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  1. Not so important Because of this post what next continue to this I started build new plugin what I should not post in same topic as [CS:S] Max Money And I don't have no information, does this plugin already exist. So, this idea should be simple. - You can set default max. money, players can gain. (Player respawn event reset money amount when over limit) - And you can also set max. money limit to each admin groups. Install - Place plugin file ...addons/sourcemod/plugins/maxmoney_admin_groups.smx - Place config file ...addons/sourcemod/configs/maxmoney_admin_groups.cfg Configure maxmoney_admin_groups.cfg - Add/rename admin groups with max. money value Code: // // Place this file ...addons/sourcemod/configs/maxmoney_admin_groups.cfg // Add admin group (admin_groups.cfg) and max. money value what specific group can gain overall. // ex. // "default" "16000" // Use this to set default max. money value to everyone // "Full Admins" "32000" // // // "Groups" { "default" "16000" // Default max. money value to set everyone. Removing this line or set value -1, stop limit players max. money "Vip Silver" "20000" // Max. money value by this admin group "Vip Gold" "30000" "Vip Platinum" "65000" } How to set admin/vip ?? - If you haven't know, you can give multiple admin groups to one admin. - You can create new empty admin group or use exist one. admin_groups.cfg Code: Groups { /** * Allowed properties for a group: * * "flags" - Flag string. * "immunity" - Immunity level number, or a group name. * If the group name is a number, prepend it with an * '@' symbol similar to admins_simple.ini. Users * will only inherit the level number if it's higher * than their current value. */ "Default" { "immunity" "1" } "Vip Silver" { } "Vip Gold" { } "Vip Platinum" { } "Full Admins" { /** * You can override commands and command groups here. * Specify a command name or group and either "allow" or "deny" * Examples: * ":CSDM" "allow" * "csdm_enable" "deny" */ Overrides { } "flags" "abcdefghi" /* Largish number for lots of in-between values. */ "immunity" "99" } } admins.cfg Code: /** * USE THIS SECTION TO DECLARE DETAILED ADMIN PROPERTIES. * * Each admin should have its own "Admin" section, followed by a name. * The name does not have to be unique. * * Available properties: (Anything else is filtered as custom) * "auth" - REQUIRED - Auth method to use. Built-in methods are: * "steam" - Steam based authentication * "name" - Name based authentication * "ip" - IP based authentication * Anything else is treated as custom. * Note: Only one auth method is allowed per entry. * * "identity" - REQUIRED - Identification string, for example, a steamid or name. * Note: Only one identity is allowed per entry. * * "password" - Optional password to require. * "group" - Adds one group to the user's group table. * "flags" - Adds one or more flags to the user's permissions. * "immunity" - Sets the user's immunity level (0 = no immunity). * Immunity can be any value. Admins with higher * values cannot be targetted. See sm_immunity_mode * to tweak the rules. Default value is 0. * * Example: "BAILOPAN" { "auth" "steam" "identity" "STEAM_0:1:16" "flags" "abcdef" } * */ Admins { "BAILOPAN" { "auth" "steam" "identity" "[U:1:12345678]" "group" "Full Admins" "group" "Vip Silver" } "BAILOPAN" { "auth" "steam" "identity" "STEAM_0:1:123" "flags" "abcde" "group" "Vip Gold" } "BAILOPAN" { "auth" "steam" "identity" "STEAM_0:1:1234" "group" "Vip Platinum" } "BAILOPAN" { "auth" "steam" "identity" "STEAM_0:1:12345" "group" "Vip Platinum" "group" "Vip Gold" "group" "Vip Silver" // Last group what have given is this player max. money amount } } *edit Ou ye, I have not test in CSGO game. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Description: Simple plugin to freeze players on round start until all of them finish loading the map and join the game. During waiting you will see the countdown message on the center screen (see translation file). Commands: 1. "sm_unfreeze" - Manually unfreeze all players (in an emergency). Settings (ConVars): 1. "sm_wait_conn_enable" - Enable plugin (1 - On / 0 - Off) 2. "sm_wait_conn_min" - Minimum delay before checking connection 3. "sm_wait_conn_max" - Maximum delay (timeout) to check for connected players 4. "sm_wait_conn_include_bots" - Do we need to freeze bots as well? (1 - Yes / 0 - No) Using:Compile script. Place smx in "plugins" folder. Place wait_connection.phrases.txt in "translations" folder. Translations - English - Russian CompatibilityTested on L4D1 only, but should be applicable for any game. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_WaitConnection.sp - 6.2 KB) wait_connection.phrases.txt (214 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. How to play: 1. Type apo_hg_menu in console or press delete key. 2. Select how much you want to bet and how many players will be killed by headshot (odd or even) before round starts. 3. Wait until round ends, then you will earn or lose money. Notice: 1. If you quit too early, you will lose your wager. Please wait until round ends. 2. If no one has been killed by headshot, all gamblers lose their wagers. Console variables (These CVARs will be applied when new round starts): apo_hg_primary_control: Enable Headshot Gamblers when N player(s) are online. Default: 10 (Set to -1 to disable Headshot Gamblers.) apo_hg_communication_control: Can alive players receive message from dead players and spectators? Default: 1 (Alive players cannot hear or see messages form dead players and spectators, prevent cheating.) Tips: I'm not good for making plugins, even not good for English. If you find out any bugs, please tell me. Attached Files HeadshotGamblers.smx (9.4 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (HeadshotGamblers.sp - 15.3 KB) (12.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    Danger Zone Plugins

    I developed several plugins for Danger Zone servers that I wanted to release in hopes of stimulating danger zone community servers. I would love to see some American servers than I can join with some big maps (e.g. Hunger Games maps) and modifications to the game play to explore different possibilities. Background I began setting up a server hosted by a large gaming community (Games For Life, owned by Gamemann). I later found that I dont have the time/energy to devote to this server. I discussed the change with Gamemann and notified him of release of my plugins for DZ. With a large enough community and some well-planned events (multi-day tournaments with stats being tracked), I think the game mode could be successful enough for community servers (I see it working in some other countries that I cant connect to). I'm unsure Gamemann's plans moving forward, but provided he still is opening the server, you could contact him to play on a DZ community server and perhaps participate in any events they host. That said, these plugins are largely untested. The only testing involved me by myself, or one or two others present. As such, I would not be surprised if there is a bug or two. Let me know if you run into any. I will try to note anything I know about outstanding bugs in the write-up below. TOG Danger Zone Stats Simple stats plugin for danger zone. I had a bunch of plans for this to create a good ranking system, but it will need further work to get there. Namely, I was planning on adding in !top commands to run queries for top players in different stats categories (you'll even see some commented-out sample code in there from my scrim plugin). You'll also see some commented out code for managing/uploading server demos for each match. If you uncomment it, I believe it may work, but I never tested it. This one was still a WIP, but I believe it was working as-is for basic stats collection. This plugin would be great for collecting stats from multi-day tournaments, etc. TOG Danger Zone Team Selection Provides menus for team selection at the start of a match in danger zone. There is similar code floating around the forums somewhere. TOG Danger Zone Spawn Weapons Controls spawn weapons for Danger Zone. Code was based off stuff found on the forums. I'm aware of one bug: If you throw your melee weapon, it messes up that weapon slot until you pick it up again (after which throwing wont mess it up anymore) - havent had time to address this yet. TOG Danger Zone Weapon Clips Moves ammo from reserve to the gun clip for all weapons spawned (by default, each gun must be reloaded upon pickup - this makes it so that the ammo is already loaded). Coding disclaimer Note: This could be coded more efficiently, as I use two ArrayLists for checking if entities are primary/secondary weapons. This could probably just be a static array or something else, and could combine both lists, as they are not used separately. It was a copy/paste from another of my plugins where the Arraylists made more sense, and I didnt get around to editing this one to be coded differently. That said, it shouldnt make much of a difference anyways. These plugins are being released as-is, though I may provide some basic support to them. Hope this encourages a few more community servers to take a stab at running some DZ servers and perhaps get some different (bigger) maps in there. Attached Files (9.0 KB) (2.08 MB) (17.5 KB) (7.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [CS:GO] 1 ammo fix

