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  1. Description: This plugin allow players to find the Steam ID of players and to show you their Steam profile Commands: "sm_id <Ø>": Show you the list of all players. "sm_id <target>": Show you info about the target. "sm_info <Ø>": Show you the list of all players. "sm_info <target>": Show you info about the target. "sm_steamid <Ø>": Show you the list of all players. "sm_steamid <target>": Show you info about the target. When you type "sm_id": When you choose a player or when you type "sm_id <target>": When you choose "View his steam profile" Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (steamid.sp - 4.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Daily Credits for Zephyrus Store Command: sm_daily Alternative commands - sm_dailies, !daily, !dailies Collect daily credits by playing on the server everyday. Credits increase each consecutive day! Requires Zephyrus Store GitHub CVARs store_daily_credits_enable - Daily Credits enable?(0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled[DEFAULT]) store_daily_credits_amount - Amount of Credits.(10[DEFAULT]) store_daily_credits_bonus - Increase in Daily Credits on consecutive days.(2[DEFAULT]) Attached Files dailycredits.smx (6.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (dailycredits.sp - 4.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Description Manage all giveaways for skins and add entries. There is only 1 possible running giveaway at the same moment. Entries are based on Steam Auth ID. Feature list/plans At the moment nothing. Admin commands sm_giveaway_create - creates tables for giveaways and entries. sm_giveaway_add <deadline> <type> <skin> <description> - creates a new giveaway. Type can be 0, 1 or 2. 0 = everyone, 1 = for Steam group members, 2 = for players with reserved slots (usually VIPs). Quote: Example: sm_giveaway_add 2017-08-13 0 "Galil AR | Cerberus (FT)" "Float value: 0.25357672. It's very nice skin, I hope you will like it!" sm_giveaway_draw - draws a winner of ended giveaways. sm_giveaway_winner <giveawayID> - gets the winner of a giveaway + info about the giveaway. Commands sm_giveaway - writes information about running giveaway. sm_giveaway_enter - enters in the running giveaway. Variables Spoiler Quote: // This file was auto-generated by AutoExecConfig read and append beta // ConVars for plugin "Giveaway.smx" // Enable auto message on every round start // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_giveaway_enablemessage "1" // Content of auto message (possible to use colors) // - // Default: "A giveaway is running! Use command {darkred}!giveaway {default}for more information" sm_giveaway_automessage "A giveaway is running! Use command {darkred}!giveaway {default}for more information" // ID of Steam group where the client should be member // - // Default: "" sm_giveaway_steamgroup "" // Name of the Steam group // - // Default: "" sm_giveaway_steamgroupname "" // Link to the Steam group // - // Default: "" sm_giveaway_steamgrouplink "" Changelog Quote: 2017-08-07 (v1.0) * Initial release. Dependencies You must have SourceMod connected with database. You need extension SteamWorks. If you want to compile, you need Colors. Installation instructions Download the extension SteamWorks and upload it on the server. Restart the server. Download the plugin and upload it on the server. Create tables for giveaways and entries (sm_giveaway_create). Attached Files Giveaway.smx (18.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (Giveaway.sp - 13.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. As the title says, this plugin allows players made reports on players that behave bad, this is my first plugin ever, so mods please check the SP file.. How it works Simple in game chat you type !report the menu with players will pop up, you choose the player and he's steam_id will be stored to your database in column reported, in column reporter you can find steam_id of the player who made report Creating table to store data CREATE TABLE `sm_report` ( `id` int(64) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `reported` varchar(32) DEFAULT '', `reporter` varchar(32) DEFAULT '', `reason` text, `date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=29 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; In yourSourcemod/configs/databases.cfg Don't forget to add your credentials "default" { "driver" "default" "host" "localhost" "database" "your_database" "user" "your_login" "pass" "your_password" //"timeout" "0" "port" "3306" } Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (mysql_reports.sp - 3.9 KB) mysql_reports.smx (6.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. This is s simple plugin that plays a sound for the observer when the observed player hits someone. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (spechitsound.sp - 1.