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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez owner_2019

  1. Another one of my original plugins. Yay, no more modifications!

    Let's cut to the chase, this is also a simple one with simple coding. It adds a loop check for every players connected and alive to vocalize PlayerLaugh after killing Tanks except for those incapacitated to prevent conflicting scene vocalizations.


    Changelog: 04-15-16
    - First release.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (victory_laugh_vocalizations.sp - 2.1 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  2. Hi, everyone. It's been so long since I shared many modified plugins. This time, I made a simple one (Yes, it's original) which only can be done with simple coding.

    So what this plugin does is in events like Tank fights, killing the Tank will grant all survivors full HP and their "m_currentReviveCount" entprops revert to 0, giving them more chance to live, but in witch spawns, the one who kills the Witch will be granted with rewards.

    Yup, health rewards for every player (including bots and also those grabbed by SI) but it's such a waste for those who are incapacitated as I excluded them so they can't be granted with these special rewards.

    This is great for those servers who are running Expert Coop. It really makes sense if players get rewards instead of nothing.


    Changelog: 04-15-16
    - First release.
    - Minor code correction.
    If you ever encountered any bugs, have any reports or feedbacks, please let me know.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (hp_rewards.sp - 2.7 KB)

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  3. Weapon Attachment API

    This plugin main function was to easily get the weapons' end position of the barrel (muzzle_flash) in CS:GO. However there are some other uses to it also.


     * Gets the attachment postion of the client's current weapon.
     * @param client                Client index
     * @param attachment        The attachment point to look up
     * @return                                Returns false if the position could not be looked up
     * @error                                Invalid client.
    native bool WA_GetAttachmentPos(int client, char[] attachment, float pos[3]);

    Weapon Lasers

    Include File

    GitHub Link

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  4. This is a simple plugin that you can talk with the server.
    Player: hey
    Server: Hello! and welcome to our server
    Player: bye
    Server:We hope to see you soon!
    Player: gtg
    Server:We hope to see you soon!
    Server:Don't not curse!
    and more.

    No commands
    put the "TalkWithTheServer.smx" in the sourcemod/plugins folder and do in the console "sm plugins load TalkWithTheServer" or restart your server
    1.0 - Release

    Attached Files
    File Type: smx TalkWithTheServer.smx (4.5 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (TalkWithTheServer.sp - 2.3 KB)

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  5. Steambot Announcements & Events

    This plugin allows server operators the ability to post announcements and events to their steamgroups in-game via the use of commands using the Steambot created by Arkarr. It comes with antispam features, a native, configuration functionality, multiple commands and more.


    sm_steambot_announcements_status - 1 - Status of the plugin.\n(1 = on, 0 = off)
    sm_steambot_announcements_bot_ip - "" - IP address to connect to the bot.
    sm_steambot_announcements_bot_port - "" - Port to connect to the bot.
    sm_steambot_announcements_bot_password - "" - Password to connect to the bot.
    sm_steambot_announcements_steamgroup_id - "" - The ID of the steamgroup to post announcements in.
    sm_steambot_announcements_bot_reconnect - 10.0 - Time in seconds on bot disconnect to attempt a reconnect.
    sm_steambot_announcements_antispam - 120.0 - Time in seconds to delay announcements to the steamgroup.


    Post an announcement to the steamgroup: (No arguments)

    Post a manual announcement to the steamgroup: (<title> <body>)

    Reloads the announcements configurations data: (No arguments)

    Installation Instructions:
    1. Setup and verify that the Steambot by Arkarr is running successfully.
    2. Install the plugin, translation file and config into the appropriate folders. (You don't have to touch scripting unless you want to edit the plugin)
    3. Load the plugin once either by 'sm plugins load' or by restarting your server then stop the plugin or the server.
    4. Visit the configuration file under the '/cfg/sourcemod/' directory and edit the ConVars accordingly otherwise It will not work. (IP, port, password, steamgroupID)
    5. Restart the server or reload the plugin and change the map.
    6. Verify that the plugin is running in your plugins list and that there's no errors in the error logs or in-game.
    7. Test the commands & profit.

    ZIP Download
    Github Repository

    You aren't required to donate but if you want to help support development of this plugin, I have no complaints.

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  6. Page got messed up, luckily I had it saved. Will fix it up to look nice again here shortly.

    Super Spray Handler By: TheWreckingCrew6
    The Complete Spray Management Plugin
    Credits: This plugin is a combination of Shavit's Spray Manager plugin, which I have fixed up, and all the hard work of Nican132, CptMoore, and Lebson506th's Spray Trace plugin, which I have also fixed up. You could consider this a redux of both plugins.

