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  1. /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Empires Zombie MOD How to Play Objective same as before- kill Enemy CV NF (AKA ZOMBIES)advantages Zero ticket loss - as using !zme (emp_sv_debug_reviveself in console for now as dev disabled server side binding) can spawn right away on the spot to kill BE NF disadvantage Zombies cant build anything except eng turrents NF Has no com so has to defend ""main"" CV spot aka zomibe hive (barrack to change class one its lose you are stuck as is) BE you got 200 sec or less to have a plan RUSH TANKS and destroy NF CV (only 2 tanks /10 BE player) or MAKE AN amazing base catch ONLY 1/5 BE players CV turrets HOWEVER if you die any way / sucide included you will be auto switched to NF (After all you are dead) TO active plugin !zombiemod will start a vote any time in game perfer to do it like !tankwars at start of map then paly as normal except using !zme for NF (right now you will have to open console and paste emp_sv_debug_reviveself only once and press up arrow ever time you die as bind is disabled. ) Open console by going to 1) options 2) multiplayer 3) tick enable console 4) press ` same button as ~ (shiftmode) DONT FORGET TO HAVE FUN!!!!!! !@zy(!z@r!) = Lazylizard Future plans to intergate zombie models only if you love me :P ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Empires_Zombie_Mod.sp - 7.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Description: This plugin is used to incentivize people to include your website on their steam names where they give you advertisement and you in exchange give they something. Cvars (put on server.cfg): Code: sm_namereward_time "60.0" // Every X seconds give credits. sm_namereward_credits "1" // How much credits to give. sm_namereward_advert "" // what website they need to have on steam name. Requeriments: Store Todo list: -Option to give some admflag permissions to override commands and others things. -More perks. -Support for more store/credits systems. Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Saferoom Naps: Spawn Next Map With 50 HP Made for L4D2. Not tested on L4D, but will work if the survivors are considered client team 2. Intended for co-op gamemodes. The plugin code still executes on versus, but is totally obsolete: code is fired before map transition, but in versus survivors start new rounds on a clean slate with full health. Description A very simple plugin that sets players below 50 permanent hp to 50 hp (configurable) on the next map. In hard coop gamemodes, a popular strategy is to kill low health players at the end of each map so that they can respawn with 50health on the next map. In a game that emphasizes teamwork and surviving together, this is pretty jarring and immersion-breaking. My plugin fixes that by healing lowhealth players to 50hp - or the server's "z_respawn_health" value - and resetting their incap counter (times you can be incapped before going black-and-white) before the map transition. This makes the need to kill one another redundant. Cvars SafeRoomNaps_CanWeUseCustomValue //Default 0. If set to 1, allows you to input your own health value to set lowhp players to. Otherwise uses the "z_respawn_health" value, which is 50 by default. SafeRoomNaps_CustomSaferoomHealth //Default 50. (Unused) Only used if CanWeUseCustomValue is set to 1. SafeRoomNaps_RemoveBlackAndWhite //Default 1 Self explanatory. Whether to remove blackandwhite. Enabled by default. SafeRoomNaps_TempHealthMultiplier //Default 0 Float to multiply lowhp players' temporary health by. Its zero by default, meaning all temporary health is removed. SafeRoomNaps_VeryHealthyTempHealthMultiplier //Default 1 Float to multiply healthy (those above the saferoomhp value) players' temporary health by. Its 1 by default, meaning all temporary health is kept. Credits kaffaljidhma - Inspiration. They were the first to make a plugin addressing the issue. Sadly their code is super clunky and totally bork. disawar1 - Their Say Event plugin helped me find the correct event to hook to. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (SaferoomNaps.sp - 4.0 KB) SaferoomNaps.smx (6.