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  1. Autorespawn System 1.0 Description: An idea a had - an auto-respawn plugins which has separate options for every map. You want autorespawn with a timer on one map and with lives on another? You want spawnkiller to be detected on one map, but not on another? This plugins can help you. Instalation: You need [INC] Multi Colors to compile the plugin. Put hu_autorespawn.smx in ./addons/sourcemod/plugins/ Restart the map. A config will be automatically generated Main commands: [ADMFLAG_BAN] sm_addrespawn (or !addrespawn) - Add an auto-respawn on the current map. (Default: Respawn with 3 lives each round) [ADMFLAG_RCON] sm_removerespawn (or !removerespawn) - Removes the auto-respawn on the current map. Sub commands (When a map has auto-respawn): [ADMFLAG_RCON] sm_respawntype (or !respawntype) - Changes the type of auto-respawn. (0 - will use timer, 1 - will use lives insted and 2 - will respawn players infinite times). [ADMFLAG_RCON] sm_respawnlives (or !respawnlives) - Number of lives per round. (If you use lives) [ADMFLAG_RCON] sm_respawntimer (or !respawntimer) - Timer in which players can respawn. (If you use timer) [ADMFLAG_RCON] sm_respawnsk (or !respawnsk) - Enables/Disables the spawnkill suport. [0 - Off, 1 - On] Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (hu_autorespawn.sp - 16.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. This is a Simple Advertisement plugin that types messages in the chat, and you get to choose the messages and type your own thru the "advertisements.phares" file ~ that's located in Addons/sourcemod/translations. Now, if you want to change the colors of the text itself you have to go into the source file and add your custom message, aswell as the color codes. These are some color codes: \x01 = Default / White \x07 = Red \x04 = Lightgreen \x0B = Blue These are the ones that I remember from my head, but I guess you could just go to a website or something where you can see every color code there is. Let me know if you have any problems with the plugin! Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (advertisements.sp - 1.8 KB) (23.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. This Is A Plugin That I Personally Call "Aids", because of one simple reason: It types whatever you do in the chat, for an example: ~ <player> You Just Died!, or ~ Ouch! <player> Just Got Hurt! This is a very annoying plugin but I decided to make this one just because I was bored. You can change the colors aswell as the messages in the .sp file so it suits you. If you like this one though you are more than welcome to download it. ^^ I hope you guys get Aids from this, because I did. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (aids.sp - 2.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    Gun Menu

    Been seeing people asking for this Instead of reinventing the wheel, here is a version that uses the weapon market ( plugin Command: !guns / sm_guns shows the gun menu Cvar: sm_guns_team 1 for any team 2 for t 3 for ct Attached Files guns.smx (4.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (guns.sp - 677 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    Extra Spawns

    hello everyone, is there anyone that can help me with a extra spawns points plugin? i've tried spawn tools7 & ESP ( Extra Spanw Points ) but both don't work, on the spawn tools ( the save button don't work and there is no cVar to save it ) and the ESP don't work at al :S grtz Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. SimpleConditions v1.0 Description An easy to use conditions system for TF2 Commands Console sm_addcond <target> <condition> - Adds the specified condition to the specified target sm_removecond <target> <condition> - Removes the specified condition from the specified target Chat /addcond <target> <condition> - Adds the specified condition to the specified target /removecond <target> <condition> - Removes the specified condition from the specified target Other Info I created this plugin as I felt the need for this on my server. I hope anyone else will find a need for this. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (simpleConditions.sp - 3.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Description : [Levels Ranks] Module - Speed is the module for the Levels Ranks plug-in. This module sets the players a certain speed value for respawn. Supported Games : Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source Requirements : SourceMod and higher (only stable) [Levels Ranks] Core How to install : 1) Uninstall the previous version of the plug-in, if available 2) Extract the contents of the archive into folders 3) Configure the files:- addons/sourcemod/configs/levels_ranks/speed.ini​​ 4) Restart the server Attached Files Module - Speed (12.