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  1. Hi, I am not the author of this original plugin, but i modified for add an overlay when not dead. Authors : Originals authors : Vintage Description : This plugin display an overlay on Player Death and another overlay when player is alive. Setting : Setting file : HTML Code: dod/cfg/dod_deathoverlay/dod_deathoverlay.cfgBe carrefull, overlay alive is disable by default. PHP Code: // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.11.0.6502) // ConVars for plugin "dod_death_overlay.smx" // death overlay to display, relative to materials folder without file extension (set download and precache in sourcemod/configs/dod_death_overlay_download.ini) // - // Default: "decals/death_overlay/deathoverlay1" sm_dod_deathoverlay "decals/death_overlay/deathoverlay4" // 0 : disable, 1 : enable Death Overlay // - // Default: "1" sm_dod_deathoverlay_enable "1" // How many seconds to display overlay // - // Default: "2.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "5.000000" sm_dod_deathoverlaytime "2.0" // overlay to display, relative to materials folder without file extension (set download and precache in sourcemod/configs/dod_death_overlay_download.ini) // - // Default: "decals/death_overlay/overlay1" sm_dod_overlay "decals/death_overlay/overlay1" // 0 : disable, 1 : enable Overlay // - // Default: "0" sm_dod_overlay_enable "1" Facility : Download Zip file. Unzip this file in your computer. Upload all files in your server, respect the folder architecture. Change map or restart server, plugin create cfg file. Setting cfg file. Changelog : Plugin 1.0: original plugin (request by LeTaz Team MDR) Overlay too long (stay from death to respawn) Plugin 1.1: added auto cfg config for overlay model and a timer duration (configurable from 1s to 5s) to display the overlay Plugin 1.2 : 18/10/2023 add overlay when players alive. Have fun... Attached Thumbnails Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (dod_death_overlay.sp - 5.7 KB) (6.81 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    hello, how to run Reaim without amxbans ? Quote: [AIMBOT] ; Включить Обнаружение AimBot (0 | 1) AIM_DETECTION = 1 ; Чувствительность Обнаружения AimBot (0 | 10) SENS = 8 ; Активация Выдачи Нескольких Предупреждений За Одну Проверку [Отключите для DeathMatch] (0 | 1) MULTI_WARN = 1 ; Предупреждений до Начала Оповещения Админов в Чате (0 | 50) NOTIFY_WARNS = 3 ; Предупреждений до Обнаружения AimBot (2 | 50) MAX_WARNS = 5 ; Сброс Предупреждений После N Чистых Выстрелов (5 | 1000) SHOTS_RESET = 40 ; Сброс Предупреждений После N Убийств Противников (10 | 500) KILLS_RESET = 35 ; Сброс Предупреждений После N Секунд с Последнего Предупреждения (30 | 1800) TIME_RESET = 420 [NOSPREAD] ; Включить Обнаружение NoSpread (0 | 1) NOSPREAD_DETECTION = 1 ; Предупреждений до Начала Оповещения Админов в Чате (15 | 300) NOTIFY_WARNS = 15 ; Предупреждений до Обнаружения NoSpread (25 | 300) MAX_WARNS = 40 [PUNISH] ; Причина Наказания за AimBot REASON_AIMBOT = Aim Detected ; Время Назания за AimBot BAN_TIME_AIMBOT = 60 ; Причина Наказания за NoSpread REASON_NOSPREAD = NoSpread Detected ; Время Наказания за NoSpread BAN_TIME_NOSPREAD = 60 ; Формирование Строки Команды Бана ; Параметры для Подстановки: ; [time] - Время бана ; [userid] - Userid игрока ; [steam] - SteamID игрока ; [ip] - IP игрока ; [reason] - Причина бана ; Строка Наказания за Обнаружение AimBot (Максимальная длина 127 символов) PUNISH_AIMBOT = amx_ban [time] [userid] [reason] ; Строка Наказания за Обнаружение NoSpread (Максимальная длина 127 символов) PUNISH_NOSPREAD = amx_ban [time] [userid] [reason] [SAVE] ; Сохранение Предупреждений После Перезахода Игрока на Сервер (0 | 3) ; 0 - отключено | 1 - SteamID | 2 - IP | 3 - SteamID или IP TYPE = 1 ; Минимальное Количество Предупреждений для Сохранения за AimBot (2 | 50) AIM_WARNS = 2 ; Минимальное Количество Предупреждений для Сохранения за NoSpread (15 | 300) NOSPREAD_WARNS = 15 [OTHER] ; Флаг(и) Админа, Который Будет Видеть Оповещения (Пример: abcde) FLAG_ALERT = d ; Включить Защищенную Отправку Оружия (0 | 1) SEND_PROTECTION_WEAPON = 0 ; Включить Crash Читов (0 | 1) CRASH_CHEAT = 0 thanks Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. Hello, do someone can help me to combine 2 plugins to the same function & cmd I'm using +grab for moving players and +grab for move objects from my basebuilder Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <fakemeta> new const VERSION[ ] = "1.2.4b1" new const TRKCVAR[ ] = "grab_plus_version" #define ADMIN ADMIN_LEVEL_A new client_data[33][4] #define GRABBED 0 #define GRABBER 1 #define GRAB_LEN 2 #define FLAGS 3 #define SF_FADEOUT 0x02 #define m_bitsDamageType 76 //Cvar Pointers new p_enabled, p_players_only new p_throw_force, p_min_dist, p_speed, p_grab_force new p_glow_r, p_glow_b, p_glow_g, p_glow_a new p_fade, p_glow //Pseudo Constants new MAXPLAYERS new SVC_SCREENFADE, SVC_SCREENSHAKE, WTF_DAMAGE public plugin_init( ) { register_plugin( "Grab+", VERSION, "Ian Cammarata" ) register_cvar( TRKCVAR, VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER ) set_cvar_string( TRKCVAR, VERSION ) p_enabled = register_cvar( "gp_enabled", "1" ) p_players_only = register_cvar( "gp_players_only", "0" ) p_min_dist = register_cvar ( "gp_min_dist", "90" ) p_throw_force = register_cvar( "gp_throw_force", "1500" ) p_grab_force = register_cvar( "gp_grab_force", "8" ) p_speed = register_cvar( "gp_speed", "5" ) p_glow_r = register_cvar( "gp_glow_r", "50" ) p_glow_g = register_cvar( "gp_glow_g", "0" ) p_glow_b = register_cvar( "gp_glow_b", "0" ) p_glow_a = register_cvar( "gp_glow_a", "200" ) p_fade = register_cvar( "gp_screen_fade", "1" ) p_glow = register_cvar( "gp_glow", "1" ) register_clcmd( "+grab", "grab", ADMIN, "bind a key to +grab" ) register_clcmd( "-grab", "unset_grabbed" ) register_event( "DeathMsg", "DeathMsg", "a" ) register_forward( FM_PlayerPreThink, "fm_player_prethink" ) register_dictionary( "grab_plus.txt" ) MAXPLAYERS = get_maxplayers() SVC_SCREENFADE = get_user_msgid( "ScreenFade" ) SVC_SCREENSHAKE = get_user_msgid( "ScreenShake" ) WTF_DAMAGE = get_user_msgid( "Damage" ) } public plugin_precache( ) { precache_sound( "player/PL_PAIN2.WAV" ) } public fm_player_prethink(id) { new target // Search for a target if (client_data[id][GRABBED] == -1) { new Float:orig[3], Float:ret[3] get_view_pos(id, orig) ret = vel_by_aim(id, 9999) ret[0] += orig[0] ret[1] += orig[1] ret[2] += orig[2] target = traceline(orig, ret, id, ret) if (0 < target <= MAXPLAYERS) { if (is_grabbed(target, id)) return FMRES_IGNORED set_grabbed(id, target) } else if (!get_pcvar_num(p_players_only)) { new movetype if (target && pev_valid(target)) { movetype = pev(target, pev_movetype) if (!