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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez owner_2019

  1. Huntsman Hell 2
    By: TheWreckingCrew6

    Credits: Thank you to Powerlord for the original plugin.

    Plugins that helped create this one:
    • While the plugin is intened for Arena maps, it will work on MOST other gamemodes.
    • By Default, everyone starts as a huntsman sniper, with Jarate, and Any melee.
    • If Enabled, Arrows, explode on impact.
    • If Enabled, Arrows are fire arrows and ignite enemies.
    • Super Jumping! Hold alt-fire or crouch, lookup, then release and you go FLYING.
    • Double Jumping! Every Class is a scout now!
    • Outlining Jarated Players.
    • Friendly Fire Jarate. Your teammates get covered in YOUR piss :D
    • By default, everybody starts with a base of 400 health.
    • No Fall Damage!
    • Also a chance for SPECIAL ROUNDS?

    What Is a Special Round?

    "Well Wrecking, it's a round that is special" - Smartass

    While he's not wrong, a special round consists of the round being a round of another class. Class options currently consist of...
    • Medic
    • Engineer

    A Medic Round Consists of...
    • Everybody is a Crusaders Crossbow Medic
    • If Enabled, bolts explode on impact.
    • If Enabled, Bolts ignite enemies.
    • By default, everybody starts with a base of 300 health.
    • Bolts still heal teammates!

    And An Engy Round Consists of...
    • Everybody is a Rescue Ranger Engy.
    • If Enabled, bolts explode on impact.
    • If Enabled, Bolts ignite enemies.
    • By default, everybody starts with a base of 300 health.
    • Buildings are disabled by default.

    *Chances of a special round happening can be changed in the Convars! Also, chances of a medic round over an engy round can also be edited. Or Vice Versa.*

    1. TF2Attributes
    2. TF2Items
    3. (Optional) SteamTools
    4. (Optional) Updater

    Client Commands:
    • hh2_help - Displays the information and instructions for the plugin to any client.

    Admin Commands:
    • hh2_medicround - (Root Access) - Forces the next round to be a Special round consisting of Medics.
    • hh2_engyround - (Root Access) - Forces the next round to be a special round consisting of Engineers.

    ***Cvars are loaded from cfg/sourcemod/huntsmanhell2.cfg.***
    • hh2_enabled [0/1] - (Default: 1) Enables/Disables the plugin.
    • hh2_gamedescription [0/1] - (Default: 1) (Requires: SteamTools) If Enabled, the plugin will change the game description in the server browser to display "Huntsman Hell 2."
    • hh2_autoupdate [0/1] - (Default: 1) (Requires: Updater) If Enabled, the plugin will be added to updater's list and automatically update itself as I release updates.
    • hh2_health [65 - 800] - (Default: 400) On a normal Huntsman Sniper round, how much health should each player start with?
    • hh2_arrowmultiplier [0.1 - 8.0] - (Default: 4.0) How many times the base amount of arrows should each player start with?
    • hh2_superjump [0/1] - (Default: 1) Enables/Disables SuperJump.
    • hh2_doublejump [0/1] - (Default: 1) Enables/Disables Double Jumps.
    • hh2_falldamage [0/1] - (Default: 0) Enables/Disables Fall Damage.
    • hh2_specialchance [0 - 100] - (Default: 10) What Percent chance should there be of a round being a Special Round?
    • hh2_firearrows [0/1] - (Default: 1) Enables/Disables Fire Arrows.
    • hh2_explode [0/1] - (Default: 1) Enables/Disables Explosive Arrows.
    • hh2_exploderadius [0/1] - (Default: 200) The radius of the explosive arrows explosion in hammer units.
    • hh2_explodedamage [0/1] - (Default: 50) The damage an explosion will cause on direct-hit.
    • hh2_explodefire [0/1] - (Default: 0) Should the explosion catch people on fire?
    • hh2_explodefireself [0/1] - (Default: 0) Should you explosion catch yourself on fire if you are hit by it?
    • hh2_medicchance [0 - 100] - (Default: 50) Percent chance of a special round being medics. (Recommended to total to 100 with hh2_engychance).
    • hh2_medicarrowmultiplier [0.1 - 8.0] - (Default: 1.32) How many times the normal syringe count should each medic have?
    • hh2_medichealth [65 - 800] - (Default: 300) How much health on a medic round should each player start with?
    • hh2_engychance [0 - 100] - (Default: 50) Percent chance of a special round being engineers. (Recommended to total up to 100 with hh2_medicchance).
    • hh2_engyboltmultiplier [0.1 - 8.0] - (Default: 2.6) How many times the normal bolt count should each engineer have?
    • hh2_engyhealth [65 - 800] - (Default: 300) How much health on an engineer round should each player start with?
    • hh2_blockbuildings [0/1] - (Default: 1) Should the plugin block engineers from building buildings? (WARNING: Disabling this can seriously break engineer rounds...And I don't mean my plugin.)
    • hh2_jarateoutline [0/1] - (Default: 0) Should jarate outline players?
    • hh2_FFJarate [0/1] - (Default: 0) Friendly Fire Jarate?
    • hh2_FFJarateDistance [300.0 - 1000.0] - (Default: 750.0) Distance in hammer units a friendly player must be from jarate to get covered in jarate.
    • hh2_FFJarateTime [3.0 - 12.0] - (Default: 7.0) Time a friendly player will be covered in jarate.

