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  1. Description: As a request from Dr. Lightmare here, this plugin allows the AI to grab and use ammo packs in situations that can be configured: Their primary weapons have low ammunition. (This also applies to Tier 3 weapons and hidden CS:S weapons as well.) During a tank's spawn. During a witch's spawn. During a mob's spawn. ConVars: "ammo_pack_deployers-l4d2_version" - "1.0" (Version of this plugin) "apd-l4d2_low_ammo" - "1" (Enable/Disable check for low ammunition) "apd-l4d2_tank_spawns" - "1" (Enable/Disable check for tank spawns) "apd-l4d2_witch_spawns" - "1" (Enable/Disable check for witch spawns) "apd-l4d2_mob_spawns" - "1" (Enable/Disable check for mob spawns) "apd-l4d2_min_ammo_smgs" - "15" (Minimum ammunition required for SMG ammo checks) "apd-l4d2_min_ammo_t1shotguns" - "10" (Minimum ammunition required for Tier 1 Shotgun ammo checks) "apd-l4d2_min_ammo_rifles" - "25" (Minimum ammunition required for Rifle ammo checks) "apd-l4d2_min_ammo_t2shotguns" - "10" (Minimum ammunition required for Tier 2 Shotgun ammo checks) "apd-l4d2_min_ammo_snipers" - "20" (Minimum ammunition required for Sniper ammo checks) "apd-l4d2_min_ammo_m60s" - "30" (Minimum ammunition required for M60 ammo checks) "apd-l4d2_min_ammo_launchers" - "5" (Minimum ammunition required for Grenade Launcher ammo checks) Commands: Blank. :) Bugs: We're good! :up: Notes: Don't panic if you don't want to install Left 4 Downtown 2 extension. This plugin already has a back-up plan which is mostly hooking events to make checks there. :up: Don't worry about not installing Left 4 Downtown 2 extension this time. You can substitute the "bots grabbing ammo packs" method with the Gear Transfer plugin instead. Just don't forget to not let the bots pass the ammo packs so they can use it. :) Changelog: 02-03-2018: First (and possibly last) release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ammo_pack_deployers-l4d2.sp - 21.5 KB) ammo_pack_deployers-l4d2.smx (13.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Competitive Handler Description: This is a plugin that automatically executes a config when there's 10 players in total on the server. This plugin also includes a hint text that shows the name of your community / server, aswell as the players connected. The only problem I've got with this plugin is these annoying spam messages in the chat, for whenever the server executes the configs. That's number one on my "todolist". But I still hope you guys enjoy this plugin, and I think it's cool. Sorry for my bad english :) ToDoList : Remove All the annoying spam. Add translations. Add cvars Add config file, so it's easier to configure for your needs Steam: Community: Discord: Attached Files competitive.smx (6.2 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (competitive.sp - 1.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. About: This plugin is a short and simple fix for the backtrack exploit. Description: Backtrack is a popular feature in cheats. It's an exploit that makes delayed aim act as proper aim. It works by logging the players' hitbox positions for the X previous ticks, and then abuses the game's lag compensation in order to make the server think that the player is hitting someone even though in reality, their aim is incorrect and delayed. This plugin works by not allowing players to decrement their usercmd->tick_count. Examples of backtracking in action: Settings: backtrack_behavior (default, 1) - Should the plugin be enabled? 0 - no 1 - eliminate backtracking (fix the exploit) 2 - kick offending players 3 - ban offending players backtrack_bantime (default, 0) -When banning, for how long should we ban? (in minutes) 0 - permanent This plugin creates a config file in cfg/sourcemod/. You can edit the setting(s) there. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (backtrack_fix.sp - 1.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Note: This plugin also makes mp_flashlight's minimum value to 1, making it impossible to disable unless you unload the plugin and restart the server. You can use this plugin as an alternative to Mitchell's Flashlight plugin. Description: This plugin brings back the flashlight functionality in CS:GO by hooking +lookatweapon. This method also respects impulse 100. Settings: nativeflashlight_base (default, 0) - Enable the base functionality of +lookatweapon? This plugin creates a config file in cfg/sourcemod/. You can edit the setting(s) there. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (flashlight.sp - 1.