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  1. Allows you to ride on another teammate's back! Mount: Right-Click (if tf2: with melee weapon out) Dismount: Jump (tf2) /Pickup weapon button (CSGO) for TF2 version spy is disabled (for now) Cvars: "pb_method" "0" "Method to handle a piggybacking player. 1 = force view, 2 = disable shooting (tf2 only) , 0 = do nothing "pb_enable" "1" "Enable piggybacking" Credits: Mecha the slug (original mod) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (piggyback.sp - 8.2 KB) piggyback.smx (13.2 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (piggyback_csgo.sp - 7.1 KB) piggyback_csgo.smx (12.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Since nobody decided to publish a health bar plugin for CS:S I decided to do one. I have drawn the health bar sprites myself using PAINT.NET with VTF plugin. VMT uses "Sprite" with proper sprite orientation so that the health bar looks 2D from any angle (looks 3D and become thinner vmt specify it as "unlitgeneric" or other. Health bar changes length and colour at 5% health interval Added two cvars to make it more customizable. Cvars: Code: sm_healthbar_time 5.0 // Time before health bar disappear when player receive damage. Default = 5.0, Always show health bar = 0 sm_healthbar_render 1 /* Health bar rendermode. Default = 1, you can change it to other mode to see how the health bar is displayed in different environment. Other settings includes integers from 0 to 10 (see:*/ How it works: If sm_healthbar_time is set to 0, healthbar will always displayed above player head until death. If sm_healthbar_time is non-zero, healthbar will only appear when player takes damage and disappears after the set value. Continuous damage will reset the timer. If any of the cvars is changed during game: Set to 0: All healthbar would be removed. Set to non-zero: All health bar will be recreated. Installation: Place sm_healthbar.smx in cstrike\addons\sourcemod\plugins Extract the sprites to your cstrike\materials folder Done Limitations: Does not work with other health regeneration mod or when player health is changed through commands like SetEntData since health change is detect through only the "player_hurt" event. Sorry, will try to implement. Bugs: If you decide to change cvar during gameplay, health bar will shift position if player is crouching or jumping. Therefore Recommend you to place the cvars in server.cfg and not change them during game play. Thats all so far. I have tried testing it over and over and did checks like if player is alive, is health bar already created ... etc. So tel me if you find any bugs other than stated in my limitations above! :) If anyone can test if this plugin works for other games please tell me thanks!!! Attached Files (14.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_healthbar.sp - 9.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Since nobody decided to publish a health bar plugin for CS:S I decided to do one. I have drawn the health bar sprites myself using PAINT.NET with VTF plugin. VMT uses "Sprite" with proper sprite orientation so that the health bar looks 2D from any angle (looks 3D and become thinner when vmt specify it as "unlitgeneric" or other. Health bar changes length and colour at 5% health interval Added two cvars to make it more customizable. Cvars: Code: sm_healthbar_time 5.0 // Time before health bar disappear when player receive damage. Default = 5.0, Always show health bar = 0 sm_healthbar_render 1 // Health bar rendermode. Default = 1, you can change it to other mode to see how the health bar is displayed in different environment (default value is good enough). Other settings includes integers from 0 to 10 (see:) How it works: If sm_healthbar_time is set to 0, healthbar will always displayed above player head until death. If sm_healthbar_time is non-zero, healthbar will only appear when player takes damage and disappears after the set value. Continuous damage will reset the timer. If any of the cvars is changed during game: Set to 0: All healthbar would be removed. Set to non-zero: All health bar will be recreated. Installation: Place sm_healthbar.smx in cstrike\addons\sourcemod\plugins Extract the sprites to your cstrike\materials folder Done Limitations: Does not work with other health regeneration mod or when player health is changed through commands like SetEntData since health change is detect through only the "player_hurt" event. Sorry, will try to implement. Bugs: If you decide to change cvar during gameplay, health bar will shift position if player is crouching or jumping. Therefore Recommend you to place the cvars in server.cfg and not change them during game play. Thats all so far. I have tried testing it over and over and did checks like if player is alive, is health bar already created ... etc. So tel me if you find any bugs other than stated in my limitations above! :) Attached Files healthbar.smx (8.2 KB) (14.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. 0.1 - Release. 0.2 - Changed destroy code(thx TonyBaretta) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (balance_fix.sp - 1.4 KB) balance_fix.smx (6.