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Coin Toss module for Zephyrus Store sm_coin <credits> <name or #userid> Alternative commands - sm_cointoss, !coin, !cointoss Sends an invitation for Coin Toss to the player for the mentioned credits. The invited player can accept or reject the invitation. If accepted, the credits are gambled with both players having 50% chance of winning the pot. Currently only 1 coin toss is allowed per player per round. Suggestions are always welcome! Requires Zephyrus Store I had originally made this a long while ago but forgot about it entirely, just updated the syntax and posting it here! GitHub P.S. I know there are few other coin toss / coin flip plugins for the store already like this, this and this. Each is different and I mine is definitely not the best one out there but I'll keep updating with whatever feedback I get! Thanks for visiting. Attached Files zeph_cointoss.smx (8.3 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (zeph_cointoss.sp - 5.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. KnifeFight WITH CHICKEN MODELS! Description ----------- This is the same 1.3.8 ver posted here but with the players changed to chickens for the knife fight. I have not tested this yet on a server let me know if it works. If you already have this plugin just over write the smx whith this one and add the chicken.ini to the sourcemod/config folder and add the model files. Otherwise unzip all files to your cstrike folder on the server. BTW THESE ARE NEW CHICKENS I MADE ABOUT 6 YEARS AGO BUT NEVER RELEASED. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (knifefight.sp - 54.4 KB) chickens.ini (1.2 KB) knifefight.smx (29.8 KB) (505.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. Hey hey hey, here's a zombie vs engineers plugin. It's practically muselks, rewritten and it works pretty well, dunno if it works on arena maps since I've only tested it with bots and it was like LOLNOPE Cvar/s tf_zve_setuptime [60] - Time before zombies are released tf_zve_roundtime [340] - How long does each round last (This is after the zombies are released) tf_zve_dj_enabled [1] - Enable medic double jump? tf_zve_dj_max [1] - How many double jumps? comment below if u want something kcheers Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (tf2_zve.sp - 16.5 KB) tf2_zve.smx (22.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [CSGO] Gloves

    [CSGO] Gloves This plugin will get your GSLT (token) banned! Description This plugin allows you to; Use specific gloves Use random gloves Use random gloves among glove groups (i.e. Random Bloodhound Gloves) Set specific wear condition for gloves CVars You can modify the CVars below in cfg/sourcemod/gloves.cfg file sm_gloves_db_connection - Database connection name in databases.cfg to use Default: "storage-local" sm_gloves_table_prefix - Prefix for database table (example: "xyz_") Default: "" sm_gloves_chat_prefix - Prefix for chat messages Currently there are no messages shown anyway. Default: "[wasdzone]" sm_gloves_enable_float - Enable/Disable gloves float options Default: "1" sm_gloves_float_increment_size - Increase/Decrease by value for gloves float Default: "0.2" sm_gloves_enable_world_model - Enable/Disable gloves to be seen by other living players Default: "1" Installation Copy the folder structure to your gameserver. (OPTIONAL) If you want to use MySQL instead of SQLite (storage-local), edit addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg file and add the MySQL db connection details under "gloves" title, then change "sm_gloves_db_connection" cvar inside cfg/sourcemod/gloves.cfg file to "gloves" Restart server or type "sm plugins load gloves" on server console. Notes If you are using Custom Player OR Arms Models on your server, you have to modify the plugin that does the model changing, and make it use Gloves_SetArmsModel native function instead. Or your players arms will be invisible if they do not use any gloves. No options for non-premium/vip usage restriction will be added. Do not request it, do it yourself if you want to. Or pay a reasonable price for it to be done for you. Changelog v1.0.1 (1 Aug 2017) - Added glove names translations - Added Portuguese translation thanks to BlackZon - Added a ConVar to enable or disable world model view of gloves - Added a new Native function for third party plugins to use when setting custom player models or arms models to not encounter invisible arms bug Valve introduced some time ago. v1.0.0 (31 July 2017) - First release Links GitHub Repository Download Latest (v1.0.1) Old Versions v1.0.0 Trade Link if you feel like donating Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Description Quite simple plugin, really. Gives players ability to flip a coin with a 50/50 chance to win or lose. Most of the plugins' content is configurable. Dependencies Store by Zephyrus How to install Download the plugin Put coinflip.smx in your root/addons/sourcemod/plugins folder Put coinflip.phrases.txt in your root/addons/sourcemod/translations folder Change map or restart your server Make your desired changes