    Trace the owner of a spray
    Remove a Spray
    Admin Spray (Spray other peoples sprays)
    Spray ban users
    UnSprayban Users
    Punish users directly through the plugin

    Admin Menu Support:

    sm_spraytrace - Trace the owner of the spray you're looking at, and open the punishment menu.
    sm_removespray - Remove the spray you're looking at and open the punishment menu.
    sm_adminspray <Steam_ID/Name> - Spray the persons spray where you are looking.
    sm_sprayban - Ban the user from spraying. Ever.
    sm_sprayunban <Steam_ID/Name> - Unban a Spray Banned user.
    sm_offlinesprayban <Steam_ID> [Name] - Spray ban someone not on the server.
    sm_spraybans - Shows a list of currently connected spray banned players.
    sm_allsbans - Shows a complete list of spray banned players.

    ***All CVars are Automatically generated to "tf/cfg/sourcemod/plugin.ssh.cfg***
    sm_ssh_enabled - Defaults to 1, set to 0 to disable SSH.
    sm_ssh_overlap - Enable preventing users from spraying their sprays ontop of other sprays.
    (Currently Broken)sm_ssh_auth - (Default: 1) Which authentication identifiers should be seen in the HUD? This is a math cvar, add the proper numbers for your likings. (Example: 1 + 4 = 5/Name + IP address) 1 - Name 2 - SteamID 4 - IP address
    sm_ssh_refresh - (Default: 1.0) How often the program will trace to see player's spray to the HUD. 0 to disable.
    sm_ssh_dista - (Default: 50) How far away the spray will be traced to.
    sm_ssh_bantime - (Default: 60) How long the temporary ban is for. 0 to disable temporary banning.
    sm_ssh_burntime - (Default: 10) How long the burn punishment is for.
    sm_ssh_slapdamage - (Default: 5) How much damage the slap punishment is for. 0 to disable.
    sm_ssh_enableslay - (Default: 0) Enables the use of Slay as a punishment.
    sm_ssh_enableburn - (Default: 0) Enables the use of Burn as a punishment.
    sm_ssh_enablepban - (Default: 1) Enables the use of a Permanent Ban as a punishment.
    sm_ssh_enablekick - (Default: 1) Enables the use of Kick as a punishment.
    sm_ssh_enablebeacon - (Default: 0) Enables putting a beacon on the sprayer as a punishment.
    sm_ssh_enablefreeze - (Default: 0) Enables the use of Freeze as a punishment.
    sm_ssh_enablefreezebomb - (Default: 0) Enables the use of Freeze Bomb as a punishment.
    sm_ssh_enablefirebomb - (Default: 0) Enables the use of Fire Bomb as a punishment.
    sm_ssh_enabletimebomb - (Default: 0) Enables the use of Time Bomb as a punishment.
    sm_ssh_enablespraybaninmenu - (Default: 1) Enables Spray Ban in the Punishment Menu.
    sm_ssh_drugtime - (Default: 0) set the time a sprayer is drugged as a punishment. 0 to disable.
    sm_ssh_autoremove - (Default: 0) Enables automatically removing sprays when a punishment is dealt.
    sm_ssh_restrict - (Default: 0) Enables or disables restricting admins with the ban flag's punishments. (1 = warn only, 0 = all)
    sm_ssh_useimmunity - (Default: 1) Enables or disables using admin immunity to determine if one admin can punish another.
    sm_ssh_global - (Default: 1) Enables or disables global spray tracking. If this is on, sprays can still be tracked when a player leaves the server.
    sm_ssh_usehud - (Default: 1) Enables or disables using the HUD for spray tracking. Works on supported games. If this is off, hint will be used.
    sm_ssh_hudtime - (Default: 1.0) How long the HUD messages are displayed.

    Compilation Instructions:
    Download and place it in your includes folder.
    Download SMLIB and place in your Includes folder.
    Download ssh.sp, change to how you would like it, and compile that ish.

    Installation Instructions:
    Download SSH.smx and place in your plugins folder.
    Download ssh.phrases.txt and place in your translations folder.
    Place the following code with your own sql info into your databases.cfg. Title it "ssh" in the file.


            "driver"        "default"
            "host"        "ip/hostname"
            "database"        "database"
            "user"        "username"
            "pass"        "password"
            "port"        "3306"


            "driver"        "sqlite"
            "database"        "spraymanager"

    Attached Files
    File Type: smx ssh.smx (40.6 KB)
    File Type: txt ssh.phrases.txt (35.5 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (ssh.sp - 58.8 KB)
    File Type: inc (1.4 KB)

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  7. cs_go_screenshot2.jpg

    Dead Body Search

    What is it ?
    This plugins add an interactive part on dead bodys.
    My goal is to add more possibility with dead body who are not used in the game, for have more roleplay in csgo.
    The primary goal of this plugin is for jailbreak servers, but it can be used for what you want.