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. More Director Bosses Repost because I typed "None" in the cvar box and therefore original post was not flagged as a plugin. Original thread edited to link to this one. No way to delete threads D: Compatible with both L4D And L4D2 Short Description This is a simple plugin that forces the Director to give you multiple witches each map, alongside a guaranteed tank. It works simply by toggling basegame cvars. Long Description The game has two console variables "director_force_witch" and "director_force_tank" which forces the Director to offer you the respective bosses as soon as possible. However, the two variables are mutually exclusive as the two bosses are treated as the same entity - if you set both variables to one, you will get either multiple tanks with no witches or multiple witches with no tanks. This plugin is a simple jerry-rigged solution to counteract that problem. At the start of each map, it forces witch but not tank. When the first witch spawns, if no tank has spawned yet, it sets "force_tank" to 1 and disables "force_witch". After the first tank spawns, it sets "force witch" to 1 and disables "force tank". On a normal map, this translates to multiple witches per map, as well as 1 tank that occurs after your first witch encounter in the map. In finales, tank waves still occur as normal. Special rules are implemented for finale maps to potentially allow for multiple witches if possible. Note that boss spawns still obey map-specified rules. I made this as I was dissatisfied with existing options to handle boss spawns. Using z_spawn_old to spawn the bosses is terrible gameplay-wise as they cannot be paced properly, with jarring results such as tanks in the midst of a panic event or a witch suddenly popping up in the room next to you. As they are out of director control, they can also spawn in places they should not be able to, resulting in absurd situations like a spawn in the c1m1 or c8m1 corridors. Requirements Left4Downtown2 is required. I used the L4D_IsMissionFinalMap() native to implement special rules for finale maps. Essentially, since finale tanks only spawn in guaranteed waves, "force_tank" is useless, therefore we do not want to disable "force_witch" so that we can potentially maximize witch spawns on maps with multiple witch spawn points before the finale event. Installation The "Get Plugin" button does not work. The plugin will not compile since it utilizes a left4downtown2 native. Download the smx. Drag and drop to addons/sourcemod/plugins. Compatibility This only tampers with basegame cvars, should be compatible with everything. It only manipulates the Director's chances of spawning tanks/witches; does not interfere at all with tank mods such as the likes of Super Tanks, Last Boss, MultiTanks, Finale Tank Storm et al. Plugins to spawn more witches are technically compatible but obsolete and not recommended. Notes All this plugin does is dynamically toggle basegame cvars based on the situation. It is up to the director to spawn the bosses. Dont come to me saying "no witch/tank on XX map!!111" Boss spawns still obey each map's vscript rules. This makes tank spawns less dynamic and more predictable. As the code indicates, the map's tank always appears after the first witch that you encounter. This is my first plugin. I am new to sourcemod so tell me if I did anything wrong in my plugin. Do tell me if there is any code optimization I can implement. Miscellaneous These variables will allow you to further tweak the director's boss spawn rates. Related Console Variables I recommend these cvar settings for best experience. director_tank_max_interval 500 director_tank_min_interval 180 //default 500 director_threat_max_separation 5000 director_threat_min_separation 1000 //default 5000 Related Vscript DirectorOptions cm_WitchLimit cm_TankLimit You want to use the mutation specific values (cm_) since they can override map/event specified values. Attached Files l4d_moredirectorbosses.smx (5.2 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_moredirectorbosses.sp - 3.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Very Simple Pug Plugin. This plugin allows you to take your competitive server to a whole new level. Inspired by servers like esea, fragdeluxe and pnks. This plugin is still in beta, expect more updates in the future. You are free to change to code to your likeings. :) Best regards, Markiez. <3 Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Competitive.sp - 2.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Description: Tool for translate plugins that auto create the translation file in all languages availables on sourcemod. Useful for make your plugins multi-language easily. Based on this. Commands: sm_translate <phrase to translate> sm_translate_txt <file target> Requeriments: SteamWorks Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. More Director Bosses Compatible with both L4D And L4D2 Short Description This is a simple plugin that forces the Director to give you multiple witches each map, alongside a guaranteed tank. It works simply by toggling basegame cvars. Long Description The game has two console variables "director_force_witch" and "director_force_tank" which forces the Director to offer you the respective bosses as soon as possible. However, the two variables are mutually exclusive as the two bosses are treated as the same entity - if you set both variables to one, you will get either multiple