medium impact_screen_smoke_small impact_screen_smoke_snow impact_sheetrock impact_sheetrock_cheap impact_sheetrock_child_base impact_sheetrock_child_bits impact_sheetrock_child_bits2 impact_snow impact_snow_cheap impact_snow_cheap2 impact_snow_child_base impact_snow_child_bounce impact_snow_child_smoke impact_snow_child_smoke_puff impact_spark_glow_lighter impact_spark_glow_lighter_tiny impact_spark_glow_soft impact_spark_glow_soft_parent impact_spark_spray impact_spark_spray_forward impact_spark_spray_large impact_spark_spray_small impact_tile impact_tile_cheap impact_tile_cheap2 impact_tile_child_base impact_tile_child_smoke impact_upholstery impact_upholstery_cheap impact_upholstery_cheap2 impact_upholstery_child_base impact_upholstery_child_burn impact_upholstery_child_burst impact_wallbang_heavy impact_wallbang_light impact_water impact_water_cheap impact_water_cheap_2 impact_water_child_base impact_water_child_bits impact_water_child_froth impact_water_child_refract impact_water_child_rings impact_water_child_smallrings impact_water_child_splash impact_wet impact_wet_cheap impact_wet_cheap2 impact_wet_child_splash impact_wood impact_wood_cheap impact_wood_child_base impact_wood_child_burn impact_wood_child_burst impact_wood_child_chunks ricochet_sparks ricochet_sparks_contrast_glow ricochet_sparks_contrast_glow_soft ricochet_sparks_contrast_shadow ***************************************** inferno_fx.pcf ***************************************** explosion_molotov_air explosion_molotov_air_core explosion_molotov_air_down explosion_molotov_air_smoke explosion_molotov_air_splash01a explosion_molotov_air_splash07a extinguish_embers_small_01 extinguish_embers_small_02 extinguish_fire extinguish_fire_swirl extinguish_fire_swirl_smoke extinsguish_fire_blastout_01 firework_crate_explosion_01 firework_crate_explosion_02 firework_crate_ground_effect firework_crate_ground_effect_fallback1 firework_crate_ground_effect_fallback2 firework_crate_ground_embers_01 firework_crate_ground_glow_01 firework_crate_ground_glow_02 firework_crate_ground_low_02 firework_crate_ground_low_02_fallback firework_crate_ground_low_03 firework_crate_ground_low_04 firework_crate_ground_primary_01 firework_crate_ground_primary_01_fallback firework_crate_ground_smoke_01 firework_crate_ground_sparks_01 firework_crate_shower_01b fireworks_explosion_glow_03 fireworks_explosion_trail_04 fireworks_explosion_trail_04b incgrenade_thrown_trail incgrenade_thrown_trail_glow molotov_child_flame01a molotov_child_flame01b molotov_child_flame01c molotov_child_flame02a molotov_child_flame02b molotov_child_flame02c molotov_child_flame03a molotov_child_flame03b molotov_child_flame03c molotov_child_flame04a molotov_child_flame04c molotov_child_flame05a molotov_child_glow01a molotov_child_glow01b molotov_child_glow02a molotov_child_glow02b molotov_child_glow03 molotov_explosion molotov_explosion_child_fireball1 molotov_explosion_child_fireball2 molotov_explosion_child_fireball3 molotov_explosion_child_fireball4 molotov_explosion_child_flash molotov_explosion_child_ground1 molotov_explosion_child_ground2 molotov_fire01 molotov_fire01_cheap molotov_groundfire molotov_groundfire_00HIGH molotov_groundfire_00MEDIUM molotov_groundfire_child_base molotov_groundfire_child_base8 molotov_groundfire_child_embers molotov_groundfire_child_glow molotov_groundfire_child_glow2 molotov_groundfire_child_glow2_child molotov_groundfire_fallback molotov_groundfire_fallback2 molotov_groundfire_main molotov_groundfire_main_center molotov_groundfire_main_fancy molotov_groundfire_main_glow molotov_smoke_screen molotov_smoking_ground_child01 molotov_smoking_ground_child02 molotov_smoking_ground_child02_cheapo molotov_smoking_ground_child03 molotov_smoking_ground_child03_cheapo ***************************************** lighting.pcf ***************************************** light_gaslamp_glow ***************************************** overhead_icon.pcf ***************************************** radio_voice radio_voice_flash speech_voice speech_voice_bubble ***************************************** rain_fx.pcf ***************************************** ash ash_burning ash_burning_fire ash_eddy ash_eddy_b ash_outer rain rain_impact_03 rain_impact_04 raim_impact_single rain_mist rain_mist_02 rain_outer rain_outer_BACKUP rain_outer_mist rain_puddle_ripples rain_puddle_ripples_large rain_puddle_ripples_small rain_sheet rain_sheet_mist rain_single_128 rain_spot rain_storm rain_storm_impact_04 rain_storm_impact_04b rain_storm_leaves rain_storm_outer rain_storm_screen rain_stream_01_impact rain_stream_01_impact_2 rain_stream_01_impact_3 rain_stream_04_impact_1 rain_stream_04_impact_2 snow snow_drift snow_outer storm_cloud_lightning storm_cloud_parent storm_lightning_01 storm_lightning_01_branch_01 storm_lightning_01_branch_02 storm_lightning_01_branch_03 storm_lightning_01_branch_parent_01 storm_lightning_01_branch_parent_02 storm_lightning_01_branch_parent_03 storm_lightning_01_cloud storm_lightning_01_glow storm_lightning_01_modglow storm_lightning_01_thin ***************************************** screen_fx.pcf ***************************************** ar_screenglow_ct ar_screenglow_leader ar_screenglow_leader_red ar_screenglow_loop_ct ar_screenglow_loop_leader ar_screenglow_loop_leader_red ar_screenglow_loop_t ar_screenglow_t ***************************************** water_impact.pcf ***************************************** boat_foam boat_foam_small slime_splash_01 slime_splash_01_droplets slime_splash_01_reversed slime_splash_01_surface slime_splash_02 slime_splash_03 water_bubble_ambient_1 water_bubble_trail_1 water_foam_01c water_foam_01d water_foam_line_longb water_foam_line_longc water_foam_line_shortb water_foam_line_shortc water_gunk_1 water_impact_bubbles_1 water_impact_bubbles_1b water_impact_bubbles_1c water_splash_01 water_splash_01_droplets water_splash_01_surface2 water_splash_01_surface3 water_splash_01_surface4 water_splash_02 water_splash_02_continuous water_splash_02_droplets water_splash_02_droplets Version #2 water_splash_02_froth water_splash_02_froth2 water_splash_02_surface2 water_splash_02_vertical water_splash_03 water_splash_leakypipe_silo water_splash_leakypipe_silo_froth2 water_splash_leakypipe_vertical ***************************************** chicken.pcf ***************************************** chicken_crumble_death chicken_crumble_dust chicken_gone chicken_gone_cheaper chicken_gone_cheapest chicken_gone_crumble_halloween chicken_gone_feathers chicken_gone_feathers_cheapesr chicken_gone_feathers_zombie chicken_gone_fleks chicken_gone_zombie chicken_goop chicken_impact_burst chicken_impact_burst2 chicken_impact_burst3 chicken_impact_burst_zombie chicken_rez chicken_rez_dirt_child chicken_rez_dirt_child_clumps chicken_rez_dirt_smoke_puff ***************************************** cs_weapon_fx.pcf ***************************************** confetti_A confetti_A_omni confetti_B confetti_B_omni confetti_balloons_confetti_C confetti_C_omni confettib_A confettib_A_omni confettib_B confettib_B_omni confettib_C confettib_C_omni weapon_confetti weapon_confetti_balloons weapon_confetti_cheap weapon_confetti_omni weapon_confetti_omni_cheap weapon_confetti_sparks weapon_confetti_sparks_2 weapon_decoy_ground_effect weapon_decoy_ground_effect_shot weapon_decoy_ground_embers_01 weapon_decoy_ground_glow_02 weapon_decoy_ground_low_02 weapon_decoy_ground_low_03 weapon_decoy_ground_low_04 weapon_decoy_ground_primary_01 weapon_decoy_ground_smoke_01 weapon_empty weapon_molotov_fp weapon_molotov_fp_fire weapon_molotov_fp_fire2 weapon_molotov_fp_fire3 weapon_molotov_fp_fire3b weapon_molotov_fp_fire3c weapon_molotov_fp_fire3d weapon_molotov_fp_fire_blue weapon_molotov_fp_glow weapon_molotov_fp_wick weapon_molotov_held weapon_molotov_thrown weapon_molotov_thrown_child1 weapon_molotov_thrown_child3 weapon_molotov_thrown_glow weapon_muzzle_confetti_shooter weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_fallback weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_fallback2 weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_FP weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_glow weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_main weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_main_FP weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_main_sub1 weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_main_sub2 weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_main_sub3 weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_parent_silen ced weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_silenced weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_silenced_glo w weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_vent weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_vent_fallbac k weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_vent_fire weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_vent_FP weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle_vent_FP_chea p weapon_muzzle_flash_assualtrifle_flame weapon_muzzle_flash_autoshotgun weapon_muzzle_flash_autoshotgun_fallback weapon_muzzle_flash_autoshotgun_fallback2 weapon_muzzle_flash_autoshotgun_FP weapon_muzzle_flash_autoshotgun_FP_cheap weapon_muzzle_flash_autoshotgun_glow weapon_muzzle_flash_autoshotgun_main weapon_muzzle_flash_autoshotgun_main2 