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  1. SMPanel v1.0 SMPANEL is web interface for csgo server you can see server stats, send rcon commands, ftp and more. How To Install ? 1- Download Web Folders 2- Extract 3- Paste Files To Your Webserver 4- Open your PHPMYADMIN And Import Mithat_smpanel.sql 5- Open index.php with text editor, and edit database connection informations. 6- Open ayar.php and edit database connection 7- Open rcon.php and edit rcon connection. 8- Open mithat_smpanel.sp and edit connections. 9- Compile it and upload your server. 10- Go to DEFAULT USERNAME : mithat PASSWORD: 1234567890 Im Not good at database and php sorry in some places i used templates. its just'a test SCREEN SHOTS : Attachment 163224 Attachment 163225 Attachment 163227 Attachment 163226 Attachment 163223 Attachment 163222 Attachment 163221 LIVE DEMO TURKISH : LIVE DEMO ENGLISH : username : mithat pass : 1234567890 Attached Thumbnails Attached Files mithat_smpanel.smx (7.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (mithat_smpanel.sp - 6.4 KB) (230.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Information Provides hit and kill sounds with the possibility to toggle each feature individually. It also allows for changing of the sound files and their volume. This is my first plugin so I am taking things slow to gather feedback. Feel free to be picky on my code, I would like things to be perfect. In a few days I will be releasing revisions including client cookie settings with commands and menu, translations and auto configuration generator. Any feedback and feature requests are welcome. Server console variables hks_enabled Enable or disable Hit & Kill Sounds [0 - 1] [1] hks_hitsound Enable or disable hit sound [0 - 1] [1] hks_hitsound_file The hit sound file to play [buttons/button15.wav] hks_hitsound_volume The hit sound volume [0 - 255] [60] hks_killsound Enable or disable kill sound [0 - 1] [1] hks_killsound_file The kill sound file to play [buttons/button17.wav] hks_killsound_volume The kill sound volume [0 - 255] [60] Changes [03/06/2017] 1.0 - Initial release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (hitkillsounds.sp - 3.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Created a Deathmatch mod a few years back which works only on No Mercy Campaign maps. Idea never really took off as it suffered one slight issue. Need a good modder for it. How it works. Mod creates / spawns a bot and a player takes over for respawn. When player dies, body lies on the floor and doesn't free up a 'player' slot. New slot is used for a new bot spawn and player takes it over, this gets filled up fast to the max allowed slots on server and then no more bots are spawned. I don't know how to unload the dead bodies and free up slot, if you do, feel free to fix the plugin. -MonkeyDrone Attached Files (90.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Hello,My First Plugin No More Thing.I am waiting for your suggestions and requests. Related Plugins HTML Code: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (mRZeonaiH15SKE.sp - 981 Bytes) mRZeonaiH15SKE.smx (13.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    Help pls

    Can you give me this plugin? Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Description Touchdown is a gamemode from online game S4 League. I'm trying my best to bring this gamemode to CSGO, so I take the sound effect, bgm, and overlay from original game. I know my codes are ugly and messy, I will arrange them and rewrite them if I have time... How To Play Capture the ball and take it to the opposing team's goal, it's very similar to American Football. Install Simply Upload all the files to your server and fastdl. Configure Choose a well balanced map. (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!) Stand on where the flags and ball should spawn, aim the ground and use command "sm_whereic" (Need admin flag "ADMFLAG_GENERIC"!) Copy and post the position where "sm_whereic" print in your chat, add them in "sourcemod/configs/kento_touchdown.cfg" Reload the map. Client Commands Spoiler PHP Code: sm_guns //Weapon Menu sm_vol //Change sound effect volume. Admin Commands Spoiler PHP Code: sm_resetball //Reset Ball (need ADMFLAG_GENERIC) sm_whereic //Get the position where you see (whereic.smx) Cvars Spoiler PHP Code: sm_touchdown_respawn "8.0" //Respawn Time sm_touchdown_reset "15.0" //How long to reset the ball if nobody takes the ball after ball drop sm_touchdown_ball_position "1" //Where to attach the ball when player get the ball? 0 = front, 1 = head For Developers I create some natives and forwards for this plugin, so you can make 3rd party plugin for this gamemode. (Maybe zep store credits?) Spoiler Spoiler PHP Code: /** * Gets the ball holder. * * @return client id. */ native int Touchdown_GetBallHolder(); /** * Gets which team drop the ball. * * @return TR = 2, CT = 3. */ native int Touchdown_GetBallDropTeam(); /** * Is client ball holder? * * @param client Client id. * @return True if client holding the ball. */ native bool