tanks with no witches or multiple witches with no tanks. This plugin is a simple jerry-rigged solution to counteract that problem. At the start of each map, it forces witch but not tank. When the first witch spawns, if no tank has spawned yet, it sets "force_tank" to 1 and disables "force_witch". After the first tank spawns, it sets "force witch" to 1 and disables "force tank". On a normal map, this translates to multiple witches per map, as well as 1 tank that occurs after your first witch encounter in the map. In finales, tank waves still occur as normal. Special rules are implemented for finale maps to potentially allow for multiple witches if possible. Note that boss spawns still obey map-specified rules. I made this as I was dissatisfied with existing options to handle boss spawns. Using z_spawn_old to spawn the bosses is terrible gameplay-wise as they cannot be paced properly, with jarring results such as tanks in the midst of a panic event or a witch suddenly popping up in the room next to you. As they are out of director control, they can also spawn in places they should not be able to, resulting in absurd situations like a spawn in the c1m1 or c8m1 corridors. Requirements (Left 4 Downtown 2) is required. I used the L4D_IsMissionFinalMap() native to implement special rules for finale maps. Essentially, since finale tanks only spawn in guaranteed waves, "force_tank" is useless, therefore we do not want to disable "force_witch" so that we can potentially maximize witch spawns on maps with multiple witch spawn points before the finale event. Installation The "Get Plugin" button does not work. The plugin will not compile since it utilizes a left4downtown2 native. Download the smx. Drag and drop to addons/sourcemod/plugins. Compatibility This only tampers with basegame cvars, should be compatible with everything. It only manipulates the Director's chances of spawning tanks/witches; does not interfere at all with tank mods such as the likes of Super Tanks, Last Boss, MultiTanks, Finale Tank Storm et al. Plugins to spawn more witches are technically compatible but obsolete and not recommended. Notes All this plugin does is dynamically toggle basegame cvars based on the situation. It is up to the director to spawn the bosses. Dont come to me saying "no witch/tank on XX map!!111" Boss spawns still obey each map's vscript rules. This makes tank spawns less dynamic and more predictable. As the code indicates, the map's tank always appears after the first witch that you encounter. This is my first plugin. I am new to sourcemod so tell me if I did anything wrong in my plugin. Do tell me if there is any code optimization I can implement. Miscellaneous These variables will allow you to further tweak the director's boss spawn rates. Related Console Variables director_tank_max_interval director_tank_min_interval director_threat_max_separation director_threat_min_separation Related Vscript DirectorOptions cm_WitchLimit cm_TankLimit You want to use the mutation specific values (cm_) since they can override map/event specified values. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_moredirectorbosses.sp - 3.1 KB) l4d_moredirectorbosses.smx (5.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. Description: Translate chat messages into your language. Based on this. People that join your server and dont have the official server language then the messages that he send will be translated. Also the messeges of other people will be translated for him. You can define the official server language on addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg ("ServerLang"). Requeriments: SteamWorks Todo list: -Make a command to disable translations messages on you (with clientprefs support). -Add multi-language support for the "TRANSLATED FOR YOU" msg. -Improve the code. -Some fixes that people could report (?) Donations (optional): If you apreciate my work, you can donate me via paypal or with a trade offer Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. This plugin is requested by nguyenbaodanh Special thanks to ESK0, and other guys from AM, that helped me with solving problems with plugin. Description After time (you can set own time) you will get guns - knife, P250, UMP Convars Spoiler // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.8.0.6027) // ConVars for plugin "rounditemgiver.smx" // Sets tag for messages. // - // Default: "[SM]" sm_ig_chattag "[SM]" // Sets a first time to drop knife // - // Default: "60.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" sm_ig_giveknife "60.0" // Sets a time to drop P250 // - // Default: "120.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" sm_ig_givep250 "120.0" // Sets a time to drop UMP // - // Default: "180.