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  1. <Korean IME> Introdution some times, korean users cannot type korean in their game client due to some input method editor`s bug. it rarely happens and users just can restart game or it just gets fixed, but however sometimes, that kind of bug hurts users. If you are a server owner, problem gets a little bit bigger than that, because server owners cannot type korean in server if the server is running in GUI mode or GUI mode, if the machine is windows machine. however, if you user this plugin, it will convert a chat that begins with defined chat trigger into a korean type, so that you can type korean even in case you cannot actually use korean IME. Requirements this plugin needs the things listed below to work: sourcemod and metamod Installation to install this plugin put the smx file in the sourcemod/plugins folder to compile this plugin manually put sp file in the sourcemod/scripting folder compile. Configuration to config this plugin, see the automatically generated cvar config file in the cfg/sourcemod/ folder. Known Bugs & Limits Of the Mod This plugin can show odd sideeffects with other plugins that do something with chat of client. Special Thanks To i want to say thanks to these guys someone whom will get interested on my plugin and use this. Change Log Date format used in this list is year/month/day. Code: update at 2017 10 6(ver released Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. [TF2] End of Round Friendly Fire Description: Automatically enables friendly fire at the end of a round and disables it at the start of the next round. It automatically makes a config file where you can enable/disable features such as printing messages in chat, center text, and hint text. I saw this plugin and noticed it was extremely outdated and was missing features that I would've liked to see such as hint text and chat messages. Installation: Code: 1.) Click the get plugin link and place the endroundff.smx file into addons/sourcemod/plugins 2.) Download the endroundff.phrases.txt translations file and place it into addons/sourcemod/translations 3.) (Optional) Edit the translations file to set the messages to your liking. 4.) Load the plugin using sm plugins load endroundff, changing the map or restarting your server. 5.) The plugin automatically generates a config file named endroundff.cfg in cfg/sourcemod, you can enable/disable features there. If you change any settings in the config, remember to reload the plugin afterwards with sm plugins reload endroundff! ConVars: These are found in the cfg/sourcemod/endroundff.cfg config file: Code: // Announce friendly fire changes with center text. // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_endroundff_center "1" // Announce friendly fire changes in chat. // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_endroundff_chat "1" // Enable/disable the plugin. // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_endroundff_enable "1" // Announce friendly fire changes with hint text. // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_endroundff_hint "1" Change Logs: Code: *1.0 - Initial Release Special Thanks: Code: cravenge - Assistance with updating the syntax and fixing ConVar changes. Bug Reporting: If anything is not working as it should, leave a post here and include error logs if necessary and I will get back to you ASAP. However, if you want a fast response I would recommend adding me on steam and contacting me there (in signature). Before reporting something, please ensure that you have followed the installation process completely. P.S: This is the VERY FIRST plugin I have ever posted (I have been coding plugins for a while now). If you have any constructive criticism, absolutely feel free to post some down below! :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (endroundff.sp - 3.1 KB) endroundff.phrases.txt (324 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. I Need a plugin that when i type sm_votect it will bring up a menu that shows options to choose a ct or by votes 1. Fast write - Theres somthing on screen u have to type first to get to be CT 2. Randon Number - Choose a number between 1-300 and the one who get it rights is the CT 3. Random CT - Picks a random CT Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. ASteambot Invite To Steam Group Before anything, read this : You will need ASteambot to run this plugin. You need at least the version V 2.3.1. You need to open at least 1 port. Very simple plugin, it invite players to the steam group of your choice. Fast, almost instant Quick configuration Very tiny plugin Download and run ASteambot, it can be downloaded [here] You need at least version V 2.3.1 ! Install ASteambot_Core : If you already have installed ASteambot_Core, update it. 1) Grab ASteambot_Core from [here] 2) Put in your plugins folder : addons/sourcemod/plugins 3) DOWNLOAD AND EDIT THE CONFIGURATION FILE AND PUT IT IN [SERVER PATH]/cfg/asteambot/asteambot_core.cfg !!! 