    • Automatic creation of ragdolls
    • Players can interact with ragdolls and find stuffs
    • Random stuff find with rates
    • Differents stuff (Grenades, weapon, dead body's skin, etc...)
    • Work with customs skins (For servers with a store)
    • Only one stuff by ragdoll
    • Search take a defined time
    • Block player's action during searching
    • Colored players during search

    1. Place the plugin in your addons/sourcemod/plugin directory.

    • Translation file
    • Cvars / Configuration
    • Api
    • Better and faster code

    Bara for the ragdolls part (TTT Plugin)

    Leave a comment with your ideas.

    04/12/16 - First upload on alliedmods.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (BodySearch.sp - 8.1 KB)

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  8. What it does?
    - The plugin set player's team to Counter-Terrorist, Bot's team to Terrorist.
    - If player trying to join Terrorist, player will be moved to Counter-Terrorist by force.

    Source Code

    new Collision_Offsets;

    public OnPluginStart()
            Collision_Offsets = FindSendPropInfo("CBaseEntity", "m_CollisionGroup");
            HookEvent("player_spawn", PlayerSpawn);

    public Action:PlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
            new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
            if(IsFakeClient(client) && GetClientTeam(client) > 1)
                    ChangeClientTeam(client, 2);
                    SetEntData(client, Collision_Offsets, 2, 1, true);
            if(!IsFakeClient(client) && GetClientTeam(client) == 2)
                    ChangeClientTeam(client, 3);
                    SetEntData(client, Collision_Offsets, 2, 1, true);


    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (btpct.sp - 949 Bytes)
    File Type: smx btpct.smx (4.3 KB)

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  9. Okay, on the past few days, I notice all of my Versus servers are not quite competitive as it is being described. So I decided to merge [L4D2] Gun Control by AtomicStryker, [L4D2] Prevent M60 drop and other m60 bug fixes by DeathChaos25, [L4D2] Varying Ammunition Reserves, and [L4D2] AutoSpawnItems together then combined them with [L4D2] Black and White On Defib, [L4D/L4D2] Round Start Items Giver, [L4D2] Crow's annoying item remover, [L4D2] Multi-clip grenade launchers, and [L4D2] Finale Unlocker.

    Yup, all of them are modified by me. And it will be more challenging if you use my trio plugins found in my signature below to have the most Realistic Versus experience possible, along with my other posts.

    Since the original AutoSpawnItems doesn't spawn melee weapons, I made them spawn with some modifications but I think I also broke something for the weapons.

    • Using stripper, I removed all weapon_spawn, weapon_melee_spawn, weapon_throwables_spawn entities in all campaigns.
    • All weapons and melee are now spawned in start areas and start saferooms after 15 seconds.
    • Fixed (as in normal) reloading animation and reserved ammo of m60s.
    • Defibrillators are the only items given to all players. Throwables and supply items are random. No first aid kits to be challenging.
    • After dead players are defibbed, they have two chances to live on. If they get incapacitated, the next revival will lead to another death.

    • When picking up the spawned weapons, they will have no reserve ammo even if in the plugin's codes that when they are picked up, their "m_iExtraPrimaryAmmo" entprops kick in.


    Changelog: 04-11-16
    - First release.
    - As written above, only 1 bug.
    TO DO:
    • Add checks if "m_iExtraPrimaryAmmo" entprop did its work after weapons are picked up.

    1. Download and unzip.
    2. Put the folders in your sourcemod directory.
    3. Put the stripper and metamod folders in your addons folder.

    Note: I advice you to have [L4D/L4D2] Multitanks (tanks' healths must be set above 30000 individually for 2 players to take over), [L4D2] Routing (Dynamic Paths) and [L4D/L4D2] LEFT12DEAD.

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  10. This plugins removes all those flying souls in your server when the cvar 'tf_forced_holiday" is set to 2 or 9 or something else.

    No cvars, just put this plugins into addons/plugins folder and type '!rcon sm plugins load disablesoul' in the chat.

    All credits go to Take 2 , I did not create this plugin, just uploading because he cannot speak or write in english. Got his permission of uploading this.