    Installation Instructions:
    1. Download and Install TF2Items
    2. Download and Install TF2Attributes
    3. Download
    4. Extract zip file into your server's game folder.
    5. Config File should be auto-generated on plugin startup.
    6. (Optional) For Automatic Update Support: Download and Install Updater
    7. (Optional) For Custom Game Description Support: Download and Install SteamTools

    Upcoming Features:
    • Makes the Info Menu A LOT nicer. Include a lot more info and round specific intruction.
    • Looking for bug fixes and new ideas!


    V1.0.0 - 4/27/16 - 12:00 AM CST
    • This is the first version...What do you expect....

    Attached Files
    File Type: zip Huntsman Hell 2 - (50.6 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (huntsman_hell_2.sp - 51.1 KB)
    File Type: txt huntsmanhell2.phrases.txt (2.1 KB)
    File Type: smx huntsman_hell_2.smx (24.5 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  2. Hiya, everyone. Another one of my originalities.

    So since The Sacrifice finale was a bit dull for me, I decided to make this one to add effects for real experience. If you know other finale maps (custom or not) that needs one player to sacrifice him/herself, I'll be glad to add that.

    The effects I added were simple but I'm open to suggestions:
    • Slow Motion Effects (When bridge is lowered only.)


    Changelog: 04-27-16
    - First release.
    Please report any bugs or feedbacks to improve this plugin.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (c7m3_dramatic_finale-l4d2.sp - 2.5 KB)
    File Type: smx c7m3_dramatic_finale-l4d2.smx (5.2 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  3. GameMe Connect Message
    This will display a connect message (adjusted through convar) when ever a player connects.

    How it works:
    There is a webserver php script which will parse the gameme's API XML output into something smaller and readable for SteamWorks to read easily.


    sm_gmconnect_enable 1 //Enables/Disables this plugin.
    sm_gmconnect_redirect "" //Link to the hosted PHP script
    sm_gmconnect_account "" //Gameme Account
    sm_gmconnect_format "--" //Connect Message format, see below {1}
    sm_gmconnect_flag "b" // User must have this flag to be able to see the connect message, set to blank for all players can see.
    sm_gmconnect_game "" //Game of which the server is currently wanting to poll, i.e. "csgo"/"tf2" {2}
    sm_gmconnect_method "0" //Method of when the connect message is shown; 0 = OnClientAuth, 1 = Player_spawn

    {1} Formatted String
    The connect message (as of v1.1.0) has only a few options to print: rank, time, kills, deaths, assists.
    These tags are replaced with the following:
    {rank} - Player's Overall Rank.
    {kills} - Player's total kills
    {deaths} - Player's total deaths.
    {assists} - Player's total assists.
    {itime} - Prints out the int value of time
    {ftime} - Prints out the formatted string of time.
    There are color tags which are replaced with their corresponding unicode, i.e. {07}/{08} will be replaced with the source2009 unicode to do hex color codes: {07}FF0000 will be Full Red, etc.

