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  1. A simple plugin that does exactly as the title implies. Since I quit cs go I wanted to contribute at least 1 of the plugins I made so here it is. (useful for mg maps,and maps that can hurt the player) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nominuskills.sp - 576 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. A simple plugin that does exactly as the title implies. Since I quit cs go I wanted to contribute at least 1 of the plugins I made so here it is. (useful for mg maps,and maps that can hurt the player) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nominuskills.sp - 576 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. A simple plugin that does exactly as the title implies. Since I quit cs go I wanted to contribute at least 1 of the plugins I made so here it is. (useful for mg maps,and maps that can hurt the player) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nominuskills.sp - 576 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. A simple plugin that does exactly as the title implies. Since I quit cs go I wanted to contribute at least 1 of the plugins I made so here it is. (useful for mg maps,and maps that can hurt the player) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nominuskills.sp - 576 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. A simple plugin that does exactly as the title implies. Since I quit cs go I wanted to contribute at least 1 of the plugins I made so here it is. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nominuskills.sp - 576 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Description First plugin is very simple to make counting in hud Second one is more harder and it have format Videos/Screenshots My PC is near to end, so i cant make video, and making screenshots will be bad.. So if you wanna record video about this plugin, contact me on AM or on Steam. Cvars I had no ideas to Cvars, so if you have some, add comment here on AM or make issue on Github. Installation Download files from Github. Upload files (addons) from "GameServer" folder to your server root folder (btw. there is 2 files, plugin with simple stopwatches and one with better stopwatches, you need to choose one, i prefer that better stopwatches [stopwatches.smx]) Restart server and try if everything works. Change Log Spoiler 1.0.0 - First upload Download Plugin | Source | Repository | Ideas? Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Spawn Commands plugin allows you to set player properties like health and speed. Unlike other plugins these are reapplied at spawn and stick with the player throughout the game. You can target specific players or an entire team using @t/@ct. Features Properties applied every spawn until reset Sticky targets: setting properties for targets like @ct will apply to players who join CT later on and stop applying to those who leave the CT team Properties applied to a specific player take precedence over properties applied to a generic target like @t/@ct Resets on map changes Commands sm_spawn_hp - Set health on spawn sm_spawn_health - Set health on spawn sm_spawn_speed - Set speed on spawn sm_spawn_armor - Set armor on spawn sm_spawn_cash - Set cash on spawn sm_spawn_helmet - Set helmet on spawn sm_spawn_weapon_ammo_clip - Set weapon clip ammo on spawn sm_spawn_weapon_ammo_reserve - Set weapon reserve ammo on spawn sm_spawn_knife - Set/strip knife on spawn Example Code: // Set all terrorist spawn health to 50 sm_spawn_health @t 50 // Reset the health setting applied to terrorists sm_spawn_health @t reset Source Github Acknowledgments I used Set players health plugin to get started. Attached Files spawncommands.smx (11.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. Description:This plugin put on top of screen a hud message Image: PHP Code: #include <sourcemod> #include <cstrike> public Plugin myinfo = { name = "HudMessage", author = "StomperG", description = "Put a simple message on top of screen", version = "1.0", url = "" }; public OnPluginStart() { CreateTimer(5.0, HUD, _, TIMER_REPEAT); } public Action HUD(Handle timer) { for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i)) { SetHudTextParams(-1.0, 0.1, 5.0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1); ShowHudText(i, 5, "★ Put name here ★"); } } } I accept sugestions! P.S: I published this because a lot of people ask me for this :/ Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. Description Plugin allows admin (Root or Ban flag) to mark players, who have no mutation, or behave rudely. Such persons can be muted by anyone using dedicated menu Command: !mg Preferences are being saved as cookies. Informations about rude players go to the SQLite database Right now I only have screens being taken in my native language - sorry about that :oops: Requires "PlayerID" to work - also included there (just a database that stores SteamID with unique value, used as a identifier) Download Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. This plugin was