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. This is plugin for jailbreak gamemode Core - jwp_core.smx All other .smx files are modules of core Github page: Extended documentation is available here: Cvars for Core PHP Code: // How to choose warden 1:random 2:command 3:voting // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "3.000000" jwp_choose_mode "2" // Protect menu from random selecting // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" jwp_disable_antiflood "1" // Time before warden randomly picked if choose mode = 1 // - // Default: "5" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "30.000000" jwp_random_wait "5" // Time for voting if choose mode = 3 // - // Default: "30" // Minimum: "10.000000" // Maximum: "60.000000" jwp_vote_time "30" // Enable (1) or disable (0) auto update. Need Updater! // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" jwp_autoupdate "0" Attached Files (1.12 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. [CS:GO] Cow Anti-Cheat ABOUT: This plugin is designed to be a fool-proof anti-cheat. While making and testing this plugin I have had multiple users who spent hours on end trying to cause false positives, through this testing we can assert that false positives are nearly impossible to produce. DEPENDENCIES: Sourcebans++ DETECTIONS: Aimbot Triggerbot Silent-Strafe Bhop Macro/Hyperscroll AutoShoot InstaDefuse I plan on adding more in future updates. CONVARS: You can use these ConVars to enable/disable detection features. Default: 1 (enabled) ac_aimbot ac_bhop ac_silentstrafe ac_triggerbot ac_macro ac_autoshoot ac_instadefuse COMMANDS: Code: - sm_bhopcheck / !bhopcheck INSTALLATION: Install CowAntiCheat.smx into the /plugins/ folder inside of Sourcemod on your game server Load the plugin manually, or change maps Watch the bans roll in! BUGS: If you find any issues or bugs please post them here or message me on steam. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (CowAntiCheat.sp - 21.5 KB) CowAntiCheat.smx (14.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Description: This adds !votedifficulty commands that allow you to start F1/F2 vote (thanks to NativeVotes) (I have actually seen that too many players don't understand the sourcemod menu votes, especially in l4d2) Code: Usage: !votedifficulty <difficulty> (easy;normal;hard;impossible) Requirements: NativeVotes) [L4D2] Difficulty Override because l4d2 doesn't listen to z_difficulty cvar in gamemodes other than coop ( and this one requires the left4downtown2) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (DifficultyVote.sp - 2.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. AUTOMATIC VIP (flags) - !testvip 0.1 My FIRST PLUGIN.I created this plugin because long time i searched plugin which will automatic delete "vip".In the next updates i want add support with web (add flags for users to time ...). cvars: sm_testvip_flags = CreateConVar("sm_testvip_flags", "ar", "What flags get user ?"); sm_testvip_days = CreateConVar("sm_testvip_days", "10", "How long time(days) user get flags"); You must add to csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg Quote: "autovip" { "driver" "mysql" "host" " " "database" " " "user" " " "pass" " " } IN MYSQL DATABASE : PHP Code: #include <sourcemod> #include <sdkhooks> #include <sdktools> #include <cstrike> #define FLAG_LETTERS_SIZE 26 #define MAX_PLAYERS 32 // maksymalna ilosc graczy na serwerze new AdminFlag:g_FlagLetters[FLAG_LETTERS_SIZE]; Handle sql; new Handle:sm_testvip_flags = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:sm_testvip_days = INVALID_HANDLE; char dbError[512]; public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "VIP mysql", author = "Sky", description = "VIP automatic", version = "0.1", //url = "<- URL ->" } public OnPluginStart() { CreateConVar("auto_vip", "0.1", "AUTO-DELETE FLAGS FOR TIME", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY); HookEvent("player_spawn", PlayerSpawn); g_FlagLetters = CreateFlagLetters(); sm_testvip_flags = CreateConVar("sm_testvip_flags", "ar", "What flags get user ?"); sm_testvip_days = CreateConVar("sm_testvip_days", "10", "How long time(days) user get flags"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_testvip", testvip); DataBaseConnect(); } public Action:PlayerSpawn(Handle:event_spawn, String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event_spawn, "userid")); if(!IsValidClient(client) || IsFakeClient(client)) return; WriteToDatabase(client); GiveFlagBySteamid(client); UpdateTimeDatabase(client); GetDateBySteamid(client);// Every spawn Update/Delete flag,date to user } public Action:GiveFlagBySteamid(client) { new String:tmp[1024]; decl String:player_authid[32]; if (GetClientAuthString(client, player_authid, sizeof(player_authid))) { Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "SELECT `flags` FROM `autovip` WHERE steamid = '%s';", player_authid); SQL_TQuery(sql, GiveFlagBySteamidContinue, tmp, client); } } public