4) Restart your server Install ASteambot_ASteambot_InviteToGroup: 1) Grab the smx file (ASteambot_InviteToGroup.smx) on github, [here] 2) Put the smx file in your plugins folder : addons/sourcemod/plugins 3) Restart your server. 4) Configure the configuration file in /cfg/asteambot/asteambot_steamgroupinvite.cfg 5) Grab your steamgroup ID from here : it's the number in <groupID64>'s tag, for exemple : group's id is 103582791460339322 6) Reaload map or plugin and done ! sm_steamgroup - send a invite to join the steam group to you. None Nothing, feel free to ask. None found yet None, yet. All files are on Github : Enjoy ! Logs : Spoiler 1.0 - First public release Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Commands: !betank !betank2 !kant I allow you to edit the sourcecode, if you know what your doing... Original Plugin is in My TF2 Server. Community: If you want to let admins only use this, Go to sourcemod -> configs and paste this into "admin_overrides.cfg" " Attached Files bethetank.smx (10.2 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (bethetank.sp - 5.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Small little fun plugin. Makes killed players drop a live grenade. 3 ConVars: sm_martyrdom_enabled (default: 1) [bool] (0/1) Enable / disable Martyrdom dropping sm_martyrdom_always (default: 0) [bool] (0/1) Always drop a Martyrdom grenade (not checking if the player has a grenade) sm_martyrdom_consume_grenade (default: 1) [bool] (0/1) on dropping the Martyrdom, do we consume the needed grenade Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Martyrdom.sp - 3.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Small little release. Noticed there has been a few of these around, but they all have a flaw somewhere somehow. Any grenade which is dropped on the ground, will explode when taking damage. Enjoy Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ExplodingGrenades.sp - 2.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. Video Demostration: Description: It is a legal Hack in TF2 by sourcemod. You won't get banned by using this plugin! rukia Menu of Hack Simulator: Quote: AIMBOT TRIGGER ESP VISUALS MISC Commands: Code: sm_hm //Open hack menu (admin flag: Root) sm_hackmenu //Open hack menu (admin flag: Root) Credits: ReFlexPoison: Bhop, AutoAirblast, shanapu : I stole many codes from him. Menu format, laser DarthNinja : Thirdperson, retsam : AimName, Friagram : Aimbot, Deathreus : Aimbot, AutoAirblast Github: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (TF2_Hack_Simulator.sp - 39.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. mvm vaccinator with robot medic has nesty bone bug like this and this simple plugin make this to this with No convars, command, dependencies required enjoy it :) Attached Files mvm_vaccinator_fix.smx (5.2 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (mvm_vaccinator_fix.sp - 1.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Normally, Projectile Penetration upgraded hitscan weapon cannot penetrate Projectile shield So, i dicided to mod this plugin What's this Plugin's do? Makes Projectile penetration bullets can penetrate medic's shield (applys to all team, all weapon) Cvars Nope Commands Nope Dependecies tf2attributes Attached Files mvm_penetration_fix.smx (7.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (mvm_penetration_fix.sp - 4.