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  1. Hey guys I hope all are doing well I need a plugin : membership auto activation after buying it from website Required When he buys a plugin a token should get generated from website after payment has been done then he gets a token and that token should be Registered in console then membership will be activated. reply ASAP Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. Forum: Unapproved Plugins Posted By: Nexd Post Time: 01-28-2020 at 16:13 Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. This plugin could get your GSLT token banned, be careful. Description: You can add custom scoreboard rank images, restrict them for flags Works in the exact same way as my scoreboardlevel In general, this is my test for the enum struct. Screenshots: I have added the default ranks and found some .svg for the faceit ranks You can edit/add new ranks in: configs/level_ranks.cfg: PHP Code: "LevelRanks" //flag could be: 0-20 ( ) (1<<11) -> 11 { "1" { "name" "Silver I" "index" "1" "flag" "-1" //-1 if anyone can use it } "2" { "name" "Silver II" "index" "2" "flag" "-1" } "3" { "name" "Silver III" "index" "3" "flag" "-1" } "4" { "name" "Silver IV" "index" "4" "flag" "-1" } "5" { "name" "Silver Elite" "index" "5" "flag" "-1" } "6" { "name" "Silver Elite Master" "index" "6" "flag" "-1" } "7" { "name" "Gold Nova I" "index" "7" "flag" "-1" } "8" { "name" "Gold Nova II" "index" "8" "flag" "-1" } "9" { "name" "Gold Nova III" "index" "9" "flag" "-1" } "10" { "name" "Gold Nova Master" "index" "10" "flag" "-1" } "11" { "name" "Master Guardian I" "index" "11" "flag" "-1" } "12" { "name" "Master Guardian II" "index" "12" "flag" "-1" } "13" { "name" "Master Guardian Elite" "index" "13" "flag" "-1" } "14" { "name" "Distinguished Master Guardian" "index" "14" "flag" "-1" } "15" { "name" "Legendary Eagle" "index" "15" "flag" "-1" } "16" { "name" "Legendary Eagle Master" "index" "16" "flag" "-1" } "17" { "name" "Supreme" "index" "17" "flag" "-1" } "18" { "name" "Global Elite" "index" "18" "flag" "-1" } "19" { "name" "Faceit II" "index" "9020" "flag" "-1" } "20" { "name" "Faceit III" "index" "9021" "flag" "-1" } "21" { "name" "Faceit IV" "index" "9022" "flag" "-1" } "22" { "name" "Faceit V" "index" "9023" "flag" "-1" } "23" { "name" "Faceit VI" "index" "9024" "flag" "-1" } "24" { "name" "Faceit VII" "index" "9025" "flag" "-1" } } if you want to add more, you MUST upload the files here: materials/panorama/images/icons/skillgroups/skillgroupINDEX.svg - index is the number what you have to put to the "index" in the cfg, THE FILE MUST BE .SVG and you should use random values because if someone downloads an icon from another server, he will see that, not yours. You can't use any .svg! No clue which one works for csgo. Let me know if there is anything. Download Direct Download Github Repo Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Hello, can you help me with this ? Ik, im noob etc.. I get this errors when im trying to compile this plugin : PHP Code: (388)error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) (389)error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 4) (390)error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) PHP Code: /* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */ #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <fakemeta_util> #include <cstrike> #include <hamsandwich> #include <engine> #define PLUGIN "[Furien]Vip System" #define VERSION "0.1" #define AUTHOR "[Ecstasy]" #define VIP_FLAGS ADMIN_LEVEL_H //Aici modifici cu accesul dorit ! #define IsPlayer(%0) ( 1 <= %0 <= g_iMaxPlayers ) new g_iMaxPlayers; new bool: HaveItem[ 33 ]; new bool:he[33], bool:sg[33], bool:fb[33]; // |--> Weapon new bool: Ak47[ 33 ]; new bool: M4A1[ 33 ]; new bool: Deagle[ 33 ]; new bool: SuperKnife[ 33 ]; new vAk47[ 64 ] = "models/v_golden_ak.mdl"; // Modifica cu locul si numele modelelor new pAk47[ 64 ] = "models/p_golden_ak.mdl"; // Modifica cu locul si numele modelelor new vM4A1[ 64 ] = "models/v_golden_m4a1.mdl"; // Modifica cu locul si numele modelelor new pM4A1[ 64 ] = "models/v_golden_m4a1.mdl"; // Modifica cu locul si numele modelelor new vDeagle[ 64 ] = "models/v_deagle.mdl"; // Modifica cu locul si numele modelelor new pDeagle[ 64 ] = "models/p_deagle.mdl"; // Modifica cu locul si numele modelelor new vSuperKnife[ 64 ] = "models/v_superknife.mdl"; // Modifica cu locul si numele modelelor // |--> Cvar's new cvar_hp_spawn_t, cvar_ap_spawn_t, cvar_hp_spawn_ct, cvar_ap_spawn_ct; new regenerator_hp, regenerator_time, regenerator_max_hp; new vip_money_t, vip_money_ct; public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) //Cvar's cvar_hp_spawn_t = register_cvar("vip_hp_spawn_t", "200"); cvar_ap_spawn_t = register_cvar("vip_ap_spawn_t", "100"); cvar_hp_spawn_ct = register_cvar("vip_hp_spawn_ct", "200"); cvar_ap_spawn_ct = register_cvar("vip_ap_spawn_ct", "100"); regenerator_hp = register_cvar("vip_regenerator_hp", "5"); regenerator_time = register_cvar("vip_regenerator_time", "5"); regenerator_max_hp = register_cvar("vip_regenerator_max_hp", "100"); vip_money_t = register_cvar("vip_money_furien", "3000"); vip_money_ct = register_cvar("vip_money_antifurien", "3000"); register_clcmd( "say", "VipSay"); register_clcmd( "say_team", "VipSay"); RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "SpawnCmd", true); RegisterHam ( Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "Player_TakeDamage" ); g_iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers ( ); register_event( "DeathMsg", "eDeathMsg", "a" ); register_event( "CurWeapon", "CurrWeapon", "be", "1=1" ); // Add your code here... } public plugin_precache( ) { precache_model(vAk47); precache_model(pAk47); precache_model(vM4A1); precache_model(pM4A1); precache_model(vDeagle); precache_model(pDeagle); precache_model(vSuperKnife); } public SpawnCmd ( id ) { if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAGS) { if(is_user_alive(id)) { switch(get_user_team(id)) { case 1: { fm_set_user_health(id, get_pcvar_num( cvar_hp_spawn_t ) ); fm_set_user_armor(id, get_pcvar_num( cvar_ap_spawn_t ) ); RegeneratorHP( id ); HaveItem[ id ] = false; he[ id ] = false; sg[ id ] = false; fb[ id ] = false; Ak47[ id ] = false; M4A1[ id ] = false; Deagle[ id ] = false; SuperKnife[ id ] = false; } case 2: { fm_set_user_health(id, get_pcvar_num( cvar_hp_spawn_ct ) ); fm_set_user_armor(id, get_pcvar_num( cvar_ap_spawn_ct ) ); RegeneratorHP( id ); he[ id ] = false; sg[ id ] = false; fb[ id ] = false; HaveItem[ id ] = false; Ak47[ id ] = false; M4A1[ id ] = false; Deagle[ id ] = false; SuperKnife[ id ] = false; } } } } return 0; } public RegeneratorHP( id ) { if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAGS) { new iHealth = get_user_health(id); if(iHealth <= 25) { RegeneratorCmd(id); } RegeneratorHP( id ); } return 0; } public RegeneratorCmd(id) { new iHealth = get_user_health(id); if(iHealth < get_pcvar_num( regenerator_max_hp )) { fm_set_user_health(id, iHealth + get_pcvar_num( regenerator_hp ) ); set_task(float(get_pcvar_num( regenerator_time )), "RegeneratorCmd", id); } else { return 1; } return 0; } public eDeathMsg ( id ) { if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAGS) { new iKiller = read_data( 1 ); switch(get_user_team(id)) { case 1: { cs_set_user_money(iKiller, cs_get_user_money(id) + get_pcvar_num( vip_money_t )); } case 2: { cs_set_user_money(iKiller, cs_get_user_money(id) + get_pcvar_num( vip_money_ct )); } } } } public VipSay ( id ) { new say[192]; read_args(say, 192); if(contain(say, "/vipmenu") != -1 || contain(say, "/furienvip") != -1) { if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAGS) { VIPMenuCmd(id); } else { ColorChat(id, "^x04[VIP]^x01 Doar cei cu VIP pot accesa acest meniu"); return 1; } } return 0; } public VIPMenuCmd(id) { new VIPMenu = menu_create( "\yVIP \wMenu", "VIPGiver" ) switch(get_user_team(id)) { case 1: { menu_additem( VIPMenu, "\yAk47 Gold + Deagle Gold - \r(2xDMG)", "1", 0 ) menu_additem( VIPMenu, "\yM4a1 Gold + Deagle Gold - \r(2xDMG)", "2", 0 ) } case 2: { menu_additem( VIPMenu, "\ySuperKnife - \r(2xDMG)", "1", 0 ) } } menu_setprop( VIPMenu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL ) menu_display( id, VIPMenu, 0 ) } public VIPGiver( id, VIPMenu, item ) { if( !(is_user_alive( id )) ) { ColorChat( id, "^x04[VIP]^x01 Nu mai poti accesa meniul daca ai murit!" ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if( HaveItem[ id ] ) { ColorChat( id, "^x04[VIP]^x01 Ai ales deja runda asta." ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if( item == MENU_EXIT ) { menu_destroy( VIPMenu ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } switch(get_user_team(id)) { case 1: { switch( item ) { case 0 : { if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_HEGRENADE) { he[ id ] = true; } if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_SMOKEGRENADE) { sg[ id ] = true; } if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_FLASHBANG) { fb[ id ] = true; } fm_strip_user_weapons(id); fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife"); fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle"); fm_give_item(id, "weapon_ak47"); cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70); cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AK47, 90); Ak47[ id ] = true; CurrWeapon(id); HaveItem[ id ] = true; if(he[id]) { fm_give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade"); } if(sg[id]) { fm_give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade"); } if(fb[id]) { fm_give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang"); } } case 1 : { if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_HEGRENADE) { he[ id ] = true; } if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_SMOKEGRENADE) { sg[ id ] = true; } if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_FLASHBANG) { fb[ id ] = true; } fm_strip_user_weapons(id); fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife"); fm_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle"); fm_give_item(id, "weapon_m4a1"); cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 70); cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_M4A1, 90); M4A1[ id ] = true; CurrWeapon(id); HaveItem[ id ] = true; if(he[id]) { fm_give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade"); } if(sg[id]) { fm_give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade"); } if(fb[id]) { fm_give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang"); } } } } case 2: { switch( item ) { case 0 : { if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_HEGRENADE) { he[ id ] = true; } if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_SMOKEGRENADE) { sg[ id ] = true; } if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_FLASHBANG) { fb[ id ] = true; } fm_strip_user_weapons(id); fm_give_item(id, "weapon_knife"); SuperKnife[ id ] = true; CurrWeapon(id); HaveItem[ id ] = true; if(he[id]) { fm_give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade"); } if(sg[id]) { fm_give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade"); } if(fb[id]) { fm_give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang"); } } } } } menu_destroy( VIPMenu ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public CurrWeapon ( id ) { if ( SuperKnife [ id ] && get_user_weapon ( id ) == CSW_KNIFE ) { set_pev ( id, pev_viewmodel2, vSuperKnife ); } if ( Ak47 [ id ] && get_user_weapon ( id ) == CSW_AK47 ) { set_pev ( id, pev_viewmodel2, vAk47 ); set_pev ( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pAk47 ); } if ( M4A1 [ id ] && get_user_weapon ( id ) == CSW_M4A1 ) { set_pev ( id, pev_viewmodel2, vM4A1 ); set_pev ( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pM4A1 ); } if ( Deagle [ id ] && get_user_weapon ( id ) == CSW_DEAGLE ) { set_pev ( id, pev_viewmodel2, vDeagle ); set_pev ( id, pev_weaponmodel2, pDeagle ); } } public Player_TakeDamage ( iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:fDamage, iDamageBits ) { if ( IsPlayer ( iAttacker ) ) { if( get_user_weapon( iAttacker ) == CSW_KNIFE && SuperKnife[ iAttacker ] && cs_get_user_team( iAttacker ) == CS_TEAM_T ) { SetHamParamFloat( 4, fDamage * 2 ) return HAM_HANDLED; } if( get_user_weapon( iAttacker ) == CSW_KNIFE && Ak47[ iAttacker ] && cs_get_user_team( iAttacker ) == CS_TEAM_CT ) { SetHamParamFloat( 4, fDamage * 2 ) return HAM_HANDLED; } if( get_user_weapon( iAttacker ) == CSW_KNIFE && M4A1[ iAttacker ] && cs_get_user_team( iAttacker ) == CS_TEAM_CT ) { SetHamParamFloat( 4, fDamage * 2 ) return HAM_HANDLED; } if( get_user_weapon( iAttacker ) == CSW_DEAGLE && Deagle[ iAttacker ] && cs_get_user_team( iAttacker ) == CS_TEAM_CT ) { SetHamParamFloat( 4, fDamage * 2 ) return HAM_HANDLED; } } return HAM_IGNORED; } stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) { new count = 1, players[32]; static msg[191]; vformat(msg, 190, input, 3); replace_all(msg, 190, "^x04", "^4"); replace_all(msg, 190, "^x01", "^1"); replace_all(msg, 190, "^x03", "^3"); if(id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch"); { for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(is_user_connected(players)) { message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players)); write_byte(players); write_string(msg); message_end(); } } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. Fixes an issue where players can use previously-thrown melee to deal instant damage to zombies and other survivors (GitHub issue) Exploit in action: CVars: None Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nmrih-jitterholding-fix.sp - 842 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Description: Enable only molotov damage for teammates and block everything else. Players will not be slowed down by teammates attacks. ConVars: Code: mp_friendlyfire 1 ff_damage_reduction_bullets 0.33 ff_damage_reduction_grenade 0.85 ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self 1 ff_damage_reduction_other 0.4 The ff_ convars can be changed as you want, but be sure the friendly fire still works. On default casual gamemode, mp_friendlyfire is enabled and all ff_ convars on 0. Even with mp_friendlyfire enabled, friendly fire doesn't work. GitHub: Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    pause meta

    how to pause metamod plugin for example i want to pause amxmodx PHP Code: meta pause amxmodx Error: PHP Code: Pause failed for plugin 'AMX Mod X' Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. This is a plug and play mod that automatically puts the server to sleep or opens it up 312 tic per player making 32 players close to 10,000 tic. This is experimental. Only Linux servers with pingboost can get numbers that high from my understanding on reads online about the topic. Feel free to modify how you like or give advice. It saved my process from getting killed on a strict VPS once. Maybe this will be of some help to you too. Any suggestions are welcome. Attached Files sys_timing.amxx (1.0 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. I am looking for a plugin suggestion for my private CS:GO server (Linux, srcds, running SM and MM) If a new user joins my server and types !help (or something like that) I want to be able to have a menu displayed for him to read the abbreviations used in the server. Would also like one for !commands and !abbreviations. What would be the BEST plugin to pop up a text window for the user so they can best use our server? Any good thread or youtube video that you can link to guide me? Thanks, P.S. I tried searching; but, even when I confirmed I wasn't a robot, the forum wouldn't search. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. Display the current conds on the target, both int and binary Command: sm_getconds Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (getConds.sp - 1.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. A small plugin that I made to assist in developement. it displays the target's current items index and classname sm_getweapons to display the data. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (getWeapons.sp - 2.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. hi everyone, i have nade drop plugin. but it isn't removing after a few minutes. and in the map every where grenade bomb after a few minutes. i want to connect the dropping equipment revmoving with time. sombody can help me that problem.:shock: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (realnadedrops.sma - 18.3 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis

    status for mix