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Description: This plugin is intended for Zombie:Reloaded servers, I wrote this just for fun :)Zombies standing inside an inferno created by Molotov / Incindiary will be on fire, they will get extinguished if they step outside of it.If you want the slow effect you should use Rules of _P burning slowdown fix or another such plugin. Cvars: Code: None at this moment (?) Changelog: Spoiler Quote: Version 1.0: Initial release Download & Installation: Drop in plugins folder. If compiling yourself make sure to include zombiereloaded Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (inf_ignite.sp - 3.5 KB) inf_ignite.smx (5.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. remake of zeus round :) taser & knife REMAKE on start round player has deagle & awp Join see how remake work<-- :) zeus_remake_awp_dgl_v6 are only awp & dgl :) Attached Files zeusround.phrases.txt (742 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (zeus_remake_awp_dgl_v6.sp - 32.1 KB) zeus_remake_awp_dgl_v6.smx (16.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Simple Snowfall A super simple snow plugin which should work with any games, and should not cause crashes as it automatically adjusts bounds to make sure they are within a playable area. Merry Christmas :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (SimpleSnowfall.sp - 2.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    This is a coinflip plugin! You type !coinflip in the chat and the coin will flip and either land on terrorist or counter terrorist. It's 50/50% chance. I also made one for Eccas Warden plugin, so only the warden can flip the coin. Everything is translatable, so you can edit it however you want it. Put the .smx file in plugins and .txt file in translations Commands: !coinflip PHP Code: public OnPluginStart() { RegConsoleCmd("sm_coinflip", OnFlip, "Flip the coin"); LoadTranslations("warden-coinflip.phrases") } public Action:OnFlip(client, args) { if (warden_iswarden(client) == CanUseCommand) switch(GetRandomInt(1, 2)) { case 1: { CPrintToChatAll("%t %t", "MSG_PREFIX", "Terrorist"); } case 2: { CPrintToChatAll("%t %t", "MSG_PREFIX", "Counter Terrorist"); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "MSG_PREFIX", "Only Warden"); } return Plugin_Handled; } This is one of my first plugins, so give criticism.:) Attached Files Warden-coinflip.smx (13.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (Warden-coinflip.sp - 1,019 Bytes) warden-coinflip.phrases.txt (413 Bytes) Coinflip.smx (13.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (Coinflip.sp - 789 Bytes) Coinflip.phrases.txt (285 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. This is small plugin that replaces decoy model with snowball model. Models may not seem to work very perfect, because they are from garrysmod :D Config file: cfg/sourcemod/snowball.cfg sm_EnableSnowballTrail sm_GiveAnotherSnowballAfterThrow sm_SnowballHitDamage sm_SnowballHitPlayerType sm_SpawnSnowballOnPlayerSpawn sm_TimeToGiveSnowballAfterThrow sm_SnowballEnable sm_SnowballUnfreezeTime sm_SnowballEnableOnlyWarmup Explantion for each cvar in the config file! :) I have also added one event for developers, if they want to do something with the guy who hit someone or who was hitted: Snowball_HitPlayer(int client, int attacker). Download & put files from sendproxy Download snowball files & put them in server Restart server Configure convars in cfg/sourcemod/snowball.cfg Attached Files Snowball plugin.7z (3.88 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. remake of zeus round :) taser & knife REMAKE on start round player has deagle & awp + flashbang,hegrenade,molotov new round new items:) for awp servers good remake i thing:) have a nice play:) ip of test server:) Join see how remake work<-- :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (zeus_remake_awp_dgl_v5.sp - 32.8 KB) zeus_remake_awp_dgl_v5.smx (16.6 KB) zeusround.phrases.txt (742 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Description: Simple Coop Manager is a simple plugin for cooperative servers managements. This plugin simply fixes server's needed configurations on each round and fix bots amount and player's team and even tell and move players to the team you set on the plugins configurations. Cvars: -You have to add these commands on Server.cfg (if you are running server with different coop maps use MapConfigs to make changes per map). - sm_bot_team #TeamName (T = 1 , CT = 2) (Default 1) --> This convar will tell the plugin which team should bots be added on. - sm_cm_enable 1/0 (Default 1) --> Enable/Disable plugin. - sm_bots_knife_only 1/0 (Default 1) --> this is useful when bots should not have knifes (like on Coop_Mission_Haunted) - sm_cm_maxrounds #Maxrounds --> useful on maps that have internal configurations executing them selves each round start. Note: This Plugin will Gets your server's name and add a small hint for player to join into which team so if you're going to make it work correctly add your hostname into autoexec.cfg or use it via +hostname "ServerName" into server running options. I Hope You enjoy. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Coop Manager.sp - 4.0 KB) Coop Manager.smx (5.