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  1. Hello, There is a plugin called Super Admin Slash where we can use console commands in chat by using "/" Example:- /slap "Player Name" Help me please! ? This is the oroginal plugin link :- I want this plugin to be edited. 1. Using of "/c" instead of "/" in chat. 2. When an admin use the command, it should show what the admin has typed in chat. 3. When an admin use the command, the chat should be coloured green. Przeczytaj cały wpis

    Grenade damage

    Hi guys , tell me please, what should I modify such as when I throw a HE grenade and it explode , it damage the opponent and me . I don't want to damage just the opponent ,I want to damage both of us. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. Only to be head, dare thanks in advance Przeczytaj cały wpis

    SHA512 hashing

    Hi everybody, i nowhere find sha512 hashing, someone know about it something? I need sha512 (not sha3_512). Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. Hello everyone. I started this topic because I want to open a zombie escape server, but I'm starting with the codes and the rest. Today a play on one server pretty impressive ZE server and thought maybe someone could help me do it. So, I have a $ offer for anyone who can help me create it. [Will be hard to create] [I have IP from that server, if you want to see the addons what i want to create, PM] I'm still waiting for some workable ZE modes. A good day. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. Little Anti-Cheat 0.7.0 Description: This is a simplistic Anti-Cheat for Team Fortress 2, it will catch some cheaters/hackers (not all). It also patches some exploits. Features: - Angle Cheat detector (Detects basic angle exploits used by cheats, like Pitch AA, Legit Anti-Backstab and Duckspeed). - Chat Clear Detector (Detects when cheaters clear the chat). - Basic ConVar checker (Checks clients for invalid ConVars, like sv_cheats). - NoLerp Detector (Detects invalid interpolation, done by some cheats to get higher aimbot accuracy). - Bhop Detector (Detects perfect bunny hops, shouldn't detect legit scripts or AHK). - Basic Aimbot detector (Doesn't detect all aimbots, but some. Also detects projectile aimbots). - AimLock Detector (Detects constant aimsnaping onto targets). Extra Features: - Angle Cheat Patch (Prevents some angle exploits done by cheats from working, like Pitch AA. Also prevents console getting spammed by them). - Backtrack Patch (Disabled by default, may cause hitreg issues). - FakeLatency/High ping kicker (Disabled by default). - Interp Exploit Kicker (Kicks players trying to abuse interp to get easy facestabs (cl_interp 0.5)). ConVars: - lilac_enable [1/0 (Default 1)] - Enables or disables Little Anti-Cheat. - lilac_sourcebans [1/0 (Default 1)] - Ban via sourcebans++ if it is installed, if it isn't, defaults to basebans. - lilac_log [1/0 (Default 1)] - Logs bans and cheat suspicions to tf/lilac.log. - lilac_log_extra [1/0 (default 1)] - Logs extra information upon a ban. - lilac_log_date[{year}/{month}/{day} {hour}:{minute}:{second}] - Lets you pick date format in logs (see command lilac_date_list for more info, more on that later). - lilac_angles [1/0 (Default 1)] - Detect angle cheats (Pitch AA, Duckspeed and Legit Anti-Backstab). - lilac_angles_patch [1/0 (Default 1)] - Patch angle cheats. - lilac_chatclear [1/0 (Default 1)] - Detect chat-clear (cheats clearing chat with newlines). - lilac_convar [1/0 (Default 1)] - Detect basic ConVar violations. - lilac_nolerp [1/0 (Default 1)] - Detect NoLerp. - lilac_bhop [2/1/0 (Default 2)] - Detect bhop cheats (0 = Disabled, 1 = ban on 10 bhops, 2 = ban on 5 if jump isn't spammed). - lilac_aimbot [5+/1/0 (Default 5)] - Detect Basic Aimbots (0 = Disabled, 1 = Log only, 5+ = Ban on n'th detection, minimum possible is 5!). - lilac_aimlock [5+/1/0 (Default 10)] - Detect Aimlock (0 = Disabled, 1 = Log only, 5+ = Ban on n'th detection, minimum possible is 5!). - lilac_backtrack_patch [2/1/0 (Default 0)] - Patch backtracking cheats (WARNING May cause hitreg issues, mode 1 has been tested and doesn't seem to cause hitreg issues, but be warned that it might! 