    I want a plugin for Mix as below [CT or Trr] 9-Round Win to swap (amx_swap) team [CT or Trr] 15 Round Win End mix and Automatically warmup (amx_warm) say /status = (Result) As in the example below: PHP Code: Colorchat(id, "CT [(ct-round-win)/15 round win] and TRR [(trr-round-win)/15 round win]"); Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. Hi, i have this plugin, I can compile it with 0 errors but its not working, when i use the command it does nothing (sry for my english) PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <engine> #include <fakemeta> #include <fakemeta_util> #include <hamsandwich> #include <cstrike> #include <fun> #include <zombieplague> #define PLUGIN "CSO Thunderbolt" #define VERSION "2.0" #define AUTHOR "Dias" #define CSW_THUNDERBOLT CSW_AWP #define weapon_thunderbolt "weapon_awp" #define old_event "events/" #define old_w_model "models/w_awp.mdl" #define WEAPON_SECRETCODE 4234234 #define DEFAULT_AMMO 20 #define RELOAD_TIME 2.67 #define DAMAGE 800 #define ZOOM_DELAY 0.5 #define ZOOM_DELAY2 0.1 new const v_model[] = "models/Thunder/v_sfsniper2.mdl" new const p_model[] = "models/Thunder/p_sfsniper.mdl" new const w_model[] = "models/Thunder/w_sfsniper.mdl" new const weapon_sound[5][] = { "weapons/Thunder/sfsniper-1.wav", "weapons/Thunder/sfsniper_reload.wav", "weapons/Thunder/sfsniper_zoom.wav", "weapons/Thunder/sfsniper_idle.wav", "weapons/Thunder/sfsniper_draw.wav" } new const WeaponResource[4][] = { "sprites/Thunder/weapon_sfsniper.txt", "sprites/Thunder/640hud2.spr", "sprites/Thunder/640hud10.spr", "sprites/Thunder/640hud81.spr" } enum { TB_ANIM_IDLE = 0, TB_ANIM_SHOOT, TB_ANIM_DRAW } new g_thunderbolt new g_had_thunderbolt[33], g_thunderbolt_ammo[33], g_Shoot_Count[33], Float:StartOrigin2[3], Float:EndOrigin2[3], Float:g_thunderbolt_zoomdelay[33], Float:g_thunderbolt_zoomdelay2[33], Float:g_thunderbolt_zoomdelay3[33] new g_old_weapon[33], g_smokepuff_id, m_iBlood[2], g_event_thunderbolt, g_scope_hud new g_Beam_SprId, Float:g_can_laser[33] public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) register_forward(FM_CmdStart, "fw_CmdStart") register_forward(FM_SetModel, "fw_SetModel") register_forward(FM_UpdateClientData, "fw_UpdateClientData_Post", 1) register_forward(FM_PlaybackEvent, "fw_PlaybackEvent") RegisterHam(Ham_Item_AddToPlayer, weapon_thunderbolt, "fw_AddToPlayer_Post", 1) RegisterHam(Ham_TraceAttack, "worldspawn", "fw_TraceAttack2") RegisterHam(Ham_TraceAttack, "player", "fw_TraceAttack") RegisterHam(Ham_TraceAttack, "player", "fw_TraceAttack_Post", 1) register_event("CurWeapon", "Event_CurWeapon", "be", "1=1") g_scope_hud = CreateHudSyncObj(1962) register_clcmd("amx_awp", "fwClCmdThunderboltGet", ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<name>") register_clcmd("weapon_sfsniper", "hook_weapon") //register_clcmd("do_shoot", "do_shoot") //register_clcmd("do_drop", "do_drop") } public fwClCmdThunderboltGet(iIDAdmin, iBsAccessRequired, iIDCommand) { if (!cmd_access(iIDAdmin, iBsAccessRequired, iIDCommand, 2)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED_MAIN; new szArg1[31], iIDTarget; read_argv(1, szArg1, charsmax(szArg1)) if (!szArg1[0]) iIDTarget = iIDAdmin else { iIDTarget = cmd_target(iIDAdmin, szArg1, CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF); if (!iIDTarget) return PLUGIN_HANDLED_MAIN; } get_user_name(iIDTarget, szArg1, charsmax(szArg1)) if (get_thunderbolt(iIDTarget)) { client_print(iIDAdmin, print_console, "* I-ai dat lui ^"%s^" un Thunderbolt.", szArg1) } else { client_print(iIDAdmin, print_console, "* Player-ul ^"%s^" nu e in viata. Nu poti sa-i dai un Thunderbolt.", szArg1) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED_MAIN; } /* public do_drop(id) { static Body, Target get_user_aiming(id, Target, Body, 999999) if(is_user_alive(Target)) { fm_strip_user_weapons(Target) get_thunderbolt(Target) } } public do_shoot(id) { static Body, Target get_user_aiming(id, Target, Body, 999999) if(is_user_alive(Target)) { thunderbolt_shoothandle(Target) } }*/ public plugin_precache() { precache_model(v_model) precache_model(p_model) precache_model(w_model) for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(weapon_sound); i++) precache_sound(weapon_sound[ i ]) precache_generic(WeaponResource[0]) for(new i = 1; i < sizeof(WeaponResource); i++) precache_model(WeaponResource[ i ]) g_smokepuff_id = engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheModel, "sprites/wall_puff1.spr") m_iBlood[0] = precache_model("sprites/blood.spr") m_iBlood[1] = precache_model("sprites/bloodspray.spr") g_Beam_SprId = precache_model("sprites/laserbeam.spr") register_forward(FM_PrecacheEvent, "fw_PrecacheEvent_Post", 1) g_thunderbolt = zp_register_extra_item("Thunderbolt", 40, ZP_TEAM_HUMAN) } new g_register public client_putinserver(id) { if(!g_register && is_user_bot(id)) { g_register = 0 set_task(0.1, "do_register", id, _, _, "b") } } public do_register(id) { RegisterHamFromEntity(Ham_TraceAttack, id, "fw_TraceAttack") RegisterHamFromEntity(Ham_TraceAttack, id, "fw_TraceAttack_Post", 1) } public fw_PrecacheEvent_Post(type, const name[]) { if(equal(old_event, name)) g_event_thunderbolt = get_orig_retval() } public zp_extra_item_selected(id, itemid) { if(itemid == g_thunderbolt) get_thunderbolt(id) } public zp_user_infected_post(id) { remove_thunderbolt(id) } public hook_weapon(id) { engclient_cmd(id, weapon_thunderbolt) return } public get_thunderbolt(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return 0; g_had_thunderbolt[id] = 1 g_thunderbolt_ammo[id] = DEFAULT_AMMO