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    Anyone new to SourceMod looking to add more than 4 players to their L4D2 campaign or any veterans already familiar with solutions out there but are looking for something different, here it is. It's really just a new way to do old things and adds a few complimentary features I think will be appreciated. It may for this reason never be an approved plugin but I'm pretty cool with that at this point. Some Notes On 4 different Linux servers and one virtual machine, it ran as flawless as it should. On one Windows dedicated server and one virtual machine, it blew up and crashed when adding a large number of bots. If you have time and patience and want to see if you can get it to run on Windows any better than I can, please be my guest. Because of these differences between Windows and Linux, I acknowledge this release to be alpha and without warranty of any kind. Please see my GitLab page for some finer detailed points about ABM. Attached Files abm.tar.gz (45.6 KB) abm.smx (28.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (abm.sp - 49.6 KB) abm.txt (1.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Description: Just what the title says. Available Cheats: Wall Hack - most of you know already know this but for those who don't, these makes walls translucent and players see through. Speed Hack - again as mentioned above but this changes the player's speed. Gravity Hack - changes the player's gravity, useful for zombie servers. Invincibility - nothing and I mean absolutely nothing can kill the player. Teleport - warps the player to another player's location. Teleport Mode - (All, Ally, Enemy) filters players that aren't in the category. Always Headshot - every kill count as a headshot. Bugs: Tested and didn't encounter any but please report if you do found something. To Do: Add more cheats. Add restrictions to prevent players from abusing the cheat. Add support for SourceBans. Improve Wall Hack. Note: The file attached below is password protected to prevent some leechers. If you want it, please PM me. Changelog: 12-14-16 : First release. Attached Files (3.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. TF2 Snowballs description : Using Special attack key (attack3 or mouse3) players can shoot a snowball every 1.5 sec. enemy hitted get stunned for 1 sec becoming "ice color". Cvar: stunball_sound "0", "Enables/disables stunball sound. Changelogs: 1.0 initial release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (snowball.sp - 3.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Description: As stated in the title, it precaches game files that are bound to be the cause of server/game crashes. Also fixes the "player/survivor/voice/teengirl/hordeattack10.wav" missing sound file. Independencies: All plugins that precaches models. They conflict and even make the server not load the map due to repeated process of model precaching. Changelog: 12-10-16 : First release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (game_files_precacher-l4d2.sp - 8.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. Advanced Admin ESP This is a total remake of CSGO Admin ESP. This plugin allows admins to give the ESP to others besides themselves. Dedication: This plugin is dedicated to Root_, this is not to demean he original plugin, since his demise there were a few bugs and in order to fix those I had to create a new plugin submission. Commands: sm_giveesp <player> [0/1] //Give ESP to a certain player sm_esp [0/1] //Toggle/Set ESP on Convars: Code: sm_advanced_esp_tcolor "144 120 72 64" //Determines R G B A glow colors for Terrorists team Format should be "R G B A" (with spaces) sm_advanced_esp_ctcolor "72 96 144 64" //Determines R G B A glow colors for Counter-Terrorists team Format should be "R G B A" (with spaces) sm_advanced_esp_default "0" //Set to 1 if admins should automatically be given ESP when they connect sm_advanced_esp_lifestate "0" //Set to 1 if admins should only see esp when dead, 2 to only see esp while alive, 0 dead or alive. sm_advanced_esp_notify "0" //Set to 1 if giving and setting esp should notify the rest of the server. REQUIRES TRANSLATIONS TO BE INSTALLED. DOWNLOAD Plugin Translation File Source Github Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Description: With this plugin a player (flag a) can reset his gravity/speed or an admin can force it. Features Player can reset themself their speed/gravity Admin can force reset of the gravity/speed Commands sm_rs Reset yourself speed sm_rg Reset yourself gravity sm_frs <Player> Force reset speed sm_frs <Player> Force reset gravity. Thanks to cravenge for his help. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Reset_Gravity_Speed.sp - 2.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. [CSGO] Chicken Colors Description : This plugin give random color(s) to chickens, there are 3 type of chicken Black , Gold , Rainbow ( change colors). Work fine with others chickens plugins and zombie chicken. Installation : Copy chicken_colors.smx into addons/sourcemod/plugins and restart the server or map Changelogs : 1.0 initial release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (chicken_colors.sp - 1.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. Description: FreeKill report it's a plugin that made for jailbreak servers, the plugin allow players on ct team to report for fk while they are dead, example: ct freekilled a terrorist, the terrorist type !fk and it prints to online admins this message: "XXX(t name) report XXX(ct name) for freekilling him". Commands: sm_fk - Report for freekill - Terrorists only Cvars: None Version history: 1.0 - Realse Support: Here or in private PM. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (FKReport.sp - 2.