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Treść opublikowana przez ReQ7k

  1. ReQ7k

    !fk i !podziel

    Zależy jak wynagrodzisz :)
  2. Witam. Poszukuję modeli postaci, rekawiczek i broni. Byłbym bardzo wdzięczny jeżeli ktoś by mi podesłał jakąś paczkę, poszukuję Darth Vader Szturmowiec imperium kylo ren luke skywalker Kapitan Rex Generał Griveous Imperator Palpatain Darth Revan C3PO R2D2 Boba/Jango fett Leia Han Solo Z góry dzięki
  3. Data wydania tej paczki to 10 czerwiec 2016 więc już trochę stara i może nie działać :P zobacz czy wszystkie pluginy są aktualne a jeżeli bardzo chcesz dokładnie tą paczkę to wgraj starszego sourcemoda (ale nie wiem po co CI taka paczka :P to jest zwykłe ffa )
  4. Zapewne jest to vip by hanys ... to jest zwykle ffa
  5. Ale dalej zrobienie takiego serwera zajmie 1h :/ widziałem tylko 1 plugin, który mógłby być wykonany przez Ciebie a mianowicie "nopistol"- który też można pobrać z neta
  6. Te twoje "autorskie" pluginy niestety nie działają... nie mogę stwierdzić. które konkretnie ale nawet nie można chodzic
  7. Myślisz, że ktoś to kupi? serwer jest pobugowany i nie ma żadnych autorskich pluginów. Najgorsza paczka 4FUN jaka widzialem :D
  8. Nie wiem czy na 100% masz dobrze podpięte, ale tu masz wzór: "multi1v1" { "driver" "mysql" "host" "adres_bazy_msql" "database" "nazwa_bazy_danych" "user" "login" "pass" "haslo" "timeout" "10" "port" "3306" //domyślne jest 3306 } W readme pisze też, że ten plugin jest supportowany tylko dla sourcemod 1.7 więc na 1.8 mogą wystąpić bugi
  9. To jakiś konkretny plugin ? Czy ogólno dostępny . Jak dostępny to podeslij, postaram się pomoc
  10. Jest podłączona pod mysql?
  11. Mam jokera, harley queen, spidermana, flasha, ghostridera, batmana i deadpoola ale nw czy on Cie interesuje tylko nie wiem czy chcesz tutaj czy na priv ? I jeszcze jedno :P czy mogę wiedzieć czemu akurat postacie z marvela ? :D
  12. Też korzystam z tego pluginu co @Vadym Chereshnovskyy I tez się nic nie buguje
  13. Mógłbyś jakiś film Dodać ?
  14. @VestSmart mówię o większości i nie wprowadziłem go w błąd :)
  15. Pownienes zrobic to w pliku csgo/cfg/sourcemod/tutaj będzie jakiś plik nie podam konkretnej nazwy bo nie pobierałem pluginu.cfg i tutaj zmieniasz ta komendę a nie w .sp
  16. Ta paczka za wybitna nie jest. Jest pobugowana i stara i wgl słaba jak na ten moment
  17. Niestety tanio takiej paczki od nikogo nie dostaniesz. Przy ty modzie jest zbyt dużo roboty
  18. Witam. Mam wielki problem z zabawami na moim jb. Zabawy są z paczki myjb. Niestety nie działa ff nawet na killday-u(ffa) może podam kod sp może ktoś znajdzie jakiś błąd #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <sdkhooks> #include <cstrike> #include <emitsoundany> #include <colors> #include <autoexecconfig> #include <mystocks> // Optional Plugins #undef REQUIRE_PLUGIN #include <hosties> #include <lastrequest> #include <warden> #include <myjailbreak> #include <smartjaildoors> #define REQUIRE_PLUGIN // Compiler Options #pragma semicolon 1 #pragma newdecls required // Booleans bool g_bIsFFA = false; bool g_bStartFFA = false; // Plugin bools bool gp_bWarden; bool gp_bHosties; bool gp_bSmartJailDoors; bool gp_bMyJailbreak; // Console Variables ConVar gc_bPlugin; ConVar gc_bSetW; ConVar gc_bSetA; ConVar gc_bSetABypassCooldown; ConVar gc_bVote; ConVar gc_iCooldownStart; ConVar gc_bSpawnCell; ConVar gc_iRoundTime; ConVar gc_bOverlays; ConVar gc_fBeaconTime; ConVar gc_sOverlayStartPath; ConVar gc_bSounds; ConVar gc_sSoundStartPath; ConVar gc_iCooldownDay; ConVar gc_iTruceTime; ConVar gc_iRounds; ConVar gc_sCustomCommandVote; ConVar gc_sCustomCommandSet; ConVar gc_sAdminFlag; ConVar gc_bAllowLR; // Extern Convars ConVar g_iMPRoundTime; ConVar g_iTerrorForLR; // Integers int g_iOldRoundTime; int g_iCoolDown; int g_iTruceTime; int g_iVoteCount; int g_iRound; int g_iMaxRound; int g_iTsLR; int g_iCollision_Offset; // Floats float g_fPos[3]; // Handles Handle g_hTimerTruce; Handle g_hTimerBeacon; // Strings char g_sHasVoted[1500]; char g_sSoundStartPath[256]; char g_sEventsLogFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; char g_sAdminFlag[4]; char g_sOverlayStartPath[256]; // Info public Plugin myinfo = { name = "MyJailbreak - War FFA", author = "shanapu", description = "Event Day for Jailbreak Server", version = MYJB_VERSION, url = MYJB_URL_LINK }; // Start public void OnPluginStart() { // Translation LoadTranslations("MyJailbreak.Warden.phrases"); LoadTranslations("MyJailbreak.Ffa.phrases"); // Client Commands RegConsoleCmd("sm_setffa", Command_Setffa, "Allows the Admin or Warden to set FFA"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_ffa", Command_VoteFFA, "Allows players to vote for a FFA"); // AutoExecConfig AutoExecConfig_SetFile("FreeForAll", "MyJailbreak/EventDays"); AutoExecConfig_SetCreateFile(true); AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_version", MYJB_VERSION, "The version of this MyJailbreak SourceMod plugin", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD); gc_bPlugin = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_enable", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - enable this MyJailbreak SourceMod plugin", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); gc_sCustomCommandVote = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_cmds_vote", "freeforall, dm, deathmatch", "Set your custom chat command for Event voting(!ffa (no 'sm_'/'!')(seperate with comma ', ')(max. 12 commands))"); gc_sCustomCommandSet = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_cmds_set", "sffa, sfreeforall, sdm", "Set your custom chat command for set Event(!ffa (no 'sm_'/'!')(seperate with comma ', ')(max. 12 commands))"); gc_bSetW = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_warden", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set ffa round", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); gc_bSetA = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_admin", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - allow admin/vip to set ffa round", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); gc_sAdminFlag = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_flag", "g", "Set flag for admin/vip to set this Event Day."); gc_bVote = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_vote", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for ffa", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); gc_bSpawnCell = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_spawn", "0", "0 - T teleport to CT spawn, 1 - cell doors auto open", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); gc_iRounds = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_rounds", "1", "Rounds to play in a row", _, true, 1.0); gc_iRoundTime = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_roundtime", "5", "Round time in minutes for a single ffa round", _, true, 1.0); gc_fBeaconTime = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_beacon_time", "240", "Time in seconds until the beacon turned on (set to 0 to disable)", _, true, 0.0); gc_iTruceTime = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_trucetime", "30", "Time in seconds players can't deal damage", _, true, 0.0); gc_iCooldownDay = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_cooldown_day", "3", "Rounds cooldown after a event until event can be start again", _, true, 0.0); gc_iCooldownStart = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_cooldown_start", "3", "Rounds until event can be start after mapchange.", _, true, 0.0); gc_bSetABypassCooldown = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_cooldown_admin", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - ignore the cooldown when admin/vip set ffa round", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); gc_bSounds = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_sounds_enable", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); gc_sSoundStartPath = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_sounds_start", "music/MyJailbreak/start.mp3", "Path to the soundfile which should be played for a start."); gc_bOverlays = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_overlays_enable", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - enable overlays", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); gc_sOverlayStartPath = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_overlays_start", "overlays/MyJailbreak/start", "Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft"); gc_bAllowLR = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_ffa_allow_lr", "0", "0 - disabled, 1 - enable LR for last round and end