Touchdown_IsClientBallHolder(int client); /** * Called when a player drop the ball. * * @param client Player index. * @return No return */ forward Action Touchdown_OnPlayerDropBall(int client); /** * Called when a player kill the ball holder. * * @param ballholder Ball Holder. * @param attacker Attacker. * @return No return */ forward Action Touchdown_OnPlayerKillBall(int ballholder, int attacker); /** * Called when the ball reset. * * @param client Player index. * @return No return */ forward Action Touchdown_OnBallReset(); /** * Called when a player get the ball. * * @param client Player index. * @return No return */ forward Action Touchdown_OnPlayerGetBall(int client); /** * Called when a player touchdown. * * @param client Player index. * @return No return */ forward Action Touchdown_OnPlayerTouchDown(int client); Example plugin: kento_touchdown_test Spoiler PHP Code: #include <sourcemod> #include <kento_touchdown> #pragma newdecls required // Teams #define SPEC 1 #define TR 2 #define CT 3 public Plugin myinfo = { name = "[CS:GO] Touch Down Sample 3rd Party Plugin", author = "Kento from Akami Studio", version = "1.0", description = "Test touchdown natives and forwards", url = "" }; public void OnPluginStart() { RegConsoleCmd("sm_tdtest", Command_Test, "Test"); } public Action Touchdown_OnPlayerDropBall(int client) { char clientname [PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; GetClientName(client, clientname, sizeof(clientname)); PrintToChatAll("%s drop the ball!", clientname); } public Action Touchdown_OnBallReset() { PrintToChatAll("ball reset"); } public Action Touchdown_OnPlayerGetBall(int client) { char clientname [PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; GetClientName(client, clientname, sizeof(clientname)); PrintToChatAll("%s get the ball!", clientname); } public Action Touchdown_OnPlayerTouchDown(int client) { char clientname [PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; GetClientName(client, clientname, sizeof(clientname)); PrintToChatAll("%s touchdown", clientname); } public Action Touchdown_OnPlayerKillBall(int ballholder, int attacker) { char ballholdername [PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; GetClientName(ballholder, ballholdername, sizeof(ballholdername)); char attackername [PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; GetClientName(attacker, attackername, sizeof(attackername)); PrintToChatAll("%s kill the ball holder %s", attackername, ballholdername); } public Action Command_Test(int client, int args) { char ballholdername [PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; GetClientName(Touchdown_GetBallHolder(), ballholdername, sizeof(ballholdername)); PrintToChat(client, "Ball Drop Team %i", Touchdown_GetBallDropTeam()); PrintToChat(client, "Ball Holder %s", Touchdown_GetBallHolder()); if(Touchdown_IsClientBallHolder(client)) PrintToChat(client, "You are the ball holder"); else if(!Touchdown_IsClientBallHolder(client)) PrintToChat(client, "You are NOT the ball holder"); } Changelog Spoiler 1.0 Release. Known Bugs Github Issues Balls and flags not spawn after warmup. (So I force "mp_warmuptime 1", "mp_do_warmup_period 1" and then "mp_restartgame 10") To Do Change sm_slay team to freeze everyone? (like original S4) or use ForcePlayerSuicide. Add Mysql stats. Fix warmup. WARNING THIS PLUGIN ONLY WORKS IN MP_TIMELIMT, SO YOU CAN'T USE MP_MAXROUNDS. RECOMMEND MAX PLAYERS IS 10. Donate If you apreciate my work, you can donate me via steam trade offer. Credits S4 League Developers - Thanks for their awesome game, I take idea, sound effects, bgms and overlay effect from this game. boomix - I take the flag model and lots of code(weapon menu, terminate round...etc) from his ctf gamemode. mottzi - I take the ball model and some code(spawn ball) from his Simple Ball Plugin. iEx - I think auras I use in this gamemode are made by him. I found files in my game folder, maybe I got them from someone's server. DEMO Server 【TW】 AkamiStudio Touch Down 達陣模式 Beta | TWF.TW" Connect Git Repo Download Maps Third party plugins Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Original idea: Rainbowize! Description: Rainbow chat name/message (Support Chinese Simplified/Traditional) Dependencies: This plugin requires Chat-Processor Convars: src_name_flag - Set flag for vip must have to get access to rainbow chat name feature src_message_flag - Set flag for vip must have to get access to rainbow chat messge feature Screenshot: GitHub Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (simplerainbowchat.sp - 3.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. ! WARNING ! You need to restart the server after you add the plugin to prevent any bugs. ! WARNING ! Plugin Description : I made a simple plugin that shows the player's time played. Plugin Commands : sm_timeplayed - It's showing the time you played on the server. sm_time - Shortcut number 2. sm_hours - Shortcut number 3. Changelogs : Code: - 1.0.0 - RELEASE. IF THERE IS ANY BUG OR YOU HAVE SOME IDEAS TO ADD LEAVE A REPLY ! Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (timeplayed.sp - 2.