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  1. Simple Weapon Restrictor This plugin simply restricts weapons, so they can't be used. All weapons can easily be restricted by the use of commands or the config file. The plugin is "sv_cheats"-friendly, and it's impossible to equip a restricted weapon. (If that's not the case, please contact me) Feature list Very simple to use Prevent specific weapons from being used Control restricted weapons through commands Easy-to-use config file for permanent restrictions Commands wr_restrict <weapon*> - Restricts the given weapon. wr_unrestrict <weapon*> - Unrestricts the given weapon. wr_reload - Reloads the config files. (Note: This removes all temporary restrictions.) All commands require the config admin flag. *: The weapon parameter can either be the classname (e.g. weapon_awp) or the weapon alias (e.g. awp). It's also case-insensitive. Config The config adds a neat and simple way to permanently restrict weapons. It's not needed and does not have to be present at all. The config is located in addons/sourcemod/configs/restricted_weapons.txt. It's a plain text file, where each line is an entry in the restrictions list. A line consists of just a weapon alias, which works the same way as the commands. The plugin will yield warning, if a line is an invalid weapon or if the same weapon is listed multiple times. An example of a config file could be: Code: awp p90 weapon_Glock rpg weapon_deagle weapon_stunstick P90 The config uses both class names and aliases, but there's some invalid weapons and some other weapons are listed multiple times. The plugin skips the invalid entries and works fine even with errors in the config, but it does print some warnings in the console to assist the server manager: Code: [WR] Config file: WARNING - Invalid entry: rpg! (Line: 4) [WR] Config file: WARNING - Invalid entry: stunstick! (Line: 6) [WR] Config file: WARNING - Duplicate entry: p90! (Line: 7) [WR] Config file: Loaded 4 restriction(s). This makes it easy to identify mistakes. It loaded 4 restrictions in total: awp, p90, glock, and deagle. The other lines were simply skipped. A more detailed description of the loading process can be seen with debug enabled. The ConVar config is located in cfg/sourcemod/restricted_weapons.txt Installation If you want to utilize the config file, then you have to manually create the file: addons/sourcemod/configs/restricted_weapons.txt. Otherwise, it's a normal plugin installation. ConVars wr_debug (default: false/0) - Prints debug information to the console. wr_version - The current version of the plugin. Plans Commenting in config file Listing restrictions Further customization I see this plugin as done, because I want to keep it simple. But I'm open for suggestions. Notes This plugin must be compiled with SourceMod v1.8 or higher. I know this plugin isn't anything major, but I've been working with SourcePawn for about a year now, and I've mostly done private plugins. I thought this simple plugin, which I made for a friend, might be a good start on AM. So, yea, this is also my first post, so the formatting might be odd. Thanks for giving my plugin a look! Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (SimpleWeaponRestrictor.sp - 9.1 KB) SimpleWeaponRestrictor.smx (17.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. This plugin comes with everthing you need to add adawong with all the assets. This is adawong inplay [Video] This was just a simple small project altho i really hated the data input part. Info This have Rochelle as base actor with adawong model, i have tried to get the arms working but i had no luck :c This will work with fakezoey if you use it for windows ########################################## You need SceneProcessor to use this plugin [SceneProcessor]# ########################################### INSTALL GUIDE: 1:Extract AdaWong_ServerStuff.7z and merge the left4dead2 folder starting at .../Left 4 Dead 2 on your server This folder contains all the asset's e.g. sounds, model and texture ############################################# ##################### Don't merge if you have a FastDownload server with a smdownloader config setup already. place the files your self 2:Extract AdaWong_SourceMod_Stuff.7z and merge the sourcemod folder starting at .../Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/addons Optional Plugin: DeathChaos25's Melee Grunts plugin for adawong too, makesure you remove the old version. sourcemod/plugins/Optional/[L4D2] Melee Weapon Grunts.smx Use if you want. Source[Here] Plugin: SurvivorChatSelect, find this folder located sourcemod/plugins/SurvivorChatSelect/ Windows Users move survivor_chat_select(Windows).smx (This works with FakeZoey) to sourcemod/plugins folder Linux users do the same but use the survivor_chat_select(Linux).smx instead. ############################################# #################### People with FastDownload Server Extract AdaWong_FastDlStuff.7z and place left4dead2 folder your root directory (if you don't know what your really doing) and have your download link like so ---> sv_downloadurl "" <--- Setting up Config file and smdownloader First you need SmDownloader[Link] follow install instructions and either merge downloads_simple.ini located at sourcemod/configs (All download paths are included in the file just copy and paste them) or Replace downloads_simple.ini file. This folder contains all the asset's e.g. sounds, model and texture ############################################# #################### People with no FastDownload server Extract the AdaWong_ClientSide.7z folder and place sm_adawong.vpk in your addons folder of your left4dead 2 game .../Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/addons Make sure you give this to your friend's sm_adawong.vpk if you want your friends not to see errors and hear no sound from adawong. This folder contains all the asset's e.g. sounds, model and texture in a vpk format ############################################# #################### The files are too big for allied modders AdaWong_ServerStuff.7z[LINK] <-- click link to get assets AdaWong_FastDlStuff.7z[LINK] <-- click link to get assets AdaWong_ClientSide.7z[LINK] <-- click link to get assets ############################################# #################### Source of all plugins are in the archive below too:twisted: :twisted::twisted: Attached Files AdaWong_SourceMod_Stuff.7z (47.