give_item(id, weapon_thunderbolt) static weapon_ent; weapon_ent = fm_find_ent_by_owner(-1, weapon_thunderbolt, id) if(pev_valid(weapon_ent)) cs_set_weapon_ammo(weapon_ent, 1) return 1; } public remove_thunderbolt(id) { g_had_thunderbolt[id] = 0 g_thunderbolt_ammo[id] = 0 } public fw_UpdateClientData_Post(id, sendweapons, cd_handle) { if(!is_user_alive(id) || !is_user_connected(id)) return FMRES_IGNORED if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_THUNDERBOLT && g_had_thunderbolt[id]) set_cd(cd_handle, CD_flNextAttack, get_gametime() + 0.001) return FMRES_HANDLED } public fw_PlaybackEvent(flags, invoker, eventid, Float:delay, Float:origin[3], Float:angles[3], Float:fparam1, Float:fparam2, iParam1, iParam2, bParam1, bParam2) { if (!is_user_connected(invoker)) return FMRES_IGNORED if(get_user_weapon(invoker) == CSW_THUNDERBOLT && g_had_thunderbolt[invoker] && eventid == g_event_thunderbolt) { engfunc(EngFunc_PlaybackEvent, flags | FEV_HOSTONLY, invoker, eventid, delay, origin, angles, fparam1, fparam2, iParam1, iParam2, bParam1, bParam2) set_weapon_anim(invoker, TB_ANIM_SHOOT) emit_sound(invoker, CHAN_WEAPON, weapon_sound[0], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) return FMRES_SUPERCEDE } return FMRES_HANDLED } public Event_CurWeapon(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_THUNDERBOLT && g_had_thunderbolt[id]) { set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, cs_get_user_zoom(id) == 1 ? v_model : "") set_pev(id, pev_weaponmodel2, p_model) if(g_old_weapon[id] != CSW_THUNDERBOLT) set_weapon_anim(id, TB_ANIM_DRAW) update_ammo(id) } else if(get_user_weapon(id) != CSW_THUNDERBOLT && g_old_weapon[id] == CSW_THUNDERBOLT) { cs_set_user_zoom(id, 1, 1) } g_old_weapon[id] = get_user_weapon(id) } public fw_CmdStart(id, uc_handle, seed) { if(!is_user_alive(id) || !is_user_connected(id)) return FMRES_IGNORED if(get_user_weapon(id) != CSW_THUNDERBOLT || !g_had_thunderbolt[id]) return FMRES_IGNORED static CurButton CurButton = get_uc(uc_handle, UC_Buttons) if(CurButton & IN_ATTACK) { CurButton &= ~IN_ATTACK set_uc(uc_handle, UC_Buttons, CurButton) thunderbolt_shoothandle(id) } if(CurButton & IN_ATTACK2) { CurButton &= ~IN_ATTACK2 set_uc(uc_handle, UC_Buttons, CurButton) if(get_gametime() - ZOOM_DELAY > g_thunderbolt_zoomdelay[id]) { if(get_pdata_float(id, 83, 5) <= 0.0) { if(cs_get_user_zoom(id) == 1) { cs_set_user_zoom(id, CS_SET_FIRST_ZOOM, 1) } else { cs_set_user_zoom(id, 1, 1) } emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, weapon_sound[2], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) } g_thunderbolt_zoomdelay[id] = get_gametime() } } if(get_gametime() - ZOOM_DELAY2 > g_thunderbolt_zoomdelay2[id]) { if(cs_get_user_zoom(id) == CS_SET_FIRST_ZOOM) { static Body, Target get_user_aiming(id, Target, Body, 99999999) if(!is_user_alive(Target)) { set_hudmessage(0, 200, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 0.1, 0.1) } else { set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 0.1, 0.1) if(get_gametime() - ZOOM_DELAY > g_thunderbolt_zoomdelay3[id]) { emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, weapon_sound[1], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) g_thunderbolt_zoomdelay3[id] = get_gametime() } } ShowSyncHudMsg(id, g_scope_hud, "|^n-- + --^n|") } else { set_hudmessage(0, 200, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 0.1, 0.1) ShowSyncHudMsg(id, g_scope_hud, "") } g_thunderbolt_zoomdelay2[id] = get_gametime() } return FMRES_HANDLED } public thunderbolt_shoothandle(id) { if(get_pdata_float(id, 83, 5) <= 0.0 && g_thunderbolt_ammo[id] > 0) { g_thunderbolt_ammo[id]-- g_Shoot_Count[id] = 0 update_ammo(id) Stock_Get_Postion(id, 50.0, 10.0, 5.0, StartOrigin2) set_task(0.1, "Create_Laser", id) static weapon_ent; weapon_ent = fm_find_ent_by_owner(-1, weapon_thunderbolt, id) if(pev_valid(weapon_ent)) ExecuteHamB(Ham_Weapon_PrimaryAttack, weapon_ent) set_player_nextattack(id, CSW_THUNDERBOLT, RELOAD_TIME) // Reset Weapon cs_set_user_zoom(id, 1, 1) set_hudmessage(0, 200, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 0.1, 0.1) ShowSyncHudMsg(id, g_scope_hud, "") } } public Create_Laser(id) { message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY) write_byte(TE_BEAMPOINTS) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, StartOrigin2[0]) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, StartOrigin2[1]) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, StartOrigin2[2] - 10.0) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, EndOrigin2[0]) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, EndOrigin2[1]) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, EndOrigin2[2]) write_short(g_Beam_SprId) write_byte(0) write_byte(0) write_byte(30) write_byte(25) write_byte(0) write_byte(0) write_byte(0) write_byte(255) write_byte(255) write_byte(0) message_end() } public fw_SetModel(entity, model[]) { if(!pev_valid(entity)) return FMRES_IGNORED static Classname[64] pev(entity, pev_classname, Classname, sizeof(Classname)) if(!equal(Classname, "weaponbox")) return FMRES_IGNORED static id id = pev(entity, pev_owner) if(equal(model, old_w_model)) { static weapon weapon = fm_get_user_weapon_entity(entity, CSW_THUNDERBOLT) if(!pev_valid(weapon)) return FMRES_IGNORED if(g_had_thunderbolt[id]) { set_pev(weapon, pev_impulse, WEAPON_SECRETCODE) set_pev(weapon, pev_iuser4, g_thunderbolt_ammo[id]) engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, entity, w_model) g_had_thunderbolt[id] = 0 g_thunderbolt_ammo[id] = 0 