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  1. [CS:GO] Warden+ by: potatoz (thanks to ecca & Mufin) Description: This is a plugin made mainly for usage on Publiclir and the code is therefor not made to be super user friendly and editable, neither is it well made and uses a lot of loop holes to fix bugs and such that could probably be fixed way better and with way less code, however it works well in-game and doesn't produce any errors from my testing. If you feel like you could re-write my code better; feel free to do so and leave it in this thread and i'll look at it, test it, and maybe even replace the current code with yours and leave you in as co-author. Features: Warden Base Gun Plant Prevention Warden Menu Cell Management Toggle NoBlock Give Player Freeday Color Divide Players Place Marker Retire Special Days Hide'n'Seek War Day Gravity Freeday Commands: Warden !c / !w - Become Warden !uc / !uw - Leave Warden !cmenu / !wmenu / !misc - Open Warden Menu !days - Open Days Menu !noblock - Toggle NoBlock !cells - Open Cell Management Menu !marker - Open Marker Menu !colordivide - Color Divide Players !givefreeday - Give Player Freeday Admin !sc / !sw - Set Warden !rc / !rw - Remove Warden Requirements Custom Chat Colors ( Smart Jail Doors ( SM_Hosties v2 ( Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (wardenplus.sp - 43.0 KB) (35.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. [CS:GO/ANY] Admin Room Finder 1.0 >>Github<< The plugin is fully automated and searches for admin rooms without any config file. The players with the CHANGEMAP flag can use the command !adminroom to teleport to the room and back. Commands !adminroom- Admin room menu (CHANGEMAP FLAG). !findadminroom- Admin room menu (CHANGEMAP FLAG). Features find automatically admin room Remember old postion Very easy to navigate with the menu. You can only use back teleporting if you are in the admin room Anti-stuck [based on Stuck plugin] All improvements, new and upcoming features, cvars, change logs and screenshots are available on my github.. Download Plugin (SMX FILE) Github REPO (Source Code) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. [TF2]Karts vs Hunters Description : This plugin emulates a GTA5 gamemod CARS VS HUNTERS so in tf2 will work like: Red need to push down the Blue team when a player fall dies and will be switched to the red team.At end round the teams are well-balanced with older players, so who was hunter will be blue again until the team switch by the game.When the round starts a random class to blue team is picked up from the server ONLY Soldier/Snipers are permitted. Soldier Rocket damage is default, Sniper rifle damage is 500 damage. MAP kvh_streetjump_tf HERE if someone want build new maps free to do it Cvar kvh_enable 1 Enables/Disables Kart VS Hunters Changelogs 1.0 initial release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (karts_vs_hunters.sp - 9.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. This plugin alters the properties of walkie-talkies so that players cannot boost with them (Issue #805). CVars: sm_walkie_boost_fix_enabled (1/0) (Default: 1) Enables or disables the plugin. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nmrih_walkietalkie_boost_fix.sp - 700 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Description: Inspired by AtomicStryker's [L4D2] Karma Charge plugin, jockeys (bots and humans) now can bring karma to their victims when they fall to their painful death. As an added feature, ridden victims can no longer hold on ledges, making them vulnerable to cliffs, edges, etc. ConVars: "karma_ride-l4d2_version" - "1.0" (Version of the plugin) "karma_ride-l4d2_enable" - "1" (Enable/Disable plugin) "karma_ride-l4d2_no_ledge_hang" - "1" (Enable/Disable no ledge hang while being ridden) "karma_ride-l4d2_height_check" - "425.0" (Falling height considered as a karma ride) "karma_ride-l4d2_slowmo_duration" - "5.0" (Duration of slow motion effect during karma rides) "karma_ride-l4d2_slowmo_type" - "1" (Apply slow motion effect to: 0 = The whole server, 1 = Just the rider and the ridden) Commands: None. Bugs: Again, this was thoroughly checked and tested. The results returned NULL. Source: PHP Code: /* * [L4D2] Karma Ride plugin. A SourceMod plugin for Left 4 Dead 2. * =========================================================================== * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 John Mark "cravenge" Moreno. All rights reserved. * =========================================================================== * * The source code in this file is originally made by me, inspired by * AtomicStryker's [L4D2] Karma Charge plugin. * * I strictly prohibit the unauthorized usage, modification, and/or * redistribution of this plugin under a different name but there are * exceptions. * * If you have any suggestions on improving the plugin's functionality, * please do not hesitate to send a private message to my AlliedModders * profile. For feedbacks/improvements, you can either post them in the * thread or notify me through PM. * * ------------------------------- Changelog --------------------------------- * Version 1.0 (December 24, 2017) * * - Initial release. * ? Add check for false detections like the glitches in [L4D2] Karma Charge * plugin