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  1. Hi. I Need Own3r Menu Plugin Details: Title: [EG] Owner Menu 1.Give VIP 2.Give ADMIN 3.Give Money 4.Remove VIP 5.Remove Admin Name Of Plugin : EG_OwnerMenu.amxx I Can't Compile So Please Can GIve Me Plugin WIth Sma? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. hello:can someone make this plugin for me when u say /rules in the server u will got this msg [name of server] Don't go 2v1, don't block, don't turn ur back or kill from behind, don't swear and bother! KICK/BAN this rules works only in bridge and thanx <3 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. Hi! Can anyone add to my bonus egg screen fade when I touch it? Code: /* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */ #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <fakemeta> #include <fun> #include <zombieplague> #define PLUGIN "[ZP] Drop itens" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "Biel-oGrande" #define NUM_SPRITES 4 //new g_model_supplybox[] = "models/zombie_plague/w_supplybox.mdl" new g_model_egg[] = "models/zombie_plague/w_egg.mdl" //new g_model_chicken[] = "models/zombie_plague/w_chicken.mdl" //new g_sound_supplybox[] = "zombie_plague/supplybox_pickup.wav" new g_sound_egg[] = "zombie_plague/egg_pickup.wav" //new g_sound_chicken[] = "zombie_plague/chicken_pickup.wav" new cvar_min_ap, cvar_max_ap public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) cvar_min_ap = register_cvar("zp_min_ap","1") cvar_max_ap = register_cvar("zp_max_ap","5") register_logevent("round_start", 2, "1=Round_Start") register_event("DeathMsg", "player_death", "a") register_forward(FM_Touch, "fwdTouch") } public plugin_precache() { //precache_model(g_model_supplybox) //precache_sound(g_sound_supplybox) precache_model(g_model_egg) precache_sound(g_sound_egg) //precache_model(g_model_chicken) //precache_sound(g_sound_chicken) } public round_start() { new ent = -1 /*while ((ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, "classname", "supplybox")) != 0) { engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent) }*/ while ((ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, "classname", "egg")) != 0) { engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent) } /*while ((ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, "classname", "chicken")) != 0) { engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent) }*/ } public player_death() { new victim = read_data(2) drop_egg(victim) /*switch(random_num(1,3)) { case 1: drop_supplybox(victim) case 2: drop_egg(victim) case 3: drop_chicken(victim) }*/ return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } /*public drop_supplybox(id) { new ent = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target")) new Float:origin[3] pev(id, pev_origin, origin) set_pev(ent, pev_origin, origin) set_pev(ent, pev_classname, "supplybox") engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, ent, g_model_supplybox) set_pev(ent, pev_solid, SOLID_TRIGGER) set_pev(ent, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) engfunc(EngFunc_DropToFloor, ent) set_pev(ent, pev_renderfx, kRenderFxGlowShell) set_pev(ent, pev_rendercolor, Float:{0.0, 0.0, 150.0}) }*/ public drop_egg(id) { new ent = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target")) new Float:origin[3] pev(id, pev_origin, origin) set_pev(ent, pev_origin, origin) set_pev(ent, pev_classname, "egg") engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, ent, g_model_egg) set_pev(ent, pev_solid, SOLID_TRIGGER) set_pev(ent, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE) set_pev(ent, pev_effects, EF_LIGHT) engfunc(EngFunc_DropToFloor, ent) set_pev(ent, pev_rendercolor, Float:{0.0, 150.0, 000.0}) } /*public drop_chicken(id) { new ent = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target")) new Float:origin[3] pev(id, pev_origin, origin) set_pev(ent, pev_origin, origin) set_pev(ent, pev_classname, "chicken") engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, ent, g_model_chicken) set_pev(ent, pev_solid, SOLID_TRIGGER) set_pev(ent, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) engfunc(EngFunc_DropToFloor, ent) set_pev(ent, pev_renderfx, kRenderFxGlowShell) set_pev(ent, pev_rendercolor, Float:{150.0, 150.0, 150.0}) }*/ public fwdTouch(ent, id) { if(!pev_valid(ent) || !is_user_alive(id)) return FMRES_IGNORED new classname[32] pev(ent, pev_classname, classname, charsmax(classname)) /*if(equali(classname, "supplybox")) { emit_sound(id, CHAN_AUTO, g_sound_supplybox, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent) give(id) }*/ if(equali(classname, "egg")) { emit_sound(id, CHAN_AUTO, g_sound_egg, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent) give(id) } /*if(equali(classname, "chicken")) { emit_sound(id, CHAN_AUTO, g_sound_chicken, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent) give(id) }*/ return FMRES_IGNORED } public give(id) { new iRandom = random_num(get_pcvar_num(cvar_min_ap), get_pcvar_num(cvar_max_ap)) zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) + iRandom) client_print(id, print_center, "[ %d ] Ammopacks", iRandom) } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ ansicpg1250\\ deff0\\ deflang1045{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */ Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. Hello my friends, can someone help me make a roundstart plugin with mp3 format for ct? Like when a round starts you hear the music1 for like 6-10 seconds, when the other round starts you hear music2 and when the last round starts you hear music3, then it it plays over and over again from 1-3 (only for ct). Thanks :) Is there a scripter i could reward him with? Btw, it could be uploaded on forums, cause it is a good plugin. The sounds im using:Attachment 178988 Attached Files (274.1 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. i need to remove v.zoom.mdl from this plugin HTML Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <engine> #include <fakemeta> #include <hamsandwich> #include <colorchat> #include <fun> #define ACCESS_FLAG ADMIN_LEVEL_H #define TASK_DELAY 0.5 #define TASK_MODEL 100 #define MODEL_PLAYER "pkvip" #define VIP_CHECK ADMIN_LEVEL_H #define ADMINACCESS ADMIN_LEVEL_H new const VERSION[] = "1.0" static const COLOR[] = "^x04" //green static const CONTACT[] = "" new pcvar_on new maxplayers new gmsgSayText new pcvar_obavestenje new jumpnum[33] = 0 new bool:dojump[33] = false new noz_igraca[33] = 0; new g_has_custom_model[33],g_player_model[33][32],Float:g_models_counter new const g_szUltra[ ] = "models/pkvip/v_ultra.mdl"; new const g_szSuper[ ] = "models/pkvip/v_super.mdl"; new const g_szZoom[ ] = "models/pkvip/v_zoom.mdl"; new const g_szNormal[ ] = "models/pkvip/v_normal.mdl"; new bool:ima_noz1[33] new bool:ima_noz2[33] new bool:ima_noz3[33] new bool:ima_noz4[33] public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Ultimate Knife VIP", VERSION, "PrInCe & DecaK") pcvar_on = register_cvar("model_on","1") if(get_pcvar_num(pcvar_on)) { register_logevent("event_round_end", 2, "1=Round_End") register_event("CurWeapon", "event_CurWeapon", "be", "1=1") RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn,"player","func_spawn",1) RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn,"player","Spawn",2) register_clcmd("say", "sayee") register_clcmd("say", "handle_say") register_concmd("say /kmenu","proveri") register_concmd("say /knifemenu","proveri") register_concmd("say /vipinfo","vipinformacije") register_concmd("say /vipknife","proveri") register_cvar("amx_contactinfo", CONTACT, FCVAR_SERVER) gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText") register_cvar("amx_maxjumps","1") register_cvar("amx_mjadminonly","1") register_forward(FM_SetClientKeyValue, "fw_key_value") register_forward(FM_ClientUserInfoChanged, "fw_user_info_changed") maxplayers = get_maxplayers() pcvar_obavestenje = register_cvar("obavestenje", "60") set_task(get_pcvar_float(pcvar_obavestenje),"obavestenje" , _ , _ , _ , "b") } } public plugin_precache() { new path[100] formatex(path,sizeof path - 1,"models/pkvip/%s.mdl",MODEL_PLAYER) engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheModel,path) precache_model( g_szUltra ); precache_model( g_szSuper ); precache_model( g_szZoom ); precache_model( g_szNormal ); } public func_spawn(id) { if(is_user_alive(id)) { if(get_user_flags(id) & ACCESS_FLAG) { copy(g_player_model[id], sizeof g_player_model[] - 1, MODEL_PLAYER) new currentmodel[32] fm_get_user_model(id, currentmodel, sizeof currentmodel - 1) if (!equal(currentmodel, g_player_model[id])) { set_task(1.0 + g_models_counter, "task_set_model", id+TASK_MODEL) g_models_counter += TASK_DELAY } }else if (g_has_custom_model[id]) { fm_reset_user_model(id) } } } public client_disconnect(id) { noz_igraca[id] = 0; ima_noz1[id] = false ima_noz2[id] = false ima_noz3[id] = false ima_noz4[id] = false jumpnum[id] = 0 dojump[id] = false } public client_putinserver(id) { jumpnum[id] = 0 dojump[id] = false } public event_round_end() { g_models_counter = 0.0 } public fw_key_value(id, const infobuffer[], const key[]) { if (g_has_custom_model[id] && equal(key, "model")) return FMRES_SUPERCEDE return FMRES_IGNORED } public fw_ClientUserInfoChanged(id) { if (!g_has_custom_model[id]) return FMRES_IGNORED static currentmodel[32] fm_get_user_model(id, currentmodel, sizeof currentmodel - 1) if (!equal(currentmodel, g_player_model[id])) fm_set_user_model(id, g_player_model[id]) return FMRES_IGNORED } public task_set_model(id) { id -= TASK_MODEL fm_set_user_model(id, g_player_model[id]) } stock fm_set_user_model(player, const modelname[]) { engfunc(EngFunc_SetClientKeyValue, player, engfunc(EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, player), "model", modelname) g_has_custom_model[player] = true } stock fm_get_user_model(player, model[], len) { engfunc(EngFunc_InfoKeyValue, engfunc(EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, player), "model", model, len) } stock fm_reset_user_model(player) { g_has_custom_model[player] = false dllfunc(DLLFunc_ClientUserInfoChanged, player, engfunc(EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, player)) } public sayee(id){ if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H) { new said[192], name[30] get_user_name(id,name,29) read_args(said,191) remove_quotes(said) ColorChat(0, GREEN,"[V.I.P] ^3%s ^1: %s",name,said) } } public handle_say(id) { new said[192] read_args(said,192) if( ( containi(said, "who") != -1 && containi(said, "vip") != -1 ) || contain(said, "/vips") != -1 ) set_task(0.1,"print_adminlist",id) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public print_adminlist(user) { new adminnames[33][32] new message[256] new contactinfo[256], contact[112] new id, count, x, len for(id = 1 ; id <= maxplayers ; id++) if(is_user_connected(id)) if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_CHECK) get_user_name(id, adminnames[count++], 31) len = format(message, 255, "%s ONLINE VIP-ovi su: ",COLOR) if(count > 0) { for(x = 0 ; x < count ; x++) { len += format(message[len], 255-len, "%s%s ", adminnames[x], x < (count-1) ? ", ":"") if(len > 96 ) { print_message(user, message) len = format(message, 255, "%s ",COLOR) } } print_message(user, message) } else { len += format(message[len], 255-len, "Nema online VIP-ova") print_message(user, message) } get_cvar_string("amx_contactinfo", contact, 63) if(contact[0]) { format(contactinfo, 111, "%s Contact Server Vip -- %s", COLOR, contact) print_message(user, contactinfo) } } print_message(id, msg[]) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, {0,0,0}, id) write_byte(id) write_string(msg) message_end() } public proveri(id) { if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H) { meni(id); } else { ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "^4[VIP]^3 Nemas dozvolu da koristis vipa! Vip se mora kupiti!") } } public meni(id) { new menu= menu_create("\yVIP Knife Menu \r- \yIzaberi","menu_handler") menu_additem(menu,"\wUltra Knife \r[\yGravitacija\r]") menu_additem(menu,"\wSuper Knife \r[\yBrzina\r]") menu_additem(menu,"\wHealth Knife \r[\yVise Helta]") menu_additem(menu,"\wNormal Knife \r[\yLep Skin\r]") menu_display(id,menu); } public menu_handler(id,menu,item) { if(item==MENU_EXIT) { menu_destroy(menu); ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "^4[VIP]^3 Zatvaram Knife Meni.^1") return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } switch(item) { case 0: { noz_igraca[id] = 1; ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "^4[VIP]^3 Izabrao si Ultra Knife, noz ce biti aktiviran na sledecem respawnu.^1") } case 1: { noz_igraca[id] = 2; ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "^4[VIP]^3 Izabrao si Super Knife, noz ce biti aktiviran na sledecem respawnu.^1") } case 2: { noz_igraca[id] = 3; ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "^4[VIP]^3 Izabrao si Zoom Knife, noz ce biti aktiviran na sledecem respawnu.^1") } case 3: { noz_igraca[id] = 4; ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "^4[VIP]^3 Izabrao si Normal Knife, noz ce biti aktiviran na sledecem respawnu.^1") } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public Spawn(id) { if(!is_user_connected(id) || !is_user_alive(id) || get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H) switch(noz_igraca[id]) { case 1: { set_task(1.0, "stavigravity", id); ima_noz1[id] = true ima_noz2[id] = false ima_noz3[id] = false ima_noz4[id] = false set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szUltra ); } case 2: { set_task(1.0, "stavispeed", id); ima_noz2[id] = true ima_noz1[id] = false ima_noz3[id] = false ima_noz4[id] = false set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szSuper ); } case 3: { set_task(2.0, "stavihelte", id); ima_noz3[id] = true ima_noz1[id] = false ima_noz2[id] = false ima_noz4[id] = false set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szZoom ); } case 4: { ima_noz4[id] = true ima_noz1[id] = false ima_noz2[id] = false ima_noz3[id] = false set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNormal); } } } public stavigravity(id) { set_user_gravity(id, 0.4) } public stavispeed(id) { set_user_maxspeed(id , get_user_maxspeed(id) + 300.0) } public stavihelte(id) { set_user_health(id, 80) } public event_CurWeapon(id) { static weapon weapon = read_data(2) switch(weapon) { case CSW_KNIFE: { if(ima_noz1[id] == true) { { set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szUltra ); } } else if(ima_noz2[id] == true) { { set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szSuper ); set_user_maxspeed(id , get_user_maxspeed(id) + 300.0) } } else if(ima_noz3[id] == true) { { set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szZoom ); } } else if(ima_noz4[id] == true) { { set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szNormal ); } } } } } public vipinformacije(id) { static motd[1501], len len = format(motd, 1500,"<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#87cefa><pre>") len += format(motd[len], 1500-len,"<center><h4><font color=^"red^"><B>Ultimate Knife VIP sadrzi sledece:</B> </font></h4></center>") len += format(motd[len], 1500-len,"<center><h4><font color=^"blue^"><B>-----------------------</B> </font></h4></center>") len += format(motd[len], 1500-len,"<center><h4><font color=^"white^"><B>-Knife Menu</B> </font></h4></center>") len += format(motd[len], 1500-len,"<center><h4><font color=^"white^"><B>-VIP Shop</B> </font></h4></center>") len += format(motd[len], 1500-len,"<center><h4><font color=^"white^"><B>-MultiJump</B> </font></h4></center>") len += format(motd[len], 1500-len,"<center><h4><font color=^"green^"><B>-Prefix [VIP]</B> </font></h4></center>") len += format(motd[len], 1500-len,"<center><h4><font color=^"blue^"><B>-----------------------</B> </font></h4></center>") len += format(motd[len], 1500-len,"<center><h4><font color=^"red^"><B>Za kupovinu se javite vlasniku.