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" sm_ig_giveump "180.0" Installation Download file, open zip file, drag files (addons) and place it into your csgo root folder Change log Spoiler 1.0.0 - Initial commit Download Plugin | Source | Repository Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Hi I have found this plugin on many surf servers, but there is no release anywhere for it. Assuming it's a paid plugin. I have remade it thank you too Shanapu for his include. Which I cleaned up slightly, and added it too the zip. It's a pretty simple plugin. You type !nse in chat to turn the plugin on and !nseoff to turn it off. sm_nse sm_nseoff It just allows you to noscope a little better I suppose. Not sure alot of people in my community like it, alot of people don't. Enjoy Attached Files nsenew.smx (5.3 KB) (12.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (nsenew.sp - 985 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Description: HeGrenade battle rounds addon for multi-1v1 mod. Requeriments: Multi-1v1 Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Hello I am from Russia. On my server, I use the Hitman plugin. I have a few questions. Can I use a time delay without releasing Sw_cheats 1? If not, how do I delete this function? I saw a link to the script (, but I do not understand anything about it. Could you help me? Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [CSGO/CSS] Revive

    Requested by nguyenbaodanh Description Allows you to revives the owner of the ragdoll that you are looking at by holding the +use key ConVars Spoiler // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.8.0.6041) // ConVars for plugin "revive.smx" // Time between revives // - // Default: "15.0" revive_delay "15.0" // How close do you need to be to revive someone // - // Default: "150.0" revive_distance "150.0" // -1 = disabled, 0 = revive anyone, 1 = revive team // - // Default: "0" revive_mode "0" Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (revive.sp - 4.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Made by misosiruGT Document translation by yomox9 Description This plugin remove/replace specific items(Weapon, tool, ammo) and Prevent respawn. Support this situation Initial spawn items Get items from supply box Player's equip item in Casual mode when player spawn All spawn itesm without the above situation Installation Copy addons folder to nmrih/ (configs_sample folder is sample) Setting files There are setting file in configs/item_deleter folder. system folder - Don't change this. Setting of itemss for plugin use item_deleter.cfg - Main setting file. Read "item_deleter.cfg" about detail. id_items.cfg - Remove/Replace item setting file. Read "item_deleter_items.cfg" about detail. id_no_item_delete_maps.cfg - No remove/replace map. Read "item_deleter_maps.cfg" about detail. item_deleter.cfg [Main setting] "menu_chat_command" - chat command name. "" is disable. Code: "default" - Default setting. If you copy all setting of default and change from "Default" to "IP:Port (ex., you can give setting each server. { "delete_start_mode" - Timing of item remove/replace 0 = delete disable, 1 = round start, 2 = map start "chat_announce" - Notice information when round start 0 = disable, 1 = enable "items_config" - Setting file path "no_item_delete_maps" - No remove/replace map list path. If you don't use, set "" } item_deleter_items.cfg [Item setting] Item setting has 3 sections. Code: "items" - Section of setting of items. (Melee, Weaopn, tool, Etcetera) { "me_kitknife" - Item class name. Don't change. { "delete" - remove/delete item = 1, another = 0 "substitute_item" - Replace item's "class name" or "random group" "weapon_group" - Group name. You can set any name. } } ※Attention of replace If you set wrong value, It may cause a server crash. Don't below. Set replace item to another relplace item. "ammo_boxes" - Section about ammo box setting Almost setting is smae the above. But weapon_group must same. Code: "random_groups" - Section of Random group. { "random_melee" - Random group name. It's used replace items. You can change to any name. { "me_machete" "" - Class name for random selects. Don't remove "". } } ※About random group There is not restrict about amount of Group. One group can has max 64 items. One group can has normal items with ammo. Group can't has Random group. Item will not spawn. item_deleter_maps.cfg [No remove/replace items Map setting] If you write map name in list, Plugin don't remove/replace items when play that map. ・No remove/replace completely Code: "map name" "" - Don't remove "". ・No remove/replace specific weapon_group only. But that weapon don't give damage to zombie. Code: "map name" "weapon_group name" Change log ver2.0.4 2018/03/15 Initial public version Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nmrih_item_deleter_v2.sp - 37.1 KB) (39.