by AtomicStryker. */ #pragma semicolon 1 #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> ConVar krEnable, krNoLedgeHang, krHeightCheck, krSlowMoDuration, krSlowMoType; int iSlowMoType; bool bEnabled, bNoLedgeHang, bIsRiding[MAXPLAYERS+1]; float fHeightCheck, fSlowMoDuration; Handle hKRTime[MAXPLAYERS+1] = null; public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max) { char sGameName[12]; GetGameFolderName(sGameName, sizeof(sGameName)); if (StrEqual(sGameName, "left4dead2", false)) { return APLRes_Success; } strcopy(error, err_max, "[KR] Plugin Supports L4D2 Only!"); return APLRes_SilentFailure; } public Plugin myinfo = { name = "[L4D2] Karma Ride", author = "cravenge", description = "Show Players That Jockeys Aren't To Be Underestimated.", version = "1.0", url = "" }; public void OnPluginStart() { CreateConVar("karma_ride-l4d2_version", "1.0", "Karma Ride Version", FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD); krEnable = CreateConVar("karma_ride-l4d2_enable", "1", "Enable/Disable Plugin", FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_SPONLY); krNoLedgeHang = CreateConVar("karma_ride-l4d2_no_ledge_hang", "1", "Enable/Disable No Ledge Hang During Jockey Rides", FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_SPONLY); krHeightCheck = CreateConVar("karma_ride-l4d2_height_check", "425.0", "Fall Height To Check And Consider As Karma Ride", FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_SPONLY); krSlowMoDuration = CreateConVar("karma_ride-l4d2_slowmo_duration", "5.0", "Duration Of Slow Motion During Karma Rides", FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_SPONLY); krSlowMoType = CreateConVar("karma_ride-l4d2_slowmo_type", "1", "Slow Motion Type: 0=Whole Server, 1=Just Jockey And Victim", FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_SPONLY); iSlowMoType = krSlowMoType.IntValue; bEnabled = krEnable.BoolValue; bNoLedgeHang = krNoLedgeHang.BoolValue; fHeightCheck = krHeightCheck.FloatValue; fSlowMoDuration = krSlowMoDuration.FloatValue; krEnable.AddChangeHook(OnKRCVarsChanged); krNoLedgeHang.AddChangeHook(OnKRCVarsChanged); krHeightCheck.AddChangeHook(OnKRCVarsChanged); krSlowMoDuration.AddChangeHook(OnKRCVarsChanged); krSlowMoType.AddChangeHook(OnKRCVarsChanged); AutoExecConfig(true, "karma_ride-l4d2"); HookEvent("jockey_ride", OnJockeyRide); HookEvent("jockey_ride_end", OnJockeyRideEnd); HookEvent("round_start", OnRoundEvents); HookEvent("round_end", OnRoundEvents); HookEvent("finale_win", OnRoundEvents); HookEvent("mission_lost", OnRoundEvents); HookEvent("map_transition", OnRoundEvents); } public void OnKRCVarsChanged(ConVar cvar, const char[] sOldValue, const char[] sNewValue) { iSlowMoType = krSlowMoType.IntValue; bEnabled = krEnable.BoolValue; bNoLedgeHang = krNoLedgeHang.BoolValue; fHeightCheck = krHeightCheck.FloatValue; fSlowMoDuration = krSlowMoDuration.FloatValue; } public void OnPluginEnd() { krEnable.RemoveChangeHook(OnKRCVarsChanged); krNoLedgeHang.RemoveChangeHook(OnKRCVarsChanged); krHeightCheck.RemoveChangeHook(OnKRCVarsChanged); krSlowMoDuration.RemoveChangeHook(OnKRCVarsChanged); krSlowMoType.RemoveChangeHook(OnKRCVarsChanged); delete krEnable; delete krNoLedgeHang; delete krHeightCheck; delete krSlowMoDuration; delete krSlowMoType; UnhookEvent("jockey_ride", OnJockeyRide); UnhookEvent("jockey_ride_end", OnJockeyRideEnd); UnhookEvent("round_start", OnRoundEvents); UnhookEvent("round_end", OnRoundEvents); UnhookEvent("finale_win", OnRoundEvents); UnhookEvent("mission_lost", OnRoundEvents); UnhookEvent("map_transition", OnRoundEvents); } public void OnJockeyRide(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) { if (!bEnabled) { return; } int rider = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("userid")); if (!IsJockey(rider) || bIsRiding[rider]) { return; } bIsRiding[rider] = true; if (bNoLedgeHang) { int ridden = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("victim")); if (!IsSurvivor(ridden) || !IsPlayerAlive(ridden)) { return; } AcceptEntityInput(ridden, "DisableLedgeHang"); } } public void OnJockeyRideEnd(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) { if (!bEnabled) { return; } int rider = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("userid")); if (!IsJockey(rider) || !bIsRiding[rider]) { return; } bIsRiding[rider] = false; if (bNoLedgeHang) { int ridden = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("victim")); if (!IsSurvivor(ridden) || !IsPlayerAlive(ridden)) { return; } AcceptEntityInput(ridden, "EnableLedgeHang"); } } public void OnRoundEvents(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) { if (!bEnabled) { return; } for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i)) { bIsRiding[i] = false; if (hKRTime[i] != null) { KillTimer(hKRTime[i]); hKRTime[i] = null; } } } } public void OnMapEnd() { if (!bEnabled) { return; } for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i)) { bIsRiding[i] = false; if (hKRTime[i] != null) { KillTimer(hKRTime[i]); hKRTime[i] = null; } } } } public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse, float vec[3], float angles[3], int &weapon) { if (!bEnabled) { return Plugin_Continue; } if (IsJockey(client) && bIsRiding[client]) { if (((buttons & IN_JUMP) && !IsFakeClient(client)) || IsFakeClient(client)) { int