0 = Disabled, 1 = Partial Patch (safe?), 2 = Full patch (NOT RECOMMENDED)). - lilac_max_ping [100+/0 (Default 0)] - Temporarily ban players for 3 minutes (Doesn't use Sourcebans!) Minimum possible is 100. - lilac_max_lerp [105+/1000 (Default 105)] - Kick players who attempt to exploit interpolation (cl_interp 0.5). Commands: - lilac_date_list - Lists all date formatting options. Date formats: In case you don't like year/month/day, you can setup your own date preferences with the "lilac_log_date" convar. Examples: - lilac_log_date "{year}/{month}/{day} {hour}:{minute}:{second}" - lilac_log_date "{month}/{day}/{day} {12hour}:{minute}:{second} {pm}" - lilac_log_date "" (No date / time) If you want something more complicated/detailed, you can use the "{raw}" option to skip all formatting. You can then insert your own stuff like so: - lilac_log_date "{raw} %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" How to install: 1: Put the lilac.smx in your plugins folder. 2: Type "sm plugins load lilac.smx" in console. 3: Optional: The file "cfg/lilac_config.cfg" has automatically been generated, default settings should be fine. 4: Optional: Install sourcebans++. Dependencies: Sourcebans++ (Optional). Sourcemod 1.10+ NOTE: I wrote this Anti-Cheat back in 2018 (when I quit cheating) for some secret servers I had, just for fun. Hopefully it will be as useful to others as it was to me. I have updated it since, hopefully it doesn't have bugs, but nothing is perfect, so it's likely it does have some. If you find any bugs, please let me know so I can look into it. I've only used this Anti-Cheat with at most 5-14 players, so I don't know how it will perform on full servers. Although this plugin was written for Team Fortress 2, you CAN run this plugin on other games, however, be aware that this may cause false positives! I do plan on updating this plugin, but I don't always have time, help is greatly appreciated. Feature requests are also appreciated If you own a server and someone got banned and you think it may be a false positive, please don't hesitate to let me know. I am completely open to look into it, but I may not always be available. Lastly, false positives are inevitable, nothing is perfect. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (lilac.sp - 45.6 KB) lilac.smx (55.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    knife plugin

    hi everyone, i want to something else like pause the normal round. and unpause so normal round going on where we stayed. i dont want to restart with the /knife cmd or any change i dont want to round. frag. suddenly knife round in dm mode. and suddenly normal mode on when admin use cmd of /knife can someone help me about that plugin suggestion good forum thanx to interested in Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. I am currently using humans_join_team "T" but prefer not to choose a character so prefer to go straight into T automatically I tried to use MOD team_join but for some reason this console allows me Jointeam 2 to switch to CT Przeczytaj cały wpis

    Help, help me

    Someone is willing to make a separate CS1.5 plugins? content Use the command to open the edit menu Choose the main weapons, pistol, grenades, armor, batteries, medical kits Put the ground player picked it up it will appear again after 30 seconds Waiting for friendly people to help me, thank you in advance Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. About: Simply swap between L4D1 and L4D2 characters on command. Thanks to "Cuba" - For the request. Admin Commands: (requires "z" flag) PHP Code: sm_l4d1 // Swap to L4D1 characters. sm_l4d2 // Swap to L4D2 characters. Changes: Code: 1.0 (11-Feb-2019) - Initial release. Installation Click "Get Plugin" and put the .smx file into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_swap_characters.sp - 3.