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. VIPRespawns Great for jailbreak servers! Description This plugins allows VIP's respawn 3 times per map. Server operators can use the config to define how many times a user is allowed to respawn per map, but 3 is default. It's a great way to award players that has purchased VIP on your servers, and fits extremely well for Jailbreak-servers! Installation Spoiler Download the plugin and drop in into your /addons/sourcemod/plugins/ folder. In server console, type: sm plugins load viprespawns Go to /cfg/sourcemod/viprespawns.cfg and change the settings if you want to. Done! Client commands Spoiler sm_vipspawn - Use one of your respawns. sm_spawnsleft - Returns how many respawns you have left. Config/CVars Spoiler // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.8.0.5998) // ConVars for plugin "viprespawn.smx" // Amount of times a user is allowed to respawn per map // - // Default: "3" respawn_amount "3" // Users with this flag are allowed to use the respawn command. // - // Default: "ADMFLAG_RESERVATION" respawn_flag "ADMFLAG_RESERVATION" Changelog Spoiler v1.2 Added option to change flag for VIP's in config. v1.1 Added config to configure amount of respawns allowed. v1.0 Initial release To-do No plans yet! Links Github Credits Thanks to B2SX for creating the base code after my request! Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Simple plugin that allows you to place world texts on the map ( ) and saves them. use !wtmenu to access the menu and all inputs go into /sourcemod/data/worldtexts/ (look at examples on github page) since worldtext doesn't support multiline \n the plugin will just do texts under like this: it reads the text from a file. crappy video on it github page (dl etc..) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Rate Thread Retake - FailToPlant for splewis Retake Kick/Ban players who failed to plant the bomb in splewis retake. Supports sourcemod bans, sourcebans & sourcebans++. ConVars Code: sm_retakes_fail_plant_enable - 0 - disabled, 1 - enable this plugin. sm_retakes_fail_plant_times - How many times to fail to plant bomb before take action? sm_retakes_fail_plant_action - What action after a player reach sm_retakes_fail_plant_times? 0 - Kick / 1 - Ban. sm_retakes_fail_plant_ban_time - How long should the player banned on 'sm_retakes_fail_plant_times' '2'? In Minutes / 0 = permanent. sm_retakes_fail_plant_reason - the kick/ban reason for a player. Required plugins Retake by splewis ChangeLog Quote: v1.0 initial release Credits :bacon!: Big thanks @splewis for his great work! Also big thanks to all sourcemod & metamod developers out there! Include file for compile Installation Quote: FailToPlant.smx -> addons/sourcemod/plugins/ FailToPlant.sp -> addons/sourcemod/scripting/ (optional) Config file sourcemod/retakes/FailToPlant.cfg will be generated after first startup Have Fun! Give feedback! Github You like my work for the community? Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (FailedToPlant.sp - 4.4 KB) FailedToPlant.smx (5.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. [ANY] LIMITED CVAR v1.1.2 Description: What does this plugin really do? so after a while i faced a small problem on my server while admins use to get rcon_password using sm_cvar on their conosle and become full admins or even run commands even when they are not in game, i decided to make such a replacement for sm_cvar and allow it to block some important cvars. Commands: sm_cmd --> a simple replacement for sm_cvar (flag "d" is required for this). Configs: The configuration file is very simple, all you need to do is format your commands like this. PHP Code: "cvars" { "CONVAR" "" "rcon_password" "" "hostip" "" } Installation: very simple! just copy everything to addons folder. 22/5/2017 Just Released. Attached Files Limited_Cvar (6.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Simple plugin to open jailbreak cells. COMMANDS: sm_cells [Need to be CT or have KICK flag] CREDITS: Chaosxk for he's idea caching the entities at map start. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (cells.sp - 1.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł Last edited by Vaggelis; 05-22-2017 at 19:10. Reason: updated info
  14. Oshroth's Backpack by MasterMind420 Full credit for the idea goes to the original author Oshroth. This is an enhanced version of his plugin with many features added. You can find his thread here - Backpack gives survivors the ability to store extra items in their backpacks. There is a known issue with the pills not being passed correctly. This should be fixed Any plugins that blocks access to the give command for normal users will break this plugin. Chat Commands !bp - allows players to view there backpacks !vbp - allows admins to view all players backpacks There is a .cfg that will be created with many options which are self explanatory. v0.8 Items automatically refill empty slots. Limit backpack contents added. (Optional) Pickup items while incap added. (Optional) Display a backpack on players backs added. (Optional) Configure players starting backpack contents added. (Optional) Pills passing problem from the original plugin should be fixed. Starting backpack contents may be buggy, minimal testing has been done. There's a compatibility issue with plugins that give throwables, they duplicate. THIS IS A TEST RELEASE PLEASE REPORT ANY BUGS YOU FIND Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_backpack.sp - 84.