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  1. Forum: Unapproved Plugins Posted By: Timid Post Time: 02-18-2020 at 22:15 Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Due to the recent update to csgo, via ShaterWeb most plugins that are running HTML in their plugins are showing errors wich csgo has removed displaying the hint messages with color and <\bold> text. - So this a very simple fix to the specialist wich changes. If u experience any errors with this plugin pls dm me so I can fix the errors, Ty Discord: Timid#0005 Discord-Server: Attached Files speclist.smx (5.5 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (speclist.sp - 6.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Hi guys , I need a plugin to use commands in chat like /slay , /ķick , /slap , /banip , /restart , etc. I found one on internet , but it doesn't work. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. Description: Block damage done through walls. Designed for deathrun servers. Will work on any mode/gamemode. GitHub: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Can someone make a plugin which hides motd to specific players? Like admins or by steam id. Thanks! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. Hi guys , I need the plugin /spec , /ct , /t , but the commands can be used just by the admins. You can use that commands just if your at least helper , just if you have at least the flags bceij Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. I want a plugin to make skin Ak-47 CT and TER different + fire sound Something like this code: PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <fakemeta> #include <cstrike> #include <fun> #include <engine> #include <xs> new const v_Ak47CT[] = "kg/models/v_ak47_ct.mdl" new const v_Ak47TE[] = "kg/models/v_ak47_ter.mdl" new const p_Ak47CT[] = "kg/models/p_ak47_ct.mdl" new const p_Ak47TE[] = "kg/models/p_ak47_ter.mdl" new const w_Ak47TE[] = "kg/models/w_ak47.mdl" <---- Add new const FIRE_SOUND[] = {"kg/weapons/ak47-1.wav"}; <---- Add public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Knife models", "1.0", "Daminou") register_event("CurWeapon", "model_ak47", "b") } public plugin_precache() { precache_model(v_Ak47CT) precache_model(v_Ak47TE) precache_model(p_Ak47CT) precache_model(p_Ak47TE) } public model_ak47(id) { if(is_user_alive(id) && is_user_connected(id)) { new clip, ammo new ak47 = get_user_weapon(id, clip, ammo) if(ak47 == CSW_AK47) { switch(cs_get_user_team(id)) { case CS_TEAM_CT: { set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, v_Ak47CT) set_pev(id, pev_weaponmodel2, p_Ak47TE) } case CS_TEAM_T: { set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, v_Ak47TE) set_pev(id, pev_weaponmodel2, p_Ak47TE) } } } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. How can I warn players three times? But in case of player neglect player ban Or player kick Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. A simple plugin that changes the size of the projectiles (or sandvich medkits) your weapon launches ConVars: sm_projectilesize_healthkits (default: 1) - Resize spawned health kits like sandviches sm_projectilesize_minsize (default: 0.01) - Minimum size ratio sm_projectilesize_maxsize (default: 500) - Maximum size ratio Commands: sm_ps [target] (ratio) (default access flag: b) - Sets the projectile size (no target applies to self) Note this only affects the model size and does not affect the collision box and thus is meant to be used to occasionally pester your players with huge models or gather curious players around tiny sandviches. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (projectilesize.sp - 3.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Intro This plugin is inspired by Infected Health Gauge plugin, this will allow to give relative knowledge of the health of the infected through a health bar Details The health bar is shown on the hud "env_instructor_hint", through a text within it, you can change the size of the bar width, as well as the text that represents the points of damage and health. Cvars PHP Code: // 0:Disable , 1:Enable Plugin // - // Default: "1" l4d2_infected_hudhpbar_activated "1" // 0:Disable, 1:Enable Show Hud HP Bar for Boomer // - // Default: "0" l4d2_infected_hudhpbar_on_boomer "0" // 0:Disable, 1:Enable Show Hud HP Bar for Charger // - // Default: "0" l4d2_infected_hudhpbar_on_charger "0" // 0:Disable, 1:Enable Show Hud HP Bar for Hunter // - // Default: "0" l4d2_infected_hudhpbar_on_hunter "0" // 0:Disable, 1:Enable Show Hud HP Bar for Jockey // - // Default: "0" l4d2_infected_hudhpbar_on_jockey "0" // 0:Disable, 1:Enable Show Hud HP Bar for Smoker // - // Default: "0" l4d2_infected_hudhpbar_on_smoker "0" // 0:Disable, 1:Enable Show Hud HP Bar for Spitter // - // Default: "0" l4d2_infected_hudhpbar_on_spitter "0" // 0:Disable, 1:Enable Show Hud HP Bar for Tank // - // Default: "1" l4d2_infected_hudhpbar_on_tank "1" // Set range Instuctor Hint For Tank (0 = infinite range) // - // Default: "750.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "750.000000" l4d2_infected_hudhpbar_range "750.0" // Set time out in seconds Instuctor Hints (0 = no time out) // - // Default: "3.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" l4d2_infected_hudhpbar_showtime "3.0" // Set width size for health bar // - // Default: "10" // Minimum: "2.000000" // Maximum: "100.000000" l4d2_infected_hudhpbar_size "10" // Set text for damage point // - // Default: "-" l4d2_infected_hudhpbar_textdmg " " // Set text for health point // - // Default: "=" l4d2_infected_hudhpbar_texthp "_" Credits:MasterMind420: for your code [L4D2]Infected Hud plugin BHaType: for your code Hint plugin Changelog: Code: 2020-02-17 (v1.0) * Initial release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_infected_hudhpbar.sp - 12.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Hello, friends, I have a very simple logic, nick encryption plug in my hand. I want this plugin to make the say commands green. is there anyone to help me? Succeeded reg. command send Nick: and Pw: I want to differ from between everyone of that. Like that in say chat color. Nick: asd Pw: 123 Thank you from now. PHP Code: /* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */ #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #define PLUGIN "New Plug-In" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "author" new const USER_FILE[] = "addons/amxmodx/configs/custom_users.ini"; new bool:MessageModeByServer; public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) if(!file_exists(USER_FILE)) { new f = fopen(USER_FILE,"wt"); fclose(f) } register_clcmd("say /nickpw","PasswordRequest") register_clcmd("Sifrenizi Giriniz","PasswordReceive") } public client_connect(id) { new UserPW[32],UserName[32]; get_user_info(id,"_pw",UserPW,31) get_user_name(id,UserName,31) new maxlines = file_size(USER_FILE,1); new szLineText[148],LineName[32],LinePW[32]; new txtlen; for(new line;line<maxlines;line++) { read_file(USER_FILE,line,szLineText,147,txtlen) parse(szLineText,LineName,31,LinePW,31) if(equali(UserName,LineName)) { if(!equal(UserPW,LinePW)) { server_cmd("kick #%d ^"Server'a Giris Hakkiniz Yok Cunku PW Yanlis Girdiniz^"",get_user_userid(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public PasswordRequest(id) { if(is_user_registered(id)) { client_print(id,print_chat,"Zaten Nickiniz Sifreli") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } MessageModeByServer = true; client_cmd(id,"messagemode ^"Sifrenizi Giriniz^"") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public PasswordReceive(id) { if(!MessageModeByServer) { console_print(id,"Gecersiz Istek") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new