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  1. test Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. In server.cfg if you forgot to: sm_cvar "sv_hibernate_when_empty" 0 Features: Perk Trees which are upgradable levels to constantly improve a certain aspect. Skills which are one time upgrades to affect your progress. Automatically buy upgrades unless disabled manually for non-complicated gameplay. Ability to reset your perk trees and skills for free. The plugins will penalize any existing upgrade during the reset. Controlling which cvars are affected during each difficulty. Server tag of "GunXP" or "RPG" for easy searching on the server browser. Left 4 Dhooks [REQUIRED] Weapon Handling API [REQUIRED] Get Plugin View Source Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Hello. I need a plugin that slays players when they type /afk and makes their screen glow red. They should be able to continue playing by typing /afk again, without any decrease in their frags. The plugin should also allow admins to control and toggle players' AFK status by typing /afkmenu. I've seen this on some servers, but I couldn't find it on the internet. Can you please help me? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. Bypasses corpses being looked up for respawn deletion by simply not assigning them to the expected player. Attached Thumbnails Attached Files CSPermanentCorpses.smx (3.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Description: With this plugin, you can set or remove the password for server with the command for example: set the password: sm_pw 123 remove the password: sm_rpw This plugin is not supported in Black Mesa! How to install: Move .smx file to plugins folder Move .sp file to plugins folder Attached Files (15.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Description: This plugin makes ai hunter high pounce survivor by flying sky-ceil. Usage: Just put it into 'plugins' folder. Cvars: hsc_enable: Turn on/off the plugin. hsc_stop_dis: The distance that plugin won't take control of ai hunter. hsc_max_leap: Max times hunter leap to sky. hsc_human: Turn on/off player hunter control. hsc_limit: Max count that hunters fly sky-ceil at the time. hsc_reset_interval: After this cvar time hunter's leap count reset to 0. Source: You can find latest source at my GitHub: Paimon-Kawaii - L4D2-Plugins/MyPlugins/HunterSkyCeil :wink: Download: Attached Files hunter_skyceil.smx (10.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Description This plugin allows you to exclude maps that have already been played from the vote. Convars You have some convars available to interact with this plugin : - sm_endmatchvote_max <number>: Configure the number of matches an already played map must be excluded. default : 0 for infinite. - sm_endmatchvote_mode <1|2> : Configure the persistant (1) or temporary (2) memory of the already played maps. default : 1 - sm_endmatchvote_reset : Reset the excluded maps. - sm_endmatchvote_list : List the excluded maps. Source Thanks Thanks to Bacardi and Ilusion9 for the initial code. Thanks to the Discord for their help. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ceomv.sp - 12.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. Splashing On The Water Sprite Author - zoonyarts Implementation - MayroN Plugin Authors - MayroN | Connor McLeod | fl0wer | Flymic24 Description The plugin adds sprite splashes on the water to the game Zbot Support Sprite display in effect Walking in the water Fall into the water Water shots (knife doesn't count) Grenade explosion in water There is a macro in the code, after how long to show the sprite when walking on water There is a bug only in this case (do not know how to fix it yet) ---------------------- If you are near the water, and shoot through the water at a wall, for example, which is not in the water, then splashes are displayed near the wall (the video is present at the end) ----------------------- Video PHP Code: #define FOOTSTEPS_WATER_DELAY 0.5 // How long to show splashes on the water when walking Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (splashing_on_the_water.sma - 4.6 KB) (105.0 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. CS 1.6 has sound falloff for the weapons, like you cannot hear someone firing from 1 side of the map to the other. Would a plugin be possible to make it so you can hear anyone firing from anywhere on the map? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. Description: We can define many tasks for players and award for making them. all ideas Please take a look below: 1. Obtain 3 first kills and reward 10000 gold coins. 2. After 2 consecutive rounds of death, give 10 health points, 200 armor, 10000 gold coins, and 1 health cycle per second as a bonus. 3. Give away 5000 gold coins after the first 3 hits. 4. Reward 10000 gold coins for three random weapons to kill enemies. 