in the config located in root/cfg/sourcemod/store.coinflip.cfg Commands sm_flip - The actual command to use for gambling. Proper use: !flip <amount of credits>. CVars Code: // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.8.0.6014) // ConVars for plugin "coinflip.smx" // What's the maximum amounts of credits a user can bet at once // - // Default: "50" // Minimum: "1.000000" sm_coinflip_max "50" // What's the minimum amount of credits a player is allowed to bet? // - // Default: "5" // Minimum: "0.100000" sm_coinflip_min "5" // In seconds, how long does a player have to wait inbetween bets? // Set to 0 to disable. // - // Default: "120" sm_coinflip_waittime "120" // The amount of the betted coins that the client wins. (Betted credits * 0.5) // - // Default: "0.5" // Minimum: "0.100000" sm_coinflip_winratio "0.5" Translations ✔ English ✔ Swedish × Russian × French Download the plugin! Links Github Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Hi all. The plugin will tell you, who killed the tanks or witches and will cause a panic mobs. PHP Code: 31. 07. 2017 - Release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_penalty for murder.sp - 2.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. [CS:GO] JailBreak Advance Description: well, i had made this plugin a long time ago for one of my servers and it's a real simple one and new jail break system allows you to play jailbreak mode in a little more peace and avoid ending up new players shooting everyone for no reason. basically i made this plugin for that purpose and decided to update it's syntax , fix bugs and release it to be used by anyone who wants it. How it works? In this jailbreak mode plugin Terrorists are inoccent guys at the beginning of each round and no CT player can kill them until they become Bad Guys. Terrorists will become Bad Guys when ever they switch a gun which is forbidden or hurt one of CT members and then they can be killed by any CT player, but before all of that, there is also 2 ranks for CT team which are named as Captain and Guardians. Captains and Guardians are those CT members who have the ability to kill every Bad Guys and Innocent Guys without getting punished but the way they are chosen can be controlled by Admin. When the round starts one of CT members will automatically become a Captain and it's color will change into Yellow, the Captains can hire Guardians by using +USE key on any other CT but T side members must be more that 10 players to allow Captains to Hire Guardians which their color will be marked as PINK Captains and Guardians also have 3 other advantage that other CT members don't, they can use +ATTACK2 key to create a Metal Spark at where they are looking, they also have a Tag Grenade to locate Bad Guys, the third one will be mentioned soon. When a T member become a Bad Guy , Their color will change into RED which allows CT members to identify them but ANY ct member can easily arrest bad guys but using +USE key when they are looking at them from a particular distance so when they cut Bad Guys they actually freeze and cannot move , their weapons also get removed, now CT members can kill them or leave them but Captains and Guardians can FORGIVE the arrested Bad Guy and their color will change to green which means they have committed crimes before. also when a T member is arrested, one other Bad Guy or innocent guy can Rescue them by using +USE key on them which will have consequences for innocent guys in a way which they will become Bad Guys as well. Safe Weapons Configurations: As you read above, T players will have to switch weapons to become bad guys but you can make exceptions for some weapons within the configuration file: PHP Code: "jailbreakconfigs" { "safe_items" { "WeaponClassName" "" "weapon_knife" "" "weapon_decoy" "" "weapon_flashbang" "" "weapon_smokegrenade" "" "weapon_c4" "" "weapon_healthshot" "" } } Admin Commands: sm_ul userid ---> With this command, admins can make a CT member Useless which means they will not become Captains anymore. sm_uf userid ---> With this command, admins can make a CT member Useful which means they will again become Captains. ConVars: jba_data_reload "1" ---> if this option is enabled, everyone will become usefull as the map changes. Hope you guys enjoy! Quote: 7/30/2017 - Just Released! Attached Files JailBreak 3.0.5 (beta version).zip (21.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Delete this one for some reason its create two topics Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Description: When you type !guns it will open gun menu. Commands: sm_tag <tag> - Changes your tag Cvars: None! How to download: Just put the GunsMenu.smx file on csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins folder and restart your self. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Guns menu.sp - 3.9 KB) GunsMenu.smx (6.