    Fix bug with incorrect display 1 ammo in reserve Attached Files fix1ammo.smx (4.9 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (fix1ammo.sp - 2.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [Any] Save Loc

    . Save Loc v0.1.0 Description: Retains position, angles, and velocity data. Information is temporary - removed on disconnect/map change. Max of 10 saves client; new saves will remove oldest save. Useful for practicing surf/rocket jump/bhop/etc Commands: sm_sl - Save loc sm_tl - Tele loc sm_ml - Loc menu (Allows chosing from one of 10 recent saves) sm_rl - Remove Loc - Opens menu to select a save to remove Project here: Github . Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Introduction: During a gameplay, while holding a gascan, I've figured out that I was too exposed, so I took this idea from "Molotov shove" plugin to get a better way to carry a gascan while getting rid of infected. Description: Allows survivors who are holding a gascan to ignite common and/or special infecteds. Changelog: Version 1.0: Initial release. Cvars: Saved to cfg/sourcemod/l4d_gascan_shove.cfg directory. Spoiler // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d_gascan_shove_allow "1" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all). l4d_molotov_shove_modes "" // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none). l4d_molotov_shove_modes_off "" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together. l4d_molotov_shove_modes_tog "0" // 1=Common, 2=Witch, 4=Smoker, 8=Boomer, 16=Hunter, 32=Spitter, 64=Jockey, 128=Charger, 256=Tank, 511=All. l4d_molotov_shove_infected "511" // 0=Infinite. How many times per round can someone use their molotov to ignite infected. l4d_molotov_shove_limit "0" // These infected use l4d_molotov_shove_timeout, otherwise they burn forever. 0=None, 1=All, 2=Witch, 4=Smoker, 8=Boomer, 16=Hunter, 32=Spitter, 64=Jockey, 128=Charger, 256=Tank. l4d_molotov_shove_timed "256" // 0=Forever. How long should the infected be ignited for? l4d_molotov_shove_timeout "10.0" // Molotov Shove plugin version. l4d_molotov_shove_version Installation: Click "Get Plugin" and put the .smx file into \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ directory. Related Plugins by "Silvers": [L4D & L4D2] Molotov Shove [L4D & L4D2] Pipebomb Shove [L4D2] Vomitjar Shove Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_gascan_shove.sp - 9.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. This is the very simple plugin that blocks m_hObserverTarget prop from being sent to other clients, so, other clients will don't know if somebody spectating them. Some cheats can use that info to display to cheater if somebody spectating him, disable aimbot, etc. To make this plugin work you need to install slightly modified version of SendProxy extension, that allows "change" props individually for each client. Plugin & extension binaries & sources in the attached archive below. :wink: Attached Files no spectator (187.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. With this plugin you'll be able to play vs your friends or vs other players with a lot of sentrys, what does this means?, what does this minigame do? LET'S EXPLAIN IT Engy Battles plugin Restrict class to engy Modificable max sentrys (Default: 5) Modificable max dispensers (Default: 5) An option to instantly upgrade buildings (Default: off) Insntant respawns The respawn supports "arena_" maps Commands To avoid things like "admin abuses" and other the plugin doesn't have commands, instead it has cvars (Commands that are only available on server console and "server.cfg") Cvars sm_dispensers //How many dispensers as max do you want to be able to build sm_sentrys //How many sentrys as max do you want to be able to build sm_instant //Upgrade buildings with 1 hit only (This doesn't uses metal) Example of use: sm_dispensers 1-"Whatever value you want" sm_sentrys 1-"Whatever value you want" sm_instant 1/0 [1 - Instant building upgrade / 0 - Normal building upgrade] How to install 1 - Download TF2_Engy_battles.smx 2 - Drop it on tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins 3 - Restart your server or type "sm plugins load TF2_Engy_battles" on server console Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (TF2_Engy_battles.sp - 7.1 KB) TF2_Engy_battles.smx (14.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    Meat [CS:GO]

