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  1. Hello everyone. I need help with this plugin, i had problem on my server with Deathrun Teleport, when 2 players enter in teleport. the teleport dont work. this plugin solved my problem, but created many others.. can someone just take code for teleport fix from this plugin and send me plugin that have only teleport fix.. please : Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. Adds Some Options To Pipe Bombs Press RELOAD to change pipe bomb timers Add an optional visible instructor hint to pipe bombs so you can see when they will explode Code: MinTime = CreateConVar("l4d_min_time", "1", "Minimum Allowed Pipebomb Timer"); MaxTime = CreateConVar("l4d_max_time", "8", "Maximum Allowed Pipebomb Timer"); ShowHint = CreateConVar("l4d_show_hint", "1", "[1 = Enable][0 = Disable] Show Timer Hint On Thrown Pipe Bomb"); ShowThruWalls = CreateConVar("l4d_show_thru_walls", "1", "[1 = Enable][0 = Disable] Show Timer Hint Thru Walls/Objects"); Code: V1.0 Initial Release INSTALL: Put l4d_enhanced_pipe_bomb into your plugins folder Put l4d_pipe_bomb into your gamedata folder Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_enhanced_pipe_bomb.sp - 8.8 KB) l4d_pipe_bomb.txt (522 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    hide cvars

    hi guys. I have this plugin and every round show me in chat PLAYER http://CSGO.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM # CS:GO R: * command: set cvar amx_mode to "*** PROTECTED ***"PLAYER http://CSGO.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM # CS:GO R: * command: set cvar mp_freezetime to "3" how can hide THANK YOU PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> public plugin_init() { register_logevent( "EventRoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End" ); } public EventRoundEnd() { server_cmd("amx_cvar amx_mode 1"); server_cmd("amx_reloadadmins"); server_cmd("amx_cvar mp_freezetime 3"); } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. i have a ctf plugin i want to add +xp for players has captured the flag like When he tkae the blue flag into red base = +10xp for capturing im using oxicrom ranksystem Code: #include < amxmodx > #include < amxmisc > #include < fakemeta > #include < engine > #include < hamsandwich > #include < fun > #include < cstrike > #include < colorchat > #include < xs > #pragma semicolon 1 #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0.3" #define MAX_PLAYERS 32 + 1 #define IS_PLAYER(%1) ( 1 <= %1 <= gMaxPlayers ) #define HUD_MAX_LIFE 0.8 #define FLAG_MENU_ACCESS ADMIN_IMMUNITY enum _: iFlags { RED_FLAG, BLUE_FLAG }; enum _: iEvents { RED_FLAG_DROPPED, RED_FLAG_TAKEN, RED_TEAM_SCORES, BLUE_FLAG_DROPPED, BLUE_FLAG_TAKEN, BLUE_TEAM_SCORES }; new const gPluginTag[ ] = "[Fantasy CTF]"; new const gBaseClassname[ ] = "FlagBase_Entity"; new const gFlagClassname[ ] = "FlagFlag_Entity"; new const gFlagModels[ iFlags ][ ] = { "models/fantasyctf/red_flag.mdl", "models/fantasyctf/blue_flag.mdl" }; new const gBackFlagModels[ iFlags ][ ] = { "models/fantasyctf/back_redflag.mdl", "models/fantasyctf/back_blueflag.mdl" }; new const gFlagEventSounds[ iEvents ][ ] = { "fantasyctf/red_flag_dropped.mp3", "fantasyctf/red_flag_taken.mp3", "fantasyctf/red_team_scores.mp3", "fantasyctf/blue_flag_dropped.mp3", "fantasyctf/blue_flag_taken.mp3", "fantasyctf/blue_team_scores.mp3" }; new const gBaseModel[ ] = "models/kingpin.mdl"; new Float:flFlagMinSize[ 3 ] = { -15.0, -8.0, -15.0 }; new Float:flFlagMaxSize[ 3 ] = { 15.0, 8.0, 15.0 }; new i; new gMaxPlayers; new gHudSyncScore; new gHudSyncFlagEvent; new gMessageScreenFade; new gSpriteLight; new gBlueScore = 0; new gRedScore = 0; new bool:bRedFlagInBase = true; new bool:bBlueFlagInBase = true; new bCountFlags[ iFlags ]; new bGotEnemyFlag[ MAX_PLAYERS ]; new bBackFlag[ MAX_PLAYERS ]; new Float:flLastHud[ MAX_PLAYERS ]; new Float:flRedBaseOrigins[ 3 ]; new Float:flBlueBaseOrigins[ 3 ]; new gCvarEnableGlow; new gCvarEnemyBaseDamage; new gCvarEnemyBaseRadiusDmg; public plugin_init( ) { register_plugin( "Fantasy Capture The Flag", PLUGIN_VERSION, "tuty" ); register_event( "DeathMsg", "Hook_DeathMessage", "a" ); RegisterHam( Ham_Player_PreThink, "player", "bacon_PreThink" ); register_touch( gFlagClassname, "player", "forward_TouchedFlag" ); register_think( gBaseClassname, "forward_BaseThink" ); register_think( gFlagClassname, "forward_FlagThink" ); register_clcmd( "say /flagmenu", "CommandFlagMenu" ); register_clcmd( "say_team /flagmenu", "CommandFlagMenu" ); gCvarEnableGlow = register_cvar( "fctf_glow", "1" ); gCvarEnemyBaseDamage = register_cvar( "fctf_base_dmg", "2" ); gCvarEnemyBaseRadiusDmg = register_cvar( "fctf_base_radiusdmg", "200" ); gMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers( ); gHudSyncScore = CreateHudSyncObj( ); gHudSyncFlagEvent = CreateHudSyncObj( ); gMessageScreenFade = get_user_msgid( "ScreenFade" ); } public plugin_precache( ) { gSpriteLight = precache_model( "sprites/lgtning.spr" ); for( i = 0; i < iFlags; i++ ) { precache_model( gFlagModels[ i ] ); } for( i = 0; i < iFlags; i++ ) { precache_model( gBackFlagModels[ i ] ); } for( i = 0; i < iEvents; i++ ) { precache_sound( gFlagEventSounds[ i ] ); } precache_model( gBaseModel ); } public plugin_cfg( ) { new szConfigsDir[ 64 ], szFile[ 64 ]; get_configsdir( szConfigsDir, charsmax( szConfigsDir ) ); new szMap[ 40 ]; get_mapname( szMap, charsmax( szMap ) ); formatex( szFile, charsmax( szFile ), "%s/%s_bases.ctf", szConfigsDir, szMap ); if( !file_exists( szFile ) ) { return 1; } new szBuffer[ 128 ], szTemp1[ 128 ], szTemp2[ 128 ]; new szFileOrigin1[ 3 ][ 32 ], szFileAngles1[ 3 ][ 32 ]; new szFileOrigin2[ 3 ][ 32 ], szFileAngles2[ 3 ][ 32 ]; new Float:flOriginRed[ 3 ], Float:flOriginBlue[ 3 ]; new Float:flAnglesRed[ 3 ], Float:flAnglesBlue[ 3 ]; new iFile = fopen( szFile, "rt" ); while( !feof( iFile ) ) { fgets( iFile, szBuffer, charsmax( szBuffer ) ); strtok( szBuffer, szTemp1, charsmax( szTemp1 ), szTemp2, charsmax( szTemp2 ), '|', 0 ); parse( szTemp1, szFileOrigin1[ 0 ], sizeof szFileOrigin1[ ] - 1, szFileOrigin1[ 1 ], sizeof szFileOrigin1[ ] - 1, szFileOrigin1[ 2 ], sizeof szFileOrigin1[ ] - 1, szFileAngles1[ 0 ], sizeof szFileAngles1[ ] - 1, szFileAngles1[ 1 ], sizeof szFileAngles1[ ] - 1, szFileAngles1[ 2 ], sizeof szFileAngles1[ ] - 1 ); flRedBaseOrigins[ 0 ] = flOriginRed[ 0 ] = str_to_float( szFileOrigin1[ 0 ] ); flRedBaseOrigins[ 1 ] = flOriginRed[ 1 ] = str_to_float( szFileOrigin1[ 1 ] ); flRedBaseOrigins[ 2 ] = flOriginRed[ 2 ] = str_to_float( szFileOrigin1[ 2 ] ); flAnglesRed[ 0 ] = str_to_float( szFileAngles1[ 0 ] ); flAnglesRed[ 1 ] = str_to_float( szFileAngles1[ 1 ] ); flAnglesRed[ 2 ] = str_to_float( szFileAngles1[ 2 ] ); parse( szTemp2, szFileOrigin2[ 0 ], sizeof szFileOrigin2[ ] - 1, szFileOrigin2[ 1 ], sizeof szFileOrigin2[ ] - 1, szFileOrigin2[ 2 ], sizeof szFileOrigin2[ ] - 1, szFileAngles2[ 0 ], sizeof szFileAngles2[ ] - 1, szFileAngles2[ 1 ], sizeof szFileAngles2[ ] - 1, szFileAngles2[ 2 ], sizeof szFileAngles2[ ] - 1 ); flBlueBaseOrigins[ 0 ] = flOriginBlue[ 0 ] = str_to_float( szFileOrigin2[ 0 ] ); flBlueBaseOrigins[ 1 ] = flOriginBlue[ 1 ] = str_to_float( szFileOrigin2[ 1 ] ); flBlueBaseOrigins[ 2 ] = flOriginBlue[ 2 ] = str_to_float( szFileOrigin2[ 2 ] ); flAnglesBlue[ 0 ] = str_to_float( szFileAngles2[ 0 ] ); flAnglesBlue[ 1 ] = str_to_float( szFileAngles2[ 1 ] ); flAnglesBlue[ 2 ] = str_to_float( szFileAngles2[ 2 ] ); } UTIL_CreateBase( gBaseModel, flOriginRed, RED_FLAG, flAnglesRed ); UTIL_CreateBase( gBaseModel, flOriginBlue, BLUE_FLAG, flAnglesBlue ); fclose( iFile ); return 1; } public client_connect( id ) { bGotEnemyFlag[ id ] = 0; } public client_disconnect( id ) { bGotEnemyFlag[ id ] = 0; UTIL_RemoveBackFlag( id ); } public bacon_PreThink( id ) { if( is_user_alive( id ) ) { new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime( ); if( flGameTime - flLastHud[ id ] > HUD_MAX_LIFE ) { set_hudmessage( 212, 42, 255, -1.0, 0.02, 1, 6.0, HUD_MAX_LIFE ); ShowSyncHudMsg( id, gHudSyncScore, "Scoreboard:^nRed: %d | Blue: %d", gRedScore, gBlueScore ); flLastHud[ id ] = flGameTime; } } } public Hook_DeathMessage( ) { new iVictim = read_data( 2 ); if( IS_PLAYER( iVictim ) && bGotEnemyFlag[ iVictim ] == 1 ) { new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ]; pev( iVictim, pev_origin, flOrigin ); flOrigin[ 2 ] -= 36.0; bGotEnemyFlag[ iVictim ] = 0; UTIL_RemoveBackFlag( iVictim ); switch( cs_get_user_team( iVictim ) ) { case CS_TEAM_T: { set_hudmessage( 10, 10, 255, -1.0, 0.65, 1, 6.0, 4.0 ); ShowSyncHudMsg( iVictim, gHudSyncFlagEvent, "You lost the enemy flag!" ); client_cmd( 0, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", gFlagEventSounds[ BLUE_FLAG_DROPPED ] ); UTIL_CreateFlag( gFlagModels[ BLUE_FLAG ], flOrigin, BLUE_FLAG ); bBlueFlagInBase = false; } case CS_TEAM_CT: { set_hudmessage( 255, 10, 10, -1.0, 0.65, 1, 6.0, 4.0 ); ShowSyncHudMsg( iVictim, gHudSyncFlagEvent, "You lost the enemy flag!" ); client_cmd( 0, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", gFlagEventSounds[ RED_FLAG_DROPPED ] ); UTIL_CreateFlag( gFlagModels[ RED_FLAG ], flOrigin, RED_FLAG ); bRedFlagInBase = false; } } } return; } public CommandFlagMenu( id ) { if( !