    If there is a same plugins which does the same thing to this, or if this (me uploading it instead of him) is against the rule, I will remove this asap.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (disablesoul.sp - 517 Bytes)

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  11. Do you hate getting kill immediately when you join a server?Are you annoyed?If you are,I just made a solution for you.Download this plugin and you will not need to care about spawnkilling anymore!If you want to see the old thread, click me.

    uberspawn_enabled - Default:1.1 is to enable and 0 is to disable
    uberspawn - Current version of the plugin. Read Only
    uberspawn_mode - If 0, Uberspawn is disabled. If 1, normal uber is used. If 2 hidden uber is used (flickers only when shot). Default: 1
    uberspawn_duration - Duration in seconds for the ubercharge. Default: 7.0
    uberspawn_notify - Notifies the client who connects that the server is running uberspawn and that they will be protected from Spawnkillng. Default:1

    Plugin Version Info:

    Installation Instructions:

    Developers: This plugin requires More Colors in order to compile successfully.If you are willing to release your own version of this plugin,please credit me and Aderic.

    I do take suggestions on improving this plugin,so please write your feedback

    Attached Files
    File Type: smx uberspawn.smx (11.8 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (uberspawn.sp - 3.2 KB)

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  12. [TF2] G-Fortress
    Version 1.0.0


    This plugin aims to bring plug and play TF2 support to maps designed for Gmod (or potentially other source games). This plugin should require very little technical expertise. It should for the most part be fully automated.

    **Note, this is my first full plugin I've ever released. Taken many weeks to gather all these pieces**
    Video Demonstration:
    1. Replaces G-mod spawns with TF2 spawns.
      -- If it finds more than one G-mod spawn it will also begin assigning them equally to red or blue.
    2. Player resized to G-mod dimensions.
      -- This is handled completely by the ResizePlayers plugin. G-Fortress regulates ResizePlayers cvars.
    3. Player's speed reduced to G-mod speed.
      -- Uses TF2Attributes to accomplish this.
    4. Player's jump height reduced to G-mod jump height.
      -- Uses TF2Attributes to accomplish this.
    5. +Use Activates when you Attack1 (Left click by default)
      -- This method is fully functional but would like to improve. Thank you to this thread.
    6. Automatic enable/disable
      -- This plugin detects your map is missing TF2 spawns, and doesn't run at all unless it's needed.

    • gfortress_enabled | Enable or disable G-fortress. | 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled | Default = 1
    • gfortress_zoffset | Controls Z-Offset. | (Any Float) | Default = 0.25
    • gfortress_size | Controls Default Size/Jump/Speed | (Any Float) | Default = 0.83
    • **Note** The Z-Offset is required to not spawn in the floor on some maps. There is a slight truncation from getting spawn coordinates and raising the spawns 0.25 hammer units solved it. Only mess with if you know what you're doing... Or want to fall out of spawn...


    1. You MUST install TF2Attributes
    2. You MUST install ResizePlayers
    3. Place G-Fortress.smx into /tf/addonds/sourcemod/plugins folder

    I would like to add a few cvars that will allow users to disable/enable features so they aren't FORCED to rely on the plugin's automatic scanning abilities (though I'm confident in them). I'd like users to be able to enable/disable if they want the plugin to manage +Use/Resize/Swap spawns individually. I also need to add support for THIS, because as of right now, FleaDamage isn't compatible with G-Fortress.
    Temporary FleaDamage Patch:

    Example Maps:
    I'm deciding to include a couple of example maps to demonstrate the effectiveness of the plugin. One of them is EvoCityV2D. Note that I didn't make this map, I merely packed it with materials and models we were missing. If anyone on the EvoCity team wishes me to remove this link please PM me and I will immediately.
    (More Maps coming... probably)

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (G-Fortress.sp - 6.7 KB)

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  13. Alright, no more modifications. Yes, this is my original one. Be reminded that this works for all game modes but please disable it in Scavenge and other competitive game modes that survivors aren't in the safe room as it crashes the server.

    Let's get to the point, this does not stop rushers from joining your servers. It prevents them leaving the safe room too early while others are picking up their weapons. It's better if it's used in Versus so human infected can find spots to be prepared to ambush.

    What this plugin does is it finds all start saferooms through their Hammer ID then locks them for a minimum of 30 seconds (Default in coop). That way, when preparation ends, it's time for some fun and action. With this, you can discipline rushers in your servers not to head start while other players are still loading yet.

    Now, there are triplets --> [L4D/L4D2] Anti-Runner System UPDATED, [L4D/L4D2] Saferoom Doors Lockdown, and this one. The perfect trio plugins.

    • "anti-rush_doors_roundone" "30" - Timer for versus round one
    • "anti-rush_doors_roundtwo" "30" - Timer for versus round two
    • "anti-rush_doors_autoopen" "0" - Enable/Disable Automatic door opening after preparation ends
    • "anti-rush_doors_hinttext" "1" - Enable/Disable Hint box notifications
    • "anti-rush_doors_glowrange" "1250" - Range door glows (L4D2 only)
    • "anti-rush_doors_notify" "5" - Notify players if preparation time is in this value

    • (Admins only) "sm_lockall" - Force locks start saferoom door.
    • (Admins only) "sm_unlockall" - Force unlock start saferoom door


    Changelog: 04-10-16
    - First release.
    - Found bug: Too many chat text notifications if trying to open the door while preparation time is still enabled. [FIX] Change anti-rush_doors_notify to 0.
    - Made 2 version but is only for L4D2. Sorry L4D, you don't support glow colors yet.
    - Oops, forgot to upload the files. There we go!