weapon_muzzle_flash_autoshotgun_main3 weapon_muzzle_flash_awp weapon_muzzle_flash_awp_tracer weapon_muzzle_flash_huntingrifle weapon_muzzle_flash_huntingrifle_FP weapon_muzzle_flash_huntingrifle_FP_cheap weapon_muzzle_flash_huntingrifle_glow weapon_muzzle_flash_huntingrifle_main weapon_muzzle_flash_huntingrifle_main2 weapon_muzzle_flash_huntingrifle_main_fallbac k weapon_muzzle_flash_huntingrifle_vent1 weapon_muzzle_flash_para weapon_muzzle_flash_para_b weapon_muzzle_flash_para_fallback weapon_muzzle_flash_para_fallback2 weapon_muzzle_flash_para_flash weapon_muzzle_flash_para_FP weapon_muzzle_flash_para_FP_cheap weapon_muzzle_flash_para_glow weapon_muzzle_flash_para_main weapon_muzzle_flash_para_main2 weapon_muzzle_flash_para_main_fallback weapon_muzzle_flash_para_tracers weapon_muzzle_flash_para_vent1 weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol_core weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol_core2 weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol_elite weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol_elite_FP weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol_fallback weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol_fallback2 weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol_FP weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol_FP_cheap weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol_main weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol_main2 weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol_main2_silenced weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol_silenced weapon_muzzle_flash_shotgun weapon_muzzle_flash_shotgun_FP weapon_muzzle_flash_shotgun_FP_cheap weapon_muzzle_flash_shotgun_glow weapon_muzzle_flash_shotgun_glow2 weapon_muzzle_flash_shotgun_glow3 weapon_muzzle_flash_shotgun_main weapon_muzzle_flash_shotgun_main2 weapon_muzzle_flash_smg weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_backup weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_fallback weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_fallback2 weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_FP weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_FP_cheap weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_glow weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_glow2 weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_glow3 weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_glow_silenced weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_main weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_main2 weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_main_silenced weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_parent weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_parent_silenced weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_silenced weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_silenced_FP weapon_muzzle_flash_smg_silenced_FP_cheap weapon_muzzle_flash_smoke_medium weapon_muzzle_flash_smoke_small weapon_muzzle_flash_smoke_small2 weapon_muzzle_flash_smoke_small3 weapon_muzzle_flash_smoke_small4 weapon_muzzle_flash_smoke_smallest weapon_muzzle_flash_sparks weapon_muzzle_flash_sparks2 weapon_muzzle_flash_sparks3 weapon_muzzle_flash_sparks4 weapon_muzzle_flash_sparks5 weapon_muzzle_flash_sparks6 weapon_muzzle_flash_sparks7 weapon_muzzle_flash_taser weapon_muzzle_flash_taser_fallback weapon_muzzle_flash_taser_fallback2 weapon_muzzle_smoke weapon_muzzle_smoke_b weapon_muzzle_smoke_b Version #2 weapon_muzzle_smoke_long weapon_muzzle_smoke_long_b weapon_muzzleflash_illumination weapon_muzzleflash_illumination_add weapon_sensorgren_beeplight weapon_sensorgren_beeplight_inner weapon_sensorgren_debris weapon_sensorgren_detlight weapon_sensorgren_detlight_child01 weapon_sensorgren_detlight_child02 weapon_sensorgren_detonate weapon_sensorgren_glow weapon_sensorgren_glowring weapon_sensorgren_smoke weapon_sensorgren_spark_01 weapon_sensorgren_spark_02 weapon_sensorgren_spark_02b weapon_sensorgren_spark_03 weapon_sensorgren_wiggly weapon_shell_casing_50cal weapon_shell_casing_50cal_bonus weapon_shell_casing_50cal_fallback weapon_shell_casing_9mm weapon_shell_casing_9mm_backup weapon_shell_casing_9mm_fallback weapon_shell_casing_9mm_fp weapon_shell_casing_9mm_fp_fallback weapon_shell_casing_minigun weapon_shell_casing_minigun_fallback weapon_shell_casing_rifle weapon_shell_casing_rifle_fallback weapon_shell_casing_shotgun weapon_shell_casing_shotgun_fallback weapon_shell_casing_super_trail weapon_shell_casing_super_trail_base weapon_shell_casing_super_trail_glow weapon_shell_casing_super_trail_smoke weapon_shell_casing_super_trail_sparks weapon_shell_casing_super_trail_sparks2 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_assrifle2 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_assrifle3 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_awp2 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_awp3 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_para2 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_para3 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_pistol1 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_pistol2 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_pistol3 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_pistol_elite weapon_shell_eject_smoke_rifle2 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_rifle3 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_shotgun1 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_shotgun2 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_shotgun3 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_smg1 weapon_shell_eject_smoke_smg3 weapon_taser_flash weapon_taser_flash_impact weapon_taser_glow weapon_taser_glow_impact weapon_taser_sparks weapon_taser_sparks_impact weapon_tracers weapon_tracers_50cal weapon_tracers_50cal_glow weapon_tracers_50cal_low weapon_tracers_50cal_low_glow weapon_tracers_assrifle weapon_tracers_backup weapon_tracers_mach weapon_tracers_original weapon_tracers_pistol weapon_tracers_rifle weapon_tracers_shot weapon_tracers_smg weapon_tracers_taser weapon_tracers_taser_fallback weapon_tracers_taser_fallback2 weapon_tracers_taser_wire1a weapon_tracers_taser_wire1b weapon_tracers_taser_wire2 ***************************************** ar_monastery.pcf ***************************************** monastery_candle_flame monastery_candle_smoke_long ***************************************** cs_italy.pcf ***************************************** italy_leaf_blow_horizontal italy_leaf_blow_horizontal_east italy_leaf_blow_horizontal_west italy_leaf_blow_vertical italy_paper_blow_horizontal italy_paper_blow_horizontal_east italy_paper_blow_horizontal_west italy_smokestack italy_smokestack_backup italy_smokestack_softeners italy_smokestack_start ***************************************** cs_office.pcf ***************************************** office_child_embers01a office_child_flame01b office_child_flame02b office_child_flame03b office_child_glow01b office_child_glow02b office_child_glow03a office_child_glow03a_backup office_child_glow04a office_fire office_leak_drip office_leak_splash office_leak_splash_child office_leak_steam office_leak_steam_child_base office_leak_steam_child_cloud office_leak_steam_child_droplets office_leak_steam_child_mist office_smoke ***************************************** de_aztec.pcf ***************************************** aztec_copter_takeoff aztec_copter_takeoff_dust_high aztec_copter_takeoff_dust_low aztec_copter_takeoff_grass aztec_copter_takeoff_leaves aztec_copter_takeoff_screen aztec_fog_hallway aztec_fog_hallway_midair_noise aztec_fog_low aztec_fog_volume_128_128 aztec_fog_volume_128_128_noise aztec_fog_volume_bottom aztec_fog_volume_bottom_noise aztec_fog_volume_initial ***************************************** de_bank.pcf ***************************************** bank_exhaust bank_steam bank_steam_large bank_steam_large_noise bank_steam_noise ***************************************** de_dust.pcf ***************************************** dust_burning_engine dust_burning_engine_fallback dust_burning_engine_fire dust_burning_engine_fire_glow dust_burning_engine_smoke dust_burning_engine_smoke_fallback dust_copter_takeoff dust_copter_takeoff_billow dust_copter_takeoff_dust_high dust_copter_takeoff_dust_linger dust_copter_takeoff_dust_low dust_copter_takeoff_papers dust_copter_takeoff_screen dust_devil dust_devil_leaves dust_devil_paper dust_devil_points dust_devil_smoke dust_devil_smoke_slow dust_devil_swirls dust_drift dust_drift_paper dust_drift_paper_reverse dust_drift_reverse dust_drift_smoke dust_drift_smoke_reverse dust_embers dust_embers_heavy dust_fog_volume_128_128 dust_fog_volume_128_128_noise dust_fog_volume_initial dust_jet_roof_dust_L dust_jet_roof_dust_parent dust_jet_roof_dust_R dust_jet_rumble_clumps dust_jet_rumble_debris1 dust_jet_rumble_dust dust_paper_blow_horizontal dust_paper_blow_horizontal_east dust_paper_blow_horizontal_west dust_screen_fog_heavy ***************************************** de_house.pcf ***************************************** house_chimney house_exhaust_ct house_exhaust_t house_fireplace house_fireplace_child ***************************************** de_mill.pcf ***************************************** mill_dust_volume_700_200 