iJockeyVictim = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_jockeyVictim"); if (IsSurvivor(iJockeyVictim) && IsPlayerAlive(iJockeyVictim) && (GetEntProp(iJockeyVictim, Prop_Send, "m_fFlags") & FL_ONGROUND)) { if (hKRTime[client] == null) { hKRTime[client] = CreateTimer(0.4, QualifyKarmaRide, client, TIMER_REPEAT); } } } } return Plugin_Continue; } public Action QualifyKarmaRide(Handle timer, any client) { if (!IsClientInGame(client) || GetClientTeam(client) != 3 || !IsPlayerAlive(client)) { if (hKRTime[client] != null) { KillTimer(hKRTime[client]); hKRTime[client] = null; } return Plugin_Stop; } if (hKRTime[client] == null) { return Plugin_Stop; } int iJockeyVictim = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_jockeyVictim"); if (!IsSurvivor(iJockeyVictim) || !IsPlayerAlive(iJockeyVictim)) { if (hKRTime[client] != null) { KillTimer(hKRTime[client]); hKRTime[client] = null; } return Plugin_Stop; } if (GetEntProp(iJockeyVictim, Prop_Send, "m_fFlags") & FL_ONGROUND) { return Plugin_Continue; } float fRideHeight = MeasureHeightDistance(iJockeyVictim); if (fRideHeight >= fHeightCheck) { EmitSoundToAll("./level/loud/climber.wav", client); switch (iSlowMoType) { case 0: { int iTimeEnt = CreateEntityByName("func_timescale"); DispatchKeyValue(iTimeEnt, "desiredTimescale", "0.2"); DispatchKeyValue(iTimeEnt, "acceleration", "2.0"); DispatchKeyValue(iTimeEnt, "minBlendRate", "1.0"); DispatchKeyValue(iTimeEnt, "blendDeltaMultiplier", "2.0"); DispatchSpawn(iTimeEnt); AcceptEntityInput(iTimeEnt, "Start"); CreateTimer(fSlowMoDuration, RevertTime, iTimeEnt); } case 1: { SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Send, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", 0.2); SetEntPropFloat(iJockeyVictim, Prop_Send, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", 0.2); DataPack dpKarmaRide = new DataPack(); dpKarmaRide.WriteCell(GetClientUserId(client)); dpKarmaRide.WriteCell(GetClientUserId(iJockeyVictim)); CreateTimer(fSlowMoDuration, RevertSpeed, dpKarmaRide, TIMER_DATA_HNDL_CLOSE); } } PrintToChatAll("\x05[\x04KR\x05] \x03%N\x01 Karma Ridden \x03%N\x01!", client, iJockeyVictim); if (hKRTime[client] != null) { KillTimer(hKRTime[client]); hKRTime[client] = null; } return Plugin_Stop; } return Plugin_Continue; } public Action RevertTime(Handle timer, any entity) { if (!IsValidEdict(entity)) { return Plugin_Stop; } AcceptEntityInput(entity, "Stop"); AcceptEntityInput(entity, "Kill"); RemoveEdict(entity); return Plugin_Stop; } public Action RevertSpeed(Handle timer, Handle dpKarmaRide) { ResetPack(dpKarmaRide); int rider = GetClientOfUserId(ReadPackCell(dpKarmaRide)); int ridden = GetClientOfUserId(ReadPackCell(dpKarmaRide)); if (IsJockey(rider)) { SetEntPropFloat(rider, Prop_Send, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", 1.0); } if (IsSurvivor(ridden)) { SetEntPropFloat(ridden, Prop_Send, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", 1.0); } return Plugin_Stop; } float MeasureHeightDistance(int client) { float fPos[3], fDirAngle[3]; GetEntPropVector(client, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", fPos); fDirAngle[0] = 90.0; fDirAngle[1] = 0.0; fDirAngle[2] = 0.0; Handle hTrace = TR_TraceRayFilterEx(fPos, fDirAngle, MASK_SHOT, RayType_Infinite, NonEntityFilter); if (!TR_DidHit(hTrace)) { delete hTrace; return 0.0; } float fTraceEnd[3]; TR_GetEndPosition(fTraceEnd, hTrace); delete hTrace; return GetVectorDistance(fPos, fTraceEnd, false); } public bool NonEntityFilter(int entity, int contentsMask, any data) { return (entity && IsValidEntity(entity)); } stock bool IsSurvivor(int client) { return (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientInGame(client) && GetClientTeam(client) == 2); } stock bool IsJockey(int client) { return (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientInGame(client) && GetClientTeam(client) == 3 && GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_zombieClass") == 5); } Notes: (This is already found in the source code.) (This is already found in the source code.) (This is already found in the source code.) You may need to download [L4D2] Jockey Jump plugin in case of human jockey karmas. Changelog: 12-24-2017: First release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (karma_ride-l4d2.sp - 10.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. ASteambot Steam Group Annoucement Before anything, read this : You will need ASteambot to run this plugin. You need at least the version V 2.9.7. You need to open at least 1 port. This plugin let you post live annoucement in your steam group directly from your game ! Usefull if you want to let your community know about something specific really quick. Fast, almost instant Very tiny plugin Easy configuration Download and run ASteambot, it can be downloaded [here] You need at least version V 2.9.7 ! Install ASteambot_Core : If you already have installed ASteambot_Core, update it. 0) Install socket extension 1) Grab ASteambot_Core from [here] 2) Put in your plugins folder : addons/sourcemod/plugins 3) DOWNLOAD AND EDIT THE CONFIGURATION FILE AND PUT IT IN [SERVER PATH]/cfg/asteambot/asteambot_core.cfg !!! 4) Restart your server Install ASteambot_SteamGroupAnnoucement: 1) Grab the smx file (ASteambot_SteamGroupAnnoucement.smx) on github, [here] 2) Put the smx file in your plugins folder : addons/sourcemod/plugins 3) Restart your server. 