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  1. good day again, can someone help me with this plugin? It is a somewhat forgotten POST, I have tried it and it works fine for me but what can be done when it is a 5 vs 5 pug and when setting amx_record only records my game but not that of the other players, and in the amx_recordmenu, menu it gives me the option to record the other players but it's a bit hard to put 1 by 1, is there a way to send a command by example amx_record_all and record on the screen of each player who is connected to the server? , thank you so much. PHP Code: PHP Code: /* * AMX Mod X Script * * Auto Demo Recorder * * Authors: MoHApX, F4RR3LL * * Credits: Pr4yer * * Original Menu code by Fysiks * * Complex rebuild by MoHApX * */ #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #define PLUGIN "Auto Demo Recorder" #define VERSION "3.0c" #define AUTHOR "MoHApX/F4RR3LL" /* You may change this value to any admin access flag you want */ #define ADR_ACCESS_LEVEL ADMIN_KICK /* Uncomment the line below to turn on logging every recorded demo */ //#define ADR_ADVANCED_LOGGING #define ADR_TASKID_MENU 1250 #define ADR_TASKID_CHECK 2452 #define ADR_TASKID_INFO1 3654 #define ADR_TASKID_INFO2 4856 #define ADR_TASKID_INFO3 5058 #define ADR_TASKID_INFO4 6250 new g_rec_mode, g_rec_delay, g_rec_info, g_prefix, g_message_delay, g_menu, g_demo_name, g_request_info, g_upload_url, g_obey_immunity, g_self_record new RecChoiceMenu[] = "Demo Menu" new RecAdminMenu[] = "Recorder Menu" new LogFile[128] new bool:ButtonPressed[33] = { false, ... } new bool:FirstMessage[33] = { true, ... } new g_sayText, g_showActivity, g_menuPosition[33], g_menuPlayers[33][32], g_menuPlayersNum[33] public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) register_cvar("adr_version", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_UNLOGGED|FCVAR_SPONLY) register_clcmd("say /record", "MotdWindow", ADMIN_ALL, " - Shows Auto Demo Recorder info") register_clcmd("say_team /record", "MotdWindow", ADMIN_ALL, " - Shows Auto Demo Recorder info") register_concmd("amx_record", "cmdRec", ADMIN_ALL, "<name or #userid> - Force POV demo record on player") register_clcmd("amx_recordmenu", "cmdRecMenu", ADR_ACCESS_LEVEL, " - Displays Demo Recorder Menu") register_menucmd(register_menuid(RecAdminMenu), 1023, "AdminRecMenu") register_menucmd(register_menuid(RecChoiceMenu), MENU_KEY_1|MENU_KEY_2, "AutoRecMenu") register_dictionary("auto_demo_recorder.txt") g_sayText = get_user_msgid("SayText") g_showActivity = get_cvar_pointer("amx_show_activity") g_rec_mode = register_cvar("adr_rec_mode", "2") g_rec_delay = register_cvar("adr_rec_delay", "15") g_rec_info = register_cvar("adr_rec_info", "1") g_prefix = register_cvar("adr_prefix", "adr") g_message_delay = register_cvar("adr_message_delay", "60") g_menu = register_cvar("adr_menu", "1") g_demo_name = register_cvar("adr_demo_name", "1") g_request_info = register_cvar("adr_request_info", "2") g_upload_url = register_cvar("adr_upload_url", "Ask server administrator for URL!") g_obey_immunity = register_cvar("adr_obey_immunity", "1") g_self_record = register_cvar("adr_self_record", "1") } public plugin_cfg() { if(!get_pcvar_num(g_rec_mode)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED static AmxxLogsDir[96], LogFilesDir[112], LogFileName[12] get_localinfo("amxx_logs", AmxxLogsDir, charsmax(AmxxLogsDir)) formatex(LogFilesDir, charsmax(LogFilesDir), "%s/auto_demo_recorder", AmxxLogsDir) if(!dir_exists(LogFilesDir)) mkdir(LogFilesDir) get_time("adr%m%d.log", LogFileName, charsmax(LogFile)) formatex(LogFile, charsmax(LogFile), "%s/%s", LogFilesDir, LogFileName) if(get_pcvar_num(g_rec_delay) < 15) set_pcvar_num(g_rec_delay, 15) if(get_pcvar_num(g_rec_delay) > 150) set_pcvar_num(g_rec_delay, 150) if(get_pcvar_num(g_message_delay) && get_pcvar_num(g_message_delay) < 30) set_pcvar_num(g_message_delay, 30) if(get_pcvar_num(g_message_delay) > 300) set_pcvar_num(g_message_delay, 300) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public MotdWindow(id) { if(get_pcvar_num(g_rec_mode)) show_motd(id, "motd_adr_info.txt", "Auto Demo Recorder") } public ShowStartInfo(id) { id = id - ADR_TASKID_INFO1 if(is_user_connected(id)) client_print(id, print_chat, "%L", id, "ADR_START_INFO") } public ShowChatInfo(tempid[]) { new