</B> </font></h4></center>") len += format(motd[len], 1500-len,"<center><h4><font color=^"blue^"><B>-----------------------</B> </font></h4></center>") show_motd(id, motd, "PKV by: PrInCe & DecaK") return 0 } public client_PreThink(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if(get_cvar_num("amx_mjadminonly") && (!access(id,ADMINACCESS))) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE new nbut = get_user_button(id) new obut = get_user_oldbutton(id) if((nbut & IN_JUMP) && !(get_entity_flags(id) & FL_ONGROUND) && !(obut & IN_JUMP)) { if(jumpnum[id] < get_cvar_num("amx_maxjumps")) { dojump[id] = true jumpnum[id]++ return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } } if((nbut & IN_JUMP) && (get_entity_flags(id) & FL_ONGROUND)) { jumpnum[id] = 0 return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public client_PostThink(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if(get_cvar_num("amx_mjadminonly") && (!access(id,ADMINACCESS))) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if(dojump[id] == true) { new Float:velocity[3] entity_get_vector(id,EV_VEC_velocity,velocity ) velocity[2] = random_float(265.0,285.0) entity_set_vector(id,EV_VEC_velocity,velocity ) dojump[id] = false return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public obavestenje() { ColorChat(0, TEAM_COLOR, "^4[VIP]^3 Ovaj server koristi Ultimate Knife VIP by: ^4PrInCe & DecaK^1") ColorChat(0, TEAM_COLOR, "^4[VIP]^3 Da pogledas informacije o vip-u, say: /vipinfo.^1") ColorChat(0, TEAM_COLOR, "^4[VIP]^3 Da otvoris knife menu, say: /kmenu ili /knifemenu.^1") } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. This plugin adds localization support to native objective messages. It differs from existing solutions in that it overrides the native objective dialog, rather than displaying additional screen messages. Each objective has a unique identifier with the format "<map name> <objective name>". To translate an objective message into different languages, simply add its identifier to the translation file, like so: PHP Code: "Phrases" { "nmo_cabin objStart" { "fr" "Sors du grenier" "de" "Finde einen Weg, um aus dem Dachboden auszubrechen!" "nl" "Ontsnap van de zolder" // You can also override the default English message "en" "Hello world" } } You can get a list of all objective names for a map using the `dump_objectives` console command and looking at the second argument: Code: ] sv_cheats 1; dump_objectives 24: objStart - Break out of the attic. 21: ObjA - Find keys to unlock door. 25: ObjC - Family is the answer, find the secret book. 23: ObjB - Break planks to proceed. 26: ObjD - Release stair gate. 33: ObjI - Find the car battery, power up the generator and call for help! 30: ObjE - Blast through cabin wall. Admins can also use the helper command sm_oid to fetch the translation phrase for the current objective. Code: Admin: /oid The current objective is nmo_cabin objStart in the translation file.CVars: sm_translate_objectives (1/0) (Default: 1)Toggle the translation of objective messages. GitHub repo: Attached Files (8.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Hello, I Need Distance Sound When Player Shooting Weapon, like at csgo when someone shoots In Distance Like In That Video 4:31 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. Hi! Can someone delete supplybox and chicken for this script. I want only egg as bonus box. Code: /* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */ #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <fakemeta> #include <fun> #include <zombieplague> #define PLUGIN "[ZP] Drop itens" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "Biel-oGrande" new g_model_supplybox[] = "models/zombie_plague/w_supplybox.mdl" new g_model_egg[] = "models/zombie_plague/w_egg.mdl" new g_model_chicken[] = "models/zombie_plague/w_chicken.mdl" new g_sound_supplybox[] = "zombie_plague/supplybox_pickup.wav" new g_sound_egg[] = "zombie_plague/egg_pickup.wav" new g_sound_chicken[] = "zombie_plague/chicken_pickup.wav" new cvar_min_ap, cvar_max_ap public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) cvar_min_ap = register_cvar("zp_min_ap","1") cvar_max_ap = register_cvar("zp_max_ap","5") register_logevent("round_start", 2, "1=Round_Start") register_event("DeathMsg", "player_death", "a") register_forward(FM_Touch, "fwdTouch") } public plugin_precache() { precache_model(g_model_supplybox) precache_sound(g_sound_supplybox) precache_model(g_model_egg) precache_sound(g_sound_egg) precache_model(g_model_chicken) precache_sound(g_sound_chicken) } public round_start() { new ent = -1 while ((ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, "classname", "supplybox")) != 0) { engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent) } while ((ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, "classname", "egg")) != 0) { engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent) } while ((ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, "classname", "chicken")) != 0) { engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent) } } public player_death() { new victim = read_data(2) switch(random_num(1,3)) { case 1: drop_supplybox(victim) case 2: drop_egg(victim) case 3: drop_chicken(victim) } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public drop_supplybox(id) { new ent = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target")) new Float:origin[3] pev(id, pev_origin, origin) set_pev(ent, pev_origin, origin) set_pev(ent, pev_classname, "supplybox") engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, ent, g_model_supplybox) set_pev(ent, pev_solid, SOLID_TRIGGER) set_pev(ent, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) engfunc(EngFunc_DropToFloor, ent) set_pev(ent, pev_renderfx, kRenderFxGlowShell) set_pev(ent, pev_rendercolor, Float:{0.0, 0.0, 150.0}) } public drop_egg(id) { new ent = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target")) new Float:origin[3] pev(id, pev_origin, origin) set_pev(ent, pev_origin, origin) set_pev(ent, pev_classname, "egg") engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, ent, g_model_egg) set_pev(ent, pev_solid, SOLID_TRIGGER) set_pev(ent, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE) engfunc(EngFunc_DropToFloor, ent) set_pev(ent, pev_renderfx, kRenderFxGlowShell) set_pev(ent, pev_rendercolor, Float:{0.0, 150.0, 000.0}) } public drop_chicken(id) { new ent = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target")) new Float:origin[3] pev(id, pev_origin, origin) set_pev(ent, pev_origin, origin) set_pev(ent, pev_classname, "chicken") engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, ent, g_model_chicken) set_pev(ent, pev_solid, SOLID_TRIGGER) set_pev(ent, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) engfunc(EngFunc_DropToFloor, ent) set_pev(ent, pev_renderfx, kRenderFxGlowShell) set_pev(ent, pev_rendercolor, Float:{150.0, 150.0, 150.0}) } public