4) Configure the configuration file in /cfg/asteambot/asteambot_sgannoucement.cfg 5) Grab your steamgroup ID from here : it's the number in <groupID64>'s tag, for exemple : group's id is 103582791460339322 6) Reaload map or plugin and done ! sm_annoucement - Post a new annoucement. Require ADMING CHAT flag. None Nothing, feel free to ask. None found yet None, yet. All files are on Github : Enjoy ! Logs : Spoiler 1.0 - First public release Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. [Fireworks] Core This plugin provides API for simple spawning of pyrotechnics systems "launcher - rocket - explosion". This plugin is require modules to interact with. Otherwise plugin will do nothing. You can add new systems using existing files or creating new in "sourcemod/configs/fireworks/" directory. Plugin will find them and make them available for modules on plugin restart (right now restart will be required for modules too). Any new particles/sounds/models should be added to sourcemod/configs/fireworks_dlist.txt. Plugin will add them to downloadlist and precache if needed based on file extension. Previews Plugin Bundle 2 launchers (small and big) 3 rockets 5 rocket trails 10 fireworks (screenshots, also shown in video fireworks 15) 7 fountains (screenshots) 1 launch sound 1 whistle sound 1 explosion sound List of Modules [Fireworks] Admin Menu - admins can spawn fireworks using admin command sm_fireworks_adminmenu. [work in progress] [Fireworks] Shop - exchange points for fireworks. Points can be acquired by actions (such as killing, etc). [planned] [Fireworks] Events - automatical launch of fireworks on certain events in selected positions. Very Important Notes After downloading particles clients will not see them until reconnect (this is engine bug, probably can't be fixed right now). You can find actual information in project wiki. I may not upload some modules on AM but they will be on github. This is due to my laziness. Engine limit is about 16k of entities. Average particles count in one firework is about 2k (few systems can use more than 5k). I've got some reports that 3 default fireworks boxes at same time is enough to crash clients. Server will not crash, players will. So be careful. I will probably add some protection later. This plugin require custom includes, so compile locally. Plans Add mentioned above modules. Add new particles. Any suggestions are welcome. Attached Files fireworks_core.7z (423.7 KB) fireworks_adminmenu.7z (13.5 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (fireworks.sp - 23.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (fireworks_adminmenu.sp - 6.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    File Reader

    File Reader (v 1.0) Read files by traversing directories with possibility of reading files outside the server directory. * USAGE sm_readfile <filepath> [<number of tries>] [<start line>] [<end line>] The root directory is the one containing addons, maps, models, etc. Number of tries determines how many directories above the file will be searched (default: 10). Start line is counted from 0. * EXAMPLES sm_readfile addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_groups.cfg This will print the whole content of admin_groups.cfg file. sm_readfile addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_groups.cfg 10 0 2 This will print the 1st, 2nd and 3rd line of admin_groups.cfg file. And my favorite: sm_readfile /proc/cpuinfo Try it yourself ;) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (filereader.sp - 2.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. (I have no idea what this is, but it has been requested by someone in the SourceMod Discord channel.) Commands: !marker - opens the marker menu. +marker - equivalent for "draw marker". Markers can be only placed by team 3 (CT in CS:S/CS:GO, Blue in TF2) players or admins. The color can be customized and the default setup contains: white, pink, orange, yellow, lime and light blue. When the marker is hidden, it is only visible to the player who marked it. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (markers.sp - 6.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Description: This plugin gives admins (or anyone with the cheats tag) the ability to toggle an autostrafer. This means that whenever they jump, they will automatically strafe similar to a strafe hack, gaining them the most speed per tick. Commands: !autostrafe - Toggles the autostrafe for yourself. Changelog: Quote: 21-12-2017 * Initial release. Example of the autostrafe in action: Link to Bitbucket repo: Enjoy :-) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_autostrafe.sp - 3.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Introduction Removes `workshop/xxxxxx` from the mapname of workshop maps in the server browser. Requires SteamWorks Changelog: Quote: 12/20/2017 - 1.0.0 Initial Release Credits: Byte: Spending 90 minutes. SM Discord: Spending 90 minutes. Attached Files (19.9 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (workshopbrowserstrip.sp - 573 Bytes) workshopbrowserstrip.smx (3.