mill_dust_volume_700_200_low ***************************************** de_nuke.pcf ***************************************** nuke_dust_volume_1200_700 nuke_dust_volume_1200_700_low nuke_dust_volume_600_150 nuke_dust_volume_600_150_low nuke_exhaust_ct nuke_exhaust_t nuke_sparks nuke_sparks1_core nuke_sparks1_glow nuke_sparks_BACKUP nuke_steam_rising nuke_steam_rising_high nuke_steam_rising_noise ***************************************** de_overpass.pcf ***************************************** balloon_impact chicken_impact_burst2 explosion_child_clumps02a overpass_clouds overpass_clouds_2 overpass_clouds_3 train_dust ***************************************** de_shacks.pcf ***************************************** shacks_exhaust shacks_policelight_blue shacks_policelight_blue_core shacks_policelight_blue_fallback shacks_policelight_blue_strobe shacks_policelight_blue_strobe_round shacks_policelight_core_white shacks_policelight_red shacks_policelight_red_core shacks_policelight_red_strobe shacks_policelight_red_strobe_round shacks_policelight_white_strobe shacks_policelight_white_strobe_backup shacks_steam_child_base shacks_steam_child_droplets shacks_steam_short shacks_steam_short_child_cloud shacks_steam_short_child_mist shacks_steam_short_fallback shacks_steam_short_fallback2 steam_short ***************************************** de_train.pcf ***************************************** train_steam_leak train_steam_leak_child_base train_steam_leak_child_cloud train_steam_leak_child_droplets train_steam_leak_child_mist train_steam_rising train_steam_rising_noise tv_impact_burst tv_monitor_impact ***************************************** gg_baggage.pcf ***************************************** baggage_leak_drip baggage_leak_drip_child baggage_leak_splash baggage_leak_splash_child baggage_leakypipe baggage_sparks1 baggage_sparks1_backup baggage_sparks1_core baggage_sparks1_glow baggage_steam_child_base baggage_steam_child_droplets baggage_steam_short baggage_steam_short_child_cloud baggage_steam_short_child_mist baggage_steam_vent_e baggage_steam_vent_e_detail baggage_steam_vent_e_interior baggage_steam_volume_e baggage_steam_volume_e_bottom baggage_steam_volume_e_front ***************************************** Pictures: Spoiler Extra info: I have not tested custom particles, neither have I tested this plugin with any other games, however if you wanna try it yourself, remember to precache and add files to download table. See Github: Credits: Me Pelipoika (bestermann) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (csgoparticles.sp - 6.8 KB) csgoparticles.smx (7.9 KB) csgoparticles_configs.txt (80.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. TF2 didn't seem to have vehicles (to me at least), so instead of messing around with sensitive code that would likely crash everything, I decided to make a vehicle plugin from scratch. And what better vehicle to create in a shooter game than a Tank? Tank Features: -Gas power (toggleable from cvar) ~gas can be replenished by medigun or from dispenser ~when gas is depleted, tank player cannot move at all! -Ability to run over people and objects (the code for this is deprecated and i've since made a better system but the purpose of this plugin is to simply release it) -Equipped with an SMG and Right-Click/MOUSE2 launches a rocket which has a 4 second cooldown. -Engineers can fix the tank and reload its SMG turret using their wrench! -Immune to backstabs until very low health. -SMG and rockets from the tank have no damage fall off! -Tanks have are vulnerable to explosives but shrug off bullet and fire damage. For team oriented gamemodes such as VSH/FF2, the plugin also allows you to block certain teams from becoming tanks and you can limit the amount of tanks per team as well! Here's a demonstration video made by a friend to showcase all of these features! DOWNLOAD ==> PHP Code: // ConVars for plugin "bethetank.smx" // Acceleration in speed every 0.1 seconds (in Hammer Units/second) of Tank // - // Default: "3.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "9999.000000" sm_betank_acceleration "3.0" // what flag admins need to bypass the tank class limit // - // Default: "a" sm_betank_adminflag_bypass "a" // (Dis)Allow Tank to be able to use Engineer teleporters // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_betank_allowtele "1" // how much ammo Tanks will start with // - // Default: "1000" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "99999.000000" sm_betank_ammo "1000" // (Dis)Allow Tanks to be playable for BLU team // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_betank_blu "0" // how many Tanks blu team can have // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "16.000000" sm_betank_blu_limit "0" // Crush Damage (ignores uber) done by Tank while it's moving // - // Default: "30.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "9999.000000" sm_betank_crushdamage "30.0" // Enable Player-Tank plugin // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_betank_enabled "1" // Enable Tanks to be powered via 'gas' which is replenishable by dispensers+mediguns // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_betank_gaspowered "1" // how much health Tanks will start with // - // Default: "1000" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "99999.000000" sm_betank_health "1000" // how much metal to heal/arm Tanks by Engineers // - // Default: "25" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "999.000000" sm_betank_healthfrommetal "25" // how much metal to heal/arm Tanks by Engineers mult // - // Default: "4" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "999.000000" sm_betank_healthfrommetal_mult "4" // (Dis)Allow Engies to be able to repair+arm Tanks via wrench // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_betank_hpfromengies "1" // x coordinate for the Gas Meter HUD // - // Default: "2.0" sm_betank_hudx "2.0" // y coordinate for the Gas Meter HUD // - // Default: "2.0" sm_betank_hudy "2.0" // Initial Speed (in Hammer Units/second) of Tank // - // Default: "40.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "9999.000000" sm_betank_initialspeed "40.0" // Max Forward Speed (in Hammer Units/second) of Tank // - // Default: "100.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "9999.000000" sm_betank_maxspeed "100.0" // (Dis)Allow Tank Rockets to have no Damage Fall-Off and no Damage Ramp-up // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_betank_nofalloffrockets "1" // (Dis)Allow Tank Turret to have no Damage Fall-Off and no Damage Ramp-up // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_betank_nofalloffturret "1" // (Dis)Allow Tanks from being able to rocket jump from MOUSE2 rockets // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_betank_norocketjump "1" // (Dis)Allow Tanks to be playable for RED team // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_betank_red "1" // how many Tanks red team can have // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "16.000000" sm_betank_red_limit "1" // Max Backwards Speed (in Hammer Units/second) of Tank // - // Default: "80.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "9999.000000" sm_betank_reversespeed "80.0" // Time in seconds for Rocket Gun to be able to shoot another rocket, set to 4 by default to match with reload sound // - // Default: "4.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "9999.000000" sm_betank_rocketcooldown "4.0" // Base Damage for Rockets shot by Player-Tank // - // Default: "100.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "9999.000000" sm_betank_rocketdamage "100.0" // radius of rocket shot from Main Gun // - // Default: "1.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "9999.000000" sm_betank_rocketradius "1.0" // Speed of Rockets shot by Player-Tank // - // Default: "4000.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "9999.000000" sm_betank_rocketspeed "4000.0" // If tanks are gas powered, how much gas they will start with // - // Default: "100.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "9999.000000" sm_betank_startingfuel "100.0" // Base Damage for the SMG Turret shot by the Player-Tank // - // Default: "1.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "9999.000000" sm_betank_turretdamage "1.0" N-JOY Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. This plugin removes the desired weapons from your server, replacing it on another. You can configure weapons to remove in the cfg file. This plugin based on DeathRun Redux. Attached Files restrict.smx (6.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (restrict.sp - 4.1 KB) restrict.cfg (660 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Hola! Today I bring you my first ever plugin. After doing sourcepawn for about an hour, I decided to work on my first gamemode! Its a deathmatch gamemode for CSS and its extremely basic. Features: Spawn after death, Random weapons, Whoever gets to 10 kills wins and the map changes TODO (maybe, if I feel the need to work on it more) Death sounds, Feel free to request more Installation: Drag and drop deathmatch.smx into cstrike/addons/sourcemod/plugins Should load up and just start up a game! If you wish to config with absolutely no coding experience you can contact me on steam over @ other then that configing the file is pretty basic. It's about as basic as you can get. I hope people learn from this and I got constructive critcism on my code. :) Thanks! CREDITS: @ Xines guy was really generous to help me on a few things :) @asherkin also really nice :) Attached Files (6.