(movetype == MOVETYPE_WALK || movetype == MOVETYPE_STEP || movetype == MOVETYPE_TOSS)) return FMRES_IGNORED } else { target = 0 new ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, -1, ret, 12.0) while (!target && ent > 0) { movetype = pev(ent, pev_movetype) if ((movetype == MOVETYPE_WALK || movetype == MOVETYPE_STEP || movetype == MOVETYPE_TOSS) && ent != id) target = ent ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere, ent, ret, 12.0) } } if (target) { if (is_grabbed(target, id)) return FMRES_IGNORED set_grabbed(id, target) } } } target = client_data[id][GRABBED] // If they've grabbed something if (target > 0) { if (!pev_valid(target) || (pev(target, pev_health) < 1 && pev(target, pev_max_health))) { unset_grabbed(id) return FMRES_IGNORED } if (target > MAXPLAYERS) grab_think(id) } // If they're grabbed target = client_data[id][GRABBER] if (target > 0) grab_think(target) return FMRES_IGNORED } public grab_think( id ) //id of the grabber { new target = client_data[id][GRABBED] //Keep grabbed clients from sticking to ladders if( pev( target, pev_movetype ) == MOVETYPE_FLY && !(pev( target, pev_button ) & IN_JUMP ) ) client_cmd( target, "+jump;wait;-jump" ) //Move targeted client new Float:tmpvec[3], Float:tmpvec2[3], Float:torig[3], Float:tvel[3] get_view_pos( id, tmpvec ) tmpvec2 = vel_by_aim( id, client_data[id][GRAB_LEN] ) torig = get_target_origin_f( target ) new force = get_pcvar_num( p_grab_force ) tvel[0] = ( ( tmpvec[0] + tmpvec2[0] ) - torig[0] ) * force tvel[1] = ( ( tmpvec[1] + tmpvec2[1] ) - torig[1] ) * force tvel[2] = ( ( tmpvec[2] + tmpvec2[2] ) - torig[2] ) * force set_pev( target, pev_velocity, tvel ) } stock Float:get_target_origin_f( id ) { new Float:orig[3] pev( id, pev_origin, orig ) //If grabbed is not a player, move origin to center if( id > MAXPLAYERS ) { new Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3] pev( id, pev_mins, mins ) pev( id, pev_maxs, maxs ) if( !mins[2] ) orig[2] += maxs[2] / 2 } return orig } public grab( id, level, cid ) { if( !cmd_access( id, level, cid, 1 ) || !get_pcvar_num( p_enabled ) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if ( !client_data[id][GRABBED] ) client_data[id][GRABBED] = -1 screenfade_in( id ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public screenfade_in( id ) { if( get_pcvar_num( p_fade ) ) { message_begin( MSG_ONE, SVC_SCREENFADE, _, id ) write_short( 10000 ) //duration write_short( 0 ) //hold write_short( SF_FADE_IN + SF_FADE_ONLYONE ) //flags write_byte( get_pcvar_num( p_glow_r ) ) //r write_byte( get_pcvar_num( p_glow_g ) ) //g write_byte( get_pcvar_num( p_glow_b ) ) //b write_byte( get_pcvar_num( p_glow_a ) / 2 ) //a message_end( ) } } public throw( id ) { new target = client_data[id][GRABBED] if( target > 0 ) { set_pev( target, pev_velocity, vel_by_aim( id, get_pcvar_num(p_throw_force) ) ) unset_grabbed( id ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public unset_grabbed( id ) { new target = client_data[id][GRABBED] if( target > 0 && pev_valid( target ) ) { set_pev( target, pev_renderfx, kRenderFxNone ) set_pev( target, pev_rendercolor, {255.0, 255.0, 255.0} ) set_pev( target, pev_rendermode, kRenderNormal ) set_pev( target, pev_renderamt, 16.0 ) if( 0 < target <= MAXPLAYERS ) client_data[target][GRABBER] = 0 } client_data[id][GRABBED] = 0 if( get_pcvar_num( p_fade ) ) { message_begin( MSG_ONE, SVC_SCREENFADE, _, id ) write_short( 10000 ) //duration write_short( 0 ) //hold write_short( SF_FADEOUT ) //flags write_byte( get_pcvar_num( p_glow_r ) ) //r write_byte( get_pcvar_num( p_glow_g ) ) //g write_byte( get_pcvar_num( p_glow_b ) ) //b write_byte( get_pcvar_num( p_glow_a ) / 2 ) //a message_end( ) } } //Grabs onto someone public set_grabbed( id, target ) { if( get_pcvar_num( p_glow ) ) { new Float:color[3] color[0] = get_pcvar_float( p_glow_r ) color[1] = get_pcvar_float( p_glow_g ) color[2] = get_pcvar_float( p_glow_b ) set_pev( target, pev_renderfx, kRenderFxGlowShell ) set_pev( target, pev_rendercolor, color ) set_pev( target, pev_rendermode, kRenderTransColor ) set_pev( target, pev_renderamt, get_pcvar_float( p_glow_a ) ) } if( 0 < target <= MAXPLAYERS ) client_data[target][GRABBER] = id client_data[id][FLAGS] = 0 client_data[id][GRABBED] = target new Float:torig[3], Float:orig[3] pev( target, pev_origin, torig ) pev( id, pev_origin, orig ) client_data[id][GRAB_LEN] = floatround( get_distance_f( torig, orig ) ) if( client_data[id][GRAB_LEN] < get_pcvar_num( p_min_dist ) ) client_data[id][GRAB_LEN] = get_pcvar_num( p_min_dist ) } public is_grabbed( target, grabber ) { for( new i = 1; i <= MAXPLAYERS; i++ ) if( client_data[i][GRABBED] == target ) { client_print( grabber, print_chat, "[AMXX] %L", grabber, "ALREADY" ) unset_grabbed( grabber ) return true } return false } public DeathMsg( ) kill_grab( read_data( 2 ) ) public client_disconnect( id ) { kill_grab( id ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public kill_grab( id ) { //If given client has grabbed, or has a grabber, unset it if( client_data[id][GRABBED] ) unset_grabbed( id ) else if( client_data[id][GRABBER] ) unset_grabbed( client_data[id][GRABBER] ) } stock traceline( const Float:vStart[3], const Float:vEnd[3], const pIgnore, Float:vHitPos[3] ) { engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, vStart, vEnd, 0, pIgnore, 0 ) get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, vHitPos ) return get_tr2( 0, TR_pHit ) } stock get_view_pos( const id, Float:vViewPos[3] ) { new Float:vOfs[3] pev( id, pev_origin, vViewPos ) pev( id, pev_view_ofs, vOfs ) vViewPos[0] += vOfs[0] vViewPos[1] += vOfs[1] vViewPos[2] += vOfs[2] } stock Float:vel_by_aim( id, speed = 1 ) { new Float:v1[3], Float:vBlah[3] pev( id, pev_v_angle, v1 ) engfunc( EngFunc_AngleVectors, v1, v1, vBlah, vBlah ) v1[0] *= speed v1[1] *= speed v1[2] *= speed return v1 }That the lines of the move objects of basebuilder Code: public cmdMoveEnt(id) { if (g_BuildBan[id] == true) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if (g_iszombie[id] && !access(id, AFTER_BUILD)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if (!g_CanBuild && !access(id, AFTER_BUILD)) { client_print (id, print_center, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "FAIL_TIME_UP") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } if (!g_isalive[id] && !access(id, DEAD_BUILD)) { client_print (id, print_center, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "FAIL_DEAD") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } if (g_pEnt[id] && is_valid_ent(g_pEnt[id])) cmdStopEnt(id) new ent, bodypart get_user_aiming (id,ent,bodypart) if (!is_valid_ent(ent) || ent == g_iEntBarrier) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED } if (ent <= g_MaxPlayers && g_isalive[ent]) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED } if (IsBlockLocked(ent) || g_MovingEnt[ent]) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED } if (get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar_claimable) == 1) { if (!g_EntOwner[ent]) { if ((g_OwnedEnts[id]<get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar_maxclaimable)) || get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar_maxclaimable) == 0) { g_EntOwner[ent] = id g_OwnedEnts[id]++ } else { client_print (id, print_center, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "FAIL_MAXOWNED", get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar_maxclaimable)) //return PLUGIN_HANDLED } } else if (g_EntOwner[ent] != id && !access(id, AFTER_BUILD)) { client_print (id, print_center, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "FAIL_ALREADYOWNED") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } } new tname[7], cname[10]; entity_get_string(ent, EV_SZ_targetname, tname, 6); entity_get_string(ent, EV_SZ_classname, cname, 9); if (!equal(cname, "func_wall") || equal(tname, "ignore")) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new origin[3], entOrigin[3], Float:orig[3], Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3], dist entity_get_vector(ent, EV_VEC_origin, orig); entity_get_vector(ent, EV_VEC_mins, mins); entity_get_vector(ent, EV_VEC_maxs, maxs); entOrigin[0] = floatround((mins[0] + maxs[0]) / 2 + orig[0]); entOrigin[1] = floatround((mins[1] + maxs[1]) / 2 + orig[1]); entOrigin[2] = floatround((mins[2] + maxs[2]) / 2 + orig[2]); get_user_origin(id, origin); dist = get_distance(origin, entOrigin); new max = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar_entmaxdist) new min = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar_entmindist) if (min) //min { if(dist < min) //minimum dist = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar_entsetdist); } if (max) //maximum { if (dist > max) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } DispatchKeyValue(ent, "rendermode", "1"); DispatchKeyValue(ent, "renderamt", "100"); DispatchKeyValue(ent, "rendercolor", g_szColors[g_iGrabColor[id]]) g_MovingEnt[ent] = true g_EntMover[ent] = id g_pEnt[id] = ent g_pDist[id] = dist if (!g_CanBuild && access(id, AFTER_BUILD)) { new adminauthid[35],adminname[35] get_user_authid (id,adminauthid,34) get_user_name(id,adminname,34) Log("[MOVE] Admin: %s || SteamID: %s moved an entity", adminname, adminauthid) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. Description Addon that converts deathrun maps into speedrun timed runs. Additional information Live Demo server : Demo website : *this is not a promotion Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. I simply updated the code and added the plugin version cvar to comply with the plugin release guide but I am not the author of this plugin. Authors : Originals authors : Darkranger & Andersso Description : This plugin replaces the AXIS SPADE with an AX and the ALLIES KNIFE with a MACHETE! Important : DONT FORGET TO COPY THE MATERIALS and MODELS TO YOUR FASTDOWNLOAD SERVER and CONFIG SV_PURE_WHITELIST CORRECTLY ! (if using sv_pure 1) Setting : Nothing Facility : Download Zip file. Unzip this file in your computer. Upload all file in your server, respect the folder architecture. Change map or restart server. Credits : I don't know who the authors of these models are, but if they recognize their work I would be happy to name them. Have fun... Attached Thumbnails Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (dod_spade_knife_model.sp - 8.9 KB) (1.09 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. . Detonation Control (l4d_det_cntrl) by Mystik Spiral Control gascan/molotov detonation based on customizable proximity Features: If a gascan or molotov detonation location is within a defined proximity of self/incapped/other survivor, prevent detonation, otherwise treat normally. This is very helpful if you have plugins that allow bots to throw molotovs. If a bot/player/griefer makes a bad molotov throw or shoots a gascan that would burn self/incapped/other survivor in the defined proximity, this plugin will prevent detonation. For gascans: Shooting the gascan when it is too close will not cause a fire, though you will see shot decals on the undetonated gascan. Move the gascan out of proximity and it will behave normally. For molotovs: Once a thrown molotov hits the ground, if it is too close, the molotov will skip across the ground like it does when hitting a wall. The undetonated molotov can be picked back up and thrown again. Throw the molotov out of proximity and it will behave normally. Options: Separate proximity values for gascan and molotov Separate proximity values for vertical and vector distance Separate proximity values for self, incapped, and other Separately enable/disable gascan and molotov protection Separately display/surpress gascan and molotov chat messages Language translations: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese Notes: Vertical proximity is checked first. If no survivor is in vertical proximity, then detonation will happen as normal and the vector proximity check is skipped. Vertical refers to the distance in height only (above/below). Vector refers to the distance in three-dimensional space. Distance is measured to the survivors eye position. Requirements: The Left 4 DHooks Direct (left4dhooks.smx) plugin version 1.138 or higher is REQUIRED, and must be downloaded/copied to your server's "\addons\sourcemod\plugins\ directory. Credits: Silvers (SilverShot): Game type/mode detection/enable/disable template, left4dhooks plugin, examples, fixes, and general community help. Most recent update: Code: 14-Oct-2023 v1.0 - Initial release. Update history for older versions: Spoiler Code: . INSTALLATION: Download the file to your server's \addons\sourcemod\ directory and extract the files. . Attached Files (17.