    Description When inflicting damage to the player, an abundant amount of blood (pieces of meat) spills out of it. Demonstration Configuration file Spoiler HTML Code: // How much hp should a player have so that he starts bleeding / 0 - off // - // Default: "25" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "100.000000" meat_bleeding "25" // 1 - effect upon contact with limbs (body) on / 0 - off // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" meat_bodylimbs "1" // 1 - meat mode on / 0 - off // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" meat_enabled "1" // 1 - create skull when a grenade explodes / 0 - do not create // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" meat_gibs "1" // 1 - effect when hit in the head on / 0 - off // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" meat_headshot "1" // 1 - effect of the 'pool of blood' on / 0 - off // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" meat_puddle "1" Attached Files (13.3 KB) (1.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (Meat.sp - 5.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Description Filters chat and player names based off regular expressions read from config file Feature List Blocks chat messages that match regex and notifies admins via chat Logs all chat blocks to logs/cf.log file Blocks players from connecting if their name matches regex ConVars cf_filter_chat - Filter chat messages? 1 - Yes, 0 - No. (Default: 1) cf_filter_name - Filter player names? 1 - Yes, 0 - No. (Default: 1) cf_notify_admins - Notify admins upon chat block? 1 - Yes, 0 - No. (Default: 1) Change Log 12-31-2018 Initial release Installation Download file Move everything in the plugins folder to your own addons/sourcemod/plugins folder Move everything in the configs folder inside your addons/sourcemod/configs folder You're done! Configuring Config Files In the expressions.cfg file, each regular expression should be on a new line In the whitelist.cfg file each whitelisted word should be on a new line (note: these are words and phrases, not regex expressions) For Developers (Include file) Code: /** * Retrieves the client index of the warden * * @param source string to macth regex patterns to * @param buffer optional buffer to store matched pattern in source * @param maxlen optional length of buffer * @param notify if true, will notify admins and player of matched regex * @param client client to notify if notify is true * @return True if source matched to existing regex patterns. */ native bool CF_CheckString(const char[] source, char[] buffer = "", int maxlen = 0, bool notify = false, int client = 0); Attached Files (12.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. . Entity Debugger v0.0.1 Description: Tool for debugging entities/maps Requirements: (SM 1.10) or (SDKTools extension version + SM 1.9) found here: Commands sm_entdebug Toggle debug mode sm_gethammerid Shoots lazer beam, provides info about entities it hits (Triggers are whitelisted, see: g_sEntityList) , toggles visibility of triggers and enables debug mode sm_hasprop <entity> <proptype[data/send]> <"propname"> Checks if ent has prop sm_getentprop <returntype[i,f,s,v]> <entity> <proptype[Data/Send]/> <propname> Retrieve prop value - Logs to error if incorrect returntype is specified for propname sm_setentprop <entity> <propType[Data/Send]> <propName> <Value[int,float,string,vector]> Sets prop value sm_setvariantstring <"variantStr"> <entity> <"inputstr"> | OPTIONAL: <activator> <caller> <outputid> Untested - Set variant string and run AcceptEntityInput(entity, "inputstr", activator, caller, outputit) sm_acceptentityinput <entity> <"inputstr"> | OPTIONAL: <activator> <caller> <outputid> Same as previous command, except it doesn't set variant string sm_dumpentities Dumps entities to /addons/sourcemod/logs/entities/map_name_entities.log Project here: Github Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. . [TF2] Speedometer v0.2.0 Description: A plugin designed to display player velocity as game units per second. Modes: Horizontal, Vertical, Absolute Commands: sm_speedo <optional:h,v,a,d> Opens speedometer menu. Optional parameters toggle speedo modes sm_speedocolor <hexvalue> Change color of hud text sm_speedopos <optional:0.xx 0.yy> Change position of hud text Credit to GeominorAI of JumpAcademy for the method of updating hud position. Project here: Github Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. I know this has already been created before but I thought I should still release it. If you can give me any feedback that would be greatly appreciated.:wink: PHP Code: #include <sourcemod> #include <morecolors> #include <colors> public Plugin myinfo = { name = "WelcomeMsg", author = "oosii", description = "displays a welcome message to the connected client", version = "1.0", url = "https:/" }; public void OnPluginStart() { RegConsoleCmd("test_cmd", test_cmd); AddCommandListener(Command_JoinTeam, "jointeam") } public Action test_cmd(int client, int args) { CPrintToChatAll("{red}Hello!"); } public Action Command_JoinTeam(int client, String:command[], int args) { CPrintToChat(client, "\x07ffffff[\x07ff5323Timer\x07ffffff] - Welcome to the server!"); Contact me on steam or discord if you have any questions: oosii✈#0998 Attached Files welcomemsg.smx (10.