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Hmmm, it's quite uncomfortable that the old Ghost Charger bug fix plugin got disapproved because Valve "fixed" it. Well, it's all a lie. Remember the bug? Yeah, it happens occasionally and rarely but if the human infected is not a charger, how can it be fixed? Well, no problem. This plugin checks all SI classes (either alive or in ghost mode), chargers in ghost mode, and tanks if they have a pummeled victim. If so, slay them. TO DO: Also add checks for the survivor's last position to teleport them back to it after the bugged SI is slayed and to prevent the victim from falling down if Infected Ghost Fly is installed and advancement of scoring. Slay bugged Tank, respawn it back, and make it be controlled again by the last player. Quote: Changelog: 06-30-16 - First release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ghost_infected_fix-l4d2.sp - 2.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. This is a simple plugin giving players infinite canteen charges provided they have bought one. Charges are refilled every second for each alive player with at least one charge in stock. It is also my first submission, so if I did something wrong - please correct me without running me into the ground ;-; Console Variables: sm_infinitecanteens_enabled (0/1, default 1) - Controls if the plugin's functionality is enabled or not. sm_infinitecanteens_admin (0/1, default 0) - Controls if the plugin's functionality requires special access in order to be used. sm_infinitecanteens_togglable (0/1, default 1) - Controls if the plugin's functionality can be toggled per-user using commands. sm_infinitecanteens_default (0/1, default 1) - Controls if the plugin's functionality should be enabled by default for players connecting, given they meet the criteria to use the plugin sm_infinitecanteens_advertise (0 - disable, >0 - seconds, default: 120 seconds) - Controls the plugin's advertising feature. The advertisement shortly explains what the plugin does, how to use it, and its current state for the user. sm_infinitecanteens_version - Plugin version. Don't touch, please :3 Overrides: sm_infinitecanteens (default access: Generic (B)) - If sm_infinitecanteens_admin is 1, this override will control access to the plugin's functions. Instructions: Drop the plugin into your sourcemod plugins folder (usually tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins/) and reload the server/load the plugin. Plugin usage: Out of the box, the plugin is enabled, requires no admin access, by default grants all users infinite charges, can be toggled per-user and will self-advertise each 120 seconds. All of those settings can be changed using the convars listed above. Note: The advertisement will not display the 2nd line (To enable/disable the plugin for yourself) if you have disabled toggling. You also have to buy the type you want at the upgrade station. From there, the plugin will assign you five charges repeatedly. If you change the type at the upgrade station at a later date, the changes will immediatelly take effect - you will have 5 charges of the new type. Compiling: The plugin only requires MoreColors. Changelog: 1.0 - initial release Plans/To-Do: None for now. Media: - ConVar changes: - More ConVar changes + advertisement - Command Output -- When toggling is disabled -- When the plugin is disabled -- When the user doesn't have sufficient access - The HUD when the plugin is enabled: Note that you will ALWAYS have 5 charges when the plugin is enabled. Attached Files (24.5 KB) sm_infinite_canteens.smx (14.3 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_infinite_canteens.sp - 8.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. Description Allow players to vote whether to enable/disable default respawn times. This plugins works around "mp_disable_respawn_times". Players can initiate a vote typing !voterespawn (also /voterespawn) in the chat to change the current value. If enough people vote "Yes", the value will change. If not, well, guess what happens... XD There is a cooldown between each vote, so people cant' spam it, but you can manage the cooldown time using a cvar. This plugin uses NativeVotes, by Powerlord. If you don't have NativeVotes installed, you should still be able to use the plugin, using the "classic" voting interface that SourceMod has. CVars sm_voterespawn_cooldown - Sets the cooldown time, in seconds, before another vote can take place. (Default: 300). To Do Make the "sm_voterespawn_enabled" cvar work, so you can enable/disable the plugin on the fly. Add a cvar to decide which minimum percentage of votes you need for the vote to pass. The plugin also has translation files, currently, just English and Spanish. This is my first plugin from scratch. I took inspiration from code by Powerlord (NativeVotes) and Seb3pg (TF2 Vote Scramble). I'm aware that the code may have some mistakes and it may not be the most optimal, so feel free to criticize, but in a constructive way, please. :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (VoteRespawn.sp - 7.9 KB) VoteRespawn.smx (9.5 KB) voterespawn.phrases.txt (2.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. DATABASE -- -- Tábla szerkezet ehhez a táblához `rwt_sql_register_new_s5` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rwt_sql_register_new_s5` ( `Id` int(11) NOT NULL, `Felhasznalonev` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `Jelszo` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `Jatekosnev` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `Skin` int(11) NOT NULL, `Aktivitas` int(11) NOT NULL, `Oles` int(11) NOT NULL, `Vip` int(11) NOT NULL, `Dollar` int(11) NOT NULL, `Masodpercek` int(11) NOT NULL, `Rang` int(11) NOT NULL, `Korvegi` int(11) NOT NULL, `Kulcs` int(11) NOT NULL, `Nyelv` int(11) NOT NULL, `lada0` int(11) NOT NULL, `lada1` int(11) NOT NULL, `lada2` int(11) NOT NULL, `lada3` int(11) NOT NULL, `lada4` int(11) NOT NULL, `lada5` int(11) NOT NULL, `lada6` int(11) NOT NULL, `lada7` int(11) NOT NULL, `lada8` int(11) NOT NULL, `lada9` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes0` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes1` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes2` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes3` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes4` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes5` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes6` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes7` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes8` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes9` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes10` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes11` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes12` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes13` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes14` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes15` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes16` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes17` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes18` int(11) NOT NULL, `kes19` int(11) NOT NULL, `Wpn1` int(11) NOT NULL, `Email` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `Server` int(11) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=201 ; -- -- A tábla adatainak kiíratása `rwt_sql_register_new_s5` -- INSERT INTO `rwt_sql_register_new_s5` (`Id`, `Felhasznalonev`, `Jelszo`, `Jatekosnev`, `Skin`, `Aktivitas`, `Oles`, `Vip`, `Dollar`, `Masodpercek`, `Rang`, `Korvegi`, `Kulcs`, `Nyelv`, `lada0`, `lada1`, `lada2`, `lada3`, `lada4`, `lada5`, `lada6`, `lada7`, `lada8`, `lada9`, `kes0`, `kes1`, `kes2`, `kes3`, `kes4`, `kes5`, `kes6`, `kes7`, `kes8`, `kes9`, `kes10`, `kes11`, `kes12`, `kes13`, `kes14`, `kes15`, `kes16`, `kes17`, `kes18`, `kes19`, `Wpn1`, `Email`, `Server`) VALUES (1, 'realkingforman', 'hande10', '[F]orce*', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '0', 0); -- -------------------------------------------------------- :Rákacsintás: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. An Entity Toggler I wrote for Disabling Func_no_builds and other Entities for tf2, but should work for Any Game; Code: #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> public Plugin myinfo = { name = "Ent Toggler", author = "Ecclesiastical", description = "Toggle Entities and such", version = "3.3.3", url = "http://xt6zo6bcjbrrjyvr.onion" } public void OnPluginStart() { RegAdminCmd("sm_toggleent_admin", Command_EntToggler, ADMFLAG_SLAY); RegAdminCmd("sm_enthealth_admin", Command_EntHealth, ADMFLAG_SLAY); RegAdminCmd("sm_entcolor_admin", Command_EntColor, ADMFLAG_SLAY); RegAdminCmd("sm_entmodel_admin", Command_EntModel, ADMFLAG_SLAY); RegConsoleCmd("sm_toggleent", Command_EntToggler, "Toggle an Entity;"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_enthealth", Command_EntHealth, "Set an Entity's Health;"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_entcolor", Command_EntColor, "Set an Entity's