5. After successfully installing C4 3 times, give away 10000 gold coins as a gift. 6. Explode 3 times and give away 20000 gold coins as a gift. 7. Successfully disarmed 3 times, giving away 20000 gold coins as a gift. 8. Three people died in a grenade explosion, giving away 10000 gold coins as a gift. 9. Kill 3 people with a knife and give 50000 gold coins as a gift. 10. Survive 3 consecutive rounds and give away exclusive weapon skins. 11. Play the game for every 5 minutes and give away 10000 gold coins (while developing a MySQL online duration ranking system). 12. Unlimited turn undead kills 5 consecutive enemies, turns red and replaces exclusive character skin. 13. 3 assists and a gift of 5000 gold coins. Ideas come from: Thanks Scherzo.because Now only for kill enemies or survive rounds. It could be prize for using different weapons, not typical kill (fe. Headshots with nade), for player who good evade death or whatever you want. So I want this idea can reach the acme of perfection. please help, thanks!:) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. L4D2 black screen bug caused by self-healing and reviving exploit There is a bug in L4D2 that makes the screen go black for players who are revived by someone who is also healing themselves. This exploit has ruined the game experience for many players on my server. You can read more about this issue in this steam group discussion: I am looking for a plugin that can block this exploit by preventing players from reviving teammates while self healing. This would help to fix the bug and make the game more enjoyable. If anyone can create such a plugin, I would be very grateful. Thank you. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. I know that the plugin already exists but it is compaitble for linux and one that is published in sourcemod but is outdated and I don't know if it would currently work correctly I would like someone to do the readyup for windows but an updated one, or maybe it exists but I'm so blind that I can't see it, if anyone has information or wants to make the plugin a reality that would be great, thanks I'm talking about the readyup plugin for left 4 dead 2 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. about recent i felt realism expert need some challenge, some similar plugins should exist here as well, but i decided write myself. plugin primary feature is replace the gun spawners to single gun with random ammo. random ammo idea from [L4D2] Random guns ammo by Iciaria, my friend said these similar to 'No More Room in Hell' when you using together series of ammo limited plugins i've written, ammo will become a real resource in the game this is no doubt part of my realism ConVar PHP Code: // max percent of reserved ammo, -1=fixed scale use *_min limited_gun_ammo_max "0.0" // min percent of reserved ammo, -1=fixed scale use *_max, both -1 to cancel random ammo feature limited_gun_ammo_min "1.0" Related Plugins[L4D2] Random guns ammo by Iciaria - random ammo idea [L4D & L4D2] Take Ammo From Previous Weapon v1.3 [9-December-2022] - transfer ammo [L4D2] Loots Popup - loot clip [L4D & L4D2] Percentage Limited Ammo Pile changelogv1.0 (29-May-2023) - just released Installation put l4d2_limited_gun.smx on /plugins/ required install [L4D & L4D2] Left 4 DHooks Direct optional: compatible with [L4D/L4D2] Reserve (Ammo) Control Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_limited_gun.sp - 13.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. about im keep thinking how make upgrade packs useful, but finally i knew i CANT because that breaking the shoting experience. when survivor received the upgrade ammo also fill the primary weapon ammo once time i think these better than creating ammo pile, they wont break the game balance and ground also my part of realism :) changelogv1.0 (29-May-2023) - just released Installation put l4d2_upgradepack_ammo.smx on /plugins/ put l4d2_upgradepack_ammo.txt on /gamedata/ Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_upgradepack_ammo.sp - 2.2 KB) l4d2_upgradepack_ammo.txt (1.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. I was having problems with cheats being enabled on a server for no obvious reason. I wasn't able to figure out what was causing it, so I made this small plugin to automatically disable cheats when they are enabled. The plugin, however, cannot tell why exactly cheats were enabled, be it via RCON, the server console, or another plugin changing the value. ConVars: sm_nocheats_enabled: When set, the plugin will start detecting when sv_cheats changes, and will reset the value if necessary. sm_nocheats_broadcast: When set, the plugin will broadcast a message to chat saying that No Cheats was triggered. The plugin will always write this message to the SourceMod logs regardless of the value, so server operators can see exactly when cheats get enabled. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nocheats.sp - 1.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. Could y'all please provide a plugin or a link to a plugin that can prevent the display of the "[Player] is now idle." message when a player becomes idle in Left 4 Dead 2? I would greatly appreciate the assistance. Thank you! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. Name: Player Welcome Message Description: Automatically welcomes players upon joining the server. Upon player connect, a server message will welcome them. These messages can be changed in the source file and recompiled to your liking. EDIT: Shoot, I posted in the wrong section, could a moderator fix this? Meant for SourceMod. Attached Files welcomemsg.smx (2.4 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (welcomemsg.sp - 1.4 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. Description This plugin only allow members of the Steam Group to join your server Cvars steam_api_key - mandatory for using the steam api - whitelist_enable (default: 1) - toggle plugin steam_group - steam group id -<name>/edit *you must have admin access whitelist_flags (default: empty) - Admin flags that bypass whitelist check Modules If you're using async gRIP you need its module. Get it here Additional information Great way to boost your Steam Group Image Steam ID Group Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (steam_group_whitelist.sma - 4.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (steam_group_whitelist_grip.sma - 4.3 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. DescriptionSimply set float value of health buffer after revived from down. I MADE this simple plugin cause I found that cvar "survivor_revive_health" only supports integer. Cvars PHP Code: // how many health buffer will get after revived from down? // - // Default: "29.2" // Minimum: "0.000000" revive_health_buffer_value "29.2" Change log Spoiler Code: 1.0 (2023-05-28: init public release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (revive_health_buffer.sp - 1.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. [FUN] Invalid player 1 [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "tourmaps.amxx", version "0.5") [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "strip_user_weapons") [0] tourmaps.sma::strip (line 456) PHP Code: public strip (p[1]) { strip_user_weapons (p[0]) //line 456 new team = get_user_team (p[0]) - 1 if (team >= 0 && team <2) { for (new wpi = 0; wpi < g_MapWeaponCount[g_MapsOrder[g_CurrentMapId]][team]; wpi ++) { new weapon[32] if(g_MapWeapon[g_CurrentMapId][team][wpi] == CSW_SHIELD) format(weapon, 31, "weapon_shield") else get_weaponname(g_MapWeapon[g_MapsOrder[g_CurrentMapId]][team][wpi],weapon,31) #if DEBUG == 1 server_print ("weapon %s - %d",weapon,g_MapWeapon[g_MapsOrder[g_CurrentMapId]][team][wpi]) #endif give_item (p[0],weapon) give_item (p[0],"item_kevlar") if (g_MapWeapon[g_MapsOrder[g_CurrentMapId]][team][wpi] != CSW_KNIFE) cs_set_user_bpammo (p[0],g_MapWeapon[g_MapsOrder[g_CurrentMapId]][team][wpi],g_MapWeaponAmount[g_MapsOrder[g_CurrentMapId]][team][wpi]) } } } Any ideas as how to solve it? I thought about checking if the user is alive but I don't know where to put it best. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. The idea of the plugin is that a vote will be held to choose the time of the players current map A menu will open after say 50 seconds of going to the map, and players will choose from which time they want to set Vote Timelimit For This namemap 1. 15 Minutes 2. 25 Minutes 3. 30 Minutes 4. I don't want to vote It may also be possible to add a cmd to admin to open this menu -- And also In the last 3 minutes A vote will be held for the extension of time Do you want to extend the time 1. 5 Minutes 2. 10 Miuntes 3. I don't want to extend the time Przeczytaj cały wpis
  22. Hello This would be the second boss I've done. I got the script from this site: plugin: tf2/addons/sourcemod/plugins scripting: tf2/addons/sourcemod/scripting configs: tf2/addons/sourcemod/configs/saxton_hale/boss_cfgs I hope you like this boss better than the previous one. Attached Files (5.19 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. I searched for a plugin to set the player's angles and pos, I found the following two plugins. Dev Cmds simple set ang I have to enter the command from the server console But dev cmds plugin can only use commands from within the game Also simple set ang has to use playerid so this is not what I was looking for I just want to use setpos,setang for all ct without sv_cheats 1(sm_setpos @ct 123 456 789,sm_setang @ct 0 0 0) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. I searched for a plugin to set the player's angles and pos, I found the following two plugins. Dev Cmds simple set ang I have to enter the command from the server console But dev cmds plugin can only use commands from within the game Also simple set ang has to use playerid so this is not what I was looking for I just want to use setpos,setang for all ct without sv_cheats 1(sm_setpos @ct 123 456 789,sm_setang @ct 0 0 0) Thank you in advance Przeczytaj cały wpis
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