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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez owner_2019

  1. All credits go to the original author/creator/maker, the additional vocalizations and other stuff are for me. Actually, I'm trying to help her make that plugin approved for L4D2 gamers out there missing Zoey, Francis, or any of the L4D1 Survivors when playing on Windows since they crash the game when using them.

    • Added PlayerLeadOn, PlayerImWithYou, and PainReliefPills/Sigh vocalizations as well as their responses for now.
    • Added player_incapacitated, player_ledge_grab, revive_success, player_hurt, pills_used, and adrenaline_used event hooks.
    • Zoey can no longer crash and can vocalize on Windows.
    • In cases for other players experiencing crashes with Francis, I added his vocalizations to make sure of that.

    • When using chainsaws and pressing RELOAD, the player will vocalize as if it is like a normal weapon.
    • Some scenes numbering are incorrect, resulting to wrong vocalizations.
    • When players vocalize Let's Go and Ready?, bots don't respond.
    • If incapacitated, survivors kept vocalizing "I'm down" again and again.
    • Same as above but in cases where survivors hang from ledges.
    • Coach's and Nick's PlayerYes scenes numbering are swapped and (I don't know if this happens to yours too) crashes the server.

    • Added checks if players equipped or are using chainsaws. If so, stop reloading vocalizations from running.
    • Arranged Coach's and Nick's scene numberings to match.
    • Added checks if incapacitated survivors are hurt and allowed to vocalize only if attacked by infected or getting burned (not sure if it's the right check to know if they are getting burned by gascans, molotovs, etc.)
    • Added checks if players vocalize Let's Go and Ready?. If it's true, then force bots to respond.
    • Added timer delays between each CallForRescue vocalizations to prevent hearing rapid "Help Me!" and lagging the server.
    • Added checks if survivors are already incapacitated so they'll stop vocalizing "I'm down!" over and over again.
    • Added checks for hanging survivors to prevent them vocalizing "I'm down!"

    TO DO:
    • Add defibrillator_begin, defibrillator_used, defibrillator_interrupted, item_pickup, player_now_it, tongue_grab, molotov_thrown, weapon_fire, and revive_begin as well as the scenes for the appropriate event hooks.
    • Add real checking if survivors are getting burned so they can vocalize PlayerMinorHurt or PlayerMajorHurt randomly.

    Notes: I'm not trying to steal her work because I'm doing this in gratitude for her making plugins especially when it comes to fixing Zoey or any of the L4D1 survivors broken on Windows. So all praises, comments, and other stuffs goes to her.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (model-based_vocalizations-l4d2.sp - 73.8 KB)
    File Type: smx model-based_vocalizations-l4d2.smx (25.5 KB)

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  2. This plugin is useful for admins that want to make sure their players are not breaking the rules. Currently all this plugin does is it will do a warning in chat showing the reason and the punishment and carries out the punishment.


    sm_warn <target> <reason> [SLAP|KICK|SLAY]

    Change Log:

    * Initial Release
    1. Download the warns.smx
    2. Place warns.smx to /addons/sourcemod/plugins folder
    3. ???
    4. Profit!

    - Add Max amount of Warnings before being banned
    - Add a Cvar for Max amount of warnings

    Comment on what to add! Have some :bacon!::bacon!:

    Attached Files
    File Type: smx warns.smx (11.2 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (warns.sp - 3.6 KB)

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  3. Description:

    This plugin set glow on buttons for make more easy find the buttons in the map. The glow disappear when the button is pressed.


    You can test the plugin here:

    Donations (optional):

    If you apreciate my work, you can donate me via paypal or with a trade offer


    Main repository
    Direct download
    Code changes

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  4. [CSS] Simple Team Restriction v1.0

    Simple plugin that prevents players from joining whatever team is set to be restricted.

    Currently Tested On: [CSS]

    sm_simple_team_restriction "2" //Sets a team to be restricted, (2 = T) - (3 = CT)

    Remember to set: mp_limitteams and mp_autoteambalance to whatever needed. In most cases its "0"

    Attached Files
    File Type: smx simple_team_restriction.smx (4.0 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (simple_team_restriction.sp - 909 Bytes)

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  5. Hello Everybody! This is my first plugin!

    Story behind the plugin: I got tired of calling my plat friend into my servers to dominate hackers and make them ragequit, so I wrote a plugin that allows any admin/owner to do it themselves.

    Description: The plugin allows you to, by command, kill a player with whatever weapon you are holding. It will look like you actually did, you will receive credit for it, and more.

    - sm_kill {user_id/name} - Performs the above action.

    - NONE :D

    Installation Instructions:

    1. Place the kill.smx file into your "tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins/" folder.
    2. Place the kill.phrases.txt file into your "tf/addons/sourcemod/translations/" folder.
    3. Enjoy!

    What does this not do?
    - Count towards strange weapons
    - Count towards kill streaks
    - Explosive Weapons also do not show the correct kill icon. But it still functions.