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Description Show damage text like RPG games :D You can customize text color and size. Install Upload all the files to your server. Add this in your "databases.cfg". Code: "dmgtext" { "driver" "mysql" "host" "your_host" "database" "your_database" "user" "your_user" "pass" "your_pw" //"timeout" "0" "port" "3306" } Client Commands Spoiler PHP Code: sm_dmgtext //Damage Text Settings Cvars This plugin doesn't have any cvar now. Changelog Spoiler 1.0 Released. Known Bugs Github Issues Donate If you apreciate my work, you can donate me via steam trade offer. Credits zipcore - For his awesome stock. Git Repo Download Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. M&M Config Expert .:: Functionality ::. Allows server admins execute specific configs to specific map or mods. The cause of another plugin? I not found any plugin that work on CSGO. .:: CVARs ::. sm_mmcfgexpert_enable = 1/0 - Plugin is enabled/disabled (def. 1) sm_mmcfgexpert_debugs = 1/0 - Display .ini commands to server console? (def. 1) sm_mmcfgexpert_config - Path to config file into SM dir (def. "configs/mm_config.ini") sm_mmcfgexpert_version - current plugin version .:: Changelog ::. Spoiler Version 1.0.0A Initial Release OFICIAL TESTED WITH GAMES Team Fortress 2 Counter-Strike Source Counter-Strike Global Offensive CONFIG FILE ( OBEY THIS ORDER, MAPS OR MODS SPECIFY FIRST OF THE MAP PREFIXES. ) ( MAPS PREFIX WITHOUT "_". ) Spoiler PHP Code: /* * OBEY THIS ORDER, MAPS OR MODS SPECIFY FIRST OF THE MAP PREFIXES. * MAPS PREFIX WITHOUT "_". */ "zm_white" { "hostname" "WHITE BARRICADE" } "ze" { "host" "ESCAPE" } "zm" { "hostname" "BARRICADE" } Thanks and please comment ! :fox: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Description: Like the original version of the plugin, this fork spawns multiple tanks instead of one, bringing more challenge to the game. All Tank-related stuff such as HP, count, spawn delay, and same spawn place can be configured. ConVars: "multitanks_version" - "2.4" (Version of this plugin) "multitanks_on" - "1" (Enable/Disable plugin) "multitanks_health_coop_regular" - "10000" [L4D] "17500" [L4D2] (Health of tanks in coop) "multitanks_count_coop_regular" - "1" (Number of tanks in coop) "multitanks_health_coop_finale" - "12500" [L4D] "20000" [L4D2] (Health of tanks in coop finales) "multitanks_count_coop_finale" - "1" (Number of tanks in coop finales) "multitanks_health_coop_1stwave" - "17500" [L4D] "25000" [L4D2] (Health of tanks during first wave in coop finales) "multitanks_count_coop_1stwave" - "1" (Number of tanks during first wave in coop finales) "multitanks_health_coop_2ndwave" - "20000" [L4D] "27500" [L4D2] (Health of tanks during second wave in coop finales) "multitanks_count_coop_2ndwave" - "1" (Number of tanks during second wave in coop finales) "multitanks_health_coop_escape" - "15000" [L4D] "22500" [L4D2] (Health of tanks during escape in coop finales) "multitanks_count_coop_escape" - "1" (Number of tanks during escape in coop finales) "multitanks_health_versus_regular" - "7500" [L4D] "15000" [L4D2] (Health of tanks in versus) "multitanks_count_versus_regular" - "2" (Number of tanks in versus) "multitanks_health_versus_finale" - "10000" [L4D] "17500" [L4D2] (Health of tanks in versus finales) "multitanks_count_versus_finale" - "2" (Number of tanks in versus finales) "multitanks_health_versus_1stwave" - "15000" [L4D] "22500" [L4D2] (Health of tanks during first wave in versus finales) "multitanks_count_versus_1stwave" - "2" (Number of tanks during first wave in versus finales) "multitanks_health_versus_2ndwave" - "17500" [L4D] "25000" [L4D2] (Health of tanks during second wave in versus finales) "multitanks_count_versus_2ndwave" - "2" (Number of tanks during second wave in versus finales) "multitanks_health_versus_escape" - "12500" [L4D] "20000" [L4D2] (Health of tanks during escape in versus finales) "multitanks_count_versus_escape" - "2" (Number of tanks during escape in versus finales) "multitanks_spawn_delay_regular" - "5.0" (Spawn delay of tanks) "multitanks_spawn_delay_escape" - "5.0" (Spawn delay of tanks during escape in finales) "multitanks_same_spawn_regular" - "0" (Enable/Disable same spawn place of tanks) "multitanks_same_spawn_finale" - "0" (Enable/Disable same spawn place of tanks in finales) "multitanks_same_spawn_escape" - "0" (Enable/Disable same spawn place of tanks during escape in finales) "multitanks_health_survival" - "15000" [L4D] "22500" [L4D2] (Health of tanks in survival) "multitanks_count_survival" - "2" (Number of tanks in survival) [L4D2] "multitanks_health_scavenge" -"20000" (Health of tanks in scavenge) [L4D2] "multitanks_count_survival" - "2" (Number of tanks in scavenge) "multitanks_announce" - "1" (Enable/Disable announcements) "multitanks_display" - "0" (Enable/Disable static HUD display) Commands: Not even one. Independencies: SuperTanks (For the ..._a-... versions) Last Boss (For the ..._a-... versions) Bugs: I have thoroughly tested and checked. Therefore, I've found nothing. Notes: Only one plugin per game. Do not combine these two! The ..._a-... versions fires at all occasions while the ..._b-... ones deactivates after finales have started, making it compatible for my forked Last Boss and SuperTanks plugins. L4D2 version of the plugin depends on Left 4 Downtown 2 extension as it is recommended to properly distinguish real finales from fake ones. The compiled .smx files still requires Left 4 Downtown 2 extension installed or else the plugin is rendered useless. Changelog: 12-19-2017: First release. : Improved and optimized coding, reducing the CPU usage. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (multitanks_a-l4d.sp - 23.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (multitanks_b-l4d.sp - 22.3 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (multitanks_a-l4d2.sp - 22.3 KB) multitanks_a-l4d2.smx (13.5 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (multitanks_b-l4d2.sp - 21.6 KB) multitanks_b-l4d2.smx (13.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    Hello. I need help. I want a plugin for deathrun. A. I need for !knife: 1.Speed knife 2. Gravity knife 3. Damage knife 4. Regeneration knife 5. VIP KNIFE ( GRAVITY+SPEED) B. A MENU for VIPS where you have character skins Down is abner dr manager and i want to modify it. Sorry for my bad english. THX.:D Attached Files abner_deathrun_manager-master (1).zip (9.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    HexTags Remake of [CS:GO]Chat Colors (Custom Chat Colors) Supports any game that is supported bychat-processor. It's only tested in CS:GO. Features: Code: Set Clan-Tag (On the scoreboard) CSGO/CSS Only. Set Chat Colors. Set Chat Tags with colors. Set Name Colors. Available colors. How to install Code: 1. Install properly chat-processor. 2. (Optional) Install mostactive. 3. Download the plugin from here and put the addons folder in your /GAME folder! Config file Code: // HexTags - Hexah // Configuration file. // // All the avaible colors are: (colorvariables supported). // The priority is: // 1. STEAM ID --> Can be STEAM_0 or STEAM_1 . // 2. ADMIN GROUP --> It is selected only the first client group. Is needed a '@' before the group name. // 3. ADMIN FLAGS --> They are selected starting from the last (ztsrqponmlkjihgfedcba). If a client has both 'a' and 'b' flags, the tags of 'b' will be selected. // 4. (TOTAL)ONLINE TIME --> This need mostactive( to work. Required time in seconds to get the tags. The '#' before the time is needed. // 4. Default --> All players have these tags. This can be removed. // // Every entry can be removed if for example you want only the 'ScoreTag'. // // Examples: // // "Default" //All player will have this tags // { // "ScoreTag" "[Default]" //The scoreboard-tag // "ChatTag" "{darkblue}[Default]" //The chat-tag with the colors // "ChatColor" "{purple}" //The chat color // "NameColor" "{orchid}" //The name color // } // "@Admin" // { // "ScoreTag" "[Admin]" //The scoreboard-tag // "ChatTag" "{red}[Admin]" //The chat-tag // "ChatColor" "{darkblue}" //The chat color // "NameColor" "{grey2}" //The name color // } // "a" // { // "ScoreTag" "[Res]" //The scoreboard-tag // "ChatTag" "{red}[Res]" //The chat-tag // "ChatColor" "{blue}" //The chat color // "NameColor" "{grey}" //The name color // } // "#43200" //12h // { // "ScoreTag" "[Senior]" //The scoreboard-tag // "ChatTag" "{red}[Senior]" //The chat-tag // "ChatColor" "{blue}" //The chat color // "NameColor" "{grey}" //The name color // } // // // Start editing down this line! "HexTags" { } Then save! ToDo Code: Your suggestions! Known Bugs/Issues Code: None yet. Screenshots SourceCode on GitHub! Download directly! Thanks to: shanapu, lukas, for help with scripting & testing! Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. HighOnSkins This plugin will result in a permanent GSLT ban! Description Yet another CS:GO skin plugin? Yes! But this one is a little different. You can check this demo video. This plugin offers 2 improvements over existing implementations for gloves, knife and weapon skins. Players can visually manage their inventory on, similar to how the real CS:GO loadout works. Player inventories will be saved and are available across all participating servers, thus creating a network effect. The plugin allows players to: Use any gloves skin Use any knife skin Use any weapon skin The webserver queries the Valve servers once an hour to check for new skins, so this plugin will always have the newest skins available. Installation Note: A more detailed installation guide is available on GitHub. Make sure you use some service for game server tokens, so your account won't get banned. Download the plugin. Get your API key from and use it inside cfg/sourcemod/hos.cfg. Copy the folders addons and cfg to the root directory of your CS:GO server. On your server, set both BlockBadPlugins and FollowCSGOServerGuidelines to no inside addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg. Restart your server. Updates This plugin uses Updater for automatic plugin updates, so you don't need perform any updates manually. It is not needed but highly recommended. If you do not use it, please make sure to regularily check for updates in this thread. HighOnSkins is a fairly new project and there will be plenty of patches and bug fixes, as well as backwards-incompatibel API changes. We would be happy if you do not remove the updater plugin, so we can offer a better service for you and your players. Requirements All requirements are already included in the repository, you don't need to download and install them yourself. But of course you