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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez owner_2019

  1. Temat został zamknięty przez moderatora forum, ponieważ temat jest przestarzały i zostaje automatycznie blokowany od 30 dni od momentu pojawienia się ostatniego postu. Jeśli masz nadal problem z rozwiązaniem problemu, zapytania załóż proszę nowy wątek.

  2. This is a simple plugin to registry the names used by players and access them easily via a menu.


    sm_namelog <name> - Search players that uses a name and display in a menu, when you select an option in the menu you can see the Name, SteamID and AuthID of the player.
    sm_steamlog <steamid/authid> - Search all names used by an specific AuthID or SteamID and display in a menu.


    -Put the compiled .smx file in your addons/sourcemod/plugins folder.
    -Open the file addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg
    -Add this code before the last }


            "driver"      "sqlite"
            "database"    "namelog"

    - Restart your server.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (abner_namelog.sp - 5.0 KB)

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  3. hi there i have a aim dm server and i am looking for someone to setup the web interface for Rankme plugin

    i have a website with files uploaded..

    uploaded the webinter face from the post he made on

    i just need help getting the site to talk with my gaming sever

    it would be great for someone to help me out i have cs go skins ;)

    be great to hear for you guys

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  4. Merasmus Stun Enabler!

    -Fix merasmus not being stunned by bomb heads outside of ghost fort.
    This is an enabler! You have to unload the plugin if you don't want it to work.

    • Download merasmus.smx
    • Download merasmus_stun.txt
    • Put merasmus.smx in your plugins folder.
    • Put merasmus_stun.txt in your gamedata folder.

    This should have been done a long time ago by valve.
    You can copy this code in your plugins/custom gamemodes don't forget to give me credits. :)

    Attached Files
    File Type: txt merasmus_stun.txt (255 Bytes)
    File Type: smx merasmus_stun_enabler.smx (6.3 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (merasmus_stun_enabler.sp - 2.9 KB)

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  5. [TF2] Random Round Modifier
    Version: 0.01 BETA

    This game mode is inspired by another game called Destiny where there is a game mode that has modifiers that change on different rounds.
    If you don't know what i'm talking about...
    Every round there will be a random modifier choosen and a random value for these modifiers will also be set.

    For example, one of the modifiers is 'Backstab Damage', a random value will be set for example...0.1
    This means that all backstab damage has been reduced by 90%
    Another example is if the value was set to 1.5
    This means that all backstab damage has been increased by 50%

    This plugin has a core that does all the randomization and management. There are sub-plugins(modifiers) that place themselves into the core so that the core can choose to execute them.
    Currently there are 10 modifiers, but you can write your own modifiers and add them in to the core pretty easily! If you want to write your own core check our post #2 of this thread.

    This plugin should work for any map that triggers rounds.

    There can only be 1 active modifier at all times!

    List of modifiers:
    1. Critical - Critical chance will be randomly set between 0.5-1.0.
    2. Damage - All damage will be randomly set 0.3-3.0 (Normal is 1.0).
    3. Explosive Headshots - All headshots will cause player to explode.
    4. Backstab Damage - Damage will be randomly set between 0.01-1.5 (Normal is 1.0).
    5. Heal On Hit - Player will heal by a randomly percent between 0.05-0.20.
    6. Head Shot Damage - Player head shot damage will be randomly set between 0.1-2.0 (Normal is 1.0).
    7. Melee Only - Players are stripped for the round to melee weapons.
    8. Scary Bullets - Chance bullets will scare players will be randomly set between 0.1-1.0.
    9. Sentry Damage - Sentry damage will be randomly set between 0.1-1.0.
    10. Speed - Player speed will be randomly set between 0.5-2.0.
    These values are percentage (0.1 = 10%, 0.01 = 1%... etc)

    - Sourcemod 1.7+
    - Metamod 1.10+
    - TF2Attributes
    - to compile
    - to compile

    Download RRM.7z and unpack it. Open and place addons/ folder to your /tf directory
    Make sure to place rrm.smx in plugins folder and the subplugins in plugins/rrm directory

    How to remove a modifier?:
    Each modifier is a sub-plugin
    1. Go to plugins/rrm folder
    2. Find the plugin of the modifier you don't want
    3. Delete it
    After doing that unload/load or restart server and that modifier will be removed from the core

    sm_rrmroll - Rerolls the modifier

    Currently since this plugin is BETA, i have not written convars values for the sub-plugins and hardcoded them. If you want to change them you can edit it and change the MIN-MAX which i defined on the top of every sub-plugin file.

    Version Log:
    0.01 - Beta testing release

    Github source: Here

    Since this plugin is beta, there will be bugs. If you encounter any bugs just report it here and i will try to fix it asap.

    Enjoy :wink:

    Attached Files
    File Type: 7z RRM.7z (69.5 KB)

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  6. Hi!

    I'd like to share with you guys a plugin that might be useful to a small amount of people.

    What it does? its very basic! it sends the 'snd_musicvolume 0.000000' cvar to all connected player clients (turning their music volume all the way down) it will send this command every 15 seconds in a endless loop. while i dont feel too good about using a timer for this (its rather a ghetto fix :oops:) it does work and serves the intended purpose. :wink:


    whenever you play in a nmrih server you always will hear the default ambiance music playing in the background - while it sounds good i rather not have this happening while listening to the radio channels my server provides having 2 sounds playback throughout each other is very annoying.

    While looking for a plugin that could take care of this little problem i spotted this plugin [NMRiH]NMS Ambient Sound Mute v1.0 (08-08-2014) created by bhunji. Great! but it didn't work. this is where i decided to start working on this plugin using a different and a more simple but working approach.

    Install instruction: drop the .smx file in your addons/sourcemod/plugins folder and it should work, there are no configuration options because this plugin is just too simple for that.

