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  1. [CSS/CSGO] Kick the nade ! A very simple plugin wich allow you to kick the grenade who are still flying by looking at a position and pressing the key USE (by default : E) Original idea : Thanks to : psychonic Guren Pelipoika for the math and also some other guys but I forgot your names/posts :( 1) Download the SMX file. 2) Put the smx file in the PLUGINS folder. 3) Load the plugin by changing map, or restarting the server. 4) You are done ! No commands yet. No CVAR yet. Feel free to ask None found yet. See at the bottom of this post. Enjoy ! Logs : Spoiler 1.0 - First public release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (KickTheNade.sp - 4.3 KB) KickTheNade.smx (7.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Description: Glowing humans for zombies. Requeriments: Custom Player Skins Zombie:Reloaded Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. ALL CREDITS GO TO: Phoenix. I just translated it (from RU to English) Description: With this plugin you can set to a player an specify color chat/TAG Features Support Admin flags, SteamIDs, Admin groups. Can set Custom Chat TAG with a custom color. Can set Custom color chat. Work only for CS:GO. Commands sm_reloadcc Reloads configuration file. Config file: chat_colors_csgo.ini PHP Code: //ORIGINAL FILE BY Pheonix ( ) translated by Papero //Color list //-------------------------------------- //DEFAULT //TEAM //RED //GREEN //LIME //LIGHTGREEN //LIGHTRED //GRAY //LIGHTOLIVE //OLIVE //PURPLE //LIGHTBLUE //BLUE //-------------------------------------- // // The TAGs/Colors work in this way // STEAMID: In CS:GO is always STEAM_1..., STEAM_0... will not work. // Groups: Name of the group, # before the group name is needed. // Admin flag: Admin flag, @ before the flag is needed // ALL: To target all players //-------------------------------------- // Exaples //-------------------------------------- //"chat_colors_csgo" //{ // "@z" - Admin flag of the players that need the TAG/Color (@ before the flag is needed) // { // "tag" "[Admin] " - Tag // "tag_Color" "RED" - Color of the tag // "name_Color" "TEAM" - Color of the nick // "chat_Color" "RED" - Color of the chat // } // "@a" - Admin flag of the players that need the TAG/Color (@ before the flag is needed) // { // "tag" "[VIP] " - Tag // "tag_Color" "PURPLE" - Color of the tag // "name_Color" "TEAM" - Color of the nick // "chat_Color" "GREEN" - color of the chat // } // "#admin" - Group of the players that need the TAG/Color (# before the group is needed) // { // "tag" "[Админ] " - Tag // "tag_Color" "PURPLE" - Color of the tag // "name_Color" "TEAM" - Color of the nick // "chat_Color" "GREEN" - color of the chat // } // "STEAM_1:0:53564701" - SteamID if the player that need the TAG/Color (In CSGO is always STEAM_1, STEAM_0 will not work) // { // "tag" "[Friends] " - Tag // "tag_Color" "GREEN" - Color of the tag // "name_Color" "TEAM" - Color of the nick // "chat_Color" "RED" - color of the chat // } // "All" - To give the tag to all the players // { // "tag" "[Player] " - Tag // "tag_Color" "GREEN" - Color of the tag // "name_Color" "TEAM" - Color of the nick // "chat_Color" "DEFAULT" - color of the chat // } //} //-------------------------------------- "chat_colors_csgo" { "@z" { "tag" "[ADMIN] " "tag_Color" "RED" "name_Color" "TEAM" "chat_Color" "RED" } } [B]Installation:[B] Put chat_colors_csgo.ini in sourcemod/configs Put chat_colors_csgo_en.smx in sourcemod/plugins Dependencies: Chat-Processor Screenshot: Coming soon... Warnings: Don't use this with Zephyrus store(not tested with other plugins) alright the color might not work and the tag goes after the name. Attached Files (9.6 KB) (9.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (chat_colors_csgo_en.sp - 3.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. This fixes crouch spamming, could be useful for some people. Well, when I was doing my xdream surf server on cs:go (wich I rarely play), I noticed that there was some duck restriction.. So after doing cl_pdump for dumping netvars and see what happened, I saw m_flDuckSpeed being close to 0. What could be done was pretty obvious (for coders), do the following: Code: public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(client, &buttons, &impulse, Float:vel[3], Float:angles[3], &weapon) { if (!IsInGame(client)) { return Plugin_Continue; } new Float:DuckSpeed = GetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Data, "m_flDuckSpeed"); if (DuckSpeed < 7.0) { SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Send, "m_flDuckSpeed", 7.0, 0); } return Plugin_Continue; } I've posted the compiled plugin, maybe some people want it.. Or not. c: Don't forgot that sv_timebetweenducks needs to be set at 0! Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. There is an issue with string parsing for client side chat (the say and say_team commands) in Dystopia that will cause a server to crash; it does not manifest itself when using the say command, server side. To explain it, I will first describe a feature of the client side version of the commands: if the first character of the passed argument is ", then the first, and final characters will be truncated. I imagine the rationale for this design choice is so that chat messages can be surrounded by quotes (this will be done to any message submitted through the chat prompt). So, if the submitted string is only two characters long, or shorter, this essentially creates an empty string. I believe the empty string condition is what crashes the server. This can work in unexpected ways to cause crashes, even from the chat prompt, which surrounds all messages with quotes. Consider the input ";. The chat prompt would cause this to be submitted as `say "";"`. ; has the syntactical significance of indicating the end of a command, so it would be interpreted as: `say "" <END OF COMMAND> "`. This produces the same empty string condition. Further evidence to support this is that the SourceMod server addon will prevent the crash if `say ""` is entered. I believe the section of code responsible for this is near the comment that starts with "The server normally won't display empty say commands, but in this case it does" here: The reason SourceMod does not block all incidences of the empty string condition, is that the check only occurs if the first and last characters are quotes, and the processing performed by SourceMod occurs before that performed by the game. This plugin is written in the SourcePawn transitional syntax, and seeks to remedy the issue. It will do so by checking arguments passed to the say and say_team commands by a client. If the argument begins with a " but does not end with one, the produced chat message will consist of the entire string, with no characters truncated. Otherwise, the plugin will allow the standard behavior of the command. There were different ways that I could have handled the special case, and I think the way chosen for this plugin is fairly sane. My rationale for simply printing the entire string, is to default to the behavior of the server side say command. Changelog: Code: 11-19-2016 (v1.0) * Initial release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (SayCommandFix1.0.sp - 5.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. This plugin lets ragdolls burn after a molotov/incendiary kill. Preview: cheers, punk Attached Files pnks_burningragdoll.smx (4.3 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (pnks_burningragdoll.sp - 1.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. [TF2] Halloween Ball Manager Description : This plugin fix a bug when Projectiles hit the ball stay stuck into it and remove the annoying sound when someone hit the ball, also if your map haven't a halloween ball into it you can spawn how many balls you want by command !hball and remove all in one command !kball. Commands: !hball Spawn Halloween Ball !kball Kill all the balls into the map Server Convar: hball_sound 0 disable ball sound ( default) / 1 enable ball sound credits to : DarthNinja Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (halloween_ball_manager.sp - 3.5 KB) halloween_ball_manager.smx (7.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. COMPILED WITH 1.8+ ! I made a simple plugin that move players to a specific team ! Plugin Description : Move a player to a specific team and the players can join automaticaly a team. Plugin Commands : sm_t - Move player to terrorist team. sm_ct - Move player to counter-terrorist team. sm_spec - Move player to spec team. sm_joint - Move player to terrorist team. sm_joinct - Move player to counter-terrorist team. sm_joinspec - Move player to spec team. Changelogs : Code: - 1.0.0 - RELEASE. NOTE : The admins needs flag ADMFLAG_SLAY to move players. AND ALSO MAKE A REPLY IF THERE IS A BUG OR WHAT CAN I ADD ! Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (moveplayers.sp - 5.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. This plugin is to make bots to force equipping grenades. They can only fire/throw when there's zombies around. And this is my first time uploading the plugin. I made this simple plugin so i can allow bots to equip grenades. They are 4 commands here and it requires admin flag to do it. sm_botgrenade forces all bots to equip grenades. sm_botpipebomb forces bots equip pipe bombs. sm_botmolotov forces bots equip molotov. sm_botvomitjar forces bots equip vomitjar. I recommended to download this gear transfer plugin so the bots can pick up grenades. Attached Files l4d2_botgrenade.smx (4.9 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_botgrenade.sp - 2.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. This is a simple plugin that passively enables a permanently full hype meter for all scouts equipped with the Soda Popper primary weapon, which allows players to do the five mid-air jumps in sequence after leaving the ground. This plugin was created for jump servers to re-enable scout jumping following Valve's changes to the hype meter charging requirements. To restrict this ability, set an override flag to hyperscout_access. For sanity reasons, the hype effect is properly disabled when the Soda Popper is removed due to weapon re-equipping. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (hyperscout.sp - 1.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Simple Teambalance Description: This is a very simple team balance, if the teams are unbalanced, it will try to move a random dead player. If it wont find any dead player it kills a alive player and moves him. Con Vars: sm_tb_enabled - Decides whether Team Balance Plugin is enabled or not. sm_tb_player_count - How much players needed before Team Balance will start. sm_tb_msg - Enable messages for balance team and moves due to balance. Admin Commands: !teambalance - Enable/Disable team balance easy on the fly. !teamchange - Enable/Disable the ability to change the team. To Do: - Nothing yet. Known Bugs: - Nope. Installtion: Just put the .smx into your addons/sourcemod/plugins folder! If you encounter any Bugs, please let me know. Attached Files SimpleTeamBalance.smx (7.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (SimpleTeamBalance.sp - 6.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. This is just a Nice and simple staff rank tags. All it does is add 5 new ranks to your server. Lets say someone is a coowner but you dont have this addon. It would say they are owner. With my addon, just simply drag and drop it into the plugins folder. Then whenever someone has this for example. "STEAMID_0:0:9123415" has these flags, "40:abcdefghr" They would have a tag set as Co Owner. But originally it would be set to owner or admin without this plugin. HTML Code: ^ | | that plugin is required for this addon to work. Simply download the .smx file on the link above this box and download Attached Files cranktagsv1.2.smx (4.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Description: Well, You might think that this plugin i duplicate but as far as i searched this is not! there is also another command blocker by pRED* that adds cheat flag to commands for blocking them but in this plugin it adds them as a sourcemod command and deny any requests to those commands. Convars(Add to server.cfg): sm_blockcmd #Command - This will block the command from being used by anyone and will also report Name + SteamID of anyone who tries to use it. sm_kickcmd #Command - This will block the command from being used by anyone and will kick anyone tries to use the command (will also report who used the command). sm_bancmd #Command - This will block the command from being used by anyone and will ban permanently anyone tries to use the command. Installation: Nothing just copy the .smx to sourcemod/plugins NOTE: this might not block all commands but will do that on most of them. Report anybugs down here. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Simple Command Blocker.sp - 2.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Chicken seem to respawn after some time in csgo and using stripper to kill pet_entity or chicken won't work. This plugin should check map every 5 seconds for any chickens and remove them. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (chicken_cleanup.sp - 653 Bytes) chicken_cleanup.smx (4.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Hello AlliedMods Community ! I don't know if i'm posting in the wrong section because it's not rlly a plugin, it's a theme for this plugin : Screenshots : LOGIN : PANEL : I Install Instructions : Put all the archive files in the savm folder. ( Simple :) ) Attached Files SAVM Bootstrap (1.43 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. This is plugin that will turn terrorist side knifes into hands. Works right now with any hands. Most likely this will be used in jailbreak, but later I will maybe even add some configs to it, so you can specify which team do you want to have these hands, maybe even config to turn them off and so on. This plugin includes also clientside, server side sounds of hitting wall, player. There might be some bugs - if you find any, plase report the bug and I will try to fix it. Kaesar for knife model boomix for making this shieet Sendproxy extension Sendproxy extension ( Added the extension files bellow: linux and windows. Quote: Create not visible flash/decoy model for the world model view ( Create config file, where you change different configs ? :D Your suggestions / bug fixes Attached Files Realistic hands.7z (132.3 KB) Sendproxy extension.7z (1.09 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [TF2] SelfGag