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. The Oryx bunnyhop anticheat for CS:S, CS:GO, and TF2. Early warning: As it goes for every anticheat, there will be false positives. You need to decide if you want to ban someone and if you're sure they use cheats. This thread is a manual conversion from the GitHub markdown to BBCode. GitHub link: Latest download: All downloads + changelogs: Build status This is a fork of Oryx, the bunnyhop anticheat written by Rusty/Nolan-O. The README will be mostly left untouched unless I need to change anything. The main differences from the original version are: I have supported CS:GO and TF2. I edited the plugin to work with bhoptimer. bTimes support has been dropped. smlib is not a dependency anymore. Optimizations have been applied. Cleaned the code where I could. Most plugins will look as if they were rewritten, as I don't like the way Rusty wrote them in first place. SourceMod 1.9 is the target version. Support for older versions of SourceMod will not be provided. More detection methods have been added. Rusty's notes: Quote: This was written for SourceMod v1.7. Few comments are provided because I never planned on releasing the code, however there are *some* comments. The bulk of everything outside of oryx.sp is just pure game-mechanic-related logic anyway, so it just works because that's the way things work. Building You need DHooks to build. You also need DHooks on your server for oryx-sanity and oryx-strafe to work. It depends on gamedata from SDKTools therefore shouldn't break unless your server is out of date. All you need to do is make sure you've specified your timer in include/ by defining either notimer or bhoptimer. Build each file manually with the SourceMod compiler, like usual. If bhoptimer is defined, you will need bhoptimer's include file. Send a pull request if you want to support other timers. Documentation A lot of this info is found in include/ too. (Tables are ugly in AlliedModders, sorry. I don't think we have a proper BBCode for it available either.) Code: Exported command | Action | Admin only? | From: ---------------- | ------ | ----------- | ----- sm_otest | Enables the TRIGGER_TEST detection level | yes | oryx sm_lock \<player> | Disables movement for a player | yes | oryx scroll_stats \<player> | Print the scroll stat buffer for a given player | no | oryx-scroll strafe_stats \<player> | Print the strafe stat buffer for a given player | no | oryx-strafe config_streak \<player> | Print the config stat buffer for a given player | yes | oryx-configcheck Code: Trigger type | Usage ------------ | ----- TRIGGER_LOW | Like an early warning system. Oryx has probably not found a cheater, but you should keep an eye out. TRIGGER_MEDIUM | Also early warning. TRIGGER_HIGH | Oryx is pretty sure someone is cheating, and this will kick them. TRIGGER_HIGH_NOKICK | Just what it sounds like. High alert, but no automated consequences. TRIGGER_DEFINITIVE | Used by only by oryx-sanity right now. This should be used on non-stat-based detections. TRIGGER_TEST | Allows you to develop new detections on live servers with minimal side effects. Code: Detection type | Meaning | From -------------- | ------- | ---- Acute TR formatter | The player's turn rate has been made perfect | oryx-strafe +left/right bypasser | +left/right bitflags have been stripped from the client's buttons variable | oryx-strafe Prestrafe tool | Player is using a static turnrate to get 289 walk speed. Same as +left/right bypassing, but for a specific value on the ground | oryx-strafe Average strafe too close to 0 | The average strafe offset is suspiciously near 0 | oryx-strafe Too many perfect strafes | The average strafe offset is not too close to 0, but there is a suspiciously high frequency of 0s | oryx-strafe Movement config | Player exhibits behavior that is humanly possible, but movement configs would enforce it | oryx-configcheck +klook usage | A movement config that disables +forward and +back in specific cases (such as LJ binds) | oryx-configcheck Unsynchronised movement | Wish velocity does not align with with the player's buttons variable | oryx-sanity Invalid wish velocity | Wish velocity can only be specific values | oryx-sanity Wish velocity is too high | Wish velocity exceeds the default `cl_forwardspeed` or `cl_sidespeed` settings | oryx-sanity Wrong mouse inputs | Raw input has discrepancies with the view angles' yaw delta | oryx-sanity Scripted jumps (havg) | Too many perfect jumps indicates a potential jump script usage | oryx-scroll Scripted jumps (havgp, patt1, patt2, wpatt, wpatt2) | Too many perfect jumps while maintaining obviously weird scroll stats | oryx-scroll Scripted jumps (nobf, bf-af, noaf) | Inhuman stats for scrolls before touching the ground and after jumping | oryx-scroll Scroll macro (highn) | Way too many scroll inputs per jump, giving away the player using some kind