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Ghost Plague: BHOP - v0.0.1, posted at : 14/10/2023 Bhop maps are fun but they end up getting boring. Now you can have fun playing bhop while you escape from ghosts :bacon: This is a beta version. The next updates will include Multi-Language, some optimizations and some more. I am posting this already because if there is someone interested on this mod maybe i get some help finding better models and sounds. I tested this locally, solo. The multiplayer functions should work properly, give me your feedback. InformationAfter X seconds a Ghost is randomly picked Ghosts must kill all the Humans Humans win if they survive the whole round Once you finish the map you get a deagle Knife and deagle kill spirits so you get insta kill on hit. Same goes for Ghosts. You have a model menu customizable via .ini file inside the configuration folder You can make the configurations per map so you can change roundtime and countdown time per map. Bhop blocks don't go down for better multiplayer gameplay. Requirements Auto BHOP by ConnorMcLeod Configuration file Code: ; Speed of Ghosts SPEED_GHOST 600.0 ;TransAlpha Value /Invisibility amount TRANSALPHA_GHOST 150.0 ;Time of a round in minutes ROUD_TIME 3 ;CountDown until first Ghost spawns in seconds COUNTDOWN_TIME 60 ; ;Models now V_KNIFE models/gp_bhop/v_knife.mdl V_GHOST_KNIFE models/gp_bhop/v_knife_ghost.mdl P_KNIFE models/gp_bhop/p_knife.mdl V_DEAGLE models/gp_bhop/v_deagle.mdl P_DEAGLE models/gp_bhop/p_deagle.mdl ;Sounds now, MUST BE .WAV FILES - Dont use sound/ for wav files HUMANS_VICTORY radio/ctwin.wav GHOSTS_VICTORY radio/terwin.wav ; MUSIC_COUNTDOWN MUST BE .MP3 FILE - here you must use sound/ for mp3 file MUSIC_COUNTDOWN sound/gp_bhop/countdown.mp3 Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ghost.sma - 16.4 KB) (1.56 MB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. Description : This plugin makes pumpkins appear where a player has died. To prevent players from being blocked by pumpkins, the plugin checks if one of the players is too close to the dead player. To stick with the Halloween theme, when a flag is taken, it turns into a scarecrow. Setting : Setting file is in : dod/cfg/dod_halloween_objects/dod_halloween_objects.cfg PHP Code: // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.11.0.6502) // ConVars for plugin "dod_halloween_objects.smx" // 0 : disable, 1 : enable change flags by scarecrow // - // Default: "1" dod_Flags_enable "1" // 0 : disable, 1 : enable Spawn Pumpkins where dead player // - // Default: "1" dod_Pumpk_enable "1" // 0 : disable, 1 : enable Solid Pumpkins // - // Default: "1" dod_Pumpk_solid "1" // Maximum Number Objects in map 20 to 99 // - // Default: "20" // Minimum: "20.000000" // Maximum: "99.000000" dod_hal_num_obj "20" // 0 : disable, 1 : enable Plugin // - // Default: "1" dod_halloween_objects_enable "1" Credits : I don't know who the authors of these models are, but if they recognize their work I would be happy to name them. Have fun... Attached Thumbnails Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (dod_halloween_objects.sp - 14.1 KB) (3.67 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. Allows the new taunt Neck Snap to damage players. Convar: "sm_nk_friendlyfire_damage", "1", "Neck crack damage for teammates Allows you to toggle the ability to deal damage to allies. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (neckcrack.sp - 2.5 KB) neckcrack.smx (5.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    RSSZP 3.61 beta

    Hello everyone! I wonder is there any way to get Zombie Plague betas?(like 3.61). I love the old versions of 4.3 and I want to play them one more time. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. Hello! I want to add a small plugin to my zombie server, but the problem is that I'm still not very good at AMXX coding... In an old zombie server I saw that there is a "hudmessage" that says "XYZ has entered the server... Have a good game! (Rank X of Y) " and when he exits " Goodbye XYZ! We hope you come back" how could someone do that? Attached are the example pictures :D Even though the pictures are hungarian, any help would be appreciated! Attached Thumbnails Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. Hello , i want a plugin like this : When admin write in chat /vot the game are in pause ( players cannot move ) At this time a message appear : " It's time to choose nextmap " in middle . ( if is possible the sound 'it's time to choose' is better ) And now admin can use amx_votemap . And players are not playing and can good choose the nextmap And when admin write in chat /stopvot , a new message appear : " This is the last round ! " Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. Hello everyone, I have been working in the last couple of days on a pet plugin, many people in the community have helped me, but its still not close to the what we call it as an ideal movements. Thanks for all those people who really gave me a lot of ideas, specially: - BHaType - Lux - Shady - All other people who also tried to help me I will list the plugin here, this version is for improvements, I don't know where else I could list it, but currently I will be far for a while from the community. If anyone interested in taking over this, he is most welcome. Commands: sm_pet > to toggle pet in and out Requires: left4dhooks Video demonstration: YouTube - Test 5 - Be aware that the YouTube version has multiple other functions which I think is not suppose to be included in this test version as the main purpose is to improve the entire tracing mechanism. Thanks, and good luck Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_pet_test.sp - 12.8 KB) l4d2_pet_test.smx (15.