can! SteamWorks Socket SMJansson Updater Debugging You can set the console variable debug_hos to 32 and the plugin will log detailed messages to addons/sourcemod/logs/debug_hos.log. The plugin uses Dr. McKay's logdebug implementation, more information can be found at this thread. ConVars sm_hos_apikey - API key from (DEFAULT: "") sm_hos_instaskins - Enable or disable that live updates can give players new weapons. (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, DEFAULT: 0) Commands Skins can only be selected on, there is no in-game menu. Following commands will open an in-game browser popup that display the HighOnSkins inventory page: !ws !hos !knife !gloves !skins Note: You can also use SHIFT + TAB to open the Steam overlay, click on WEB BROWSER at the bottom and then navigate to This results in a better user experience because the website will stay open in the background and you can then select your skins much easier and faster. Credits Franc1sco - Learned a lot from the source code of his plugins, used some of his snippets Peace-Maker - Was a big help by pointing me towards the right direction when planning my Socket implementation Changelog v0.6.0 (16 December 2017) - First public release Links Direct Download GitHub Repository Website Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Description This was a private plugin I made for Akami Studio. I decide to release this because I'm no longer work with them. This plugin will replace grenades to pokeball, you can select skin for each grenade, and WILL NOT TRIGGER GSLT BAN. (I use this plugin in my server since 2016.) Cvars -1 = Disable pokeball. Check this file for skin list. PHP Code: pokeball_he "0" //Skin of pokeball hegrenade. pokeball_flash "5" //Skin of pokeball flashbang. pokeball_decoy "23" //Skin of pokeball decoy. pokeball_smoke "15" //Skin of pokeball smokegrenade. pokeball_inc "12" //Skin of pokeball incgrenade. pokeball_molotov "12" //Skin of pokeball molotov. Changelog Spoiler 1.0 Release. Known Bugs Github Issues Donate If you apreciate my work, you can donate me via steam trade offer Git Repo Download Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. This module shows how much is left before the new year. After the coming of the new year, he will write in the chat room instead of time, to congratulate on the new year. Set the desired date in the plugin. TS2018 - do not change, if you need for 2019, 2020, then use the site: Timestamp, specify the desired date and paste instead of #define TS2018 1514764800, for example for 2019: #define TS2019 1546300800, and for 2020: #define TS2020 1577836800. Plug in your time zone. By default #define TSOFFS -3, Moscow time (utc +3 hours), if you live in Australia, then put -10, and so on. You can adjust the frequency of the appearance in the chat, initially it's CreateTimer (GetRandomFloat (300.0, 600.0), 300-600 seconds). Attached Files ny_timer.smx (4.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (ny_timer.sp - 3.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. [CSGO]5vs5 HUD Loadout Description: A simple plugin show players loadout (slot 1-2-4-5), usefull for training , clan war etc. here a screenshot Cvar loadout_enable 1 - Enable/Disable Plugin. Know Bug: atm usp-s is detected as p2000 Changelog: 1.0 initial release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (hud_loadout.sp - 5.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Hello Admin, This plugin was heavily inspired by panxiaohai Struggle plugin. It was popular on my servers but some of the bugs on that plugin always kept nagging at Lux and I. So, we set out to rewrite it, revamp it and make it cover as many bases a plugin like this should offer. You can scuffle any length of time with any button you desire You don't have to scuffle long, you can get up with a tap and release You can literally require any item to get up or no item at all You can assign a health value to any item required You can make it possible to scuffle from SI, a ledge, the ground or any combination of the three You can scuffle infinitely or set a fixed number on any specific scuffle You can customize a cooldown between scuffles (or turn it off) You can penalize survivors by giving them extra hurt for self reviving You can set a random chance between 0% and 100% an SI will die in a scuffle You can require survivors to have at least N health to scuffle You can turn off all scuffling when a survivor is black and white (on their last leg, or any for that matter) You can set it so survivors can hold a button to revive You can set it so survivors automatically get revived You can set it so survivors can tap to revive You can set all 3... automatic, hold and tap (e.g., slowest, slow, fast is ideal) You can set it so an incapacitated survivor by SI has to scuffle twice (once to get them off, again to get up) The bugs we fixed from panxiaohai Struggle plugin are Players should see in black and white and have a heartbeat when they're about to die Players can return from idle into a bot that is down and still get up Players hanging on a ledge won't lose all their health (determined by the cvar scuffle_hurt) Players are notified of their ability to scuffle I've gotten very positive feedback from my base on this plugin and am announcing