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (anti-rush_system-l4d.sp - 15.1 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (anti-rush_system-l4d2.sp - 16.2 KB)
    File Type: inc (3.0 KB)

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  14. Again, another modification? Take a break, man.

    You all know what this plugin does already. If you don't, here's how it works. Every time players finish finales, the credits come up. By using this plugin, a little bit of credits show and then instantly change to the next campaign to be played.

    Since I got tired of the same campaign change every after finale (Dead Center -> Dark Carnival -> Swamp Fever -> Hard Rain -> etc.), I added a voting system so the next campaign will vary on the player's desire. Also, announcements on which campaign has the most votes and the next to be played.

    • "fmc+vote_version" "1.0" - Plugin version.
    • "fmc+vote_fail" "0" - Enable/Disable Instant Campaign Change if players failed the finale.
    • "fmc+vote" "1" - Enable/Disable plugin
    • "fmc+vote_crec" "4" - Versus round end events needed before next campaign change
    • "fmc+vote_chdelayvs" "3.0" - Delay after versus finale_win or mission_lost (if fmc+vote_fail is enabled) event to change current campaign to the voted one.
    • "fmc+vote_chdelaycoop" "9.0" - Delay after finale_win or mission_lost (if fmc+vote_fail is enabled) to change current campaign to the voted one
    • "fmc+vote_re_timer_block" "1.0" - Timer block that round_end, finale_win, and mission_lost (if fmc+vote_Fail is enabled) events are checked.
    • "fmc+vote_announce" "1" - Enable/Disable announcements
    • "fmc+vote_vote" "1" - Enable/Disable Voting System
    • "fmc+vote_vote_duration" "60" - Duration for player to vote their desired campaign
    • "fmc+vote_vote_exclude" "3" - Exclude voted campaign from being voted if number of players' votes exceeds this value
    • "fmc+vote_vote_showdef" "0" - Enable/Disable Current Campaign to be voted again. (i.e currently playing Dark Carnival, if this is enabled, this campaign is included to be voted by players if they want a redo.)

    • (Admins only) "sm_fmc+vote_vmenu" - Opens up a vote menu for everyone. (Type this command only if you're playing finales.))


    Changelog: 04-10-16
    - First release.
    - Bug-free if there's an admin playing in the server.
    - Made separate version for separate server owners/gamers.
    Note: If you want to add custom campaigns to be voted, make sure you have GCFScape to extract the maps folder only from the addon. Put the folder in the maps folder of your L4D/L4D2 game (i.e ../L4D/left4dead/maps or ../L4D2/left4dead2/maps). Then, add the map names to the data file fields to be included for voting.

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  15. AFK-Kicker
    Kicks AFK players after verifying they're actually AFK.
    If the player doesn't do anything difference within X seconds since the round started, he will be prompted with a captcha-like random menu. Every menu option except for one ('Don't kick me!'), will kick the player as he was verified as a bot/AFK. He will also be kicked if he chooses nothing within Y seconds.
    Durations (X/Y) are definable. Check `cfg/sourcemod/plugin.afk_kicker.cfg` for CVars.
    Also respects admins (b flag or "afk-kicker-immunity" override).

    This plugin is for servers with rounds, such as casual and jailbreak servers.
    The plugin will most likely not function properly in MG/KZ/bhop/deathmatch!

    Latest code is always available in my GitHub repository: (which you should star if you like the plugin!)

    Reports issues here please.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (afk_kicker.sp - 6.5 KB)

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  16. Requires DHooks:

    This is the first plugin in the StrikerMod series of plugins (A series of myown fixes and enhancements). This one properly gets rid of the tinnitus/deafening effect when hit by explosions, without affecting thrust or damage against armor.

    • strkmod_disable_ring [0/1] - If set to 1, it disables the ear ringing effect.
    Installation instructions:

    Put in addons/sourcemod/gamedata, then copy StrikerMod_AntiDeaf.smx into your plugins folder.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (StrikerMod_AntiDeaf.sp - 2.5 KB)
    File Type: smx StrikerMod_AntiDeaf.smx (5.2 KB)
    File Type: txt (383 Bytes)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  17. Okay, I'm going to take a break after this so I can further test all my other modified plugins posted if any bugs show up so I can squash them again. Same but different title, yes? Well, this one has the same but different description too.