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. Description : [Levels Ranks] Module - Regen Health is the module for the Levels Ranks plug-in. This module regenerates HP. Supported Games : Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source Requirements : SourceMod and higher (only stable) [Levels Ranks] Core How to install : 1) Uninstall the previous version of the plug-in, if available 2) Extract the contents of the archive into folders 3) Configure the files:- addons/sourcemod/configs/levels_ranks/regenhealth.ini​​ 4) Restart the server Attached Files Module - Regen Health (13.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. Description : [Levels Ranks] Module - Tag is the module for the Levels Ranks plug-in. This module exposes players to the clan-tag, depending on their rank. Supported Games : Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source Requirements : SourceMod and higher (only stable) [Levels Ranks] Core How to install : 1) Uninstall the previous version of the plug-in, if available 2) Extract the contents of the archive into folders 3) Restart the server Attached Files Module - Tag (11.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Description : [Levels Ranks] Module - Label is the module for the Levels Ranks plug-in. This module puts the plates over the heads of the players to their ranks. Tables can be seen only by teammates. Supported Games : Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source Requirements : SourceMod and higher (only stable) [Levels Ranks] Core How to install : 1) Uninstall the previous version of the plug-in, if available 2) Extract the contents of the archive into folders 3) Restart the server Attached Files Module - Label (139.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Description : [Levels Ranks] Module - Fast Plant is the module for the Levels Ranks plug-in. This module allows players to instantly install a bomb. Supported Games : Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Requirements : SourceMod and higher (only stable) [Levels Ranks] Core How to install : 1) Uninstall the previous version of the plug-in, if available 2) Extract the contents of the archive into folders 3) Configure the files:- addons/sourcemod/configs/levels_ranks/fastplant.ini​​ 4) Restart the server Attached Files Module - Fast Plant (13.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Description : [Levels Ranks] Module - Long Jump is the module for the Levels Ranks plug-in. This module increases the length of the jump players. Supported Games : Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source Requirements : SourceMod and higher (only stable) [Levels Ranks] Core How to install : 1) Uninstall the previous version of the plug-in, if available 2) Extract the contents of the archive into folders 3) Configure the files:- addons/sourcemod/configs/levels_ranks/longjump.ini​​ 4) Restart the server Attached Files Module - Long Jump (13.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Installation: Move blockteams.smx to ./addons/sourcemod/plugins/ Restart the map, a configuration file will be automatically generated. Commands: sm_allowteam (or !allowteam) - Opens a menu from where you can easily block certain team to be joinable, edit already configured maps or remove a configured map (which will completely remove it from the configuration file and both teams will be available for joining right after). Declamation: I'm fully aware that they're two more plugins in this forum that can do that, but both use Graffiti's code which has a lot of useless code in it. Also I added a fancy menu, so you don't need to bother with editing files. Attached Files blockteams.smx (9.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (blockteams.sp - 6.5 KB) (14.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. blockteam by Potatoz, original by Graffiti DESCRIPTION This plugin is based of Graffiti's "[CS:GO] Block Team for MG course maps" and simply promises to allow you to block entry into a specific team on a map-to-map basis. This is meant mostly for minigame-servers where you may troubles with people in both teams but i'm sure you could find use for it elsewhere as well. COMMANDS sm_blockteam <CT/T> - Add a team-block for current map to the config INSTALLATION - Put blockteam.smx in /addons/sourcemod/plugins - (Optional) Put blockteam.sp in /addons/sourcemod/scripting - Put blockteam_config.cfg in addons/sourcemod/configs - Profit!!! NOTE Majority of the code is thanks to Graffiti and he is mostly to thank, i simply updated his already quite good plugin Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (blockteam.sp - 5.0 KB) blockteam_config.cfg (130 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Hi there is no one or someone would make me a plugin on my server. They will play tournaments there I need a plugin with chat commands: !start-start match !knife-knife round !5on5 - settings on classic match 2v2 / 3v3 / 5v5 !aimawp -settings on 1on1 AIM / AWP match !warmup - warmup, waiting to connect all players !swap -switch teams and play LIVE !stay - Do not change the team !stop - Stop and automatically adjust warmup !pause - pause game next freezetime !unpase - unpause game !maps - Map list to change the map !autokick - automatic kick players on / off Sorry for my bad English, I'm using google translator. Thank you all for your help. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. Anti Voice Loopback (V1.01) Block HLDJ/SLAM/Voice Loopback tools By Byte ? Description ? Blocks voice loopback in game which should break most tools like HLDJ/SLAM. Mutes and unmutes instantly unlike other solutions. Fixes bypass caused by other plugins unmuting clients. Please test on other mods and make feature requests if you have any. ? Instructions ? Download plugin Copy plugin/translations to your server Optionally configure settings in cfg/sourcemod/antivoiceloopback.cfg ? Changelog? Code: 1.01 Add missing AutoExecConfig 1.00 Initial release ? Downloads ? Github Repo: Source | Releases AlliedModders Mirror (DL: 0): Attached Files (14.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Hello, I could not really find a plugin that autokick afk player(s) while the server is full, so I made one :D. PHP Code: // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.9.0.6224) // ConVars for plugin "_AutoKickWhenFull.smx" // (Seconds)afk time before they will get kicked // - // Default: "420" // Minimum: "1.000000" konfull_afk_time "420" // check spec team like players for movement [0 = consider spec as AFK! 1 = check as player] // - // Default: "0" konfull_check_spec_for_movement "1" // Should we only kick when server is full [1 = true 0 = false] // - // Default: "1" konfull_kick_on_full "1" PHP Code: These adminflags are immune to autokicking. ADMFLAG_RESERVATION ADMFLAG_ROOT Tested in Left 4 dead but should work in other games Detection is based on Button changes and mouse movement. And checks for convar sv_visiblemaxplayers if it's -1 or not found will use GetMaxHumanPlayers() instead Github Repo Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (_AutoKickWhenFull.sp - 5.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. 1 Hit Kill Description: A simple plugin 1 hit kill you can choose weapon via 1hitkill_weapon convar es: 1hitkill_weapon "knife" if you want enable to all the weapons follow this examples: To CSGO/ CSS / FOF / HL2 : 1hitkill_weapon "weapon_" To TF2 : 1hitkill_weapon "tf_weapon_" Install Instructions: Drag/drop 1hitkill.smx into sourcemod/plugins restart the map or the server. you can change settings from onehitkill_cfg into cfg/sourcemod (is autogenerate) Cvars: 1hitkill_enabled "1" - 1 Hit Kill enabled (def 1) 1hitkill_weapon "knife" - 1 Hit Kill weapon (def knife) 1hitkill_damage "300.0 " - weapon damage (def 300.0) Changelogs: 1.0 initial release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (1hitkill.sp - 1.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. There's a plugin of 500 whole lines, this is completely useless and very inefficient. This plugin prevents infected players from being damaged while in ghost state. One cvar that determines if the plugin works or not. invincible_ghosts_enabled - Plugin is enabled when set to 1 and disabled when set to 0. Default is 1. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (InvincibleGhosts.sp - 1.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Engineer Pads Description: EngiPads adds the ability for Engineers to replace their Teleporters with custom buildings (Pads). Currently there are two Pad types: Boost: Gives allies a speed boost for a short duration. Jump: Launches allies up and forwards in the direction they're moving. You select your desired Pad by rotating before building. Pads, unlike Teleporters, are totally independent from one another. They spawn with 50HP, and have a max HP of 100 (like Mini-Sentries). Pads cannot be upgraded. You can re-deploy a Pad to change its Pad type. Current translation languages: English. ConVars: Code: pads_version - Plugin version. Don't touch this. If you do it'll fix itself anyway. pads_enabled (def. 1) - Enables/Disables the plugin. (2 - BoostPads only, 3 - JumpPads only) pads_announce (def. 347.0) - Interval between chat announcements about the plugin. 