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Hello, can someone help me add custom icons for custom weapons ? I try the revolver first... I started something here : Code: #include <amxmodx> #define PLUGIN "Weapon Icon" #define VERSION "1.2" #define AUTHOR "hoboman313/Zenix" #define MAX_PLAYERS 32 new iconstatus, pcv_iloc new user_icons[MAX_PLAYERS + 1][16] public plugin_natives() { register_native("GiveUserRevolver", "NativeGiveUserRevolver", false); register_native("IsUserHasRevolver", "NativeIsUserHasRevolver", false); } public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR); register_event("CurWeapon", "update_icon", "be", "1=1"); register_event("AmmoX", "draw_icon", "be"); register_event("DeathMsg", "event_death", "a"); pcv_iloc = register_cvar("amx_weapon_location", "1"); check_icon_loc(); precache_model("sprites/revolver.spr"); } public update_icon(id) { remove_weapon_icon(id); check_icon_loc(); if (get_pcvar_num(pcv_iloc) == 0 || is_user_bot(id)) return; static sprite[16], iwpn, clip, ammo; iwpn = get_user_weapon(id, clip, ammo); if (iwpn == CSW_CUSTOM_REVOLVER || iwpn == CSW_CUSTOM1) { sprite = "revolver.spr"; } else { switch (iwpn) { case CSW_P228: sprite = "d_p228"; break; case CSW_SCOUT: sprite = "d_scout"; break; case CSW_HEGRENADE: sprite = "d_grenade"; break; case CSW_XM1014: sprite = "d_xm1014"; break; case CSW_MAC10: sprite = "d_mac10"; break; case CSW_AUG: sprite = "d_aug"; break; case CSW_SMOKEGRENADE: sprite = "d_flashbang"; break; case CSW_ELITE: sprite = "d_elite"; break; case CSW_FIVESEVEN: sprite = "d_fiveseven"; break; case CSW_UMP45: sprite = "d_ump45"; break; case CSW_SG550: sprite = "d_sg550"; break; case CSW_GALIL: sprite = "d_galil"; break; case CSW_FAMAS: sprite = "d_famas"; break; case CSW_USP: sprite = "d_usp"; break; case CSW_MP5NAVY: sprite = "d_mp5navy"; break; case CSW_M249: sprite = "d_m249"; break; case CSW_M3: sprite = "d_m3"; break; case CSW_M4A1: sprite = "d_m4a1"; break; case CSW_TMP: sprite = "d_tmp"; break; case CSW_G3SG1: sprite = "d_g3sg1"; break; case CSW_FLASHBANG: sprite = "d_flashbang"; break; case CSW_DEAGLE: sprite = "d_deagle"; break; case CSW_SG552: sprite = "d_sg552"; break; case CSW_AK47: sprite = "d_ak47"; break; case CSW_KNIFE: sprite = "d_knife"; break; case CSW_P90: sprite = "d_p90"; break; case CSW_GLOCK18: sprite = "d_glock18"; break; case CSW_AWP: sprite = "d_awp"; break; default: break; } } user_icons[id] = sprite; draw_icon(id); } public draw_icon(id) { static iwpn, clip, ammo, icon_color[3]; iwpn = get_user_weapon(id, clip, ammo); if ((ammo == 0 && clip == 0)) icon_color = {255, 0, 0}; else if (ammo == 0 && iwpn != CSW_KNIFE) icon_color = {255, 160, 0}; else icon_color = {0, 160, 0}; message_begin(MSG_ONE, iconstatus, {0, 0, 0}, id); write_byte(1); // статус (0=скрий, 1=покажи, 2=флаш) write_string(user_icons[id]); write_byte(icon_color[0]); // червено write_byte(icon_color[1]); // зелено write_byte(icon_color[2]); // синьо message_end(); } public remove_weapon_icon(id) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, iconstatus, {0, 0, 0}, id); write_byte(0); write_string(user_icons[id]); message_end(); } public event_death() { new id = read_data(2); if (!is_user_bot(id)) remove_weapon_icon(id); } public check_icon_loc() { new value = get_pcvar_num(pcv_iloc); if (value == 1) iconstatus = get_user_msgid("StatusIcon"); else if (value == 2) iconstatus = get_user_msgid("Scenario"); else iconstatus = 0; return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. This is a proof-of-concept implementation for a Real-Time Strategy (RTS) camera control setup with support for screen-space to world-space point-and-click selection. It is written in pure SourcePawn and only requires SourceMod running on a Team Fortress 2 server. Please note the cursor and other movement speeds and sensitivity settings have been hard-coded and should be edited and configured for your implementation. Users may also have specific preferences that depend on game settings and server latency. Custom bots used during testing and demonstration are not part of this release. Features Edge scrolling WASD-keys scrolling Drag-to-scroll (hold right mouse button and drag) Zooming (scroll with mouse wheel, see below for binds) Rotation (hold mouse wheel down and drag, can be used while scrolling for fly-through) Clip camera angles and movements to bounding box Left-click to select units (drag rectangle to select multiple) Right-click to apply an action to selected units Colored health bars drawn above selected unit entities that are visible through walls Demonstration Videos Commands Code: sm_rts [min_x min_y min_z max_x max_y max_z] - Enter and exit RTS mode sm_rts_zoom_in - Camera zoom in sm_rts_zoom_out - Camera zoom out sm_rts_aspect_ratio <ratio> - Set camera aspect ratio sm_rts_aspect_ratio <width> <height> - Set camera aspect ratio calculated with width and heightRecommended Binds Code: bind MWHEELUP sm_rts_zoom_in bind MWHEELDOWN sm_rts_zoom_outExample Test Map This project was developed and tested on jump_academy_classic_b inside the Market Gardening Arena (MGA) part of the map. Use the sm_rts command with the corresponding bounding box values as follows to start: Code: sm_rts 6680 -3750 -1035 10200 -300 785Dependencies SourceMod or newer SMLib Download via GitHub Repository:Source Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. This plugin is a synthesis of Doc Grenade Trails by Andi67 and sm_dods_runspeed by Darkranger to which I added my ideas for make mod. DESCRIPTION : This plugin is an improved Rocket mod. For fun, when the axes fire a rocket, the smoke from the rocket is red, for the allies green. With the rocket you run normally, with cut or spade you run 1.2 times faster. When you kill someone with the rocket, you win 10hp. When you kill with the cut or spade, you win 25hp. INSTALLATION : 1. Upload smx file in dod/addons/sourcemod/plugins/ 2. Change map. 3. change cvar dod_rock_n_speed_run : 1 to enable/ 0 to disable If you are root admin on your server, you can put this on your Day of Defeat:source Console : PHP Code: sm_rcon dod_rock_n_speed_run 1 or sm_rcon dod_rock_n_speed_run 0 Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (dod_rock_n_speed_run.sp - 4.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Based from <eVa>Dog's Dog Bonus Round and dod sexy bonusround by Vintage Plugin is modified by Micmacx based on the plugin : Admin Sounds 1.2.2 by Cadav0r : I used his way of handling precached sounds. DESCRIPTION : This plugin beacon the losing team and turns them into Harley Quinn. It makes the winners immortal, gives them more speed and transforms them into Freddy Krueger. BE CARREFULL : By default this plugin does not play sound, it is up to you to activate it in the configuration file. This plugin does not play the sound to people who do not download the sounds. I would like to point out that if you download the sounds and then deactivate the sound download, the plugin will not play the sound for you. INSTALLATION : 1. Download the zip file and upload everything to your server. 