( get_user_flags( id ) & FLAG_MENU_ACCESS ) ) { ColorChat( id, RED, "^3%s^1 You don't have acces to this menu!", gPluginTag ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) { ColorChat( id, RED, "^3%s^1 You can't create ^4Flags^1 while dead!", gPluginTag ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new iMenu = menu_create( "\wCreate \rFlag\w:", "menu_FlagHandler"); menu_additem( iMenu, "\wCreate \yRed Flag", "1", 0 ); menu_additem( iMenu, "\wCreate \yBlue Flag", "2", 0 ); menu_additem( iMenu, "\wDelete \yRed Flag", "3", 0 ); menu_additem( iMenu, "\wDelete \yBlue Flag", "4", 0 ); menu_additem( iMenu, "\wSave flag origins", "5", 0 ); menu_setprop( iMenu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL ); menu_display( id, iMenu, 0 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public menu_FlagHandler( id, menu, item ) { if( item == MENU_EXIT ) { menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new szData[ 6 ], szName[ 64 ], access, callback; menu_item_getinfo( menu, item, access, szData, charsmax( szData ), szName, charsmax( szName ), callback ); new iKey = str_to_num( szData ); switch( iKey ) { case 1: { if( bCountFlags[ RED_FLAG ] >= 1 ) { ColorChat( id, RED, "^3%s^1 You already created a^4 Red^1 flag!", gPluginTag ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], Float:flAngles[ 3 ]; pev( id, pev_origin, flOrigin ); pev( id, pev_angles, flAngles ); ColorChat( id, RED, "^3%s^4 Red^1 flag successfuly created!", gPluginTag ); UTIL_CreateBase( gBaseModel, flOrigin, RED_FLAG, flAngles ); bCountFlags[ RED_FLAG ]++; menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } case 2: { if( bCountFlags[ BLUE_FLAG ] >= 1 ) { ColorChat( id, RED, "^3%s^1 You already created a^4 Blue^1 flag!", gPluginTag ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], Float:flAngles[ 3 ]; pev( id, pev_origin, flOrigin ); pev( id, pev_angles, flAngles ); ColorChat( id, RED, "^3%s^4 Blue^1 flag successfuly created!", gPluginTag ); UTIL_CreateBase( gBaseModel, flOrigin, BLUE_FLAG, flAngles ); bCountFlags[ BLUE_FLAG ]++; menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } case 3: { UTIL_RemoveBase( RED_FLAG ); ColorChat( id, RED, "^3%s^4 Red^1 flag successfuly deleted!", gPluginTag ); menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } case 4: { UTIL_RemoveBase( BLUE_FLAG ); ColorChat( id, RED, "^3%s^4 Blue^1 flag successfuly deleted!", gPluginTag ); menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } case 5: { new szConfigsDir[ 64 ], szFile[ 64 ]; get_configsdir( szConfigsDir, charsmax( szConfigsDir ) ); new szMap[ 40 ]; get_mapname( szMap, charsmax( szMap ) ); formatex( szFile, charsmax( szFile ), "%s/%s_bases.ctf", szConfigsDir, szMap ); if( file_exists( szFile ) ) { delete_file( szFile ); } new iEnt = FM_NULLENT; new szBuffer[ 256 ], iBaseTeam; new Float:flRedBaseOrigin[ 3 ], flRedBaseAngles[ 3 ]; new Float:flBlueBaseOrigin[ 3 ], flBlueBaseAngles[ 3 ]; while( ( iEnt = engfunc( EngFunc_FindEntityByString, iEnt, "classname", gBaseClassname ) ) ) { iBaseTeam = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser2 ); switch( iBaseTeam ) { case RED_FLAG: { pev( iEnt, pev_origin, flRedBaseOrigin ); pev( iEnt, pev_angles, flRedBaseAngles ); } case BLUE_FLAG: { pev( iEnt, pev_origin, flBlueBaseOrigin ); pev( iEnt, pev_angles, flBlueBaseAngles ); } } } formatex( szBuffer, charsmax( szBuffer ), "%f %f %f %f %f %f | %f %f %f %f %f %f", flRedBaseOrigin[ 0 ], flRedBaseOrigin[ 1 ], flRedBaseOrigin[ 2 ], flRedBaseAngles[ 0 ], flRedBaseAngles[ 1 ], flRedBaseAngles[ 2 ], flBlueBaseOrigin[ 0 ], flBlueBaseOrigin[ 1 ], flBlueBaseOrigin[ 2 ], flBlueBaseAngles[ 0 ], flBlueBaseAngles[ 1 ], flBlueBaseAngles[ 2 ] ); write_file( szFile, szBuffer, -1 ); ColorChat( id, RED, "^3%s^1 All flags are successfuly saved!", gPluginTag ); } } menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public forward_TouchedFlag( iFlag, iPlayer ) { if( pev_valid( iFlag ) ) { new iBaseTeam = pev( iFlag, pev_iuser2 ); new szName[ 40 ]; get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, charsmax( szName ) ); if( iBaseTeam == RED_FLAG && cs_get_user_team( iPlayer ) == CS_TEAM_CT ) { engfunc( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, iFlag ); UTIL_CreateBackFlag( iPlayer, gBackFlagModels[ RED_FLAG ], { 255, 10, 10 } ); bGotEnemyFlag[ iPlayer ] = 1; bRedFlagInBase = false; set_hudmessage( 255, 10, 10, -1.0, 0.65, 1, 6.0, 4.0 ); ShowSyncHudMsg( iPlayer, gHudSyncFlagEvent, "You got the enemy flag!" ); client_cmd( 0, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", gFlagEventSounds[ RED_FLAG_TAKEN ] ); } if( iBaseTeam == BLUE_FLAG && cs_get_user_team( iPlayer ) == CS_TEAM_T ) { engfunc( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, iFlag ); UTIL_CreateBackFlag( iPlayer, gBackFlagModels[ BLUE_FLAG ], { 10, 10, 255 } ); bGotEnemyFlag[ iPlayer ] = 1; bBlueFlagInBase = false; set_hudmessage( 10, 10, 255, -1.0, 0.65, 1, 6.0, 4.0 ); ShowSyncHudMsg( iPlayer, gHudSyncFlagEvent, "You got the enemy flag!" ); client_cmd( 0, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", gFlagEventSounds[ BLUE_FLAG_TAKEN ] ); } if( bGotEnemyFlag[ iPlayer ] == 1 && iBaseTeam == BLUE_FLAG && cs_get_user_team( iPlayer ) == CS_TEAM_CT && bBlueFlagInBase == true ) { bGotEnemyFlag[ iPlayer ] = 0; gBlueScore++; set_hudmessage( 255, 10, 10, -1.0, 0.65, 1, 6.0, 4.0 ); ShowSyncHudMsg( iPlayer, gHudSyncFlagEvent, "Nice!^nYou captured the enemy flag!" ); ColorChat( 0, RED, "^3%s^4 %s^1 captured the^4 T^1 flag!", gPluginTag, szName ); UTIL_RemoveBackFlag( iPlayer ); client_cmd( 0, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", gFlagEventSounds[ BLUE_TEAM_SCORES ] ); UTIL_CreateFlag( gFlagModels[ RED_FLAG ], flRedBaseOrigins, RED_FLAG ); } if( bGotEnemyFlag[ iPlayer ] == 1 && iBaseTeam == RED_FLAG && cs_get_user_team( iPlayer ) == CS_TEAM_T && bRedFlagInBase == true ) { bGotEnemyFlag[ iPlayer ] = 0; gRedScore++; set_hudmessage( 10, 10, 255, -1.0, 0.65, 1, 6.0, 4.0 ); ShowSyncHudMsg( iPlayer, gHudSyncFlagEvent, "Nice!^nYou captured the enemy flag!" ); ColorChat( 0, RED, "^3%s^4 %s^1 captured the^4 CT^1 flag!", gPluginTag, szName ); UTIL_RemoveBackFlag( iPlayer ); client_cmd( 0, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", gFlagEventSounds[ RED_TEAM_SCORES ] ); UTIL_CreateFlag( gFlagModels[ BLUE_FLAG ], flBlueBaseOrigins, BLUE_FLAG ); } } } public forward_BaseThink( iEnt ) { if( pev_valid( iEnt ) ) { set_pev( iEnt, pev_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 1.0 ); set_pev( iEnt, pev_sequence, 0 ); set_pev( iEnt, pev_framerate, 1.0 ); new id; new iBaseTeam = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser2 ); for( id = 1; id <= gMaxPlayers; id++ ) { if( IS_PLAYER( id ) && is_user_connected( id ) ) { if( is_user_alive( id ) && ( cs_get_user_team( id ) == CS_TEAM_T && iBaseTeam == BLUE_FLAG && bBlueFlagInBase == true ) || ( cs_get_user_team( id ) == CS_TEAM_CT && iBaseTeam == RED_FLAG && bRedFlagInBase == true ) ) { new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], Float:flBaseOrigin[ 3 ], iOrigin[ 3 ]; pev( id, pev_origin, flOrigin ); pev( iEnt, pev_origin, flBaseOrigin ); FVecIVec( flBaseOrigin, iOrigin ); if( get_distance_f( flBaseOrigin, flOrigin ) <= float( get_pcvar_num( gCvarEnemyBaseRadiusDmg ) ) ) { if( UTIL_IsVisible( id, iEnt ) ) { switch( iBaseTeam ) { case RED_FLAG: { UTIL_BeamEnt( iEnt, id, { 255, 10, 10 } ); UTIL_Fade( id, { 255, 10, 10 } ); } case BLUE_FLAG: { UTIL_BeamEnt( iEnt, id, { 10, 10, 255 } ); UTIL_Fade( id, { 10, 10, 255 } ); } } ExecuteHam( Ham_TakeDamage, id, iEnt, iEnt, float( get_pcvar_num( gCvarEnemyBaseDamage ) ), DMG_PARALYZE ); } } } } } } } public forward_FlagThink( iEnt ) { if( pev_valid( iEnt ) ) { set_pev( iEnt, pev_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 0.001 ); set_pev( iEnt, pev_sequence, 0 ); set_pev( iEnt, pev_framerate, 0.7 ); } } public plugin_end( ) { gBlueScore = 0; gRedScore = 0; } stock UTIL_CreateBase( const szModel[ ], Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], const iBaseType, Float:flAngles[ 3 ] ) { new iEntity = create_entity( "info_target" ); if( !pev_valid( iEntity ) ) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } set_pev( iEntity, pev_classname, gBaseClassname ); engfunc( EngFunc_SetModel, iEntity, szModel ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_origin, flOrigin ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_solid, SOLID_NOT ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_TOSS ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_iuser2, iBaseType ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_NO ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_angles, flAngles ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_sequence, 0 ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_framerate, 1.0 ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 5.0 ); engfunc( EngFunc_DropToFloor, iEntity ); switch( pev( iEntity, pev_iuser2 ) ) { case RED_FLAG: { UTIL_CreateFlag( gFlagModels[ RED_FLAG ], flOrigin, RED_FLAG ); if( get_pcvar_num( gCvarEnableGlow ) == 1 ) { set_rendering( iEntity, kRenderFxGlowShell, 255, 10, 10, kRenderNormal, 25 ); } } case BLUE_FLAG: { UTIL_CreateFlag( gFlagModels[ BLUE_FLAG ], flOrigin, BLUE_FLAG ); if( get_pcvar_num( gCvarEnableGlow ) == 1 ) { set_rendering( iEntity, kRenderFxGlowShell, 10, 10, 255, kRenderNormal, 25 ); } } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } stock UTIL_CreateFlag( const szModel[ ], Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], const iFlagType ) { new iEntity = create_entity( "info_target" ); if( !pev_valid( iEntity ) ) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } flOrigin[ 2 ] += 1.5; new Float:flAngles[ 3 ]; pev( iEntity, pev_angles, flAngles ); flAngles[ 1 ] += random_float( 1.0, 360.0 ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_classname, gFlagClassname ); engfunc( EngFunc_SetModel, iEntity, szModel ); engfunc( EngFunc_SetSize, iEntity, flFlagMinSize, flFlagMaxSize ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_origin, flOrigin ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_FLY ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_iuser2, iFlagType ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_NO ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_angles, flAngles ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_sequence, 0 ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_framerate, 0.7 ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 0.001 ); switch( pev( iEntity, pev_iuser2 ) ) { case RED_FLAG: { if( get_pcvar_num( gCvarEnableGlow ) == 1 ) { set_rendering( iEntity, kRenderFxGlowShell, 255, 10, 10, kRenderNormal, 5 ); } bRedFlagInBase = true; } case BLUE_FLAG: { if( get_pcvar_num( gCvarEnableGlow ) == 1 ) { set_rendering( iEntity, kRenderFxGlowShell, 10, 10, 255, kRenderNormal, 5 ); } bBlueFlagInBase = true; } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } stock UTIL_RemoveBase( const iBaseType ) { new iEnt = FM_NULLENT; while( ( iEnt = find_ent_by_class( iEnt, gBaseClassname ) ) ) { new iBaseTeam = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser2 ); if( iBaseTeam == iBaseType ) { engfunc( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, iEnt ); bCountFlags[ iBaseType ] = 0; } } while( ( iEnt = find_ent_by_class( iEnt, gFlagClassname ) ) ) { new iFlagTeam = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser2 ); if( iFlagTeam == iBaseType ) { engfunc( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, iEnt ); } } } stock UTIL_CreateBackFlag( id, const szModel[ ], iColor[ 3 ] ) { engfunc( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, bBackFlag[ id ] ); new iEntity = bBackFlag[ id ] = create_entity( "info_target" ); if( pev_valid( iEntity ) ) { engfunc( EngFunc_SetModel, iEntity, szModel ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_FOLLOW ); set_pev( iEntity, pev_aiment, id ); set_rendering( iEntity, kRenderFxGlowShell, iColor[ 0 ], iColor[ 1 ], iColor[ 2 ], kRenderNormal, 5 ); } } stock UTIL_RemoveBackFlag( id ) { if( bBackFlag[ id ] > 0 ) { engfunc( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, bBackFlag[ id ] ); } bBackFlag[ id ] = 0; } stock bool:UTIL_IsVisible( index, entity, ignoremonsters = 0 ) { new Float:flStart[ 3 ], Float:flDest[ 3 ]; pev( index, pev_origin, flStart ); pev( index, pev_view_ofs, flDest ); xs_vec_add( flStart, flDest, flStart ); pev( entity, pev_origin, flDest ); engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, flStart, flDest, ignoremonsters, index, 0 ); new Float:flFraction; get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, flFraction ); if( flFraction == 1.0 || get_tr2( 0, TR_pHit ) == entity ) { return true; } return false; } stock UTIL_BeamEnt( iStart, iEnd, iColor[ 3 ] ) { message_begin( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY ); write_byte( TE_BEAMENTS ); write_short( iStart ); write_short( iEnd ); write_short( gSpriteLight ); write_byte( 2 ); write_byte( 8 ); write_byte( 3 ); write_byte( 35 ); write_byte( 1 ); write_byte( iColor[ 0 ] ); write_byte( iColor[ 1 ] ); write_byte( iColor[ 2 ] ); write_byte( 255 ); write_byte( 1 ); message_end( ); } stock UTIL_Fade( id, iColor[ 3 ] ) { message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gMessageScreenFade, _, id ); write_short( 1 << 12 ); write_short( 1 << 12 ); write_short( 1 << 12 ); write_byte( iColor[ 0 ] ); write_byte( iColor[ 1 ] ); write_byte( iColor[ 2 ] ); write_byte( 130 ); message_end( ); } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. [ANY] Advanced Admin List Features: Players can view the online admin list. Admins can remain invisible in the admin list for stealth circumstances. Server Owners can track admins' activity by using the command /adminstime. Auto reset for admins' activity per week (as the default value). SQLite system that saves all the data. Visibility idea was taken from a plugin which I can no longer find now. NOTE: Admins are being added to the admin list by the KICK flag, which currently cannot be edited. ConVars: sm_admins_vip - Should VIPs appear in the admin list? 1 - yes, 0 - no. (default: 0) sm_admins_vipflag - VIP Flag in letters, as written in admin_levels.cfg (default: 'o') sm_admins_resetime - Time in seconds to reset admins' activity. (default: 604800) sm_admins_minimum - Minimum time in minutes for admins to be active on the server. (default: 420) NOTE: Changing sm_admins_resetime value will reset the timer. Commands: sm_admins - Command for players to view online admins. sm_admins <0/1> - Command for admins to enable/disable visibility (default flag: KICK). sm_nextreset - Command for admins to view the upcoming reset date (default flag: KICK). sm_hours - Command for admins to view their activity in HH:MM format (default flag: KICK). sm_adminstime - Command for Server Owners to view their admins' activity (default flag: ROOT). Installation: Place the .smx file in addons/sourcemod/plugins Add the code to addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg: Code: "AdminList" { "driver" "sqlite" "database" "AdminList" } Reload the map and enjoy! Todo: Add support for MYSQL. Add ConVar for the required admin flag to appear in the admin list. Changelog: Code: 1.0 - Initial Release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source ([ANY] Admin List.sp - 13.1 KB) [ANY] Admin List.smx (11.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    For help

    10 seconds respawn plug-in (10 dead)。Thank you in advance Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. So I managed to pull this together, the plugin should add hp when you kill a person and full armor on respawn. Obviously, as you can see in the title, this should be only for VIPs and that I don't know how to do. Quote: #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <cstrike> #include <VIPSystem> #include <hamsandwich> #include <fakemeta> #include <fun> new gCvarArmor; new gCvarAmount; new kill_healed, health_add, health_hs_add, health_max, nKiller, nKiller_hp, nHp_add, nHp_max public plugin_init() { register_plugin("VSSpawnArmor", "1.3", "ZETA [M|E|N]"); register_event("DeathMsg","death","ae") gCvarArmor = register_cvar( "sv_armor", "2" ); gCvarAmount = register_cvar( "sv_armor_amount", "100" ); kill_healed = register_cvar("amx_killhealed", "1") health_add = register_cvar("amx_hp", "15") health_hs_add = register_cvar("amx_hp_hs", "20") health_max = register_cvar("amx_hp_max", "200") RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "fwdPlayerSpawn", 1 ); } public fwdPlayerSpawn( id ) { if( is_user_alive( id ) ) { new iPluginArmorType = clamp( get_pcvar_num( gCvarArmor ), 0, 2 ); if( iPluginArmorType > 0 ) { new CsArmorType:iPlayerArmorType; new iPlayerAmount = cs_get_user_armor( id, iPlayerArmorType ); new iPluginAmount = min( get_pcvar_num( gCvarAmount ), 0xFF ); cs_set_user_armor( id, max( iPluginAmount, iPlayerAmount ), CsArmorType:max( iPluginArmorType, _:iPlayerArmorType ) ); } } } public death() { if(get_pcvar_num(kill_healed)!