originally crafted by AtomicStryker(, that covered only the main 5 campaigns. Then when I was looking for recommended plugins on the "Competitive-Bots+" workshop item discussion, I found ijj's variant ( that covered more campaigns. But it still wasn't enough for every map to be completed from start to finish. So I took it upon myself to complete all the necessary maps, triggers, and teleport spots to ensure that the bots will always traverse to the saferoom. Here it is. General changes made that were different from ijj's variant: - Added missing, vital triggers for all official maps, both event and teleportation, Bots should be able to complete all maps from start to finish. - Fixed Tank encounter on The Sacrifice - Docks. (The original coding had the checks and effects backwards). - Overhauled Textual notifications to chat to be less plain. Attached Files AutoTrigger.smx (21.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (AutoTrigger.sp - 54.5 KB) (31.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Description: Well, today i will realease a CSGO plugin to execute simple commands! Plugin Sourcecodes: PHP Code: #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #pragma newdecls required public Plugin myinfo = { name = "[HiddenGaming] Simple Commands", author = "StomperG", description = "This plugin do a simple commands.", version = "1.0.0", url = "" }; public void OnPluginStart() { RegConsoleCmd("sm_grupo", Cmd_Group); RegConsoleCmd("sm_vip", Cmd_Vip); RegConsoleCmd("sm_discord", Cmd_Discord); RegConsoleCmd("sm_comandos", Cmd_Commands); RegConsoleCmd("sm_pinto", Cmd_Pinto); RegConsoleCmd("sm_fox", Cmd_Fox); RegConsoleCmd("sm_scorpion", Cmd_Scorpion); RegConsoleCmd("sm_stomper", Cmd_Stomper); } public Action Cmd_Group(int client, int args) { PrintToChat(client, "» \x08Entra no nosso grupo!: \x04"); } public Action Cmd_Vip(int client, int args) { PrintToChat(client, "» \x08Vê as vantagens vip!: \x04"); } public Action Cmd_Discord(int client, int args) { PrintToChat(client, "» \x08Discord: \x04"); } public Action Cmd_Commands(int client, int args) { PrintToChat(client, "» \x08Os comandos são: \x04!stomper, !fox, !scorpion, !scorpion, !discord, !grupo, !vip"); } public Action Cmd_Pinto(int client, int args) { PrintToChat(client, "- Discord: KRG Pinto#7371"); PrintToChat(client, "- Steam:"); } public Action Cmd_Fox(int client, int args) { PrintToChat(client, "- Discord: The Fox#3624"); PrintToChat(client, "- Steam:"); } public Action Cmd_Scorpion(int client, int args) { PrintToChat(client, "- Discord: ScorpioN#5365"); PrintToChat(client, "- Steam:"); } public Action Cmd_Stomper(int client, int args) { PrintToChat(client, "- Discord: Croassainte#2475"); PrintToChat(client, "- Steam:"); } P.S - I accept sugestions! :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (SimpleCommands.sp - 2.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Probably good for competitive servers and I made this plugin out of boredom. I recalled how competitive plays the bot gets an awp and he either gifts it to the other team, or if at best case scenario he's taken over, he has NO NADES, NO ARMOUR, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Take note that Valve regards MP7 and MP5-SD as the same classname, IDK how to bypass it at the moment so if you make a bot drop MP5-SD ( and I think M4A1-S as well ) it will write M4A4 and MP7. Press "E" on the bot to force him to drop his weapon. Your team will be notified of it happening so griefing is out of option. If the bot has a bomb, it will be dropped as usual instead of the weapon. If something has the capability of blocking bomb dropping with "E", weapon drop will be allowed as usual ( in case of plugin collisions or afk bots with bot_stop 1 or anything ) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (BotDropWeapons.sp - 5.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Description:It save all values of round statistics when player death, and restore it when player respawn. So, you don't loose your round stat when e.g., somebody use admin. command sm_respawn or if you use some plugin that can call SDKCall to respawn player manually. Settings:l4d_repawn_stat_enable - Enable RespawnStat plugin (1 - On / 0 - Off) l4d_repawn_stat_team (default - 4) - What team should statistics be saved for (4 - Survivors only, 8 - Infected only, 16 - Both) Using:Copy l4d_RespawnStat.smx to addons/sourcemod/plugins Respect:SilverShot - for providing list of statistics properties and initial code for saving/loading stat for each player. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_RespawnStat.sp - 6.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Description: Creates blindness for player who try to enable 3rd person view. Removes blindness after player set 1st person view back, but player is now under penalty. Penalty is: wait ~ 20 sec. of blindness. It was developed for the tournament server, because 3rd person view is a cheat. Setting: Nothing for now. You can control duration of penalty (blindness) in this line: Code: int duration = 50; You can change a warning message by editing Block3Person.phrases.txt file. Translations: - Russian - English Using:Copy Block3Person.smx to addons/sourcemod/plugins Copy Block3Person.phrases.txt to addons/sourcemod/translations References: How to set 1-st person view from the plugin? Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Block3Person.sp - 2.9 KB) Block3Person.phrases.txt (408 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. About: This plugin provides 2 configs to modify mission info and weapon info data. Some key values will have no affect since they are client side. Plugin version convar l4d_info_editor_version. Mission Info: Features: (saved to \sourcemod\data\l4d_info_editor_mission.cfg) Add female Boomers Boss spawning chance per chapter Change tank model Specify melee weapons Weapon Info: Features: (saved to \sourcemod\data\l4d_info_editor_weapons.cfg) Change damage type and values Change shooting sounds Possibly replace infected team claws with guns Thanks: Lux Crasher_3637 JKing Changes: Code: 1.0 (10-Sep-2018) - Initial release. Conflicts: [EXTENSION] Melee Spawn Control is replaced by this plugin. Requirements: DHooks (Experimental Dynamic Detour support) Installation: Download the .zip and extract the files to their respective folders in your servers \addons\sourcemod\ folder. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. Updates to do: -Nothing for now About Plugin and cvars: -This plugin don t have any cvar -This blocks deagle spam/spray. Bugs: I don t finded any bugs If you find send me message in steam or reply there Plugin And Me: Mine Github Mine Steam profile Plugin Download Suggestions are welcome! :3 Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. CS:GO KZ Redefined Original Release: 2018/1/9 GOKZ a set of plugins exclusively for CS:GO servers. It implements the KZ (KreedZ) game mode, which involves speedrunning through custom maps. Features Timer - Times runs by automatically detecting the use of start and end buttons in KZ maps. Movement Modes - Custom movement mechanics. Includes Vanilla, SimpleKZ, and KZTimer modes. Mode plugins can be used alone (with only MovementAPI) to apply their mechanics at all times. Jumpstats - Detailed statistics of your jumps and each individual air strafe. Customisable Experience - Tonnes of options to provide the best possible experience for players. Database Support - Store run times, options and more using either a MySQL or SQLite database. GlobalAPI Support - Submit run times to the GlobalAPI so that players may compete across servers. Replays - Record replays of the server's fastest times and use bots to play them back. Anti-Macro - Detect and auto-ban blatant users of bhop macros and cheats (SourceBans++ supported). Map bonus support, HUD, teleport menu, noclip, !goto, !measure and much, much more. Here's a short video showcase of some features: Visit the repository for up-to-date information including current features, installation instructions and download links. Repository & Download Support The CS:GO KZ Discord is the best place to ask questions, get help, and discuss KZ. Bugs and Contributing Creating issues on the BitBucket is the best way to report bugs. Requests for new features can also be reported as issues. Any bug reports, feedback and, of course, contributions are greatly appreciated. Those who wish to contribute code should read the contributing guidelines at the BitBucket. Anyone in the community who would be keen to work closely with the 'KZ Global Team' and I to develop exciting new plugin features, web apps and services should hit us up in the CS:GO KZ Discord. Some Cool, Related Links WebGL GOKZ Replay Player - Very, VERY cool prototype of parsing the GOKZ replay files and playing them back in a browser with high, in-game-like quality and framerate. MovementAPI - The modes and some other features of GOKZ are heavily dependent on MovementAPI, which is a library+plugin I wrote primarily for GOKZ. You may find this interesting or useful, or maybe not so much when compared to other libaries like smlib. GlobalAPI - Heavily in-development REST API with accompanying SourceMod plugin to provide global leaderboards, map lists and ban lists for timer plugins. This is used by GOKZ. GOKZ Stats - Simple website showing global times for the three GOKZ modes (data comes from GlobalAPI). Acknowledgements 1NutWunDeR - KZTimer initial work KZ Global Team - supporting the plugin alongside KZTimer shavit - bhoptimer being open-source george - providing advice, snippets sneaK - getting involved with the CS:GO KZ community ziks - WebGL Replay Player being awesome Developer Ramblings Spoiler GOKZ actually started under the name of SimpleKZ ( Back then, I was only really getting into the swing of programming and it was also my first SourcePawn project. Unfortunately, but hopefully interestingly, I picked up some unconventional and maybe bad habits regarding the way I structured the files and code for the plugin. I like maintaining it so I think I'd call it good enough. Anyway, so