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    Forum: Unapproved Plugins Posted By: Swolly Post Time: 08-03-2023 at 13:42Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. When a player presses the microphone, only the players within the distance you specify from the CFG file will hear his/her voice. If no one is near the player, no one can hear his voice. Cvars"voice_proximity_enabled", "1", "Plugin enabled?" "voice_proximity_range", "300.0", "Voice proximity range?" "voice_proximity_only_alive", "1", "Only alive players can talk?" Attached Files voice_proximity.smx (4.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (voice_proximity.sp - 2.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. phimxxxvin Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. I'm making a dod 1.3 server where it's humans against bots, but can't find a plugin. Tried dod_teammanager.amxx with it hasn't been updated since 2007. Anyone with something that can be used? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. Forum: Unapproved Plugins Posted By: Swolly Post Time: 08-03-2023 at 13:42Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. When a player presses the microphone, only the players within the distance you specify from the CFG file will hear his/her voice. If no one is near the player, no one can hear his voice. Cvars"voice_proximity_enabled", "1", "Plugin enabled?" "voice_proximity_range", "300.0", "Voice proximity range?" "voice_proximity_only_alive", "1", "Only alive players can talk?" Attached Files voice_proximity.smx (4.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (voice_proximity.sp - 2.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Unlimited MvM Bots This is a simple plugin that allows spawning up to 90 bots in MvM. Comes with the convar sm_mvm_remove_bot_cosmetics, which you will most definitely need. You will need a mission specifically made with increased bot count in mind. Most missions never spawn more than 22 bots at once. If you know what you are doing, the bot limit can be adjusted further by editing the memory patches found in 100mvm.txt. Keep in mind that increasing the bot count beyond the defender count will make bots start occupying human slots and reduce the visible slot count until the bots are manually kicked from the server. 🡺 Download Latest Release Requirements SourceMod 1.11+ nosoop/SMExt-SourceScramble nosoop/SM-TFEconData nosoop/SM-TFUtils Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. i want make zombie escape , thx all Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (zombie_escape_thelast.sma - 229.7 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. Introduce: Long times ago panxiaohai has made a plugin called evil witch. It let the witch kill the other survivor when target down or incap. It is intresting but there is a problem that if someone add a witch mod in his addons. It is likely to crash his client when it facing the witch. Code show that the logic in evil witch is that when target down it remove the witch entity and create a new witch. When the player counts is large it remove and create to quickly which i think cause the situation of crash client. This plugins use SDKCall to change witch target instead. Witch now will chase the person closet to her after she kill or incap her target. Attachment 201271 Cvar: only one cvar. Code: "l4d2_witch_killincap", "0", "witch kill the incap target before changing the other one.[0=close, 1=open]"How to use: Download the "witch_attack.txt" to sourcemod/gamedata folder. Download the plugins to sourcemod/plugins floder. Attached Thumbnails Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (miuwiki_smartwitch.sp - 7.3 KB) witch_attack.txt (647 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Is there any plugins that make CT player change team when they are hit by T player knife's? I tried to make it whenever a terrorist player hits a ct player twice with a knife, the ct player becomes terrorist. Can anyone help me or give me a starting point? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. Getting a random ANIME GIF in MOTD from Otakugifs API. Credits OtakuGifs API - The best anime GIF collection, in a free API. Next21Team - The best HTTP module AmxxEasyHttp Requirements Amx Mod X 1.9.0 or higher AmxxEasyHttp Commands say /gif Settings In the source code: Set your anti-spam float value, above which players will not be able to use the /gif command. Code: const Float: ANTISPAM_TIME = 10.0Video: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (otakugifs.sma - 3.3 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. About: The plugin allows you to set the spawn place of Bosses based on the percentage of passing the map. This plugin is a reworked version of the original plugin. Works only in coop mode. Additional Requirements and dependencies: -> SourceScramble How this works? Bosses (Tank or Witch) will start to spawn when the furthest survivor will reach a percentage of map completion that's labeled as the place of their spawn. For example: -> Tank spawn place is 41% -> Witch spawn place is 70% this means that when furthest survivor will reach 41% of map completion the Tank will be spawned. Same algorithm for Witch. Commands: sm_current - shows a current map completion by survivors. sm_boss - shows a percentages of spawn for Tank and Witch with displaying a current completion of map. ConVars: l4d2_cbs_show_boss_percent_difficulties - Show a Bosses spawn percents for difficulties. -> Default value: 3 -> Available values: 0 - Don't show for any difficulty. 1 - Easy 2 - Normal and lower. 3 - Advanced and lower. 4 - Expert and lower. Installing: Put l4d2_coop_boss_spawning.smx in sourcemod/plugins folder. Put l4d2_coop_boss_spawning.cfg in sourcemod/data folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_coop_boss_spawning.sp - 15.4 KB) l4d2_coop_boss_spawning.cfg (1.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    RSSbuy modes

    Can someone make it so you can't buy these modes mid round, and you can buy it every 2 rounds please Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (zp62_extra_buy_modes.sma - 4.2 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. Hey can someone edit this and make it so where it saves your knife selection.The menu does not close either after you select a knife, so can anyone make it where the menu closes after you select knife and saves your selection for the whole game or forever, you can maybe make it save to nvault or sql either is fine Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Bn_zp_knife.sma - 63.7 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis

    RSSKnife Top

    Hello guys. This is a KNIFE TOP plugin where the knife kills/hs/deaths are saved in a vault and shown by command /knifetop in MOTD. It works fine but after killing it saves data then if you change the name and kill again it will add your name once more it's like 2 times with same data. Is there any way to update the player's name in TOP 15 MOTD if he changes his name and is in KNIFE TOP? What is it right now: 1. Name Knife Kills Knife Deaths Knife Headshots # Gunman 1 2 3 Now if i change nick and kill someone 1. Name Knife Kills Knife Deaths Knife Headshots # Changednick 2 2 4 # Gunman 1 2 3 You see it just add the nick once more, i want it to update the current nick in the MOTD instead of adding once more, Thanks! Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (knifetop.sma - 10.6 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. Is there any menu plugin to give players Health and armor by selecting any number so i can give them what i want Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. So, I have problems with internet and it's disabling frequently. So for multiplayer experience I am trying to find plugins that would help imitate real players. and i found chatter, voice chat, cosmetics, weapons, improved ai. But I didn't find any script for avatars. So, if you would like, you can create a plugin. Thanks. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. I need to find Human Class Plugin that can work with ZE CSO Modded Addons cuz mine is bugged so I'd appreciate the help Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. Simple plugin that makes so that all knife hits one shot. Butter knifes don't give backstab effects (Kunai, Your eternal reward...). Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (butterknife.sp - 1.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    RSSAuto Weapon

    Hello friends! I need some help, on my DM server the bots are not buying weapons because they don't have a purchase option, it opens a menu at the beginning of the round and obviously they don't have that power to choose weapons. One option I thought of would be to deliver random weapons defined by a specific list at the beginning of the round, or even standard weapons, ak for TR, colt for CT. Is there any way I can achieve this? I'm using YAPB Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. Good day :), I would like you to help me. I have this plugin which allows you to save the score and the money in case the player disconnects from the game and when he re-enters, he can obtain the same amount of money when he left the server and the score too. I have no problem with that but I have realized that for example if I have bought a rifle and I keep $3800, for example, having my weapon with vest and ammunition when the player hangs up