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. [TF2] Jailbreak - Control Medic Room Description: ~A Plugin for [TF2]Jail ~Let Warden to Enable or Disable medic room (Hope it can reduce Camping Medic Room issue, just hope) Required Plugin: [TF2]Jail Convar: Quote: sm_tf2jail_cmr_enable 1 Warden Command: Quote: sm_cmr ~Enable or Disable Medic Room Installation: 1. Download TF2Jail_ControlMedicRoom 2. Edit wardenmenu.cfg in "\tf\addons\sourcemod\configs\tf2jail\wardenm enu.cfg" Quote: "WardenMenu" { "sm_open" "Open Cells" "sm_close" "Close Cells" "sm_wff" "Request Friendly Fire" "sm_wcc" "Request Collisions" "sm_cmr" "Control Medic Room" //<- add this } 3. Restart server or type "sm plugins reload tf2jail" and "sm plugins refresh" on server console :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (TF2Jail_ControlMedicRoom.sp - 2.0 KB) TF2Jail_ControlMedicRoom.smx (11.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Description: Almost all of the source code of the L4D and L4D2 versions are from Crimson_Fox's [L4D2] Weapon Unlock v0.8.1 plugin. I simply made standalone versions for both games that just include the damage boost cvars. The modified version of Weapon Unlock is also from Crimson_Fox and I simply added more cvars to boost each gun's damage. Cvars: L4D Version: Code: // Amount of damage added to 1911 pistol. // - // Default: "30" l4d_gb_1911boost "30" // Amount of damage added to automatic shotgun. // - // Default: "25" l4d_gb_autoboost "25" // Amount of damage added to hunting rifle. // - // Default: "50" l4d_gb_huntingboost "50" // Amount of damage added to m16 assault rifle. // - // Default: "45" l4d_gb_m16boost "45" // Amount of damage added to pump shotgun. // - // Default: "20" l4d_gb_pumpboost "20" // Amount of damage added to submachine gun. // - // Default: "40" l4d_gb_uziboost "40" L4D2 Version: Code: // Amount of damage added to ak47 assault rifle. // - // Default: "30" l4d2_wu_ak47boost "30" // Amount of damage added to automatic shotgun. // - // Default: "25" l4d2_wu_autoboost "25" // Amount of damage added to chrome shotgun. // - // Default: "15" l4d2_wu_chromeboost "15" // Amount of damage added to hunting rifle. // - // Default: "40" l4d2_wu_huntingboost "40" // Amount of damage added to m16 assault rifle. // - // Default: "30" l4d2_wu_m16boost "30" // Amount of damage added to m60 assault rifle. // - // Default: "30" l4d2_wu_m60boost "30" // Amount of damage added to magnum pistol. // - // Default: "10" l4d2_wu_magnumboost "10" // Amount of damage added to military sniper rifle. // - // Default: "40" l4d2_wu_militaryboost "40" // Amount of damage added to p220 pistol. // - // Default: "10" l4d2_wu_p220boost "10" // Amount of damage added to pump shotgun. // - // Default: "15" l4d2_wu_pumpboost "15" // Amount of damage added to scar-l assault rifle. // - // Default: "30" l4d2_wu_scarboost "30" // Amount of damage added to silenced submachine gun. // - // Default: "20" l4d2_wu_silencedboost "20" // Amount of damage added to spas shotgun. // - // Default: "25" l4d2_wu_spasboost "25" // Amount of damage added to submachine gun. // - // Default: "20" l4d2_wu_uziboost "20" [L4D2] Weapon Unlock Modified Version: Code: // Amount of damage added to ak47 assault rifle. // - // Default: "30" l4d2_wu_ak47boost "30" // Amount of damage added to automatic shotgun. // - // Default: "25" l4d2_wu_autoboost "25" // Enable AWP sniper rifle? // - // Default: "1" l4d2_wu_awp "1" // Amount of damage added to AWP sniper rifle. // - // Default: "40" l4d2_wu_awpboost "40" // Amount of damage added to chrome shotgun. // - // Default: "15" l4d2_wu_chromeboost "15" // Amount of damage added to hunting rifle. // - // Default: "40" l4d2_wu_huntingboost "40" // Amount of damage added to m16 assault rifle. // - // Default: "30" l4d2_wu_m16boost "30" // Amount of damage added to m60 assault rifle. // - // Default: "30" l4d2_wu_m60boost "30" // Amount of damage added to magnum pistol. // - // Default: "10" l4d2_wu_magnumboost "10" // Amount of damage added to military sniper rifle. // - // Default: "40" l4d2_wu_militaryboost "40" // Enable MP5 submachine gun? // - // Default: "1" l4d2_wu_mp5 "1" // Amount of damage added to mp5 submachine gun. // - // Default: "20" l4d2_wu_mp5boost "20" // Amount of damage added to p220 pistol. // - // Default: "10" l4d2_wu_p220boost "10" // Amount of damage added to pump shotgun. // - // Default: "15" l4d2_wu_pumpboost "15" // Amount of damage added to scar-l assault rifle. // - // Default: "30" l4d2_wu_scarboost "30" // Enable Scout sniper rifle? // - // Default: "1" l4d2_wu_scout "1" // Amount of damage added to scout sniper rifle. // - // Default: "40" l4d2_wu_scoutboost "40" // Enable SG552 assault rifle? // - // Default: "1" l4d2_wu_sg552 "1" // Amount of damage added to sg552 assault rifle. // - // Default: "30" l4d2_wu_sg552boost "30" // Amount of damage added to silenced submachine gun. // - // Default: "20" l4d2_wu_silencedboost "20" // Amount of damage added to spas shotgun. // - // Default: "25" l4d2_wu_spasboost "25" // Amount of damage added to submachine gun. // - // Default: "20" l4d2_wu_uziboost "20" Installation: Left 4 Dead: - Place l4d_GunBoost.smx in your left4dead/addons/sourcemod/plugins/ folder. Left 4 Dead 2: - Choose either l4d2_GunBoost.smx (No CSS weapons support) or l4d2_WeaponUnlock (modified version of Crimson_Fox's [L4D2] Weapon Unlock). - Place the .smx file in your left4dead2/addons/sourcemod/plugins/ folder. I tested all three plugins and they should be working with no errors. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_GunBoost.sp - 4.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_GunBoost.sp - 7.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_WeaponUnlock.sp - 25.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. This plugins is based off of Gilmon's [L4D2]Player Stats plugin and it only work for Left 4 Dead 1. His/her plugin only works for L4D2 so I made this one. Most of the code is from him/her and I simply tweaked a few parts of it. Version: 1.0 Command: sm_stats - Prints a message in chat showing players all their kills, accuracy, damage done to tanks. Cvars: l4d_stats_clearout - Remove player logs when they don't join this server for a certain time. 0 = never clear. Known Bugs: - Don't reload the plugin because that will remove all player stats. - If you change the source code and reload the plugin, all player stats will be deleted too. Installation: - Put the .smx file into your left4dead/addons/sourcemod/plugins folder. - The .txt file generated by the plugin will be located in left4dead/sourcemod/data folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_stat.sp - 12.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Simple plugin that restricts class to Soldier and gives everyone a Rocket Jumper + Market Gardener. It only allows crit kills from the MG unless a Soldier is hit and still alive he will be marked with an outline and you can kill him with a normal swing. Falldamage is also disabled for Soldiers over 10hp. Only Cvar is mgonly_enabled (0/1) to enable/disable plugin. (tf/cfg/plugin.mgonly.cfg) Version 0.9 because there's still one bug I gotta fix and cvar for instant kill thingy. o3o Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (mgonly.sp - 4.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. i need a plugin Prevents shoot through walls- vent and roof cs.16 Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. [ANY / CSGO] Community Server Bans What is CSB? CSB is a SourceMod plugin. Are you tired with dealing that cheaters? You don't have to ban the cheaters anymore! CSB is now doing this for you! We add players who we see as cheating on our ban list in our system. And if your server has CSB plugin, players that are banned from our system can not join your server. Adds the CSB tag to your tags to indicate to your community that your server is working with CSB. Long story short, a global ban list. How does it work? CSB has a database (ban list). In this database, CSB staff team are adding players who use cheats. And if a player is in this database, this player can't join to your server. What are the requirements? Socket What are compatible games? As for now, we know these. CS:GO Team Fortress 2 CS:S How to install CSB? If you don't know about install. Don't worry. We have a installation guide. Changelogs & Download You can find it here. GitHub Info CSB was created by a Turkish team. We have a purpose. This is to purge the CSGO servers from the cheaters. And there are a lot of Turkish people who sells and uses cheats. We are detecting and banning the people. Not only Turkish people, all peoples! There is no unfair & faulty ban in any way. We are working for you! You can trust us. To do list Report & Appeals system will be added. Visit for everything: Attached Files communityserverbans.smx (6.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (communityserverbans.sp - 3.