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Can anyone do such a thing? When it 15 rounds [CT/TRR] Wins, the list will be updated as HUD and show tops Example: PHP Code: Top Kills = "Name" (score) Top Deaths = "Name" (score) Top Bomb Explodes = "Name" (score) Top Planted Bombs = "Name" (score) Top Defuse Bombs = "Name" (score) Top Knifes = "Name" (score) Top Heatshots = "Name" (score) Is there anyone to help me? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. Description Allows you to set a clan tag and print a message to a player if they use your clan tag or not, by specific on convar that automatically create itself later after launch a server. Current Version : Release 1.0.1 I currently run my own Zombie Escape server with Shop plugin from And wrote a plugin to multiply credit if they use my server clan tag. but the problem is it cannot notice people that if they use a specific clan tag or not. So that why I wrote this plugin. Also useful for store plugin too! but remember, this is just a detector. PHP Code: If you want to change a message that prints to the players, you have to edit this line if(StrEqual(clienttag, SpecificClanTag, false)) { PrintToChat(client, "You currently using %s Tag, You will get extra credits while playing on our server, have fun!.", SpecificClanTag); } else { PrintToChat(client, "You currently using %s Tag, Change your Clantag to %s and get extra credits!", clienttag, SpecificClanTag); } Feel free to edit this and make it more advanced, if you want. This is my first plugin if there is anything you want to suggest me, please do it! Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_simple_clantag_detector.sp - 2.8 KB) sm_simple_clantag_detector.smx (12.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Can somting create You yoin in server and you see choise languge [ENG] [RUSS] [MYLANG] Can somting make this Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. This plugin was made using Mentlegen's simple plugin as a base. REQUIRES SOURCE SCRAMBLE FOR PROPER DEATH NOTICE FAKING. -= Features =- An All-Class Dead Ringer for TF2. This is currently unfinshed, but is functional for potentially 90% of the time. Upon activation, a fake corpse + ammo pack + weapon is dropped, and the scoreboard and top-of-screen reporter's status for it's user will report them as 'dead' for as long as the cloak is active. -= Features =- - Fake corpse. - Fake ammo pack + weapon drop. - 3 seconds speed boost + fire immunity. (toggleable) - Recharge and cloak timers. -= To-do =- - Right-mouse click to drop cloak. - Damage resistance. - Proper fix for sideways corpse spawn which happens while disguised. - Usage of meters instead of fixed timers. -= ConVars =- sm_ac_dr_recharge_timelimit [0.0/1000.0] = Set the time limit until the AC-DR fully recharges. sm_ac_dr_cloak_timelimit [0.0/1000.0] = Set the time limit the AC-DR cloaks the user for. sm_ac_dr_speedboost [0/1] = Toggle speed-boost upon AC-DR usage. sm_ac_dr_afterburn_immune [0/1] = Toggle afterburn-immunity upon AC-DR usage. sm_ac_dr_friendlydis [0/1] = Makes Spies drop the corpse of the friendly disguise instead of themselves. sm_ac_dr_classrestrict_spy [0/1] = Restrict Spies from using the AC-DR. sm_fd = Toggle the All-Class Dead Ringer. sm_fd_ply = Toggle the All-Class Dead Ringer on a specified player. (Unfinished, Admin-only) -= Further Info =- - This isn't a complete recreation of the actual Dead Ringer's fake death mechanic, but it has a bit more features to feign death better. (Death state on top-of-screen reporter, unfinished fix for corpse spawning sideways if spy is disguised, etc.) - The fix for the sideways fake corpse is not finished. The spy might blink into uber for a split-second before cloaking. -= Releases =- Code: Version 1.0.0 - Initial release. -= How to Install (IMPORTANT) =- - Get the Source Scramble Extension. - (OPTIONAL) Move the .txt file to your gamedata folder inside the Sourcemod directory. The plugin, by itself, will auto-generate the gamedata needed if it doesn't find one, hence this being optional. - Move the .smx file to your plugins folder inside the Sourcemod directory. IF YOU HAVE AN OLDER GAMEDATA .txt FILE, YOU MUST EITHER DELETE AND LET THE NEW PLUGIN AUTO-GENERATE OR REPLACE IT WITH A NEW ONE! Attached Files tf2.allclass-deadringer.txt (2.3 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (TF2_AC-DR.sp - 68.7 KB) TF2_AC-DR.smx (25.