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  1. So i am using this plugin (CKSurf) And everything is alright so far. The only issue i have right now is about the points. I know rank is based on the percent of the people / maps e.t..c.c..c. But if you complete a map for the first time you're supposed to get a few points right? On my server something is wrong! You don't get ANY points at all if you complete a new map. You don't even get points for a RECORD! Buuu. The only time you get points now is if you improve your run. I've searched on google a lot and tried to find it in configs my self but the only think i found is "Gives players x extra points for finishing a map for the first time" and i've changed the value on that but still don't get any points. I need backup bois! I trust in humanity. Kind Regards Paul Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. This plugin gives everyone infinite ammo by preventing ammo from depleting if you're using the DHooks version or by constantly giving more if you're not using the DHooks version. Download here. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Hello! Want to release my new plugin, which will help you to optimize network oriented queries. Installation: 1. Put folder from `` to root folder of game (Example: tf2/ csgo/). 2. Add in databases.cfg this one: PHP Code: "dbpp" { "driver" "mysql" "host" "your_ip" "database" "your_db" "user" "your_user" "pass" "your_password" } 3. Test and write your own plugins! How to use this API? 1. Analyze this example PHP Code: #include <sourcemod> #include <dbplusplus> #pragma semicolon 1 #pragma newdecls required public Plugin myinfo = { name = "[DB++] Test Plugin", author = "Jake", description = "-", version = "0.1 beta", url = "" }; /** * We're creating datapack * to identify query * and send some data **/ DataPack gDataPackConnections[MAXPLAYERS]; public void OnPluginStart() { /* Create datapack for each player */ for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) gDataPackConnections[i] = new DataPack(); } /* Player has joined and transaction is ready */ public void DBPP_PlayerJoin(int iClient, const char[] sSteam, Transaction hTransaction) { /* We want to send nick, so let get it */ char sNick[64]; GetClientName(iClient, sNick, 64); ReplaceString(sNick, 64, "`", ""); ReplaceString(sNick, 64, "'", ""); ReplaceString(sNick, 64, "\"", ""); /* Time of connection */ int iTime = GetTime(); /* Formatting query */ char sQuery[256]; /* Just insert data in MySQL */ /* For Example: */ /* INSERT INTO `table` (`field`) VALUES (`data`); */ FormatEx(sQuery, 256, "INSERT INTO `connections` (`steam`, `nick`, `time`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%d');", sSteam, sNick, iTime); /* Clearing data from datapack */ gDataPackConnections[iClient].Reset(true); /* Writing new data */ gDataPackConnections[iClient].WriteString(sNick); gDataPackConnections[iClient].WriteCell(iTime); gDataPackConnections[iClient].WriteString(sQuery); /* Ok, we are ready to */ /* add query in transaction */ /* 1st param - query */ /* 2nd param - datapack */ hTransaction.AddQuery(sQuery, gDataPackConnections[iClient]); } /* Ok, we have a result, so let's log it out */ public void DBPP_PlayerJoin_Results(int iClient, const char[] sSteam, int iQuery, DBResultSet hResultSet, DataPack dPack) { LogConnection(iClient, dPack, false); /* Don't forget: */ /* Result sets will be deleted automaticly */ } /* Something goes wrong, but we still can log data */ public void DBPP_PlayerJoin_Fail(int iClient, const char[] sSteam, int iFailedQuery, DataPack dPack) { LogConnection(iClient, dPack, true); } void LogConnection(int iClient, DataPack dPack, bool bFailure) { /* Checking for needed query */ /* If false - it's not our query */ if (dPack != gDataPackConnections[iClient]) return; /* Reset position in datapack */ dPack.Reset(); /* Read data and log it. Simple. */ char sNick[64]; dPack.ReadString(sNick, 64); int iTime = dPack.ReadCell(); char sTime[32]; FormatTime(sTime, 32, "%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S", iTime); LogMessage("[DB++] Player %s joined at %s", sNick, sTime); /* Our query was failure */ if (bFailure == true) { char sQuery[256]; dPack.ReadString(sQuery, 256); LogMessage("[DB++] Failed query: %s", sQuery); } } 2. Write your own (Tutorial will be later :D) You can change config source code of API PHP Code: // Config name in `databases.cfg` #define CONFIG_NAME "dbpp" // Charset, which is used in database // (be careful when you change it) #define CONFIG_CHARSET "utf8" // Auth ID // (change if you know what you do) #define CONFIG_AUTHID AuthId_Steam2 // Auth ID Length // (not necessary to change it) #define CONFIG_STEAMLENGTH 32 // Database Priorities // (please don't set all to high if you don't need) #define CONFIG_DBPRIO_JOIN DBPrio_Normal #define CONFIG_DBPRIO_LEAVE DBPrio_Normal #define CONFIG_DBPRIO_EVENT DBPrio_Low // Comment line below if loading of player data on plugin start is not needed #define CONFIG_LOAD_PLAYERS_ON_INIT Attached Files (18.