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Info I made this plugin for managing CS:GO servers. In CS:GO a player can only view the first 3 speakers at a time. Additionally it can sometimes be difficult to target them if they have strange names ~or~ you aren't sure who is saying what. This plugin will constantly re-sort the most recent speakers in order & display their Steam ID + User ID for easy management (mic spammers). Note: Users who have admin perm's will not show up in the Hud. Based on / inspired by: Franc1sco's SVoice plugin Commands / Cvar Code: sm_voicehud ~ Toggle the hud (requires ADMFLAG_GENERIC) Changelog: Quote: Version 1.0: Initial Release >> Github Repo << Download Latest Version 1.0: Download compiled plugin (.smx) Install VoiceannounceEX (VoiceHook) , this is a requirement not optional Attached Files voice_hud.smx (7.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. Description: First of all i just wanna say thats im new and i want upload one of my first plugins. This plugin will show you information about your killer. Attached Files Killerinformation.smx (4.3 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (Killer information.sp - 915 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. This plugin fixes a bug with a minigun that allows players to fly long distances, as shown in the video below. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (minigun_fix.sp - 828 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Warningshot Description A simple plugin giving Counter-Terrorists the ability to give Terrorists warning shots by holding the USE-key (Default: E) and shooting a terrorist once. By default, each warningshot makes 15 damage, but this can easily be changed via the config. How to install Put warningshot.smx file to your csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins folder. Put warningshot.phrases.txt file to your csgo/addons/sourcemod/translations folder. Restart the server or change map. ConVars sm_warning_colored - How long should the victim of the warning shot be colored? Set to 0 to disable entirely! (Def: 4) sm_warning_damage - How much damage is a warning shot supposed to give? (Def: 15) sm_warning_color_R - The RED value of the color the warned T should get. (Def: 255) sm_warning_color_G - The GREEN value of the color the warned T should get. (Def: 114) sm_warning_color_B - The BLUE value of the color the warned T should get. (Def: 0) sm_warning_version - The current version of the plugin you're running. Don't change this! API for Developers PHP Code: /** * Gives the specified client a warning shot. * * @param client index of the victim. * @param client index of the inflictor. * @return true if succesful. */ native bool GiveClientWarningShot(int victim, int inflictor); /** * Called when a client has been given a warningshot. * * @param The victims' client index. * @param The attackers' client index. */ forward void OnWarningShotGiven(int victim, int inflictor); Links Github Attached Files warningshot.phrases.txt (290 Bytes) (533 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (warningshot.sp - 3.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    please remove

    this was uploaded by mistake Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Hunger Games Features Custom loot groups Hunger, thirst & stamina Binoculars, parachute, etc. Map events like napalm air strikes Teams ...and tons of other features Requirements A MySQL database for stats Extension: Soundlib Plugin: Zcore-MySQL Plugin: Zcore-Lootspawner Plugin (optional): Zcore-Voice (in case you like to have custom voice rules like zombies only hear zombies and tributes only hear tributes in range) Plugin (optional): Custom-Player-Skins (used for district and zombie glow) Links Support / Feedback Download Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Simple Anti Spam [S.A.S] Description: A player can not write the same thing more than once. I know it's pretty simple. But it's useful. I will make new updates soon. ConVars: sm_sas_enable "1" - "Enable / Disable Simple Anti Spam Plugin" sm_sas_message_enable "1" - "Enable / Disable Simple Anti Spam Message" Attached Files simple_anti_spam.smx (13.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (simple_anti_spam.sp - 1.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Chat/Scoreboard Tag Menu Version: 1.2.0 Note: Hi, I saw some other plugins on the forum like this but they weren't what some people want. So I wrote this plugin from Original Idea By trzmielu. Also a special thanks to Mayor Gamer for his Set Tag plugin for config file and comments. Description: This plugin creates a tag menu that loaded from a config file located in configs/tagmenu.cfg. Which makes players able to choose their scoreboard and chat tag from the menu and save it for them by SteamID (clientprefs). Required: SourceMod 1.7 or higher MoreColors for chat colors ConVars: sm_tagmenu_enable "1" - "Enable / Disable tag menu" Commands: sm_tag | !tag - "Opens tag menu" sm_tags | !tags - "Opens tag menu" sm_tagmenu | !tagmenu - "Opens tag menu" sm_reloadtags - "Reloads tags from config