Color;"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_entmodel", Command_EntModel, "Set an Entity's Model;"); } public Action Command_EntToggler(client, args) { char arg1[64]; char arg2[64]; char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; if (args < 1) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_toggleent <Entity> <Input>"); return Plugin_Handled; } GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2)); new horse = FindEntityByClassname(-1, arg1); for(new x = 0; x > horse; x++) { AcceptEntityInput(horse, arg2); } GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name)); ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] You Toggled The %s Entity", arg1); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_EntHealth(client, args) { char arg1[64]; char arg2[64]; char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; if (args < 2) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_enthealth <Entity> <Health>"); return Plugin_Handled; } GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2)); new horse = FindEntityByClassname(-1, arg1); new turtle = StringToInt(arg2); for(new x = 0; x > horse; x++) { SetEntityHealth(horse, turtle); } GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name)); ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] %s's Health is now %d", arg1, turtle); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_EntColor(client, args) { char arg1[64]; char arg2[64]; char arg3[64]; char arg4[64]; char arg5[64]; char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; if (args < 3) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_entcolor <entity> <Red 0-255> <Green 0-255> <blue 0-255> <alpha 0-255>"); return Plugin_Handled; } GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2)); GetCmdArg(3, arg3, sizeof(arg3)); GetCmdArg(4, arg4, sizeof(arg4)); GetCmdArg(5, arg5, sizeof(arg5)); new horse = FindEntityByClassname(-1, arg1); new donkey = StringToInt(arg2); new penguin = StringToInt(arg3); new anteater = StringToInt(arg4); new angel = StringToInt(arg5); for(new x = 0; x > horse; x++) { SetEntityRenderColor(horse, donkey, penguin, anteater, angel); } GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name)); ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] You Changed %s's color Red: %d; Green: %d; Blue: %d; Alpha: %d ", horse, donkey, penguin, anteater, angel); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action Command_EntModel(client, args) { char arg1[64]; char arg2[64]; char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; if (args < 3) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_entmodel <entity > <model>"); return Plugin_Handled; } GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2)); new horse = FindEntityByClassname(-1, arg1); for(new x = 0; x > horse; x++) { SetEntityModel(horse, arg2); } GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name)); ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] The Model for %s has been changed to %s", arg1, arg2); return Plugin_Handled; } For Joanne; Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Credits to the 1st Generation of War3Source (PimpinJuice (anthony)) : and the 2nd Generation of War3Source Ownz (Dark Energy) : This is the 3rd Generation of War3Source with a new name: War3Source: Evolution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is ALPHA as I have not fully tested it after the conversion from my private version. Compiled for SourceMod version 1.8 * Bare with me, the current version is a RAW & BARE-BONES version and does not have all the extra addons to make it look really good yet. * Currently only 2 Races. (Until I can test the rest of the 30+ races). Working Right now: TF2 Roadmap for next working: Compile CSGO, CSS, FOF versions In theory, the CSGO, CSS, and FoF should (note I said should, but that isn't a meaning it will) work but you will need to compile those yourself. The compiled version below will be for TF2 and only work for TF2 at this moment. So, I have a server that is up and I was able to get it running with SQLite so those of you whom don't have a MySQL database does not need to worry. About tf2attributes: It has not been updated for over a year, so I have updated the .sp file and included it with my sourcecode and will only update the .sp file... if the gamedata stops working, maybe we can beg FlaminSarge or someone else with that knowledge to update it. This version will run a default SQLite database if you don't setup the databases.cfg file. See Make sure you... * use my version of war3source.ini and war3sourceMVM.ini in the configs section. * use only my version of the translation files. * install from my version of the gamedata * use and modify my version of the war3source configuration (cfg) files * download and install steamtools extension: Some extra help can be found on Ownz's wiki page. Most of it applies. Notes Compiles fine for TF2, but you may need certain extensions to run You need to go to change the contents in the file War3Source-EVO/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/GAME_SWITCHER/ in order to compile for your platform All Game Mode Convars war3AllowInstantRaceChange - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Allows players to change race instantly in spawn. (default 1) war3pause - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Pauses all War3Source stuff, so plugins can be reloaded easier. (default 0) war3_allow_developer_access - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Allows developer to have developer access. (default 0) war3_allow_developer_powers - 0 disabled / 1 enabled allows developer to bypass race restrictions, etc. (default 0) war3_racelimit_enable - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Should race limit restrictions per team be enabled. (default 1) war3_game_desc - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. change game description to war3source? does not affect player connect. (default 1) war3_metric_system - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Do you want use metric system? 1-Yes, 0-No. (default 0) war3_bots_invisibility_gives_evasion - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Should invisibility give evasion against bots? (default 1) war3_disable_races_mapend - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Disable races on round end? (default 1) war3_enable_races_mapstart - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Enable races on round start? (default 1) war3_newplayer_enabled - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Do you want to enable new player benefits? (does not include levelbank) (default 1) war3_new_player_levelbank - The amount of free levels a person gets that is new to the server (no xp record) (default 20) war3_print_levelbank_spawn - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Print how much you have in your level bank in chat every time you spawn? (default 0) war3_ignore_bots_xp - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Set to 1 to not award XP for killing bots.(default 0) war3_max_shopitems - (default 2) war3_max_shopitems2 - (default 3) war3_max_shopitems3 - (default 3) war3_Load_RacesAndItems_every_map - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. sm_bank_withdraw_timelimit - default 2700 = 45 minutes (default 2700) war3_clan_id - If GroupID is non-zero the plugin will use steamtools to identify clan players(Overrides 'war3_bonusclan_name') war3_no_spendskills_limit - Set to 1 to require no limit on non-ultimate spendskills. (default 0) war3_show_playerinfo_other_player_items - 0 disables showing other players items using playerinfo. (default 1) war3_savexp - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. (default 1) war3_set_job_on_join - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Jobs = Races .. Just another way of saying races. (default 1) war3_race_dynamic_loading - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. (default 1) war3_race_dynamic_loading_fulldisable - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. (default 0) war3_sh3_autosavetime - (300 default) war3_buyitems_category - Enable/Disable shopitem categorys. (0 default) war3_disable_ward_checking - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. (default 0) war3_maxplatinum - (1000000 default) war3_command_blocking - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. block chat commands from showing up. (default 0) war3_minimumultimatelevel - (10 default) TF2 Game Mode Convar tf2_attributes - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. (default 0) Method Maps Link - To help make race creation easier ^^ Check out the current races on how to use them! Private Forwards Link - Only the races that players are playing should have forwards while the other races do not need them. ROADMAP: * Move more Global Forwards into the Private Forwards section * Get Jenkins working to auto-compile for each game platform * Get all platforms working ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Make sure you read the file before grabbing the plugins directory or compiling because it is usually only setup for 1 game platform which means it will not run on your platform if it is setup for some other platform. Github: If you still have issues let me know. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Hello Friends. CS:GO for I want No Report Plugin. I want to use banned add-ons. Benim için indirme ba?lant?s?n? bulam?yorum . I can not find the download link . Please Help me. I am Turk. I do not know to speak English very well . Topics in the wrong place can be. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. This is ALPHA as I have not fully tested it after the conversion from my private version. Compiled for SourceMod version 1.8 * Bare with me, the current version is a RAW & BARE-BONES version and does not have all the extra addons to make it look really good yet. * Currently only 2 Races. (Until I can test the rest of the 30+ races). Working Right now: TF2 Roadmap: Compile CSGO, CSS, FOF versions In theory, the CSGO, CSS, and FoF should (note I said should, but that isn't a meaning it will) work but you will need to compile those yourself. The compiled version below will be for TF2 and only work for TF2 at this moment. So, I have a server that is up and I was able to get it running with SQLite so those of you whom don't have a MySQL database does not need to worry. About tf2attributes: It has not been updated for over a year, so I have updated the .sp file and included it with my sourcecode and will only update the .sp file... if the gamedata stops working, maybe we can beg FlaminSarge or someone else with that knowledge to update it. This version will run a default SQLite database if you don't setup the databases.cfg file. See Make sure you... * use my version of war3source.ini and war3sourceMVM.ini in the configs section. * use only my version of the translation files. * install from my version of the gamedata * use and modify my version of the war3source configuration (cfg) files * download and install steamtools extension: Some extra help can be found on Ownz's wiki page. Most of it applies. Notes Compiles fine for TF2, but you may need certain extensions to run You need to go to change the contents in the file War3Source-EVO/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/GAME_SWITCHER/ in order to compile for your platform All Game Mode Convars war3AllowInstantRaceChange - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Allows players to change race instantly in spawn. (default 1) war3pause - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Pauses all War3Source stuff, so plugins can be reloaded easier. (default 0) war3_allow_developer_access - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Allows developer to have developer access. (default 0) war3_allow_developer_powers - 0 disabled / 1 enabled allows developer to bypass race restrictions, etc. (default 0) war3_racelimit_enable - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Should race limit restrictions per team be enabled. (default 1) war3_game_desc - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. change game description to war3source? does not affect player connect. (default 1) war3_metric_system - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Do you want use metric system? 1-Yes, 0-No. (default 0) war3_bots_invisibility_gives_evasion - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Should invisibility give evasion against bots? (default 1) war3_disable_races_mapend - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Disable races on round end? (default 1) war3_enable_races_mapstart - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Enable races on round start? (default 1) war3_newplayer_enabled - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Do you want to enable new player benefits? (does not include levelbank) (default 1) war3_new_player_levelbank - The amount of free levels a person gets that is new to the server (no xp record) (default 20) war3_print_levelbank_spawn - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Print how much you have in your level bank in chat every time you spawn? (default 0) war3_ignore_bots_xp - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Set to 1 to not award XP for killing bots.(default 0) war3_max_shopitems - (default 2) war3_max_shopitems2 - (default 3) war3_max_shopitems3 - (default 3) war3_Load_RacesAndItems_every_map - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. sm_bank_withdraw_timelimit - default 2700 = 45 minutes (default 2700) war3_clan_id - If GroupID is non-zero the plugin will use steamtools to identify clan players(Overrides 'war3_bonusclan_name') war3_no_spendskills_limit - Set to 1 to require no limit on non-ultimate spendskills. (default 0) war3_show_playerinfo_other_player_items - 0 disables showing other players items using playerinfo. (default 1) war3_savexp - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. (default 1) war3_set_job_on_join - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. Jobs = Races .. Just another way of saying races. (default 1) war3_race_dynamic_loading - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. (default 1) war3_race_dynamic_loading_fulldisable - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. (default 0) war3_sh3_autosavetime - (300 default) war3_buyitems_category - Enable/Disable shopitem categorys. (0 default) war3_disable_ward_checking - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. (default 0) war3_maxplatinum - (1000000 default) war3_command_blocking - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. block chat commands from showing up. (default 0) war3_minimumultimatelevel - (10 default) TF2 Game Mode Convar tf2_attributes - 0 disabled / 1 enabled. (default 0) Github: If you still have issues let me know. Attached Files (816.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    Advertiser What can i do with this plugin? This plugin will allow you to earn money with your server. Commands sm_stop for sound advertisements (Good for Default VIP flag? Custom2 aka P Easy to change! PHP Code: Line 10 #define VIP_FLAG "ADMFLAG_CUSTOM2" What do i need to compile it? Nothing else than Morecolors include Bugs? Users see Adverisements if they take hit when they use deadringer Efficient way to use this plugin is, because users see advertisement and press enter, its not anoying and if there will be advertisement with sounds, users can do !stop and you still get money from that. There is still way to block these advertisements!!! Use THIS to prevent user from turning cl_disablehtmlmotd 1 Have fun, Earn money and give me some if you want :3 Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Advertiser.sp - 2.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. The Hidden Mod Redux Originally created by Matheus28 - link Then modified and improved by atomic-penguin(Eric G. Wolfe) and Daniel Murray - link Now redux by me, luki1412 . I didn't want the mod to die, but the last version had a lot of problems. The main being - crash when giving player a knife. EquipPlayerWeapon is the cause. I didn't want to use TF2Items just so I can replace 1 weapon for 1 person. I couldnt find a way to fix this but I did at last. TF2 Items is not required. I loved this mod so Im bringing it back. Description: Never heard of this mod before? Its a The Hidden:Source-like mod for TF2. Basically a variant of One person vs Everyone else(like vs saxton hale). On the red team you have players(called team IRIS) with no special abilities but you have the quantity. On the blue team you have The Hidden. Its a permanently cloaked spy, only revealed when attacking or using his abilities. The objective is pretty simple - kill the hidden before he kills you. What's different from the version by atomic-penguin and Daniel Murray? Spoiler the hidden no longer has the ability to boo, he has a cluster bomb instead added a lot of cvars so you can customize the mod fixed all bugs I could find players are no longer allowed to switch their team just to be on the same team as the hidden the command for forcing the next hidden is now working correctly and wont make a spectator the next hidden removed unused code and afk for hidden added a hunger meter for the hidden, if it reaches 100%, the hidden dies fixed the problem with tf2 assistances - if the hidden were to die from hunger or a suicide, tf2 would give the frag to the last person that damaged him. tf2 still showing the assistance but he wont become the next hidden the next hidden selection is based on the damage done to the hidden(or selected randomly if not killed by a player) the plugin now properly compiles even if you dont have the steamtools inc file the hidden now takes no fall damage the hidden's hp is now properly calculated based on the number of players on the server you can now modify hp, the hidden gets after a kill and it is changed based on the class of victim pounce modified so you can stick to the walls and look around the cluster bomb for the hidden wont damage him, but if it kills an enemy the hidden gets hp back code optimizations there is a cvar for heavies/pyros but even if you allow them, their primary weapon will be removed there is a cvar for engies, but even if you allow them, they cant build sentries and you can limit whether they can upgrade their dispenser and teleporter there is a cvar for removing razorbacks the autoexec is now properly named and the version cvar is removed from the config file the hidden now wont die when he wins - he just gets his powers removed setting multiple tf2 cvars so the mod is working