KZTimer was the dominant, 'only choice' of KZ plugin for CS:GO servers. And, at the time of writing, still is. I had issues with it gameplay wise - the inconsistent bhop mechanics of CS:GO were getting on my nerves when speedrunning. Eventually I set out to write my own proof of concept of some more preferable movement mechanics ( Unfortunately, KZTimer being written the way it is, I had no way of putting this in as a selectable option whilst maintaining my sanity. Another developer had also been hinting that they were going to release a new 'KZTimer 2.0' but unfortunately didn't end up having the time. So, I went ahead to take on the challenge of creating a new alternative to KZTimer with my movement mechanics as an option. Cue SimpleKZ and then later getting accepted by the heads of the KZTimer community to create GOKZ as the future of KZTimer. Timer plugins seem to be a bit of a cliche in the SourceMod community, but it would seem that most target bhop and surf servers. KZ doesn't have a lot of the intricacies like directional styles (e.g. backwards, sideways), zones and stages, detailed strafing stats. KZ also has a few unique features like a checkpoint and teleport system, hooks to buttons in the map, and jumpstats (to an extent). I probably could have forked or extended an existing timer plugin to support KZ, but the truth is I didn't really consider it. I very quickly locked myself into writing a plugin from scratch. Regardless, I owe many thanks to several members of the community for technical inspiration and, in some cases, full code snippets. So, thank you AlliedModders/SourceMod community. Please enjoy my contribution made possible by you. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Hide 'n seek plugin for TF2 Jailbreak HTML Code: <h1>How to install</h1> Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. Description CSGO will correct the player crash when changing the map. I do not give a 100% guarantee. Install smx file move to csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins/ Use Do not use !map Use mapchooser !changenextmap mapname and !mapend the map changes automatically at the end of the round. Known Bugs Donate If you apreciate my work, you can donate me via steam trade offer. Main Github Repo Attached Files mapcrashfixer.smx (5.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (mapcrashfixer.sp - 3.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Description ------------------------------ This is my pet project to add more mechanics to CS:GO. Currently in CS:GO when you shoot a grenade nothing happens to the grenade. With this plugin when you shoot another person's grenades it's path will be changed based on your weapon's damage. You can globally scale all of the weapons effect on the grenade with sm_SetWeaponScale. Commands ------------------------------ sm_SetWeaponScale (def 1.0, requires root permission) Installation ------------------------------ Put GrenadeRicochet.smx into plugins folder. Download ------------------------------ Link to repository Link to download Changelog ------------------------------ Quote: Initial commit(1.0 2018-09-05) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. This plugin basically Gives Free Armor to players that have your server hostname or DNS in their Steam Name You need to copile the source. GitHub Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Introduction This plugin is a rewrite of [L4D] Fire Immunity Specials. New Features/Differences - Supports both games. - Uses SDKHook_OnTakeDamage instead of player_hurt event, which allows for more options and flexibility. - Provides different types of immunities (Bullet, Explosive, Fire, and Melee). - Provides options for enabling/disabling the plugin in different gamemodes and gamemode types. (Thanks Silvers!) - Overall less code and better optimization. ConVars PHP Code: // Give the following special infected bullet immunity. // Combine numbers in any order for different results. // 1: Smoker // 2: Boomer // 3: Hunter // 4: Spitter // 5: Jockey // 6: Charger // 7: Tank // - // Default: "35" sii_bullet_immunity "35" // Disable Special Infected Immunities in these gamemodes. // Separate by commas. // Empty: None // Not empty: Disable in these gamemodes. // - // Default: "" sii_disabled_gamemodes "" // Enable Special Infected Immunities? // 0: OFF // 1: ON // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sii_enable_plugin "1" // Enable Special Infected Immunities in these gamemodes. // Separate by commas. // Empty: All // Not empty: Enable in these gamemodes. // - // Default: "" sii_enabled_gamemodes "" // Give the following special infected explosive immunity. // Combine numbers in any order for different results. // 1: Smoker // 2: Boomer // 3: Hunter // 4: Spitter // 5: Jockey // 6: Charger // 7: Tank // - // Default: "16" sii_explosive_immunity "16" // Give the following special infected fire immunity. // Combine numbers in any order for different results. // 1: Smoker // 2: Boomer // 3: Hunter // 4: Spitter // 5: Jockey // 6: Charger // 7: Tank // - // Default: "7" sii_fire_immunity "7" // Enable Special Infected Immunities in these gamemode types. // 0: All // 1: Coop modes only. // 2: Versus modes only. // 4: Survival modes only. // 8: Scavenge modes only. // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "15.000000" sii_gamemode_types "0" // Give the following special infected melee immunity. // Combine numbers in any order for different results. // 1: Smoker // 2: Boomer // 3: Hunter // 4: Spitter // 5: Jockey // 6: Charger // 7: Tank // - // Default: "24" sii_melee_immunity "24" Bugs I'm not sure. Let me know. Notes 1. The config file will be generated in the default cfg/sourcemod folder. 