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  1. Hi would the timer be able to be changed like the miscstats base plugin by betting the bomb to be green and then change to yellow and red I also want the Boom, Defuse, End labels to be different colors Boom - in red color Defuse - in green color END - in blue And add coordinates for the message if it needs to be moved to another position Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (c4timer.sma - 2.2 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. This original mode is zombie. I changed it to normal mode. I modified it myself. There is no problem with editing. But the gun cannot be called out with commands Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (zp_hunter_killerx90.sma - 44.4 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. About:Alters the behavior of the death check with just a single console variable (or ConVar for short). Quite useful for servers with plug-ins that allow the ability for incapacitated survivors to help themselves up. A better replacement for both No Death Check Until Dead and Death Check Final plug-ins. Proof of Concept:(Taken with "sb_all_bot_game" and "allow_all_bot_survivor_team" set to 1) ConVar(s):death_finale_revamp_version → Version of the plug-in director_no_incap_death_check (0/1) | Default: 0 → Should the mission not be counted as a lost after all survivors get incapped? Bug(s):None for now, hopefully still that way in the future. Requirement(s):✧ SourceMod 1.11+ ✧ Source Scramble (My own fork) Installation:💡 Click Get Plugin and put the compiled .smx in the "plugins" folder or Get Source if you want to compile it on your end 💡 (Optional) Download the .txt file and put it in the "gamedata" folder Thanks:🎮 Xiraiju Akara - For testing FAQ(s):Why is it not working? Please specify in detail. Simply saying so won't get you any answer. Changelog: Code: (12/25/23) * First release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (death_check_revamp.sp - 6.9 KB) death_check_revamp.txt (1.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Hello, would it be possible to make a plugin to adjust the skins An example: ;Flag - "m" - Prefix [Head Admin] // to have option to insert T and CT model ;Flag - "o" - Prefix [Global Admin] // to have option to insert T and CT model ;Flag - "q" - Prefix [Server Admin] // to have option to insert T and CT model ;Flag - "s" - Prefix [VIP] // to have option to insert T and CT model ;Flag - "r" - Prefix [Girl Admin] // to have option to insert T and CT model Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. Hello guys and gals! Long time lurker first time poster. I have seen a few servers where when players spawn they are given all weapons with ammo automatically. I have searched up and down for how this was done and the closest I found was a AMXX plugin for counter strike and not half life. It's possible I may have overlooked something and to be frank I have not setup a GoldSrc server in like 10 years. Is there a way to configure (via plugin or otherwise) to have players start out with all weapons? I currently have the latest version of AMXX (v1.10) Thanks in advance for any help :) Przeczytaj cały wpis


    Привет вы можете создать такой плагин: У танка над головой разноцветные кольца которые мигают. Буду рад если поможете создать или восстановить его. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. About:Alters the behavior of "sacrifice" finales to act like normal ones when it comes to the Survivor team full of nothing but bots. With that in mind, the finale of The Sacrifice (or custom campaigns like Fall In Death for L4D2) is now playable on any cooperative and/or competitive game modes it supports without the requirement of a single human player. Proof of Concept:* Without plug-in ** With plug-in * ConVar(s):sacrifice_finale_revamp_version → Version of the plug-in Bug(s):None for now, hopefully still that way in the future. Requirement(s):✧ SourceMod 1.11+ ✧ Source Scramble (My own fork) Installation:💡 Get the precompiled .smx file below and put it in the plugins folder or click "Get Source" if you want to compile it on your end 💡 (Optional) Download the .txt file and put it in the "gamedata" folder Note(s):📝 One console variable in L4D serve as this plug-in's on and off switch and that is "sb_all_bot_team" but in L4D2, there are two of them those are "sb_all_bot_game" and "allow_all_bot_survivor_team" and both of them have to be enabled. Thanks:🎮 Xiraiju Akara - For testing FAQ(s):Why is it not working? Please specify in detail. Simply saying so won't get you any answer. Changelog: Code: (12/24/23) * First release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sacrifice_finale_revamp.sp - 10.7 KB) sacrifice_finale_revamp.txt (2.