file (Admin flag generic)" Config: Here is an example of config file so you can add up to 100 tags in file: PHP Code: "TagMenu" // Main key. Don't change it. { "1" // Indexes. They must be in order from 1 and on. Maximum is 100. { "tag" "[Pro-Player]" // "tag" is identifier. Don't change it. Change the next string like "[Pro-Player]". "flag" "b" // "flag" is identifier. Don't change it. Set a flag for tag access (empty = everyone) "tag_color" "{green}" // "tag_color" is identifier. Set client chat tag color. "name_color" "{team}" // "name_color" is identifier. Set client chat name color. "text_color" "{default}" // "text_color" is identifier. Set client chat text color. "mode" "both" // "mode" is identifier. Set tag mode (valid valuse are: "both" - "scoreboard" - "chat", Default is "both") } "2" { "tag" "[Noob]" "flag" "" "tag_color" "{green}" "name_color" "{team}" "text_color" "{purple}" "mode" "chat" } "3" { "tag" "[Expert]" "flag" "a" "mode" "scoreboard" } } Note: Chat colors are supported with MoreColors. Change Log: 1.2.0 - Initial release Attached Files Tag (24.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Description This plugin checks what country a player is from. Then will put the player in a talk room with other players from the same country. Convars PHP Code: ctr_enabled = <1/0> Default(1) "Enables the plugins" ctr_mute_unknown_country <0/1> Default(0) "If player country is unknown it will (0) Makes own talk room for unknown countries (1) Mute everyone for client including client" ctr_chat_message = <1/0> Default(1) "(1) Shows a chat message for what country room you're in. (0) Disables the message" ctr_mute_update = <1/0> Default(1) "(1) Updates mutes with a timer (0) Uses only OnClientPutInServer" ctr_mute_update_time = <60.0Min/320.0Max> Default(60.0) "The time in float for the timer for ctr_mute_update (Seconds)" [CSGO/CSS ONLY] ctr_group_tags = <1/0> Default(1) "(1) Sets players tag as country (0) Disables country tag" Change Log Code: 1.1.1 - Changed ctr_mute_update_time minimum to 60.0 1.1 - Released plugin Feature plans Don't have any at the moment, but would love to add some new stuff suggested by you guys. If any bugs were found please reply and I'll try to fix it asap. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (country_talk_room.sp - 7.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. TF2 Nobuild Areas Hey everybody! After seeing requests and also having my own needs, I created this plugin. It allows you to add func_nobuild brushes everywhere on a map. This is useful with versus saxton hale maps if you don't want to struggle with decompiling maps and such. I put this plugin together with help from the [TF2] autokits plugin, which is based on DarthNinja's Auto Pumpkins. :P This is also my first released plugin and I am sure the code could be more optimized. Usage To spawn a brush, use the command !nobuild If you want to delete a nobuild area you also use !nobuild and select the first item. It finds the nearest nobuild brush that is in the range of 600 units In the menu you have six options of dimensions. (If it really is needed I might add a 1024 by 1024 or a command where you can enter custom values) 128 x 128 x 64 256 x 256 x 64 512 x 512 x 64 128 x 128 x 128 256 x 256 x 128 512 x 512 x 128 Installation guide Just download the smx and move it to the plugins folder. The nobuilds you add gets saved in the local sqlite database. Therefore, you have to add this to your databases.cfg Code: "nobuildareas" { "driver" "sqlite" "host" "localhost" "database" "TF2_Nobuildareas" "user" "root" "pass" "" } Changelog Quote: 24-07-2017 1.00 Initial release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nobuildareas.sp - 8.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. GitHub repository - Tested on CS:S and no other games. If it works for other games too, feel free to let me know. Build status Download noslide This plugin allows players to not slide after landing while bhopping. It's intended to be used on easybhop styles (autobhop included). Video demonstration: Installation Drag and drop the noslide.smx file to your addons/sourcemod/plugins/ folder. Load the plugin (sm plugins load noslide via the server's console), restart the server or change maps. Add noslide_enabled 1 to map-configs where you want the plugin enabled, such as bhop_badges2 or similar maps. Alternatively, navigate to cfg/sourcemod/plugin.noslide.cfg and switch it to 1 in order to have the plugin running for every map. Usage sm_noslide (!noslide), sm_kzmode (!kzmode) or sm_kz (!kz) will toggle noslide. It's disabled by default. Optional requirements: * shavit's simple bhop timer - having bhoptimer installed will force this plugin to only work for bhop styles with easybhop disabled, such as easy-scroll or autobhop. Attached Files (18.2 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (noslide.sp - 6.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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