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. [TF2]TFGO Nades description: Using Special attack button (attack3 by default) you can shoot decoy , flash, smoke nades based on weapon slot like: Primary Slot = Decoy Nade Secondary Slot = Flash Nade Melee Slot = Smoke Nade Cvars TFGO_enabled 1 Def 1 "Enable TFGO nades?" TFGO_smoke_color_mode 0 Def 0, 0 grey, 1 random, 2 teamcolor TFGO_ammo 6 Def 6 , number of TFGONades aviable TFGO_dist 1000.0 def 1000.0, Distance from Flashbang to get flashed Dependencies : TF2ITEMS MAIN Change Logs: Version 1.0 initial release Credits Pelipoika Minibombs script Attached Files tfgo_nades.smx (14.9 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (tfgo_nades.sp - 18.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. It's time to clean the dust on your old Strange Sandman, because it's handy again! This plugin attempts to revert old weapon stats that were usually considered better or just more balanced in the past, includes a total of 27 weapons changed for now, here's the weapon list and it's respective versions: Link You can also check the stats of your equipped weapons with !checkstats, have fun! ConVars: sm_ga_version - Plugin version, don't change it. sm_ga_enabled - Toggle Golden Ages. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. sm_ga_gamedesc - Toggle auto-setting game description to "[TF2] Golden Ages v(version)". 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. sm_ga_updater - Toggle Auto-updating. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. Commands: sm_ga_enable - Enables the plugin, automatically set to ADMFLAG_CONVARS. sm_ga_disable - Disables the plugin, automatically set to ADMFLAG_CONVARS. sm_checkstats - Opens a menu that displays the changes made in your currently equipped weapons. Installation: 1. Install TF2Items and TF2Attributes 2. Extract the zip file in the folder of your server OPTIONAL: Install Updater if you want the plugin to Auto-update Credits: Me for the plugin My friend Coronel RedGuard, to put this plugin on his server for a betatest. The respective authors of some small code pieces i ripped (Game Description and Sandman-Stun Particles) To Do: - Improve compatibility with other Gamemodes (x10, Randomizer, VSH) - Add More weapons Download: Attached Files (52.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Description: When a survivor dies, a grave appears near his body, and this grave glows through the objects on the map, allowing a quick location from where the survivor died. And when the survivor respawn, the grave associated with him disappears. In addition, there are six types of grave that are chosen randomly. Maybe can be useful for use with a defibrillator (L4D2), or even for those who use the "Emergency Treatment With First Aid Kit Revive And CPR" (L4D) plugin, for example. Screenshots: CVARs: PHP Code: // Enable or disable this plugin. // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" l4d_graves_enable "1" // Turn glow On or Off. // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" l4d_graves_glow "1" // RGB Color - Change the render color of the glow. Values between 0-255. // Note: Only for Left 4 Dead 2. // - // Default: "255 255 255" l4d_graves_glowcolor "255 255 255" // Number of points of damage to take before breaking. // Note: For Left 4 Dead 2, 0 means don't break. // - // Default: "1500" l4d_graves_health "1500" // [L4D & L4D2] Graves version // - // Default: "1.0.0" l4d_graves_version "1.0.0" This plugin is also based on the Tuty plugin (CSS Graves), which can be found here: But I rewrote all the code to run on Left 4 Dead 1 & 2. This code can be found on my github page here: Have fun! :wink: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Date 26.12.2018 Have tested in these games (cstrike, csgo). [Problem] When you are using bot_quota_ mode "fill" or "match": - Bots join and disconnect automatically according to the number of players in first 25 seconds after round_start. - When 25 seconds have passed, bots stop joinning and disconnecting regardless of number of players. - After round_end, bots start work again automatically. This above is game own feature. Problem would be in really long rounds or rounds which not end. Bots not leave from teams to make room. So I tried made plugin what keep continue order bots amount, after 25 seconds have passed of round_start. - plugin take action only when player