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. about show extra death messages those not included by game since hud shared by all players, these only be static language, if translation needed just modify yourself and compiles. plugin required L4DD, and default used HUD element 4, would not compatible with those 'used hud element 4 plugin' or 'used all hud resource like "[L4D2] Scripted HUD"' Special ThanksNyamorizilla: helps me debug and test even i doesnt have any tool, the screenshot also provide by he. a guy i dont known how call he, this dude found this file and sent it to me after i lost data on my computer, otherwise the plugin would have been lost! changelog v0.1 (December-19-2023) - internal release v0.1.1 (December-21-2023) - hide SI suicide messages v1.0 (December-24-2023) - just released NoteSince HUD resources are shared by all players, there is no translation feature (unless the translation target is dynamically selected) so there is no support for translation or time to support it Since my computer's L4D2 folder was reset to Vanilla status for an unknown reason, my mods and plugins were deleted to the bone, and this should be my last plugin Please modify the key-value pairs(ENTITY_KEYs and ENTITY_VALUEs) in the source code if you need the translation to show the new entity name. Installation put l4d2_additional_deathmsg.en-US.smx on /plugins/ required install [L4D & L4D2] Left 4 DHooks Direct Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_additional_deathmsg.en-US.sp - 10.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_additional_deathmsg.zh-CN.sp - 10.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. Cvars PHP Code: // 1 = enable, 0 = disable. include self as victim? // - // Default: "0" knock_down_on_friendly_fire_include_self "0" // weapon bypass. split up with "," // - // Default: "inferno,fire_cracker_blast,pipe_bomb,grenade_launcher_projectile" knock_down_on_friendly_fire_weapon_bypass "inferno,fire_cracker_blast,pipe_bomb,grenade_launcher_projectile" Change log Spoiler Code: 1.1 (2023-12-23: -fix missing cvar loading. 1.0 (2023-12-23: -init public release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (knock_down_on_friendly_fire.sp - 3.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Hello, I have this Shop/Vip plugin and I would like to know why PHP Code: public Player_TakeDamage multiply the damage of all weapons not only the g_bHasKnifeB and is doing this only to a few players. I disabled it and now the damage is back to normal. But what can I do so that only the knife g_bHasKnifeB to have more dmg ? PHP Code: #pragma semicolon 1 #pragma tabsize 0 #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <cstrike> #include <engine> #include <fun> #include <hamsandwich> #include <fakemeta> #include <vault> // Plugins #define PLUGIN "Shop/Vmenu" #define VERSION "1.1" #define AUTHOR "???" // Define-uri #define IsPlayer(%0) ( 1 <= %0 <= g_iMaxPlayers ) #define ADMIN_VIP ADMIN_LEVEL_H // Acces vip flag T // Native native bb_is_build_phase(); native fcs_get_user_credits ( id ); native fcs_set_user_credits ( id, credits ); // Variabile new Tag[] = "!g[!teamBASEBUILDER | Shop!g]"; // Aici poti pune tag-ul Shop-ului new TagVip[] = "!g[!teamBASEBUILDER | V.I.P!g]"; // Aici pui tag pentru V.I.P new Speed[33]; new VipUsed[33]; new HasSpeed; // Bool-uri new Runda[33]; new bool:GodMode[33]; new bool:g_bHasKnifeB[33]; new bool:g_bHasKnifeW[33]; new Float:normal_speed = 250.0; public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR); register_event("HLTV", "event_new_round", "a", "1=0", "2=0"); register_event("CurWeapon", "event_curweapon", "be", "1=1"); //RegisterHam ( Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "Player_TakeDamage" ); RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "FwdHamSpawn_Post", 1); RegisterHam(Ham_Item_PreFrame, "player", "FwdPreFrame_Post", 1); register_forward ( FM_PlayerPreThink, "ForcePlayerSpeed" ); // Comenzi register_clcmd("say /shop","Shop"); register_clcmd("say_team /shop", "Shop"); register_clcmd("say /vmenu", "cmdVmenu"); register_clcmd("say_team /vmenu", "cmdVmenu"); } // Damage ul la SUPERKNIFE /* public Player_TakeDamage ( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:fDamage){ if(iInflictor == iAttacker && iAttacker != iVictim && g_bHasKnifeB[ iAttacker ] && is_user_alive(iAttacker) && get_user_weapon(iAttacker) == CSW_KNIFE ) { SetHamParamFloat(4, fDamage * 2.0); } return HAM_IGNORED; } */ // Modele Cutite new const g_szKnifeBModel[] = "models/Shop_BaseB/v_superknife_bb.mdl"; // SUPERKNIFE new const g_szKnifeWModel[] = "models/Shop_BaseB/v_clipknife_bb.mdl"; // KNIFE 80% Inv public FwdHamSpawn_Post(id){ if (!is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; HasSpeed = false; VipUsed[id] = false; g_bHasKnifeB[id] = false; g_bHasKnifeW[id] = false; Runda[id] = 0; GodMode[id] = false; Speed[id] = false; set_user_rendering( id, _, 0, 0, 0, _, 0 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public event_new_round( ){ new iPlayers[32], iNum; get_players(iPlayers, iNum); for(new i = 0;i < iNum; i++) { Runda[iPlayers[i]]=0; GodMode[iPlayers[i]] = false; } } // Precache line public plugin_precache( ){ precache_model(g_szKnifeBModel); precache_model(g_szKnifeWModel); } // Asta e pentru switch public event_curweapon( id ){ if(g_bHasKnifeB[id] && read_data(2) == CSW_KNIFE) { set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szKnifeBModel); set_user_gravity(id, 0.5); } } public FwdPreFrame_Post(id){ if(!is_user_alive(id)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(!HasSpeed) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else if(HasSpeed) { set_user_maxspeed(id, normal_speed); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public ForcePlayerSpeed (id){ if ( Speed [ id ] ) { set_pev ( id, pev_maxspeed, 320.0 ); } } public Shop( id ) { if (bb_is_build_phase()) { ChatColor(id, "%s!team Poti folosi !gShop-ul!team dupa timpul de constructie!",Tag); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if( Runda[id] < 2 ) { if( get_user_team(id) == 1 ) { ShowShopZM(id); } else if(get_user_team(id) == 2) { ShowShopCT(id); } } else { ChatColor(id, "%s!team Poti folosi !gShop-ul!team de !g2!team ori pe runda!",Tag); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public ShowShopZM (id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) { ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti !gmort!team!",Tag); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new menu = menu_create ( "\r[BB.LALEAGANE.RO] \yShop ZM", "Menu_Giver_ZM" ); menu_additem ( menu, "\yGravity \w[ \r150 Credits\w]", "0", 0 ); menu_additem ( menu, "\yGodMode \r3 \ysecunde \w[ \r1000 Credits\w]", "1", 0); menu_additem ( menu, "\y1000 \r[HP\r] \w+ \y100 \r[AP\r] \w[ \r600 Credits\w]", "2", 0); menu_additem ( menu, "\y2000 \r[HP\r] \w+ \y100 \r[AP\r] \w[ \r1200 Credits\w]", "3", 0); menu_setprop ( menu, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR,"\w"); menu_setprop ( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL ); menu_display ( id, menu, 0 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public Menu_Giver_ZM (id, menu, item, client) { if(item == MENU_EXIT || !is_user_alive(id)) { menu_destroy(menu); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new data [ 6 ], szName [ 64 ]; new access, callback; menu_item_getinfo ( menu, item, access, data,charsmax ( data ), szName,charsmax ( szName ), callback ); new key = str_to_num ( data ); switch ( key ) { case 0: { if( is_user_alive(id) ) { new iCredits = fcs_get_user_credits ( id ) - 150; if ( iCredits < 0 ) { new iCredits2 = 150 - fcs_get_user_credits (id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu ai suficiente Credite! Mai ai nevoie de !g%i!team Credite!",Tag,iCredits2); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { set_user_gravity(id, 0.5); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Ai cumparat !gGravity!team.",Tag); fcs_set_user_credits ( id, iCredits ); Runda[id]++; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else { ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti !gmort!team!",Tag); } } case 1: { if(is_user_alive(id) && GodMode[id] == false) { new iCredits = fcs_get_user_credits ( id ) - 1000; if ( iCredits < 0 ) { new iCredits2 = 1000 - fcs_get_user_credits (id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu ai suficiente Credite! Mai ai nevoie de !g%i!team Credite!",Tag,iCredits2); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { set_user_godmode(id, 1); set_task(3.0,"scoategodmode",id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Ai cumparat !gGodMode!team pentru !g3 !teamsecunde.",Tag); fcs_set_user_credits ( id, iCredits ); Runda[id]++; GodMode[id] = true; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else if(GodMode[id] == true) { ChatColor(id, "%s!team !gLa acest item este voie doar o data pe runda!",Tag); } else { ChatColor(id, "%s!teamNu se poate accesa meniul cand esti mort!",Tag); } } case 2: { if( is_user_alive(id) ) { new iCredits = fcs_get_user_credits ( id ) - 600; if ( iCredits < 0 ) { new iCredits2 = 600 - fcs_get_user_credits (id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu ai suficiente Credite! Mai ai nevoie de !g%i!team Credite!",Tag,iCredits2 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + 1000); set_user_armor(id, get_user_armor(id) + 100); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Ai cumparat !g1000 HP !team+ !g100 AP!team.",Tag); fcs_set_user_credits ( id, iCredits ); Runda[id]++; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else { ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti !gmort!team!",Tag); } } case 3: { if( is_user_alive(id) ) { new iCredits = fcs_get_user_credits ( id ) - 1200; if ( iCredits < 0 ) { new iCredits2 = 1200 - fcs_get_user_credits (id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu ai suficiente Credite! Mai ai nevoie de !g%i!team Credite!",Tag,iCredits2 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + 2000); set_user_armor(id, get_user_armor(id) + 100); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Ai cumparat !g2000 HP !team+ !g100 AP!team.",Tag); fcs_set_user_credits ( id, iCredits ); Runda[id]++; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else { ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti !gmort!team!",Tag); } } } menu_destroy ( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public ShowShopCT(id){ static menu; menu = menu_create ("\r[BB.LALEAGANE.RO] \yShop CT","Menu_Giver_CT"); menu_additem ( menu,"\y100 \r[\yHP\r] \w+ \y100 \r[\yAP\r] \w[ \r200 Credits\w]","0", 0 ); menu_additem ( menu,"\yGrenade Pack \w[ \r100 Credits\w]","1", 0 ); menu_additem ( menu,"\yGodMode \r5 \ysecunde \w[ \r1000 Credits\w]","2", 0 ); menu_additem ( menu,"\ySpeed \w[ \r150 Credits\w]","3", 0 ); menu_additem ( menu,"\rAk47 \yGolden \w[ \r650 Credits\w]","4", 0 ); menu_additem ( menu,"\rM4A1 \yGolden \w[ \r650 Credits\w]","5", 0 ); menu_additem ( menu,"\rDeagle \yGolden \w[ \r500 Credits\w]","6", 0 ); menu_setprop ( menu, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR,"\w"); menu_setprop ( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL ); menu_display ( id, menu, 0 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public Menu_Giver_CT (id, menu, item, client){ if(item == MENU_EXIT || !is_user_alive(id)) { menu_destroy(menu); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new data [ 6 ], szName [ 64 ]; new access, callback; menu_item_getinfo ( menu, item, access, data,charsmax ( data ), szName,charsmax ( szName ), callback ); new key = str_to_num ( data ); switch ( key ) { case 0: { if( is_user_alive(id) ) { new iCredits = fcs_get_user_credits ( id ) - 200; if ( iCredits < 0 ) { new iCredits2 = 200 - fcs_get_user_credits (id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu ai suficiente Credite! Mai ai nevoie de !g%i!team Credite!",Tag,iCredits2 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + 100); set_user_armor(id, get_user_armor(id) + 100); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Ai cumparat !g100 HP !team+ !g100 AP!team.",Tag); fcs_set_user_credits ( id, iCredits ); Runda[id]++; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else { ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti !gmort!team!",Tag); } } case 1: { if( is_user_alive(id) ) { new iCredits = fcs_get_user_credits ( id ) - 100; if ( iCredits < 0 ) { new iCredits2 = 100 - fcs_get_user_credits (id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu ai suficiente Credite! Mai ai nevoie de !g%i!team Credite!",Tag,iCredits2 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { give_item ( id,"weapon_flashbang" ); give_item ( id,"weapon_hegrenade" ); give_item ( id,"weapon_smokegrenade" ); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Ai cumparat !gGrenade Pack!team.",Tag); fcs_set_user_credits ( id, iCredits ); Runda[id]++; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else { ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti !gmort!team!",Tag); } } case 2: { if(is_user_alive(id) && GodMode[id] == false) { new iCredits = fcs_get_user_credits ( id ) - 1000; if ( iCredits < 0 ) { new iCredits2 = 1000 - fcs_get_user_credits (id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu ai suficiente Credite! Mai ai nevoie de !g%i!team Credite!",Tag,iCredits2 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { set_user_godmode(id, 1); set_task(5.0,"scoategodmode",id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Ai cumparat !gGodMode!team pentru !g5 !teamsecunde.",Tag); fcs_set_user_credits ( id, iCredits ); Runda[id]++; GodMode[id] = true; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else