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Hey there, I'm not sure where else to post. It seems upwork/freelance websites don't have a big community of people ready to jump on HL1 scripting requests lol. So I'm a bit out of options here as I can't implement this stuff myself. I need around 3-4 things coded into the CS PUG MOD by Smiley^. I've already tried to reach Smiley, I don't think he has much interest in doing this as the game is old. I've put together a good chunk of payment ($300-$400) that I will pay for the needed functions. If you're interested, drop me a PM for details. I understand the game is pretty dead and maybe PUG mod isn't as popular, but for our community, it's almost the backbone of activity. Money isn't an issue. As there is always an aspect of "trust issues" when it comes to these demands we'd like somebody who is reputable. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. The overkill response to Essentially squeezes the bullet spawn point closer to the sentry's origin. I opted for this method since I run a VSH server and changing the build mins/maxs would screw over a couple of spots (namely signs). Requires SM1.10 and DHooks with Detours Attached Files (8.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Hello, I am looking for a package or plugins with doc sounds for all csgo weapons from 2015. Is it possible to add old weapon sounds to your social server? I would like to replace the sounds of each weapon with an old one. just like csgo, it was created for old sounds. I would ask for help All sounds of weapons from 2015 csgo Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. A plug-in or anything else that can work like this Can anyone help me? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. Description: Players will be announced when teammates flashes them. Admins can be notified as well. Add "sm_tfannounce_admins" override in admin_overrides.cfg to change the permissions for the admins which can see who flashed whom. Inspired from ConVars: Code: sm_tfannounce 1 - Determine whether players should be notified when teammates flashes them or not. sm_tfannounce_print_to_admins 1 - Determine whether admins should be notified when players are flashed by teammates or not. sm_tfannounce_mintime 1.5 - Minimum flash duration for announcements. GitHub: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. I want remove with plugin a player's data. This is possible? Example vault: "Nick1 pw"12345 -4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 552%?%^!" "Nick2"pw -11 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 508%?%^" "Nick3"pw -1 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 7 1 479?]?]" I want to remove Nick1' data with plugin amx code. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. I want a plugin of furien shop with Command shop or /shop and it could have : Furien : 1: Super Knife (All Player) Damage 2x it cost 10000$ 2: He Grande (All Player) Cost 4000$ 2: 50 Hp (All Player) cost 3000$ 3: 50 armor (All Player) Cost 500$ 4: Vip Knife (For vip) damage 1.5 just for who has ADMIN_LEVEL_H and its FREE Anti-Furien: 1: Defuse Kit (All Player) cost 100$ 2:He Grande (All Player) Cost 4000$ 3: 50 Hp (All Player) Cost 3000$ 4: 50 Armor (All Player) Coost 50$ 5: VIP Menu This Vip Menu have 1: Gold M4A1 Cost 10000$ damage 1.5 2:Golden Ak47 Cost 10000$ damage 1.5 3:Golden Mp5 Cost 10000$ damage 1.5 4:Golden XM1014 Cost 10000$ Damage 1.5 All Of That Access ADMIN_LEVEL_H And Vip player Just can buy 1 gun every roud. Przeczytaj cały wpis