szText[32]; read_args(szText,31) remove_quotes(szText) new cmd[10],szPW[32],others[32]; parse(szText,cmd,9,szPW,31,others,31) remove_quotes(szPW) new szName[32]; get_user_name(id,szName,31) MessageModeByServer = false; if(szPW[0] == 0) { client_print(id,print_chat,"Sifre Kismi Bos Birakilamaz") client_cmd(id,"messagemode ^"Sifrenizi Giriniz^"") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } register_user(szName,szPW) client_print(id,print_chat,"Nickiniz Basariyla Sifrelendi. Nick: %s PW: %s",szName,szPW) client_cmd(id,"setinfo _pw ^"%s^"",szPW) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } stock is_user_registered(id) { new name[32]; get_user_name(id,name,31) new szLineText[128],txtlen; new LineName[64],LinePW[64]; new maxlines; maxlines = file_size(USER_FILE,1); for(new line;line<maxlines;line++) { read_file(USER_FILE,line,szLineText,127,txtlen) parse(szLineText,LineName,63,LinePW,63) if(equali(name,LineName)) { return true; } } return false; } stock register_user(const szName[],const szPW[]) { new LineText[148]; formatex(LineText,147,"^"%s^" ^"%s^"",szName,szPW) write_file(USER_FILE,LineText) } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1055\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */ Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. I wanted a plugin for team voting One Sample: PHP Code: Vote CT or TER 1. Counter-Terrorist (vote: 3) <---- amx_swap 2. Terrorist (vote: 4) <---- sv_restart 1 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. Hi guys , I have a VIP plugin on my server , when you write /beneficii it will show you VIP ranks , but it shows every rank twice instead of once. I want it to show every rank just once That's the plugin PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <engine> #include <fakemeta> #include <fun> #include <cstrike> #include <hamsandwich> #define PLUGIN "VIP Benefits" #define VERSION "0.9" //#define USING_CREDITS - Scoateti comentariile in caz ca vreti sa primiti credite per kill // Aici va puneti nativele cum le aveti voi #if defined USING_CREDITS native set_user_credits(id, ammount); native get_user_credits(id); #endif enum eData { Name[32], Flags, SpawnHP, SpawnAP, MoneyKill, HpKill, ApKill, Jumps } new g_iJumpsNum[33], g_iMaxJumps[33]; new bool:g_bIsJumping[33]; new bool:g_bHaveBenefits[33]; new g_iBenefitsNum = 0; new Array:g_aBenefits; public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, "FaTzZu" ); register_cvar("fr_benefits", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY); g_aBenefits = ArrayCreate(eData); RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "HamPlayerSpawn", 1); RegisterHam(Ham_Player_Jump, "player", "hamPlayerJump", 0) register_event("DeathMsg", "evDeathMsg", "a"); register_clcmd("say /vips", "cmdShowBenefits"); register_clcmd("say /beneficii", "cmdShowRankBenefits"); set_task(120.0, "taskShowMessage", _, _, _, "b"); } /* Plugin cfg */ public plugin_cfg() { new szLineData[128], szName[32], szFlags[32], szSpawnHP[8], szSpawnAP[8], szMoneyPerKill[8], szHpPerKill[8], szApPerKill[8], szJumpsNum[8]; new aData[eData] new szConfigsDir[128]; get_configsdir(szConfigsDir, charsmax(szConfigsDir)); add(szConfigsDir, charsmax(szConfigsDir), "/benefits.ini"); if(!file_exists(szConfigsDir)) { write_file(szConfigsDir, ";Numele flagului Flagul HP Spawn AP Spawn Money per kill HP per Kill Armor per Kill Numar sarituri (1 = No multijump)"); write_file(szConfigsDir, ";Exemplu:"); write_file(szConfigsDir, ";^"VIP Diamond^" ^"bcdefghijkt^" ^"125^" ^"150^" ^"2000^" ^"25^" ^"50^" ^"2^""); } new f = fopen(szConfigsDir, "rt"); if(!f) return; while(!feof(f)) { fgets(f, szLineData, charsmax(szLineData)); if(szLineData[0] == ';' || !szLineData[0]) continue; parse(szLineData, szName, charsmax(szName), szFlags, charsmax(szFlags), szSpawnHP, charsmax(szSpawnHP), szSpawnAP, charsmax(szSpawnAP), szMoneyPerKill, charsmax(szMoneyPerKill), szHpPerKill, charsmax(szHpPerKill), szApPerKill, charsmax(szApPerKill), szJumpsNum, charsmax(szJumpsNum)); copy(aData[Name], charsmax(aData[Name]), szName); aData[Flags] = read_flags(szFlags); aData[SpawnHP] = str_to_num(szSpawnHP); aData[SpawnAP] = str_to_num(szSpawnAP); aData[MoneyKill] = str_to_num(szMoneyPerKill); aData[HpKill] = str_to_num(szHpPerKill); aData[ApKill] = str_to_num(szApPerKill); if(!str_to_num(szJumpsNum)) aData[Jumps] = 1; else aData[Jumps] = str_to_num(szJumpsNum); ArrayPushArray(g_aBenefits, aData); g_iBenefitsNum++; } } /* When client join to server */ public client_putinserver(id) { new aData[eData]; g_bHaveBenefits[id] = false; g_bIsJumping[id] = false; g_iJumpsNum[id] = 0; g_iMaxJumps[id] = 1; for (new i; i < g_iBenefitsNum; i++) { ArrayGetArray(g_aBenefits, i, aData) if(get_user_flags(id) == aData[Flags]) { g_bHaveBenefits[id] = true; g_iMaxJumps[id] = aData[Jumps]; break; } } } /* Player Spawn ( Hamsandwich ) */ public HamPlayerSpawn(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id) || !g_bHaveBenefits[id]) return; new aData[eData]; for (new i; i < g_iBenefitsNum; i++) { ArrayGetArray(g_aBenefits, i, aData); if(get_user_flags(id) == aData[Flags]) { if(aData[SpawnHP] > 0) set_user_health(id, aData[SpawnHP]); if(aData[SpawnAP] > 0) set_user_armor(id, aData[SpawnAP]); break; } } } /* Event Death */ public evDeathMsg( ) { new iKiller = read_data(1); new iVictim = read_data(2); if(iKiller == iVictim || !is_user_alive(iKiller) || !g_bHaveBenefits[iKiller]) return; new aData[eData]; for (new i; i < g_iBenefitsNum; i++) { ArrayGetArray(g_aBenefits, i, aData); if(get_user_flags(iKiller) == aData[Flags]) { #if defined USING_CREDITS set_user_credits(iKiller, get_user_credits(iKiller) + aData[MoneyKill]); #else cs_set_user_money(iKiller, cs_get_user_money(iKiller) + aData[MoneyKill]); #endif set_user_health(iKiller, get_user_health(iKiller) + aData[HpKill]); set_user_armor(iKiller, get_user_armor(iKiller) + aData[ApKill]); break; } } } /* Multijump - H.RED.ZONE Code */ public hamPlayerJump(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) { return HAM_HANDLED; } if( pev( id, pev_flags ) & FL_WATERJUMP || pev(id, pev_waterlevel) >= 2 || !(get_pdata_int(id, 246) & IN_JUMP) ) { return HAM_IGNORED } if(pev( id, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND) { g_iJumpsNum[ id ] = 0; return HAM_IGNORED } if( get_pdata_float(id, 251) < 500 && ++g_iJumpsNum[id] < g_iMaxJumps[id] ) { new Float:fVelocity[ 3 ]; pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity ); fVelocity[ 2 ] = 268.328157; set_pev( id, pev_velocity, fVelocity ); return HAM_HANDLED } return HAM_IGNORED } /* Show Benefits Ranks */ public cmdShowRankBenefits(id) { new menu, szText[40], aData[eData]; menu = menu_create("\w[ \yFurien Benefits \w] \rVIP's Ranks", "benefitsMenuHandler"); for (new i; i < g_iBenefitsNum; i++) { ArrayGetArray(g_aBenefits, i, aData); formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\y%s %s", aData[Name], get_user_flags(id) == aData[Flags] ? "\r*" : ""); menu_additem(menu, szText); } menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL); menu_display(id, menu, 0); } public benefitsMenuHandler(id, menu, item) { if(item == MENU_EXIT) { menu_destroy(menu); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } showDetailsMenu(id, item); menu_destroy(menu); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } /* Show Benefits Ranks Details */ public showDetailsMenu(id, item) { new menu, szText[64], aData[eData]; ArrayGetArray(g_aBenefits, item, aData); formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\w[ \yFurien Benefits \w] \r%s", aData[Name]); menu = menu_create(szText, "detailsMenuHandler"); formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\yHP Spawn: \r%d", aData[SpawnHP]); menu_additem(menu, szText); formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\yAP Spawn: \r%d", aData[SpawnAP]); menu_additem(menu, szText); #if defined USING_CREDITS formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\yMoney per kill: \r%d \r$", aData[MoneyKill]); menu_additem(menu, szText); #else formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\yCredits per kill: \r%d \r$", aData[MoneyKill]); menu_additem(menu, szText); #endif formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\yHP per kill: \r%d", aData[HpKill]); menu_additem(menu, szText); formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\yAP per kill: \r%d", aData[ApKill]); menu_additem(menu, szText); if(aData[Jumps] > 1) formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\yMultijump: \rx%d", aData[Jumps]); else formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\yMultijump: \dNO"); menu_additem(menu, szText); menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL); menu_display(id, menu, 0); } public detailsMenuHandler(id, menu, item) { if(item == MENU_EXIT) { cmdShowRankBenefits(id) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } menu_destroy(menu); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } /* Show users with benefits */ public cmdShowBenefits(id) { new iPlayers[32], iNum, szMessage[128], contor; get_players(iPlayers, iNum); formatex(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "!nBenefits ON: "); for(new i;i<iNum;i++) { new x = iPlayers[i]; if(g_bHaveBenefits[x]) { new szName[32], szMsg[128]; get_user_name(x, szName, charsmax(szName)); formatex(szMsg, charsmax(szMsg), "!g%s!n,", szName); add(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), szMsg); contor++; } } if(contor) { szMessage[strlen(szMessage)-1] = '.'; ColorChat(id, szMessage); } else ColorChat(id, "Nu sunt jucatori !gON !ncu !gbeneficii !npe server."); } /* V-as ruga sa pastrati mesajul :) */ public taskShowMessage() { ColorChat(0, "!g[BENEFITS]!nAcest server utilizeaza !g%s !nversiunea !g%s !nby !gBLACK.FURIEN.RO !n( !gGhimpe !n) .", PLUGIN, VERSION) } /* Colorchat Stock */ stock ColorChat(const id,const input[], any:...) { new iNum = 1, iPlayers[32]; static szMessage[191]; vformat(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage),input, 3); replace_all(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "!g", "^4"); replace_all(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "!n", "^1"); replace_all(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "!t", "^3"); if(id) iPlayers[0] = id else get_players(iPlayers, iNum, "ch"); for(new i = 0; i < iNum; i++) { if(is_user_connected(iPlayers[i])) { message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, iPlayers[i]); write_byte(iPlayers[i]); write_string(szMessage); message_end(); } } } /* Plugin END */ public plugin_end() { ArrayDestroy(g_aBenefits); } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. You can create a plugin that gives each team its name. my plugin: PHP Code: #include <amxmisc> #include <engine> #define PLUGIN "MixTeam" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "NapoleoN#" new iTerWin; new iCtWin; public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR); register_logevent( "HUDScore", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_Draw", "1=Round_End" ); } public HUDScore() { set_hudmessage(255, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.27, 0, 6.0, 12.0) show_hudmessage(0, "(amx_ct_team_name) Score: %i | (amx_trr_team_name) Score: %i",iCtWin,iTerWin) } One Sample: PHP Code: (Alfa) Team Score: %i - (King) Team Score: %i Przeczytaj cały wpis

    giris cikis

    selam rizelerben emir Attached Files OyuncuGirisCikis.smx (15.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. Hello, I am looking for help and your help. Because I am looking for maps for the csgo public social server. I have my server and my question is. Is it possible to add old maps from csgo? Namely, I mean maps. De_dust2_old De_cache_old De_cobblestone_old How to add old maps to your server? I downloaded all the maps from the workshop, but unfortunately the radar does not work. There is NO minimap on the radar. The radar is all black. How can I do it differently to make it work and maps on the server? I would ask for instruction and help. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. Hi guys ,I need you to modify this plugin for me such as when you buy BlackPack you get also 100 AP. PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <fun> #include <cstrike> #include <engine> #include <hamsandwich> #include <fakemeta_util> #define PLUGIN "Furien Shop" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AKCOST 9000 #define SKCOST 15000 #define BLACKPACKCOST 9000 #define ANTIFLASHCOST 9000 #define HECOST 3000 #define HPCOST 3000 #define APCOST 1000 #define DEFUSECOST 500 #define INCARCATORCOST 9000 #define BLACKPACKSPEED 800.0 #define MAX_HP 250 #define MAX_AP 300 #define Ham_Player_ResetMaxSpeed Ham_Item_PreFrame enum { AK47GOLD, SUPERKNIFE, BLACKPACK } new const g_szKnifeModels[][] = { "models/fr_models/v_superknife.mdl", "models/fr_models/v_blackpack.mdl" } new const g_szAk47Models[][] = { "models/fr_models/v_ak47_gold.mdl", "models/fr_models/p_ak47_gold.mdl" } new bool:g_bHaveNoFlash[33]; new g_iWeapon[33]; new const szPickAmmoSound[] = "items/9mmclip1.wav"; new const szTag[] = "[BLACK.WATF.RO - SHOP]"; new g_msgScreenFade; public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, "FaTzZu"); register_clcmd("say shop", "ShopMenu"); register_clcmd("say_team shop", "ShopMenu"); register_clcmd("say /shop", "ShopMenu"); register_clcmd("say_team /shop", "ShopMenu"); register_clcmd("shop", "ShopMenu"); register_event("CurWeapon", "CurrentWeapon", "be", "1=1"); RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "Ham_PlayerDamage"); RegisterHam(Ham_Killed, "player", "Ham_PlayerKilled", 0); RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "Ham_PlayerSpawn", 1); RegisterHam(Ham_Player_ResetMaxSpeed, "player", "Player_ResetMaxSpeed", 1); register_clcmd("say /c","cmdSayC"); register_event("ScreenFade", "eventFlash", "be", "4=255", "5=255", "6=255", "7>199") g_msgScreenFade = get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"); } public cmdSayC(id) { if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY) { cs_set_user_money(id, 16000); } } public plugin_precache() { precache_sound(szPickAmmoSound); for(new i;i<sizeof(g_szKnifeModels);i++) { if(!file_exists(g_szKnifeModels)) { server_print("Modelul %s nu exista!", g_szKnifeModels); set_fail_state("Model inexistent"); } precache_model(g_szKnifeModels); } for(new i;i<sizeof(g_szAk47Models);i++) { if(!file_exists(g_szAk47Models)) { server_print("Modelul %s nu exista!", g_szAk47Models); set_fail_state("Model inexistent"); } precache_model(g_szAk47Models); } } public client_putinserver(id) { g_iWeapon[id] = 3; } public client_disconnect(id) remove_task(id+221); public CurrentWeapon(id) { new szWeapon = get_user_weapon( id ); if(is_user_alive(id)) { switch(g_iWeapon[id]) { case AK47GOLD: { if(user_has_weapon(id, CSW_AK47) && szWeapon == CSW_AK47 && get_user_team(id) == 2) { set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szAk47Models[0]); set_pev(id, pev_weaponmodel2, g_szAk47Models[1]); } } case SUPERKNIFE: { if(user_has_weapon(id, CSW_KNIFE) && szWeapon == CSW_KNIFE && get_user_team(id) == 1) set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szKnifeModels[0]); } case BLACKPACK: { if(user_has_weapon(id, CSW_KNIFE) && szWeapon == CSW_KNIFE && get_user_team(id) == 1) set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, g_szKnifeModels[1]); } } } } public