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Description: CCC - Tag Changer is a plugin that I made because I wanted it for alot of time and I think that I am not the only one that want this plugin, this plugin changes your tag by doing a simple command/ Commands: sm_tag <tag> - Changes your tag Cvars: None! How to download: Just put the ccc_tag_changer.smx file on tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins folder and restart your self or load it by doing sm plugins load ccc_tag_changer. If that plugin helped you, you can help me by donating to me: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ccc_tag_changer.sp - 3.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Simple plugin really. Designed to be simple. Allows all users to set the hexadecimal color of their chat or name in the chatbox. I will eventually add a timestamp thing. -Requires my edit (in zip) of morecolors. I call it morecolorsX. I actually think I got most of it from Master53. -Saves and Loads via Clientprefs Image: sm_namecolor <HEX> (ex. sm_namecolor FF0E4F) - Set the color of your name in the chat sm_textcolor <HEX> (ex. sm_textcolor FF0E4F) - Set the color of your message in the chat Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (advanced_chatbox.sp - 5.4 KB) Advanced (7.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. ABOUT With this plugin, admins with a certain flag will be able to do a credit giveaway that selects a random player on the server to win a pre determined number of Zephyrus Store credits. FEATURES Admins with a certain flag (or above) will be able to do giveaways. Number of credits given by the plugin can be determined. Plugin chat tag can be customized. Minimum of players needed for the giveaway also customizable. Translations. COMMANDS sm_giveaway (does the giveaway) CVARS sm_chattag (Chat Tag that appears in front of everything this plugin says.) sm_flag (Warning: in this cvar you can't put the flag as a single character like z, you have to use it like this: ADMFLAG_<flag>) sm_giveaway_credits (Number of credits given.) sm_minplayers (Minimum players required in the server for the giveaway to happen.) INSTALLATION zgiveaway.smx in addons/sourcemod/plugins zgiveaway.phrases.txt in addons/sourcemod/translations Server will generate .cfg file in cfg/sourcemod where you can customize all the cvars DEPENDENCIES Store by Zephyrus ( ADMIN FLAGS TO BE USED WITH THIS PLUGIN TO BE DONE Make the plugin create logs Giveaway command cvar Attached Files zgiveaway.smx (17.3 KB) zgiveaway.phrases.txt (585 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    Help! sm_merasmus and other Unkown Command!:shock: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Hello! I realese very simple plugin, that allows you to have a multiple player boosts/towers ("totem") . Could be usefull for some JB servers, maybe for some zombie servers? You can find/use it anywhere you like! No cvars, no configs, just drag&drop plugin in your addons folder. Idea comes from CS 1.6 Spoiler So here is the plugin in action in CS:GO Want to buy me a beer? Steam trade offer Paypal - [email protected] Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (multipleplayerboost.sp - 586 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. Plugin: This plugin is intended for Zombie:Reloaded servers. I wrote this as a replacement for Molotov's for two reasons: Molotov's are fairly overpowered and make the game too easy They can cause lag when many are thrown over many players Description: Knocks back players hurt by grenades in the direction the attacker was looking when he threw it. Theoretically this should lag much less; as it only makes one call per victim per grenade (and no visual effects or igniting) To prevent "fail nades" or player trolling victims will only go in one direction and victims behind the attacker will only go vertical. (this prevents attackers looking in the opposite direction and wall bouncing them) As this is intended for Z:R it currently only works on Terrorists / Zombies. Cvars: Code: sm_nadekick_enabled - Enable/Disable the plugin. Default = 1 (Enable = 1) sm_nadekick_debug - Print debug to chat. Default = 0 (Enable = 1) sm_nadekick_vknockback - Vertical knockback multiplier. Default = 1.0 (Min 0.1, Max 30.0) sm_nadekick_hknockback - Horizontal knockback multiplier. Default = 1.0 (Min 0.1, Max 30.0) Installation: Drop in plugins folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nadekick.sp - 6.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. Thanks to Pelipoika You tought engineer was OP ? Oh.... Pelipoika certainly did 99% of the work. Anyway, the video is clear enough, I guess. No commands, no need to do anything else then spamming your god damn PDA ! Let's show to those spies who is the REAL boss ! Also, a file is created with all the convar inside the cfg/sourcemod folder. Please, take a look. Installation : 1) Put the smx file in the folder like always. 2) Put the txt file (tf2.setbuilder.txt) in your gamedata folder. 3) Restart server OR change the map OR load the plugin like this "sm plugins load "[TF2] Unlimited Buildings" Note : I bet you want to check this one too : Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source ([TF2] Unlimited Buildings.sp - 5.2 KB) [TF2] Unlimited Buildings.smx (7.1 KB) tf2.setbuilder.txt (391 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser About: This gamemode switches positions with the target you shoot. NOTE: This gamemode might work for CS:S, have not tested Cvars: Quote: teleportgm_enabled: (Default: 1) Enables/Disables the plugin teleportgm_ff: (Default: 0) Enables/Disables friendly fire teleporting teleportgm_headshot: (Default: 0) Teleports only if headshot or critted in TF2 teleportgm_aimlock: (Default: 1) Locks your aim onto your target after you've teleported Spoiler Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (teleportgamemode.sp - 4.0 KB) teleportgamemode.smx (6.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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