    Example format (CS:GO):
    {0F}[{10}GMC{0F}]{03} {name}{01} connected. Rank: #{04}{rank}
    [GMC] mtch connected. Rank: #16

    {2} Game Convar
    This is a convar just incase you want tf2/csgo stats to show up in other games, etc.
    List of supported games by GameMe

    Just upload the php script to your webspace, and setup the config to your gameme account to poll.

    Right now the plugin only works for getting the overall status the player's accounts, player kills and deaths will be from all game servers in the selected game/account pair. I plan on adding more to this, and having the ability to request more specific stats. Right now the php script is generic as fuck, and will error out if not properly handled.

    WebServer PHP Script

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  4. Give the infinity ammo for a player, who will buy it
    Ammo will be reset during the infection

    Use and to compile the file.


    Attached Files
    File Type: zip (69.5 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  5. Quote:

    Version: 1.1
    Author: gubka
    Add new weapon to human


    #define EXTRA_ITEM_NAME "AN94"
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_COST 5
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_LEVEL 0
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_ONLINE 0
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_LIMIT 0

    #define WEAPON_NAME "weapon_an94"
    #define WEAPON_REFERANCE "weapon_ak47"

    #define MODEL_WORLD "models/weapons/an94/w_rif_an94.mdl"
    #define MODEL_VIEW "models/weapons/an94/v_rif_an94.mdl"

    #define SOUND_FIRE "weapons/an94.mp3"



    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  6. Quote:

    Version: 1.1
    Author: gubka
    Add new weapon to human


    #define EXTRA_ITEM_NAME "M98"
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_COST 5
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_LEVEL 0
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_ONLINE 0
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_LIMIT 0

    #define WEAPON_NAME "weapon_m98"
    #define WEAPON_REFERANCE "weapon_awp"

    #define MODEL_WORLD "models/weapons/m98/w_snip_m98.mdl"
    #define MODEL_VIEW "models/weapons/m98/v_snip_m98.mdl"

    #define SOUND_FIRE "weapons/M98B/fire.mp3"



    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  7. Another original plugin, hopefully it will help servers with custom campaigns especially Lost.

    I wanted to share this to you all because I noticed that whenever loading the finale map of the said custom campaign, players die because they were spawned below the saferoom. In rare cases, all players are spawned below too, resulting to repeating mission losses.

    What this plugin simply does is create a repeating 1.0 seconds timer to teleport all survivors to the given coordinates and 10.0 seconds to stop the teleportation. It will automatically disable if current map is not the finale map of Lost.

    I made this simple one with yet another simple coding that teleports all spawned survivors back to the coordinates of the start saferoom. I got them through "getpos_exact" game command.

    For those who know how to tangle with codings, please give me suggestions on how to add checks for falling survivors and getting their "m_vecOrigin" entprops, and improve this plugin.

    Oh, and if you know any other custom campaigns that spawns survivors below the saferoom on any map, I'll be glad to add them in this plugin. Custom campaign can be downloaded here


    Changelog: 04-24-16
    - First release.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (lost_finale_fix-l4d2.sp - 1.8 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  8. This is Still in Dev and is Apart of my Enhancement Projects.

    Video Above is Just the start of my project,
    nothing really to configue but will be more options later.

    I'm stuck, with the idea from Timocop adding dynamic light to molotov when it is held,
    But i know how to do this with OnGameFrame, but i would prefer not, a suggestion from Timo is to use OnPlayerRunCmd, but my inexperience i'm not able to do this :c

    Yea i'm a very slow learner so could be a while until i have done this.

    When this is complete, it maybe merged with silver's plugin or merged with its own version.