GiveFlagBySteamidContinue(Handle:owner, Handle:query, const String:error[], any:client) { decl String:player_authid[32]; if(query == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogError("Load error: %s", error); return; } if(SQL_GetRowCount(query)) { new String:flags[512]; while(SQL_MoreRows(query)) { while(SQL_FetchRow(query)) { flags[client] = SQL_FetchString(query, 0, flags, sizeof(flags)); SQL_FetchString(query, 0, flags, sizeof(flags)); if (GetClientAuthString(client, player_authid, sizeof(player_authid))) { for (new i = 0; i < strlen(flags); ++i) { if (flags[i] < 'a' || flags[i] > 'z') continue; if (g_FlagLetters[flags[i]-'a'] < Admin_Reservation) continue; new AdminId:admin; admin = AdminId:FindAdminByIdentity("steam", player_authid); SetAdminFlag(AdminId:admin, g_FlagLetters[flags[i]-'a'], true); } } } } } } public Action:GetDateBySteamid(client) { new String:tmp[1024]; decl String:player_authid[32]; if (GetClientAuthString(client, player_authid, sizeof(player_authid))) { Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date`), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`expirationdate`) FROM `autovip` WHERE steamid = '%s';", player_authid); SQL_TQuery(sql, GetDateBySteamidContinue, tmp, client); } } public Action:testvip(client, args) { new String:tmp[1024]; decl String:player_authid[32]; if (GetClientAuthString(client, player_authid, sizeof(player_authid))) { Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "SELECT `verify` FROM `autovip` WHERE steamid = '%s';", player_authid); SQL_TQuery(sql, testvipcointinue, tmp, client); } } public testvipcointinue(Handle:owner, Handle:query, const String:error[], any:client) { decl String:player_authid[32]; new String:tmp[1024]; int day, month, year, endday, endmonth,endyear new String:sday[10]; new String:smonth[10]; new String:syear[10]; new Handle:testvip_flagstag = FindConVar("sm_testvip_flags"); new String:testvip_flags[32]; new dayinmonth[13] = {0, 31, 28, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; FormatTime(sday, sizeof(sday), "%d"); // Obtain day FormatTime(smonth, sizeof(smonth), "%m"); // Obtain month FormatTime(syear, sizeof(syear), "%Y"); // Obtain year day = StringToInt(sday); month = StringToInt(smonth); year = StringToInt(syear); new testvip_days = GetConVarInt(sm_testvip_days); GetConVarString(testvip_flagstag, testvip_flags, sizeof(testvip_flags)); endday = day + testvip_days; endmonth = month; endyear = year; if (endday > dayinmonth[month]) { endday = endday - dayinmonth[month]; endmonth = endmonth + 1; } if (endmonth == 13) { endyear = endyear + 1; endmonth = 1; } if(query == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogError("Load error: %s", error); return; } if(SQL_GetRowCount(query)) { new String:verify[512]; int verifyint; while(SQL_MoreRows(query)) { while(SQL_FetchRow(query)) { SQL_FetchString(query, 0, verify, sizeof(verify)); verifyint = StringToInt(verify); if (verifyint == 0) { if (GetClientAuthString(client, player_authid, sizeof(player_authid))) { PrintToChat(client, "\x01[\x04VIP\x01] You activated \x04VIP\x01"); Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "UPDATE `autovip` SET flags = '%s' ,verify = '1', expirationdate = '%i-%i-%i' WHERE steamid = '%s';", testvip_flags,endyear,endmonth,endday,player_authid); SQL_TQuery(sql, WriteToDatabase_Handler, tmp, client); } } else { PrintToChat(client, "\x01[\x04VIP\x01] You can't activate again \x04VIP\x01"); } } } } } public GetDateBySteamidContinue(Handle:owner, Handle:query, const String:error[], any:client) { decl String:player_authid[32]; new String:tmp[1024]; if(query == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogError("Load error: %s", error); return; } if(SQL_GetRowCount(query)) { new String:date[512]; new String:expirationdate[512]; int dateint,expirationdateint; while(SQL_MoreRows(query)) { while(SQL_FetchRow(query)) { SQL_FetchString(query, 0, date, sizeof(date)); SQL_FetchString(query, 1, expirationdate, sizeof(expirationdate)); dateint = StringToInt(date); expirationdateint = StringToInt(expirationdate); dateint = ((expirationdateint - dateint)/60/60/24); if (dateint >= 1) { PrintToChat(client, "\x01[\x04VIP\x01] Your VIP will expire in \x04%i day(s)\x01",dateint); if (GetClientAuthString(client, player_authid, sizeof(player_authid))) { Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "UPDATE `autovip` SET howmanydays = '%i' WHERE steamid = '%s';", dateint,player_authid); SQL_TQuery(sql, WriteToDatabase_Handler, tmp, client); } } else if (dateint <= 0) { Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "UPDATE `autovip` SET flags = ' ', howmanydays = '0' WHERE steamid = '%s';", player_authid); SQL_TQuery(sql, WriteToDatabase_Handler, tmp, client); } } } } } public Action:DataBaseConnect() { sql = SQL_Connect("autovip", true, dbError, sizeof(dbError)); if(sql == INVALID_HANDLE) PrintToServer("Could not connect: %s", dbError); SQL_LockDatabase(sql); SQL_FastQuery(sql, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `autovip` (`id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `steamid` VARCHAR(48) NOT NULL, `flags` VARCHAR(48) NOT NULL, `dupkey` VARCHAR(48), `date` VARCHAR(15), `expirationdate` VARCHAR(15), `howmanydays` INT(11), `verify` INT(4) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `keyid` (`dupkey`,`steamid`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci;"); SQL_UnlockDatabase(sql); } public Action:WriteToDatabase(client) { new String:tmp[1024]; decl String:player_authid[32]; if (GetClientAuthString(client, player_authid, sizeof(player_authid))) { Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "INSERT INTO `autovip` (`steamid`,`dupkey`) VALUES ('%s','%skey');", player_authid,player_authid); SQL_TQuery(sql, WriteToDatabase_Handler, tmp, client); } } public Action:UpdateTimeDatabase(client) { int day, month, year new String:sday[10]; new String:smonth[10]; new String:syear[10]; FormatTime(sday, sizeof(sday), "%d"); // Obtain day FormatTime(smonth, sizeof(smonth), "%m"); // Obtain month FormatTime(syear, sizeof(syear), "%Y"); // Obtain year day = StringToInt(sday); month = StringToInt(smonth); year = StringToInt(syear); new String:tmp[1024]; decl String:player_authid[32]; if (GetClientAuthString(client, player_authid, sizeof(player_authid))) { Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "UPDATE `autovip` SET date = '%i-%i-%i' WHERE steamid = '%s';", year,month,day,player_authid); SQL_TQuery(sql, WriteToDatabase_Handler3, tmp, client); } } public WriteToDatabase_Handler(Handle:owner, Handle:query, const String:error[], any:client) { if(query == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogError("Save error: %s", error); return; } } public WriteToDatabase_Handler2(Handle:owner, Handle:query, const String:error[], any:client) { if(query == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogError("Save error: %s", error); return; } } public WriteToDatabase_Handler3(Handle:owner, Handle:query, const String:error[], any:client) { if(query == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogError("Save error: %s", error); return; } } public bool:IsValidClient(client) { if(client >= 1 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientInGame(client)) return true; return false; } stock AdminFlag:CreateFlagLetters() { new AdminFlag:FlagLetters[FLAG_LETTERS_SIZE]; FlagLetters['a'-'a'] = Admin_Reservation; FlagLetters['b'-'a'] = Admin_Generic; FlagLetters['c'-'a'] = Admin_Kick; FlagLetters['d'-'a'] = Admin_Ban; FlagLetters['e'-'a'] = Admin_Unban; FlagLetters['f'-'a'] = Admin_Slay; FlagLetters['g'-'a'] = Admin_Changemap; FlagLetters['h'-'a'] = Admin_Convars; FlagLetters['i'-'a'] = Admin_Config; FlagLetters['j'-'a'] = Admin_Chat; FlagLetters['k'-'a'] = Admin_Vote; FlagLetters['l'-'a'] = Admin_Password; FlagLetters['m'-'a'] = Admin_RCON; FlagLetters['n'-'a'] = Admin_Cheats; FlagLetters['o'-'a'] = Admin_Custom1; FlagLetters['p'-'a'] = Admin_Custom2; FlagLetters['q'-'a'] = Admin_Custom3; FlagLetters['r'-'a'] = Admin_Custom4; FlagLetters['s'-'a'] = Admin_Custom5; FlagLetters['t'-'a'] = Admin_Custom6; FlagLetters['z'-'a'] = Admin_Root; return FlagLetters; } Attached Files auto_vip.smx (9.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (auto_vip.sp - 10.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. Dear modders, I want to introduce a new RollTheDice plugin. But this time, a magic one :up: We spend multiple months to develop a fully modular, extensible and highly configurable dice plugin. Now it's time to test it more widely. And we would like to see new modules added to it from the community. Keep in mind the plugin is in its first beta, so please report any bugs / issues or new ideas. Currently, the plugin is just tested with CS:S. But support for other games like CS:GO will be implemented in the future. We documented all steps over in the plugins wiki. So if you want to give it a try, feel free to have a look :) General overview Installation for users Documentation for developers (we documented a lot in the code!) We're using GitLab (something like GitHub in better) for development. GitLab provides a lot of enterprise-grade features free of charge for open-source-products. If you want to contribute, please create an account over there or just log in using your GitHub account ;) Players can dice using the command !w List of currently implemented modules: AddDices FieldOfView Freeze FroggyJump Gravity HitDamage LongJump NoClip Nothing Rocket Slap Speed ThrowingKnives Weapon Nervous Aftermath Colors Falldamge Overlay Refuse Waterbreath You can configure results