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  1. Hello, how can I make the Zombies spawn at the same position where they are at the beginning of the round, meaning that they don't spawn at the base but at the exact position where the player is? This is the Zombie I use Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. Is there any way to block round end with reapi ? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. Hi, I'm looking for plugins for a zp server I'm building. If anyone has a bit of time and wants to help me, welcome. On the other hand I am looking for the minalaser plugin, the best known of all, the blue one. to be exact: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. force spectator mode, I want that when a player dies by a knife and starts to spectate a player is forced to spectator mode to free chase camera and that he cannot change it regardless of how the forcecamera, forcechasecam cvars are Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. My first small plugin that makes bots a bit more fun, with this plugin they use a voice menu depending on their health. Regular bots hardly ever use voice commands, but this plugin solves the issue; you can also install the plugin for the MVM mode. INSTALL: tf2\tf\addons\sourcemod\plugins <--- Drop smx file here. Attached Files TF2_Voicemenu_Randomizer.smx (4.3 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (TF2_Voicemenu_Randomizer.sp - 2.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. I want a plugin that shows when some VIP (ADMIN_LEVEL_H) (Flag t) enters the server. This message should be green and displayed in the lower left corner. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. Anyone know if it's possible to update the GUI buy menu to appear and function like the CS2 and Valorant style buy menus? Przeczytaj cały wpis

    RSSHead Hats

    Hi guys (again), i need cso hats plugin but only for head, because cso hats doesn't work with the basic costume system which is used in all plugins about the hats Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. Hi guys, i have joaquimandrade blackjack, can some one explain to me how to upload card images because the default link doesn't work Przeczytaj cały wpis


    Hello, can anyone help me ? I would like that when I spectate someone they tell me the name, armor, life, weapon and rank of the player Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. busco scripter para que me enseñe la programación básica y/o trabaje en una futura comunidad, aclaró, soy de argentina. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. I got the sections wrong, sorry Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. Can someone edit this /scan 1. Choose Player To Scan 2.Unscan Player When i choosed player he will be auto transfer to scan without chat printchat [Scan Menu] Admin %s Asked % To Scan. He can't join on teams he can leave server but he will get BANNED FOR 2 Weeks he will see mothd how to scan (WarGods) Post Scan Link on console ctrl + v [WarGods] Player %s Was clean , Report Link PHP Code: /* WarGods Community Plugin by: LiOn Credits: DanN Plugin: Comanda cerere wCD */ #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <cstrike> #include <fun> #define PLUGIN "Cerere wCD" #define VERSION "1.1" #define AUTHOR "DanN / LiOn" #define TAG "[WarGods]" #define MOTD_LOCATION "addons/amxmodx/configs/wcdinfo.html" new bool:hascan[33], cvars[3] new store_team public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) register_clcmd("say", "cmd_say") register_clcmd("say_team", "cmd_say") cvars[0] = register_cvar("wcd_disconnect_ban", "1") cvars[1] = register_cvar("wcd_minim_acces_flag", "c") // kick acces cvars[2] = register_cvar("wcd_time_for_ban", "1000") register_dictionary("wcd_scan.txt") } public client_connect(id) { hascan[id] = false } public client_disconnect(id) { if(hascan[id] && get_pcvar_num(cvars[0]) == 1) { new ip[32] get_user_ip(id, ip, charsmax(ip), 1) hascan[id] = false server_print("%s", ip) client_cmd(0, "spk ^"vox/bizwarn eliminated") server_cmd("addip %d %s;writeip",get_pcvar_num(cvars[2]), ip) server_exec() } } public cmd_say(id) { new szSaid[192] read_args(szSaid, charsmax(szSaid)) remove_quotes(szSaid) if(contain(szSaid, "/scan") != -1) { if(get_user_flags(id) & get_pcvar_flags(cvars[1])) { new target[32] copy(target, sizeof(target) -1, szSaid[6]) new player = cmd_target(id, target, 2) if(player) { new pname[32], admin[32] get_user_name(player, pname, charsmax(pname)) get_user_name(id, admin, charsmax(admin)) if(hascan[player]) { ColorChat(id, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ALREADY_HAVE", TAG) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } else { new timer[64] get_time("%d/%m/%Y - %H:%M:%S", timer, charsmax(timer)) hascan[player] = true store_team = get_user_team(player) user_silentkill(player) cs_set_user_team(player, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) ColorChat(0, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "MAKE_WCD", TAG, admin, pname, timer) ColorChat(0, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "DOWNLOAD_LINK", TAG) ColorChat(0, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "INFO_WCD", TAG) client_cmd(id, "snapshot") return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } } else { ColorChat(id, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "INVALID_PLAYER", TAG) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } } } else if(contain(szSaid, "/clean") != -1) { if(get_user_flags(id) & get_pcvar_flags(cvars[1])) { new target[32] copy(target, charsmax(target), szSaid[7]) new player = cmd_target(id, target, 2) if(player) { new pname[32] get_user_name(player, pname, charsmax(pname)) cs_set_user_team(player, store_team) hascan[player] = false ColorChat(0, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "PLAYER_CLEAN", TAG, pname) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } else { ColorChat(id, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "INVALID_PLAYER", TAG) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } } } else if(equal(szSaid, "/infowcd") || equal(szSaid, "/wcd")) { show_motd(id, MOTD_LOCATION) } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) { new Count = 1, Players[32]; static Msg[191]; vformat(Msg, 190, input, 3); replace_all(Msg, 190, "!g", "^4"); replace_all(Msg, 190, "!y", "^1"); replace_all(Msg, 190, "!t", "^3"); if(id) Players[0] = id; else get_players(Players, Count, "ch"); { for (new i = 0; i < Count; i++) { if (is_user_connected(Players[i])) { message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, Players[i]); write_byte(Players[i]); write_string(Msg); message_end(); } } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ ansicpg1252\\ deff0\\ deflang1036{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */ Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. Hello! every time I restart the round in cs 1.6 on my server a weird sound happens and I want to know if theres a plugin that disables it? thank you! (only happens in jail maps for example jail_xmf) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. Hi guys can someone edit this to me Grenades Trail for VIPS only ADMIN_LEVEL_C ADMIN_LEVEL_H too PHP Code: /* Grenade Trail 1.0 Author: Jim Cvars: grenade_tr: default 2 0 - None 1 - Random Colors 2 - Nade Specific 3 - Team Specific grenade_he "255000000" set the trail color of Hegrenade grenade_fb "000000255" set the trail color of Flashbang grenade_sg "000255000" set the trail color of Smokegrenade */ #include <amxmodx> #include <csx> #define PLUGIN "Grenade Trail" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "Jim" #define Flags ADMIN_LEVEL_C ADMIN_LEVEL_H new g_cvar_tr new g_cvar_he new g_cvar_fb new g_cvar_sg new g_trail public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) g_cvar_tr = register_cvar("grenade_tr", "2") g_cvar_he = register_cvar("grenade_he", "255000000") g_cvar_fb = register_cvar("grenade_fb", "000000255") g_cvar_sg = register_cvar("grenade_sg", "000255000") } public plugin_precache() { g_trail = precache_model("sprites/smoke.spr") } public grenade_throw(id, gid, wid) { new gtm = get_pcvar_num(g_cvar_tr) if(!gtm) return new r, g, b switch(gtm) { case 1: { r = random(256) g = random(256) b = random(256) } case 2: { new nade, color[10] switch(wid) { case CSW_HEGRENADE: nade = g_cvar_he case CSW_FLASHBANG: nade = g_cvar_fb case CSW_SMOKEGRENADE: nade = g_cvar_sg } get_pcvar_string(nade, color, 9) new c = str_to_num(color) r = c / 1000000 c %= 1000000 g = c / 1000 b = c % 1000 } case 3: { switch(get_user_team(id)) { case 1: r = 255 case 2: b = 255 } } } message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY) write_byte(TE_BEAMFOLLOW) write_short(gid) write_short(g_trail) write_byte(10) write_byte(5) write_byte(r) write_byte(g) write_byte(b) write_byte(192) message_end() } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. Hello people :) Can someone help me here to add a running limit so that it can only be run three times in one reincarnation and for example there is a 30 second break between the three runs? Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <fun> #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0.1" new g_pSpeed new g_pSprintDuration public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Fast Knife", PLUGIN_VERSION, "OciXCrom") register_cvar("CRXFastKnife", PLUGIN_VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY | FCVAR_UNLOGGED) register_event("CurWeapon", "OnSelectKnife", "be", "1=1", "2=29") g_pSpeed = register_cvar("fastknife_speed", "150.0"); g_pSprintDuration = register_cvar("sprint_duration", "2.5"); set_task(20.0, "ShowSprintMessage", 0); // Показваме съобщение след X секунди. } public OnSelectKnife(id) { if (is_user_alive(id)) { set_user_maxspeed(id, get_user_maxspeed(id) + get_pcvar_float(g_pSpeed)); set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_pSprintDuration), "EndFastKnife", id); // Активираме таймер за деактивиране след X секунди. } } public EndFastKnife(id) { if (is_user_alive(id)) { set_user_maxspeed(id, 250.0); // Връщаме нормалната скорост. } } public ShowSprintMessage(id) { client_print(id, print_chat, "You can sprint with a knife in hand for 2.5 seconds!"); } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. Any one fix this bug AMX Mod X Compiler Error: Undefined symbol "zp_set_zombie_freeze_time_" on line 13 PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #incllude <zombieplague> public plugin_init() { register_clcmd("say /setfreezetime", "CmdSetFreezeTime"); } public CmdSetFreezeTime(id) { new time = 15; // Set the desired freeze time in seconds zp_set_zombie_freeze_time_cvars(time); client_print(id, print_chat, "Freeze time set to %d seconds!", time); } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. Hello there !? Guys idk why My ad_manager configs/adverstiments.ini @owner~ @ip~ @discord~ not work why guys any one help me Attached Files advertisements.ini (5.7 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. Hey everyone, im searching for a plugin, i cant find him. It is a plugin where vip/admin players can open a menu, in which they can select and switch to an exclusive model of weapons. Thanks! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. Description: you can set convar bounds with keyvalue file read the cvar_bounds.cfg for how to configuration. How to Install: cvar_bounds.cfg ===> addons/sourcemod/configs folder cvar_bounds.smx ===> addons/sourcemod/plugins folder cvar_bounds.sp === > addons/sourcemod/scripting folder Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (cvar_bounds.sp - 1.4 KB) cvar_bounds.cfg (141 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    RSSKiller Memes

    Killer Memes - v0.0.1, released at : 14/08/2023 InformationDisplay a MOTD when someone kills you The GIF you see is the GIF your killer selected Support sounds GIF link must not have more than 255 characters GIFs are saved by nvault Video Credits ufame - I used his HTML code memes.ini example Code: "Wow" NOSOUND "Hasbulla" NOSOUND "Holding Smile" NOSOUND "Kid Crying" sound/memes/kid_crying.mp3 "Nice" sound/memes/nice.mp3 "OHHHHH" sound/memes/ohhhhhh.mp3 "Flute John Cena" sound/memes/flute_john_cena.mp3 Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (killer_meme.sma - 4.0 KB) (17.82 MB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  22. Hello! so I have a jailbreak mod which in general works fine. However I have an issue where if theres an active Day from the days (it happens in all days) whenever someone dies the server straight up crashes. It doesnt happen at all unless theres a day active. If anyone has an idea how to fix that it would be appreciated. Thank you! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. Hello, I am a dude who grouped up a few friends and we want to play a version of hide n seek which was(as far as I know) only played on the balkan cs 1.6 servers. It was a gamemode in which the map is always dark, CTs would get frozen and blinded for 30sec, while the Ts with low gravity go around the map hiding. When the 30 secs pass, the Ts get frozen(they can only use their knife and nightvision/flashlight) and the CTs get a M4 and low gravity to search for the Ts for the rest of the round. All the plugins I see on the forum are some other form of the gamemode, meanwhile we would like to play this gamemode I described above. Does anybody have access to that specific plugin/gamemode? Thanks in advance. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. Hello I've seen early a weapons with blue beam in classic server and people use them for fun like if they aim on players it will turn to red its almost like nightcrawler. Dose anyone know plugin that makes weapons with blue beam and if you aim on players the beam color change to red? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. Description: Allows to play your own music when:tank wave appear last tank killed on finale map (finale win) Music should be provided manually and uploaded to content-server, with appropriate settings on client side game. Don't ask about content-server here. It is offtopic. Find out on your own or ask at General section. Note: this version done specially for forum, and it wasn't properly tested. Report if everything OK. Features: Plays (downloads to client) 2 tracks per map. Number can be adjusted in l4d_tank_wave_sound.sp only. See #define TRACKS_PER_MAP 2 Settings (ConVars):cfg/sourcemod/l4d_tank_wave_sound.cfg: PHP Code: // Enable plugin (1 - On / 0 - Off) l4d_tank_wave_sound_enable "1" // Enable tank wave sound (1 - On / 0 - Off) l4d_tank_wave_sound_wave_enable "1" // Enable last tank kill sound on finales l4d_tank_wave_sound_finale_enable "1" (1 - On / 0 - Off) Commands: (in DEBUG mode only) sm_fin - imitate finale win, "z" flag Data files:Each music file should be put in separate line. Prepending comment // is allowed for temporarily disable the music file. PHP Code: // Finale win sound files data/tank_finale_sounds.txt // Tank wave sound files data/tank_wave_sounds.txt Requirements - Left 4 Dragokas | API Installation - Fulfill the requirements above - Set up the content-server - Set up client side network settings to allow downloading files from content-server - Upload music files on content server - Write music file paths in data/ files according to examples in archive. Should be written without "sound/" prefix - Upload as is on game server or compile on your own DonateDonates are very appreciated and welcomed for further inspiration, make me happy, and make next updates came out more often: - Patreon (Paypal) - BitCoin - Ю.Money P.S.: - It's my private plugin written for myself and my Bloody Witch team. - Project and updates discontinued. Don't ask. Attached Files (12.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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