fwdTouch(ent, id) { if(!pev_valid(ent) || !is_user_alive(id)) return FMRES_IGNORED new classname[32] pev(ent, pev_classname, classname, charsmax(classname)) if(equali(classname, "supplybox")) { emit_sound(id, CHAN_AUTO, g_sound_supplybox, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent) give(id) } if(equali(classname, "egg")) { emit_sound(id, CHAN_AUTO, g_sound_egg, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent) give(id) } if(equali(classname, "chicken")) { emit_sound(id, CHAN_AUTO, g_sound_chicken, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent) give(id) } return FMRES_IGNORED } public give(id) { new iRandom = random_num(get_pcvar_num(cvar_min_ap), get_pcvar_num(cvar_max_ap)) zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) + iRandom) client_print(id, print_center, "[ %d ] Ammopacks", iRandom) } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. Player info is registering MYSQL to update, but does not update. Can you help me? (ip, name, authid, hp, alive or dead Code: new Handle:Query = SQL_PrepareQuery(SqlConnection, "INSERT INTO `playerlogger` (`ip`, `name`, `authid`, `hp`, `df_canli`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%i','%i') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `ip`=VALUES(`ip`), `name`=VALUES(`name`), `authid`=VALUES(`authid`), `hp`=VALUES(`hp`), `df_canli`=VALUES(`df_canli`);", szIP, szName, szAuthid, iL_HP, df_canli); Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (playerInfoSaveDB.sma - 2.1 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. Hello everybody, could somebody help me with a voice plugin, like when an admin type /voice chose who want to could talk from terrorists ( prisoniers ) on jailbreak, please? :) And need to really could talk because i have many times when i want to make roleplay with my players and i couldn't because they can't talk because they don't have all admins/vips Please, i'll wait an answer.! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. Just another redie plugin, it has some features to prevent interactions with living players or abusing like buttons and doors. Commands!redie - To spawn as ghost (configurable with or without required flag) !reback - Exit the redie/ghost mode ToDo Currently nothing, open an issue if you've a idea Known issues Nothing yet, open an issue if you found something Links SourceCode Download InstallationUpload "redie.smx" into your plugins folder (addons/sourcemod/plugins) Upload "redie.phrases.txt" into your translation folder (addons/sourcemod/translations) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Allows developers to mess around with TF2's Mannpower powerups. :crab: Spoiler PHP Code: enum eRuneTypes { Rune_Invalid = -1, Rune_Strength, Rune_Haste, Rune_Regen, Rune_Resist, Rune_Vampire, Rune_Reflect, Rune_Precision, Rune_Agility, Rune_Plague, Rune_King, Rune_Knockout, Rune_Supernova, Rune_LENGTH } #define RuneTypes eRuneTypes /** * Create a rune * * @param pos Location of rune (z axis goes up +48 hu on spawn) * @param type RuneTypes type of rune to spawn. * @param teammaybe Team number of rune, -2 for no team. * @param thrown 'Throws' the rune, similar to dropping it as a player * @param thrownz 'Throws' the rune vertically * @param angle Angle of rune if 'thrown' is true * * @return Created powerup entity **/ native int TF2_CreateRune(float pos[3], RuneTypes type, int teammaybe = -2, bool thrown = false, bool thrownz = false, float angle[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}); /** * Force a client to drop a rune that they are carrying * * @param client Client to force to drop their rune * @param idk Same as 'idk2' in TF2_CreateRune * @param teammaybe Same as 'teammaybe' in TF2_CreateRune * * @return Rune that was dropped, -1 if there wasn't one **/ native int TF2_DropRune(int client, bool idk, int teammaybe); /** * When a rune is created * * @param pos Location of rune (z axis goes up +48 hu after this is called) * @param type RuneTypes type of rune to spawn. * @param teammaybe Team number of rune, -2 for no team. * @param thrown 'Throws' the rune, similar to dropping it as a player Only appears to work when actually thrown by a player * @param thrownz 'Throws' the rune vertically * @param angle Angle of rune if 'thrown' is true * Doesn't seem to work when being set **/ forward Action TF2_OnRuneSpawn(float pos[3], RuneTypes &type, int &teammaybe, bool &thrown, bool &thrownz, float angle[3]); /** * When a rune is created * * @param pos Location of rune * @param type RuneTypes type of rune to spawn. * @param teammaybe Team number of rune, -2 for no team. * @param thrown 'Throws' the rune, similar to dropping it as a player * @param thrownz 'Throws' the rune vertically * @param angle Angle of rune if 'thrown' is true **/ forward void TF2_OnRuneSpawnPost(int rune, float pos[3], RuneTypes type, int teammaybe, bool thrown, bool thrownz, float ang[3]); /** * If a player can pick up this rune * * @param rune Rune to be touched * @param client Client touching this rune * @param status True if client can touch, false otherwise **/ forward Action TF2_CanRuneBeTouched(int rune, int client, bool &status); /** * When a player picks up a rune * * @param client Client picking up the rune * @param rune Rune ent idx * @param type RuneTypes type of the rune **/ forward void TF2_OnRunePickup(int client, int rune, RuneTypes type); /** * Get the type of a rune * * @param rune Rune entity * * @return RuneTypes type of this rune * @error Invalid rune entity passed, entity passed was not a rune **/ // 1288 linux // 1268 windows stock RuneTypes TF2_GetRuneType(int rune) { if (!IsValidEntity(rune)) { ThrowError("Entity %d is invalid!", rune); return Rune_Invalid; } char cls[32]; GetEntityClassname(rune, cls, sizeof(cls)); if (strncmp(cls, "item_power", 10, false)) { ThrowError("Entity %d (%s) is not a powerup rune!", rune, cls); return Rune_Invalid; } return view_as< RuneTypes >(GetEntData(rune, FindDataMapInfo(rune, "m_iszModel") + 24)); } /** * Get the carried rune type of a player * * @param client Client index * * @return RuneTypes type of carried rune, Rune_Invalid on failure * @error Invalid client or client not in-game **/ // This is literally CTFPlayerShared::GetCarryingRuneType stock RuneTypes TF2_GetCarryingRuneType(int client) { if (!(0 < client <= MaxClients)) { ThrowError("Client %d is not valid!", client); return Rune_Invalid; } if (!IsClientInGame(client)) { ThrowError("Client %d is not in-game!", client); return Rune_Invalid; } if (!TF2_IsPlayerInCondition(client, TFCond_HasRune)) return Rune_Invalid; int count; for (;;) { if (TF2_IsPlayerInCondition(client, g_RuneConds[count])) return view_as< RuneTypes >(count); if (++count == Rune_LENGTH) return Rune_Invalid; } return count; } I highly doubt these will change but latest gamedata is here. DOWNLOAD Special thanks to Deathreus for being my sensei for a hot minute. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Dont think this currently exists So its for a bhop server and it works like 1v1 race first to finish wins. i have credits on my server so for example you can race for X amount of credits and was hoping to have a leaderboard of wins to losses like a KD Ratio. !race select player then amount of credits. you lose and lose credits pretty self explanatory. not sure if this is hard to make idk. Well i just realised this is in wrong section can anyone point me or move me where need be? Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Well hello there, i have a problem, how can i make supplyboxes to drop xp? I have this plugin Attachment 178946 but it doesn't work in this file: In games it just says: You have gotten unlock_supply-xp Please help :cry: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (unlock_supply-xp.sma - 434 Bytes) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. Hi! I would like to find/get a plugin that can spawn christmas light entities to different places at different maps, for counter-strike 1.6. Thanks for your help in advance Przeczytaj cały wpis