    how can I edit amxmodx module and recompile it for use Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. Someone can add the list because it is a plugin??? w_model weapon_sound (ak47-1.wav) weapon_sound (ak47-2.wav) weapon_sound (ak47-boltpull.wav) weapon_sound (ak47-clipin.wav) weapon_sound (ak47-clipout.wav) And capacity Ammo (105) And if he were alive in the new round, he would have a weapon PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <fakemeta> #include <fun> #include <hamsandwich> #include <cstrike> #include <amxmisc> #include <xs> #include <engine> #define PLUGIN "Ak-47" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "AlferD" #define CLIP 30 #define is_valid_player(%1) (1 <= %1 <= 32) #define Get_BitVar(%1,%2) (%1 & (1 << (%2 & 31))) #define Set_BitVar(%1,%2) %1 |= (1 << (%2 & 31)) #define UnSet_BitVar(%1,%2) %1 &= ~(1 << (%2 & 31)) new const CSW_NEWPN = CSW_AK47 new const weapon_newpn[] = "weapon_ak47" new V_MODEL[64] = "models/v_ak47.mdl" new P_MODEL[64] = "models/p_ak47.mdl" /* Pcvars */ new cvar_dmgmultiplier, cvar_goldbullets, cvar_custommodel, cvar_cost, g_has_weapon new Fload:g_clip[33] new bullets[ 33 ] new bool:g_HasG[33] new msg_CurWeapon // Sprite new m_spriteTexture const Wep_g = ((1<<CSW_AK47)) public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) /* CVARS */ cvar_dmgmultiplier = register_cvar("Ak_dmg_multiplier", "6") cvar_custommodel = register_cvar("Ak_custom_model", "1") cvar_goldbullets = register_cvar("Ak_gold_bullets", "0") cvar_cost = register_cvar("Ak_cost", "2500") RegisterHam(Ham_Item_PostFrame, weapon_newpn, "Fw_Item_PostFrame"); RegisterHam(Ham_Weapon_Reload, weapon_newpn, "Fw_Weapon_Reload"); RegisterHam(Ham_Weapon_Reload, weapon_newpn, "Fw_Weapon_Reload_Post", 1); RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "fw_TakeDamage") // Register The Buy Cmd register_clcmd( "weapons_ak47", "Buy"); // Death Msg register_event("DeathMsg", "Death", "a") // Weapon Pick Up register_event("WeapPickup","checkModel","b","1=19") // Current Weapon Event register_event("CurWeapon","checkWeapon","be","1=1") register_event("CurWeapon", "make_tracer", "be", "1=1", "3>0") // Ham TakeDamage register_forward( FM_CmdStart, "fw_CmdStart" ) RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fwHamPlayerSpawnPost", 1) msg_CurWeapon = get_user_msgid("CurWeapon"); } public Do_RegisterHam(id) { RegisterHamFromEntity(Ham_TraceAttack, id, "Fw_TraceAttack_Player"); } public client_connect(id) { g_HasG[id] = false } public client_disconnect(id) { g_HasG[id] = false } public Death() { g_HasG[read_data(2)] = false } public fwHamPlayerSpawnPost(id) { g_HasG[id] = false } public plugin_precache() { precache_model(V_MODEL) precache_model(P_MODEL) m_spriteTexture = precache_model("sprites/dot.spr") } public Buy(id) { if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new money = cs_get_user_money(id) if (money >= get_pcvar_num(cvar_cost)) { Set_BitVar(g_has_weapon, id) new weapon = give_item(id, weapon_newpn) cs_set_user_money(id, money - get_pcvar_num(cvar_cost)) cs_set_weapon_ammo(weapon, CLIP) g_HasG[id] = true engfunc(EngFunc_MessageBegin, MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, msg_CurWeapon, {0, 0, 0}, id) write_byte(1) write_byte(CSW_NEWPN) write_byte(CLIP) message_end() } else { client_print(id, print_center, "you have insufficient funds!") } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public checkModel(id) { if ( !g_HasG[id] ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED new szWeapID = read_data(2) if ( szWeapID == CSW_NEWPN && g_HasG[id] == true && get_pcvar_num(cvar_custommodel) ) { set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, V_MODEL) set_pev(id, pev_weaponmodel2, P_MODEL) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public checkWeapon(id) { new plrAmmo new plrWeapId plrWeapId = get_user_weapon(id, plrAmmo) if (plrWeapId == CSW_NEWPN && g_HasG[id]) { checkModel(id) } else { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public fw_TakeDamage(victim, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage) { if ( is_valid_player( attacker ) && get_user_weapon(attacker) == CSW_NEWPN && g_HasG[attacker] ) { SetHamParamFloat(4, damage * get_pcvar_float( cvar_dmgmultiplier ) ) } } public fw_CmdStart( id, uc_handle, seed ) { if( !is_user_alive( id ) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if( ( get_uc( uc_handle, UC_Buttons ) & IN_ATTACK2 ) && !