=1) return; // Killer id nKiller = read_data(1) // Change HP Amount when made a Head Shot if (read_data(3)==1 && read_data(5)==0) nHp_add = get_pcvar_num(health_hs_add) else nHp_add = get_pcvar_num(health_add) // Updating Killer HP nHp_max = get_pcvar_num (health_max) nKiller_hp = get_user_health(nKiller) + nHp_add // Check Maximum HP if (nKiller_hp > nHp_max) nKiller_hp = nHp_max set_user_health(nKiller, nKiller_hp) // Hud message "Healed +15/+20 hp" set_hudmessage(0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.15, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1) show_hudmessage(nKiller,"Healed +%d HP",nHp_add) // Screen fading message_begin(MSG_ONE,get_user_msgid("ScreenF ade"),{0,0,0},nKiller) write_short(1<<10) write_short(1<<10) write_short(0x0000) write_byte(0) // red write_byte(0) // green write_byte(200) // blue write_byte(75) // alpha message_end() } Please help it would mean a lot. Of course the quicker the better. ^^ Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. so im trying to build a vip menu and all i have to do left is a simple menu. Description: Extra VIP Items 1. Riffle Sniper [ g3sg1 ] 0 Exit player needs to have ADMIN_LEVEL_H and when they choose Riffle sniper they get G3SG1 sniper rifle for free :) thanks. example below in the pic: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. hi all , i need plugin free vip steam id player Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. Hello, I have a DeathMatch mod server running, so I want to use he_ maps on it, the problem is the following, the grenades which are on the ground once used all of them they disappear, so there are no more grenades to throw since the round is unlimited on CSDM, so my question is if there is any chance of having a plugin which can constantly give the grenades unlimited, but only on he_ maps, the other maps should not have that infinite grenades option. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. Hello... here is Nice OFF Spec by sector sma PHP Code: /* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */ #include <amxmodx> #include <cstrike> #include <colorchat> new nNumplayers, nMaxplayers public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Nice OFF Spec", "1.0", "sector") register_logevent("nice_off_spec", 2, "1=Round_Start") nMaxplayers = get_maxplayers() } public nice_off_spec() { nNumplayers = get_playersnum() if(nNumplayers == nMaxplayers) { for(new s = 1; s <= nMaxplayers; s++) { new players[32], pnum, tempid; get_players(players, pnum, "h"); for (new x ; x<pnum ; x++) { tempid = players[x]; switch( cs_get_user_team(tempid) ) { case CS_TEAM_CT: continue; case CS_TEAM_T: continue; case CS_TEAM_UNASSIGNED: { if (!(get_user_flags(tempid) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY)) { server_cmd("kick # %d ^"[AMXX] Spectating Not Allowed when SERVER is FULL!^"", get_user_userid(tempid)); } } case CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR: { if (!(get_user_flags(tempid) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY)) { server_cmd("kick # %d ^"[AMXX] Spectating Not Allowed when SERVER is FULL!^"", get_user_userid(tempid)); ColorChat(0, NORMAL, "^1[^4AMXX^1] ^3All Spectators Kicked!") } } } } } } } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1049\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */ i did lil changes and my server crashed PHP Code: public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Spectator Kicker", "1.0", "sector") register_logevent("nice_off_spec", 2, "1=Round_Start") register_logevent("nice_off_spec", 2, "1&Restart_Round_", "1=Game_Commencing") register_event("TextMsg", "nice_off_spec", "a", "2=#Game_will_restart_in"); nMaxplayers = register_cvar("max_players", "2") } public nice_off_spec() { nNumplayers = get_playersnum() if(nNumplayers >= get_pcvar_num(nMaxplayers)) { kick all spectators when there is >= 2 users on server :( Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. This is a modified version of fastmancz's plugin all credits goes towards him. Description: This plugins display the map name, timeleft, aswell as a personnalized message on the bottom of the screen. Download are attached Screenshot Installation instructions Just drop down the plugins into your addons/sourcemod/plugins and change the map or restart the server. Cvars : Code: // Sets whether my plugin is enabled // - // Default: "1" sm_pt_enable "1" // Sets the server name or personnalized message. // - // Default: "test" sm_pt_servername "test" Changelog Code: v 1.0.2 - Added new features, showing now the map name, aswell as a personnalized message. To do: Code: Add removable cvar, showing player left or rtv votes etc.... A config located in csgo/cfg/sourcemod will be created to edit the cvar, or you can do it with the console too All credits goes once again to the original creator Aswell as the amazing sourcemod discord community. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (panorama_timeleft_v2.sp - 1.3 KB) panorama_timeleft_v2.smx (3.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Hello, I am trying to enable custom models in CS:GO, i am using Zephyrus Store Plugin But there i like 2 hands in one, the default and the custom. So im asking how to fix it so its only the custom hands visible. Example: Thanks. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. Hi, I don't really code often and this wasn't entirely coded by me. (atleast 90%) I noticed there was no plugin available for the deagle headshot rounds for the multi1v1 plugin. So I modified the code of a headshot only round for normal guns to only spawn with a deagle instead. Full rights of this goes to Bara as I didn't really do much other than remove some variables. and get weapon preferences. Source for the headshot only plugin if you are interested Happy to look into this more and fix it if there are any issues. Installation: download and drop multi1v1_deaglehs.smx into your "/csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins/" folder. That is all. Admins let me know if I did anything wrong and will fix accordingly. Plugin has been tested on CS:GO SourceMod Version: Metamod:Source version 1.10.7 Attached Files multi1v1_deaglehs.smx (12.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (multi1v1_deaglehs.sp - 2.0 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. So i just want an respawn plugin that asks the player that died if the player wants to respawn or not as the plugin in the picture Przeczytaj cały wpis

    Unstuck plugin

    Can anyone edit this plugin and edit that unstuck doesn't work on players.. only objects and walls.. bcs players stuck in each other.. pls Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (stuck.sma - 3.7 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. Hi I need plugin or any think to show teamate money and hp on frag ! Does it exist? Sorry for my bad english ! Przeczytaj cały wpis

    [REQ] Hide Hud

    I want a plugin so I can hide the following Code: Hide "Hp" Hide "Armor" Hide "weapon Clip And Ammo" Hide "money" Przeczytaj cały wpis


    [L4D2] HardCore Mode can someone help i have this on my server i taken it out and its still ingame please help i dont wanna start with uploading new sourcemod again what's the pluggin to make the tank's hp more buffer? i hope this is where i put this at if not move this where it should Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. what's the pluggin to make the tank's hp more buffer? Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    [L4D2] HardCore Mode can someone help i have this on my server i taken it out and its still ingame please help i dont wanna start with uploading new sourcemod again Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    Hi guys, I dont find anywhere /afk plugin. Maybe me google skills bad, but don't find :D I need plugin when player say /afk go to spectator. Przeczytaj cały wpis


    Hi I need a store menu If we don't have enough money to buy, the color of the shopping items will change to red The shopping menu is separate for ct and tr Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. You can continue use chainsaw while reviving a teammate by just holding LMB. Obviously it's a bug. Video of bug: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (lfd_both_fixChainsaw.sp - 2.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. Description: This is a plugin to showing hit damage and received damage in Hud message Inspired from CS 1.6 version Commands: sm_hit - (Players can turns ON/OFF showing hit damage) sm_receivedhit - (Players can turns ON/OFF showing received damage) Cvars: sm_abd_receivedhit - 0/1 (Enable/Disable Received hit) sm_abd_hit - 0/1 (Enable/Disable hit) sm_abd_flag - Blank = For all You can edit this config in cfg/sourcemod/AdvancedBulletDamage.cfg Screenshots: Attached Files AdvancedBulletDamage.smx (7.5 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (AdvancedBulletDamage.sp - 5.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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