or disconnects, he re-enters as I mentioned before with $3800 and his score, but loses the rifle, vest and ammunition. Is there a way to edit the .sma in which you reconnect with everything you had before disconnecting, your rifle or weapon that you have had, if you have bought a vest or ammunition ???? . Sorry for the translation, thank you very much. example PHP Code: PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <reapi> enum _:DATA { Float:KILLS, DEATH, MONEY }; new g_szTempData[MAX_CLIENTS + 1][DATA]; new g_szAuthID[MAX_CLIENTS + 1][32]; new Trie:g_tPlayerScore; new HookChain:hRestartRoundPre; public plugin_end() { TrieDestroy(g_tPlayerScore); } public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Save score & money", "1.3.7", "Minni Mouse"); RegisterHookChain(RG_RoundEnd, "refwd_RoundEnd_Post", .post = true); DisableHookChain((hRestartRoundPre = RegisterHookChain(RG_CSGameRules_RestartRound, "refwd_RestartRound_Pre", .post = false)) ); g_tPlayerScore = TrieCreate(); } public client_disconnected(pPlayer) { if(is_user_hltv(pPlayer) || is_user_bot(pPlayer)) { return; } if(g_szAuthID[pPlayer][0]) { g_szTempData[pPlayer][KILLS] = Float:get_entvar(pPlayer, var_frags); g_szTempData[pPlayer][DEATH] = get_member(pPlayer, m_iDeaths); g_szTempData[pPlayer][MONEY] = get_member(pPlayer, m_iAccount); TrieSetArray(g_tPlayerScore, g_szAuthID[pPlayer], g_szTempData[pPlayer], DATA); } } public client_putinserver(pPlayer) { if(is_user_hltv(pPlayer) || is_user_bot(pPlayer)) { return; } get_user_authid(pPlayer, g_szAuthID[pPlayer], charsmax(g_szAuthID[])); if(TrieGetArray(g_tPlayerScore, g_szAuthID[pPlayer], g_szTempData[pPlayer], DATA)) { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_frags, g_szTempData[pPlayer][KILLS]); set_member(pPlayer, m_iDeaths, g_szTempData[pPlayer][DEATH]); rg_add_account(pPlayer, g_szTempData[pPlayer][MONEY], AS_SET, false); } else { arrayset(_:g_szTempData[pPlayer], _:0.0, sizeof(g_szTempData[])); } } public refwd_RestartRound_Pre() { DisableHookChain(hRestartRoundPre); TrieClear(g_tPlayerScore); } public refwd_RoundEnd_Post(WinStatus:status, ScenarioEventEndRound:event, Float:tmDelay) { if(event == ROUND_GAME_COMMENCE || event == ROUND_GAME_RESTART) { EnableHookChain(hRestartRoundPre); } } Przeczytaj cały wpis


    LuckyShot Mod - v0.0.1, released at : 24/07/2023 "Everything is already made." Took me 50 lines of code to show that creativity has no limits! About the Mod1 Bullet -> Reload -> Repeat 50% chance to the bullet to insta kill the enemy or ignore the damage at all Works with all weapons including HE and knife RequirementsWeapons MaxClip You can use the default buy system, weapons menu or simply use aim/awp/35hp maps. Even compatible with surf servers. Luck has no limits, same goes for the fun! Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (luckyshot.sma - 1.2 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. Hi,i`m trying to make an autolock feature for my basebuilder 6.5 base plugin but i dont know how do do it.. I want if the last player thath moved an object only him and an admin can move it,i want this because players keep stoling objects from others...can somone help m,e with it? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. "ghost chat" plugin with the ability to dead can read alive's messages. PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> new gmsgSayText; // Return current setting or set new value public handle_ghostchat(id,level,cid) { // No switches given if (read_argc() < 2) { new status[55]; copy(status, 55, "Dead can read alive"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public handle_say(id) { new is_alive = is_user_alive(id); new message[129]; read_argv(1,message,128); new name[33]; get_user_name(id,name,32); new player_count = get_playersnum(); new players[32]; get_players(players, player_count, "c"); // Clients sometimes send empty messages, or a message containig a '[', ignore those. if (equal(message,"")) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; if (equal(message,"[")) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; // Response to a specific query // Format the messages, the %c (2) adds the color. The client decides what color // it gets by looking at team. if (is_alive) format(message, 127, "%c%s : %s^n", 2, name, message); else format(message, 127, "%c*DEAD*%s : %s^n", 2, name, message); for (new i = 0; i < player_count; i++) { if (is_alive && !is_user_alive(players[i])) { // Talking person alive, current receiver dead message_begin(MSG_ONE,gmsgSayText,{0,0,0},players[i]); write_byte(id); write_string(message); message_end(); } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Ghostchat", "0.3", "NetRipper"); register_clcmd("say", "handle_say"); register_concmd("amx_ghostchat", "handle_ghostchat",-1,"<mode>"); gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } My random name chat plugin: PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <murdermod> new const g_szOldChannels[][] = { "#Cstrike_Chat_CT", "#Cstrike_Chat_T", "#Cstrike_Chat_CT_Dead", "#Cstrike_Chat_T_Dead", "#Cstrike_Chat_Spec", "#Cstrike_Chat_All", "#Cstrike_Chat_AllDead", "#Cstrike_Chat_AllSpec" }; new const g_szNewChannels[][] = { "(Counter-Terrorist) ", "(Terrorist) ", "*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) ", "*DEAD*(Terrorist) ", "(Spectator) ", "", "*ÖLÜ* ", "*SPEC* " }; public plugin_init() { register_plugin("[MM] Chat messages", MM_VERSION, MM_AUTHOR); register_message(get_user_msgid("SayText"), "Message_SayText"); register_clcmd("say_team", "hook_sayteam"); } public Message_SayText(msgid, dest, id) { new sender = get_msg_arg_int(1); if(!is_user_alive(sender) || mm_get_gamemode() != GAME_STARTED) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; static channel[64]; get_msg_arg_string(2, channel, charsmax(channel)); new i; for(i = 0; i < sizeof g_szOldChannels; i++) if(equal(channel, g_szOldChannels[i])) break; static message[192]; get_msg_arg_string(4, message, charsmax(message)); remove_quotes(message); client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "%s%s ^x01: %s", g_szNewChannels[i], get_name(sender), message); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public hook_sayteam(id) { if(is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } I want to edit my plugin in a way that the dead can read the messages of the living, similar to ghost chat. The living will not see the messages of the dead, I only want the dead to see the message of the living as an extra. I tried to do it, but the dead see the message of the living more than once. Like John:Hi John:Hi PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <murdermod> #include <amxmisc> new gmsgSayText; new const g_szOldChannels[][] = { "#Cstrike_Chat_CT", "#Cstrike_Chat_T", "#Cstrike_Chat_CT_Dead", "#Cstrike_Chat_T_Dead", "#Cstrike_Chat_Spec", "#Cstrike_Chat_All", "#Cstrike_Chat_AllDead", "#Cstrike_Chat_AllSpec" }; new const g_szNewChannels[][] = { "(Counter-Terrorist) ", "(Terrorist) ", "*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) ", "*DEAD*(Terrorist) ", "(Spectator) ", "", "*ÖLÜ* ", "*SPEC* " }; public plugin_init() { gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText"); register_plugin("[MM] Chat messages", MM_VERSION, MM_AUTHOR); register_message(get_user_msgid("SayText"), "Message_SayText"); register_clcmd("say_team", "hook_sayteam"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public Message_SayText(msgid, dest, id) { new sender = get_msg_arg_int(1); if(!is_user_alive(sender) || mm_get_gamemode() != GAME_STARTED) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; static channel[64]; get_msg_arg_string(2, channel, charsmax(channel)); new i; for(i = 0; i < sizeof g_szOldChannels; i++) if(equal(channel, g_szOldChannels[i])) break; static message[192]; get_msg_arg_string(4, message, charsmax(message)); remove_quotes(message); client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "%s%s ^x01: %s", g_szNewChannels[i], get_name(sender), message); new is_alive = is_user_alive(id); new message1[192]; read_argv(1,message1,charsmax(message1)); /* new player_count = get_playersnum(); new players[32]; get_players(players, player_count, "ch"); */ if (equal(message1,"")) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; // if (equal(message1,"[")) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; //if (is_alive) format(message, 127, "%c%s : %s^n", 2, name, message); if (is_alive) format(message1, 127, "%s%s : %s^n", g_szNewChannels[i], get_name(sender), message1); else format(message1, 127, "*ÖLÜ*%s%s: %s^n", g_szNewChannels[i], get_name(sender), message1); //for (new i = 0; i < player_count; i++) { new num, it; static players[32]; get_players(players, num); for(--num; num >= 0; num--) { it = players[num]; if (is_alive && !is_user_alive(it)) { message_begin(MSG_ONE,gmsgSayText,{0,0,0},it); write_byte(id); write_string(message1); message_end(); break; } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public hook_sayteam(id) { if(is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. Revive the player without dying on MG maps. The !mrespawn command revives the player and grants immortality. Commands!mres !mrespawn ConVars"mg_respawn_sure", "10", "remove godmode after a certain time after respawn" Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (MG_Respawn.sp - 1.6 KB) MG_Respawn.smx (3.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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