    1 = on
    0 = off

    (Release 0.2)

    Smlib Needed to compile instead, i will convert the stocks to normal when its complete if i don't really use the stocks

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (Enhanced_Throwables.sp - 4.1 KB)
    File Type: smx Enhanced_Throwables.smx (12.7 KB)
    File Type: 7z smlib.7z (52.6 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  9. Quote:

    Version: 1.0
    Author: gubka
    Add new weapon to human


    #define EXTRA_ITEM_NAME "AK117"
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_COST 5
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_LEVEL 0
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_ONLINE 0
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_LIMIT 0

    #define WEAPON_NAME "weapon_ak117"
    #define WEAPON_REFERANCE "weapon_ak47"

    #define MODEL_WORLD "models/weapons/ak117/w_rif_ak117.mdl"
    #define MODEL_VIEW "models/weapons/ak117/v_rif_ak117.mdl"

    #define SOUND_FIRE "weapons/ak117_shoot.mp3"


    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  10. Hi all.
    Take a look at the screenshot.
    Suspected bugs. If the smoker released language and was not able to catch you, because of the other plug-ins, the victim will be transparent to the end of the map.
    ???? ??????.
    ??????? ?????, ??? ???????? ??? ????????? ??????? ??????.
    ????????? ???? ??????? ? ???????.
    1. ???? ??????????? "?????" ??? ???? ??????????? survivor_upgrade_smoker_neutralizer_enable
    ?????????? ??.
    2. ???? ??????????? ?????? "???? ????????", ????????? ????, ??? ????????????? ???????????? ???????? ??????????.

    Attached Images
    File Type: jpg l4d_garage01_alleysjpg.jpg (86.9 KB)
    Attached Files
    File Type: smx l4d_Smoker attacker ghost.smx (5.5 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_Smoker attacker ghost.sp - 2.3 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  11. Description:
    I created this plugin to my server. But he can work to any other. You can also change the difficulty settings in the plugin script. I'm not strong in the scripts, so I did not create configuration file. But the script does not change difficult. Look for the code and the next will be its value. You can add many other game codes itself and add values. Sorry my EN.
    Thanks, chinagreenelvis, for cge_l4d2_commonregulator.sp plugin on its base this plugin is created.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_autodiff.sp - 30.1 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  12. Steam Group Credits

    Module to give credits for players who are member in your steam group!

    Tested [CSS]



    • sm_group_enable_adverts "1" Enable/Disable notifications for all players in chat (1=On/0=Off)
    • sm_groupid_add "xxxxxxx" Steam Group ID
    • sm_group_credits "xx" Credits to give per X time, if player is in group.
    • sm_group_credits_time "xx" Time in seconds to deal credits.

    Chat Commands:
    • !sgc automatically turns (On/Off) Steam Group Credits, Client Announcements.

    How to get steam group id?:

    Goto your steam group -> Click 'Visit Admin Page' -> Done id appears
    For newbs: Look attachment picture.


    1.0 - Plugin release

    Attached Images
    File Type: jpg howtogroupid.jpg (75.3 KB)
    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (steam_group_credits.sp - 3.5 KB)
    File Type: smx steam_group_credits.smx (14.5 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  13. I've come across some servers recently, and i've found that most servers are changing from using Personal DJ's who use their own playlists uploaded on SLAM to play through mic in games, to the server having it's on radio plugin in general. All thats left to type upon entering the server is "!radio" and walah'' the radio starts playing. Can anyone tell me what plugin this is? Or if i'm wrong, just.. how i can implement this into my own server to test? Thanks in advanced. Really hoping someoen could provide me with if not the answer i need, at least some guidance into where i can find more information. Thank you!

    Edited: Also it'll be great if it typed the Current playing song in the chatbox and had a lot of cool features in it.

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  14. Hi all.
    This test plug-in gives the player health and armor in the start rounds. Each player is returning from viewers updated health and armor.
    ???? ??????.
    ???? ???????? ??????, ???????????? ??? ?????????????? ???????? ? ????? ? ?????? ????? ????? ? ????? ????? ? ???????? ??????????? ???? ????? ???????? ?? ????????.