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Description This plugin is designed for deathmatch servers. Show players' KD and country on scoreboard and announce players' kill streak. Stats are saved in clientprefs. Install Upload files to your server. Cvars This plugin doesn't have any cvar now. Commands PHP Code: sm_kd //Print your KD. Admin Commands PHP Code: sm_resetkd //Reset all players' KD. Changelog Spoiler 1.0 Release. 1.1 Add "sm_resetkd" Known Bugs Github Issues To Do Nothing to do now. Donate If you apreciate my work, you can donate me via steam trade offer Git Repo Download Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. //Simple spawn points with MySql saving and Multi-Map functionality, also comes with Hud and env_tesla spawn effects. The tesla will change color depending on what team you are on, blue for team 2 and red for team 3. //Commands: sm_createspawn <1-64> <1 = Team 2, 0 = Team 3> sm_removespawn <1-64> <1-%i> <1 = Team 2, 0 = Team 3> sm_mapspawnlist <Map String> //Lists spawns from a string sm_spawnlist <No Arg> //Lists all the current spawns on the map sm_spawnlistall <No Arg> //Lists all the spawns in the database Attached Files spawnpoints.smx (10.4 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (spawnpoints.sp - 18.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. This is an anti-teamflash for both CS:S and CS:GO. It has cvars to blind spectators or teammates. The big difference between this and others is the ability to still have the flash effect without the ringing "deafen" sound. Requires DHooks CVars: Code: sm_flash_team - Whether to flash teammates or not sm_flash_deafen - Whether to deafen when a flash goes off (for all players) sm_flash_deafen_owner - Whether to deafen the thrower of the flash (ignored if sm_flash_deafen is set to 0) sm_flash_deafen_team - Whether to deafen the throwers team (ignored if sm_flash_deafen is set to 0) sm_flash_specs - Whether to flash spectators or not A config file will be made on first run in cfg/sourcemod called anti_teamflash. But WAH this has gamedata and an additional extension, the others dont. This is correct, this is a proof of concept and sort of a how-to replicate an old extension I made called Flashbang tools. In theory since it just blocks the actual blind function this is much simpler. However, due to gamedata this is more likely to break on updates. Also, to reliably block the deafen sound an extension is needed. Briefly tested in both CS:GO and CS:S (windows). Feel free to report any bugs/typos (I wrote the majority of this when i was bored). gl hf. Attached Files (10.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Change Weapon Speeds REQUIRES DHOOKS EXTENSION (Download) Plugin requested by ASKER_CZ ( Description Allows you to change the speed of each individual weapon in a config ConVars changeweaponspeeds_warmup_only - 0 - Only change speeds on warmup Installation Quote: plugins/changeweaponspeeds.smx goes in csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins gamedata/ goes in csgo/addons/sourcemod/gamedata configs/weaponspeeds.ini goes in csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs Extra "Why would I use this plugin instead of changing items_game.txt" Quote: Quote: Originally Posted by Rachnus (Post 2549640) I didnt publish it on alliedmods cuz I realized a minute after I finished the plugin that you can just change your speed by editing scripts/items_game.txt lol Quote: Originally Posted by sneaK (Post 2549712) Trouble with this, is that every update that messes with weapons, a new case is added, etc. this gets overwritten, and Valve has been doing this a lot lately :( DOWNLOAD Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Random Trails Projectile || 2 Вида трейлов для для "бросков" Random Trails || Случайный эффект materials/sprites/laserbeam.vmt materials/sprites/glow.vmt Grenade Trails (Fredd) pipeColor Firebrick1 molotovColor Yellow vomiteColor LimeGreen grenadeColor Purple tankrockColor Magenta pipe bomb projectile || полёт бомбы molotov projectile || полёт молотова grenade launcher projectile || полёт гранаты vomitjar projectile || полёт банки с желчью Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Trails_Projectile.sp - 4.