0.0 to disable. pads_size (def. 0.7) - Pad size multiplier. pads_health (def. 100) - How much HP Pads will have. Will initially spawn with 1/2 of this. pads_jump_speed (def. 700.0) - How fast players will be launched horizontally by Jump Pads. pads_jump_height (def. 700.0) - How fast players will be launched vertically by Jump Pads. pads_jump_crouch_speed_mult (def. 1.0) - Multiply crouching players' speed by this much when using Jump Pads. pads_jump_crouch_height_mult (def. 1.0) - Multiply crouching players' height by this much when using Jump Pads. pads_jump_block_snipers (def. 1) - If enabled, prevents Snipers from scoping in while using Jump Pads. pads_jump_cooldown (def. 3.0) - How long, in seconds, should Jump Pads take to recharge? pads_boost_duration (def. 5.0) - How long, in seconds, should Boost Pads boost players for? pads_boost_speed (def. 520.0) - What minimum speed should players be boosted to when using Boost Pads? pads_boost_block_aiming (def. 1) - Set to 1 to prevent scoped-in/revved up players from being speed boosted. pads_boost_cooldown (def. 3.0) - How long in seconds should Boost Pads take to recharge? pads_bots_can_build (def. 0) - If enabled, Bots will build Boost Pads instead of Teleporters. pads_block_eureka (def. 1) - Toggle blocking Eureka Effect from teleporting to Pads that are Exits. Commands: Code: sm_pad sm_pads - Opens a menu to toggle EngiPads on/off. Selection saved via cookies. sm_pad_help sm_padhelp - Displays a panel with basic information about the plugin. sm_engipads_override - Not a command. Use this in admin_overrides.cfg to override who can/can't build EngiPads. Installation: Extract the contents of "" into tf/addons/sourcemod. The config file will be automatically generated the first time you run the plugin. You can find and modify it at tf/cfg/sourcemod/engipads.cfg Dependencies: None! But you will require if you want to compile the plugin yourself. Changelog: Quote: 2017-01-01 (v1.0.0) Release! Planned (Potential) Changes: Quote: Natives/Forwards to allow other plugins to add more Pad types. (Maybe, only if there's any interest. Never made any natives/forwards before.) Negative effects for players that walk over enemy Pads. (Toggleable via CVAR) More Pad types. (No (balanced) ideas currently) Custom models (There's a distinct lack of custom Teleporter models, unfortunately) Known Bugs: Quote: None Credits/Thanks: Quote: Pelipoika & Psychonic - For helping me find the offset for m_hMatchingTeleporter berni & co. - For the SMLIB stocks I used Dr. McKay - For FlipFTW - Beta "testing" Attached Files (42.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Well so much people looks for this plugin and people like francisco sell it so I give it for free. It requires PTaH. Just install the PTaH and then put the smx file in the plugins folder. BTW: If it's get approved add me in steam to get the plugin. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (blocksmpl.sp - 686 Bytes) blocksmpl.smx (4.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. [CS:GO/CS:S] Hide teammates 1.1 >>Github<< A plugin that can !hide teammates. Probably more performance friendly than most plugins like this. This plugin has several smart features that make it easier for the player to choose distance and is perfect for laser and boss fight.. By default, CT can use the command. Check out Cvars on github repo. Features Adjustable distance Performance friendly Adjustable cvars Commands !hide <distance> !hide 0-300 - Choose a value between def. range 30-300, 0=disable !hide 200 !hide - Toggle hide teammates on/off All improvements, new and upcoming features, cvars, change logs and screenshots are available on my github.. Download Plugin (SMX FILE) Github REPO (Source Code) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Directory Downloader Description It's simple and effective plugin for downloading directories via config For example: "materials/" Plugin will download all custom files from materials dir (including other directories) "models\" Plugin will download all custom files from models dir (without other directories) "bin/" Plugin will.. just download from your server =\ Changelog Quote: 1.0: Release 1.1: Bugfix Attached Files Directory (6.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (directorydownloader.sp - 1.9 KB) directorydownloader.smx (5.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Description: Simple plugin for hide weapons in the back. Since this did not exist yet on the plugins section and someone asked me for this, then I put the plugin here. Credits: Based on this. Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. [CS:GO/ANY] JailBreak/Last-Request: LEADERBOARD 1.0 >>Github<< An addons to SM Hosties. The plugin collects data at LR and presents it in a top list of those that have performed best. Commands !lrtop- Admin room menu (Leaderboard menu). !clearlrtop- Emptying the leaderboard (ONLY SERVER). Requires SM_Hosties v2 (Yes because this is an addons)[/I] Please read the installation instructions on github, it is super easy and the one thing that just needs to be configured. >>Github SOURCE CODE + DOWNLOAD<< Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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