properly Commands: Spoiler sm_nexthidden <player> - a console command that forces the player specified to be the next hidden, regardless of who wins the round. Cant select a player that isnt on RED/BLU /nexthidden - a chat command, doing the same mentioned above Cvars: This plugin autocreates a config file, you can use to change cvars(in cfg/sourcemod). Spoiler // Allow/disallow upgrading dispensers. // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_thehidden_allowdispenserupgrade "0" // Set whether engineers are allowed on team IRIS // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_thehidden_allowengineer "1" // Set whether heavies are allowed on team IRIS // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_thehidden_allowheavy "1" // Set whether pyros are allowed on team IRIS // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_thehidden_allowpyro "1" // Allow/disallow razorbacks for snipers // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_thehidden_allowrazorback "0" // Allow/disallow upgrading teleporters. // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_thehidden_allowteleporterupgrade "1" // Turn alltalk on and voice icons off. // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_thehidden_alltalk "1" // Delay of the cluster bomb detonation. // - // Default: "1.8" // Minimum: "0.100000" // Maximum: "100.000000" sm_thehidden_bombdetonationdelay "1.8" // Amount of bomb clusters(bomblets) inside a cluster bomb. // - // Default: "10" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "30.000000" sm_thehidden_bombletcount "10" // Magnitude of a bomblet. // - // Default: "50" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "1000.000000" sm_thehidden_bombletmagnitude "50" // Parameter(spread velocity) for a randomized direction, bomblets are going to use. // - // Default: "60.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "500.000000" sm_thehidden_bombletspreadvel "60.0" // Parameter(variation) for a randomized direction, bomblets are going to use. // - // Default: "1.5" // Minimum: "0.100000" // Maximum: "10.000000" sm_thehidden_bombletvariation "1.5" // Parameter(vertical velocity) for a randomized direction, bomblets are going to use. // - // Default: "90.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "500.000000" sm_thehidden_bombletvertvel "90.0" // Cluster bomb throw speed. // - // Default: "2000" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "10000.000000" sm_thehidden_bombthrowspeed "2000" // Cluster bomb cooldown. // - // Default: "20.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "1000.000000" sm_thehidden_bombtime "20.0" // Enables/disables the hidden mod redux. // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_thehidden_enabled "1" // Amount of hp used for calculating the Hidden's starting/max hp. // - // Default: "500" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "10000.000000" sm_thehidden_hpbase "500" // Amount of hp the Hidden gets back after he kills a player. This value changes based on victim's class. // - // Default: "50" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1000.000000" sm_thehidden_hpincreaseperkill "50" // This amount of hp, multiplied by the number of players, plus the base hp, equals The Hidden's hp. // - // Default: "50" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1000.000000" sm_thehidden_hpincreaseperplayer "50" // The Hidden's special jump's cooldown. // - // Default: "0.1" // Minimum: "0.100000" // Maximum: "100.000000" sm_thehidden_jumptime "0.1" // The Hidden's pounce's max duration. // - // Default: "10.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "1000.000000" sm_thehidden_pouncetime "10.0" // Time til the Hidden dies without killing. // - // Default: "120.0" // Minimum: "10.000000" // Maximum: "1000.000000" sm_thehidden_starvationtime "120.0" // How much time the Hidden is visible for, after throwing the cluster bomb. // - // Default: "1.5" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "3.000000" sm_thehidden_visiblebomb "1.5" // How much time the Hidden is visible for, after taking weapon damage. // - // Default: "0.5" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "3.000000" sm_thehidden_visibledamage "0.5" // How much time the Hidden is visible for, when splashed with jarate, mad milk, or bonked. // - // Default: "1.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "3.000000" sm_thehidden_visiblejarate "1.0" // How much time the Hidden is visible for, when dashing. // - // Default: "0.25" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "3.000000" sm_thehidden_visiblepounce "0.25" Some of the cvars(mainly cooldown cvars) above wont take effect until the next round starts, because it would break the functionality of the mod. If it is a time period cvar, its not in seconds but in server ticks (0.01 is one tick). Default values should be fine for most servers. Changelog: Spoiler 1.00 - Initial version Installation: It was tested and made for sourcemod 1.8 so I recommend to compile it yourself, because the webcompiler uses 1.7. Might still work on 1.7, but I havent tested it on 1.7. SteamTools is needed only for changing the game in server browser. Without SteamTools: Spoiler 1. Download the plugin(or the source and compile it yourself) 2. Put it in tf\addons\sourcemod\plugins 2. Change map With SteamTools(thread link): Spoiler 1. Download the SteamTools extention and install it 2. Download the SteamTools include and put it in addons\sourcemod\scripting\include 3. Download The hidden mod redux .sp file and put it in addons\sourcemod\scripting\ 4. Compile the plugin 5. Put the compiled .smx from addons\sourcemod\scripting\compile in tf\addons\sourcemod\plugins 6. Change map Thanks to: - Matheus28 - for creating the original mod - atomic-penguin(Eric G. Wolfe) and Daniel Murray - for updating the mod - the person who created the cluster bomb code - sorry I forgot who that was, its been a while - creators of SMLIB - I borrowed a couple of functions - everyone who helped me test it or provided help with the code - asherkin for SteamTools Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (TheHiddenModRedux.sp - 56.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Hello, well this starting off optimising deathchaos25 Allow the Tank to send incap survivors flying plugin because i did not like the code but i am a fan of the plugin really cool, but well this happened :D. Features: Allow Tank to Puch incapped survivor's flying Allow Tank to Puch people flying who would of been incapped from the punch, then incap Allow TankRock to sendpeople flying like a TankPunchish you can hit downed people with the rock and send em flying :twisted: and rock will send people flying even if they are about to be incapped muhahaha :3 YouTubeVideo[LINK] Please mind my friend talking in the video :shock: Also i'm rubbish at maths :P ConVars/CFG: PHP Code: config name: Realish_Tank_Phyx.cfg rtp_rockphyx "1"(Def) Enable or Disable RockPhyx, rtp_incapknockBack "1"(Def) Enable or Disable Incapped slap, rtp_KnockBackPreIncap "1"(Def) Enable or Disable Pre incapped flying, rtp_rockforce "500.0"(Def) Force of the rock, very high values send you flying very fast&far (MIN = 0.0 - MAX = 2147483647.0), Colours :shock: Please besure to remove [L4D2] Incap Tank punch fix.smx, because this will cause problems!!! Emm does anyone wanna guinea pig this plugin on L4D1 :D because i don't really have anything to test it on also i'm lazy :P Enjoy Log: (Release 1.0) Notes Need someone to test on l4d1 and let me know how it goes, i added support for it in theory. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Realish_Tank_Physx.sp - 13.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Ever wanted to add length to the humiliation period or even remove it altogether? Just change the bonus_time cvar added by this plugin to do so! Just drag and drop to install! Inspired by this topic: This is my first plugin! Please give me constructive criticism on it! Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ExtendHumiliation.sp - 562 Bytes) ExtendHumiliation.smx (3.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. DISCO PLAYERS Features: Allows admins/players use sm_disco to either slowly cycle through colors with smooth transitions, rapidly change colors (seizure mode (disabled by default)), or just cycle through alpha. The mode you will get is random. Commands: sm_disco (Toggles disco mode on yourself, admin flag generic required "b") Usage: sm_disco sm_disco <playername> (Admin only) sm_disco @me (Admin only) sm_disco @all (Admin only) Cvars: Spoiler discoplayers_enabled (Default: 1) Enables/Disables disco players discoplayers_adminonly (Default: 0) Disables admin flag restrictions on sm_disco discoplayers_seizuremode (Default: 0) Enables/Disables seizuremode Extra info: GENERAL Plugin tested for: CS:GO TF2 ONLY FOR CS:GO SERVER OWNERS sv_disable_immunity_alpha is disabled by default on CS:GO servers, the plugin should enable this. If alpha mode is not working, make sure this cvar is set to '1'. Github: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (discoplayers.sp - 6.8 KB) discoplayers.smx (9.