change team (player_team event) I have not tested much, so no guarantee. As a reminder: Code: // Determines the total number of bots in the game. // Flags: FCVAR_GAMEDLL|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_RELEASE // Default: "10" bot_quota "0" // Determines the type of quota. // Allowed values: 'normal', 'fill', and 'match'. // If 'fill', the server will adjust bots to keep N players in the game, where N is bot_quota. // If 'match', the server will maintain a 1:N ratio of humans to bots, where N is bot_quota. // Flags: FCVAR_GAMEDLL|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_RELEASE // Default: "normal" bot_quota_mode "fill" // bot_quota_mode "normal" // plugin not take any action, this mode should work. // examples // // Spawn 3 bots per 1 human player // bot_quota 3 // bot_quota_mode "match" // Minimi amount of players to keep in server, bots fill missing player count. // bot_quota 6 // bot_quota_mode "fill" Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (continue_bot_quota_order.sp - 5.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. I fixed setteam plugins for these line : if(number == 1){ if(TF2_GetPlayerClass(target_list) == TFClass_Scout) SetEntityHealth(target_list, 125); if(TF2_GetPlayerClass(target_list) == TFClass_Sniper) SetEntityHealth(target_list, 125); if(TF2_GetPlayerClass(target_list) == TFClass_Spy) SetEntityHealth(target_list, 125); if(TF2_GetPlayerClass(target_list) == TFClass_Soldier) SetEntityHealth(target_list, 200); if(TF2_GetPlayerClass(target_list) == TFClass_Pyro) SetEntityHealth(target_list, 175); if(TF2_GetPlayerClass(target_list) == TFClass_DemoMan) SetEntityHealth(target_list, 175); if(TF2_GetPlayerClass(target_list) == TFClass_Heavy) SetEntityHealth(target_list, 300); if(TF2_GetPlayerClass(target_list) == TFClass_Medic) SetEntityHealth(target_list, 150); if(TF2_GetPlayerClass(target_list) == TFClass_Engineer) SetEntityHealth(target_list, 125); SDKHook(target_list, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage, callback); } and if(IsPlayerAlive(target_list) != true && TF2_GetClientTeam(target_list) == TFTeam_Spectator && GetClientHealth(target_list) != 1){ TF2_RespawnPlayer(target_list); } and if(TF2_GetClientTeam(client) != TFTeam_Spectator){ return Plugin_Continue; }else{ return Plugin_Handled; } sorry..... mate :cry: //------------------------------------- Usage: sm_setteam <target> <team number or red blue spec> example: sm_setteam @me red sm_setteam @me blue sm_setteam @me spec sm_setteam @all red sm_setteam @all blue sm_setteam @all spec (don't use that****) sm_setteam @aim red sm_setteam @aim blue sm_setteam @aim spec sm_setteam 0 = spectator(don't use that************) sm_setteam 1 = spectator sm_setteam 2 = red sm_setteam 3 = blue enjoy! and i am so sorry...... Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (SetF_Team_fix.sp - 5.0 KB) SetF_Team_fix.smx (7.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. [ANY/?] Advanced Multi Jump Plugin - What games are supported? Normally any game with Sourcemod 1.9 or UP should work, I've only confirmed TF2 and CS:GO to be working right now. - What does it do? You can add multi jumping to your server. The multi jump only works after the first jump, I could make it in the future so the first is also custom... - What makes this different from others? Instead of just boosting the player upwards, I calculate the new jump direction based of the direction the player is looking at. What this allows me to do is add forward boosters and upwards boosters. - What will I possibly add in the future?- Make it possible that you can change the direction with your W A S D keys for jumping. - Adding a menu??? - Other stuff I forgot Cvars: Spoiler Code: // Enable/Disable Advanced Multi Jump plugin // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_amj_enable "1" // Enable/Disable falldamage, cause jumping high is quite deadly... (0.0 = FallDamage, 1.0 = always disabled, 2.0 = disabled while using multi-jump) // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "2.000000" sm_amj_falldmg "0.0" // The forward boost a player is granted (for each jump) // - // Default: "300.0" sm_amj_forwardboost "300.0" // The upward boost a player is granted (for each jump) // - // Default: "300.0" sm_amj_jumpboost "300.0" // Amount of jumps granted after the first jump // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_amj_jumpcount "1" Code: If you have any ideas or hints please do leave them down below... Attached Files advanceddoublejump.cfg (702 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (advanceddoublejump.sp - 7.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [TF2]Set Team