    SelfGagA plugin that that allows a player to gag other players, but just for himself. Everyone in the server can gag everyone (you can even gag yourself :P). Usage sm_sg/sm_selfgag SelfGags a player, if no name is provided, it shows a menu sm_sug/sm_selfungag SelfUnGags a player, if no name is provided, it shows a menu sm_cg/sm_checkgaggedPrints a list of all the SelfGagged players Installation Dowload the lastest release Drag the files to your sourcemod folder Load the plugin from the console or restart the server NotesThe project is hosted on GitHub, if you want to add a new feature create a PR, I'll be grateful to check it out. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. [TF2] Chain Lightning v.1.0 Description: Quote: Creates a lightning chain that hurts surrounding players. Change the color of it, the damage, whether or not it unifies the damage spread across all targets, and whether or not effects on critical shots. Dependency: Quote: Sourcemod 1.7+ Metamod 1.10+ to compile Installation: Quote: Place chainlightning.smx to addons/sourcemod/plugins/ Place chainlightning.cfg to cfg/sourcemod/ and edit your convars to fit your needs ConVars: Quote: sm_clight_enabled - (Default: 1) - Enables/Disables plugin sm_clight_distance - (Default: 300) - Distance the lightning can hit sm_clight_targets - (Default: 3) - How many targets it can hit at once sm_clight_damage - (Default: 0.25) - How much damage to do to targets in respect to original damage. (If you shot player A with 100 damage, the targets that the lightning strike hits will do 25 damage.) sm_clight_unify - (Default: 1) - Unify all damage across target and original victim with respect to sm_clight_damage. (If sm_clight_damage is 0.25 and sm_clight_unify is 1, assume you do 100 damage then all targets INCLUDING the original victim you shot will take 25 damage. If sm_clight_unify is 0 then ONLY the targets will be hit with 25 and the original victim will be hit with the original damage of 100) sm_clight_crits - (Default: 0) - Only enable this effect on critical hits Commands: Quote: sm_clight - Enables/Disables chain lightning sm_clightcolor - Opens a menu to change the color of lightning List of colors: Quote: Lightning can be changed to these colors: - team - black - green - yellow - orange - red - navy - blue - purple - teal - pink - aquamarine - peachpuff - white Version Log: Quote: 1.0 - Release Credit: Quote: Hipster - Admin Smite Plugin - Taken the lightning material Github source: here Attached Files chainlightning.cfg (776 Bytes) chainlightning.smx (17.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (chainlightning.sp - 9.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. This plugin replicates the showtriggers_toggle console command without the need of sv_cheats. If you're not familiar with what it does, it basically loops through all trigger entities on the map and toggles their visibility. There is only one command and it is sm_showtriggers Here is a demo of how it looks like: I have only tested it on CS:S but on theory it should work for any game. Thanks to: unt0uch4bl3 for the idea itself as I've personally seen this in action first on KSF Surf. Pan32 for introducing me to the idea and inspiring me to make this plugin. Feel free to alter the source code to your needs. I am not sure if I'll be taking feature requests at this point in time. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (showtriggers.sp - 3.9 KB) showtriggers.smx (5.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Last Request - Throwing Knife Descripition: The name already says, throwing knife for last request on hosties plugin! I found this Request and make this LR, but for CSGO only, but not tested on CSS!! Requeriments: You need SM_Hosties for run on server! For compile you need Colors[INC] EmitSoundAny And from hosties plugin up here! Cvars: throwingknives_velocity" "1900" - Velocity of Knife throwingknives_damage "20" - Damege of Knife throwingknives_hsdamage "80" - Damage on HeadShot throwingknives_modelscale "1.0" - Scale of Knife (float) throwingknives_gravity "1.0" - Set float Gravity of Knife throwingknives_elasticity "0.2" - Set float Elasticity of Knife throwingknives_maxlifetime "1.5" - Set float Life Time of Knife throwingknives_trails "1" - Trais follow the throwing knive? Set 1 for on, 0 for off Thanks for Bacardi for made this plugin (i used for base) [CSS & CSGO] Throwing Knives Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (lr_throwingknife.sp - 18.6 KB) lr_throwingknife.smx (18.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. [CSGO] Vote The BunnyHop By YellowSwag Description: when there are enough players type !bhop on the server The Auto bhop Enabled, and when auto bhop enabled players can type !bhop for disabling the auto bhop Commands: !bhop - To vote for auto bhop Requests: [CS:GO/CSS] AbNeR Bunny Hopping v2.0 Credits: YellowSwag - author. if you want to donate me knife or something: my steam: Attached Files Vote The BunnHop v2.smx (7.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (Vote The BunnHop v2.sp - 5.