it here for public testing. Out of the box, it acts like "Struggle". See the README for all the details on how to customize it to suit your needs. If Scuffle doesn't already do it, you can request a feature but patches are better. If you ask a question but never get an answer, it's in the README. If you can reproduce a bug and walk me through it step by step report it. The following link to the GitLab download will always point to the latest release. If you have any questions or feedback regarding Scuffle, please try to keep them on this thread. You will always find the latest changelog here. Known Bugs Progress bar will show a confusing dialog at some point (do not report it, patch it or wait) Hopefully with public testing and the combinations possible, it won't take long to find some more Have fun :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (scuffle.sp - 39.7 KB) scuffle.smx (18.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Description Toggle tracer rounds on/off. Commands sm_toggletracers - Toggles tracers - ADMFLAG_ROOT Changelog Quote: 17/11/2017 (v1.0) * Initial release. Installation instructions 1) Place tracer_rounds.smx in your sourcemod/plugins folder. Dependencies TF2Attributes Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (tracer_rounds.sp - 1.6 KB) tracer_rounds.smx (4.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. This plugin adds colorful player trails with special effects (such as Spectrum Cycle, Wave and more). Source code Commands: !trail / !trails - Opens the Trail Color Selection menu. CVars: sm_trails_enable - Enables or Disables all features of the plugin. sm_trails_adminsonly - Enables trails for admins only. (VOTE Flag) sm_trails_life - Time duration of the trails. sm_trails_width - Width of the trail beams. Installation: 1. Drag and drop trails-chroma.smx into your plugins folder 2. Drag and drop the materials folder into your csgo folder 3. Restart the server. Requirements: SourceMod 1.8 or above Screenshots: Attached Files (52.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Gnome Hunt (v3.0 - 09.12.17) Description Administrators can select places for gnome to spawn. First player who find and shoot him will be rewarded. Feature list Friendly interface to hide gnome: rotate, move gnome position with interactive menu. Spawn interval for gnome. Spawn chance. Lifetime of gnome. Executed command on gnome destroyed. Gnome protection from different factors (explosions, world damage). Custom gnome model (one model already included). (Optionally) Messages on gnome spawn, despawn, destroy. CVARS Spoiler // Explosions can't kill gnome // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_blast_protection "1" // reward for destroying. Possible aliases are {cid} for client id, {uid} for userid, {name} for client name. // - // Default: "sm_givecredits #{uid} 1000" sm_gnome_hunt_command "sm_givecredits #{uid} 1000" // Show message when gnome's lifetime ends // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_despawn_message "0" // Show message when world kill gnome // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_destroyed_by_world_message "1" // Show message when player kill gnome // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_destroyed_message "1" // max lifetime (0.0 to life whole round) // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_lifetime_max "0.0" // min lifetime // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_lifetime_min "0.0" // gnome model // - // Default: "models/props_junk/gnome.mdl" sm_gnome_hunt_model "models/props_junk/gnome.mdl" // spawn chance // - // Default: "50" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "100.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_spawn_chance "50" // Show message when gnome spawn // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_spawn_message "0" // max time to spawn // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_spawn_time_max "0.0" // min time to spawn // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_spawn_time_min "0.0" Commands sm_gnome_hunt_menu - Open plugin menu. Require root flag. Installation instructions Extract archive in root folder of your server. Configure convars as you want and start with sm_gnome_hunt_menu command. Notes Sample model is included in 7z archive. May not work or work with bigger model in l4d2 because model was taken and resized from that game without changes in model path. Attached Files (430.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (gnome_hunt.sp - 20.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. First of all, I want to thank Figa for his original plugin [L4D] Useful Upgrades. Just type !perks to choose the most necessary(in my opinion) upgrades, or take all with one click. Also there is a command for each upgrade for those people who already has binds: sm_laser - Toggle Laser Sight sm_silencer - Toggle Silencer sm_reload - Reloader sm_speed - Adrenaline Implant sm_magazine - High Capacity Magazine sm_upgrades - All in One. Attached Files l4d_simple_upgrades.smx (8.4 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_simple_upgrades.sp - 6.8 KB) l4d_su.phrases.txt (2.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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