Ham_PlayerSpawn(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return; g_bHaveNoFlash[id] = false; if(g_iWeapon[id] == AK47GOLD) g_iWeapon[id] = 3; } public Ham_PlayerKilled(victim, attacker, shouldgib) g_iWeapon[victim] = 3; public Ham_PlayerDamage(iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:fDamage, iDamageBits ) { if(is_user_alive(iAttacker)) { switch(g_iWeapon[iAttacker]) { case AK47GOLD: { if(iInflictor == iAttacker && get_user_weapon(iAttacker) == CSW_KNIFE && get_user_team(iAttacker) == 2) SetHamParamFloat( 4, fDamage * 1.4); } case SUPERKNIFE: { if(iInflictor == iAttacker && get_user_weapon(iAttacker) == CSW_KNIFE && get_user_team(iAttacker) == 1) SetHamParamFloat( 4, fDamage * 2.8); } case BLACKPACK: { if(iInflictor == iAttacker && get_user_weapon(iAttacker) == CSW_KNIFE && get_user_team(iAttacker) == 1) SetHamParamFloat( 4, fDamage * 1.0); } } } return HAM_HANDLED; } public ShopMenu(id) { if(is_user_connected(id)) { switch(cs_get_user_team(id)) { case CS_TEAM_T: { new szText[128]; formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\SHOP \BLACK.WATF.Ro"); new menu = menu_create(szText, "furiensShopHandler"); formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\Super Knife - \%d \$", SKCOST); menu_additem(menu, szText); formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\HE Grenade - \%d \$", HECOST); menu_additem(menu, szText); formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\50 HP - \%d \$", HPCOST); menu_additem(menu, szText); formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\50 AP - \%d \$", APCOST); menu_additem(menu, szText); formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\Anti-Flash - \%d \$", ANTIFLASHCOST); menu_additem(menu, szText); formatex(szText, charsmax(szText), "\Black Pack - \%d \$", BLACKPACKCOST); menu_additem(menu, szText); menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT , MEXIT_ALL); menu_display(id, menu, 0); } case CS_TEAM_CT: { new szTexts[128]; formatex(szTexts, charsmax(szTexts), "\SHOP \BLACK.WATF.Ro"); new menu = menu_create(szTexts, "humansShopHandler"); formatex(szTexts, charsmax(szTexts), "\Ak47 Gold - \%d \$", AKCOST); menu_additem(menu, szTexts); formatex(szTexts, charsmax(szTexts), "\Defuse Kit - \%d \$", DEFUSECOST); menu_additem(menu, szTexts); formatex(szTexts, charsmax(szTexts), "\50 HP - \%d \$", HPCOST); menu_additem(menu, szTexts); formatex(szTexts, charsmax(szTexts), "\50 AP - \%d \$", APCOST); menu_additem(menu, szTexts); formatex(szTexts, charsmax(szTexts), "\Anti-Flash - \%d \$", ANTIFLASHCOST); menu_additem(menu, szTexts); formatex(szTexts, charsmax(szTexts), "\Incarcator - \%d \$", INCARCATORCOST); menu_additem(menu, szTexts); menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT , MEXIT_ALL); menu_display(id, menu, 0); } } } return 1; } public furiensShopHandler(id, menu, item) { if(item == MENU_EXIT || get_user_team(id) != 1 || !is_user_alive(id)) { menu_destroy(menu); return 1; } switch(item) { case 0: { new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) - SKCOST; if(iMoney < 0) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nNu ai suficienti !g$ !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { if(g_iWeapon[id] == 1) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nDetii deja !gSuper Knife !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { g_iWeapon[id] = 1; give_item(id, "weapon_knife"); CurrentWeapon(id) emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, szPickAmmoSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM); cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney); } } } case 1: { new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) - HECOST; if(iMoney < 0) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nNu ai suficienti !g$ !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { if(pev(id, pev_weapons) & (1<<CSW_HEGRENADE)) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nDetii deja !gHE GRENADE !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney); give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade"); emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, szPickAmmoSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM); } } } case 2: { new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) - HPCOST; if(iMoney < 0) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nNu ai suficienti !g$ !n!", szTag); return 1; } if(get_user_health(id) >= MAX_HP) return 1; set_user_health(id, clamp(get_user_health(id) + 50, 1, MAX_HP)) cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney); emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, szPickAmmoSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM); } case 3: { new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) - APCOST; if(iMoney < 0) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nNu ai suficienti !g$ !n!", szTag); return 1; } if(get_user_armor(id) >= MAX_AP) return 1; set_user_armor(id, clamp(get_user_armor(id) + 100, 1, 300)); cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney); emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, szPickAmmoSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM); } case 4: { new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) - ANTIFLASHCOST; if(iMoney < 0) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nNu ai suficienti !g$ !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { if(g_bHaveNoFlash[id]) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nAi deja !gAnti Flash !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { g_bHaveNoFlash[id] = true; emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, szPickAmmoSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM); cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney); } } } case 5: { new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) - BLACKPACKCOST; if(iMoney < 0) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nNu ai suficienti !g$ !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { if(g_iWeapon[id] == BLACKPACK) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nDetii deja !gBlackPack !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { g_iWeapon[id] = BLACKPACK; give_item(id, "weapon_knife"); CurrentWeapon(id) emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, szPickAmmoSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM); cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney); } } } } return 1; } public humansShopHandler(id, menu, item) { if(item == MENU_EXIT || get_user_team(id) != 2 || !is_user_alive(id)) { menu_destroy(menu); return 1; } switch(item) { case 0: { new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) - AKCOST; if(iMoney < 0) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nNu ai suficienti !g$ !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { if(g_iWeapon[id] == AK47GOLD) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nDetii deja !gAk47Gold !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { g_iWeapon[id] = AK47GOLD; give_item(id, "weapon_ak47"); cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AK47, 250); CurrentWeapon(id) emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, szPickAmmoSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM); cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney); } } } case 1: { new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) - DEFUSECOST; if(iMoney < 0) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nNu ai suficienti !g$ !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { if( cs_get_user_defuse(id) ) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nAi deja !gDefuse Kit !