    Attached Files
    File Type: smx L4D_Health and Armor.smx (4.3 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (L4D_Health and Armor.sp - 1.2 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  15. Hi all.
    The plugin is designed to create a tank and a witch in every round. The plug in works such principles. If you do not kill the current tank or a witch, a witch or a new tank appears. At the beginning of salvation (call for help on the radio), the plugin stops spawn tank, until the next map.
    Choose a plug-in for your game.
    ???? ??????, ??? ???????? ??????, ??? ??? ????? ???? ????????. ???? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ? ??????. ???? ?? ?? ????? ???????? ?????, ?????? ?? ???????? ?????? ?????, ????? ??? ????????? ? ??????. ????? ??????? :D. ????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????, ???????? ?? ????????? ????? "??? ??????????", ?????? ?????????? ???????? ?????, ?? ????????? ?????.
    ????????? ?????? ??? ???????? ??? ???? ????=).

    Attached Files
    File Type: smx L4D_Round start Tank and Witch.smx (5.1 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (L4D_Round start Tank and Witch.sp - 3.4 KB)
    File Type: smx L4D2_Round start Tank and Witch.smx (5.1 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (L4D2_Round start Tank and Witch.sp - 3.4 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  16. Enhancement System:

    NotMuch to configue, i will add config support in later versions


    (Only Commons supported & Boomer so far)MoreGore :shock:,
    (infected only)BloodPool on Death :twisted:,
    Headshot only Gore,
    Explosion Only Gore)

    Cap Of 20 Particles at once refresh is +1 every 0.1secs (Keep entitys down and prevent clients from crashing (Blood pool not effected by cap))

    Upcoming next update Survivor Gore and specials & maybe dynamic pipebomb light flash if i have time

    Gore Frameworks already set up i tested it abit and all is fine from 1hour of testing with no errors but i can't test everything that can happen, please post bugs :3

    I Recommend Silvers Dynamic light and Muzzle flash What I used in the video also just to save questions :D Bit Of gameplay with lots of zombies and blood :D

    Credits to Timocop for helping me see silly stuff "This < should be this way > ":P <--- smlib is Needed to Compile yourself

    Aswell as a PreCompiled Version for easy.

    This is Still alpha so it may not be bug free

    (Release Version 0.2 Alpha)

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (Enhancement_System.sp - 22.5 KB)
    File Type: smx Enhancement_System.smx (19.3 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  17. Phew, I must be targeting to be the first user to post many modified plugins. Well, here's another one.

    Since the original one has the broken glow feature, I fixed it in this version.

    • In Cooperative gamemodes, the original removed but didn't add glows to the limping survivors after map changes. Well, I fixed that with loop checking on players whose "m_currentReviveCount" entprops is equal to the cvar "survivor_max_incapacitated_count" and adds the glow back.
    • If you're using my [L4D/L4D2] HP Rewards plugin, players may notice they still have their glows on after killing the tank and already fixed that with another loop checking on all players and removes annoying glows.
    • Copied Merudo's death notifier code to let others know who died.


    Changelog: 04-17-16
    - First release.

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (bw_notifier.sp - 11.7 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  18. Finally, after 12345678910 years of editing, I proudly present my modified version of the Ready Up plugin!

    Since I only made this plugin to call one module, I removed all unnecessary booleans, handles, timers, etc. so that they won't be leaking memory handles and produce server crashes. What the module does is: It calculates all players' distances and the radius within each other.

    Let's say if one player goes naughty and runs ahead, he/she will be detected by the module. If said rusher reaches a certain amount of distance, the module gets the team distance and automatically teleports the rusher back to his/her team. Also, there's another one - if teleported rusher reaches a certain limit of rushing, the module (depending on your config) kicks or kill that rusher.

    This might be helpful for servers with troublesome rushers, causing mission losses every single day.


    Changelog: 04-16-16
    - First release.
    • If you want to kill or kick rushers and change the rushing limits, just change the config located in sourcemod/configs/readyup/norushing.cfg. You have to find for these lines:
      PHP Code:

      "Rushing Limit"                "5"
      "Maximum Amount Of Survivors"            "4"
      "Action Needed For Rushers"        "1" 
      // 1 - Kill rusher, 2 - Kick rusher 

      Then change them to:
      PHP Code:

      "Rushing Limit"                "your value"
      "Maximum Amount Of Survivors"            "total number of survivors"
      "Action Needed For Rushers"        "your value" 

    Please report any bugs or feedbacks. Thank you in advance!