    You all know what this plugin does already so I'm only going to talk about the modifications I added. This idea came to me when I saw my servers' logs and golly, they're flooded with brutal hunter pounce logs. Most of them came from only 3 players since they always play on my versus server.


    04/01/16 08:50 PM - [SM] Detecting BIG MoMma's Pounce Distance From Given Origin.
      04/01/16 08:50 PM - [SM] Pounce Distance Exceeds 1750, Force Suiciding Player (croWBar)..
      04/01/16 08:51 PM - [SM] Updating Stats..
      04/01/16 08:51 PM - [SM] BIG MoMma Brutally Pounced croWBar From Deadly Distance. [2438 Units]
      04/01/16 08:51 PM - [SM] BIG MoMma Has Earned 10 Points For Incapacitating croWBar!
      04/01/16 08:51 PM - [SM] BIG MoMma Has Earned 20 Points For Killing croWBar!
      04/01/16 08:51 PM - [SM] BIG MoMma Has Earned 85 Points For Doing 1700 Damage To Survivors!
      04/01/16 08:51 PM - [SM] BIG MoMma Has Earned 12 Points From Pain From Above Pounce On croWBar!
      04/01/16 08:57 PM - [SM] Detecting KilerBrian's Pounce Distance From Given Origin.
      04/01/16 08:57 PM - [SM] Pounce Distance Exceeds 1750, Force Suiciding Player (shellaine)..
      04/01/16 08:57 PM - [SM] Updating Stats..
      04/01/16 08:57 PM - [SM] KilerBrian Brutally Pounced shellaine From Deadly Distance. [1859 Units]
      04/01/16 08:57 PM - [SM] croWBar Has Taken Over Bot ((1)Zoey).
      04/01/16 08:58 PM - [SM] KilerBrian Has Earned 10 Points For Incapacitating shellaine!
      04/01/16 08:58 PM - [SM] KilerBrian Has Earned 20 Points For Killing shellaine!
      04/01/16 08:58 PM - [SM] KilerBrian Has Earned 85 Points For Doing 1700 Damage To Survivors!
      04/01/16 08:58 PM - [SM] KilerBrian Has Earned 12 Points From Pain From Above Pounce On shellaine!
      04/01/16 09:00 PM - [SM] shellaine Has Taken Over Bot ((1)Nick).
      04/01/16 09:15 PM - [SM] Detecting GoDDamN's Pounce Distance From Given Origin.
      04/01/16 09:15 PM - [SM] Pounce Distance Exceeds 1750, Force Suiciding Player (Holy Grace)..
      04/01/16 09:16 PM - [SM] Updating Stats..
      04/01/16 09:16 PM - [SM] GoDDamN Brutally Pounced Holy Grace From Deadly Distance. [2010 Units]
      04/01/16 09:16 PM - [SM] GoDDamN Has Earned 10 Points For Incapacitating Holy Grace!
      04/01/16 09:16 PM - [SM] GoDDamN Has Earned 20 Points For Killing Holy Grace!
      04/01/16 09:16 PM - [SM] Holy Grace Has Taken Over Bot (Francis).
      04/01/16 09:16 PM - [SM] GoDDamN Has Earned 85 Points For Doing 1700 Damage To Survivors!
      04/01/16 09:17 PM - [SM] GoDDamN Has Earned 12 Points From Pain From Above Pounce On Holy Grace!
      04/01/16 09:20 PM - [SM] shellaine has left the server.
      04/01/16 09:20 PM - [SM] [-] shellaine. [Disconnect By User!]

    And the logs just go on and on. Now, that players have reported to me about adding delays. I cleaned and cleared custom player stats, removing all stats, temporary disabling my server then modifying this plugin, re-enabled my server. And my logs are now unflooded and have about 4-8 brutal hunter pounce logs everyday. I didn't care about their complains so I just told them it's for players' sakes, goddamn it!

    • "brutal_hunter_pounce_fatal_distance" "1750" - Distance calculated to be considered as brutal pounce.
    • "brutal_hunter_pounce_bonusdmg_incapped" "0" - Enable/Disable Bonus damage to incapacitated survivors if hunter is burning
    • "brutal_hunter_pounce_bonusdmg_hard" "5" - Damage applied to normal hp
    • "brutal_hunter_pounce_bonusdmg_temphp" "2.5" - Damage applied to temporary hp

    Anyways, I added a timer delay which is about 60 seconds every time a player brutal pounces someone and notifies them if delay has elapsed, much like to my Improved Charger Jump plugin.


    Changelog: 04-09-16
    - First release.
    - Again, another bug-free plugin!
    1. Download .smx file and put in plugins folder.
    2. Download .sp file and put in scripting folder.
    3. Restart server and you're done!