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Hello, i wanted to combine different types of detections to make an AC-Tool like SMAC. I'm now searching for a working ANTI-Wallhack or a code-snippet to work with. I have't tried latest SMAC yet but i am a little bit confused of a string in one file: Code: if (GetEngineVersion() == Engine_CSGO) { strcopy(error, err_max, "This module is disabled for this game. Enable \"sv_occlude_players\" for the same feature."); return APLRes_Failure; } Does this mean, that the SMAC Anti-Wallhack isn't available for CSGO? Best regards Christian Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Things which the gift have 1) +50 hp 2) $500 3) $16000 4) Bankrupt 5) -$500 6) AWP with 10 bullets 7) -gravity 8) +speed Attached Files xmas.amxx (14.7 KB) (11.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. [CS:GO] Timed CTBans Developed by GryTrean Description: This plugin allows server administrators to ban a player or SteamID from joining the CT team for an entered amount of rounds. This plugin is still under development and minor bugs might still be found. Plugin is tested and should work with other plugins without any problems. Features: CTBans for any amount of rounds MySQL connected Ban Reason Ban-Status command SteamID banning/unbanning Multiple CT-Join blocking (round start, round end, swapteam) Commands: sm_ctban <player> <rounds> <reason> - Bans a PLAYER from the CT Team for X ROUNDS. The last argument is to set a reason for the ban - Shows when player gets banned and when he/she checks ban status sm_ctunban <player> - Unbans a PLAYER from the CT Team. sm_ctstatus - If you are banned, returns the reason of the ban. If you are not, informs you that you can join the CT Team. To allow players to CTBan others, give them the "ADMFLAG_SLAY" flag The plugin does at this moment not contain any CVARS or Translation files. These are planned to be created in the upcoming versions. Installation: Drop ctbans.smx to /sourcemod/plugins Eventually drop ctbans.sp to /sourcemod/scripting Add this to databases.cfg (of course with your information instead of the given Code: "ctbans" { "driver" "default" "host" "localhost" "database" "sourcemod" "user" "root" "pass" "" } Restart the server (for the highest chance of working. Not sure if just reloading the plugin will properly connect to MySQL). Planned Updates: Checking other players ban-status Perm-Bans Your ideas :) Changelog: Code: 03.11.2016 * Started Developing the plugin 03.12.2016 * Intial plugin release on AlliedModders Screenshots: CTBan Spoiler CTUnban Spoiler Swithteam while banned & CTStatus Spoiler Thank you for taking your time and reading this. I hope you will like the plugin, it might also be smart to tell you, that this is the actual first plugin I upload here. I have some more JailBreak plugins on my disk (more than 3000 lines of code!) which I will be glad to sell by a nice price. I hope I didnt forget anything, if you have any questions, just write in the comments below and I will try to answer. I also appreciate all donates I get. I give out plugins for free which are not always that easy to make. Thank you! Donate: Attached Files [ENG] ctban.smx (9.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source ([ENG] ctban.sp - 9.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Description: Lerp Monitor - checks player's lerp settings. Rate Monitor - checks player's rate settings. Functions: Both of these plugins checks all players' settings and if it doesn't match the server's values, the players will be kicked. Also prohibits fake pings and doesn't need Ready Up plugin to be loaded. Note: If players are getting kicked while connecting, make sure to put this in your server: (autoexec.cfg) Code: cl_updaterate "used value" cl_cmdrate "used value" (server.cfg) Code: rate "used value" sv_minrate "used value" sv_maxrate "used value" sv_mincmdrate "used value" sv_maxcmdrate "used value" Changelog: 12-02-16 : First release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (lerp_monitor.sp - 7.5 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (rate_monitor.sp - 11.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. A simple gamemode I thought of remaking in csgo while messing around with the "item_coop_coin" entity Description Kill confirmed is a gamemode where you have to confirm the kills you or a teammate makes by collects a coin that spawns when someone is killed. ConVars Spoiler // How long till coins despawn // - // Default: "10" // Minimum: "0.000000" kc_coinlife "10" // Points gained for collected a coin of the opposing team // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" kc_collectpointgain "1" // How many points does the other team lose when their coin is collected // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" kc_collectpointloss "0" // Score required to win // - // Default: "30" // Minimum: "0.000000" kc_maxscore "30" Bugs Spoiler None know atm Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (KillConfirmed.sp - 5.3 KB) KillConfirmed.smx (8.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [TF2]Spy poop

    [TF2]Spy poop desciption : Using the box trot taunt a poop spawn and if touched scare the player for 5 sec Server command: poop_max 2.0 (def) max number of poop x client how to install : 1. unzip the pack into TF folder upload the files into FASTDL folder into your fastdownload site 2. restart the server. 3. enjoy Credits : Benoist3012 Knuckles for poop model Attached Files (236.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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