    Attached Files
    File Type: smx nmrih_killmusic.smx (3.7 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (nmrih_killmusic.sp - 704 Bytes)

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  7. @biksu - hostplay jest jeszcze raczkującym hostingiem, wiec nie ma wielkiego obciążenia, aczkolwiek na dzień dziesiejszy zgodzę się z Twoją opinią.


    Natomiast jeśli chodzi o Pukawke, nie mogę powiedzieć złego słowa. Nie wiem jak jest aktualnie, aczkolwiek 3 miesiące posiadałem 4 serwery i były stabilne. 

  8. Unusual Arrows
    By: TheWreckingCrew6

    Description: Add Chosen Unusual Effects to your Huntsman Arrows, Crusader's Crossbow Bolts, and Rescue Ranger Bolts. Comes with built in menu support, automatic updating, and donator support.

    • ua_effects - Opens the effects selection menu.
    • ua_update - Forces a check for an update.
    • ua_reload - Reloads the effects config file.

    Convars: (Automatically Written to unusual_arrows.cfg in your tf/cfg/sourcemod/ folder.)
    • ua_enabled (Default: 1) - Enables/Disables the plugin.
    • ua_autoupdate (Default: 1) - Enables/Disables the automatic update feature of this plugin.
    • ua_reloadupdate (Default: 1) - Enables/Disables automatically reloading the plugin after installing an update.
    • ua_disabledeffects (Default: "") - Disables listed effects based on their effect number. (Ex. "1,2,3,4" will disable effects 1, 2, 3, and 4. See List of effect numbers below.)
    • ua_adminflag (Default: "") - Decides what flag is required to use the plugin at all.
    • ua_donatorflag (Default: "") - Decides what flag is required to have access to specified donator effects.

    Effects List:

    Installation Instructions:
    1. Download and extract to a folder.
    2. Place unusual_arrows.smx into your server's plugin folder.
    3. Place ua_effects.default.cfg in your sourcemod configs folder.
    4. Place ua_effects.custom.cfg in your sourcemod configs folder and edit to your liking. (Format is same as ua_effects.default.cfg)
    5. Place unusual_arrows.phrases.txt in your sourcemod translations folder.

    How to Edit Ua.Effects.Custom.cfg... (DO NOT EDIT ua.effect.default.cfg)


    V1.0.0 (5/10/16) -
    • This is the first version. >.>

    Attached Files
    File Type: zip (32.4 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (unusual_arrows.sp - 25.4 KB)

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  9. Title:
    L4D2 0HP Bug Fix

    Fix bug, when survivors get Zero HP. Hides the HUD panel, and you can not select the items.

    Command list:
    For manual fix, use sm_0hp or !0hp

    Installation instructions:
    put .smx file into folder: addons/sourcemod/plugins


    V1.1 - added check any hurt, remove logs
    v1.0 - first release

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_0hp_bug_fix_v1.1.sp - 1.7 KB)
    File Type: smx l4d2_0hp_bug_fix_v1.1.smx (4.7 KB)

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  10. I got the idea from Silver's Thirdperson plugin, I liked it, however it's useless for shooting guns because there is no crosshair. So I said hey this would be great just for melee use, who doesn't like thirdperson melee and why not make it automatic, right.

    What this plugin does is automatically switches a players view to thirdperson when using a melee weapon. If you switch to any other weapon you go back to firstperson.

    By default Auto Thirdperson Melee is disabled for new clients, that way no gripes from people who don't want to use it.

    CHAT COMMAND: !tm - Enables/Disables Auto Thirdperson Melee

    Please report any issues and i'll fix them as soon as I can.

    Attached Files
    File Type: smx l4d2_auto_thirdperson_melee.smx (4.6 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_auto_thirdperson_melee.sp - 1.2 KB)

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  11. Name: Vampirism

    Description: Leech health from killed zombies in Codename CURE.

    Installation: Place compiled plugin (cure_vampirism.smx) into the plugins folder (../addons/sourcemod/plugins/).

    • cure_vampirism_version - Plugin's version
    • sm_vampirism_enable - Enables/Disables the plugin
    • sm_vampirism_message - Enables/Disables the plugin message when zombie was killed
    • sm_vampirism_hint - Enables/disables the display current player's health in the hint
    • sm_vampirism_max - The maximum amount of health, which can get a player for killing zombies
    • sm_vampirism_fist - Health gained from kill with a fists
    • sm_vampirism_primary - Health gained from kill with a primary weapon
    • sm_vampirism_secondary - Health gained from kill with a secondary weapon
    • sm_vampirism_frag - Health gained from kill with a frag grenade
    • sm_vampirism_fire - Health gained from burning zombie
    • sm_vampirism_sentry - Health gained from kill with a sentry gun
    • sm_vampirism_soldier - Multiplier of the heal from killed the soldier zombie
    • sm_vampirism_admin - Multiplier of the heal for the admins
    Attachment 154568

    Attached Images
    File Type: jpg cure_vampirism.jpg (55.1 KB)
    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (cure_vampirism.sp - 8.7 KB)

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  12. Name: Infinity

    Description: Make endless clip in Codename CURE.

    Installation: Place compiled plugin (cure_infinity.smx) into the plugins folder (../addons/sourcemod/plugins/).

    • cure_infinity_version - Plugins version
    • sm_inf_ammo - 1/0 - On/Off infinite clip for all players
    • sm_inf_adm - 1/0 - On/Off infinite clip only for admins
      (if sm_inf_adm = but sm_inf_ammo = 1, then admins have infinite clip too)

    ToDo: make infinite grenades, HP of sentry gun and supply chest


    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (cure_infinity.sp - 3.1 KB)

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