of jump macro | oryx-scroll Scroll cheat (interval, ticks) | Analysis on interval between scrolls. These methods are at low detection level due to the nature of UDP. | oryx-scroll Note: oryx-sanity will cause false positives with gamepads and controllers. Note 2: If using bhoptimer, add oryx_bypass to the special string. This setting will disable the sanity, strafe, and movement config anticheats from triggering on the style. For example: Code: "7" { "name" "Hack vs Hack" "shortname" "HVH" "htmlcolor" "FFFFFF" "command" "hvh" "clantag" "HVH" "rankingmultiplier" "0.0" "specialstring" "oryx_bypass" } "8" { "name" "Autostrafer" "shortname" "AS" "htmlcolor" "FFFFFF" "command" "autostrafe" "clantag" "AS" "rankingmultiplier" "0.0" "specialstring" "100gainstrafe;tas;oryx_bypass" } Docs on natives are found in include/, using the SourceMod self-documenting style. The plugins have only been tested with bhoptimer v1.5b (as found here). Logs Relevant information will be logged into addons/sourcemod/logs/oryx-ac.log. Scroll cheaters will be listed in addons/sourcemod/logs/oryx-ac-scroll.log Strafe hackers will be listed in addons/sourcemod/logs/oryx-strafe-stats.log Chat messages will be printed to admins with sm_ban access, or the oryx_admin override. Admins will hear a beep sound to grab their attention when needed. Useful Definitions Key-transition: the changing of direction with keys (i.e. changing from `+moveleft` to `+moveright`) Angle-transition: the changing of direction in a player's camera along the x axis Strafe offset: the number of ticks that pass between a key-transition and angle-transition Wish velocity: Also called wishvel, this value is used for calculating movement direction, not the player buttons variable Movement config: Key bindings that prohibit the player from pressing opposing movement keys (i.e. `+moveleft` and `+moveright` can't be held at the same time TR: Turn-rate -- the rate of rotation of the client's camera along the x axis Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. Where to download an sxpm plugin for obsidian conflict? Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [CSGO] Player Sprays

    Description I got this idea after seeing SNG having a similar plugin and not seeing a public one besides Franc1sco which doesn't allow for players to upload their own sprays. So I made this plugin that tries its best to mimic how previous source games did sprays. Dependencies Late Downloads by backup System2 by dordnung Steamauth by SmItH197 Limitations Since this isn't a native spray feature like it was in previous source games and due to the way csgo handles downloads you will not be able to change your spray after your initial spray selection. You are able to delete the spray manually but it wont be guaranteed that everyone sees the same spray if someone has already previously downloaded their own spray. Commands and ConVars Spoiler //Commands sm_spray - yeahhhh complex ik //ConVars // Time between sprays // - // Default: "10.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sprays_delay "10.0" // How close to the wall must a player be to use their spray // - // Default: "115.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sprays_distance "115.0" // Download url for player sprays.(ex. // - // Default: "" sprays_url "" Credits Franc1sco for csgo sprays Mishcatt for publishing a web based way to generate vtfs Installation Upload all the files Install the dependencies Configure steamauth(SteamConfig.php) Configure the plugin Have fun Media Spoiler Not exactly the same but like 90% the same Links Github Bugs Spoiler Sprays don't disappear if you spray twice, I'm pretty sure its fixable just not sure how. If there are any errors/bugs please post them on the github. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sprays.sp - 10.4 KB) sprays.smx (10.8 KB) player (37.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. This is a simple plugin I made for my jailbreak server. It prevents the round from ending (using mp_ignore_round_win_conditions 1) until a team is eliminated. It also starts the game if a player joins an empty team. Attached Files RoundEndStopper.smx (4.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (RoundEndStopper.sp - 2.