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Description: Hi guys, this is a super simple plugin i created for my csgo server while struggling to make a dd2 server and valve's commands seemed not to work, anyway if you don't have troubles like me with that, feel free to just ignore this! ConVars: sm_plugin_enable "1" --> Enable/Disable the plugin sm_map_name "de_dust2" --> You map name to host it 24/7 Installation: Actully , there is nothing special to do, just copy paste it into plugins folder. Version 1.0.2 5/20/2017 Just released. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (menforcer.sp - 963 Bytes) menforcer.smx (4.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. This replace the old Basechat with no colors in chat. this version has added "GREEN" colors on admin chat. Attached Files basechat.smx (9.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (basechat.sp - 11.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. This plugin its just a simple money system. When you kill a guy it gives you money. On player connect it loads money and on player disconnect it saves the money. I will add more features later COMMANDS: sm_setmoney <name> <amount> CVARS: money_hs_bonus <20> How much extra money with a headshot kill money_kill <100> How much money for killing 1 player money_lose_suicide <50> How much money lose on suicide NATIVES: SetMoney(client, amount) GetMoney(client) Players money saved in data/money.txt Code: "Money" { "STEAM_1:0:12345678" { "Current Money" "100" } "STEAM_1:0:87654321" { "Current Money" "80" } } Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (money_system.sp - 3.4 KB) (135 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Description: Spawn bots where you aim with a command like bot_place (works only in local server) but with a sourcemod plugin. Set this cvar for spawn static bots: Code: sm_cvar bot_stop 1 Set this cvar for prevent round end: Code: sm_cvar mp_ignore_round_win_conditions 1 Commands: !bot - Spawn a bot where you aim (Root access needed). !nobot - Kick all bots spawned by the !bot command (Root access needed). Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. Stealth Revived A proper stealth plugin that actually works. What is this? Stealth Revived is a plugin which aims to help server admins catch cheaters by hiding them completely when they go into spectator. What does the plugin currently do? Hides stealthed admins from scoreboard. Hides stealthed admins from status. Blocks cheats with "Show spectator option" How does it work? Simple join spectator while you have Admin Kick flag (Or you can change it using the override 'admin_stealth') and you will vanish, Now you can easily spectate cheaters and they will never know! Does it support games other than CSGO / TF2? It does partially, but the status rewrite for games other than TF2 and CSGO is not yet supported. Requirements (All of these are optional but recommended for better functionality): PTAH (CSGO ONLY) - For the status rewrite. SteamWorks (Any game) OR SteamTools (TF2 only) - For more accurate IP and VAC checking. SendProxy (Any game) - For improved stealth hiding against cheats. Installation Copy the folder structure to your gameserver and it should work straight away. Install the optional extensions for improved functionality. Configure the override 'admin_stealth' to whatever flag you like. Join spectator and have fun catching cheaters. Cvars sm_stealth_customstatus (Should the plugin rewrite status out? 0 = False, 1 = True) [Default 1] sm_stealth_fakedc (Should the plugin fire a fake disconnect when somebody goes stealth? 0 = False, 1 = True) [Default 1] sm_stealth_cmd_interval (How often can the status cmd be used in seconds?) [Default 1] Notes / Known issues The TF2 status rewrite does not yet properly count points, This is being looked into. TF2 has not been thoroughly tested, but from what I can tell it works fine apart from above mentioned issue. Repository: I enjoy working with other people and if you want to contribute then here is the Bitbucket. Credits I would like to thank everyone who has helped made this project possible, I am sorry if I forgot anyone. Drixevel Always been around for questions on steam, has more TF2 knowledge than me. komashchenko For PTAH, without this extension rewriting status is CSGO is not possible! Byte Private testing and helping me come up with ShouldTransmit method. Sneak Private testing. Psychonic Help and suggestions over sourcemod IRC. Asherkin Help and suggestions over sourcemod IRC. Necavi For original admin stealth plugin. ( Chaosxk For SendProxy stuff. ( Enjoy :) Attached Files (84.