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (brutal_hunter_pounce.sp - 9.0 KB)
    File Type: smx brutal_hunter_pounce.smx (9.3 KB)

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  18. Wow, never realized 'till now that I posted many modifications of other's plugins. Now, here's another one - the famous in Versus "Charger jump" plugin. Same functions but I added a new and fun one. Did you ever notice that when you jump as charger and dies, your victim is put down safely?

    Here is a simple illustration:

    survivors ----------------- you as a charger grabbing
    survivors ---(shooting)---- a victim and tries to jump ---- victim is put down safely.
    survivors ---------------- and died or seppuku.

    Well, not anymore! By using this modified version, I added a 15-second delay along with a 15-second progress bar as a hint to notify players when will they be allowed to jump.

    Here is the new illustration:

    Same as above but --- victim (teleported with added velocity) then falls to his/her hilarious death.

    Two Ways Of What Plugin Does:
    • It allows human-controlled charger to jump after 15 seconds only if he/she grabs a survivor and on ground. It doesn't work when charging for a long time then grabbing a survivor, not like that. Just charge then quickly grab a victim to be thrown in air.

      When the delay is complete and said player jumps, both charger and victim will be registered that they are not on ground. If said charger seppuku, the victim will be teleported 3 times the value of charger_jump-l4d2_inertiavaultpower, and for all players, they will see the victim flying like he/she was super punched by a tank then eventually falls to death.

      My Hard Rain screenshots will be the examples of this.

    • Another way to do that is if you seppuku or die in mid-air, you don't have to complete the delay, just press MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON to seppuku and victim is automatically teleported.

      Why it does that? Because you and victim are detected not on ground (that's what mid-air means).

      My Dead Center screenshots will be the examples of this.

    • "charger_jump-l4d2_version" "1.0" - Plugin version
    • "charger_jump-l4d2_inertiavault" "1" - Enable/Disable Inertia Vault
    • "charger_jump-l4d2_inertiavaultpower" "400.0" - Power applied to Inertia Vault.


    Changelog: 04-09-16
    - First release.
    - Bug-free finally!
    • Add line sm_cvar "z_charge_duration" "19 or any value above" in your server.cfg.
    • In order for your charged victim to fly to his/her hilarious death, you have to complete the delay, press SPACE to jump, and press MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON to seppuku.
    • I advice you to download [L4D2] Infected Seppuku, [L4D2] Charger Steering and [L4D2] Bulldozer Certificate in order for this to work.
    • I will post screenshots to better understand what I mean or what this plugin really does if my connection becomes normal again.

    1. Download .smx file and put it in plugins folder.
    2. Download .sp file and put it in scripting folder.

    Attached Files
    File Type: smx charger_jump-l4d2.smx (6.6 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (charger_jump-l4d2.sp - 5.0 KB)

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  19. Description
    This plugin adds the ability to change which color you are flashed with through either a command or a menu. Your flashbang color is also stored in cookies so that you do not have to set it every time you join the server.

    Cvar/Command List


    I also think this plugin should work in css but I never set up a server to test it on there

    Attached Files
    File Type: smx flashcolor.smx (8.8 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (flashcolor.sp - 6.5 KB)

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  20. Wow, I never realize until now I posted so many modified plugins. Anyways, this is only for Windows users who experiences crashes when using Zoey and Francis (because I'm one of them).

    Since Zoey and Francis have Nick's "m_survivorCharacter" net prop, they will still have his voice, icons, arms, etc. However, if you use the plugin, they will become true Zoey and Francis but silent as in they can't say anything.

    If you want to fully experience them, download [L4D2] Model Based Vocalizations in order for them to vocalize their scenes but it's only 80% done so you can still notice them silent in some events.

    • "sm_zoey" - Change to Zoey (Nick's Net Prop)
    • "sm_francis" - Change to Francis (Still Nick's Ent Prop)
    • "sm_bill" - Change to Bill
    • "sm_louis" - Change to Louis
    • "sm_nick" - Change to Nick
    • "sm_ellis" - Change to Ellis
    • "sm_rochelle" - Change to Rochelle
    • "sm_coach" - Change to Coach

    1. Download file and unzip using 7zip, WinRar, etc.
    2. Put the .smx file in your plugins folder.
    3. Put the .sp file in our scripting folder.
    4. Put the .inc file in your scripting/include folder.
    5. Put the .cfg file in your data folder.
    6. Put .autoload and .ext.dll files in your extensions folder.
    7. Put the .txt file in your gamedata folder.
    8. Restart server, and you're done!

    Just want to let you all know, it's bug-free at last!