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Just posting a working version of the two get-up fix plugins. Also, doesn't require l4d2util anymore but still does need a fully working l4d2_direct. Since l4d2util uses survivor index, this gets the player's model instead. So far, it's working 100% as of now. Also, if the model sequences have changed, please notify me by PM and try to help. Of course, credits will be given. CREDITS: To the original coder(s) of the plugins. Quote: 06-09-16 - First release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (double_get-up_fix-l4d2.sp - 11.7 KB) double_get-up_fix-l4d2.smx (9.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (get-up_fix-l4d2.sp - 9.7 KB) get-up_fix-l4d2.smx (8.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Hey Guys. I Search a Mod for CS:GO MiniGolf Mod. Does anyone have this mod found ? I would find him so far only as a workshop map but himself like so make a server on someone the plugin . GER : Hey Leute. Ich suche einen Mod für CS:GO MiniGold Hat jemand diesen mod gefunden ? ich habe ihn bis jetzt nur als Workshop map gefunden würde aber selber gerne damit einen Server auf machen hat jemand das Plugin. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. [TF2] SlayFocusedPlayer Description: This plugin allowes Admins to slay a player they are looking at. Commands: sm_fslay - (Default flag: slay) Slay the player you are currently aiming at. Installation 1. Click "SlayFocusedPlayer.smx" attached at the bottom of this post. 2.Drag and drop the SlayFocusedPlayer.smx to your addons/sourcemod/plugins/folder 3. Load the plugin(rcon sm plugins load SlayFocusedPlayer) Notes I am planning to make most source commands work on focused players. Changelog 1.0.0 (03.09.2016) - Inital release Attached Files SlayFocusedPlayer.smx (4.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (SlayFocusedPlayer.sp - 1.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Description: This plugin allows players to decapitate each other via headshots, knife and grenades. Video demonstration Configuration: Main cfg file can be found here: csgo/cfg/sourcemod/ZombieDecapitation.txt Console Variables: Code: // HE grenade critical hit damage // - // Default: "1500" sm_decap_crit_dmg_he "1500" // Knife critical hit damage // - // Default: "3000" sm_decap_crit_dmg_knife "3000" // Enable/Disable critical hit with HE grenade // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_decap_crit_he "0" // Enable/Disable critical hit with knife // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_decap_crit_knife "1" // Victim's HP must be less or equal for decapitation (except knife/he instant decapitation) // - // Default: "2000" sm_decap_dmg "2000" // Enable/Disable victim's FOV change after decapitation // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_decap_fov "1" // FOV for decapitated players // - // Default: "120" sm_decap_fov_num "120" // Enable/Disable HE grenade decapitation // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_decap_he "1" // Enable/Disable instant decapitation with HE grenade // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_decap_he_inst "0" // Enable/Disable headshot decapitation // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_decap_headshot "1" // Enable/Disable knife decapitation // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_decap_knife "1" // Enable/Disable instant decapitation with knife // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_decap_knife_inst "1" // Maximum number of heads on the ground // - // Default: "16" sm_decap_max_heads "16" // Enable/Disable blood effect // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_decap_particles "1" // Enable/Disable victim's screen shaking after decapitation // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_decap_shake "1" // Enable/Disable decapitation sound // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_decap_sound "1" // Sound path // - // Default: "misc/decapitation/headshot.mp3" sm_decap_soundpath "misc/decapitation/headshot.mp3" // Sound path for knife decapitation // - // Default: "misc/decapitation/crit.mp3" sm_decap_soundpath_crit "misc/decapitation/crit.mp3" You also need to set up your models in csgo/cfg/sourcemod/ZombieDecapitation_models.txt (It already contains most of the known models.) Example: Code: "zombie_v3" { "oldmodel" "models/player/custom_player/legacy/zombie/zombie_v3.mdl" "bodymodel" "models/player/custom_player/legacy/zombie/zombie_v3_hs.mdl" "headmodel" "models/player/custom_player/legacy/zombie/zombie_v3_head.mdl" } Supported models: Decapitation pack 2 Hellknight v2 Frozen Zombie William Birkin pack Zeds pack Requirements: needed to compile. It was originally made for use on zombie mod servers, but despite the title this plugin has no zombie:reloaded dependencies and can be used in any other gamemode if you have appropriate models for it. Attached Files (167.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. Nowadays, Versus servers are becoming unstable due to team changes because some players just want to go to the winning team. Well, this plugin fixes that problem. FEATURES: Does nothing if both teams have no players. Prevents players to change teams from Infected to Survivor, if Survivors team has more players or vice versa. Balances each team's players count which means removes team changing actions. Prevents players from joining their own team to prevent players count from miscalculating. AFK players will now stay afk with their bots in control. (Coop/Realism only) BUGS: Messes up the team chooser button (M). AFK players with bots in control changes to Survivor team repeatedly. (If Coop version is used in Versus gameplay.) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (team_change_manager.sp - 4.5 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (team_change_manager_vs.sp - 4.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. This plugin just simply adds a clan tag to staff with the permission sm_admin or !admin. The tag is a clan tag, I just set the player's clan tag. I searched before for a plugin like this yet found none so I thought I would share this, although simple, quite useful plugin. Cvars: sm_default_clan (default is sm_default_clan [User]) sm_default_adminclan (default is sm_default_clan [Staff]) The only tags this supports is one for Staff and one for normal Users. Download: Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    SSJ: Advanced

    SSJ: Advanced Short description: Jump stats plugin intended for use on bhop servers. Requires blacky's timer to work. The features (all except the first are toggleable): Count your jumps. 2 modes: display stats of every jump; display stats only of the sixth jump. Display your current speed every time you perform a bunnyhop. Calculate and display the amount of speed gained per jump. Display height difference between surfaces of the current and the previous jump. Calculate and display sufficiency ('gained speed/max possible gain' ratio) of your strafes. Display stats of the player you spectate. How to use: Open the menu either by typing '!ssj' in chat, or 'sm_ssj' in console. Toggle all the features to your liking. Close the menu (optional). Installation: Copy the 'ssj.smx' to your server's '\addons\sourcemod\plugins\' directory. Load the plugin either by restarting the server or by manually typing the following into the server's console: 'sm plugins load ssj' Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ssj.sp - 13.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. I developed this plugin a few years ago back when I still ran some CS:S servers. No new features will be added to this plugin and only urgent bugs will be fixed. Description Allows server owners to install custom weapon skins on their server and provides a simple yet powerful menu so players can easily equip them. Supports World and View models or choose to use just one of these if you wish. Also lets users decide if they want to see the custom model they have equipped in first person. Supports Zombie Mod (use weapon_claws as the keyvalue category for that). Uses morecolors, smartdm for processing the download list (disabled by default). Also changes the model of dropped weapons and thrown grenades if the player responsible for that has a skin equipped for that weapon. Supports MySQL only. Screenshots Cvars sm_wm_accessmethod "public" - Method used to restrict clients from openning