id = tempid[0] if(!is_user_connected(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if(FirstMessage[id]) { client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!y -------------------------------------", id) client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!t %L", id, "ADR_INFO1_STRING1") client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!t %L", id, "ADR_INFO1_STRING2") client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!y -------------------------------------", id) FirstMessage[id] = false } else { client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!y --------------------------------------------", id) client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!t %L !g/record", id, "ADR_INFO2_STRING1") client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!t %L !gAuto Demo Recorder", id, "ADR_INFO2_STRING2") client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!y --------------------------------------------", id) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public ShowRequestInfo(tempid[]) { new id = tempid[0] new adminid = tempid[1] if(!is_user_connected(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED new adminname[32] get_user_name(adminid, adminname, 31) static UploadURL[128] get_pcvar_string(g_upload_url, UploadURL, charsmax(UploadURL)) //replace_all(UploadURL, charsmax(UploadURL), "http://", "") if(get_pcvar_num(g_request_info) == 1) { client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!y --------------------------------------------", id) client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!t %L", id, "ADR_INFO_REQUEST1") client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!t %L", id, "ADR_INFO_REQUEST2") client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!t %s", UploadURL) } else if(get_pcvar_num(g_request_info) != 0 && get_pcvar_num(g_request_info) != 1) { new message[256] formatex(message, charsmax(message), "%L^n%s", id, "ADR_INFO_HUD", UploadURL) set_hudmessage(225, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.18, 0, 6.0, 8.0, 0.0, 0.05) show_hudmessage(id, message) } switch(get_pcvar_num(g_showActivity)) { case 1: { console_print(id, "Server admin requested your demo!") console_print(id, "Upload it to URL: %s", UploadURL) } case 2: { console_print(id, "Server admin %s requested your demo!", adminname) console_print(id, "Upload it to URL: %s", UploadURL) } } if(get_pcvar_num(g_message_delay)) { FirstMessage[id] = true remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_INFO2) set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_message_delay), "ShowChatInfo", id + ADR_TASKID_INFO2, tempid, 1) remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_INFO3) set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_message_delay)*2, "ShowChatInfo", id + ADR_TASKID_INFO3, tempid, 1) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public realplayer(id) { if(!is_user_bot(id) && !is_user_hltv(id)) return true return false } public client_disconnect(id) { remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_MENU) remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_CHECK) remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_INFO1) remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_INFO2) remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_INFO3) remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_INFO4) } public client_putinserver(id) { if(!get_pcvar_num(g_rec_mode) || !realplayer(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if(get_pcvar_num(g_self_record)) set_task(20.0, "ShowStartInfo", id + ADR_TASKID_INFO1) if(get_pcvar_num(g_rec_mode) == 1) { ButtonPressed[id] = false new tempid[1] tempid[0] = id remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_MENU) set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_rec_delay), "BeforeDemoRec", id + ADR_TASKID_MENU, tempid, 1) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public BeforeDemoRec(tempid[]) { new id = tempid[0] if(!is_user_connected(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if(!get_pcvar_num(g_menu)) { DemoRec(id, 0, 0) } else { new RecMenuBody[256], pLen = formatex(RecMenuBody, charsmax(RecMenuBody), "\y%L^n^n", id, "ADR_MENU1") pLen += formatex(RecMenuBody[pLen], charsmax(RecMenuBody) - pLen, "%L^n", id, "ADR_MENU2") pLen += formatex(RecMenuBody[pLen], charsmax(RecMenuBody) - pLen, "\w1. \r%L^n", id, "ADR_YES") pLen += formatex(RecMenuBody[pLen], charsmax(RecMenuBody) - pLen, "\w2. \r%L", id, "ADR_NO") pLen += formatex(RecMenuBody[pLen], charsmax(RecMenuBody) - pLen, " (%L)", id, "ADR_MENU_WARNING") show_menu(id, (MENU_KEY_1|MENU_KEY_2), RecMenuBody, 10, RecChoiceMenu) remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_CHECK) set_task(11.0, "ButtonPressedCheck", id + ADR_TASKID_CHECK, tempid, 1) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public ButtonPressedCheck(tempid[]) { new id = tempid[0] if(!is_user_connected(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if(!ButtonPressed[id]) DemoRec(id, 0, 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public AutoRecMenu(id, key) { key++ switch(key) { case 1: DemoRec(id, 0, 0) case 2: DemoRec(id, 1, 0) } } public cmdRec(id) { if(!get_pcvar_num(g_rec_mode)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if(read_argc() < 2) { if(!get_pcvar_num(g_self_record)) { client_print(id, print_chat, "%L", id, "ADR_SELFREC_DISABLED") console_print(id, "This function is disabled on the server") } else DemoRec(id, 0, id) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } static target[32] read_argv(1, target, 31) new player = cmd_target(id, target, 2) if(!player) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if(!realplayer(player) || !access(id, ADR_ACCESS_LEVEL) || (get_pcvar_num(g_obey_immunity) && access(player, ADMIN_IMMUNITY) && player != id)) { new playername[32] get_user_name(player, playername, 31) client_print(id, print_chat, "%L", id, "ADR_REQUEST_FAIL", playername) console_print(id, "It's impossible to request demo on player %s!", playername) } else DemoRec(player, 0, id) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public cmdRecMenu(id, level, cid) { if(!get_pcvar_num(g_rec_mode) || !cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED displayMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id] = 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } displayMenu(id, pos) { if(pos < 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED get_players(g_menuPlayers[id], g_menuPlayersNum[id]) new menuBody[512] new b = 0 new z new name[32] new start = pos * 8, aLen if(start >= g_menuPlayersNum[id]) start = pos = g_menuPosition[id] = 0 aLen = formatex(menuBody, 511, "\y%L\R%d/%d^n\w^n", id, "ADR_ADMIN_MENU", pos + 1, (g_menuPlayersNum[id] / 8 + ((g_menuPlayersNum[id] % 8) ? 1 : 0))) new end = start + 8 new keys = MENU_KEY_0 if(end > g_menuPlayersNum[id]) end = g_menuPlayersNum[id] for(new a = start; a < end; ++a) { z = g_menuPlayers[id][a] get_user_name(z, name, 31) if(!realplayer(z) || (get_pcvar_num(g_obey_immunity) && access(z, ADMIN_IMMUNITY) && z != id)) { ++b aLen += formatex(menuBody[aLen], 511-aLen, "\d%d. %s^n\w", b, name) } else { keys |= (1<<b) if (is_user_admin(z)) aLen += formatex(menuBody[aLen], 511-aLen, "%d. %s \r*^n\w", ++b, name) else aLen += formatex(menuBody[aLen], 511-aLen, "%d. %s^n", ++b, name) } } if (end != g_menuPlayersNum[id]) { formatex(menuBody[aLen], 511-aLen, "^n9. %L...^n0. %L", id, "MORE", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT") keys |= MENU_KEY_9 } else formatex(menuBody[aLen], 511-aLen, "^n0. %L", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT") show_menu(id, keys, menuBody, -1, RecAdminMenu) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public AdminRecMenu(id, key) { switch(key) { case 8: displayMenu(id, ++g_menuPosition[id]) case 9: displayMenu(id, --g_menuPosition[id]) default: { new player = g_menuPlayers[id][g_menuPosition[id] * 8 + key] DemoRec(player, 0, id) } } } public DemoRec(id, choice, adminid) { if(!is_user_connected(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED static nickname[32], ip[16], steamid[20], prefix[16] get_user_name(id, nickname, charsmax(nickname)) get_user_ip(id, ip, charsmax(ip), 1) get_user_authid(id, steamid, charsmax(steamid)) get_pcvar_string(g_prefix, prefix, charsmax(prefix)) ButtonPressed[id] = true if(choice == 1 && (get_pcvar_num(g_obey_immunity) && access(id, ADMIN_IMMUNITY))) { #if defined ADR_ADVANCED_LOGGING log_to_file(LogFile, "Player [ %s | %s | %s ] with immunity refused to record