that using one or multiple of the features. This way you can create combinations of modules which resulting in a "new virtual module". Hint: A module is a result a player can dice. This module for example will give the player a wapon_deagle and sets the field of view to 150: Code: "20" { "md_weapon" { "param1" "weapon_deagle" // Which weapon? "param2" "1" // How many of this weapon? (handy for grenades) "param3" "7" // Primary mag-size? "param4" "16" // Clip mag-size } "md_fov" { "param1" "150" // Field of view } "prob" "1" // uncommon probabillity (happen not so often) } A great list of examples is configured in the default results.cfg. You can also configure random result parameters. For example if you configure a result like: Code: "0" { "md_adddices" // The module to use in this dice result (md_adddices adds more dices) { "param1" "<|rnd:int 1,3|>" // This will randomly add 1, 2 or 3 dice turns } "prob" "3" // The probabillity that this will be a dice result - Higher values are more common } If you want to intoduce some randomness, you can do it by using random parameters in the results config. We have created random parser for integers, floats and strings For details about these features have a look at the wiki documentation! So we hope you can take advantage of this! We are curious for feedback and suggestions. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Speedrunner Tools makes speedrun recording more convenient. Version based on SourceMod used to embed functionality in the Scripted Maps mode of the Speedrunner Tools addon. Installation: server/cfg/sourcemod/plugins/sm_speedrunner_tools.smx server/cfg/sourcemod/gamedata/st_signs.txt Commands: sm_restart – Restart the game. sm_ccmd – Send the command to client. Specify client index and command (example: sm_ccmd 4 "setang 45 90 0"). sm_setammo – Send the ammo size to client (read the usage tutorial on this page, it is not neccessary to install [L4D2] Set Ammo plugin, ST already contains it). sm_idle – Scripted go_away_from_keyboard. Specify client index or without args for self. sm_take – Scripted sb_takecontrol. Specify client index or without args for self. sm_reload – Toggle fast weapon reload. sm_fake – Fake client adjuster. To interact, use args: "1-3" – add and set fake client team; "kill" – kick fake client from the game; "go" – set the idle at picker; "take" – take a bot control for all idle players. Links: Download ST: Download Auto Bunnyhop: Download Auto Commonboost: Attached Files st_signs.txt (779 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_speedrunner_tools.sp - 19.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Description: Dodgeball addon for multi-1v1 mod. Requeriments: Multi-1v1 Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. This plugin will reset the env_tonemap_controller, env_wind's value when all round ends. the previous map have env_tonemap_controller, env_wind, but if next map don't have they, previous map's values (env_tonemap_controller, env_wind's value) is happens on next map. (it means, if the previous map have veery shiny value of tonemap controller, if nextmap dont have tonemap controller, that shiny effect still exist on nextmap even map is changed. same as env_wind) sooo this plugin reset the value if nextmap dont have they. (when map change, actullay round ends) that's it and i didn't made this plugin, The original author is Billy. He suggested upload plugin here to me very useful link: thanks to Syoudous and Enviolinador credits to Billy :clap: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ents_defaulter.sp - 2.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    Database connection is lost or not yet initialized. Help meeeeeeeeee Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. This is a plugin for No More Room in Hell that attempts to fix bugs, restore features, add missing sound effects and improve the quality of the game. This plugin is in beta so there is likely to be bugs. Any help testing the plugin is appreciated. It requires DHooks. Features/changes Zombies: No AOE bite damage. Zombies don't grab players during cutscene or through doors/chainlink fences/etc. National Guards drop frag grenade. National Guards drop loot above ground. Crawlers: Players can crouch when grabbed by a crawler. Crawlers don't stand up to attack objects or to climb. Crawlers don't open doors. Kids: Kids don't T-pose trying to bash walls or when pushed from side or back. Medicine: Medical items can be equipped at any time. [ConVar] Vaccinated players will not consume additional gene therapy injectors. Prevents phantom inventory items. Medical items auto-equip previous weapon. Weapons: Suiciding with a firearm plays gunshot sound. Arrows can be retrieved from doors. Arrows stick to