eventday", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); AutoExecConfig_ExecuteFile(); AutoExecConfig_CleanFile(); // Hooks HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart); HookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd); HookConVarChange(gc_sOverlayStartPath, OnSettingChanged); HookConVarChange(gc_sSoundStartPath, OnSettingChanged); HookConVarChange(gc_sAdminFlag, OnSettingChanged); // FindConVar g_iMPRoundTime = FindConVar("mp_roundtime"); gc_sSoundStartPath.GetString(g_sSoundStartPath, sizeof(g_sSoundStartPath)); gc_sOverlayStartPath.GetString(g_sOverlayStartPath, sizeof(g_sOverlayStartPath)); gc_sAdminFlag.GetString(g_sAdminFlag, sizeof(g_sAdminFlag)); // Offsets g_iCollision_Offset = FindSendPropInfo("CBaseEntity", "m_CollisionGroup"); // Logs SetLogFile(g_sEventsLogFile, "Events", "MyJailbreak"); } // ConVarChange for Strings public void OnSettingChanged(Handle convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { if (convar == gc_sOverlayStartPath) { strcopy(g_sOverlayStartPath, sizeof(g_sOverlayStartPath), newValue); if (gc_bOverlays.BoolValue) { PrecacheDecalAnyDownload(g_sOverlayStartPath); } } else if (convar == gc_sSoundStartPath) { strcopy(g_sSoundStartPath, sizeof(g_sSoundStartPath), newValue); if (gc_bSounds.BoolValue) { PrecacheSoundAnyDownload(g_sSoundStartPath); } } else if (convar == gc_sAdminFlag) { strcopy(g_sAdminFlag, sizeof(g_sAdminFlag), newValue); } } public void OnAllPluginsLoaded() { gp_bWarden = LibraryExists("warden"); gp_bHosties = LibraryExists("lastrequest"); gp_bSmartJailDoors = LibraryExists("smartjaildoors"); gp_bMyJailbreak = LibraryExists("myjailbreak"); } public void OnLibraryRemoved(const char[] name) { if (StrEqual(name, "warden")) gp_bWarden = false; if (StrEqual(name, "lastrequest")) gp_bHosties = false; if (StrEqual(name, "smartjaildoors")) gp_bSmartJailDoors = false; if (StrEqual(name, "myjailbreak")) gp_bMyJailbreak = false; } public void OnLibraryAdded(const char[] name) { if (StrEqual(name, "warden")) gp_bWarden = true; if (StrEqual(name, "lastrequest")) gp_bHosties = true; if (StrEqual(name, "smartjaildoors")) gp_bSmartJailDoors = true; if (StrEqual(name, "myjailbreak")) gp_bMyJailbreak = true; } // Initialize Plugin public void OnConfigsExecuted() { g_iTruceTime = gc_iTruceTime.IntValue; g_iCoolDown = gc_iCooldownStart.IntValue + 1; g_iMaxRound = gc_iRounds.IntValue; // FindConVar if (gp_bHosties) { g_iTerrorForLR = FindConVar("sm_hosties_lr_ts_max"); } // Set custom Commands int iCount = 0; char sCommands[128], sCommandsL[12][32], sCommand[32]; // Vote gc_sCustomCommandVote.GetString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands)); ReplaceString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands), " ", ""); iCount = ExplodeString(sCommands, ",", sCommandsL, sizeof(sCommandsL), sizeof(sCommandsL[])); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Format(sCommand, sizeof(sCommand), "sm_%s", sCommandsL[i]); if (GetCommandFlags(sCommand) == INVALID_FCVAR_FLAGS) // if command not already exist { RegConsoleCmd(sCommand, Command_VoteFFA, "Allows players to vote for a FFA"); } } // Set gc_sCustomCommandSet.GetString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands)); ReplaceString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands), " ", ""); iCount = ExplodeString(sCommands, ",", sCommandsL, sizeof(sCommandsL), sizeof(sCommandsL[])); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Format(sCommand, sizeof(sCommand), "sm_%s", sCommandsL[i]); if (GetCommandFlags(sCommand) == INVALID_FCVAR_FLAGS) // if command not already exist { RegConsoleCmd(sCommand, Command_Setffa, "Allows the Admin or Warden to set a ffa"); } } } /****************************************************************************** COMMANDS ******************************************************************************/ // Admin & Warden set Event public Action Command_Setffa(int client, int args) { if (!gc_bPlugin.BoolValue) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_disabled"); return Plugin_Handled; } if (client == 0) // Called by a server/voting { StartNextRound(); if (!gp_bMyJailbreak) { return Plugin_Handled; } if (MyJailbreak_ActiveLogging()) { LogToFileEx(g_sEventsLogFile, "Event ffa was started by groupvoting"); } } else if (CheckVipFlag(client, g_sAdminFlag)) // Called by admin/VIP { if (!gc_bSetA.BoolValue) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_setbyadmin"); return Plugin_Handled; } if (GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_CT) == 0 || GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_T) == 0) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_minplayer"); return Plugin_Handled; } if (gp_bMyJailbreak) { char EventDay[64]; MyJailbreak_GetEventDayName(EventDay); if (!StrEqual(EventDay, "none", false)) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_progress", EventDay); return Plugin_Handled; } } if (g_iCoolDown > 0 && !gc_bSetABypassCooldown.BoolValue) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_wait", g_iCoolDown); return Plugin_Handled; } StartNextRound(); if (!gp_bMyJailbreak) { return Plugin_Handled; } if (MyJailbreak_ActiveLogging()) { LogToFileEx(g_sEventsLogFile, "Event Free for all was started by admin %L", client); } } else if (gp_bWarden) // Called by warden { if (!warden_iswarden(client)) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "warden_tag", "warden_notwarden"); return Plugin_Handled; } if (!gc_bSetW.BoolValue) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "warden_tag", "ffa_setbywarden"); return Plugin_Handled; } if (GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_CT) == 0 || GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_T) == 0) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_minplayer"); return Plugin_Handled; } if (gp_bMyJailbreak) { char EventDay[64]; MyJailbreak_GetEventDayName(EventDay); if (!StrEqual(EventDay, "none", false)) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_progress", EventDay); return Plugin_Handled; } } if (g_iCoolDown > 0) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_wait", g_iCoolDown); return Plugin_Handled; } StartNextRound(); if (!gp_bMyJailbreak) { return Plugin_Handled; } if (MyJailbreak_ActiveLogging()) { LogToFileEx(g_sEventsLogFile, "Event Free for all was started by warden %L", client); } } else { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "warden_tag", "warden_notwarden"); } return Plugin_Handled; } // Voting for Event public Action Command_VoteFFA(int client, int args) { if (!gc_bPlugin.BoolValue) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_disabled"); return Plugin_Handled; } if (!gc_bVote.BoolValue) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_voting"); return Plugin_Handled; } if (GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_CT) == 0 || GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_T) == 0) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_minplayer"); return Plugin_Handled; } if (gp_bMyJailbreak) { char EventDay[64]; MyJailbreak_GetEventDayName(EventDay); if (!StrEqual(EventDay, "none", false)) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_progress", EventDay); return Plugin_Handled; } } if (g_iCoolDown > 0) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_wait", g_iCoolDown); return Plugin_Handled; } char steamid[24]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, steamid, sizeof(steamid)); if (StrContains(g_sHasVoted, steamid, true) != -1) { CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_voted"); return Plugin_Handled; } int playercount = (GetClientCount(true) / 2); g_iVoteCount += 1; int Missing = playercount - g_iVoteCount + 1; Format(g_sHasVoted, sizeof(g_sHasVoted), "%s, %s", g_sHasVoted, steamid); if (g_iVoteCount > playercount) { StartNextRound(); if (!gp_bMyJailbreak) { return Plugin_Handled; } if (MyJailbreak_ActiveLogging()) { LogToFileEx(g_sEventsLogFile, "Event Free for all was started by voting"); } } else { CPrintToChatAll("%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_need", Missing, client); } return Plugin_Handled; } /****************************************************************************** EVENTS ******************************************************************************/ // Round start public void Event_RoundStart(Event event, char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) { if (!g_bStartFFA && !g_bIsFFA) { if (gp_bMyJailbreak) { char EventDay[64]; MyJailbreak_GetEventDayName(EventDay); if (!StrEqual(EventDay, "none", false)) { g_iCoolDown = gc_iCooldownDay.IntValue + 1; } else if (g_iCoolDown > 0) { g_iCoolDown -= 1; } } else if (g_iCoolDown > 0) { g_iCoolDown -= 