demo.", nickname, steamid, ip) #endif return PLUGIN_HANDLED } else if(choice == 1) { #if defined ADR_ADVANCED_LOGGING log_to_file(LogFile, "Player [ %s | %s | %s ] refused to record demo and was kicked from the server.", nickname, steamid, ip) #endif remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_MENU) remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_CHECK) server_cmd("kick #%d You can't play on this server without recording POV demo!", get_user_userid(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } static DemoName[128], MapName[32], NameType get_mapname(MapName, charsmax(MapName)) NameType = get_pcvar_num(g_demo_name) if(adminid && adminid != id) NameType = 3 else if(adminid == id) { NameType = 2 adminid = 0 } switch(NameType) { case 0: formatex(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), "_%s_autorecorded_demo", prefix) case 1: formatex(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), "_%s_%s_autorecorded_demo", prefix, MapName) default: { static CurrentTime[9], CurrentDate[11] get_time("%H:%M:%S", CurrentTime, charsmax(CurrentTime)) get_time("%d-%m-%Y", CurrentDate, charsmax(CurrentDate)) if(NameType == 3) { static Hash[34] md5(DemoName, Hash) formatex(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), "_%s_%s_%s_%s_MD5-%s", prefix, MapName, CurrentTime, CurrentDate, Hash) } else formatex(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), "_%s_%s_%s_%s", prefix, MapName, CurrentTime, CurrentDate) } } replace_all(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), ".", "-") replace_all(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), "/", "-") replace_all(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), "\", "-") replace_all(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), ":", "-") replace_all(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), "*", "-") replace_all(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), "?", "-") replace_all(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), "<", "-") replace_all(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), ">", "-") replace_all(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), "|", "-") replace_all(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), " ", "-") client_cmd(id, "stop; record ^"%s^"", DemoName) formatex(DemoName, charsmax(DemoName), "%s.dem", DemoName) if(get_pcvar_num(g_rec_info) == 1) { client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!y --------------------------------------------", id) client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!t %L", id, "ADR_REC_FILE") client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!t %s", DemoName) client_printc(id, "!g[INFO]!y --------------------------------------------", id) } else if(get_pcvar_num(g_rec_info) != 0 && get_pcvar_num(g_rec_info) != 1) { new message[256] formatex(message, charsmax(message), "%L^n^n%s", id, "ADR_REC_FILE", DemoName) set_hudmessage(225, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.18, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.0, 0.05) show_hudmessage(id, message) } new tempid[2] tempid[0] = id tempid[1] = adminid if(!adminid) { #if defined ADR_ADVANCED_LOGGING log_to_file(LogFile, "Demo filename: %s. Player [ %s | %s | %s ].", DemoName, nickname, steamid, ip) #endif if(get_pcvar_num(g_message_delay)) { FirstMessage[id] = true remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_INFO2) set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_message_delay), "ShowChatInfo", id + ADR_TASKID_INFO2, tempid, 1) remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_INFO3) set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_message_delay)*2, "ShowChatInfo", id + ADR_TASKID_INFO3, tempid, 1) } } else { new adminname[32], playername[32], adminsteamid[20] get_user_name(adminid, adminname, 31) get_user_authid(adminid, adminsteamid, charsmax(adminsteamid)) get_user_name(id, playername, 31) log_to_file(LogFile, "%s [ %s ] requested POV demo on player [ %s | %s | %s ]. Demo filename: %s.", adminname, adminsteamid, nickname, steamid, ip, DemoName) client_print(adminid, print_chat, "%L", adminid, "ADR_REQUEST_SUCCESS", playername) console_print(adminid, "Demo request on player %s was successfully send!", playername) remove_task(id + ADR_TASKID_INFO4) set_task(15.0, "ShowRequestInfo", id + ADR_TASKID_INFO4, tempid, 2) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } stock client_printc(const id, const string[], {Float, Sql, Resul,_}:...) { new msg[191], players[32], count = 1 vformat(msg, charsmax(msg), string, 3) replace_all(msg,190,"!g","^4") replace_all(msg,190,"!y","^1") replace_all(msg,190,"!t","^3") if(id) players[0] = id else get_players(players, count, "ch") for (new i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { if(is_user_connected(players[i])) { message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_sayText,_, players[i]) write_byte(players[i]) write_string(msg) message_end() } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. Hi everyone ! I need help this plugin made by OciXcrom i want to set ADMIN_IMMUNITY for Owner_ct player/owner_ct/owner_ct.mdl and for VIP ADMIN_LEVEL_H // // // vip_ct/vip_ct.mdl But i saw 1 error idk how to fix it Error: Expected token: ":", but found "]" on line 57 PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <cstrike> #include <hamsandwich> #define MODEL_DELAY 0.5 enum _:ModelsInfo { Flag, CTModel[32] } new const g_eModels[][ModelsInfo] = { // <Admin flag> <CT skin> { ADMIN_IMMUNITY, "owner_ct" }, { ADMIN_LEVEL_H, "vip_ct" } } new Trie:g_tModels public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Multiple Player Models", "1.0", "OciXCrom") RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "OnPlayerSpawn", 1) } public plugin_precache() { g_tModels = TrieCreate() for(new i; i < sizeof(g_eModels); i++) { precache_player_model(g_eModels[i][CTModel]) } } public OnPlayerSpawn(id) set_task(MODEL_DELAY, "SetModel", id) public SetModel(id) { if(is_user_alive(id)) { static bool:bMatch, iFlags, i bMatch = false for(iFlags = get_user_flags(id), i = 0; i < sizeof(g_eModels); i++) { if(iFlags & g_eModels[i][Flag]) { switch(cs_get_user_team(id)) { case CS_TEAM_CT: cs_set_user_model(id, g_eModels[i][CTModel]) } client_print(id, print_chat, "* Your received the model %s", g_eModels[i][cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT ? CTModel ]) bMatch = true break } } if(!bMatch) { static szModel[32] cs_get_user_model(id, szModel, charsmax(szModel)) if(TrieKeyExists(g_tModels, szModel)) cs_reset_user_model(id) } } } precache_player_model(szModel[]) { TrieSetCell(g_tModels, szModel, 1) static szFile[128] formatex(szFile, charsmax(szFile), "models/player/%s/%s.mdl", szModel, szModel) precache_model(szFile) if(file_exists(szFile)) precache_model(szFile) } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. Hello! I have problem with my plugin. Everytime when I want to compile it, compilator shows me this: Code: addons\amxmodx\scripting\zp_killcount.sma(24) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition addons\amxmodx\scripting\zp_killcount.sma(26) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero addons\amxmodx\scripting\zp_killcount.sma(26) : error 001: expected token: "]", but found ";" addons\amxmodx\scripting\zp_killcount.sma(38) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "[" addons\amxmodx\scripting\zp_killcount.sma(38) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero addons\amxmodx\scripting\zp_killcount.sma(38) : warning 215: expression has no effect addons\amxmodx\scripting\zp_killcount.sma(38) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]" addons\amxmodx\scripting\zp_killcount.sma(38) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line Code: /* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */ #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <hamsandwich> #include <fakemeta> #include <nvault> #define iKiller new kill[32]; new g_save; public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Kill Count", "1.0", "ureac"); register_event("DeathMsg", "Event_DeathMsg", "a", ""); g_save = nvault_open("kills"); return 0; } public Event_DeathMsg() { if (is_user_alive(iKiller) && cs_get_user_team(iVictim)) { kill[iKiller]++; } return 0; } public plugin_natives() { register_native("get_user_kills", "native_kills", 1); return 0; } public native_kills(id) { return kill[id][0][0]; } public client_disconnect(id) { save(id); return 0; } public client_putinserver(id) { set_task(2.00, "save_kills", id, "", 0, "", 0); return 0; } public