objects faithfully. (Previous behaviour only rotates object in place.) TNT and frag grenades play explosion sounds. TNT and frag grenades warp slightly off-ground at detonation for improved effectiveness near clutter. Zombies that survive explosions are shoved by the blast. Molotov inferno plays fire sound effect. Zombies killed by molotovs, flares and gascan fires attribute kills to the instigating player. Maglite can be used with cleaver. Heavy melee weapons (fubar, sledge and pickaxe) drain stamina once per swing. [ConVar] Other melee weapons ignore stamina drain on wall hit if at least one zombie was hurt. [ConVar] Fubar charge animation is 15% faster (the initial flip animation in player's hands). Double-barrel SV10 shotgun reloads 40% faster. Increased Mac-10 damage to match the Colt 1911. Mac-10 is semi-automatic. [ConVar] Bayonet plays stab sound effect. Bayonet cool-down reworked to be shorter than a normal shove. It now uses machete-tier damage. [ConVar] Non-bayonet SKS uses standard shove cooldown. Other: Players don't bleed out from environmental damage (toxic waste, infected water, fall damage, etc). Infected players that die from substantial damage will not reanimate. Extinguishers and welders don't drop carried items when equipped. Sprinting into water doesn't lock the player into sprinting until leaving. Fixes sprint issue when taking items from supply crates. Fixes misplaced map items being unobtainable. Fixes board pickups that don't give ammo. Client command to fix ice-skating movement. [ConVar] Exposes forwards for other Sourcemod plugins (see below). ConVars qol_skate_cooldown - Number of seconds player must wait between /skaterboy commands. Negative value disables command. qol_mac10_semiautomatic - Whether the Mac10 should be semiautomatic instead of full-auto. qol_sks_bayonet_change - Whether to use faster bayonet with machete-tier damage. qol_melee_change - Whether to use new melee stamina drain rules. qol_medical_wield - Whether to allow players to wield medical items at all times (so they may be thrown). Commands sm_skaterboy - Fix jittery ice-skating player movement. Forwards PHP Code: // Called whenever a national guard spawns a loot drop. public void OnNationalGuardLoot(int national_guard, int loot); // Called whenever player consumes a medical item. public void OnPlayerUsedBandages(int player, int item); public void OnPlayerUsedPills(int player, int item); public void OnPlayerUsedFirstAid(int player, int item); public void OnPlayerUsedGeneTherapy(int player, int item); Rationale Some features can be disabled with ConVars if they're not desired. With this plugin players can always equip bandages, pills, gene therapy and first aid. This allows players to preemptively select a medical item and throw it to distant teammates. The rules for using the items remain unchanged except for gene therapy which can only be used by non-vaccinated players. The change to how stamina is drained with melee weapons makes combat more predictable. Players can fight in tight hallways without worrying about the wide trace pattern inevitably hitting a wall and decimating their stamina. Heavy weapons drain stamina once per swing to encourage multikills and allow players to adopt different tactics with different weapons. A short bayonet cool-down makes the bayonet more reliable and a better trade-off for its negatives: Default bayonet is slow: 3 second cool-down. SKS occupies large inventory space. Uses more stamina: shove cost 20 vs machete's swing cost 14. Can only hit one enemy at a time. Can't be charged up for extra damage. Can't be thrown at enemies. Can't be used with a maglite. A semiautomatic Mac-10 prevents the tendency for the gun to waste ammo. Its damage has also been boosted to match the Colt 1911 to be similar to how the MP5 deals the same amount of damage as the Beretta/Glock. The /skaterboy command can fix the jittery, ice-skating movement caused by alt-tabbing. Download/requirements This plugin requires DHooks. Attached Files (71.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. ATTENTION! I cannot guarantee that this plugin works on all maps properly. It is always possible that a custom campaign will pass the button presser as the cause of a panic event, which is at the moment exclusive only to car alarms. Anyways enjoy! No cvars or something. It'll print this when someone triggers the alarm, %N being the name. "\x03%N \x01has triggered the\x04 car alarm!\x01 I want to see the\x05 hate!" Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (AlarmInformer.sp - 747 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. My first plugin, it allows admins with the slay flag to change teams at any time with sm_joinred and sm_joinblu, also works in mvm but i wouldn't reccomend it due to bugs. Any feedback is appreciated! Attached Files first_plugin.smx (4.