2. Change your map, like this plugin will create dod/cfg/dod_halloween_bonusround/dod_halloween_bonusround.cfg 2. SETTING : Edit your dod/cfg/server.cfg file and put these values ​​in it: PHP Code: dod_bonusround "1" dod_bonusroundtime "15" Edit dod/cfg/dod_halloween_bonusround/dod_halloween_bonusround.cfg if you want to use sound when a team win. PHP Code: // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.11.0.6502) // ConVars for plugin "dod_haloween_bonusround.smx" // Enabled/Disabled kicking players with DL-filter, 0 = off/1 = on // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" dod_halloween_bonusround_kicknodl "1" // 1 : Enable / 0 : Disable Plugin // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" dod_halloween_bonusround_sound_enable "0" // Folder and file name Name in folder sound // - // Default: "dod_halloween_bonusround/sound.mp3" dod_halloween_bonusround_sound_file "dod_halloween_bonusround/sound.mp3" Just to have fun at the end of the round. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (dod_haloween_bonusround.sp - 10.7 KB) (8.02 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Chat Spam Punishment Description This plugin complements the anti chat flood feature that comes with Sourcemod. The idea behind this plugin is to stop people from... Spoiler Peter Brev: typing Peter Brev: lots of messages Peter Brev: in the game chat Peter Brev: rapidly Peter Brev: for no good reason, Peter Brev: annoying everyone Peter Brev: and potentially disrupting the game. You can choose to gag (with time, even if you do not use Sourcebans++!), kick or ban any player being naughty spammers. ConVars sm_chat_spam_punishment_version [Def. 1.0.0] - Plugin version sm_chat_spam_enable [Def. 1] - Enable/Disable plugin sm_chat_spam_punishment_treshold [Def. 8] - The maximum number of messages in a given time at which it will gag, kick or ban the player. sm_chat_spam_punishment_warning_enable [Def. 1] - Should the player see a warning before their impending doom. sm_chat_spam_punishment_warning [Def. 1] - How close to the threshold should it warn the player of an impending action. E.g. If the treshold is set to 8, then setting this cvar to 1 means that the warning will show one chat message before action is taken. sm_chat_spam_punishment_type [Def. 0] - Type of punishment to apply (0: gag, 1: kick, 2: ban). sm_chat_spam_punishment_gag_time [Def. 300] - How long to apply a gag for (time in seconds). [Use "sm_chat_spam_punishment_time_sc" if you have Sourcecomms]. sm_chat_spam_punishment_ban_time [Def. 5] - How long to apply a ban for (time in minutes). [Use "sm_chat_spam_punishment_time_sc" if you have Sourcecomms]. sm_chat_spam_punishment_timer [Def. 15] - The time at which the player's threshold will reset (time in seconds). If you use Sourcebans++: sm_chat_spam_punishment_time_sb [Def. 5] - How long to apply a gag or a ban (time in minutes). Note: sm_chat_spam_punishment_gag_time and sm_chat_spam_punishment_ban_time have no effect if Sourcebans++ is installed on your server. They are superceded by sm_chat_spam_punishment_time_sb. Note 2: Admins are immune. Additional information Plugin uses Updater by GoD-Tony. It is not required to have it for this plugin to run, but you will not have to manually update files. Known issues None that I know of. If you experience issues, let me know what happened and steps to reproduce if possible. Any screenshots/demos are welcome additions. To do Nothing. Attached Files Chat Spam (14.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. Hello to all first sorry for my english i want help for this plugin when people are a spectator, the menu still shows them, I want to do it only Who are CT T to show them and not to a spectator /* * ___________ * * Simple Public VIP v1.0 * * Author: ALGHTRYER * e: [email protected] w: * ___________ * * VIP Player ( flag t ) have several privileges, which will not give much advantage over other players. * You can adjust everything with cvar. * * Features: * - Free he, smoke and flash bomb. * - Kevlar and Helmet * - Defuse for CT * - Menu with free weapon ( ak47/m4a1 + deagle ). Menu will be remove after 15 ( cvar ) seconds. * - Only VIP can buy AWP. * - Show damage. * - Happy Hour. * * How set VIP? * - Put flag "t" on player STEAM ID, IP or NAME. * * Cvars : * // 0 = off / 1 = on * - spv_menu 1 = Show Menu * - spv_awp 1 = Only VIP can buy Awp * - spv_menuremove 15 = Remove Menu after seconds * - spv_he 1 = Give He * - spv_smoke 1 = Give Smoke * - spv_fb 1 = Give flash * - spv_fb2 1 = Give flash * - spv_armor 1 = Give Armor ( Kevlar and Helmet ) * - spv_def 1 = Give defuse fot ct player * - spv_damage 1 = Show damage * - spv_hh 1 = Happy Hour * - spv_infohud 1 = Show hud about happy hour * - spv_start 23 = When Start Happy Hour 2 = 2 am and 14 = 2 pm * - spv_end 9 = When End Happy Hour 2 = 2 am and 14 = 2 pm * - spv_roundsmenu 3 = Menu with free weapon will be show on third ( cvar ) round * * * Changelog: * - v1.0 [13. Apr 2020] : First release. * */ #include < amxmodx > #include < cstrike > #include < fun > #include < engine > #include < fakemeta > #include < hamsandwich > #define ADMIN_ACCESS ADMIN_CHAT new const // _________________________________________ PLUGIN [ ] = "Simple Public VIP", VERSION[ ] = "1.0", AUTHOR [ ] = "ALGHTRYER"; // _________________________________________ new bool:bHappyHour; new CvarMenu; new CvarAwp; new CvarMenuRemove; new CvarHe; new CvarSmoke; new CvarFb; new CvarFb2; new CvarArmor; new CvarDef; new CvarHappyHour; new CvarInfoHud; new CvarStart; new CvarEnd; new CvarDamage; new CvarRoundsMenu; new gRounds; new SyncInfoHud; new SyncDamage; enum /* Weapon types */ { Primary = 1 , Secondary , Knife , Grenades , C4 }; public plugin_init( ) { register_plugin ( PLUGIN, //: Simple Public VIP VERSION, //: 1.0 AUTHOR //: ALGHTRYER <> ); register_cvar( "spv_version", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_UNLOGGED ); CvarMenu = register_cvar( "spv_menu", "1" ); CvarAwp = register_cvar( "spv_awp", "1" ); CvarMenuRemove = register_cvar( "spv_menuremove", "15" ); CvarHe = register_cvar( "spv_he", "1" ); CvarSmoke = register_cvar( "spv_smoke", "1" ); CvarFb = register_cvar( "spv_fb", "1" ); CvarFb2 = register_cvar( "spv_fb2", "1" ); CvarArmor = register_cvar( "spv_armor", "1" ); CvarDef = register_cvar( "spv_def", "1" ); CvarDamage = register_cvar( "spv_damage", "1" ); CvarHappyHour = register_cvar( "spv_hh", "1" ); CvarInfoHud = register_cvar( "spv_infohud", "1" ); CvarStart = register_cvar( "spv_start", "23" ); CvarEnd = register_cvar( "spv_end", "9" ); CvarRoundsMenu = register_cvar( "spv_roundsmenu", "3" ); SyncInfoHud = CreateHudSyncObj( ); SyncDamage = CreateHudSyncObj( ); register_logevent( "OnRoundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start" ); register_event("HLTV", "CheckHappyHour", "a", "1=0", "2=0") register_event( "TextMsg", "RestartGame", "a", "2&#Game_C","2&#Game_w" ); register_event( "Damage", "Event_Damage", "b", "2>0", "3=0" ); register_clcmd( "awp", "BuyAwp" ); register_clcmd( "magnum" ,"BuyAwp" ); } public plugin_cfg( ) { if( get_pcvar_num( CvarInfoHud ) ) set_task( 1.0, "InfoHud", _, _, _, "b" ); } public InfoHud( ) { set_hudmessage( 0, 212, 255, 0.57, 0.05, _, _, 1.0, _, _, 1 ); ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, SyncInfoHud, "Free Vip from %dh to %dh", get_pcvar_num( CvarStart ), get_pcvar_num( CvarEnd ) ); } public OnRoundStart( ) { gRounds ++ new iPlayers[ 32 ] , iNum, id; get_players( iPlayers , iNum ); for ( new i = 0 ; i < iNum ; i++ ) { id = iPlayers[ i ]; if( get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_USER || bHappyHour ) { if( get_pcvar_num( CvarMenu ) && gRounds >= get_pcvar_num( CvarRoundsMenu ) ) { CreateWeaponMenu( id ); if( task_exists( id ) ) { remove_task( id ); } set_task( get_pcvar_float( CvarMenuRemove ), "RemoveMenu", id ); } if( get_pcvar_num( CvarHe ) ) give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" ); if( get_pcvar_num( CvarSmoke ) ) give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" ); if( get_pcvar_num( CvarFb ) ) give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" ); if( get_pcvar_num( CvarFb2 ) ) give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" ); if( get_pcvar_num( CvarArmor ) ) cs_set_user_armor( id, 100, CS_ARMOR_VESTHELM ); if ( get_pcvar_num( CvarDef ) && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT ) cs_set_user_defuse( id, 1 ); } } } public CreateWeaponMenu( id ) { new menu = menu_create( "\rWeapon Menu:", "weapon_menu" ); menu_additem( menu, "\wAK47 \y+ \wDeagle", "", 0 ); menu_additem( menu, "\wM4A1 \y+ \wDeagle", "", 0 ); menu_additem( menu, "\wAWP \y+ \wDeagle \y+", "", ADMIN_ACCESS ) menu_setprop( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL ); menu_display( id, menu, 0 ); } public weapon_menu( id, menu, item ) { switch( item ) { case 0: { if( !user_has_weapon( id, CSW_AK47)) { StripWeapons( id, Primary ); give_item( id, "weapon_ak47" ); } else cs_set_weapon_ammo( find_ent_by_owner( -1, "weapon_ak47", id ), 30 ); if( !user_has_weapon( id, CSW_DEAGLE)) { StripWeapons( id, Secondary ); give_item( id, "weapon_deagle" ); } else cs_set_weapon_ammo( find_ent_by_owner( -1, "weapon_deagle", id ), 7 ); cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AK47, 90 ); cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35 ); } case 1: { if( !user_has_weapon( id, CSW_M4A1)) { StripWeapons( id, Primary ); give_item( id, "weapon_m4a1" ); } else cs_set_weapon_ammo( find_ent_by_owner( -1, "weapon_m4a1", id ), 30 ); if( !user_has_weapon( id, CSW_DEAGLE)) { StripWeapons( id, Secondary ); give_item( id, "weapon_deagle" ); } else cs_set_weapon_ammo( find_ent_by_owner( -1, "weapon_deagle", id ), 7 ); cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_M4A1, 90 ); cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35 ); } case 2: { if( !user_has_weapon( id, CSW_AWP)) { StripWeapons( id, Primary ); give_item( id, "weapon_awp" ); } else cs_set_weapon_ammo( find_ent_by_owner( -1, "weapon_awp", id ), 10 ); if( !user_has_weapon( id, CSW_DEAGLE)) { StripWeapons( id, Secondary ); give_item( id, "weapon_deagle" ); } else cs_set_weapon_ammo( find_ent_by_owner( -1, "weapon_deagle", id ), 7 ); cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AWP, 30 ); cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35 ); } case MENU_EXIT: { client_print( id, print_chat, "You exited the menu..." ); } } menu_destroy( menu ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public RemoveMenu( id ) { show_menu( id, 0, "^n", 1 ); } public BuyAwp( id ) { if( get_pcvar_num( CvarAwp ) ) { if( get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H || bHappyHour ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; client_print( id, print_center, "#Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Cannot_Buy_This" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public Event_Damage( iVictim ) { if( get_pcvar_num( CvarDamage) ) { new id = get_user_attacker( iVictim ); if( is_user_connected( id ) && get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H ) { set_hudmessage( 0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1 ); ShowSyncHudMsg( id, SyncDamage, "%d^n", read_data( 2 ) ); } } } public CheckHappyHour( ) { if( get_pcvar_num( CvarHappyHour ) ) { static hour_str[ 3 ], get_hour, get_start, get_end; get_time( "%H", hour_str, 2 ); get_hour = str_to_num( hour_str ); get_start = get_pcvar_num( CvarStart ); get_end = get_pcvar_num( CvarEnd ); if( get_start < get_end ? ( get_start <= get_hour && get_hour < get_end ) : ( get_start <= get_hour || get_hour < get_end ) ) bHappyHour = true; else bHappyHour = false; } } public RestartGame( ) { gRounds = 0; } public client_disconnect( id ) { if( task_exists( id ) ) { remove_task( id ); } } // *** // Start "" <> stock StripWeapons(id, Type, bool: bSwitchIfActive = true) { new iReturn; if(is_user_alive(id)) { new iEntity, iWeapon; while((iWeapon = GetWeaponFromSlot(id, Type, iEntity)) > 0) iReturn = ham_strip_user_weapon(id, iWeapon, Type, bSwitchIfActive); } return iReturn; } stock GetWeaponFromSlot( id , iSlot , &iEntity ) { if ( !