save_kills(id) { load(id); return 0; } public save(id) { new vaultkey[64]; new vaultdata[256]; new name[33]; get_user_name(id, name, 32); format(vaultkey, 63, "%s-/", name); format(vaultdata, 255, "%i#", kill[id]); nvault_set(g_save, vaultkey, vaultdata); return 0; } public load(id) { new vaultkey[64]; new vaultdata[256]; new name[33]; get_user_name(id, name, 32); format(vaultkey, 63, "%s-/", name); format(vaultdata, 255, "%i#", kill[id]); nvault_get(g_save, vaultkey, vaultdata, 255); replace_all(vaultdata, 255, "#", " "); new kill1[32]; parse(vaultdata, kill1, 31); kill[id] = str_to_num(kill1); return 0; } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ ansicpg1250\\ deff0\\ deflang1045{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */How can I fix that? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. This plugin can make your CSS no longer only 8 characters, can break the limit to add new characters. This plugin is my original, can make your CSS no longer only 8 characters, can break the limit to add new characters. Features: 1. Theoretically, it can support up to 127 new police characters and 127 new terrorists characters. 2. The plugin contains two configuration files. A file can be set to enable/disable the plugin. The other holds data on new characters. 3. Support the player to select a new character through the graphical menu (press the M key as in the original game). However, because the M key graphic menu cannot turn the page, it is recommended that the new characters in each camp not more than 10, at most not more than 20. New characters beyond this number are likely to be difficult to display in the graphical character menu and can only be selected through console commands. 4. Bots can use new characters: police bots can be set to use / terrorist bots can be used / forbid bots to use new characters. For details about how to use the plugin, see the description file in the package. Effect display: Attached Thumbnails Attached Files Adding characters plugin for (9.60 MB) Get Plugin or Get Source (New_PlayerModel.sp - 12.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. hello everyone, I'm looking for a plugin, when an administrator is killed, smoke or a grenade explodes, I'll consider all options Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. About This plugin works only in scavenge mode. It is designed to fix or manage some issues in general scavenge mode game play. Functions This plugin dose 3 things: - Fixed the bug that there are no gascans produced in the first round of a new game. (Requies Left4DHooks 1.134 or above) - Allows you select total game round number by cvar. - Allows you to chosse whether do auto reset round number and scores in the end of match or not by cvar. Cvars PHP Code: // Allow admins to use admin command to spawn gascans ? // Default: 0 l4d2_scavenge_allow_enrich_gascan "0" // Total number of rounds to set. Valid values are 1, 3, 5. // Default: 5 l4d2_scavenge_rounds "5" // Enable end match auto restart? (in case we use vanilla rematch vote) // Default: 1 l4d2_scavenge_match_end_restart "1" Admin Commander PHP Code: // Enrich all gascans immediately. Need to turn on the cvar before use. sm_enrichgascan Requiement - Left4DHooks 1.134 or above - A include file to compile. Note - This plugin is recommended to play with plugin readyup from L4D2 Competitive Rework (forward use). It is also compatiable with vanilla scavenge. - The Missing-gascan issue can actually be resolved by Lux's L4D2_ChangeLevel when switching the map. But this issue also causes when the first client entering the server and the server being defaultly running the scavenge mode. The recent update of Left4DHooks provided a better solution (which is to spawn the gascan immediately). - Part of code was from others. Credit to Eyal282, Lechuga16. Attached Files (10.9 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_fix_scav_issues.sp - 5.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. you can download here Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    RSSAMXBans help