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (first_plugin.sp - 1.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Description : [Levels Ranks] Module - Overlays is the module for the Levels Ranks plug-in. This module shows overlays for each rank when it is raised or lowered. Screenshot : Supported Games : Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source Requirements : SourceMod and higher (only stable) [Levels Ranks] Core How to install : 1) Uninstall the previous version of the plug-in, if available 2) Extract the contents of the archive into folders 3) Configure the files:- addons/sourcemod/configs/levels_ranks/overlays.ini​​​ 4) Flip the download paths of the overlays from the file (Paths of files):- addons/sourcemod/configs/levels_ranks/downloads.ini​​​ 5) Restart the server Attached Files Module - Overlays (953.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Options: Player Voting by using the command: /votear Admin Vote for Enabling AutoRespawn Menual Usage Timer for Auto Disbaling Spawn Protection Pastebin Link: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (AdvancedAutoRespawn.sp - 8.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. HexSpy A simple command spy that let you see what commands are other player running! Features: Code: Command toggleable. Immunity support. By default all sm_* commands are included (Es: /kick, /ban, !mute, ...). The command spy status (enabled/disabled) is saved using clientpreferences. (Means that you have to enable it only one time!) Remove/Add more commands by editing the plugin config! Commands: Code: /hexspy (Alias: /cmdspy) --> Enable/Disable the command spy! Convars: Code: sm_hexspy_immunity (1) --> If true(1) who has an immunity lower can't see the cmd of one that has it higher How to install Code: 1. Download the plugin from here and put the addons folder in your /GAME folder! Config file (hexspy.ini) Code: //Use this file to include/exclude commands from the command spy! //By default all sm_* commands are included (es: /kick /help ...) //All commands like: +lookatweapon ... are not included. (Not all client-side commands can be tracked). //To include a new command this is the format: //+COMMAND //+lookatweapon (example) //To exclude a command the format is: //!sm_COMMAND //!sm_ban (example) ToDo - WIP - Known Bugs/Issues SourceCode on GitHub! Download Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Description : [Levels Ranks] Module - Respawn is the module for the Levels Ranks plug-in. This module allows players to reborn after their death and depending on their level, the number of revivals changes. Supported Games : Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source Requirements : SourceMod and higher (only stable) [Levels Ranks] Core How to install : 1) Uninstall the previous version of the plug-in, if available 2) Extract the contents of the archive into folders 3) Configure the files:- addons/sourcemod/configs/levels_ranks/respawn.ini​​ 4) Restart the server Attached Files Module - Respawn (12.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Description : [Levels Ranks] Module - Deathgift is the module for the Levels Ranks plug-in. With this module, players will in some cases drop gifts, and when selecting a gift will be given a certain amount of experience. Supported Games : Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source Requirements : SourceMod and higher (only stable) [Levels Ranks] Core How to install : 1) Uninstall the previous version of the plug-in, if available 2) Extract the contents of the archive into folders 3) Configure the files:- addons/sourcemod/configs/levels_ranks/deathgift.ini​​ 4) Restart the server Attached Files Module - DeathGift (250.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Description : [Levels Ranks] Module - Regen Armor is the module for the Levels Ranks plug-in. This module regenerates armor. Supported Games : Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source Requirements : SourceMod and higher (only stable) [Levels Ranks] Core How to install : 1) Uninstall the previous version of the plug-in, if available 2) Extract the contents of the archive into folders 3) Configure the files:- addons/sourcemod/configs/levels_ranks/regenarmor.ini​​ 4) Restart the server Attached Files Module - Regen Armor (13.