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Flynn's Messenger Plugin -=-This plugin requires you to edit it to your liking and compile it-=- the way this works is you edit lines 13,21, and 32 to your liking where it says YOUR AD HERE *ONLY*. Thanks! if you wish to help out/support me i am a twitch streamer and the best way to support me is simply to watch. :):):):):):):):):):):) Attached Files Flynn's Messenger Plugin.txt (743 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Simple Weapon Restrictor This plugin simply restricts weapons, so they can't be used. All weapons can easily be restricted by the use of commands or the config file. The plugin is "sv_cheats"-friendly, and it's impossible to equip a restricted weapon. (If that's not the case, please contact me) Feature list Very simple to use Prevent specific weapons from being used Control restricted weapons through commands Easy-to-use config file for permanent restrictions Commands wr_restrict <weapon*> - Restricts the given weapon. wr_unrestrict <weapon*> - Unrestricts the given weapon. wr_reload - Reloads the config files. (Note: This removes all temporary restrictions.) All commands require the config admin flag. *: The weapon parameter can either be the classname (e.g. weapon_awp) or the weapon alias (e.g. awp). It's also case-insensitive. Config The config adds a neat and simple way to permanently restrict weapons. It's not needed and does not have to be present at all. The config is located in addons/sourcemod/configs/restricted_weapons.txt. It's a plain text file, where each line is an entry in the restrictions list. A line consists of just a weapon alias, which works the same way as the commands. The plugin will yield warning, if a line is an invalid weapon or if the same weapon is listed multiple times. An example of a config file could be: Code: awp p90 weapon_Glock rpg weapon_deagle weapon_stunstick P90 The config uses both class names and aliases, but there's some invalid weapons and some other weapons are listed multiple times. The plugin skips the invalid entries and works fine even with errors in the config, but it does print some warnings in the console to assist the server manager: Code: [WR] Config file: WARNING - Invalid entry: rpg! (Line: 4) [WR] Config file: WARNING - Invalid entry: stunstick! (Line: 6) [WR] Config file: WARNING - Duplicate entry: p90! (Line: 7) [WR] Config file: Loaded 4 restriction(s). This makes it easy to identify mistakes. It loaded 4 restrictions in total: awp, p90, glock, and deagle. The other lines were simply skipped. A more detailed description of the loading process can be seen with debug enabled. The ConVar config is located in cfg/sourcemod/restricted_weapons.txt Installation If you want to utilize the config file, then you have to manually create the file: addons/sourcemod/configs/restricted_weapons.txt. Otherwise, it's a normal plugin installation. ConVars wr_debug (default: false/0) - Prints debug information to the console. wr_version - The current version of the plugin. Plans Commenting in config file Listing restrictions Further customization I see this plugin as done, because I want to keep it simple. But I'm open for suggestions. Notes This plugin must be compiled with SourceMod v1.8 or higher. I know this plugin isn't anything major, but I've been working with SourcePawn for about a year now, and I've mostly done private plugins. I thought this simple plugin, which I made for a friend, might be a good start on AM. So, yea, this is also my first post, so the formatting might be odd. Thanks for giving my plugin a look! Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (SimpleWeaponRestrictor.sp - 9.1 KB) SimpleWeaponRestrictor.smx (17.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. This plugin comes with everthing you need to add adawong with all the assets. This is adawong inplay [Video] This was just a simple small project altho i really hated the data input part. Info This have Rochelle as base actor with adawong model, i have tried to get the arms working but i had no luck :c This will work with fakezoey if you use it for windows ########################################## You need SceneProcessor to use this plugin [SceneProcessor]# ########################################### INSTALL GUIDE: 1:Extract AdaWong_ServerStuff.7z and merge the left4dead2 folder starting at .../Left 4 Dead 2 on your server This folder contains all the asset's e.g. sounds, model and texture ############################################# ##################### Don't merge if you have a FastDownload server with a smdownloader config setup already. place the files your self 2:Extract AdaWong_SourceMod_Stuff.7z and merge the sourcemod folder starting at .../Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/addons Optional Plugin: DeathChaos25's Melee Grunts plugin for adawong too, makesure you remove the old version. sourcemod/plugins/Optional/[L4D2] Melee Weapon Grunts.smx Use if you want. Source[Here] Plugin: SurvivorChatSelect, find this folder located sourcemod/plugins/SurvivorChatSelect/ Windows Users move survivor_chat_select(Windows).smx (This works with FakeZoey) to sourcemod/plugins folder Linux users do the same but use the survivor_chat_select(Linux).smx instead. ############################################# #################### People with FastDownload Server Extract AdaWong_FastDlStuff.7z and place left4dead2 folder your root directory (if you don't know what your really doing) and have your download link like so ---> sv_downloadurl "" <--- Setting up Config file and smdownloader First you need SmDownloader[Link] follow install instructions and either merge downloads_simple.ini located at sourcemod/configs (All download paths are included in the file just copy and paste them) or Replace downloads_simple.ini file. This folder contains all the asset's e.g. sounds, model and texture ############################################# #################### People with no FastDownload server Extract the AdaWong_ClientSide.7z folder and place sm_adawong.vpk in your addons folder of your left4dead 2 game .../Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/addons Make sure you give this to your friend's sm_adawong.vpk if you want your friends not to see errors and hear no sound from adawong. This folder contains all the asset's e.g. sounds, model and texture in a vpk format ############################################# #################### The files are too big for allied modders AdaWong_ServerStuff.7z[LINK] <-- click link to get assets AdaWong_FastDlStuff.7z[LINK] <-- click link to get assets AdaWong_ClientSide.7z[LINK] <-- click link to get assets ############################################# #################### Source of all plugins are in the archive below too:twisted: :twisted::twisted: Attached Files AdaWong_SourceMod_Stuff.7z (47.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Description: CCC - Tag Changer is a plugin that I made because I wanted it for alot of time and I think that I am not the only one that want this plugin, this plugin changes your tag by doing a simple command/ Commands: sm_tag <tag> - Changes your tag Cvars: None! How to download: Just put the ccc_tag_changer.smx file on tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins folder and restart your self or load it by doing sm plugins load ccc_tag_changer. If that plugin helped you, you can help me by donating to me: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ccc_tag_changer.sp - 3.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Simple plugin really. Designed to be simple. Allows all users to set the hexadecimal color of their chat or name in the chatbox. I will eventually add a timestamp thing. -Requires my edit (in zip) of morecolors. I call it morecolorsX. I actually think I got most of it from Master53. -Saves and Loads via Clientprefs Image: sm_namecolor <HEX> (ex. sm_namecolor FF0E4F) - Set the color of your name in the chat sm_textcolor <HEX> (ex. sm_textcolor FF0E4F) - Set the color of your message in the chat Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (advanced_chatbox.sp - 5.4 KB) Advanced (7.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. ABOUT With this plugin, admins with a certain flag will be able to do a credit giveaway that selects a random player on the server to win a pre determined number of Zephyrus Store credits. FEATURES Admins with a certain flag (or above) will be able to do giveaways. Number of credits given by the plugin can be determined. Plugin chat tag can be customized. Minimum of players needed for the giveaway also customizable. Translations. COMMANDS sm_giveaway (does the giveaway) CVARS sm_chattag (Chat Tag that appears in front of everything this plugin says.) sm_flag (Warning: in this cvar you can't put the flag as a single character like z, you have to use it like this: ADMFLAG_<flag>) sm_giveaway_credits (Number of credits given.) sm_minplayers (Minimum players required in the server for the giveaway to happen.) INSTALLATION zgiveaway.smx in addons/sourcemod/plugins zgiveaway.phrases.txt in addons/sourcemod/translations Server will generate .cfg file in cfg/sourcemod where you can customize all the cvars DEPENDENCIES Store by Zephyrus ( ADMIN FLAGS TO BE USED WITH THIS PLUGIN TO BE DONE Make the plugin create logs Giveaway command cvar Attached Files zgiveaway.smx (17.3 KB) zgiveaway.phrases.txt (585 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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