return FMRES_SUPERCEDE } } return FMRES_IGNORED; } public fw_AddToPlayer_Post(ent, id) { if(pev(ent, pev_impulse) == WEAPON_SECRETCODE) { g_had_thunderbolt[id] = 1 g_thunderbolt_ammo[id] = pev(ent, pev_iuser4) set_pev(ent, pev_impulse, 0) } message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("WeaponList"), _, id) write_string((g_had_thunderbolt[id] == 1 ? "weapon_sfsniper" : "weapon_awp")) write_byte(1) write_byte(30) write_byte(-1) write_byte(-1) write_byte(0) write_byte(2) write_byte(CSW_THUNDERBOLT) write_byte(0) message_end() } public fw_TraceAttack(ent, attacker, Float:Damage, Float:fDir[3], pentru, iDamageType) { if(!is_user_alive(attacker)) return HAM_IGNORED if(get_user_weapon(attacker) != CSW_THUNDERBOLT || !g_had_thunderbolt[attacker]) return HAM_IGNORED static Float:flEnd[3] get_tr2(pentru, TR_vecEndPos, flEnd) if(is_user_alive(ent)) create_blood(flEnd) SetHamParamFloat(3, float(DAMAGE)) return HAM_HANDLED } public fw_TraceAttack_Post(ent, attacker, Float:Damage, Float:fDir[3], pentru, iDamageType) { if(!is_user_alive(attacker)) return HAM_IGNORED if(get_user_weapon(attacker) != CSW_THUNDERBOLT || !g_had_thunderbolt[attacker]) return HAM_IGNORED static Float:flEnd[3] get_tr2(pentru, TR_vecEndPos, flEnd) EndOrigin2 = flEnd return HAM_HANDLED } public fw_TraceAttack2(ent, attacker, Float:Damage, Float:fDir[3], pentru, iDamageType) { if(!is_user_alive(attacker)) return HAM_IGNORED if(get_user_weapon(attacker) != CSW_THUNDERBOLT || !g_had_thunderbolt[attacker]) return HAM_IGNORED if(get_gametime() - 0.1 > g_can_laser[attacker]) { static Float:flEnd[3] get_tr2(pentru, TR_vecEndPos, flEnd) EndOrigin2 = flEnd make_bullet(attacker, flEnd) fake_smoke(attacker, pentru) g_can_laser[attacker] = get_gametime() } return HAM_HANDLED } public update_ammo(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return static weapon_ent; weapon_ent = fm_find_ent_by_owner(-1, weapon_thunderbolt, id) if(pev_valid(weapon_ent)) cs_set_weapon_ammo(weapon_ent, 1) cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_THUNDERBOLT, 0) engfunc(EngFunc_MessageBegin, MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("CurWeapon"), {0, 0, 0}, id) write_byte(1) write_byte(CSW_THUNDERBOLT) write_byte(-1) message_end() message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("AmmoX"), _, id) write_byte(1) write_byte(g_thunderbolt_ammo[id]) message_end() } stock set_weapon_anim(id, anim) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return set_pev(id, pev_weaponanim, anim) message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_WEAPONANIM, {0, 0, 0}, id) write_byte(anim) write_byte(pev(id, pev_body)) message_end() } stock set_player_light(id, const LightStyle[]) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_LIGHTSTYLE, .player = id) write_byte(0) write_string(LightStyle) message_end() } stock make_bullet(id, Float:Origin[3]) { // Find target new decal = random_num(41, 45) const loop_time = 2 static Body, Target get_user_aiming(id, Target, Body, 999999) if(is_user_connected(Target)) return for(new i = 0; i < loop_time; i++) { // Put decal on "world" (a wall) message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY) write_byte(TE_WORLDDECAL) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[0]) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[1]) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[2]) write_byte(decal) message_end() // Show sparcles message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY) write_byte(TE_GUNSHOTDECAL) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[0]) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[1]) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, Origin[2]) write_short(id) write_byte(decal) message_end() } } public fake_smoke(id, trace_result) { static Float:vecSrc[3], Float:vecEnd[3], TE_FLAG get_weapon_attachment(id, vecSrc) global_get(glb_v_forward, vecEnd) xs_vec_mul_scalar(vecEnd, 8192.0, vecEnd) xs_vec_add(vecSrc, vecEnd, vecEnd) get_tr2(trace_result, TR_vecEndPos, vecSrc) get_tr2(trace_result, TR_vecPlaneNormal, vecEnd) xs_vec_mul_scalar(vecEnd, 2.5, vecEnd) xs_vec_add(vecSrc, vecEnd, vecEnd) TE_FLAG |= TE_EXPLFLAG_NODLIGHTS TE_FLAG |= TE_EXPLFLAG_NOSOUND TE_FLAG |= TE_EXPLFLAG_NOPARTICLES engfunc(EngFunc_MessageBegin, MSG_PAS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vecEnd, 0) write_byte(TE_EXPLOSION) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, vecEnd[0]) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, vecEnd[1]) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, vecEnd[2] - 10.0) write_short(g_smokepuff_id) write_byte(2) write_byte(50) write_byte(TE_FLAG) message_end() } stock Stock_Get_Postion(id,Float:forw,Float:right, Float:up,Float:vStart[]) { new Float:vOrigin[3], Float:vAngle[3], Float:vForward[3], Float:vRight[3], Float:vUp[3] pev(id, pev_origin, vOrigin) pev(id, pev_view_ofs,vUp) //for player xs_vec_add(vOrigin,vUp,vOrigin) pev(id, pev_v_angle, vAngle) // if normal entity ,use pev_angles angle_vector(vAngle,ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD,vForward) //or use EngFunc_AngleVectors angle_vector(vAngle,ANGLEVECTOR_RIGHT,vRight) angle_vector(vAngle,ANGLEVECTOR_UP,vUp) vStart[0] = vOrigin[0] + vForward[0] * forw + vRight[0] * right + vUp[0] * up vStart[1] = vOrigin[1] + vForward[1] * forw + vRight[1] * right + vUp[1] * up vStart[2] = vOrigin[2] + vForward[2] * forw + vRight[2] * right + vUp[2] * up } stock get_weapon_attachment(id, Float:output[3], Float:fDis = 40.0) { new