    Kills race

    I found this plugin which is like a frag race to 50 kills. is it possible to start the race only after there are 5 players on the server? Thank you Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <fun> #include <engine> #define PLUGIN "Frag Limit" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "Sh!nE*" #define MAX_PLAYERS 32 new bool:g_restart_attempt[MAX_PLAYERS + 1] new fraglimit_on, fraglimit new bool:winnerfound=false public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) fraglimit_on = register_cvar("fl_on","1") fraglimit = register_cvar("fl_fraglimit","50") register_event("DeathMsg","death_a","a") register_event("ResetHUD", "event_hud_reset", "be") register_clcmd("fullupdate", "clcmd_fullupdate") register_event("TextMsg", "event_restart_attempt", "a", "2=#Game_will_restart_in") } public clcmd_fullupdate() { return PLUGIN_HANDLED_MAIN } public event_restart_attempt() { new players[32], num get_players(players, num, "a") for (new i; i < num; ++i) g_restart_attempt[players] = true } public event_hud_reset(id) { if (g_restart_attempt[id]) { g_restart_attempt[id] = false return } event_player_spawn(id) } public event_player_spawn(id) { ShowFragsLeft(id) } public death_a() { if(!get_pcvar_num(fraglimit_on) || winnerfound) return PLUGIN_HANDLED new players[32], num get_players(players, num) new Frags new killer=read_data(1) new victim=read_data(2) for (new i=0; i<num; i++) { Frags = get_user_frags(players) if(Frags >= get_pcvar_num(fraglimit)) { set_hudmessage(0, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.0, 0, 1.0, 7.0, 0.1, 0.2) show_hudmessage(0, "%s Won the match!!!", killer) set_dhudmessage(0, 255, 255, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.8, 0.8) show_hudmessage(0, "And the last frag was %s", victim) winnerfound=true set_task(5.0,"set_timelimit") break } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public set_timelimit() { new Float:time=halflife_time() + 60.0 ; set_cvar_num("mp_timelimit",floatround(time/60)) set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.20, 0, 6.0, 5.0) show_hudmessage(0, "Map change after 1 minute") } public ShowFragsLeft(id) { new Frags = get_user_frags(id) new Frags_left = get_pcvar_num(fraglimit) - Frags set_dhudmessage(0, 255, 255, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.8, 0.8) show_hudmessage(id, "%d Frags Remaining", Frags_left) set_task(1.0,"ShowFragsLeft", id) } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. This plugin is a standalone polls plugin. Admins with the vote flag can create, extend and close polls with a pretty easy to use menu. It's also possible to give multiple votes on one poll. All data and results are saved in a mysql database. Active polls, options and votes are cached as enum struct in a arraylist to increase the performance without many mysql queries. Features I'll not add (except anyone do it) Change of title/optionsI want try to prevent that on the legal way, otherwise it would fake the results Renewal of expired pollsExpired or closed polls are done and shouldn't be reopened ToDo Currently nothing, open an issue if you've a idea Known issues Nothing yet, open an issue if you found something Links SourceCode Download Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Description: Anti team flash for CS:GO. Flashes done by the enemy will be kept on team flash. Spectators will see exactly what the target sees. GitHub: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. Hello guys i just need to remove the "zoom.mdl" knife model and recomplie this plugin im tired from searshing and edditing plzz if someone know how this is the sma note=i dont know if the sma right but try to do your best and thanx :bacon: this is the link from where i get this plugin = new TeamName[4][0] = { { 0, ... }, { 84, ... }, { 67, ... }, { 83, ... } }; new VERSION[4] = { 49, 46, 48, 0 }; new COLOR[2] = { 4, 0 }; new CONTACT[1]; new pcvar_on; new maxplayers; new gmsgSayText; new pcvar_obavestenje; new jumpnum[33]; new bool:dojump[33]; new noz_igraca[33]; new g_has_custom_model[33]; new g_player_model[33][32]; new Float:g_models_counter; new g_szUltra[25] = { 109, 111, 100, 101, 108, 115, 47, 112, 107, 118, 105, 112, 47, 118, 95, 117, 108, 116, 114, 97, 46, 109, 100, 108, 0 }; new g_szSuper[25] = { 109, 111, 100, 101, 108, 115, 47, 112, 107, 118, 105, 112, 47, 118, 95, 115, 117, 112, 101, 114, 46, 109, 100, 108, 0 }; new g_szZoom[24] = { 109, 111, 100, 101, 108, 115, 47, 112, 107, 118, 105, 112, 47, 118, 95, 122, 111, 111, 109, 46, 109, 100, 108, 0 }; new g_szNormal[26] = { 109, 111, 100, 101, 108, 115, 47, 112, 107, 118, 105, 112, 47, 118, 95, 110, 111, 114, 109, 97, 108, 46, 109, 100, 108, 0 }; new bool:ima_noz1[33]; new bool:ima_noz2[33]; new bool:ima_noz3[33]; new bool:ima_noz4[33]; is_user_admin(id) { new __flags = get_user_flags(id, "HamFilter"); new var1; return __flags > 0 && !__flags & 33554432; } access(id, level) { if (level == 16777216) { return is_user_admin(id); } if (level) { return level & get_user_flags(id, "HamFilter"); } return 1; } get_user_button(id) { return entity_get_int(id, 34); } get_user_oldbutton(id) { return entity_get_int(id, 1); } get_entity_flags(ent) { return entity_get_int(ent, 27); } public __fatal_ham_error(Ham:id, HamError:err, reason[]) { new func = get_func_id("HamFilter", -1); new bool:fail = 1; new var1; if (func != -1 && callfunc_begin_i(func, -1) == 1) { callfunc_push_int(id); callfunc_push_int(err); callfunc_push_str(reason, "HamFilter"); if (callfunc_end() == 1) { fail = false; } } if (fail) { set_fail_state(reason); } return 0; } ColorChat(id, Color:type, msg[]) { new message[256]; switch (type) { case 1: { message[0] = 1; } case 2: { message[0] = 4; } default: { message[0] = 3; } } vformat(message[1], "", msg, 4); message[192] = 0; new team; new ColorChange; new index; new MSG_Type; if (id) { MSG_Type = 1; index = id; } else { index = FindPlayer(); MSG_Type = 2; } team = get_user_team(index, {0}, "HamFilter"); ColorChange = ColorSelection(index, MSG_Type, type); ShowColorMessage(index, MSG_Type, message); if (ColorChange) { Team_Info(index, MSG_Type, TeamName[team]); } return 0; } ShowColorMessage(id, type, message[]) { static bool:saytext_used; static get_user_msgid_saytext; if (!saytext_used) { get_user_msgid_saytext = get_user_msgid("SayText"); saytext_used = true; } message_begin(type, get_user_msgid_saytext, 196, id); write_byte(id); write_string(message); message_end(); return 0; } Team_Info(id, type, team[]) { static bool:teaminfo_used; static get_user_msgid_teaminfo; if (!teaminfo_used) { get_user_msgid_teaminfo = get_user_msgid("TeamInfo"); teaminfo_used = true; } message_begin(type, get_user_msgid_teaminfo, 196, id); write_byte(id); write_string(team); message_end(); return 1; } ColorSelection(index, type, Color:Type) { switch (Type) { case 4: { new var1 = TeamName; return Team_Info(index, type, var1[0][var1]); } case 5: { return Team_Info(index, type, TeamName[1]); } case 6: { return Team_Info(index, type, TeamName[2]); } default: { return 0; } } } FindPlayer() { new i = -1; while (get_maxplayers() >= i) { i++; if (is_user_connected(i)) { return i; } } return -1; } public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Ultimate Knife VIP", VERSION, "PrInCe & DecaK"); pcvar_on = register_cvar("model_on", 6284, "HamFilter", "HamFilter"); if (get_pcvar_num(pcvar_on)) { register_logevent("event_round_end", 2, "1=Round_End"); register_event("CurWeapon", "event_CurWeapon", "be", "1=1"); RegisterHam("HamFilter", "player", "func_spawn", 1); RegisterHam("HamFilter", "player", "Spawn", 2); register_clcmd("say", "sayee", -1, 6700, -1); register_clcmd("say", "handle_say", -1, 6700, -1); register_concmd("say /kmenu", "proveri", -1, 6840, -1); register_concmd("say /knifemenu", "proveri", -1, 6840, -1); register_concmd("say /vipinfo", "vipinformacije", -1, 6840, -1); register_concmd("say /vipknife", "proveri", -1, 6840, -1); register_cvar("amx_contactinfo", CONTACT, 4, "HamFilter"); gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText"); register_cvar("amx_maxjumps", 7284, "HamFilter", "HamFilter"); register_cvar("amx_mjadminonly", 7356, "HamFilter", "HamFilter"); register_forward(87, "fw_key_value", "HamFilter"); register_forward(122, "fw_user_info_changed", "HamFilter"); maxplayers = get_maxplayers(); pcvar_obavestenje = register_cvar("obavestenje", "60", "HamFilter", "HamFilter"); set_task(get_pcvar_float(pcvar_obavestenje), "obavestenje", "HamFilter", 7616, "HamFilter", 7608, "HamFilter"); } return 0; } public plugin_precache() { new path[100]; formatex(path, "", "models/pkvip/%s.mdl", "pkvip"); engfunc("HamFilter", path); precache_model(g_szUltra); precache_model(g_szSuper); precache_model(g_szZoom); precache_model(g_szNormal); return 0; } public func_spawn(id) { if (is_user_alive(id)) { if (get_user_flags(id, "HamFilter") & 524288) { copy(g_player_model[id], 31, "pkvip"); new currentmodel[32]; fm_get_user_model(id, currentmodel, 31); if (!equal(currentmodel, g_player_model[id], "HamFilter")) { set_task(floatadd(1065353216, g_models_counter), "task_set_model", id + 100, 7616, "HamFilter", 7808, "HamFilter"); g_models_counter = floatadd(1056964608, g_models_counter); } } if (g_has_custom_model[id]) { fm_reset_user_model(id); } } return 0; } public client_disconnect(id) { noz_igraca[id] = 0; ima_noz1[id] = 0; ima_noz2[id] = 0; ima_noz3[id] = 0; ima_noz4[id] = 0; jumpnum[id] = 0; dojump[id] = 0; return 0; } public client_putinserver(id) { jumpnum[id] = 0; dojump[id] = 0; return 0; } public event_round_end() { g_models_counter = 0.0; return 0; } public fw_key_value(id, infobuffer[], key[]) { new var1; if (g_has_custom_model[id] && equal(key, "model", "HamFilter")) { return 4; } return 1; } public fw_ClientUserInfoChanged(id) { if (!g_has_custom_model[id]) { return 1; } static currentmodel[32]; fm_get_user_model(id, currentmodel, 31); if (!equal(currentmodel, g_player_model[id], "HamFilter")) { fm_set_user_model(id, g_player_model[id]); } return 1; } public task_set_model(id) { fm_set_user_model(id, g_player_model[id]); return 0; } fm_set_user_model(player, modelname[]) { engfunc(75, player, engfunc(77, player), "model", modelname); g_has_custom_model[player] = 1; return 0; } fm_get_user_model(player, model[], len) { engfunc(73, engfunc(77, player), "model", model, len); return 0; } fm_reset_user_model(player) { g_has_custom_model[player] = 0; dllfunc(30, player, engfunc(77, player)); return 0; } public sayee(id) { if (get_user_flags(id, "HamFilter") & 524288) { new said[192]; new name[30]; get_user_name(id, name, 29); read_args(said, 191); remove_quotes(said); ColorChat(0, Color:2, "[V.I.P] \x03%s \x01: %s", name, said); } return 0; } public handle_say(id) { new said[192]; read_args(said, 192); new var1; if ((containi(said, "who") != -1 && containi(said, "vip") != -1) || contain(said, "/vips") == -1) { set_task(1036831949, "print_adminlist", id, 7616, "HamFilter", 7808, "HamFilter"); } return 0; } public print_adminlist(user) { new adminnames[33][32] = { { 37, 115, 32, 79, 78, 76, 73, 78, 69, 32, 86, 73, 80, 45, 111, 118, 105, 32, 115, 117, 58, 32, 0, 37, 115, 37, 115, 32, 0, 44, 32, 0 }, { 0, 37, 115, 32, 0, 78, 101, 109, 97, 32, 111, 110, 108, 105, 110, 101, 32, 86, 73, 80, 45, 111, 118, 97, 0, 97, 109, 120, 95, 99, 111, 110 }, { 116, 97, 99, 116, 105, 110, 102, 111, 0, 37, 115, 32, 67, 111, 110, 116, 97, 99, 116, 32, 83, 101, 114, 118, 101, 114, 32, 86, 105, 112, 32, 45 }, { 45, 32, 37, 115, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 91, 86, 73, 80, 93, 3, 32, 78, 101, 109, 97, 115, 32, 100, 111, 122, 118, 111, 108, 117, 32, 100, 97 }, { 32, 107, 111, 114, 105, 115, 116, 105, 115, 32, 118, 105, 112, 97, 33, 32, 86, 105, 112, 32, 115, 101, 32, 109, 111, 114, 97, 32, 107, 117, 112, 105 }, { 116, 105, 33, 0, 92, 121, 86, 73, 80, 32, 75, 110, 105, 102, 101, 32, 77, 101, 110, 117, 32, 92, 114, 45, 32, 92, 121, 73, 122, 97, 98, 101 }, { 114, 105, 0, 109, 101, 110, 117, 95, 104, 97, 110, 100, 108, 101, 114, 0, 92, 119, 85, 108, 116, 114, 97, 32, 75, 110, 105, 102, 101, 32, 92, 114 }, { 91, 92, 121, 71, 114, 97, 118, 105, 116, 97, 99, 105, 106, 97, 92, 114, 93, 0, 0, 92, 119, 83, 117, 112, 101, 114, 32, 75, 110, 105, 102, 101 }, { 32, 92, 114, 91, 92, 121, 66, 114, 122, 105, 110, 97, 92, 114, 93, 0, 92, 119, 72, 101, 97, 108, 116, 104, 32, 75, 110, 105, 102, 101, 32, 92 }, { 114, 91, 92, 121, 86, 105, 115, 101, 32, 72, 101, 108, 116, 97, 93, 0, 92, 119, 78, 111, 114, 109, 97, 108, 32, 75, 110, 105, 102, 101, 32, 92 }, { 114, 91, 92, 121, 76, 101, 112, 32, 83, 107, 105, 110, 92, 114, 93, 0, 4, 91, 86, 73, 80, 93, 3, 32, 90, 97, 116, 118, 97, 114, 97, 109 }, { 32, 75, 110, 105, 102, 101, 32, 77, 101, 110, 105, 46, 1, 0, 4, 91, 86, 73, 80, 93, 3, 32, 73, 122, 97, 98, 114, 97, 111, 32, 115, 105 }, { 32, 85, 108, 116, 114, 97, 32, 75, 110, 105, 102, 101, 44, 32, 110, 111, 122, 32, 99, 101, 32, 98, 105, 116, 105, 32, 97, 107, 116, 105, 118, 105 }, { 114, 97, 110, 32, 110, 97, 32, 115, 108, 101, 100, 101, 99, 101, 109, 32, 114, 101, 115, 112, 97, 119, 110, 117, 46, 1, 0, 4, 91, 86, 73, 80 }, { 93, 3, 32, 73, 122, 97, 98, 114, 97, 111, 32, 115, 105, 32, 83, 117, 112, 101, 114, 32, 75, 110, 105, 102, 101, 44, 32, 110, 111, 122, 32, 99 }, { 101, 32, 98, 105, 116, 105, 32, 97, 107, 116, 105, 118, 105, 114, 97, 110, 32, 110, 97, 32, 115, 108, 101, 100, 101, 99, 101, 109, 32, 114, 101, 115 }, { 112, 97, 119, 110, 117, 46, 1, 0, 4, 91, 86, 73, 80, 93, 3, 32, 73, 122, 97, 98, 114, 97, 111, 32, 115, 105, 32, 90, 111, 111, 109, 32 }, { 75, 110, 105, 102, 101, 44, 32, 110, 111, 122, 32, 99, 101, 32, 98, 105, 116, 105, 32, 97, 107, 116, 105, 118, 105, 114, 97, 110, 32, 110, 97, 32 }, { 115, 108, 101, 100, 101, 99, 101, 109, 32, 114, 101, 115, 112, 97, 119, 110, 117, 46, 1, 0, 4, 91, 86, 73, 80, 93, 3, 32, 73, 122, 97, 98 }, { 114, 97, 111, 32, 115, 105, 32, 78, 111, 114, 109, 97, 108, 32, 75, 110, 105, 102, 101, 44, 32, 110, 111, 122, 32, 99, 101, 32, 98, 105, 116, 105 }, { 32, 97, 107, 116, 105, 118, 105, 114, 97, 110, 32, 110, 97, 32, 115, 108, 101, 100, 101, 99, 101, 109, 32, 114, 101, 115, 112, 97, 119, 110, 117, 46 }, { 1, 0, 115, 116, 97, 118, 105, 103, 114, 97, 118, 105, 116, 121, 0, 115, 116, 97, 118, 105, 115, 112, 101, 101, 100, 0, 115, 116, 97, 118, 105, 104 }, { 101, 108, 116, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, ... }, { 0, ... }, { 0, ... }, { 0, ... }, { 0, ... }, { 0, ... }, { 0, ... }, { 0, ... }, { 0, ... }, { 0, ... } }; new message[256]; new contactinfo[256]; new contact[112]; new id; new count; new x; new len; id = 1; while (id <= maxplayers) { if (is_user_connected(id)) { if (get_user_flags(id, "HamFilter") & 524288) { count++; get_user_name(id, adminnames[count], 31); } } id++; } len = format(message, 255, 8336, COLOR); if (0 < count) { x = 0; while (x < count) { new var1; if (x < count + -1) { var1 = 8452; } else { var1 = 8464; } len = format(message[len], 255 - len, "%s%s ", adminnames[x], var1) + len; if (len > 96) { print_message(user, message); len = format(message, 255, "%s ", COLOR); } x++; } print_message(user, message); } else { len = format(message[len], 255 - len, "Nema online VIP-ova") + len; print_message(user, message); } get_cvar_string("amx_contactinfo", contact, 63); if (contact[0]) { format(contactinfo, "", "%s Contact Server Vip -- %s", COLOR, contact); print_message(user, contactinfo); } return 0; } print_message(id, msg[]) { message_begin(1, gmsgSayText, 8740, id); write_byte(id); write_string(msg); message_end(); return 0; } public proveri(id) { if (get_user_flags(id, "HamFilter") & 524288) { meni(id); } else { ColorChat(id, Color:3, "\x04[VIP]\x03 Nemas dozvolu da koristis vipa! Vip se mora kupiti!"); } return 0; } public meni(id) { new menu = menu_create("\yVIP Knife Menu \r- \yIzaberi", "menu_handler", "HamFilter"); menu_additem(menu, "\wUltra Knife \r[\yGravitacija\r]", 9304, "HamFilter", -1); menu_additem(menu, "\wSuper Knife \r[\yBrzina\r]", 9304, "HamFilter", -1); menu_additem(menu, "\wHealth Knife \r[\yVise Helta]", 9304, "HamFilter", -1); menu_additem(menu, "\wNormal Knife \r[\yLep Skin\r]", 9304, "HamFilter", -1); menu_display(id, menu, "HamFilter"); return 0; } public menu_handler(id, menu, item) { if (item == -3) { menu_destroy(menu); ColorChat(id, Color:3, "\x04[VIP]\x03 Zatvaram Knife Meni.\x01"); return 0; } switch (item) { case 0: { noz_igraca[id] = 1; ColorChat(id, Color:3, "\x04[VIP]\x03 Izabrao si Ultra Knife, noz ce biti aktiviran na sledecem respawnu.\x01"); } case 1: { noz_igraca[id] = 2; ColorChat(id, Color:3, "\x04[VIP]\x03 Izabrao si Super Knife, noz ce biti aktiviran na sledecem respawnu.\x01"); } case 2: { noz_igraca[id] = 3; ColorChat(id, Color:3, "\x04[VIP]\x03 Izabrao si Zoom Knife, noz ce biti aktiviran na sledecem respawnu.\x01"); } case 3: { noz_igraca[id] = 4; ColorChat(id, Color:3, "\x04[VIP]\x03 Izabrao si Normal Knife, noz ce biti aktiviran na sledecem respawnu.\x01"); } default: { } } return 0; } public Spawn(id) { new var1; if (!is_user_connected(id) || !is_user_alive(id) || get_user_flags(id, "HamFilter") & 524288) { switch (noz_igraca[id]) { case 1: { set_task(1065353216, "stavigravity", id, 7616, "HamFilter", 7808, "HamFilter"); ima_noz1[id] = 1; ima_noz2[id] = 0; ima_noz3[id] = 0; ima_noz4[id] = 0; set_pev(id, 144, g_szUltra); } case 2: { set_task(1065353216, "stavispeed", id, 7616, "HamFilter", 7808, "HamFilter"); ima_noz2[id] = 1; ima_noz1[id] = 0; ima_noz3[id] = 0; ima_noz4[id] = 0; set_pev(id, 144, g_szSuper); } case 3: { set_task(1073741824, "stavihelte", id, 7616, "HamFilter", 7808, "HamFilter"); ima_noz3[id] = 1; ima_noz1[id] = 0; ima_noz2[id] = 0; ima_noz4[id] = 0; set_pev(id, 144, g_szZoom); } case 4: { ima_noz4[id] = 1; ima_noz1[id] = 0; ima_noz2[id] = 0; ima_noz3[id] = 0; set_pev(id, 144, g_szNormal); } default: { } } } return 0; } public stavigravity(id) { set_user_gravity(id, 1053609165); return 0; } public stavispeed(id) { set_user_maxspeed(id, floatadd(1133903872, get_user_maxspeed(id))); return 0; } public stavihelte(id) { set_user_health(id, 80); return 0; } public event_CurWeapon(id) { static weapon; weapon = read_data(2); switch (weapon) { case 29: { if (ima_noz1[id] == true) { set_pev(id, 144, g_szUltra); } else { if (ima_noz2[id] == true) { set_pev(id, 144, g_szSuper); set_user_maxspeed(id, floatadd(1133903872, get_user_maxspeed(id))); } if (ima_noz3[id] == true) { set_pev(id, 144, g_szZoom); } if (ima_noz4[id] == true) { set_pev(id, 144, g_szNormal); } } } default: { } } return 0; } public vipinformacije(id) { static len; static motd[1501]; len = format(motd, 1500, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#87cefa><pre>"); len = format(motd[len], 1500 - len, "<center><h4><font color=\"red\"><B>Ultimate Knife VIP sadrzi sledece:</B> </font></h4></center>") + len; len = format(motd[len], 1500 - len, "<center><h4><font color=\"blue\"><B>-----------------------</B> </font></h4></center>") + len; len = format(motd[len], 1500 - len, "<center><h4><font color=\"white\"><B>-Knife Menu</B> </font></h4></center>") + len; len = format(motd[len], 1500 - len, "<center><h4><font color=\"white\"><B>-VIP Shop</B> </font></h4></center>") + len; len = format(motd[len], 1500 - len, "<center><h4><font color=\"white\"><B>-MultiJump</B> </font></h4></center>") + len; len = format(motd[len], 1500 - len, "<center><h4><font color=\"green\"><B>-Prefix [VIP]</B> </font></h4></center>") + len; len = format(motd[len], 1500 - len, "<center><h4><font color=\"blue\"><B>-----------------------</B> </font></h4></center>") + len; len = format(motd[len], 1500 - len, "<center><h4><font color=\"red\"><B>Za kupovinu se javite vlasniku.</B> </font></h4></center>") + len; len = format(motd[len], 1500 - len, "<center><h4><font color=\"blue\"><B>-----------------------</B> </font></h4></center>") + len; show_motd(id, motd, "PKV by: PrInCe & DecaK"); return 0; } public client_PreThink(id) { if (!is_user_alive(id)) { return 0; } new var1; if (get_cvar_num("amx_mjadminonly") && !access(id, 524288)) { return 0; } new nbut = get_user_button(id); new obut = get_user_oldbutton(id); new var2; if (nbut & 2 && !get_entity_flags(id) & 512 && !obut & 2) { if (get_cvar_num("amx_maxjumps") > jumpnum[id]) { dojump[id] = 1; jumpnum[id]++; return 0; } } new var3; if (nbut & 2 && get_entity_flags(id) & 512) { jumpnum[id] = 0; return 0; } return 0; } public client_PostThink(id) { if (!is_user_alive(id)) { return 0; } new var1; if (get_cvar_num("amx_mjadminonly") && !access(id, 524288)) { return 0; } if (dojump[id] == true) { new Float:velocity[3] = 0.0; entity_get_vector(id, 2, velocity); velocity[2] = random_float(1132756992, 1133412352); entity_set_vector(id, 2, velocity); dojump[id] = 0; return 0; } return 0; } public obavestenje() { ColorChat(0, Color:3, "\x04[VIP]\x03 Ovaj server koristi Ultimate Knife VIP by: \x04PrInCe & DecaK\x01"); ColorChat(0, Color:3, "\x04[VIP]\x03 Da pogledas informacije o vip-u, say: /vipinfo.\x01"); ColorChat(0, Color:3, "\x04[VIP]\x03 Da otvoris knife menu, say: /kmenu ili /knifemenu.\x01"); return 0; } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. Have you ever noticed that sometimes Zoey, Louis and Francis does not play fall scream lines while falling off the ledge or also jump off from the high ground? It appears that it shows an error on the console "player/survivor/voice/(survivor/fall04.wav is missing". It also adds Ellis's extra fall scream line while falling. Ellis has 5 fall screams lines and the game only plays 4 lines. This plugin will fix their missing lines while it plays one of the fall scream lines. Cvar: It should save l4d2_fall_scream_fix.cfg in your \cfg\sourcemod\ folder. PHP Code: l4d2_ellis_extra_scream: 1 "Enables Ellis extra scream while falling" Installtion: 1. Download smx and place in the plugins folder. 2. Done. Attached Files l4d2_fall_scream_fix.smx (5.5 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_fall_scream_fix.sp - 3.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. This plugin simply fix survivor's pistol reload animation failed to play while reloading on empty mag. For instance when your pistol clip is out of mag, the pistol will play empty reload animation on viewmodel but for world model which if you go on thirdperson, it does not perform the reload animation. Thanks to Lux for helping me to find this DoAnimationEvent signature. Apparently someone already done this fix on [L4D2] Survivor Animation Fix thread. So if you use this plugin, be sure to separate it by removing it. Installation: 1. Download smx and place it in the plugins 2. Download txt and place it in the gamedata 3. Done, restart the server. Attached Files pistol_reload_fix.txt (338 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_pistol_reload_empty_fix.sp - 1.6 KB) l4d2_pistol_reload_empty_fix.smx (4.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    plugin Vip