if(GodMode[id] == true) { ChatColor(id, "%s!team !gLa acest item este voie doar o data pe runda!",Tag); } else { ChatColor(id, "%s!teamNu se poate accesa meniul cand esti mort!",Tag); } } case 3: { if( is_user_alive(id) ) { new iCredits = fcs_get_user_credits ( id ) - 150; if ( iCredits < 0 ) { new iCredits2 = 150 - fcs_get_user_credits (id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu ai suficiente Credite! Mai ai nevoie de !g%i!team Credite!",Tag,iCredits2 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { Speed[id] = true; ForcePlayerSpeed(id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Ai cumparat !gSpeed!team.",Tag); fcs_set_user_credits ( id, iCredits ); Runda[id]++; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else { ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti !gmort!team!",Tag); } } case 4: { if( is_user_alive(id) ) { new iCredits = fcs_get_user_credits ( id ) - 650; if ( iCredits < 0 ) { new iCredits2 = 650 - fcs_get_user_credits (id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu ai suficiente Credite! Mai ai nevoie de !g%i!team Credite!",Tag,iCredits2 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { client_cmd(id, "Gold_Ak"); give_item(id,"ammo_762nato"); give_item(id,"ammo_762nato"); give_item(id,"ammo_762nato"); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Ai cumparat !gAK47 Gold!team.",Tag); fcs_set_user_credits ( id, iCredits ); Runda[id]++; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else { ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti !gmort!team!",Tag); } } case 5: { if( is_user_alive(id) ) { new iCredits = fcs_get_user_credits ( id ) - 650; if ( iCredits < 0 ) { new iCredits2 = 650 - fcs_get_user_credits (id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu ai suficiente Credite! Mai ai nevoie de !g%i!team Credite!",Tag,iCredits2 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { client_cmd(id, "Gold_M4A1"); give_item(id,"ammo_556nato"); give_item(id,"ammo_556nato"); give_item(id,"ammo_556nato"); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Ai cumparat !gM4A1 Gold!team.",Tag); fcs_set_user_credits ( id, iCredits ); Runda[id]++; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else { ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti !gmort!team!",Tag); } } case 6: { if( is_user_alive(id) ) { new iCredits = fcs_get_user_credits ( id ) - 500; if ( iCredits < 0 ) { new iCredits2 = 500 - fcs_get_user_credits (id); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu ai suficiente Credite! Mai ai nevoie de !g%i!team Credite!",Tag,iCredits2 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { client_cmd(id, "Gold_deagle"); cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 200); ChatColor(id, "%s!team Ai cumparat !gDeagle Gold!team.",Tag); fcs_set_user_credits ( id, iCredits ); Runda[id]++; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else { ChatColor(id, "%s!team Nu poti accesa meniul cand esti !gmort!team!",Tag); } } } menu_destroy ( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public scoategodmode(id){ if( is_user_connected(id) ) { set_user_godmode(id, 0 ); ChatColor(id, "%s!team A expirat timpul pentru !gGodMode!y!",Tag ); } } public cmdVmenu(id){ if (bb_is_build_phase()) { ChatColor(id, "%s!team Poti folosi !gVIP Menu!team dupa timpul de constructie!",TagVip); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(!(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_VIP)) { ChatColor(id, "%s !gNumai membrii !teamVIP pot folosi aceasta comanda!",TagVip); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(VipUsed[id]) { ChatColor(id, "%s Ai folosit deja in aceasta runda meniul !gVIP",TagVip); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } switch(cs_get_user_team(id)) { case CS_TEAM_T: VipTMenu(id); case CS_TEAM_CT: VipCTMenu(id); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public VipCTMenu(id){ new menu = menu_create("\r[BASEBUILDER] \yVIP Menu \rCT", "VipCTMenu_handler"); menu_additem(menu, "\y250 \r[\yHP\r] \w+ \y100\r[\yAP\r]", "1", 0); menu_additem(menu, "\ySpeed", "2", 0); menu_additem(menu, "\yM249 \w& \yDeagle", "3", 0); menu_additem(menu, "\rAK47 \yGolden", "4", 0); menu_additem(menu, "\rM4A1 \yGolden", "5", 0); menu_additem(menu, "\rDeagle \yGolden", "6", 0); menu_display(id, menu); } public VipCTMenu_handler(id, menu, item){ if( item == MENU_EXIT ) { menu_destroy(menu); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new data[6], iName[64]; new access, callback; menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, data,5, iName, 63, callback); new key = str_to_num(data); switch(key) { case 1: { set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + 250); set_user_armor(id, get_user_armor(id) + 100); VipUsed[id] = true; ChatColor(id, "%s Ai primit !team250HP !g& !team100AP!g!",TagVip); } case 2: { VipUsed[id] = true; Speed[id] = true; ForcePlayerSpeed(id); ChatColor(id, "%s Ai primit !teamSpeed!g!",TagVip); } case 3: { give_item(id, "weapon_m249"); give_item(id, "weapon_deagle"); cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_M249, 200); cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 100); VipUsed[id] = true; ChatColor(id, "%s Ai primit un !teamM249 !g& !teamDeagle!g!",TagVip); } case 4: { client_cmd(id, "Gold_Ak"); give_item(id,"ammo_762nato"); give_item(id,"ammo_762nato"); give_item(id,"ammo_762nato"); VipUsed[id] = true; ChatColor(id, "%s Ai primit un !teamAK47 Golden!g!",TagVip); } case 5: { client_cmd(id, "Gold_M4A1"); give_item(id,"ammo_556nato"); give_item(id,"ammo_556nato"); give_item(id,"ammo_556nato"); VipUsed[id] = true; ChatColor(id, "%s Ai primit un !teamM4A1 Golden!g.",TagVip); } case 6: { client_cmd(id, "Gold_deagle"); cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 200); VipUsed[id] = true; ChatColor(id, "%s Ai primit !teamDeagle Golden!g.",TagVip); } } menu_destroy(menu); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public VipTMenu(id){ new menu = menu_create("\r[BASEBUILDER] \yVIP Meniu \rZM", "VipTMenu_handler"); menu_additem(menu, "\w+\y1500 \r[\yHP\r]", "1", 0); menu_additem(menu, "\rSUPERKNIFE \w+ \y1000 \r[\yHP\r]", "2", 0); menu_additem(menu, "\rKNIFE \w80%Clip + \y1000 \r[\yHP\r]", "3", 0); menu_display(id, menu); } public VipTMenu_handler(id, menu, item){ if( item == MENU_EXIT ) { menu_destroy(menu); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new data[6], iName[64]; new access, callback; menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, data,5, iName, 63, callback); new key = str_to_num(data); switch(key) { case 1: { set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + 1500); VipUsed[id] = true; ChatColor(id, "%s Ai primit !team1500 !gHP.",TagVip); } case 2: { set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + 1000); Speed[id] = true; ForcePlayerSpeed(id); set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, "models/Shop_BaseB/v_superknife_bb.mdl"); g_bHasKnifeB[id] = true; VipUsed[id] = true; ChatColor(id, "%s Ai primit !teamSUPER KNIFE !g+ !team1000HP!g.",TagVip); } case 3: { set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + 1000); Speed[id] = true; ForcePlayerSpeed(id); set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, "models/Shop_BaseB/v_clipknife_bb.mdl"); g_bHasKnifeW[id] = true; set_user_rendering(id, kRenderFxNone, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransAlpha, 125); VipUsed[id] = true; ChatColor(id, "%s Ai primit !teamSUPER KNIFE 80% Invizibilitate !g+ !team1000HP!g.",TagVip); } } menu_destroy(menu); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public client_putinserver(id){ GodMode[id] = false; } //********************STOCK-URI******************** stock ChatColor(const id, const input[], any:...) { new count = 1, players[32]; static msg[191]; vformat(msg, 190, input, 3); replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4"); replace_all(msg, 190, "!y", "^1"); replace_all(msg, 190, "!team", "^3"); if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch"); { for (new i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (is_user_connected(players[i])) { message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players[i]); write_byte(players[i]); write_string(msg); message_end(); } } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. How to add a colon between seconds and milliseconds I am using the Fast Countdown plugin created by bugsy. But there's a question, I need to add a colon between seconds and milliseconds. How should I add a colon? Now the countdown is displayed like this If the countdown starts from 15 seconds [Countdown ends in: 1500] I want to change it to display like this Add: colon between seconds and milliseconds [Countdown ends in: 15:00] I also want to add milliseconds to the C4 countdown. How do I get milliseconds from g_C4Timer = get_cvar_num("mp_c4timer") thank Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <engine> new const Version[] = "0.1" const iCountTime = 1500 new g_iCountdownEntity new g_iCounter public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Fast Countdown" , Version , "bugsy") g_iCountdownEntity = create_entity("info_target") entity_set_string(g_iCountdownEntity , EV_SZ_classname , "countdown_entity") register_think("countdown_entity" , "fw_CountdownEntThink") register_clcmd("say /countdown" , "ShowCountdown") } public ShowCountdown() { g_iCounter = iCountTime entity_set_float(g_iCountdownEntity , EV_FL_nextthink , get_gametime() + 0.01) } public fw_CountdownEntThink(iEntity) { if (iEntity == g_iCountdownEntity) { set_hudmessage(255 , 255 , 255 , -1.0 , -1.0 , 0 , 0.1 , 0.1) show_hudmessage(0 , "[ Countdown ends in: %d ]" , --g_iCounter) if (g_iCounter) entity_set_float(g_iCountdownEntity , EV_FL_nextthink , get_gametime() + 0.01) else server_cmd("sv_restartround 1") } } Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Fast_Countdown.sma - 989 Bytes) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. Description: Simple fully functional standalone monster spawner script, automatically spawns and respawns monster_apache, also spawns hgrunt/houndeye at victims origin. You can spawn any monster manually by console command - _monster. Don't forget to precache their resources. Currently supported mods: - Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update Requirements: Developed using required Metamod and AMX Mod X version. - Metamod-P 1.21p38: - AMX Mod X 1.10: Console command to manual spawn: - _monster - bind this command to spawn monsters manually Installation: - Compile apb_monster.sma and install like any other plugin. - * version 1.0 (Dec 21 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update: - First release Attached Files (6.5 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. hello guys sorry for my bad english is ther is a Plugin to update tf2 server automatically when ther is tf2 update for exomple when server auto restart daly chek if ther is update and apply that update first Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    RSSgrenade he

    hello it is possible to make a plugin for the red grenade for the t and blue for the ct THANKS Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. Hi, would someone be able to add coordinates for the de_dust2_snow map because I don't have blocks to close the path to b and I can't save them Attached Files mode (55.9 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. team mix plugin plugin mixes the teams to balance when a team is too strong, vote to balance the team Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. Hello, I have this code that I would like that when the ct or the tt has a superkatana "mod furien" knife is the basic one and katana is to buy the item in the store, I would like that if any player who has this item dies that the katana falls to the ground and other users who are alive can take it easily. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (furien_superknife.sma - 4.6 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. Hello, please I am looking for an "AMXBans" without errors when banning players, because, when banning a player, I have several errors. If the player is NoSteam at the time of banning, this bans his IP, his id and I think also "VALVE_ID_LAN" this error causes other NoSteam players to become banned without being associated with the sanctioned player. Another error is that some players in the Ban Menu cannot be selected, their name is grayed out and I cannot do anything to ban them. I need help please, if anyone knows any updated amxbans I would greatly appreciate it, But I also have some errors when adding administrators I am currently using this version: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. Hi! Someone can help me? I need slq saving. Sorry my english to low. Thank u for help. :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Karacsonyi_dobozok.sma - 5.9 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. hola tengo este codigo que me gustaria que cuando el ct o el tt tenga una superkatana "mod furien " knife es el basico y katana es comprando el item en tienda , me gustaria que si cualquier jugador que tenga este item muera que se caiga la katana al suelo y otros usuarios k esten vivos la puedan cojer paso sma. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (furien_superknife.sma - 4.6 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. Note: This plugin is only automate the server slot adjustment and survivor spawn. There is no bot takeover feature. Please use another plugin like: [L4D(2)] AFK and Join Team Commands (1.1) or any plugin found from internet. Also this plugin conflicts with any similar plugins that automate the survivor spawn, like [L4D/L4D2] LEFT12DEAD About: Dynamically adjust the survivors count based on connected players. Dynamically adjust the server slot based on connected players. Add survivor bot if there is no bot to takeover when player joined to the server. Kick survivor bot when player disconnected by self. (optional) When Medkit density installed, it will adjust medkit count dynamically based on in-game survivor count. Dependency: l4dtoolz Optional dependency: Medkit dencity Cvar: Code: sm_aslot_version - Plugin version sm_aslot_debug - 0/1 - Toggles debug message sm_aslot_kick - 0/1 - Toggles auto kick. When set to 1 and player disconnected by self, survivor bot will be kicked if survivor counts higher than 5. sm_aslot_fixed_survivor_limit - -1~32 - Fix survivor_limit with this number. or if set to -1 (not recommended due to bug) it will adjust survivor_limit dynamically based on in-game player count. sm_aslot_fixed_server_slot - -1~32 - Fix sv_maxplayers with this number. If set to -1 It will adjust sv_maxplayers dynamically based on in-game player count + 1Installation:Download autoServerSlot.smx from here: Put autoServerSlot.smx into sourcemod plugins folder Done Changelog: Code: - 1.0 Initial release on alliedmodders forum.You can download latest source file from GitHub. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Can someone solve this ? Ty. (2 8 ) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "cvars") PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <hamsandwich> native strip_user_weapons(index); native cs_get_user_hasprim(index); native cs_get_user_buyzone(index); new cvars[4]; new const name_cvars[][][] = { {"surf_delete_corpse", "1"}, {"surf_buyzone_kill", "0"}, {"surf_superwalls", "1"}, {"surf_strip_sec_weapons", "1"} } public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Surf Addon", "1.1", "cyby"); RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "ham_take_damage"); RegisterHam(Ham_TraceAttack, "player", "ham_trace_attack"); RegisterHam(Ham_Killed, "player", "killed_player"); for(new i = 0; i < sizeof name_cvars; i++) cvars = register_cvar(name_cvars[0], name_cvars[1]); if(get_pcvar_num(cvars[0]) > 0) set_msg_block(get_user_msgid("ClCorpse"), BLOCK_SET); } public ham_take_damage(vic, inf, att, Float:dmg, dmgbits) { if(!is_user_alive(att) || att == vic || !is_user_alive(vic)) return HAM_IGNORED; if(get_pcvar_num(cvars[1]) == 0) { if(get_user_team(att) != get_user_team(vic)) { if(cs_get_user_buyzone(att)) { client_print(att, print_center, "You can't attack here!"); return HAM_SUPERCEDE; } if(cs_get_user_buyzone(vic)) return HAM_SUPERCEDE; } } if(get_pcvar_num(cvars[2]) > 0) { if(!(dmgbits & (1<<1))) return HAM_IGNORED; if(!get_isplayer(att)) return HAM_SUPERCEDE; } return HAM_IGNORED; } public ham_trace_attack(vic, att, Float:dmg, Float:vecdr[3], tr, dmgbits) { if(!is_user_alive(vic) || !is_user_alive(att)) return HAM_IGNORED; if(get_pcvar_num(cvars[1]) == 0) { if(get_user_team(att) != get_user_team(vic)) { if(cs_get_user_buyzone(att)) return HAM_SUPERCEDE; if(cs_get_user_buyzone(vic)) return HAM_SUPERCEDE; } } if(get_pcvar_num(cvars[2]) > 0) { if(!(dmgbits & (1<<1))) return HAM_IGNORED; if(!get_isplayer(att)) return HAM_SUPERCEDE; } return HAM_IGNORED; } public killed_player(victim) { if(get_pcvar_num(cvars[3]) > 0) { if(!is_user_connected(victim)) return HAM_IGNORED; if(!cs_get_user_hasprim(victim)) strip_user_weapons(victim); } return HAM_IGNORED; } stock bool:get_isplayer(attacker) { new victim, crap; get_user_aiming(attacker, victim, crap); if(!is_user_alive(victim)) return false; return true; } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. Hello friends, I have a small issue with the Jailbreak mode. You know when the game mode voting appears after a few rounds? I'm trying to figure out if it's working. I've added the mod smoothly, no errors are being thrown. I've played 10 rounds or more, but the voting for the game mode doesn't show up. Is it because I'm trying this offline with bots? I even added a bot registered as a real player, but the game mode voting still doesn't open. Do you have any advice or anything? I'll leave the entire script here; if someone is more familiar with it, please check. Thanks in advance. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. Well here again I wanted a plugin that is VIPS models in a MENU but for ZP4.3. I haven't found one that works for me, the model fails and I'll stick with the skin even if it's Zombie or Nemesis. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. Hi, can someone make a plugin that lets u color func_wall with right click ? But only people with a specific flag to have acces to it ? Thank u. Przeczytaj cały wpis
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