    Fun Facts:
    - Wielding the eyelander and using this command DOES grant you heads :D

    Upcoming Features?
    - None currently, but if you have ideas you are interested in me adding, let me know!

    Attached Files
    File Type: smx kill.smx (7.0 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (kill.sp - 4.0 KB)
    File Type: txt kill.phrases.txt (63 Bytes)

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  6. Allows the server to start config votes when the map timelimit reaches certain time or the admin launches the vote.

    sm_cfgvote : Forces a vote to start.
    sm_cfgvoteex : Forces a vote to start. Automatic votes will not launch for the map.
    sm_cfgvotecancel : Forces the running vote to cancel.

    cv_autovote 1/0 : If 1, the server will start an vote when the timeleft reaches "cv_maptimevote" value.
    cv_maptimevote <value> : If "cv_autovote" is 1, this CVar defines when the vote will start.
    cv_cfgloaddelay <value> : Defines the delay before the plugin execute the configuration after the map start.
    cv_votetime <value> : Defines how much time the vote will stay alive.

    How to install:
    1 - Download the plugin and put it in the sourcemod plugins folder.
    2 - Download cv_cfgs.txt and put in the sourcemod configs folder.
    3 - Profit!

    How to configure:
    1 - Download cv_cfgs_sample.txt.
    2 - Take a look at it's text...
    3 - Use this text as a base and modify cv_cfgs.txt
    4 - Profit!

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (ConfigVotes.sp - 8.3 KB)
    File Type: txt cv_cfgs.txt (13 Bytes)
    File Type: txt cv_cfgs_sample.txt (492 Bytes)

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  7. fy_xbox0086.png

    Demo (5Mbytes)

    The plugin works like RTV (Rock The Vote) till the moment vote. While voting, the panel is displayed all the time of voting. The player can see a selection of other players and can change their choice in favor of the other cards.

    In the period of voting, plugin sets sv_alltalk 1, that allows players to additionally discuss the choice of map.

    Voting starts at the beginning of the round. Plugin sets mp_freeztime equal to voting time. Thus, the world stops at the time of the vote, and the players can fully concentrate on the vote.

    In my opinion this interface allows to reach a consensus between the players.

    Initial release.

    Installation instructions:
    Download the attached zip archive and extract to your game folder.
    Install archive contain:



    say <key_word> [map_name]

    Now key_words are: map, rfhne, ?????, ?????.

    Known Issues:

    -Incorrect translation
    -Incorrect language localization

    -Add translations support
    -Add select maps for vote like RTV.
    -Add sound accompaniment.
    -Add cvar for customizing key_word
    -Convert more internal stuff into CVARS

    Other Information:

    This plugin is meant to be run with Sourcemod 1.7 or above.

    This is work in progress and is not a final product


    Attached Files
    File Type: zip (42.7 KB)

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  8. This plugin makes the player (you or anyone) have attributes on their class, just like "CharacterAttributes" on MvM Popfiles or Class Upgrades in MvM but you set the attribute yourself

    The commands to this plugin are:
    • sm_setattribclient <target> <attribute name> <value>
    • sm_removeattribclient <target <attribute name>
    For the attributes, go to and search the attribute you want to add into yourself (typing attribute indexes will not work, only attribute names and value after the name)

    Note this plugin requires TF2Attributes to work, if not then the plugin will not even work.

    Before you all go nuts on me, the credits are all listed in the plugin's code, plus who would care when it's just two people lol.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (SetAttribute.sp - 2.6 KB)
    File Type: smx SetAttribute.smx (5.3 KB)

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  9. Voice changer

    • Change game characters's voice lines according to their models via a config file! Sounds added in the cfg are automaticly added into the downloads table.

    Plugins to use with it:
    • "vc_version" Plugin's version, don't change!

    Change log:

    • None.

    Installation steps:
    • 1 ) Download voicechanger.smx.
    • 2 ) Download voicechanger.sp (Optional).
    • 3 ) Download voicechanger.cfg.
    • 4 ) Open your sourcemod folder.
    • 5 ) Put voicechanger.smx into your plugins folder.
    • 6 ) Put voicechanger.sp into your scripting folder.
    • 7 ) Put voicechanger.cfg into your configs folder.
    • 8 ) Edit your config file (read the tutorial below).
    Video demonstration:

    Total downloads(old versions):
    • 0

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (voice_changer.sp - 4.7 KB)
    File Type: smx voice_changer.smx (6.6 KB)
    File Type: cfg voicechanger.cfg (168 Bytes)

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  10. Description
    Fixes the bug with too fast melee attacks. You can see this trick on this video:

    What exactly does the plugin do?
    It blocks the player from melee attacks if the cooldown is not passed. Only noticable if someone uses this bug.

    no convars, only version: l4d2_fast_melee_fix_version

    Simply put the plugin to your plugins folder.
    Requires Left 4 Downtown 2 extension to work (

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (fix_fastmelee.sp - 1.9 KB)
    File Type: smx fix_fastmelee.smx (5.0 KB)

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  11. [INS] Supply Manager

    This is my first plugin. :)

    I wrote this plugin to address what I feel is a missing feature from the game: Restore your gained supply points.
    Many players on the server I operate often struggle with connection drops, and under "stock" conditions, when they reconnect their supply points (in-game "money") is reset.
    This plugin will set the supply points for players when joining a team.
    It will determine and give highest possible supply points to the player, based on settings completed (CVars below).