( pev( id, pev_oldbuttons ) & IN_ATTACK2 ) ) { new szClip, szAmmo new szWeapID = get_user_weapon( id, szClip, szAmmo ) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public make_tracer(id) { if (get_pcvar_num(cvar_goldbullets)) { new clip,ammo new wpnid = get_user_weapon(id,clip,ammo) new pteam[16] get_user_team(id, pteam, 15) if ((bullets[id] > clip) && (wpnid == CSW_NEWPN) && g_HasG[id]) { new vec1[3], vec2[3] get_user_origin(id, vec1, 1) // origin; your camera point. get_user_origin(id, vec2, 4) // termina; where your bullet goes (4 is cs-only) //BEAMENTPOINTS message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY) write_byte (0) //TE_BEAMENTPOINTS 0 write_coord(vec1[0]) write_coord(vec1[1]) write_coord(vec1[2]) write_coord(vec2[0]) write_coord(vec2[1]) write_coord(vec2[2]) write_short( m_spriteTexture ) write_byte(1) // framestart write_byte(5) // framerate write_byte(2) // life write_byte(10) // width write_byte(0) // noise write_byte( 255 ) // r, g, b write_byte( 215 ) // r, g, b write_byte( 0 ) // r, g, b write_byte(200) // brightness write_byte(150) // speed message_end() } bullets[id] = clip } } stock drop_prim(id) { new weapons[32], num get_user_weapons(id, weapons, num) for (new i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (Wep_g & (1<<weapons[i])) { static wname[32] get_weaponname(weapons[i], wname, sizeof wname - 1) engclient_cmd(id, "drop", wname) } } } public Fw_Item_PostFrame(weapon) { if(!pev_valid(weapon)) return HAM_IGNORED static id id = pev(weapon, pev_owner) if(is_user_alive(id) && Get_BitVar(g_has_weapon, id)) { static Float:flNextAttack; flNextAttack = get_pdata_float(id, 83, 5); static bpammo; bpammo = cs_get_user_bpammo(id, CSW_NEWPN); static i_clip; i_clip = get_pdata_int(weapon, 51, 4); static fInReload; fInReload = get_pdata_int(weapon, 54, 4); if(fInReload && flNextAttack <= 0.0) { static temp1; temp1 = min(CLIP - i_clip, bpammo); set_pdata_int(weapon, 51, i_clip + temp1, 4); cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_NEWPN, bpammo - temp1); set_pdata_int(weapon, 54, 0, 4); fInReload = 0 } } return HAM_IGNORED } public Fw_Weapon_Reload(weapon) { static id; id = pev(weapon, pev_owner); if(!is_user_alive(id)) return HAM_IGNORED if(!Get_BitVar(g_has_weapon, id)) return HAM_IGNORED g_clip[id] = -1; static bpammo; bpammo = cs_get_user_bpammo(id, CSW_NEWPN); static i_clip; i_clip = get_pdata_int(weapon, 51, 4); if(bpammo <= 0) return HAM_SUPERCEDE if(i_clip >= CLIP) return HAM_SUPERCEDE g_clip[id] = i_clip; return HAM_HANDLED } public Fw_Weapon_Reload_Post(weapon) { static id; id = pev(weapon, pev_owner); if(!is_user_alive(id)) return HAM_IGNORED if(!Get_BitVar(g_has_weapon, id)) return HAM_IGNORED if (g_clip[id] == -1) return HAM_IGNORED set_pdata_int(weapon, 51, g_clip[id], 4); set_pdata_int(weapon, 54, 1, 4); return HAM_HANDLED } Please help me if you can... 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    does anyone have a money plugin to do the next i have cvar (mp_startmoney "3500") I need a plug-in q next knife that keeps the player's money in a variable and every time he dies without earning money always 300 $ as a bonus for not being able to kill anyone besides that I need another variable that is always 5000 for admins, vips PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <cstrike> #include <hamsandwich> new g_pcvar_index; public plugin_init() { RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fw_player_spawned", 1) g_pcvar_index = get_cvar_pointer("mp_startmoney"); } public fw_player_spawned(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return; new value = get_pcvar_num(g_pcvar_index); if(cs_get_user_money(id) < value) cs_set_user_money(id, value); } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. Hello, is there any simple white-list plugin where can i set players names+pass, then he have to type setinfo _pw "pass" or any other setinfo to get access to the server? Przeczytaj cały wpis
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