Float:vfEnd[3], viEnd[3] get_user_origin(id, viEnd, 3) IVecFVec(viEnd, vfEnd) new Float:fOrigin[3], Float:fAngle[3] pev(id, pev_origin, fOrigin) pev(id, pev_view_ofs, fAngle) xs_vec_add(fOrigin, fAngle, fOrigin) new Float:fAttack[3] xs_vec_sub(vfEnd, fOrigin, fAttack) xs_vec_sub(vfEnd, fOrigin, fAttack) new Float:fRate fRate = fDis / vector_length(fAttack) xs_vec_mul_scalar(fAttack, fRate, fAttack) xs_vec_add(fOrigin, fAttack, output) } stock create_blood(const Float:origin[3]) { // Show some blood :) message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY) write_byte(TE_BLOODSPRITE) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[0]) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[1]) engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[2]) write_short(m_iBlood[1]) write_short(m_iBlood[0]) write_byte(75) write_byte(5) message_end() } stock set_player_screenfade(pPlayer, sDuration = 0, sHoldTime = 0, sFlags = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0 ) { if(!is_user_connected(pPlayer)) return message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), _, pPlayer) write_short(sDuration) write_short(sHoldTime) write_short(sFlags) write_byte(r) write_byte(g) write_byte(b) write_byte(a) message_end() } stock set_player_nextattack(player, weapon_id, Float:NextTime) { if(!is_user_alive(player)) return const m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 46 const m_flNextSecondaryAttack = 47 const m_flTimeWeaponIdle = 48 const m_flNextAttack = 83 static weapon weapon = fm_get_user_weapon_entity(player, weapon_id) set_pdata_float(player, m_flNextAttack, NextTime, 5) if(pev_valid(weapon)) { set_pdata_float(weapon, m_flNextPrimaryAttack , NextTime, 4) set_pdata_float(weapon, m_flNextSecondaryAttack, NextTime, 4) set_pdata_float(weapon, m_flTimeWeaponIdle, NextTime, 4) } } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1033\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */ Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. I tested this on only L4D2. But may it works on other games. Info:This plugin provides a menu panel for display server information to players. When joined to custom server, it seems some people confused for lots of changes. And I'm one of them. And sadly, a few people leave the game for it. On part of servers, they wrote what they customized, but even I felt hassle to read them all. So I made this to solve these problems. Usagel:All examples are written on menu. Install the plugin, start game, and say "!helpmenu" in chat. Commands: PHP Code: //Show sip help menu. sm_helpmenu //Reset note count for all players. //Require "c" or higher flag. sm_sip_note_resetCount Cvars: PHP Code: // [1:Enable], [0:Disable] // Default: "1" sm_sip_enable "1" // Whether to force player to open menu when player joined. [0:Don't Open] [1:Open] // Default: "1" sm_sip_forceOpen "1" // How many times show note message. // Default: "3" sm_sip_noteMax "3" // When show note message to player. //[(Empty):Disable], [1:on joined], [2:on opened menu], [3:on closed menu], [4:on map start] // Default: "1234" sm_sip_noteTiming "1234" // Way of showing note message.Input numbers you want to use. //[(Empty):Disable], [1:Chat], [2:Hint Message], [3:Instructer Hint] // Default: "123" sm_sip_noteType "123" // Whether to reset note count on map chenged [0:Don't Reset] [1:Reset] // Default: "1" sm_sip_note_resetPerRound "1" Changes: Code: 1.0 (2020/Jan/27th) - Initial release Thanks: Silvers - Referenced usage of env_instructer_hint. Installation:Put server_info_panel.smx to: "addons/sourcemod/plugins" Unzip translations and put it to: "addons/sourcemod/translations" Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (server_info_panel.sp - 9.2 KB) (4.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. This simple plugin attempts to replicate the friendly-fire quote responding for the 5th or higher survivor. -= ConVars =- No convars other than sm_l4d_friendlyfire_fix_ver yet, sorry. -= Further Info =- - <BUG> The quotes played by this plugin don't seem to be properly contexted, thus resulting in something like Bill looking at Zoey, yelling her name as if it was her fault, when it was really Francis's. -= Releases =- Code: Version 1.0.0 - Initial release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (FriendlyFireFix.sp - 6.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Hello, I use this plugin but I am faced with this problem does it work well on players but not on bots? Przeczytaj cały wpis

    Top10 menu

    1. Create top10 menu and motd according xp of players in Dec order Xp are loaded from nvault So can use any of them Thnx Przeczytaj cały wpis

    Admin No load

    Why the admin gets stored in my server but the admin gets into the server The server says you are not an admin?? Does the plugin want properties? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. Hello to all the forum partners! I would like to know if you can help me with a plugin. I would like to have a preheat round on my servers. If it could be configured from an .ini or .cfg file it would be great, I have seen many plugins that are configured from there, I don't like cvars very much because I always forget the commands ... The preheat round should be able to set the amount of seconds you want it to last. Must have a DHUD that can also configure the color of this, from it configuration file. Also if you could from the file configure the allowed weapon in the preheat round, example AWP or Knife or that the player can choose any weapon to her liking. I leave a sample image. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. Description: Hello everyone, I have created a small ServerList system which will be possible with the command !s See your list of servers and that way you can connect to the server you want faster. Cvars: sm_server_prefix "SM" installation: addons / sourcemod / plugins / ServerList.smx addons / sourcemod / scripts / ServerList.sp addons / sourcemod / config / ServerList.cfg Inside the Config there is ServerList.cfg and write like this for example "Servers List" { "Surf Combat" { "name" "SurfCombat" "address" "" } } enjoy :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ServerList.sp - 2.6 KB) ServerList.smx (6.1 KB) ServerList.cfg (132 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. I am using admin mark plugin. In this plugin when I jump, the jump animation is changing. I don't want changing jump animation. Can you help me ? PHP Code: /* AMX Mod X * Admin Mark * * (c) Copyright 2007 by KaLoSZyFeR * * This file is provided as is (no warranties) * * DESCRIPTION * Plugin marks admin by adding on his head special helmet or beret. Size of model * is less than 60kb, so player don't have to extra download whole admin model (size: 2Mb) * like in other plugins such as KaOs' "Admin Models". * * FEATURES * - if admin is CT, he wears special helmet * - if admin is T, he wears special beret * * * CVARS * amx_admin_mark (0: OFF, 1: ON, default: 1) - disables/enables plugin * * VERSIONS * 1.0 first release * 1.1 added forcing standard models, optimized some code * 1.2 changed really smart part of code (1 word...) * */ #include <amxmodx> #include <cstrike> #include <engine> new g_adminmarkEnt[33] new cvar_enable new MODEL_MARK[] = "models/admin_head.mdl" static const PLUGIN_NAME[] = "Admin Mark" static const PLUGIN_AUTHOR[] = "KaLoSZyFeR" static const PLUGIN_VERSION[] = "1.2" public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, PLUGIN_AUTHOR) register_cvar(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_SERVER) cvar_enable = register_cvar("amx_admin_mark", "1") } public plugin_precache() { precache_model(MODEL_MARK) force_unmodified(force_model_samebounds,{0,0,0},{0,0,0},"models/player/gign/gign.mdl") force_unmodified(force_model_samebounds,{0,0,0},{0,0,0},"models/player/gsg9/gsg9.mdl") force_unmodified(force_model_samebounds,{0,0,0},{0,0,0},"models/player/sas/sas.mdl") force_unmodified(force_model_samebounds,{0,0,0},{0,0,0},"models/player/urban/urban.mdl") force_unmodified(force_model_samebounds,{0,0,0},{0,0,0},"models/player/vip/vip.mdl") force_unmodified(force_model_samebounds,{0,0,0},{0,0,0},"models/player/arctic/arctic.mdl") force_unmodified(force_model_samebounds,{0,0,0},{0,0,0},"models/player/guerilla/guerilla.mdl") force_unmodified(force_model_samebounds,{0,0,0},{0,0,0},"models/player/leet/leet.mdl") force_unmodified(force_model_samebounds,{0,0,0},{0,0,0},"models/player/terror/terror.mdl") } public client_connect(id) { if(g_adminmarkEnt[id] > 0) remove_entity(g_adminmarkEnt[id]) g_adminmarkEnt[id] = 0 } public client_disconnect(id) { if(g_adminmarkEnt[id] > 0) remove_entity(g_adminmarkEnt[id]) g_adminmarkEnt[id] = 0 } public client_PreThink(id) { if(!is_user_connected(id)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if(!is_user_alive(id) && g_adminmarkEnt[id] > 0) { remove_entity(g_adminmarkEnt[id]) g_adminmarkEnt[id] = 0 return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } if (!(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_KICK)) { remove_entity(g_adminmarkEnt[id]) g_adminmarkEnt[id] = 0 return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } if(!get_pcvar_num(cvar_enable)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if(!is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if(g_adminmarkEnt[id] < 1) { g_adminmarkEnt[id] = create_entity("info_target") if(g_adminmarkEnt[id] > 0) { entity_set_int(g_adminmarkEnt[id], EV_INT_movetype, MOVETYPE_FOLLOW) entity_set_edict(g_adminmarkEnt[id], EV_ENT_aiment, id) entity_set_model(g_adminmarkEnt[id], MODEL_MARK) } } if (g_adminmarkEnt[id] > 0) { new modelID = get_model_id(id) entity_set_int(g_adminmarkEnt[id], EV_INT_body, modelID) } if(g_adminmarkEnt[id] < 1) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } new modelname[9][] ={ "gign", "gsg9", "sas", "urban", "vip", "arctic", "guerilla", "leet", "terror" } public get_model_id(id) { new modelStr[32], iNum=32, modelID get_user_info(id,"model",modelStr,iNum) for(new i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (equali (modelStr, modelname[i]) ) { modelID = i } } return modelID } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. Deathrun Manager by xPaw v3.0.3 [13/02/2010] can I use this mod without T fake bot? So there wont be any t but instead there will be timer like in Kz Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. Deathrun Manager by xPaw v3.0.3 [13/02/2010] can I use this mod without T fake bot? So there wont be any t but instead there will be timer like in Kz Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. DESCRIPTION There are some survivors that didn't leave the startarea/saferoom in versus, and infected team get instant respawn after death, this plugin will fix this issue Its a cheap method, but its works. Requires Left4Downtown. :shock: Attached Files l4d_instarespawnfix.smx (6.5 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_instarespawnfix.sp - 4.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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