the weapon models menu. Choices: flag group public sm_wm_accessflag "" - Flag required to open weapon models menu sm_wm_accessgroup "vip" - Group the client must be in to open weapon models menu sm_wm_chatcommands "!weaponmodels !weapons" - Words players must type to open the weapon menu sm_wm_vmodelsenabled "1" - Enables Viewmodels portion of the plugin sm_wm_wmodelsenabled "1" - Enables Worldmodels portion of the plugin sm_wm_dropmodelsenabled "1" - Enables dropped models portion of the plugin - Dropped weapons will be changed to the world model of the skin the player dropped. sm_wm_downloadparser "1" - If 1 adds files on downloads.ini to download table. sm_wm_useSmartDM "0" - If 1 uses SmartDM to add .mdl and all files associated with it to download table. sm_wm_lowercasedownloads "0" - If 1 lowercases all lines in downloads.ini sm_wm_informplayernumber "1" - If 1 displays the users that use each skin description style sm_wm_ask_about_public_skins_on_first_join "1" - If 1 new players will be asked if they want to be equipped with public weapon models. If a model entry doesn't have a flag set then it is considered a public model. Edit those cvars at cfg/sourcemod/sm_weaponmodels.cfg to your liking. Instalation Download from this thread below and upload contents to server. Create MySQL database/user and add the following config to databases.cfg Quote: "wmodels" { "driver" "mysql" "host" "hostname" "database" "database name" "user" "username" "pass" "password" } Open addons/sourcemod/configs/weapon_models/ and edit downloads.ini and weapon_models.ini. The following skin pack comes pre-installed so you have some guidelines on how to add new skins. [Optional] Edit the translation file weaponmodels.phrases.txt to better suit your community name. There might be some typos in there because English is not my native language. Usage Type !weaponmodels or whatever string of text you chose (with sm_wm_chatcommands) to access the menu. Known Bugs Sometimes the weapon a player is using vanishes into another dimension. Far as I know this is a engine bug and not a bug of the plugin per se. If anyone wants, I have all the models I used to have on my CS:S server (probably 100+) along with the config files. Send me a PM and I'll upload them for you. Also please excuse me for the state of the code. I had no intention in ever releasing this plugin when I started writing it so the variable names and function names are pretty confusing. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (weaponmodels.sp - 80.4 KB) (3.12 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Hi, Left 4 Dead 2 Model Changer Allows you to use most models with most characters should feel easy if you used Survivor Chat Select. This took a while to make but it's here. No Download Server needed!!! TimoCop tha BEST:D PHP Code: // Allow admins to only change models? (1 = true) // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" lmc_adminonly "0" // Allow Survivors to have custom model? (1 = true) // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" lmc_allowSurvivors "1" // Allow Boomer to have custom model? (1 = true) // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" lmc_allowboomer "1" // Allow Hunters to have custom model? (1 = true) // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" lmc_allowhunter "1" // Allow Smoker to have custom model? (1 = true) // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" lmc_allowsmoker "1" // Allow Tanks to have custom model? (1 = true) // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" lmc_allowtank "1" // Delay On which a message is displayed for !lmc command // - // Default: "7.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "360.000000" lmc_announcedelay "7.0" // Display Mode for !lmc command (0 = off, 1 = Print to chat, 2 = Center text, 3 = Director Hint) // - // Default: "3" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "4.000000" lmc_announcemode "3" // Enable ThirdPersonShoulder checks, this is not perfect so there can be bugs its only basic support // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" lmc_tpcheck "0" // Frequency of checks for ThirdPersonShoulder cvar on clients, value will change on next map // - // Default: "0.25" // Minimum: "0.100000" // Maximum: "10.000000" lmc_tpcheckfrequency "0.25" PHP Code: sm_lmc = Chat Command to bring up menu to choose a model Please Post bugs, Don't post issues with thirdpersonshoulder check ChangeLog(1.0 release) Recommend 1.6 Compiler Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (L4D2ModelChanger.sp - 33.