    Hey All ! I'm new here ! Please help me ! I don't know how script :( I need a Vip plugin with benefits 1. 100 Armor 2. Multijum 3.UnlimitedClip And if possible, when someone writes / vips to show the vip online + when you press TAB to show who is VIP !I don't wanna vip menu or guns ! Only this benefits ! Thank you all for helping! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. I cant find the plugin that gave random weapons everytime a player would respawn...or there isn't any? Thank you for your help Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. Can anyone convert this plugin from adv_vault to fvault PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <jctf> #include <adv_vault> #define PLUGIN "Rank - pega bandeiar" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "Zetsukt" new g_flagcaptured[ 33 ] new g_flagreturned[ 33 ] new g_vault new g_sort new g_playername[ 33 ][ 32 ] new motd[ 1536 ] new g_maxplayers new const g_sPrefix[] = "!t[!Fraternity!t]" enum { FLAGSCAPTURED, FLAGSRETURNED, MAX_FIELDS } new g_campos[MAX_FIELDS] public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) g_vault = adv_vault_open("CaptureTheFlags", false) g_campos[FLAGSCAPTURED] = adv_vault_register_field(g_vault, "FlagsCaptured") g_campos[FLAGSRETURNED] = adv_vault_register_field(g_vault, "FlagsReturned") adv_vault_init(g_vault) g_sort = adv_vault_sort_create( g_vault, ORDER_DESC, 0, 2000, g_campos[ FLAGSCAPTURED ], g_campos[ FLAGSRETURNED ] ) register_event("HLTV", "round_start", "a", "1=0", "2=0") register_clcmd("say /pbrank", "ranking") register_clcmd("say /pbtop", "top10_flags") g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers() } public client_putinserver( id ) { get_user_name(id, g_playername[id], 31 ); g_flagcaptured[ id ] = 0 g_flagreturned[ id ] = 0 set_task( 15.0, "publicidad", id) LoadData( id ) } public client_disconnect( id ) { SaveData( id ) } public publicidad( id ) { chat_color( id, "%s !nEscreva !g/pbrank !npara ver seu rank de !tBandeiras Capturadas!n.", g_sPrefix ) chat_color( id, "%s !nEscreva !g/pbtop !npara ver o TOP10 de !tBandeiras Capturadas!n.", g_sPrefix ) } public jctf_flag(iEvent, id, iFlagTeam, bool:bAssist) { switch(iEvent) { case FLAG_RETURNED: { if(!bAssist) { g_flagreturned[ id ]++ } } case FLAG_CAPTURED: { if(!bAssist) { g_flagcaptured[ id ]++ } } } } public top10_flags( id ) { new flagsc, flagsr, keyindex, pj[ 32 ] static len len = 0 new toploop = min( adv_vault_sort_numresult( g_vault, g_sort ), 10 ) len += formatex(motd[len], sizeof motd-len, "<body bgcolor=#A4BED6>\ <table width=100%% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0>\ <tr align=center bgcolor=#52697B>\ <th width=20%%>Posicao\ <th width=20%% align=left>Nome\ <th width=20%%>Bandeiras Capturadas\ <th width=20%%>Bandeiras Recuperadas"); for( new position=1; position <= toploop; position++ ) { keyindex = adv_vault_sort_position( g_vault, g_sort, position ) if( !adv_vault_get_prepare( g_vault, keyindex ) ) continue flagsc = adv_vault_get_field( g_vault, g_campos[ FLAGSCAPTURED ] ) flagsr = adv_vault_get_field( g_vault, g_campos[ FLAGSRETURNED ] ) adv_vault_get_keyname( g_vault, keyindex, pj, 31 ) len += formatex(motd[len], sizeof motd-len, "<tr align=center>"); len += formatex(motd[len], sizeof motd-len, "<td>%d", position); len += formatex(motd[len], sizeof motd-len, "<td align=left>%s", pj); len += formatex(motd[len], sizeof motd-len, "<td>%d", flagsc); len += formatex(motd[len], sizeof motd-len, "<td>%d", flagsr); } len += formatex(motd[len], sizeof motd-len, "</table></body>"); show_motd( id, motd, "Rank Pega Bandeira"); } public ranking( id ) { new rank = adv_vault_sort_key(g_vault, g_sort, 0, g_playername[ id ] ) if( !rank ) { chat_color(id, "%s !nVoce nao tem rank :/", g_sPrefix) } else chat_color(id, "%s !nSeu rank e !t%d !ncom !g%d !nbandeiras capturadas e !g%d !nrecuperadas", g_sPrefix, rank, g_flagcaptured[ id ], g_flagreturned[ id ]) } public round_start() { for(new id=1; id <= g_maxplayers; id++) { if( is_user_connected( id ) ) SaveData( id ) } adv_vault_sort_update(g_vault, g_sort) } public client_infochanged( id ) { if( !is_user_connected( id ) ) return static newname[ 32 ] get_user_info( id, "name", newname, charsmax( newname ) ) if( !equal(newname, g_playername[ id ] ) ) { set_task( 0.1, "LoadData", id ) } } public SaveData( id ) { if(!is_user_connected( id ) ) return; adv_vault_set_start( g_vault ) adv_vault_set_field( g_vault, g_campos[ FLAGSCAPTURED ], g_flagcaptured[ id ] ) adv_vault_set_field( g_vault, g_campos[ FLAGSRETURNED ], g_flagreturned[ id ] ) adv_vault_set_end( g_vault, 0, g_playername[ id ] ) } public LoadData( id ) { if(!adv_vault_get_prepare(g_vault, _, g_playername[ id ] ) ) return; g_flagcaptured[ id ] = adv_vault_get_field( g_vault, g_campos[ FLAGSCAPTURED ] ) g_flagreturned[ id ] = adv_vault_get_field( g_vault, g_campos[ FLAGSRETURNED ] ) } stock chat_color( const id, const input[], any:... ) { new count = 1, players[ 32 ] static msg[ 191 ] vformat( msg, 190, input, 3 ) replace_all( msg, 190, "!g", "^4" ) replace_all( msg, 190, "!n", "^1" ) replace_all( msg, 190, "!t", "^3" ) replace_all( msg, 190, "!t2", "^0" ) if ( id ) players[ 0 ] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch" ) { for (new i = 0; i < count; i++) { if ( is_user_connected( players[ i ] ) ) { message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), _, players[ i ] ) write_byte( players[ i ] ) write_string( msg ) message_end() } } } } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang3082\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */ Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. I have original soccerjam mod and I want to change some features. I want when player disconnects, player's own deaths,kills,records are not removed for only current map. Look codes below, PHP Code: public client_disconnect(id) { if(is_kickball) { new x for(x = 1; x<=RECORDS; x++) MadeRecord[id][x] = 0 remove_task(id) if(ballholder == id ) { ballholder = 0 clearBall() } if(ballowner == id) { ballowner = 0 } GoalyPoints[id] = 0 PlayerKills[id] = 0 PlayerDeaths[id] = 0 is_dead[id] = false seconds[id] = 0 g_sprint[id] = 0 PressedAction[id] = 0 has_knife[id] = false; g_Experience[id] = 0 for(x=1; x<=UPGRADES; x++) PlayerUpgrades[id][x] = 0 } } When I removed PlayerKills = 0 , PlayerDeaths[id] = 0 and MadeRecord[id][x] = 0 when player 1 reconnected, the player 1's data is loaded but somebody else is connect who has not data, still player 1's own data is loaded. My request: I want when players close the game(quit) and reconnected the players data are loaded for only current map. The data should be save by player's steamid. I tried using tries but I am noob . Can you change this sma to my requests? You can using tries thanks. PHP Code: new x for(x=1; x<=maxplayers; x++) { if(is_user_connected(x)) { Event_Record(x, GOALY, GoalyPoints[x], 0) new kills = get_user_frags(x) new deaths = cs_get_user_deaths(x) setScoreInfo(x) if( deaths > 0) PlayerDeaths[x] = deaths if( kills > 0) PlayerKills[x] = kills } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
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