    Hi guys i need this AMXBans last version on my sv Green announce You Have Been banned from this server And On Left top Announcing player to everyone can see it for 10 seconds then he will get kick from sv Can someone send me the plugin pls <3 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. Being as how a lot of the ABD plugins floating around are from 2010, what's everyone using? I'm looking to just show the bullet damage we do on the enemy in-sight, and not showing it through wall spams or nades. However, I've tested a few versions on here, 1 by Sn!ffer and 1 by Connor. Then there's a very fancy one on here with a bunch of options of how you want the HUD letters to display, in a circle.. or different colors. Is there anyone who can recommend which ABD is SIMPLE and does what I mentioned? No damage through walls and no damage by nades. Sn!ffers current ABD is technically supposed to do what I ask, but sometimes it doesnt show any damage when you clearly shoot people in your line of sight, might be old/outdated? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. This plugin can add new weapons to the game! At present, this version of the plugin has support for legitimate CSS or v90-v92 cracked versions. Features: 1. The plugin supports the addition of up to 255 main weapons and 255 pistols. And the plugin also supports adding new grenades or knifes. 2. The plugin contains two configuration files. A File can be set to enable/disable, set the uniform buy time limit. The other file stores new guns data, can set the new weapon's sound, ammo, damage value, accuracy and purchase price. 3. The plugin supports graphical menu to buy new weapons (i.e., B-key menu). 4. The plugin can cooperate with my bot using new guns plugin, so that the bots can also use new guns. 5. In addition, I provide a special plugin smx to accommodate the ZombieReloaded plugin. The specific use method can be seen in the compression package of several instructions. Effect display: Attached Thumbnails Attached Files Adding new guns plugin for (19.02 MB) Get Plugin or Get Source (New_Weapons_NoBot.sp - 29.9 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (Weapons For Bot.sp - 19.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Hello guys ! Can someone help me i want Owner Knife Skin Only For CT For Immunity ADMIN ACCESS models/knife_owner/knife_owner.mdl Any HELP Please ! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. I would kindly like the possibility of a plugin that restarts by time instead of by round Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. Can someone build a punishment plugin for cheaters? The idea is that admins have access to a players menu (like slay or slap menu) and they are able to turn the selected player into a chicken. Punished players would look like a chicken (using the default chicken .mdl), gets stripped of all weapons (and the ability to buy new weapons) and everytime he tries to type or say something only "bawk bawk" is seen in the chat. I know this plugin has been around ( but it doesn't work properly o latest amx versions and also has a lot of unncesary stuff. Thanks! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. Does anyone have Rocket League mod for cs 1.6 i have tried searching but not able to find one just random youtube videos would be thankful if someone shares will like to play with my friends on my server Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. So I did search on google first of course and I found plugins that block all sounds at the start so nothing auto plays (which is what I want) and they all crash the server the moment they are supposed to play. I wondered if anyone has a plugin that doesnt crash the server? thanks! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. Hello i wanted a plugin like a block maker that i can add my own models on the map Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. Description: This plugin is adapted from the bullet explosion plugin. It can specify a weapon or certain weapons to fire the Dragon's Breath, the hit person or object will spark and catch fire, the hit person will receive sustained burning damage and scream. Additionally, Bots can also use dragon's breath bullets. Installation method: 1. First make sure you have the plugin platform installed. 2. Extract the cstrike folder in the compressed package to the root directory of the game to cover, if the popup prompt please select allow. 