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Hello, I want to offer you something special today. I hope you enjoy how much in this thing and thank you all for your viewing of this topic (1) PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> public plugin_init() { register_plugin("My Menu", "1.0", "LuXo KING Gaming"); register_clcmd("say /adminmenu2", "ShowMenu", _, ""); } public ShowMenu(id) { new menu = menu_create("Best MeNe VIP~BOSS~OWNER~Staff:", "LuXo"); menu_additem(menu, "|*|S.t.a.f.f \y(MeNu$)\w|*|", "", 0); // case 0 menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL); menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_PERPAGE, 6); menu_display(id, menu, 0); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public LuXo(id, menu, item) { if(item == MENU_EXIT) { menu_cancel(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new command[6], name[64], access, callback; menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, command, sizeof command - 1, name, sizeof name - 1, callback); switch(item) { case 0: client_cmd(id, "Staff_menu"); } menu_display(id, menu, 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } (2) PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <fun> #include <hamsandwich> #include <zombieplague> #define PLUGIN "STAFF~MENU2017-2018" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "LuXo" new STAFFMENU_1[33], STAFFMENU_2[33], STAFFMENU_3[33], STAFFMENU_4[33], STAFFMENU_5[33], STAFFMENU_6[33] public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) register_clcmd("Staff_menu", "menu") register_clcmd("/Staff_menu", "menu") register_clcmd("say /Staff_menu", "menu") register_logevent("round_end", 2, "2=Round_End") } public menu(id) { new menu = menu_create("\rSTAFF MENU VPS By LuXo KING Gaming", "LuXo") menu_additem(menu, "\w[\d Get 999 HP\r]\r[\yMap 1\w]", "1") menu_additem(menu, "\w[\d Get 800 \r]\r[\yMap 1\w]", "2") menu_additem(menu, "\w[\d Get Ammo 7000\r]\r[\yMap 1\w]", "3") menu_additem(menu, "\w[\y Plasmagun\r]\r[\yMap 1\°\w]", "4") menu_additem(menu, "\w[\y Balrog3\r]\r[\yMap 1\w]", "5") menu_additem(menu, "\w[\y Thunderbolt\r]\r[\yMap 1\w]", "6") menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXITNAME, "EXIT") menu_display(id, menu, 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public LuXo(id, menu, iten) { if(iten == MENU_EXIT) { menu_destroy(menu) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new data[6], iName[64], access, call_back menu_item_getinfo(menu, iten, access, data, 5, iName, 63, call_back) new key = str_to_num(data) switch(key) { case 1: { if(STAFFMENU_1[id] == 0) { STAFFMENU_1[id] = 5 set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + 999) } else client_print(id, print_chat, "[BOSS] Get Health 999 Wait Map1", STAFFMENU_1[id]) } case 2: { if(STAFFMENU_2[id] == 0) { STAFFMENU_2[id] = 5 set_user_armor(id, get_user_armor(id) + 800) } else client_print(id, print_chat, "[BOSS] Get Armor 800 Wait Map1", STAFFMENU_2[id]) } case 3: { if(STAFFMENU_3[id] == 0) { STAFFMENU_3[id] = 5 zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) + 7000) } else client_print(id, print_chat, "[BOSS] Get Ammo 7000 Wait Map1", STAFFMENU_3[id]) } case 4: { if(STAFFMENU_4[id] == 0) { STAFFMENU_4[id] = 4 client_cmd(id, "admin_get_plasmagun" ) } else client_print(id, print_chat, "[BOSS] Get Plasmagun Wait Map1", STAFFMENU_4[id]) } case 5: { if(STAFFMENU_5[id] == 0) { STAFFMENU_5[id] = 4 client_cmd(id, "admin_get_balrog3" ) } else client_print(id, print_chat, "[BOSS] Get Balrog3 Wait Map1", STAFFMENU_5[id]) } case 6: { if(STAFFMENU_6[id] == 0) { STAFFMENU_6[id] = 4 client_cmd(id, "admin_get_thunderbolt" ) } else client_print(id, print_chat, "[BOSS] Get Thunderbolt Wait Map1", STAFFMENU_6[id]) } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public round_end() { for(new id = 0; id <= get_maxplayers(); id++) { if(STAFFMENU_1[id] > 0) STAFFMENU_1[id] =- 1 if(STAFFMENU_2[id] > 0) STAFFMENU_2[id] =- 1 if(STAFFMENU_3[id] > 0) STAFFMENU_3[id] =- 1 if(STAFFMENU_4[id] > 0) STAFFMENU_4[id] =- 1 if(STAFFMENU_5[id] > 0) STAFFMENU_5[id] =- 1 if(STAFFMENU_6[id] > 0) STAFFMENU_6[id] =- 1 } } Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Hi everyone, this is my first public release of a plugin :D This plugin allows admins to use the command sm_baited (or /baited in chat) to remove a players gun and rebel status in the event that the gun they picked up was baited. Requirements: Needs sm_hosties Usage: sm_baited <name of player> Thanks to a few people on the SourceMod Discord for babysitting me thru making this :D Attached Files baited.smx (5.3 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (baited.sp - 1.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. Description: This is a simple team balance plugin, first time it move dead players, and if it need to moove more players it will move alive players, but first time it moove deads. Plugin check team balance at every round end. Version: 1.0.0 relase Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (teambalance2.sp - 2.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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