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  1. Related Plugins: [L4D2] Incapped Crawling with Animation [L4D & L4D2] Incapped Shove [L4D & L4D2] Incapped Pickup Items by "xZk" About: Memory patch method to use weapons while incapped, instead of changing weapons scripts. Press the keys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to switch Weapons. Mouse scroll does not work. Grenades and Melee weapons can be used while incapped. Thanks: xZk - For the original plugin and ideas. Lux - For scripting advice and melee patch method. MasterMind420 - For scripting advice. Cvars: Saved to l4d_incapped_weapons.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder. PHP Code: // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d_incapped_weapons_allow "1" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all). l4d_incapped_weapons_modes "" // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none). l4d_incapped_weapons_modes_off "" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together. l4d_incapped_weapons_modes_tog "0" // L4D2 only: 0=Don't give pistol (allows Melee weapons to be used). 1=Give pistol (game default). l4d_incapped_weapons_pistol "0" // Empty string to allow all. Prevent these weapon IDs from being used while incapped. See below for details. // L4D2: default blocks all meds/upgrade ammo. To block grenades add "13,14,25" l4d_incapped_weapons_restrict "12,15,23,24,30,31" // L4D1: default blocks medkits/pills. To block grenades add "9,10" e.g: "8,12,9,10" l4d_incapped_weapons_restrict "8,12" // Incapped Weapons plugin version. l4d_incapped_weapons_version Weapon Restriction Cvar: The cvar l4d_incapped_weapons_restrict uses Weapon IDs to restrict their usage. String must be comma separated. Complete list: Spoiler PHP Code: // L4D2: "weapon_pistol" = 1); "weapon_smg" = 2); "weapon_pumpshotgun" = 3); "weapon_autoshotgun" = 4); "weapon_rifle" = 5); "weapon_hunting_rifle" = 6); "weapon_smg_silenced" = 7); "weapon_shotgun_chrome" = 8); "weapon_rifle_desert" = 9); "weapon_sniper_military" = 10); "weapon_shotgun_spas" = 11); "weapon_first_aid_kit" = 12); "weapon_molotov" = 13); "weapon_pipe_bomb" = 14); "weapon_pain_pills" = 15); "weapon_chainsaw" = 20); "weapon_grenade_launcher" = 21); "weapon_adrenaline" = 23); "weapon_defibrillator" = 24); "weapon_vomitjar" = 25); "weapon_rifle_ak47" = 26); "weapon_upgradepack_incendiary" = 30); "weapon_upgradepack_explosive" = 31); "weapon_pistol_magnum" = 32); "weapon_smg_mp5" = 33); "weapon_rifle_sg552" = 34); "weapon_sniper_awp" = 35); "weapon_sniper_scout" = 36); "weapon_rifle_m60" = 37); // L4D1 "weapon_pistol" = 1); "weapon_smg" = 2); "weapon_pumpshotgun" = 3); "weapon_autoshotgun" = 4); "weapon_rifle" = 5); "weapon_hunting_rifle" = 6); "weapon_first_aid_kit" = 8); "weapon_molotov" = 9); "weapon_pipe_bomb" = 10); "weapon_pain_pills" = 12); Changes: Code: 1.0 (06-Apr-2020) - Initial release. Installation: Click "Get Plugin" and put the .smx file into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder. Download the .txt gamedata file and put into your servers \addons\sourcemod\gamedata\ folder. Attached Files l4d_incapped_weapons.txt (3.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_incapped_weapons.sp - 17.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. so we are having an issue with lagbots which are fully automated TF2 clients that come onto servers and spam a command that lags said server, when someone tries to votekick them, they crash said server. initially they appeared in high traffic matchmaking servers, but now i hear they are going after community servers too. fortunately for us, it seems that the operators of the lagbots didn't bother to give them a proper steam profile. at this time the plugin is untested. the plugin and sourcecode here Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Hi , im looking for someone with great knowledge Pawn + SQL for new idea , SQL for sync data and plugins between two servers or more... for more details about idea and job contact me in PM , discord , steam steam: discord:flizpore#1676 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. Stroke Strike Basically Golf in CS:GO What? Stroke Strike is a fun gamemode I've made after the success of my Golf prototype few years ago which I had done in vscripts. The goal is simple: Put the Decoy in the spawned Trashcan first. After the round is over, the winner is boosted in HP and everyone is given a gun. It can run on any map and contains in-game commands to build your own courses hole by hole. This is my first plugin, I wanted to try out SourcePawn, and I'm loving it so far! I'm still new to this, please be gentle! It sure isn't one of the cleanest coded plugin. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Features Custom club viewmodel with sounds! Score multiplicators for Hole-In-Ones and Shots scored from far away. Basic admin commands to restart or to set a specific hole. Ability to tweak the time between shots, going back to a previous location, HP for the winner and more. Moving players to CT for a more readable scoreboard, that includes forcing their previous team's playermodel (both can be disabled) Ability to ship your map with Stroke Strike ready entities! An in-game command based editor to create courses, you can name them as well! Simple to add more holes, configs are stored by map, each file can be a hole, or even multiple, just drag and drop. Endless fun! Commands Server Commands (for debugging purposes) Code: sm_golfers - Prints the golf variables for all players sm_golfdebug <0/1> - Prints debugging messages, if you broke a hole somehow, this will come in handy. Server/Admin Commands Code: sm_golf <0/1/2> - Enable/Disable the gamemode, 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled, 2 for edit mode. + /!\ CAREFUL! Edit mode allows ALL players to run the editing commands. + Anybody can delete or save holes too. Be careful. sm_golfstroketime <seconds> - Time between strokes, once time is up, you get damaged and the next throw starts. sm_golfgoto <hole> - Go to a specific hole number. sm_golfrestart - Restart the course entirely (reset scores, course progress etc..). sm_golfwinhp <health> - Set the health multiplicator for the winner based on the number of alive golfers. sm_golfweapons <loser> <winner> - Set the weapons for the losers and winner. (eg. weapon_ak47). sm_golfrandom <0/1> - Randomize hole orders, 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled. sm_golfallowback <0/1> - Allow players to go back to their previous position, 0 disabled, 1 enabled. sm_golfforcect <0/1> - Force players to be moved to the CT team, it makes the scoreboard more readable for scores sm_golfkeeppm <0/1> - Keep the playermodel from the first team the player has joined. Used with sm_golfforcect sm_golfforceconfig <0/1> - Ignore Stroke Strike entities, uses the configs instead. Editing Commands (in-game only, read sm_golf in the second block) Code: sm_golfeditinfo <name> <author> - Set the info of the hole, use quotes for spaces, required. sm_golfeditspawn - Set the spawn, based on your current position and angles, required. sm_golfedithole - Set the hole, based on your current position, required. sm_golfeditwin - Set the winner's respawn point, if none provided, the hole's position will be used. sm_golfeditsave <filename> - Save the currently edited hole, can overwrite, if no arguments provided, a list of the configs will be shown sm_golfeditdel <filename> - Deletes a specific config, if no arguments provided, a list of the configs will be shown sm_golfeditload <hole> - sm_golfgoto alias. Will load the positions and info of the hole as well. Usage Info Holes are stored inside 'configs/strokestrike/MAPNAME/'. Issues Currently, getting stuck inside geometry is a thing. Use another plugin to unstuck for now. I've ran into issues with uploading assets to players.. No clue if it isn't just my server, typing 'sv_allowupload 1' ON THE CLIENT fixed it somehow. You can get out of the map... That's a feature though.. right? Might conflict with other plugins? No clue, let me know if you find anything. > Quick Gameplay Preview < > Join the plugin's Discord < You'll find courses to download and be able to upload your owns. Also your server IPs and gameplay videos. Enjoy! Files attachements broke (Internal Server Error), have a mirror: > Config Example > Assets (REQUIRED) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (strokestrike.sp - 71.7 KB) strokestrike.smx (35.