3. Fire is a bit of a resource drain, so it is not recommended to let fully automatic weapons fire dragon's Breath. Cvars: sm_dragonguns_enable Enable the plugin 0 = disabled 1 = enabled Default Values: 1 sm_dragonguns_guns Which weapon can fire Dragon's Breath (there can be multiple, separated by spaces) Default Values: m3 sm_dragonguns_damage Damage from Dragon's Breath, per second (0.0 = no damage) Default Values: 5.0 sm_dragonguns_ignite_time Time in seconds for ignite player (require sm_dragonguns_ignite enable) Default Values: 4.0 sm_dragonguns_playsound Enable/Disable play sound when player was burn 0 = disabled 1 = enabled Default Values: 1 Attached Thumbnails Attached Files Dragon's Breath plugin for (2.09 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. posted in wrong forum. delete or ignore Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. Introduction: This is a simple plugin. It is used to cancel Glock's right-click brust mode and change it to fully automatic. With this plugin, you can switch Glock's semi-automatic/fully automatic mode with the right mouse button. Installation method: 1. Ensure that the plugin platform has been installed before installation. 2. Go to the folder where Glock is and in that folder, under the scripts folder, find weapon_glock.txt, open it, and find "FullAuto" to change it from 0 to 1, find "CycleTime" to change the rate of fire from 0.15 to 0.12 in full automatic mode, where 0.12 means 500 rounds per minute. You can also change to a higher rate of fire, For example, 0.1, that is, 600 rounds per minute), save the file. 3. Extract the cstrike folder in the compressed package to the game root directory to overwrite it (if there is an overwrite prompt, please select Allow). Attention: In step 2, if you can't find weapon_glock.txt, you can open weapon_glock.txt in the folder "Look here if you can't find weapon_Glock.txt" and extract the cstrike folder into the root directory of the game. Attached Files Glock's brust mode changes to fully automatic (9.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. This plugin is an adaptation of blodia's Homing Missiles plugin from sourcemod. The model and plugin can replace your projectile weapon (default is grenade) with individual missile/rocket launcher, the shot out of the projectile is no longer projectile, but direct and with flying smoke, damage range and power is also more powerful than grenades! (Note: must have plugin platform support) Please note that the installation package has two versions (only one can be installed) : replace the grenade version, and add the version through the add gun plugin (do not replace the grenade). Different versions of the rocket plugin are slightly different (the replacement grenade version of the plugin does not support the gun plugin very well; The added version through the add gun plugin does not have good support for using original grenades as rocket). For details, see the instructions in the installation package. Display: Attached Thumbnails Attached Files Rocket model and the plugin (Replace grenade (16.38 MB) Rocket model and the plugin (Add a new weapon (17.08 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Forum: Unapproved Plugins Posted By: Swolly Post Time: 08-04-2023 at 04:39Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    Forum: Unapproved Plugins Posted By: Swolly Post Time: 08-03-2023 at 13:42Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. When a player presses the microphone, only the players within the distance you specify from the CFG file will hear his/her voice. If no one is near the player, no one can hear his voice. Cvars"voice_proximity_enabled", "1", "Plugin enabled?" "voice_proximity_range", "300.0", "Voice proximity range?" "voice_proximity_only_alive", "1", "Only alive players can talk?" Attached Files voice_proximity.smx (4.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (voice_proximity.sp - 2.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. phimxxxvin Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. I'm making a dod 1.3 server where it's humans against bots, but can't find a plugin. Tried dod_teammanager.amxx with it hasn't been updated since 2007. Anyone with something that can be used? Przeczytaj cały wpis
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