1; } return; } if (gp_bWarden) { SetCvar("sm_warden_enable", 0); } if (gp_bHosties) { SetCvar("sm_hosties_lr", 0); } SetCvar("sm_weapons_t", 1); SetCvar("sm_weapons_ct", 1); SetCvar("mp_teammates_are_enemies", 1); SetCvar("mp_friendlyfire", 1); SetCvar("sm_menu_enable", 0); SetCvar("mp_teammates_are_enemies", 1); if (gp_bMyJailbreak) { MyJailbreak_SetEventDayPlanned(false); MyJailbreak_SetEventDayRunning(true, 0); MyJailbreak_FogOn(); if (gc_fBeaconTime.FloatValue > 0.0) { g_hTimerBeacon = CreateTimer(gc_fBeaconTime.FloatValue, Timer_BeaconOn, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); } } g_iRound++; g_bIsFFA = true; g_bStartFFA = false; if (gp_bSmartJailDoors) { SJD_OpenDoors(); } if (!gc_bSpawnCell.BoolValue || !gp_bSmartJailDoors || (gc_bSpawnCell.BoolValue && (SJD_IsCurrentMapConfigured() != true))) // spawn Terrors to CT Spawn { int RandomCT = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) if (IsClientInGame(i)) { if (GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_CT) { RandomCT = i; break; } } if (RandomCT) { for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) if (IsClientInGame(i)) { GetClientAbsOrigin(RandomCT, g_fPos); g_fPos[2] = g_fPos[2] + 5; TeleportEntity(i, g_fPos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR); } } } if (g_iRound > 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) if (IsClientInGame(i)) { CreateInfoPanel(i); SetEntData(i, g_iCollision_Offset, 2, 4, true); SetEntProp(i, Prop_Data, "m_takedamage", 0, 1); } if (gp_bHosties) { // enable lr on last round g_iTsLR = GetAlivePlayersCount(CS_TEAM_T); if (gc_bAllowLR.BoolValue) { if (g_iRound == g_iMaxRound && g_iTsLR > g_iTerrorForLR.IntValue) { SetCvar("sm_hosties_lr", 1); } } } g_hTimerTruce = CreateTimer(1.0, Timer_StartEvent, _, TIMER_REPEAT); CPrintToChatAll("%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_rounds", g_iRound, g_iMaxRound); } } // Round End public void Event_RoundEnd(Event event, char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) { if (g_bIsFFA) { for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) if (IsValidClient(i, false, true)) { SetEntData(i, g_iCollision_Offset, 0, 4, true); } delete g_hTimerTruce; delete g_hTimerBeacon; int winner = event.GetInt("winner"); if (winner == 2) { PrintCenterTextAll("%t", "ffa_twin_nc"); } if (winner == 3) { PrintCenterTextAll("%t", "ffa_ctwin_nc"); } if (g_iRound == g_iMaxRound) { g_bIsFFA = false; g_iRound = 0; Format(g_sHasVoted, sizeof(g_sHasVoted), ""); if (gp_bHosties) { SetCvar("sm_hosties_lr", 1); } if (gp_bWarden) { SetCvar("sm_warden_enable", 1); } SetCvar("sm_weapons_t", 0); SetCvar("sm_weapons_ct", 1); SetCvar("mp_teammates_are_enemies", 0); SetCvar("mp_friendlyfire", 1); SetCvar("sm_menu_enable", 1); SetCvar("mp_teammates_are_enemies", 1); g_iMPRoundTime.IntValue = g_iOldRoundTime; if (gp_bMyJailbreak) { MyJailbreak_SetEventDayRunning(false, winner); MyJailbreak_SetEventDayName("none"); } CPrintToChatAll("%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_end"); } } if (g_bStartFFA) { for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) if (IsClientInGame(i)) { CreateInfoPanel(i); } CPrintToChatAll("%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_next"); PrintCenterTextAll("%t", "ffa_next_nc"); } } /****************************************************************************** FORWARDS LISTEN ******************************************************************************/ // Initialize Event public void OnMapStart() { g_iVoteCount = 0; g_iRound = 0; g_bIsFFA = false; g_bStartFFA = false; g_iCoolDown = gc_iCooldownStart.IntValue + 1; g_iTruceTime = gc_iTruceTime.IntValue; if (gc_bOverlays.BoolValue) { PrecacheDecalAnyDownload(g_sOverlayStartPath); } if (gc_bSounds.BoolValue) { PrecacheSoundAnyDownload(g_sSoundStartPath); } } // Map End public void OnMapEnd() { g_bIsFFA = false; g_bStartFFA = false; delete g_hTimerTruce; g_iVoteCount = 0; g_iRound = 0; g_sHasVoted[0] = '\0'; } // Listen for Last Lequest public void OnAvailableLR(int Announced) { if (g_bIsFFA && gc_bAllowLR.BoolValue && (g_iTsLR > g_iTerrorForLR.IntValue)) { for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) if (IsValidClient(i, false, true)) { SetEntData(i, g_iCollision_Offset, 0, 4, true); StripAllPlayerWeapons(i); if (GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_CT) { FakeClientCommand(i, "sm_weapons"); } GivePlayerItem(i, "weapon_knife"); } delete g_hTimerBeacon; delete g_hTimerTruce; if (g_iRound == g_iMaxRound) { g_bIsFFA = false; g_iRound = 0; Format(g_sHasVoted, sizeof(g_sHasVoted), ""); SetCvar("sm_hosties_lr", 1); SetCvar("sm_weapons_t", 0); SetCvar("sm_weapons_ct", 1); SetCvar("mp_teammates_are_enemies", 0); SetCvar("mp_friendlyfire", 0); SetCvar("sm_menu_enable", 1); if (gp_bWarden) { SetCvar("sm_warden_enable", 1); } g_iMPRoundTime.IntValue = g_iOldRoundTime; if (gp_bMyJailbreak) { MyJailbreak_SetEventDayName("none"); MyJailbreak_SetEventDayRunning(false, 0); } CPrintToChatAll("%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_end"); } } } /****************************************************************************** FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************************/ // Prepare Event for next round void StartNextRound() { g_bStartFFA = true; g_iCoolDown = gc_iCooldownDay.IntValue + 1; g_iVoteCount = 0; if (gp_bMyJailbreak) { char buffer[32]; Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "ffa_name", LANG_SERVER); MyJailbreak_SetEventDayName(buffer); MyJailbreak_SetEventDayPlanned(true); } g_iOldRoundTime = g_iMPRoundTime.IntValue; // save original round time g_iMPRoundTime.IntValue = gc_iRoundTime.IntValue; // set event round time CPrintToChatAll("%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_next"); PrintCenterTextAll("%t", "ffa_next_nc"); } /****************************************************************************** MENUS ******************************************************************************/ void CreateInfoPanel(int client) { // Create info Panel char info[255]; Panel InfoPanel = new Panel(); Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T", "ffa_info_title", client); InfoPanel.SetTitle(info); InfoPanel.DrawText(" "); Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T", "ffa_info_line1", client); InfoPanel.DrawText(info); InfoPanel.DrawText("-----------------------------------"); Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T", "ffa_info_line2", client); InfoPanel.DrawText(info); Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T", "ffa_info_line3", client); InfoPanel.DrawText(info); Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T", "ffa_info_line4", client); InfoPanel.DrawText(info); Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T", "ffa_info_line5", client); InfoPanel.DrawText(info); Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T", "ffa_info_line6", client); InfoPanel.DrawText(info); Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T", "ffa_info_line7", client); InfoPanel.DrawText(info); InfoPanel.DrawText("-----------------------------------"); Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T", "warden_close", client); InfoPanel.DrawItem(info); InfoPanel.Send(client, Handler_NullCancel, 20); } /****************************************************************************** TIMER ******************************************************************************/ // Start Timer public Action Timer_StartEvent(Handle timer) { if (g_iTruceTime > 1) { g_iTruceTime--; PrintCenterTextAll("%t", "ffa_damage_nc", g_iTruceTime); return Plugin_Continue; } g_iTruceTime = gc_iTruceTime.IntValue; for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) if (IsClientInGame(i)) if (IsPlayerAlive(i)) { SetEntProp(i, Prop_Data, "m_takedamage", 2, 1); if (gc_bOverlays.BoolValue) { ShowOverlay(i, g_sOverlayStartPath, 2.0); } } if (gc_bSounds.BoolValue) { EmitSoundToAllAny(g_sSoundStartPath); } if (gp_bMyJailbreak) { MyJailbreak_FogOff(); } g_hTimerTruce = null; PrintCenterTextAll("%t", "ffa_start_nc"); CPrintToChatAll("%t %t", "ffa_tag", "ffa_start"); return Plugin_Stop; } // Beacon Timer public Action Timer_BeaconOn(Handle timer) { for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) if (IsValidClient(i, true, false)) { MyJailbreak_BeaconOn(i, 2.0); } g_hTimerBeacon = null; }
  19. a żeby użyć sourcemod store nie trzeba połączyć z webpanelem ? :P bo kiedys jak to robilem to mi niedzialalo albo po prostu bylem taki debilem ze nie umialem podpiac mysql
  20. tylko napisałem niżej ze nawet jak zmienie nazwe moedlu albo cene to zostaje ta sama . wiesz moze o co chodzi ?
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