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Stroke Strike Basically Golf in CS:GO What? Stroke Strike is a fun gamemode I've made after the success of my Golf prototype few years ago which I had done in vscripts. The goal is simple: Put the Decoy in the spawned Trashcan first. After the round is over, the winner is boosted in HP and it becomes a slaughter until the next hole starts. It can run on any map and contains in-game commands to build your own courses hole by hole. This is my first plugin, I wanted to try out SourcePawn, and I'm loving it so far! I'm still new to this, please be gentle! It sure isn't one of the cleanest coded plugin. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Features Custom club viewmodel with sounds! Score multipliers for Hole-In-Ones and Shots scored from far away. Basic admin commands to restart or to set a specific hole. Ability to tweak the time between shots, going back to a previous location, HP for the winner and more. Moving players to CT for a more readable scoreboard, that includes forcing their previous team's playermodel (both can be disabled) Ability to ship your map with Stroke Strike ready entities! An ingame command based editor to create courses, you can name them as well! Simple to add more holes, configs are stored by map, each file can be a hole, or even multiple, just drag and drop. Endless fun! Commands Server Commands (for debugging purposes) Code: sm_golfers - Prints the golf variables for all players sm_golfdebug <0/1> - Prints debugging messages, if you broke a hole somehow, this will come in handy. Server/Admin Commands Code: sm_golf <0/1/2> - Enable/Disable the gamemode, 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled, 2 for edit mode. + /!\ CAREFUL! Edit mode allows ALL players to run the editing commands. + Anybody can delete or save holes too. Be careful. sm_golfstroketime <seconds> - Time between strokes, once time is up, you get damaged and the next throw starts. sm_golfgoto <hole> - Go to a specific hole number. sm_golfrestart - Restart the course entirely (reset scores, course progress etc..). sm_golfwinhp <health> - Set the health multiplicator for the winner based on the number of alive golfers. sm_golfweapons <loser> <winner> - Set the weapons for the losers and winner. (eg. weapon_ak47). sm_golfrandom <0/1> - Randomize hole orders, 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled. sm_golfallowback <0/1> - Allow players to go back to their previous position, 0 disabled, 1 enabled. sm_golfforcect <0/1> - Force players to be moved to the CT team, it makes the scoreboard more readable for scores sm_golfkeeppm <0/1> - Keep the playermodel from the first team the player has joined. Used with sm_golfforcect sm_golfforceconfig <0/1> - Ignore Stroke Strike entities, uses the configs instead. Editing Commands (in-game only, read sm_golf in the first block) Code: sm_golfeditinfo <name> <author> - Set the info of the hole, use quotes for spaces, required. sm_golfeditspawn - Set the spawn, based on your current position and angles, required. sm_golfedithole - Set the hole, based on your current position, required. sm_golfeditwin - Set the winner's respawn point, if none provided, the hole's position will be used. sm_golfeditsave <filename> - Save the currently edited hole, can overwrite, if no arguments provided, a list of the configs will be shown sm_golfeditdel <filename> - Deletes a specific config, if no arguments provided, a list of the configs will be shown sm_golfeditload <hole> - sm_golfgoto alias. Will load the positions and info of the hole as well. Issues Currently, getting stuck inside geometry is a thing. Use another plugin to unstuck for now. I've ran into issues with uploading assets to players.. No clue if it isn't just my server, typing 'sv_allowupload 1' ON THE CLIENT fixed it somehow. You can get out of the map... That's a feature though.. right? Might conflict with other plugins? No clue, let me know if you find anything. > Quick Gameplay Preview < Enjoy! Files attachements broke (Internal Server Error), have a mirror: > Config Example > Assets (REQUIRED) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (strokestrike.sp - 71.7 KB) strokestrike.smx (35.2 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. Hi , im looking for someone with great knowledge Pawn + SQL for new idea ,SQL for sync data and plugins between two servers or more... for more details about idea and job contact me in PM , discord , steamsteam: discord:Mangekyou Sharingan#2309 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. While running my server, after some time, users.ini just stops working. Is that even possible, how can I fix it? If it needs more explaining: After running my server for, let's say 5 hours, the benefits I had as an admin just disappear and I cannot longer access amxmodmenu. I think that's a users.ini problem. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. Hi , im looking for someone with great knowledge Pawn + SQL for new idea , SQL for sync data and plugins between two servers or more... for more details about idea and job contact me in PM , discord , steam steam: discord:flizpore#1676 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. Must have for all servers having 4+ survivors or character select plugins installed. Video demonstating the bug: (I'm turning on\off plugin to show difference) No cvars. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (lfd_both_csm_voice.sp - 3.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. The reason why I am posting this plugin is that Upgrade packs BUG FIX plugin that we all always used has is a critical bug related to the character change. It allows some characters to use the upgade boxes indefinitely, as well as take all the "ammo uses" before someone else has time to take them (the box disappears and you are the only who took upgrade, but 4x times). To reproduce this bug, you must install one of the plugins that allow you to change the character (for example, CSM) and install a model of Francis, Bill or Louis. Video demonstration of bug: Cvars: upgrade_denied_sound "1" - Play sound when ammo already used upgrade_block_glauncher "1" - "Block use of special ammo with grenade launcher (0 - Allow | 1 - Block any | 2 - Block incendiary | 3 - Block explosive) upgrade_incendiary_multi "1.0" - Incendiary ammo multiplier on pickup upgrade_explosive_multi "1.0" - Explosive ammo multiplier on pickup Notice: - By default grenade launcher upgrades is blocked, set upgrade_block_glauncher cvar to 0 if you won't block it. - If you just want to block grenade launcher, but you don't have model changer (CSM) - use this instead. - Boxes doesn't have proper glow indicating if it's used, and for some characters, i guess, we will never find way to do it. Anyway, players don't bother about it. Credits: V10 - original plugin, on which this is based Silvers - all the brilliant stuff he bring for L4D :P Installation: 1. Put .smx file into plugins folder 2. Remove l4d2_upgradepackfix.smx if it's exists 2. Put the .txt file into gamedata folder Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (lfd_both_fixUpgradePack.sp - 6.8 KB) upgradepackfix.txt (805 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    buying models

    anyone know where i find place to buy someone who can make me custom models? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. Hi! Someone can create me native in this script? (give_mp5, get_mp5) Code: /* [ZP] Extra Item: Golden MP5 NAVY Team: Humans Description: This plugin adds a new weapon for Human Teams. Weapon Cost: 15 Features: - This weapon do more damage - This weapon has zoom - Launch Lasers - This weapon has unlimited bullets Cvars: - zp_gmp5_dmg_multiplier <5> - Damage Multiplier for Golden mp5? - zp_gmp5_gold_bullets <1|0> - Golden bullets effect ? - zp_gmp5_custom_model <1|0> - golden mp5 Custom Model - zp_gmp5_unlimited_clip <1|0> - golden mp5 Unlimited Clip */ #include <amxmodx> #include <fakemeta> #include <fun> #include <hamsandwich> #include <cstrike> #include <zombieplague> #define is_valid_player(%1) (1 <= %1 <= 32) new gmp5_V_MODEL[64] = "models/zombie_plague/v_mp5navygold.mdl" new gmp5_P_MODEL[64] = "models/zombie_plague/p_mp5navygold.mdl" /* Pcvars */ new cvar_dmgmultiplier, cvar_goldbullets, cvar_custommodel, cvar_uclip // Item ID new g_itemid new bool:g_Hasmp5navy[33] new g_hasZoom[ 33 ] new bullets[ 33 ] // Sprite new m_spriteTexture const Wep_mp5navy = ((1<<CSW_MP5NAVY)) public plugin_init() { /* CVARS */ cvar_dmgmultiplier = register_cvar("zp_gmp5_dmg_multiplier", "5") cvar_custommodel = register_cvar("zp_gmp5_custom_model", "1") cvar_goldbullets = register_cvar("zp_gmp5_gold_bullets", "1") cvar_uclip = register_cvar("zp_gmp5_unlimited_clip", "1") // Register The Plugin register_plugin("[ZP] Extra: Golden MP5", "1.1", "Wisam187") // Register Zombie Plague extra item g_itemid = zp_register_extra_item("Golden MP5", 15, ZP_TEAM_HUMAN) // Death Msg register_event("DeathMsg", "Death", "a") // Weapon Pick Up register_event("WeapPickup","checkModel","b","1=19") // Current Weapon Event register_event("CurWeapon","checkWeapon","be","1=1") register_event("CurWeapon", "make_tracer", "be", "1=1", "3>0") // Ham TakeDamage RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "fw_TakeDamage") register_forward( FM_CmdStart, "fw_CmdStart" ) RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fwHamPlayerSpawnPost", 1) } public client_connect(id) { g_Hasmp5navy[id] = false } public client_disconnect(id) { g_Hasmp5navy[id] = false } public Death() { g_Hasmp5navy[read_data(2)] = false } public fwHamPlayerSpawnPost(id) { g_Hasmp5navy[id] = false } public plugin_precache() { precache_model(gmp5_V_MODEL) precache_model(gmp5_P_MODEL) m_spriteTexture = precache_model("sprites/dot.spr") precache_sound("weapons/zoom.wav") } public zp_user_infected_post(id) { if (zp_get_user_zombie(id)) { g_Hasmp5navy[id] = false } } public checkModel(id) { if ( zp_get_user_zombie(id) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED new szWeapID = read_data(2) if ( szWeapID == CSW_MP5NAVY && g_Hasmp5navy[id] == true && get_pcvar_num(cvar_custommodel) ) { set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, gmp5_V_MODEL) set_pev(id, pev_weaponmodel2, gmp5_P_MODEL) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public checkWeapon(id) { new plrClip, plrAmmo, plrWeap[32] new plrWeapId plrWeapId = get_user_weapon(id, plrClip , plrAmmo) if (plrWeapId == CSW_MP5NAVY && g_Hasmp5navy[id]) { checkModel(id) } else { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } if (plrClip == 0 && get_pcvar_num(cvar_uclip)) { // If the user is out of ammo.. get_weaponname(plrWeapId, plrWeap, 31) // Get the name of their weapon give_item(id, plrWeap) engclient_cmd(id, plrWeap) engclient_cmd(id, plrWeap) engclient_cmd(id, plrWeap) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public fw_TakeDamage(victim, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage) { if ( is_valid_player( attacker ) && get_user_weapon(attacker) == CSW_MP5NAVY && g_Hasmp5navy[attacker] ) { SetHamParamFloat(4, damage * get_pcvar_float( cvar_dmgmultiplier ) ) } } public fw_CmdStart( id, uc_handle, seed ) { if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if( ( get_uc( uc_handle, UC_Buttons ) & IN_ATTACK2 ) && !( pev( id, pev_oldbuttons ) & IN_ATTACK2 ) ) { new szClip, szAmmo new szWeapID = get_user_weapon( id, szClip, szAmmo ) if( szWeapID == CSW_MP5NAVY && g_Hasmp5navy[id] == true && !g_hasZoom[id] == true) { g_hasZoom[id] = true cs_set_user_zoom( id, CS_SET_AUGSG552_ZOOM, 0 ) emit_sound( id, CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/zoom.wav", 0.20, 2.40, 0, 100 ) } else if ( szWeapID == CSW_MP5NAVY && g_Hasmp5navy[id] == true && g_hasZoom[id]) { g_hasZoom[ id ] = false cs_set_user_zoom( id, CS_RESET_ZOOM, 0 ) } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public make_tracer(id) { if (get_pcvar_num(cvar_goldbullets)) { new clip,ammo new wpnid = get_user_weapon(id,clip,ammo) new pteam[16] get_user_team(id, pteam, 15) if ((bullets[id] > clip) && (wpnid == CSW_MP5NAVY) && g_Hasmp5navy[id]) { new vec1[3], vec2[3] get_user_origin(id, vec1, 1) // origin; your camera point. get_user_origin(id, vec2, 4) // termina; where your bullet goes (4 is cs-only) //BEAMENTPOINTS message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY) write_byte (0) //TE_BEAMENTPOINTS 0 write_coord(vec1[0]) write_coord(vec1[1]) write_coord(vec1[2]) write_coord(vec2[0]) write_coord(vec2[1]) write_coord(vec2[2]) write_short( m_spriteTexture ) write_byte(1) // framestart write_byte(5) // framerate write_byte(2) // life write_byte(10) // width write_byte(0) // noise write_byte( 255 ) // r, g, b write_byte( 215 ) // r, g, b write_byte( 0 ) // r, g, b write_byte(200) // brightness write_byte(150) // speed message_end() } bullets[id] = clip } } public zp_extra_item_selected(player, itemid) { if ( itemid == g_itemid ) { if ( user_has_weapon(player, CSW_MP5NAVY) ) { drop_prim(player) } give_item(player, "weapon_mp5navy") client_print(player, print_chat, "[ZP] You bought Golden MP5") g_Hasmp5navy[player] = true; } } stock drop_prim(id) { new weapons[32], num get_user_weapons(id, weapons, num) for (new i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (Wep_mp5navy & (1<<weapons)) { static wname[32] get_weaponname(weapons, wname, sizeof wname - 1) engclient_cmd(id, "drop", wname) } } } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ fbidis\\ ansi\\ ansicpg1252\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil\\ fcharset0 Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ ltrpar\\ lang1034\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */ Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. KING of Gold Match Mod By:AlferD Say/Say_Team Commands: Spoiler say /trrname say /ctname say /addadmin say /b0 say /b1 say /f0 say /f1 say /r say /r1 say /r2 say /a say /am say /sxe say /bm say /ubm say /km say /map say /votemap say /all0 say /all1 say /live say /dust2 say /inferno say /nuke say /tuscan say /mirage say /train say /mix say /warm say /pub say /p say /g say /t1 say /t2 say /t3 say /v0 say /v1 say /s say /pw say /mpw say /nopw say /pwall say /team say /say0 say /say1 say /name0 say /name1 say /j0 say /j1 say /spec say /kspec say /knf say /knife say /knfr say /rev Description for commands: Spoiler say /trrname = Terrorists Tag say /ctname = Counter-Terrorist Tag say /addadmin = Add Admin: First the password is entered, then the username say /b0 = Bunny Hop Off say /b1 = Bunny Hop ON say /f0 = Friendly Fire 0 say /f1 = Friendly Fire 1 say /r = Restart Round: 1sec say /r1 = Restart Round: 1sec say /r2 = Restart Round: 2sec say /a = Amx Mod Menu say /am = Admins Manager say /sxe = Sxe Menu say /bm = Ban Menu say /ubm = UnBan Menu say /km = Kick Menu say /map = Map Menu say /votemap = Vote Map Menu say /all0 = All0 say /all1 = All1 say /live = Live (For Mix) say /dust2 = Change Map To de_dust2 say /inferno = Change Map To de_inferno say /nuke = Change Map To de_nuke say /tuscan = Change Map To de_tuscan say /mirage = Change Map To de_mirage say /train = Change Map To de_train say /mix = Mix Mod say /warm = Warm Up say /pub = Public Mod say /p = Puase Server say /g = Gag Menu say /t1 = All Talk: 1 say /t2 = All Talk: 2 say /t3 = All Talk: 3 say /v0 = Voice Off say /v1 = Voice ON say /s = Swap Team say /pw = Auto Password say /mpw = Manual Password say /nopw = Remove Password say /pwall = Print Password For All say /team = Change Player Team Menu say /say0 = Say Off say /say1 = Say ON say /name0 = Change Name Off say /name1 = Change Name ON say /j0 = Switch Off say /j1 = Switch ON say /spec = All Players Become Spectators say /kspec = Kick All Spectators say /knf = Knife Round say /knife = Knife Round say /knfr = End Knife Round say /rev = Revive All Dead Player Link Video: Click to watch Link Download: Attachment 180576Attachment 180573 Attachment 180574Attachment 180574 Attachment 180578Attachment 180575 Attachment 180581Attachment 180580 Attachment 180579 Attachment 180582 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. In the plugin I sent, there are 2 say command: /model and /nomodel . When type /model, players take model and when type /nomodel, players reset its models. What I want is the determination of 1 person from each team that takes the model for the longest time among the players who take the model. When the player takes the model, his / her time will start and when he leaves the model, the time will be paused and when he takes the model again, the time will continue from where he left off. (Time will not be visible) When I type say /showtimes, all times will stop and name of the player who takes the model for the longest time, will be written in the motd list as name, duration, team and map-name and will appear the motd. Maximum 1 person from each team will be determined in 1 map. So it's the best of the T team and the best of the Ct team. When the type say /showtimes ,only 10 people will appear. Thank you. PHP Code: /* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */ #include <amxmodx> #include <cstrike> #include <engine> #include <fakemeta> #include <fun> #include <amxmisc> #define PLUGIN "New Plug-In" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "author" new bool:user_is_model[33] public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) register_clcmd("say /model","cmdmodel") register_clcmd("say_team /model","cmdmodel") register_clcmd("say /nomodel","cmdnomodel") register_clcmd("say_team /nomodel","cmdnomodel") } public plugin_precache() { precache_model("models/player/model1/model1.mdl") precache_model("models/player/model2/model2.mdl") } public cmdmodel(id) { if(is_user_alive(id)) { new userteam = get_user_team(id) if(!user_is_model[id]) { if(userteam == 2) { user_is_model[id] = true cs_set_user_model(id, "model1") } else if(userteam == 1) { user_is_model[id] = true cs_set_user_model(id, "model2") } } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public cmdnomodel(id) { if(user_is_model[id]) { new CsTeams:userteam = cs_get_user_team(id) new name[33] get_user_name(id, name,3) if(userteam == CS_TEAM_CT) { user_is_model[id] = false cs_reset_user_model(id) } else if(userteam == CS_TEAM_T) { user_is_model[id] = false cs_reset_user_model(id) } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. hi all, i need this, top15 background pichure what can i do ? look pichure Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. hi all, i need this, top15 background pichure what can i do ? look pichure Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. Heavy-Medic Blocker This plugin prevents a team from running Heavy and Medic at the same time. This is particularly useful in a 4v4 match where this situation is forbidden. With this plugin, the problem can be controlled automatically. First plugin! Thanks a lot to the people on the Sourcemod Discord, they've been incredibly helpful. Enjoy! Cvars: sm_nhm_version - Plugin Version sm_nhm_enabled 0|1 - Default: 1 Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (noheavyandmedic.sp - 2.7 KB) noheavyandmedic.smx (10.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Hey guys, how do I remove the hud message in the upper left corner that says ""? And if possible, the one in the upper right corner that shows cvars such as FF, TL, WG, etc. Thanks in advance! Przeczytaj cały wpis

    Req : bots

    hey so I'm creating this topic To ask u guys if someone of u got a plugin that will create some bots and let them move in my çs 1.6 server (deathmatch mod) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. Hi there! Does anyone here know if there's a plugin or whatever to remove the anti flood system? I tried deactivating antiflood.amxx, putting it in pausecfg, and even deleting it but it is still here. Nothing worked. So how do I remove it? Thanks in advance!! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. Simple Plugin Made By: P1C0L3 This is my first plugin I'm new to sourcepawn so the plugin is pretty basic when you write! Bunny or sm_bunny the server activates autobunnyhopping .... that's all I'm trying to evolve in Sourcepawn. Contact: Discord: P1C0L3#0001 Email: [email protected] Download Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Players received after the death of Yes and No, choose life, thank someone write this plugin (Google translation) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. So technically what the plugin im searching for does is , u see the menu below on the link ? well it adds a new option to everyone who plays in my server, in top of new game where i can type my server name and when someone clicks it it joins my server Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. Hello its possible to show some stats from mysql in cs from motd, i have stats in my link : Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. AlSalam Alykom Hi all The admins can see the chat of the dead players when they are alive , but the other players cant (the admin when he is alive he can see the dead players chat and what they are writing, but the another alive players who is not admins cant see the dead player chat ) So how can i prevent admin to see the chat of the dead players when he is alive There is a plugin, or a flag that i have to remove it? Thx Przeczytaj cały wpis
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