2. Explosive ammo counts as both bullet and explosive damage. 3. Incendiary ammo counts as both bullet and fire damage. 4. M60 damage counts as both bullet and explosive damage. Requests I don't know. Post below one and I'll look into it. Requirement SM 1.8+ Installation 1. Place special_infected_immunities.smx inside plugins folder. Credits Baz Newt - For the Fire Immunity Specials plugin. Lux - For valuable advise and input. Silvers - For the code to enable/disable the plugin in certain gamemodes and gamemode types. Changelog Spoiler Version 1.0 Initial release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (special_infected_immunities.sp - 11.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Desc Plugin creates an additional round with knifes after warmup. The winning team of this round can choose by vote menu the starting team in the match. Cvars Quote: knifer_info 0-2 - Sets the messages display type (0 - no messages, 1 - chat, 2 - HUD) knifer_roundtime 0.5-60.0 - Sets how long the knife round will last knifer_votetime 5.0-20.0 - Sets how long the vote for team change will last knifer_alltalk 0-1 - Sets if there will be alltalk enabled on knife round Changelog Code: 1.2 - Cvar knifer_alltalk added - Fixed a bug when player could actually buy something on knife round 1.1 - Cvar knifer_info added - Cvar knifer_roundtime added - Cvar knifer_votetime added 1.0 - Plugin release Original plugin thread Github Download below Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (knife_round.sp - 9.1 KB) (16.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Description: This plugin allow admins to ban players from specific class, this is useful in server with gamemod like ff2 to ban delayers who hide from the boss with scout or spy or pyro The plugin use cookie so changes are saved Admins with ADMFLAG_SLAY have access to it, feel free to change it to what you want[/B] Commands: "sm_classban": Open a menu with all players online "sm_banclass": // "sm_banclass" <players>: Open a menu with all banned class of the player; "sm_banclass" <players> <class>: Ban the player from the specific class or reply a message if the player is already banned from this class or if the player is enoughly classbanned; Cvar: CreateConVar("sm_maxclassban", "4", "Max classban per player"); Here is a video showing how the plugin works Credit: Thanks DJ Tsunami for his plugin TF2 Class Restriction, i took some code from there. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (AClassBan.sp - 7.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [Any] No TTS Bots

    [Any] No TTS v. 18.0902.0 "AEIOU AEIOU AEIOU JOHN MADDEN! JOHN MADDEN! JOHN MADDEN! JOHN MADDEN!" So lately, a lot of people running TTS bots have been joining the servers of a community that I help out with. These players have something running on their client which monitors the chat for messages prefixed with "!tts" and then sends the following message over the voice chat. It's all fun and good, until it gets annoying beyond belief. Unfortunately, it is impossible to block these bots. It is possible, however, to block the messages which trigger these bots. This plugin, by default, blocks all chat messages that begin with "!tts". Players with access to the override sm_notts_bypass (default access: generic) can send !tts messages at any time. Commands: sm_tts_toggle, deafult access ADMFLAG_GENERIC. This command allows those with access to toggle the cvar which blocks !tts. CVARS, shown with default values: sm_noTTS 1 - Controls the ability for players to send messages that begin with "!tts" 0 : Any player can send these messages; this plugin does nothing. 1 : Only players with access to sm_notts_bypass can send these messages. sm_noTTS_update 3 - Controls Updater compatibility 0 : Completely disables Updater integration 1 : Updater will notify you in Updater.log if an update becomes available. 2 : Updater will automatically download any updates. They will be installed on the next server start or map change. 3 : Updater will automatically download and immediately install any updates. Changelog: Spoiler 18.0902.0 - Initial release. DOWNLOADS: Plugin Source Required custom includes: (source) If you like what you see here, please consider donating~ Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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