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. The default version of co-op is fun for a while, right? After a while, though, you might start to get bored with the limited amount of special infected around at any one time. You find a way to up the tempo, either by having them constantly respawning or by bypassing the two-at-a-time limit. Then at some point, you come to a tall ladder with a thousand AI jockeys stuck at the top and you realise: ladders are now a death sentence. I tried looking for something to alleviate this, but could only find this thread by V1SoR. I'm sure it's much better than my meagre offering, but it requires Linux. I do not have Linux. So I made my own, extremely basic, version that should work across all operating systems. This plugin is all of thirty lines long, and I wouldn't be surprised if it actually worked for lots of games; I have, and will, only test it in L4D2, though. How to use: If a survivor is on a ladder, they can press their "use" key ("e" by default) and they will pull out their guns. They are able to use any of their items, from guns to first-aid kits. As soon as they try to move up or down the ladder, though, they will revert to normal climbing-up-ladder mode. Note: you will drop any of the prop_physics items (fireworks, petrol can, gnome, etc.) if you do this. Credits: I'm not sure how extensive the credits are meant to be. Obviously, this wouldn't be possible without the whole Sourcemod thing. Um. My "knowledge" of coding in Sourcepawn comes from digesting other people's code, so really I guess I give credit to everyone who's posted plugins. For example, I used thecount's code from here in this plugin. Installation: Place "l4d2_ladderguns_v1.smx" into your Sourcemod's plugins folder. For example, if you have Steam installed on the C: drive, this might be "C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\addons\sourcemod\plugins". You can either download the .smx directly or compile it from l4d2_ladderguns_v1.sp. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_ladderguns_v1.sp - 961 Bytes) l4d2_ladderguns_v1.smx (4.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. this plugin can displayer player game time while he join the game Precautions: 1、this plugin need DJ Tsunami's extension 2、you Need to go to Valve Developer Center to apply for a ValveKey,and Change the VALVEKEY definition in the the source code Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (time in achievement.sp - 2.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (curlTime_new.sp - 2.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. EZ menu allows you to make pickups server commands are: sm_comp Attached Files comps.smx (15.9 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (comps.sp - 5.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. This plugin detect players who use cheat console commands that come to your server. These cheat commands give advantage to players: increased brightness, remove vomit, etc. Plugin is simple, but can be usefull to check some players. Also i try report this commands to valve, but looks like noone care(lol). Plugin does not prohibit access to server. File with detected players you can find in SourceMod folder: logs/cheaters.txt Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (execlub_mathack_detection.sp - 2.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Description: Display the ending WAVE of the survival map. My english is poor. So please simple sentence. Made by MisosiruGT Uploaded by yomox9 Screenshot: Command: !endwave Installation: Copy these files. sm_endingwave.smx → addons/sourcemod/plugins/ sm_endingwave.sp → addons/sourcemod/scripting/ Changelog: 02/28/2018 v1.0.0 Initial release Attached Files sm_endingwave.smx (5.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_endingwave.sp - 2.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Description: The player can run when the player picks up the object. My english is poor. So please simple sentence. Made by MisosiruGT Uploaded by yomox9 Movie: Installation: Copy these files. sm_run_object.smx → addons/sourcemod/plugins/ sm_run_object.sp → addons/sourcemod/scripting/ Changelog: 02/28/2018 v1.0.0 Initial release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_run_object.sp - 3.9 KB) sm_run_object.smx (5.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. Description More "sophisicated" way of blocking certain commands, and with variable time limits for commands, for example you might restrict a player from running sm_top to be limited to once every 5 seconds, whilst sm_help to be limited once every 0.5 seconds. Installing Copy / Compile the Plugin. /plugins/AntiCommandSpammer.smx | /scripting/AntiCommandSpammer.sp | /configs/acs.cfg Copy all Translation Files. Reload the map in-order to cache the Translations files. Changelog Download Translations If you would like to contribute to the Translations, feel free to submit a pull request with the translations for your language respectively done. Thanks. Currently untested, but it compiles. If you get a problem let me know, show me the scenario and inform me. Thanks. I will be improving on the base concept further, with modular / scaling lockouts for spamming commands more within a time period. Along with a global blacklist / whitelist. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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