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. This plugin allows you to download maps directly from the internet to your gameserver. Made for lazy server owners and people with slow internet or bandwith caps. Supports most commom archive file formats such as zip, rar, 7z and bz2. Also supports direct download of .bsp or .nav files. If the map is compressed and a .nav file is found on the extract directory it will also be moved to the maps directory along with the .bsp map file. After the map is installed don't forget to add it to the maplist and sync it with your fast download server. Usage: sm_downloadmap "map_url" [Requires root flag] Gamebanana download example Requirements: System2 (Don't forget to upload the 7z binaries as a binary file! If you use Filezilla edit these settings before uploading.) SMLIB (Just to compile) Sorry for any spelling mistakes, English is not my native language. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (map_downloader.sp - 12.3 KB) map_downloader.smx (16.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Simple Mysql Whitelist Mysql database whitelister to control player access to server[s]. Currently Tested [CSS] Description: Spoiler As i've seen some "Advanced" and "old/outdated" mysql whitelist's i decided to rewrite one more Simple yet functional whitelist to today's standards including all code being written in SourcePawn Transitional Syntax. Plugin used as Base: Requirements: A mysql database (obviously) Cvars: All cvars including menu requires Admin-Root access. sm_whitelist Opens the menu to list/remove sm_whitelist_add Add a steamid to the database. sm_whitelist_delete Deletes a steamid from the database. sm_whitelist_list List all SteamIDs in the database. Installation: Spoiler Step 1. Create a mysql database named mysql_whitelist <- This is the default name, Any named can be used, but it requires you to adjust the table name in the .sp file itself and have a recompile! Step 2. Goto your mysql database and make a new sql query with the following data: Code: SET SQL_MODE="NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mysql_whitelist` ( `steamid` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_danish_ci ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Step 3. Throw the compiled smx into plugins folder. Step 4. Head to your addons\sourcemod\configs\databases.cfg and put the below with correct information. Code: "whitelister" //do not change this name { "driver" "mysql" "host" "Your hostname here" "database" "mysql_whitelist" //Database table name here "user" "Username here" "pass" "Password here" } Notice This!: Spoiler Once everything is set, you'll have to add yourself to the database, this is done by going to your mysql database name, then click it, and click the database table name, then you'll see a "insert" button click this, now you'll see a box where you simply put your steam2 id, they look like this STEAM_0:0:12345678 Then you click "GO" Then your done and ready to load up the server and connect! From there you can add steamids from ingame to database. Changelog: Code: 1.0 - Plugin release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (simple_mysql_whitelist.sp - 10.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. (Made by BReeZ) Description: This plugin and its API is meant to be a replacement for the old Simple Chat Processor (redux version) by fixing some bugs and adding new features to it. This plugin also uses the ColorVariables include to add additional features to the forwards for the plugin in order to automatically replace colors, remove colors and what not. This plugin has the ability to also change flags of the messages with the 'eChatFlags' parameter and those flag strings are inside of a config instead of a translation. (though I may add translations back later) ConVars: Code: - sm_chatprocessor_status - 1 - Status of the plugin. - sm_chatprocessor_config - configs/chat_processor.cfg - Name of the message formats config. Todo: Code: - Add 'SayText' support back into the plugin. Thanks: Code: - abrandnewday - recommendation and idea Code Repository | Download | Report Bugs Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. Hey guys, I've seen both of the AutoBhop plugins and thought that was way too much code just for a bhop. So I've decided to make my own one. And there we go. It's small and perfectly working. If anyone has ideas to improve it. Tell me. ConVars: sm_bhop_enable (0/1) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (bhop.sp - 1.2 KB) bhop.smx (4.