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Thought this exploit was hilarious, but I can see how game breaking it is, so here's a plugin to help you guys out :P Wait, wut? Watch this video: What does it do? Just makes sure the client cant change team during teleportation. Installation? Drop on server, load it, done. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (TF2TeleFix.sp - 1.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Is it possible to have messages only for the tank with this plugins or modify it I am a beginner if a person could help me I would be very grateful. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Info: Please note: I have only tested in L4D2. I am waiting to add the gamedata signatures for L4D1. Thanks: XJR15 - For the request here: CVars: PHP Code: // Knife Unlock plugin version. l4d_heal_revive_fix Changes: Code: 1.0 (18-May-2017) - Initial Release. Installation: Click "Get Plugin" and put the .smx file into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder. Download the .txt gamedata file and put into your servers \addons\sourcemod\gamedata\ folder. Attached Files l4d_revive_end.txt (794 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_heal_revive_fix.sp - 2.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Description: FirstPersonDeath lets you see through your dead body, after you died. Based on this plugin I fixed it and I made a new thread for support this plugin since the original author is inactive. Cvars: Put in server.cfg Code: fpd_enable 1 // Enable disable fpd_black 3000 // Decide the faiding time for fadetoblack (in ms), 0 = disabled. fpd_stay 7 // Seconds to stay in the dead body, 0 = disabled stay till spawn Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Before I start explaining, I must say that I'm generally a bad scripter but I made this plugin and no bugs were found in the tests. The plugin when the cvar is set to 1 sends any player that spawns near safe room door to ghost, preventing him from exploiting a bug that allows him to "teleport" to inside. There is only one cvar, which is "l4d2_anti_breach". When the cvar is set to 0, the plugin is disabled. When the cvar is set to 1, the plugin is enabled. When the cvar is set to 2, the plugin kills any player infected that spawn from 150 units to the safe room door without attempting to send them to ghost state. If you don't add the game data, the cvar set to 1 acts as if it were set to 2. Other than tutorials, I took some of the code from these locations: 1. InfectedForceGhost from InfectedAPI ( ) 2. Locating all entities that exist from Silvers' response to my question. ( ) 3. The classname of the safe room door from l4d_loading. ( ) Please comment if you find any problems with the plugin. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (AntiBreach.sp - 3.8 KB) l4d2_anti_breach.txt (685 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. [TF2] Murder If you haven't played it before, Murder is a popular gamemode for Garry's Mod where 1 player has to kill everyone to win, while another player must defend the rest of the players who are defenseless from the murderer, and kill him before it's too late. And now it's available for TF2, although due to TF2's structure it's a bit different and as this is the beta and first release of it I would appreciate if you could report bugs to me and come with ideas to improve it further. Features All players are red spies with the sapper equipped only. The murderer has a knife that instantly kills. The sheriff has a gun with slow reload that instantly kills. When an innocent is killed (non-sheriff, non-murderer) they will not be able to communicate with the living. Spectating players is not allowed. ConVars sm_mm_setuptime - Amount of seconds before sheriff and murderer is chosen. Default is 45.0 seconds. Dependencies (plugins required to run the gamemode) SteamTools TF2Items TF2Attributes Installation Instructions Simply put the murdermodtf2.smx into your sourcemod/plugins folder and make sure you have all listed dependencies installed. Compatible Maps Anything except maps with arena logic should work with this plugin, however it does not open/delete door entities or other spawn-blocking entities for maps such as payload (although it doesn't matter because you're all on same team eitherway). Notes To be able to disable respawning for dead people due to non-arena maps, the plugin is increasing the cvar spec_freeze_time tremendously, and it's not recommended to change this cvar or have it in your server.cfg as it will break the plugin. Current Known Issues You can inspect players and see who's the murderer/sheriff by their weapons. Hit detection for the murderer's knife is sometimes not dectected even though the hitsound is played. Changelog Quote: 2017-05-11 (v0.1 BETA) * Initial Release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (murdermodtf2.sp - 20.5 KB) murdermodtf2.smx (23.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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