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. [TF2] Jailbreak - Report System Description: Players can type !sm_jailr to report the guards or warden. ScreenShots: Commands: sm_jailr sm_jailreport 9kill ------------Set on Cvar "sm_tf2jail_reportsystem_chattrigger" ConVars: sm_tf2jail_reportsystem_version sm_tf2jail_reportsystem_enable 1 -Enable [TF2] Jailbreak - Report System sm_tf2jail_reportsystem_chattrigger "9kill" -Chat Trigger for sm_jailr sm_tf2jail_reportsystem_votedelay 1.0 -Vote Delay in sec sm_tf2jail_reportsystem_voteholdtime 20.0 -Vote Hold Time sm_tf2jail_reportsystem_voteburn 40.0 -Vote Burn pass percentage sm_tf2jail_reportsystem_voteslay 50.0 -Vote Slay pass percentage sm_tf2jail_reportsystem_votekick 60.0 -Vote Kick pass percentage Credits: shanapu :) -I copied the menu format Drixevel :) -The tf2jail plugin Required Plugins: [TF2] TF2Jail (Jailbreak for TF2) Download: SOURCE CODE | DIRECT DOWNLOAD Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Explode Dropped Grenades A plugin requested by FR0NTLINE. All it does is explode dropped grenades when they are damaged. ConVars Quote: dropped_grenade_damage - 80 - Amount of damage the dropped grenade should deal dropped_grenade_radius - 350 - Amount of radius the dropped grenade should have Extra Might work for CS:S, not tested Github Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (explodedroppedgrenades.sp - 2.5 KB) explodedroppedgrenades.smx (5.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Hell guys, I code this plugin for nmrih because somebody like to play Unofficial mod. [Description] You can vote for change the difficulty and mod or the other configs, for example: Enable the zombies to run all or kids all...... [Commands] sm_dif: open the menu; sm_difshow: show your curren info of the mod. [Language] English and sChinese or the other by yourself to edit the file of the path is translations/nmrih.diffmoder.phrases.txt [Link] Email:[email protected] QQ:673542016 [Tip] Sorry for my engllish... Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (c_nmrih_diffmoder.sp - 26.0 KB) (24.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. PARTICLE SPAWNER v1.0 Description Spawn particles around the map that are defined in a configuration file. (Custom and stock particles) Commands Quote: sm_getposition - BAN_FLAG - Prints out the position of yourself sm_getaimposition - BAN_FLAG - Prints out the position of your aim position sm_getpos - BAN_FLAG - Prints out the position of yourself sm_getaimpos - BAN_FLAG - Prints out the position of your aim position sm_getaimentity - BAN_FLAG - Prints out details about the entity you're aiming at sm_editparticles - ROOT_FLAG - Particle editor menu sm_particleeditor - ROOT_FLAG - Particle editor menu sm_saveparticles - ROOT_FLAG - Save all particle changes done in the particle editor sm_revertparticles - ROOT_FLAG - Revert all changes done in the particle editor sm_revertchanges - ROOT_FLAG - Revert all changes done in the particle editor sm_changename - ROOT_FLAG - Change the name of a particle sm_changeeffect - ROOT_FLAG - Change the effect of a particle sm_changeffect - ROOT_FLAG - Change the effect of a particle Preview Configs addons/sourcemod/configs/particlespawner/particle_spawns.cfg PHP Code: // This example below will spawn a particle effect (env_embers_large) at 0.0 0.0 0.0 // on map de_dust2 // // EXAMPLE: // // "Particles" // { // "de_dust2" // { // "particle1" // { // "effect" "env_embers_large" // "pos" "0.0 0.0 0.0" // } // } // } "Particles" { } Installation/Setup Quote: Installation configs/particlespawner/particle_spawns.cfg goes into addons/sourcemod/configs/particlespawner/ configs/particlespawner/particles.cfg goes into addons/sourcemod/configs/particlespawner/ plugins/particlespawner.smx goes into addons/sourcemod/plugins Setup 1. If you're using custom particles, add the path to the particle file (particle.pcf) inside of particles.ini. More instructions are inside the file (And there is an example file aswell) 2. Add your particle spawn positions in particle_spawns.cfg. More instructions are inside the file 3. Launch your server and tweak the position with command sm_particleeditor. Do not forget to save your progress either through the particle editor menu or through command sm_saveparticles Credits Me Bugs When you first download a custom particle effect, you cannot see it unless you rejoin :( If anyone has a solution for this other than forcing a player to reconnect first time he joins, please do tell Extra All CS:GO particles as of 3/7/2016 can be found here DOWNLOAD Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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