( 1 <= iSlot <= 5 ) ) return 0; iEntity = 0; const m_rgpPlayerItems_Slot0 = 367; const m_iId = 43; const XO_WEAPONS = 4; const XO_PLAYER = 5; iEntity = get_pdata_cbase( id , m_rgpPlayerItems_Slot0 + iSlot , XO_PLAYER ); return ( iEntity > 0 ) ? get_pdata_int( iEntity , m_iId , XO_WEAPONS ) : 0; } stock ham_strip_user_weapon(id, iCswId, iSlot = 0, bool:bSwitchIfActive = true) { new iWeapon if( !iSlot ) { static const iWeaponsSlots[] = { -1, 2, //CSW_P228 -1, 1, //CSW_SCOUT 4, //CSW_HEGRENADE 1, //CSW_XM1014 5, //CSW_C4 1, //CSW_MAC10 1, //CSW_AUG 4, //CSW_SMOKEGRENADE 2, //CSW_ELITE 2, //CSW_FIVESEVEN 1, //CSW_UMP45 1, //CSW_SG550 1, //CSW_GALIL 1, //CSW_FAMAS 2, //CSW_USP 2, //CSW_GLOCK18 1, //CSW_AWP 1, //CSW_MP5NAVY 1, //CSW_M249 1, //CSW_M3 1, //CSW_M4A1 1, //CSW_TMP 1, //CSW_G3SG1 4, //CSW_FLASHBANG 2, //CSW_DEAGLE 1, //CSW_SG552 1, //CSW_AK47 3, //CSW_KNIFE 1 //CSW_P90 } iSlot = iWeaponsSlots[iCswId] } const XTRA_OFS_PLAYER = 5 const m_rgpPlayerItems_Slot0 = 367 iWeapon = get_pdata_cbase(id, m_rgpPlayerItems_Slot0 + iSlot, XTRA_OFS_PLAYER) const XTRA_OFS_WEAPON = 4 const m_pNext = 42 const m_iId = 43 while( iWeapon > 0 ) { if( get_pdata_int(iWeapon, m_iId, XTRA_OFS_WEAPON) == iCswId ) { break } iWeapon = get_pdata_cbase(iWeapon, m_pNext, XTRA_OFS_WEAPON) } if( iWeapon > 0 ) { const m_pActiveItem = 373 if( bSwitchIfActive && get_pdata_cbase(id, m_pActiveItem, XTRA_OFS_PLAYER) == iWeapon ) { ExecuteHamB(Ham_Weapon_RetireWeapon, iWeapon) } if( ExecuteHamB(Ham_RemovePlayerItem, id, iWeapon) ) { user_has_weapon(id, iCswId, 0) ExecuteHamB(Ham_Item_Kill, iWeapon) return 1 } } return 0 } // End "" <> // *** /* MADE BY ALGHTRYER. */ Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. I have uploaded new weapon skins. This also works with the Weapon replacement plugin... but when I go to the server 1 weapon takes e.g. 1 minute. I tried to make FastDL with sv_download url. Here is my server.cfg file. // Use this file to configure your DEDICATED server. // This config file is executed on server start. // disable autoaim sv_aim 0 // disable clients' ability to pause the server pausable 0 // default server name. Change to "Bob's Server", etc. hostname "WWW.ASSAULT-STARS.DE | 24/7 Assault Only! WE NEED ADMINS" // 20 minute timelimit ;mp_timelimit 0 sv_cheats 0 // load ban files exec listip.cfg exec banned.cfg //map start mp_startmoney 16000 mp_freezetime 0 mp_roundtime 2.0 mp_buytime .20 mp_maxrounds 24 mp_match_end_restart 1 mp_match_end_changelevel 0 sv_region 255 sv_lan 0 sv_rsdisplay 1 sv_rsadvertise 1 ad_react_all 0 mp_autokick 0 mapchangcfgfile server.cfg sv_maxrate 33000 sv_minrate 20000 sv_maxupdaterate 100 sv_minupdaterate 60 sv_maxspeed 320 hv_mode 1 sv_downloadurl "" sv_allowupload 1 sv_allowdownload 1 // Gravity // 800 is normal // 200 is Matrix style sv_gravity 800 No matter what I do it does not work. The folder structure in the FTP and game server is the same. e.g. .. cstrike/models/v_ak47_new.mdl and ftp the same. As I said, the gun does load/change, but not quickly. I hope anyone can help me. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. Zombie Escape An open source version of Zombie Escape for Team Fortress 2 Description: A gamemode where survivors have to escape a map against a horde of zombies. These zombies can't be killed and can only be knocked back. Modified weapons can be given to both survivors and zombies. The Story: Zombie Escape existed in other source games before having a TF2 version. The gamemode itself wasn't open source and only on certain servers. Of course server wars began where it started the 64-player slot trend which forced it's way into live TF2! I made this version of Zombie Escape to allow a more public version and allow server owners to host as well. And if your aware of the false DMCA attacks against me before, this is why. Hopefully finally releasing this will stop the drama with monopolies going a bit too far to stay as a sole server. Installation: Latest Version on GitHub Required: SourceMod 1.12.X TF2Attributes 1.7.X Recommended: File Network TFEconData TFOnTakeDamage Supported: SteamWorks SM-TFCustAttr SM-TFCustomWeaponsX Credits: TF2: Zombie Riot Super Zombie Fortress With it's new nature expect the need to balance using the ZombieEscape.cfg and the weapons.cfg and it's lack of public Zombie Escape maps. Attached Files (19.85 MB) (155.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Fixes random spawners always creating the same loot in NMRiH 1.13.4 Full info: Download: Source code: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Hi, There are a lot of sound plugins but I haven't found any that play sounds randomly to add a certain atmosphere in your server, in my case it was for Halloween that I created this script. For copyright I will not put any sound with the plugin, but I will explain to you how to modify downloaded sounds, then it will be up to you to take your responsibilities regarding copyright, in my case I used royalty-free sound databases, but when in doubt... DESCRIPTION : Plugin play automaticaly random sound every 40 seconds for make a certain atmosphere in your server. This plugin uploads sounds automatically to players. It plays sounds only to players who download them, which avoids having players tell you about red lines in their Day of Defeat source console. INSTALLATION : 1. Prepare 25 sounds using these file names: son1.mp3 son2.mp3 son3.mp3 . . . son24.mp3 son25.mp3 son26.mp3 Sorry but i make this script in french, the translation for "son" is "sound". 2. Upload sound files in sound/yourfolder. 3. Upload plugin and change map, it will create cfg/halloween_sounds/halloween_sounds.cfg 4. Setting your folder in halloween_sounds.cfg // Folder Name in folder sound // - // Default: "halloween_mx" halloween_sounds_folder "halloween_mx" 5. Change map, it must work. In halloween_sounds.cfg you can enable/disable the plugin, change the name of the sounds folder, change the time in seconds after playing a sound that another one will be played, change the volume of sounds. PREPARE SOUNDS : Convert valid MP3 file for your DoD:S servers using Audacity, Audacity is free, open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds. With this software you can convert all sound files to MP3. 1. Install Audacity on your computer. 2. Create a sound or download it. 3. Open sound in audacity. 4. On the left of the graph it should be written: Stereo, 44100Hz 32bits floating.If it is not 44100, you must select it at the bottom left in the “Project rate in HZ”, then in the Track menu–>Resample–>Validate. 5. Then in the menu: File–>Export–>Export to MP3. 6. A window opens and you must setting: bit rate mode-->medium, Quality -->128kbps, channel mode -->stereo, and save the file. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (halloween_sound.sp - 4.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Hello, I want to convert this file to sma. Can someone help me? Attached Files SQLite.amxx (7.1 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. Admins, trash this if this is not allowed, thanks. Hi , I'm having problems decompiling an plugin, is not private plug, but i'm sure the plug have an backdoor.. Someone can help ? Attached Files ZombieOutstanding.amxx (175.7 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
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