    Attached Files
    File Type: zip [L4D2] Ready (31.3 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  19. [ANY] Player Reputations



    This plugin allows players to rate each other creating a system of reputation.
    Originally meant to be used as a reputation system for trade servers to show who are regular sellers/buyers.
    I decided to release this because I haven't done much in terms of public plugins so I want to release some stuff and more are coming soon :)

    Hasn't really had extensive testing so any bug testers are welcome and appreciated.

    Been working on a custom web page to display reputations and I'll most likely release that later if there is a want for one.

    • sm_rep <client> - Displays a client's reputation
    • sm_updaterep <client> [amount] <reason> - Updates a reputation to a client
    • sm_addrep <client> [amount] <reason> - Adds reputation to a client

    Admin Commands:
    • sm_clearrep <client> - Clears a client's reputation (Root Admin by default)

    • sm_can_multiple_rep (0) - If enabled (1) then users are allowed to give multiple ratings to the same user
    • sm_can_update_rep (1) - If enabled (1) then users are allowed to update previous ratings to a user (Only works with sm_can_multiple_rep set to 0)
    • sm_min_rep (-10) - Lowest rating amount a player can give (Must be lower than sm_max_rep)
    • sm_max_rep (10) - Highest rating amount a player can give (Must be higher than sm_min_rep)
    • sm_chat_prefix (1) - If enabled (1) then a chat prefix will be shown with rep amount (Will change method later)
    • sm_connect_announce (1) - If enabled (1) then an announcement with rep amount will be shown on client connect
    • sm_rep_reasons (1) - If enabled (1) then reasons can be used in ratings


    Not much for now but you can grab a player's reputation count

     * Gets a client's reputation
     * @param client                Client index.
     * @return                                Returns reputation amount
     * @error                                Invalid client
    native Reputation_GetRep(int client);


    This plugin requires a MySQL database. It will look for a configuration named "reputation". Example:

            "driver"            "mysql"
            "host"                ""
            "database"            "example_database"
            "user"                "exampleuser"
            "pass"                "examplepassword"
            //"timeout"            "0"
            "port"                "3306"



    v1.0.0 - Initial Release

    Mathiaas - Bug Testing
    August- Annoying me non-stop
    Anyone I forgot I am sorry, please let me now


    Attached Files
    File Type: inc (275 Bytes)
    File Type: inc (15.5 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (reputation.sp - 17.3 KB)

    Wyświetl pełny artykuł

  20. Hiya, another modification today.

    So you already know what this plugin does, but I wasn't satisfied with the original one especially when it comes to reviving your teammates and you have no items to help them.

    • Instead of checking the incapped player whether he/she has items to save others, I removed it and replaced it with the distance checking instead.
    • Instead of pressing CTRL to help others, I replaced it with RELOAD to prevent conflicts (i.e when you are close to another incapped player, you press CTRL and the original plugin glitches whether to help yourself or the other player)


    Changelog: 04-16-16
    - First release.
    - Made L4D2 version only. I'm planning to make for L4D if I have more time.
    I advice you to download Silvers' [L4D2] Incapped Crawling With Animations

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (self-help.sp - 27.4 KB)

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  21. [TF2] MidAir Mod

    Gamemod based on Quake midair mod, Goal of midair is to kill your opponent while he is airborne.

    How to play:
    Goal of midair is to kill your opponent while he is airborne.
    Everyone spawns as soldier or demoman .
    Opponents take damage only when they are in mid air , and they become green.
    Use rockets or pipebomb / stickybomb to force opponents into mid air and hit them while they are airborne.

    Great for improving soldier aiming skills!

    Soldiers have 8 rockets , Demomans 8 pipebombs.

    midair_enable 1
    Enable /Disable mod
    ma_gamedescription Change Game description to MidAir

    Download maps

    Official Server : WantedGoV.IT | MidAir Mod Official Server

    Steam Group

    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (midair.sp - 9.8 KB)
    File Type: smx midair.smx (11.7 KB)

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