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { cs_set_user_defuse(id, 1); emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, szPickAmmoSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM); cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney); } } } case 2: { new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) - HPCOST; if(iMoney < 0) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nNu ai suficienti !g$ !n!", szTag); return 1; } if(get_user_health(id) >= MAX_HP) return 1; set_user_health(id, clamp(get_user_health(id) + 50, 1, MAX_HP)) cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney); emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, szPickAmmoSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM); } case 3: { new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) - APCOST; if(iMoney < 0) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nNu ai suficienti !g$ !n!", szTag); return 1; } if(get_user_armor(id) >= MAX_AP) return 1; set_user_armor(id, clamp(get_user_armor(id) + 100, 1, 300)); cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney); emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, szPickAmmoSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM); } case 4: { new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) - ANTIFLASHCOST; if(iMoney < 0) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nNu ai suficienti !g$ !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { if(g_bHaveNoFlash[id]) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nAi deja !gAnti Flash !n!", szTag); return 1; } else { g_bHaveNoFlash[id] = true; emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, szPickAmmoSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM); cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney); } } } case 5: { new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) - INCARCATORCOST; if(iMoney < 0) { ColorChat(id, "!g%s!nNu ai suficienti !g$ !n!", szTag); return 1; } cs_set_user_bpammo(id, get_user_weapon(id), 250); cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney); emit_sound(id, CHAN_ITEM, szPickAmmoSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM); } } return 1; } public Player_ResetMaxSpeed(id) { if( is_user_alive(id) && get_user_team(id) == 1 && get_user_maxspeed(id) != 1.0 && g_iWeapon[id] == BLACKPACK) set_pev(id, pev_maxspeed, BLACKPACKSPEED) } public eventFlash(id) { if(is_user_connected(id) && g_bHaveNoFlash[id]) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, g_msgScreenFade, {0,0,0}, id) write_short(1) write_short(1) write_short(1) write_byte(0) write_byte(0) write_byte(0) write_byte(255) message_end() } } public plugin_natives() { register_native("set_user_superknife", "_set_user_superknife", 1); } public _set_user_superknife(id, x) { if(x == 1) { g_iWeapon[id] = SUPERKNIFE; CurrentWeapon(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } g_iWeapon[id] = 3; return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } /* Colochat */ stock ColorChat(const id,const input[], any:...) { new iNum = 1, iPlayers[32]; static szMessage[191]; vformat(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage),input, 3); replace_all(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "!g", "^4"); replace_all(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "!n", "^1"); replace_all(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "!t", "^3"); if(id) iPlayers[0] = id; else get_players(iPlayers, iNum, "ch"); for(new i = 0; i < iNum; i++) { if(is_user_connected(iPlayers)) { message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, iPlayers); write_byte(iPlayers); write_string(szMessage); message_end(); } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. Hello, I am looking for a simple plugin which enables autobhop. It should work with tfc and svencoop. Thanks. Best Regards, NickischLP Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. Hello, I need help with dual phantom sword. I want to add this knife into my knife menu. Like when I choose knife I will got dual phantom sword. If anyone can replace for me dual phantom it will be granderful. PS. I want someone to replace knife 7 from knife menu into dual phantom sword. All scripts under. Dual Phantom Sword Knife Menu Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. Hi , I've got a problem with the players skin when is killed I get that error I don't understand why because in models/player I created directory antifurien and inside it is antifurien.mdl and in players_models is also "antifurien" Can you help me please? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. Hello, Today I was editing items.txt. I added new name tags before the nickname and after saving the file. There is a mistake! Namely, as you enter! Store, only characters work, but unfortunately there are no walking effects and name tags in the store. You can't see it. Did I do the wrong path? Will it improve someone correctly so that everything works correctly? I will be grateful. Code: "Store" { "Skiny POSTACIE" { "[★ Premium ★] Trevor" { "model" "models/player/gtav/trevor.mdl" "price" "1" "type" "playerskin" "team" "4" "flag" "t" } "Assasin" { "model" "models/player/custom_player/caleon1/connor/connor.mdl" "price" "50000" "type" "playerskin" "team" "4" } "GSG9" { "model" "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/gsg9/gsg9.mdl" "price" "25000" "type" "playerskin" "team" "4" } "Helga Kobieta" { "model" "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/helga/helga.mdl" "price" "25000" "type" "playerskin" "team" "4" } "School Girl Kobieta" { "model" "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/miyu_schoolgirl/miyu.mdl" "price" "25000" "type" "playerskin" "team" "4" } "Natalie Kobieta" { "model" "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/natalie/natalie.mdl" "price" "25000" "type" "playerskin" "team" "4" } "Phoenix" { "model" "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/phoenix/phoenix.mdl" "price" "18000" "type" "playerskin" "team" "4" } "Thanos" { "model" "models/player/custom_player/kaesar2018/thanos/thanos.mdl" "price" "65000" "type" "playerskin" "team" "4" } "DeadPool" { "model" "models/player/custom_player/marvel/deadpool/deadpool_red_v2.mdl" "price" "30000" "type" "playerskin" "team" "4" } } { "Zwierzęta" { "Chicken" { "model" "models/chicken/chicken.mdl" "position" "50.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "idle01" "run" "run01" "price" "250" "type" "pet" } "Crow Flying" { "model" "models/crow.mdl" "position" "50.0 0.0 70.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "Fly01" "run" "Fly01" "unique_id" "crow_flying" "price" "500" "type" "pet" } "Pigeon Flying" { "model" "models/pigeon.mdl" "position" "50.0 0.0 70.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "Fly01" "run" "Fly01" "unique_id" "pigeon_flying" "price" "750" "type" "pet" } "Seagull" { "model" "models/seagull.mdl" "position" "50.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "Idle01" "run" "Run" "unique_id" "seagull_running" "price" "1000" "type" "pet" } "Dota2" { "Dota 2 || Baekho" { "model" "models/items/courier/baekho/baekho_csgo.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "courier_idle" "run" "courier_run" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Dota 2 || Captain Bamboo" { "model" "models/items/courier/captain_bamboo/captain_bamboo_csgo.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "courier_idle" "run" "courier_run" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Dota 2 || Redkita" { "model" "models/items/courier/courier_mvp_redkita/courier_mvp_redkita_csgo.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "courier_idle" "run" "courier_run" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Dota 2 || Shagbark" { "model" "models/items/courier/shagbark/shagbark_csgo.