    Attached Files
    File Type: zip [L4D2] Fake L4D1 (100.1 KB)

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  21. Hi again, everyone. I don't know if some of you have servers with troublesome rushers. Well, in my servers, they don't exist anymore. When I got the trap of door lock plugin, I noticed it works sometimes and sometimes it don't.

    I checked the plugin's codes and it was a mess so out of curiousity of what it really does, then I cleaned it up together with the second version of it that still didn't work for me. After I did it, I was surprised with the results. So now I'll share it to you.

    What this plugin does at round start, it locks all end saferooms and when all players gather and one of them tries to open it, a countdown timer will activate (let's say 60 seconds), spawning 3 mobs and keep the door lock until it ends. All you have to do is survive 3 waves of mobs in 60 seconds.

    If you want your servers to get rid of all rushers, you can download my as these two plugins work together like power duo.

    • Normal Countdowns: Door will open after countdown ends.
    • Improved Countdowns: Door will slowly open with given speed while countdown is ongoing.
    • These two kinds of countdowns are random in maps 2 to 4 in all campaigns.

    • "SFDoorsLockDown_Version" "1.0" - Plugin Version
    • "SFDoorsLockDown_on" "1" - Enable/Disable Plugin
    • "SFDoorsLockDown_spam" "1" - Enable/Disable Anti-Saferoom Door Spam
    • "SFDoorsLockDown_trap" "100" - Probability of putting countdown timer
    • "SFDoorsLockDown_rush" "3" - Amount of mega mobs spawned
    • "SFDoorsLockDown_incap" "0" - Enable/Disable Checking if survivors are incapacitated (buggy, don't enable)
    • "SFDoorsLockDown_secmin" "60" - Minimum amount of seconds in countdown
    • "SFDoorsLockDown_secmax" "60" - Maximum amount of seconds in countdown
    • "SFDoorsLockDown_pos" "1000" - Position between player and door to be opened
    • "SFDoorsLockDown_speed" "30" - Speed applied when opening door
    • "SFDoorsLockDown_notify" "0" - Notifications mode: 0=Center Text, 1=Hint Box


    Changelog: 04-08-16
    - First release.
    - Improved countdowns works 50% of the time so I'll fix it if I have the time.
    1. Download the .sp file if you want to edit the values but don't mess with the events or it will be more buggy. Put it in your ../sourcemod/scripting folder and compile.
    2. Download the .smx file if you are contented with the given values and put it in your ../sourcemod/plugins folder.
    3. Download .txt file and put it in your ../sourcemod/translations folder.

    If you have any reports, feedbacks, or suggestions, please let me know. For curious users, you can check the plugin's codes on how I fix it.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (saferoom_doors_lockdown.sp - 19.8 KB)
    File Type: smx saferoom_doors_lockdown.smx (14.3 KB)
    File Type: txt sfdoorslockdown.txt (314 Bytes)

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  22. Since the original one was buggy, I decided to fix it with my version but be reminded I only made this one to work on the first maps of all campaigns including custom ones to prevent round not ending even if survivors are all in the safe room bugs.

    • Instead of just locking the door if tanks are present, I added a new system called Ant Farm.
    • When Ant Farm system is called, it will spawn 3 mega mobs and adds a countdown timer when will the door unlock during tank fights.
    • If tanks are absent and Ant Farm system is still enabled, the countdown will stop immediately and the door will open.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (anti-runner_system-l4d2.sp - 9.4 KB)
    File Type: smx anti-runner_system-l4d2.smx (10.3 KB)

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  23. Description:

    This plugin allows survivor players to select an existing survivor bot and take control of it. The player has full control on which bot to takeover.


    Players may use sm_pickbot (!pickbot) to make a menu appear and show available bots and their health, and offer an option to takeover one of the bot.

    Alternatively, idle players may press the right mouse button to change the bot they are idling.

    Finally, players may use sm_nextbot (!nextbot) and sm_prevbot (!prevbot) to quickly go through the available bots.


    l4d_survivor_bot_select.smx -> \addons\sourcemod\plugins\
    l4d_survivor_bot_select.txt -> \addons\sourcemod\gamedata\


    - l4d_sbs_version : Version number
    - l4d_sbs_pick: Enable use of commands to pick a bot? 1: Enable, 0: Disable, Default 1
    - l4d_sbs_idle: Allow survivors to change idle bot with right mouse button? 1: Enable, 0: Disable, Default 1
    - l4d_sbs_time: Time in seconds that survivors have to change bots once they spawn. -1: Disable. Default -1.
    - l4d_sbs_dead: Always allow dead survivors to change bots? 1: Enable, 0: Disable, Default 1.


    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_survivor_bot_select.sp - 15.9 KB)
    File Type: txt l4d_survivor_bot_select.txt (1.1 KB)

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