    The plugin's default functionality is to restore the player's supply points as stored on round start, but you can also choose alternate functionality (Team Average, Team Lowest).

    Note: Supply points of bots will not be stored or set, but is used by Team Average / Team Lowest.

    sm_supply <client> (points)
    If (points) not provided, will display player's supply points, else will set player's supply to number provided.

    sm_supply_enabled <0/1>
    "Boolean": Enable/disable plugin. Default: 1 (Enabled)
    sm_supply_base #
    "Int": Number of supply points to give players. Default: 12
    sm_supply_restore <0/1>
    "Boolean": Enable/disable restoring player's gained supply points. Default: 1 (Enabled)
    sm_supply_join <0,1,2,3>
    "Int": Enable/disable setting supply points for new players. Default: 0 (Disabled)
    0 - Disabled (Default)
    1 - Give new player base supply as set in sm_supply_base. Note: You may want to set this per game mode in server_<mode>.cfg
    2 - Team Lowest: Give new player the same supply as lowest member in team (Useful for multiple rounds of coop play)
    3 - Team Average: Give new player the team average of supply points (sum all players supply points divided by players)

    0.2 - "ALPHA" Added Join and Rejoin cvars
    0.1 - Initial build. CVar and Token testing

    Future Development
    - Store supply points on change during round (support game modes survival/outpost)
    and / or
    - Store supply points on player disconnect
    - Add "recover" from file / db to recover from server crash (rare)
    - Add "ignore bots" cvar for team supply calculations (low,avg)

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (ins_supply.sp - 7.4 KB)

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  12. Hello, sorry for my bad English. My idea goes here I wrote a modified version of the plugin for easy games. The plugin was written just for Left 4 Dead but they also should work for Left 4 Dead 2. Since there is no nothing complicated.
    Commands plugin:
    !third (Bind Z) On
    !first (Bind X) Off
    And if the server has a laser (Bind V)



    Attached Images
    File Type: jpg l4d_garage01_alleys0003.jpg (85.4 KB)
    Attached Files
    File Type: smx l4d_3 person en.smx (8.3 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_3 person en.sp - 2.3 KB)

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  13. Description:

    Buy weapons using commands in chat (!he, !smoke, etc). Popular in some zombie servers.


    Configure the chat commands, weapons and prices in addons/sourcemod/configs/franug_buybycommands.txt

    Donations (optional):

    If you apreciate my work, you can donate me via paypal or with a trade offer


    Main repository
    Direct download
    Code changes

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  14. E40Knt6.png

    Hey everybody!

    So soon is easter day, so I decided to create plugin. In Latvia we have tradition to hide eggs, and later other people go seach for them. Thats the main thing that I have created here.

    So again, the idea is that admins hide the egg/s around the map/s and other players search for them. If someone finds the egg, no one can't pick up the egg. Later admin check the config file, sees who has found the egg, and can give him some kind of bonus - vip, shop points or something.

    Admins can't pick up the eggs!

    Later I will maybe create that it will support zephyrus store, and will automaticly give credits, when someone will find the egg.

    Here are few images of the plugin in action


    Config is pretty simple. So first of all you need to configure the modelsinmap plugin :



    PHP Code:


    "model_path"        "models/spk_easteregg.mdl"
            "solid"             "1"
            "size"              "0.6"

    "model_path"        "models/spk_easteregg.mdl"
            "solid"             "1"
            "size"              "0.6"


    And second config is for easter day plugin.


    PHP Code:

    "found"        "0"

    "found"        "0"

    Name in model.cfg and in eggs.cfg need to be the same, otherwise it will not work!

    When someone will find any egg, the eggs.cfg will change the egg row to something like this



    Here are no commands, only command is when someone is near to egg, he can press E to show that he found the egg! :)

    Command for plugin "models in map", check in this topic


    Models in map

    1. Install plugin - models for map (link to plugin)
    2. Install easter egg plugin
    3. Edit both plugin config files (examples bit higer)
    4. Reload all plugins in server
    5. Write command: !props , select your egg model, place it in map. Move it by E, MOUSE 1/2
    6. Click save in the menu
    7. Restart the round, your done!

    You can use only one egg for one map!


    This is egg model (fastdownload and server files :P)



    Attached Files
    File Type: 7z Easter egg.7z (17.2 KB)

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