    sm_setteam <target> <teamnumber or red blue spec> allow capital and small letter example: sm_setteam @me red sm_setteam @me BlUe sm_setteam @me blue sm_setteam @me spec sm_setteam @me spec sm_setteam @me 0 = spectator(do not use that!) sm_setteam @me 1 = spectator sm_setteam @me 2 = red sm_setteam @me 3 = blue sm_setteam @all blue Attached Files SetF_Team.smx (6.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (SetF_Team.sp - 4.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Hi, does anyone know a plugin that allows players to boost each other with mp_solidteammates 0 activated? Thanks in advance! Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. After the latest updates, there were errors in the optional of cvar mp_teammates_are_enemies (player glow stopped working in CS: GO) I found a cvar sv_competitive_official_5v5 ,which was a substitute, but it worked only in spectators. The solution for implementing of cvar in T and CT commands was SendProxy Manager and the change of m_iTeamNum. There is no load on the server. Its possible server crashes. Requirements: SendProxy Manager Variables: sm_esl_adminesp_flag // The flag of the player to access the ESP Commands: X key in spectators | On/off or spec_show_xray 1/0 | On/off Installation: Unpack the contents of the archive into the csgo folder Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (esl_admin_esp.sp - 3.1 KB) esl_admin_esp.smx (5.9 KB) (338.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Description This plugin customizes grenades trajectories, airtime, bounces before explode, knockback to make them fun to play with in combat surf. It is best used with this plugin that unlocks grenade velocity limit : Installation Upload the smx to the plugins folder. A config file named csurfnade.cfg will be created on first start in /csgo/cfg/sourcemod/ CVars Code: // How much bounces before exploding // - // Default: "1" sm_csn_bounces "1" // Enable this plugin // - // Default: "1" sm_csn_enable "1" // How long will the flash stays in air before exploding // - // Default: "10" sm_csn_flash_airtime "10" // Disable the white screen from the flashbang // - // Default: "1" sm_csn_flash_disable_blind "1" // The speed given by the flashbang // - // Default: "750" sm_csn_flash_kb_pushspeed "750" // The Flashbang knockback radius // - // Default: "250" sm_csn_flash_kb_radius "250" // How long will the HE stays in air before exploding // - // Default: "10" sm_csn_he_airtime "10" // The speed given by the HE knockback // - // Default: "1500" sm_csn_he_kb_pushspeed "1500" // The HE grenade knockback radius // - // Default: "384" sm_csn_he_kb_radius "384" // Enable the grenades knockback // - // Default: "1" sm_csn_kb_enable "1" // Turn noblock on for players but allows grenade hitting // - // Default: "1" sm_csn_player_collision "1" // Add damages to the snowball // - // Default: "30" sm_csn_snowball_damage "30" // Enable unlimited freezing snowballs // - // Default: "1" sm_csn_snowball_enable "1" // Enable Grenade tails // - // Default: "1" sm_csn_tails_enable "1" // Enable the alternate trajectory system // - // Default: "1" sm_csn_trajectory_enable "1" // The base speed given to the grenade // - // Default: "1250" sm_csn_trajectory_speed "1250" Developper Code: /* * Event on player hit by knockback * * @param int Player who got hit by the knockback * @param int Entity which triggered the knockback */ forward int CSurfNades_OnPlayerHit(int client,int entity); This forward is getting triggered when a Player is hit by a knockback (I use it to make the player drop the flag when it's hit by a flashbang. Notes Hey, Its my third plugin, and I think a lot of combat surf server owner would be pleased to use it. If you have any suggestions, bug, feeback, feel free to leave a comment below! Have fun Attached Files (289 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (csurfnades.sp - 12.6 KB) csurfnades.smx (17.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. Description There's a built-in engine speed limit for grenade projectiles of 2000u/sec, this plugin will prevent your nades from disappearing if they are going faster than the limit. Installation Upload the smx to the plugins folder and to the gamedata folder Compiling dependencies Detour DHooks Demo Note that the video features other nade configs coming in a future new plugin. This plugin will only unlock the speed limit. Credits Domino_ and rio for the signature and dhooks knowledges. You'r da man! :bacon!::bacon!: Attached Files (374 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (nadevelfix.sp - 1.5 KB) nadevelfix.smx (4.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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