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "courier_idle" "run" "courier_run" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Dota 2 || Red Panda" { "model" "models/items/courier/snaggletooth_red_panda/snaggletooth_red_panda.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "courier_idle" "run" "courier_run" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Dota 2 || Venoling" { "model" "models/amaton/courier/venoling/venoling.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "idle" "run" "run" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Dota 2 || Duskie" { "model" "models/items/courier/duskie/duskie_csgo.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "courier_idle" "run" "courier_run" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Dota 2 || Faceless Rex" { "model" "models/items/courier/faceless_rex/faceless_rex.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "courier_idle" "run" "courier_run" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Dota 2 || LGD Golden Skipper" { "model" "models/items/courier/lgd_golden_skipper/lgd_golden_skipper_flying.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 20.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "courier_idle" "run" "courier_run" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Dota 2 || Billy bounceback" { "model" "models/items/courier/billy_bounceback/billy_bounceback_csgo.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "courier_idle" "run" "courier_run" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Dota 2 || Lil Nova" { "model" "models/items/courier/lilnova/lilnova_csgo.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "courier_idle" "run" "courier_run" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } } "Pokemony" { "Pokémon || Mew" { "model" "models/npc/mew/mew.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 40.0" "angles" "0.0 270.0 0.0" "idle" "ACT_IDLE" "run" "ACT_RUN" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Pokémon || Golbat" { "model" "models/npc/golbat/golbat.mdl" "position" "10.0 -20.0 60.0" "angles" "0.0 270.0 0.0" "idle" "ACT_IDLE" "run" "ACT_RUN" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Pokémon || Glaceon" { "model" "models/rtbmodels/pokemon/glaceon.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "ACT_IDLE" "run" "ACT_RUN" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Pokémon || Joltean" { "model" "models/rtbmodels/pokemon/jolteon.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "ACT_IDLE" "run" "ACT_RUN" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Pokémon || Umbreon" { "model" "models/rtbmodels/pokemon/umbreon.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "ACT_IDLE" "run" "ACT_RUN" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } "Pokémon || Vapereon" { "model" "models/rtbmodels/pokemon/vaporeon.mdl" "position" "30.0 0.0 0.0" "angles" "0.0 0.0 0.0" "idle" "ACT_IDLE" "run" "ACT_RUN" "price" "3000" "type" "pet" } } { "TAG przed nickiem na czacie" { "☆ ϟ •Legenda• ϟ ☆ (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[☆ ϟ •Legenda• ϟ ☆]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Wiek: 12+ (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Wiek: +12]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Wiek: 14+ (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Wiek: +14]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Wiek: 16+ (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Wiek: +16]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Wiek: 18+ (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Wiek: +18]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Wiek: 20+ (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Wiek: +20]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Wiek: 22+ (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Wiek: +22]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Wiek: 25+ (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Wiek: +25]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Wiek: 30+ (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Wiek: +30]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. ZachodnioPomorskie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. ZachodnioPomorskie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Wielkopolskie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Wielkopolskie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Warmińsko-Mazurskie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Warmińsko-Mazurskie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Świętokrzyskie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Świętokrzyskie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Śląskie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Śląskie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Pomorskie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Pomorskie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Podlaskie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Podlaskie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Podkarpackie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Podkarpackie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Opolskie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Opolskie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Mazowieckie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Mazowieckie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Małopolskie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Małopolskie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Łódzkie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Łódzkie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Lubuskie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Lubuskie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Lubelskie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Lubelskie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Kujawsko-Pomorskie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Kujawsko-Pomorskie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Woj. Dolnośląskie (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Woj. Dolnośląskie]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "bla bla bla (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[bla bla bla]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "ScreaM (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[ScreaM]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Makowiec (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Makowiec]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "FC ULANI (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[FC ULANI]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "✕ Snajper ✕ (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[✕ Snajper ✕]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "PAGO KNUT (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[PAGO KNUT]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "IzakOOO (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[IzakOOO]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Techno Amfa (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[Techno Amfa]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Cieć (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[Cieć]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "KNUTS (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[KNUTS]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Srlsly? noo (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[Srlsly? noo]{teamcolor} " "price" "1500" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Dziecko +500 (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[Dziecko +500]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Ciapastwo (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[Ciapastwo]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "[ Twój Stary ] (fioletowy)" { "tag" "{purple}[Twój stary]{teamcolor} " "price" "1200" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "★ Dzielnicowy ★" { "tag" "{green}[★ Dzielnicowy ★]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "GOCHA 5zł (zielony)" { "tag" "{green}[GOCHA 5zł]{teamcolor} " "price" "800" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "☛ Pedał LGBT © (pomarańczowy)" { "tag" "{orange}[☛ Pedał LGBT ©]{teamcolor} " "price" "1100" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "♦ Alkoholik ♦ (zielony)" { "tag" "{green}[♦ Alkoholik ♦]{teamcolor} " "price" "1300" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "❤ Dziewczyna ❤ (różowy)" { "tag" "{purple}[❤ Dziewczyna ❤]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "[ X One Taper X ] (pomarańczowy)" { "tag" "{orange}[X One Taper X]{teamcolor} " "price" "1100" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "★ Bombel maciczny ^ ★ (zielony)" { "tag" "{green}[★ Bombel maciczny ^ ★]{teamcolor} " "price" "2200" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "★ Gówno ★ (pomarańczowy)" { "tag" "{orange}[★ Gówno ★]{teamcolor} " "price" "1300" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "VAPER (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[VAPER]{teamcolor} " "price" "3000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Aura Miecza (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[Aura Miecza]{teamcolor} " "price" "3000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "WiaraZpodZegara (zielony)" { "tag" "{green}[WiaraZpodZegara]{teamcolor} " "price" "1350" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "BOT Tobiasz (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[BOT Tobiasz]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "◊ Streamer ◊ (zielony)" { "tag" "{green}[◊ Streamer ◊]{teamcolor} " "price" "1300" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Fan Paris Platynov (zielony)" { "tag" "{green}[Fan Paris Platynov]{teamcolor} " "price" "3300" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Konfitura (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[Konfitura]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "♔ MIESZKO I ♔ (zielony)" { "tag" "{green}[♔ MIESZKO I ♔]{teamcolor} " "price" "5500" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "MIESZKOWA II (fioletowy)" { "tag" "{purple}[♔ MIESZKOWA II ♔]{teamcolor} " "price" "5500" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "‼ Katow Gej ‼ (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[‼ Katow Gej ‼]{teamcolor} " "price" "6000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "MAŁOLACIK (niebieski)" { "tag" "{lightblue}[MAŁOLACIK]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "NERWUS (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[NERWUS]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "TOXIC (żółty)" { "tag" "{yellow}[TOXIC]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "✫ MISIO ✫ (fioletowy)" { "tag" "{purple}[✫ MISIO ✫]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "GEJUCH (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[✖ GEJUCH ✖]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "ĆPUN (zielony)" { "tag" "{green}[ĆPUN]{teamcolor} " "price" "2000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "SEBA GEJ (fioletowy)" { "tag" "{purple}[SEBA GEJ]{teamcolor} " "price" "5000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "✚ Wachaj kukle ✚ (niebieski)" { "tag" "{lightblue}[Wachaj kukle]{teamcolor} " "price" "6000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "PIWO$Z (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[PIWO$Z]{teamcolor} " "price" "1000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "Kunyla Gej (pomarańczowy)" { "tag" "{orange}[Kunyla Gej]{teamcolor} " "price" "6000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "♆ GENERAŁ ♆ (czerwony)" { "tag" "{darkred}[♆ GENERAŁ ♆]{teamcolor} " "price" "2500" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } "✓ 10lvl Faceit ✓ (zielony)" { "tag" "{green}[✓ 10lvl Faceit ✓]{teamcolor} " "price" "3000" "type" "nametag" "games" "csgo" } } { "Efekty chodzenia" { "Airforce" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/airforce.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } "Airforce 2" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/airforce2.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } "Apple" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/apple.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } "Assasin" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/assasin.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } "Awesome Sad" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/awesome_sad.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } "Awesome Face" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/awesomeface.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } "Babyand" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/babyand.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } "Banknote" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/banknote.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } "Barcalona" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/barcalona.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } "Batman" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/batman.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } "Battlefield" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/battlefield.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } "Beer Mug" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/beermug.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } "Biohazard" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/biohazard.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } "Blade" { "material" "materials/sprites/store/trails/blade.vmt" "price" "500" "color" "255 255 255 255" "type" "trail" } } { "Nietypowe efekty" { "Flying Bits" { "unusual_id" "2" "price" "500" "type" "tfunusual" } "Nemesis Burst" { "unusual_id" "3" "price" "500" "type" "tfunusual" } "Community Sparkle" { "unusual_id" "4" "price" "500" "type" "tfunusual" } "Holy Glow" { "unusual_id" "5" "price" "500" "type" "tfunusual" } "Green Confetti" { "unusual_id" "6" "price" "500" "type" "tfunusual" } "Purple Confetti" { "unusual_id" "7" "price" "500" "type" "tfunusual" } "Haunted Ghosts" { "unusual_id" "8" "price" "200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Green Energy" { "unusual_id" "9" "price" "200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Purple Energy" { "unusual_id" "10" "price" "200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Circling TF Logo" { "unusual_id" "11" "price" "200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Massed Flies" { "unusual_id" "12" "price" "200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Burning Flames" { "unusual_id" "13" "price" "200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Scorching Flames" { "unusual_id" "14" "price" "280" "type" "tfunusual" } "Searing Plasma" { "unusual_id" "15" "price" "600" "type" "tfunusual" } "Vivid Plasma" { "unusual_id" "16" "price" "600" "type" "tfunusual" } "Sunbeams" { "unusual_id" "17" "price" "600" "type" "tfunusual" } "Circling Peace Sign" { "unusual_id" "18" "price" "600" "type" "tfunusual" } "Circling Heart" { "unusual_id" "19" "price" "600" "type" "tfunusual" } "Map Stamps" { "unusual_id" "20" "price" "600" "type" "tfunusual" } "Genteel