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Enables an automatic round restart when a player selects and joins an empty team during a round (this bug is rare). (Useful for gamemodes such as Jailbreak/Jailmod) Latest source / Latest binary Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (round_restart.sp - 1.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: Advanced auto respawn is a plugin that I made for my friend's fun server but can be used on any other server and for any other modes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Commands: /sm_ar - opens the ar menu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the menu: Enable ar until turn off Enable ar for 30 seconds Enable ar for 1 minute Enable ar for 5 minute. Disable ar. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This plugin comes with godmode for 5 seconds on respawn(for maps that kills on the spawn) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ChangeLog: Quote: 1.0 Realsed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To Do: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add vote for ar. Make a custom time for the menu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enjoy!! If this plugin helped you, you can help me by donating: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ar.sp - 4.4 KB) ar.smx (12.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. Hello, this plugin allow players to have 100% accuracy with the AWP while falling down in a straight line (it also makes the scope unblurry while in dropdown state). Based on how weapons worked in CS:S, this was a very popular way of gaining AWP kills in Surf. Additional this plugin also increases the AWP damage by 50, so you won't do any legshots. If you wish this to be changed, just edit the .sp file and compile. Otherwise i will update the plugin with cvar's. Video example of dropdown: Plugin custom made for the Furious Community Made by Drixevel. Attached Files cssdropdownawp.smx (5.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (cssdropdownawp.sp - 2.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Hello! I want to release my really simple and useable plugin. This one reloads plugins in config every map change. How to use? Put .smx file in plugins/ folder, put plugins_reload.txt in configs/ folder. Write plugin names in plugins_reload.txt file. For Example: PHP Code: basebans store-core admin-flatfile That can be really useful when you server possibly crashes cause of Memory Leak. In next version I will add cvars (like when plugins will restart? Map end or Map start?) Hope you enjoy.:3:3:3 Attached Files plugins_reload.txt (39 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (plugin_reloader.sp - 792 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Firstly I would like to thank Ludastar for his coding expertise, DeathChaos25 for his original Prevent M60 Drop plugin and AtomicStryker for his GunControl plugin. I'm a decent coder but without ludastar's help with optimizations and DeathChaos's and AtomicStryker's plugins this wouldn't have been easy to do. I've always hated unlimited pistol ammo, it made me feel like a cheater, plus what the heck it's more realistic. So without further delay I give to you Pistol Reloading. What this plugin does is forces limited pistol ammo to 120(no need to set a cvar in server config this will override it). Reason being that ammo_pistol_max is now tied into both pistol and magnum(magnum used to have its own cvar but they combined it). Also any amounts above 120 become inaccurate and below aren't divisible evenly, clip wise.So I am forcing it to 120 because both pistol/magum clips are divisible into it. You get 8 pistol clips per pistol and 15 magnum clips. When initially having a gun or picking one up you have an extra clip, once reloaded at ammo piles it goes to normal(120 ammo). As for bots because I realize there would be an issue, I resolved this by replenishing there ammo when they reach 0(infinite bot ammo for pistols/magnums). Human player ammo will stop at 1 once all reserve ammo is used, that way its compatible with Multiple Equipment. AS ALWAYS PLEASE INFORM ME OF ANY ISSUES AND I'LL RESOLVE THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE -MY PLUGINS- Auto Thirdperson Melee v1.6 - Improved Prevent M60 Drop v1.1 - Pistol Reloading v1.0 - Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_pistol_reloading.sp - 6.