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Description: A configurable arms/gloves menu with zombiereloaded support. Features: -You can set flag for X model. -You can set team for X model. -Client selection saved. -You change the gloves model instantly. -File for add downloads included. -Auto precache models. Commands: !arms - open main menu !gloves - open main menu !reloadarms - reload arms configuration (root access) Configuration: -Put all the file routes to the downloads.txt file. -Configure the configuration.txt file. Example: Code: "CustomModels" { "cloud9 glove" // model name { "model" "models/weapons/eminem/ct_arms_idf_cloud_9.mdl" // model route "team" "both" // team. You can set "both", "CT", "TT" or with zombiereloaded enabled use "Human", "zombie" "flag" "b" // flag needed for select skin. if you dont add "flag" then the skin is public. } } Credits: AuTok1NGs - For idea and models. Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Download models - Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Description: A configurable arms/gloves menu with zombiereloaded support. Features: -You can set flag for X model. -You can set team for X model. -Client selection saved. -You change the gloves model instantly. -File for add downloads included. -Auto precache models. Commands: !arms - open main menu !gloves - open main menu !reloadarms - reload arms configuration (root access) Configuration: -Put all the file routes to the downloads.txt file. -Configure the configuration.txt file. Example: Code: "CustomModels" { "cloud9 glove" // model name { "model" "models/weapons/eminem/ct_arms_idf_cloud_9.mdl" // model route "team" "both" // team. You can set "both", "CT", "TT" or with zombiereloaded enabled use "Human", "zombie" "flag" "b" // flag needed for select skin. if you dont add "flag" then the skin is public. } } Credits: AuTok1NGs - For idea and models. Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Download models - Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Description: Adds different ammo pack types that once deployed, will make survivors have an advantage against infected but also has a disadvantage to themselves. ConVars: "different_ammo_packs-l4d2_version" - "1.0" (Version of this plugin) "different_ammo_packs-l4d2_on" - "1" (Enable/Disable Plugin) "different_ammo_packs-l4d2_freeze_duration" - "10.0" (Duration of Freeze Box's Effect) "different_ammo_packs-l4d2_matrix_duration" - "15.0" (Duration of Matrix Box's Effect) "different_ammo_packs-l4d2_notification" - "1" (Enable/Disable Notifications) Ammo Pack Types: Freeze Box - Freezes the deployer and nearby teammates. Matrix Box - Slows the time and makes infected visible Ammo Box - Spawns incendiary and explosive ammo packs. Fireworks Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Spawns Dark Carnival fireworks in the spot the deployer deployed the ammo pack. Spit Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Launches a spit projectile at the deployer's feet. Airstrike Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Displays The Parish F-18 Airstrike. Jingle Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Incaps and burns the deployer while making him untouchable Flame Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Burns the deployer while gaining a little speed. Bile Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Depends on chance, either biles the deployer or spawns bile jars in his origin. Witch Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Spawns a witch somewhere ahead of the deployer. Meteor Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Displays meteor showers. Points Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Adds or subtracts deployer's points. Fun Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Either makes infected small or large, or plays catchy music. Speed Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Deployer will be faster than others. Immune Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Temporary god mode for the deployer. Heal Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Either heals the deployer or spawns medkits and pills. Mob Box (pre-made but not implemented) - Spawns a mob. Rush Box (pre-made but not implemented, not recommended for non-rush servers) - Displays a countdown in hint boxes and kills those who are not in the saferoom. Bugs: I'll be busy this week so I don't know when I will be online again, but report immediately so I can fix it. To Do: Take requests if the boxes above don't satisfy your tastes. Independencies: None for now but there will be once implementations occur. Note: Requires glow include and more if the pre-made boxes are implemented. Changelog: 11-09-16 : Initial release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (different_ammo_packs-l4d2.sp - 5.7 KB) (3.0 KB) different_ammo_packs-l4d2.smx (9.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. Description: This is a NoScope Detector Plugin for CSGO. Weapon Detector List: AWP, SSG08 Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (noscopeyakala.sp - 1.6 KB) noscopeyakala.smx (14.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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