Smoke" { "unusual_id" "28" "price" "800" "type" "tfunusual" } "Stormy Storm" { "unusual_id" "29" "price" "800" "type" "tfunusual" } "Blizzardy Storm" { "unusual_id" "30" "price" "800" "type" "tfunusual" } "Nuts n' Bolts" { "unusual_id" "31" "price" "800" "type" "tfunusual" } "Orbiting Planets" { "unusual_id" "32" "price" "800" "type" "tfunusual" } "Orbiting Fire" { "unusual_id" "33" "price" "800" "type" "tfunusual" } "Bubbling" { "unusual_id" "34" "price" "800" "type" "tfunusual" } "Smoking" { "unusual_id" "35" "price" "800" "type" "tfunusual" } "Steaming" { "unusual_id" "36" "price" "800" "type" "tfunusual" } "Flaming Lantern" { "unusual_id" "37" "price" "800" "type" "tfunusual" } "Cloudy Moon" { "unusual_id" "38" "price" "800" "type" "tfunusual" } "Cauldron Bubbles" { "unusual_id" "39" "price" "800" "type" "tfunusual" } "Eerie Orbiting Fire" { "unusual_id" "40" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Knifestorm" { "unusual_id" "43" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Misty Skull" { "unusual_id" "44" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Harvest Moon" { "unusual_id" "45" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "It's A Secret To Everybody" { "unusual_id" "46" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Stormy 13th Hour" { "unusual_id" "47" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Attrib_Particle55" { "unusual_id" "55" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Kill-a-Watt" { "unusual_id" "56" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Terror-Watt" { "unusual_id" "57" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Cloud 9" { "unusual_id" "58" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Aces High" { "unusual_id" "59" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Dead Presidents" { "unusual_id" "180" "type" "tfunusual" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Miami Nights" { "unusual_id" "61" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Disco Beat Down" { "unusual_id" "62" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Phosphorous" { "unusual_id" "63" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Sulphurous" { "unusual_id" "64" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Memory Leak" { "unusual_id" "65" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Overclocked" { "unusual_id" "66" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Electrostatic" { "unusual_id" "67" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Power Surge" { "unusual_id" "68" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Anti-Freeze" { "unusual_id" "69" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Time Warp" { "unusual_id" "70" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Green Black Hole" { "unusual_id" "71" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Roboactive" { "unusual_id" "72" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Arcana" { "unusual_id" "73" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Spellbound" { "unusual_id" "74" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Chiroptera Venenata" { "unusual_id" "75" "price" "1000" "type" "tfunusual" } "Poisoned Shadows" { "unusual_id" "76" "price" "1200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Something Burning This Way Comes" { "unusual_id" "77" "price" "1200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Hellfire" { "unusual_id" "78" "price" "1200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Darkblaze" { "unusual_id" "79" "price" "1200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Demonflame" { "unusual_id" "80" "price" "1200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Showstopper" { "unusual_id" "3002" "price" "1200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Holy Grail" { "unusual_id" "3003" "price" "1200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Fountain of Delight" { "unusual_id" "3005" "price" "1200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Screaming Tiger" { "unusual_id" "3006" "price" "1200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Skill Gotten Gains" { "unusual_id" "3007" "price" "1200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Midnight Whirlwind" { "unusual_id" "3008" "price" "1200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Silver Cyclone" { "unusual_id" "3009" "price" "1200" "type" "tfunusual" } "Mega Strike" { "unusual_id" "3010" "price" "1200" "type" "tfunusual" } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  22. The Text Store Yet another store plugin for any source game! Description: This is store system where players can buy items using credits, obtained by doing objectives. This kind of store uses a subplugin based system where other plugins control how items react or when to give out credits. And the main reason why it's called "The Text Store", it uses a text document based storage system, everything for a client is saved under data/textstore/user/. Documentation: Everything you need to know on configuration or making subplugins is on the GitHub repository. Defaults: The plugin automatically comes with a default subplugin for your needs (small right now). Currently it includes the following: Commands Trails Voting It also includes some third-party plugins: Freak Fortress 2 tVip Installation: You do need to configure to your preference, this is not something to work out-of-the-box. And of course this is still a work-in-progress with the lack of defaults, you might need to make your own subplugin. Here's the download or if you want here's the compiled zip. There's still alot more things to do on this project like seeing if this works on all source games. Contributions would be thankful, even just providing any feedback helps. :3 Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. [L4D1 AND L4D2] Faster Health This is a very basic plugin that loads healing Cvars, adrenaline, pills, etc. Although there is already a plugin that does some of this functions called Fast Healing by WhatsAnName I decided to create my own version. It's focused for Local Host since Cvars are not automatically loaded from the server.cfg file, and something is boring to load the Cvars whenever the game starts, this plugin also works on dedicated servers. Description This plugin adds greater speed for: healing, lifting a fallen companion, temporary health of the pills and adrenaline, and amount of life when is get up after being incapped, it is recommended for campaigns in expert mode. (This plugin has only been designed for coop game modes, therefore it has only been tested in coop mode) ConVars PHP Code: // Enables/Disables The plugin. 0 = Plugin OFF, 1 = Plugin ON. // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" l4d_faster_health_enabled "1" Installation Click "Get Plugin" and put the l4d_faster_health.smx file into your server or game \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_faster_health.sp - 2.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Can anybody make a plugin that has rank system with chat prefix for hns mod by exolent? People should achieve ranks by gaining xp (Hns xp exolent) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. Hello guys.. I need a plugin which adds delay to use grenade after throwing.. I've seen many people spamming he grenade in aa_dima2 map.. I've searched alot but i couldnt find the plugin. The feature of the plugin should be:- When a player throws a he grenade the player should receive a cooldown for 15 seconds where he can not throw the he grenade again for next 15 seconds, means the plugin should add delay.. Przeczytaj cały wpis
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