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Firstly thanks to DeathChaos for allowing me to take over his plugin, secondly thanks to AtomicStryker for his GunControl plugin which i've also learned alot from. Thirdly thanks to Ludastar for all his coding guidance which has helped me become a better coder. Without further delay I give to you [L4D2] Improved Prevent M60 Drop. If you continue to hold down Fire with an empty M60 it'll prevent reload. This issue has been resolved while manually or automatically reloading. M60 utilizing upgraded ammo packs give wrong ammo count with more than 1 clip. Fixed by modifying AtomicStryker's GunControl to only allow 1 clip for m60 only. Other weapons will use the clip count set in the config for upgraded ammo clips. This was specifically designed for use with Multiple Equipment in mind. So if you aren't using Multiple Equipment let me know if there are any issues. Also included are some slight optimizations and all bugs should be fixed. However give it a try and keep in mind this is technically a test version. YOU MUST USE GUNCONTROL INCLUDED IN THIS POST IN ORDER FOR IT TO PROPERLY WORK WITH MULTIPLE EQUIPMENT OR FOR THE AMMO UPGRADE ISSUE TO BE RESOLVED. AS ALWAYS LET ME KNOW IF THERE ARE ANY BUGS AND ENJOY USING A FULLY WORKING M60. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_improved_prevent_m60_drop.sp - 5.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_guncontrol.sp - 24.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Hi i am not really sure if i am allowed to post this thread as it doesn't contain a plug-in i want to share, but i found no forum to request sourcemod plug-ins, only AMX mod X. If i am not allowed to and i am breaking forum rules as we speak i would like to apologize in advance. If that is the case i would dearly ask that any moderators move this thread to the correct section. However, i need help with one of my warden plug-ins. I need to make a simple menu and a voting system to fire the current warden. The voting system would work like this: Ts are the only ones who would be allowed to vote to fire the warden, and the vote would need at least 65% to pass. The menu would look like this: 1. Color Ts --- 1. Green --- 2. Blue --- 3. Red --- 4. Normal 2. Create beacon on the ground. Here is my steam community profile link if you are able to help: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Error log: L 08/18/2016 - 12:26:35: SourceMod error session started L 08/18/2016 - 12:26:35: Info (map "surf_beginner") (file "errors_20160818.log") L 08/18/2016 - 12:26:35: [SM] Exception reported: [ckSurf] Unable to connect to database (Configuration "cksurf" not found) L 08/18/2016 - 12:26:35: [SM] Blaming: ckSurf.smx() L 08/18/2016 - 12:26:35: [SM] Call stack trace: L 08/18/2016 - 12:26:35: [SM] [0] SetFailState L 08/18/2016 - 12:26:35: [SM] [1] Line 158, ckSurf/sql.sp::db_setupDatabase() L 08/18/2016 - 12:26:35: [SM] [2] Line 1849, D:\ckSurf\csgo\addons\sourcemod\scripting\ckS urf.sp::OnPluginStart() L 08/18/2016 - 12:26:35: [SM] Unable to load plugin "ckSurf.smx": Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs) L 08/18/2016 - 12:38:52: Error log file session closed. :cry::cry: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. Hi! This is a simple automatic downloader, for CSGO, but i think its working with another game. _______ CVars: Code: sm_downloader_materials <def. 1> - Add to downloads the materials folder, 0 - disable, 1 - enable sm_downloader_models <def. 1> - Add to downloads the models folder, 0 - disable, 1 - enable sm_downloader_sounds <def. 1> - Add to downloads the sound folder, 0 - disable, 1 - enable _______ Plugin can download the following files: Code: new String: ValidFormats[][] = //VALID, DOWNLOADABLE FILE FORMATS { "mdl", "phy", "vtx", "vvd", //Model files "vmt", "vtf", "png", //Texture and material files "mp3", "wav" //Sound files }; _______ Requirements: - SourceMod 1.8 - Folders: materials, models and sound, or the plugin is send error. _______ Notes: - This plugin is in test stage, so use careful! I test all versions of my plugins before publish, but still may have bugs. - If i forget some file extension, tell me here. ________ Updates: (1.0, 2016.08.17, 17:36) - First release Attached Files (7.5 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_automatic_downloader.sp - 2.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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