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  1. This plugin will display informations of disconnected players (steamid, name, time). You need sourcemod 1.10 or higher because this plugin is using enum structs. GitHub: Commands: sm_playerhistory Cvars: sm_playerhistory_size Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Description: In some moment your weapon can break and you will not be able to shoot. ConVars: vChance - the chance that the weapon will break. vShots - Number of shots to trigger the chance. vTime - Number of seconds to fix the weapon. vIsHint - Message type 0 - Chat, 1 - Hint. The plugin is completely in Russian. Sorry I don't know English Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (WeaponDestroy.sp - 7.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [TF2] Sheens

    This plugin allows you to apply sheens and killstreak effects on a weapon. Command: sm_sheen | ADMFLAG_KICK Cvars: sheen_version - Shows plugin version Installation: Put sheens.smx into tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins Put sheens.txt into tf/addons/sourcemod/gamedata Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sheens.sp - 7.7 KB) sheens.txt (3.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [CS:GO] C4 Request

    In This Plugin, Everyone Can Recive a C4 Bomb, Only Needs To Write !c4 In The Chat And Create a Menu To Choose Yes Or No. Attached Files (6.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Google translation. When the infection is attacked by melee weapons, the infected person catches fire. player command: sm_smf version: 1.0 add plugin My plugins 贊助網址 Donation URL Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Melee_weapons_ignite.sp - 2.0 KB) Melee_weapons_ignite.smx (5.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Stabbing the air ( left click only, nobody even uses a right click in fear of kick for team kill ) 6 times in a row will null your movement speed, which will slightly slow you down, this will teach your players not to use this technique that: 1. doesn't improve your speed. 2. sometimes damages your team. 3. makes noise. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (AirStabFreeze.sp - 2.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Description: Creates firework when tank dies. Selected randomly from 8 types (4 repeatable and 4 - continuous). Compatibility: - L4D1. - L4D2 - untested. Commands: sm_firework - Create firework on self or aim target Settings (ConVars): Nothing. Using: Copy smx to addons/sourcemod/plugins Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_Tank_Firework.sp - 6.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. This plugin is a MatchMaking rank system with rankme support and !prestige !Prestige basically is when a player went global elite he can write !prestige in chat to be silver 1 again he will win a prize like credits or tempvip and he can went global elite again. The difficulty to be global will increase according to prestige level. Max prestige level is level 5. Cvars sm_ranksbyrankme_flags - default value is 1 // 1 - ADMIN FLAG RESERVATION / 2 - ADMIN FLAGG CUSTOM1 / 3 ADMIN FLAG RESRVATION AND CUSTOM1 sm_ranksbyrankme_credits - Default 1000 - Amount of credits to give when player do !prestige sm_ranksbyrankme_mode - Default 1 -What player wins by doing !prestige - 1 to give credits / 2 to give 24 hours vip Commands sm_prestige - Prestige command sm_lvl - Prestige Menu Installation Download the plugin at github Move it to addons/sourcemod folder Customize the cvars in your sourcemod.cfg Enable resetmyrank in your rankme plugin(REQUIRED) If plugin doesn t automatically create the table Import the sql file in your database Add the database named ranksbyrankme For example "ranksbyrankme" { "driver" "mysql" "host" "ip" "database" "dbname" "user" "user" "pass" "password" } Note Database is just required if you want to give temporary vip to the players which do !prestige IMPORTANT If you find any bugs say me and i will fix it more fast has i can. Download GitHub Donate Me Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. Description: Depending on server build complexity, sooner or later, players face a problem when tank is getting stuck (collide with another models and can't move - as a result: too easy too kill, or even loss of control). Plugin try to resolve/prevent several problems: - tank stuck - losing control - blocking tank by players (e.g. on the ladder) How does it work? There are several rules (all configurable by ConVars): - When tank spawn, plugin track for the maximum time allowed for tank to be non-angry (see "l4d_TankAntiStuck_non_angry_time"). If player didn't angry the tank during this time, it will be automatically teleported to players. Behaviour can be disabled by "l4d_TankAntiStuck_non_angry_time" set to 0. After become angry: - There is a mechanism of identifying of stuck based on the origin of tank. If he didn't move more than > X radius (see "l4d_TankAntiStuck_non_stuck_radius") for the last Y sec. (see "l4d_TankAntiStuck_check_interval") it is considered as stucked, and teleporting process begins. How does it teleport: - Firstly plugin attempt to make smooth teleport applying new velocity on direction to the nearest player next to the tank. If it is failed in X tries, plugin make instant teleport to the place under the head of the player (see "l4d_TankAntiStuck_head_height_max"). If that place is not empty (collide with something), plugin try to find another empty place around the nearest player (see "l4d_TankAntiStuck_head_height_min"). And lastly: - plugin apply game ConVar "tank_stuck_failsafe" (untested, unproved) in attempt to fix problem when tank losing control after colliding the model for ~ 15 sec. This part is not very necessary if you use my plugin with default settings. Behaviour can be disabled by "l4d_TankAntiStuck_apply_convar" set to 0. Also you can configure "l4d_TankAntiStuck_all_intellect" - to define who anti-stuck is applicable to (bots or bots + real players in infected team). Compatibility: - L4D1. - L4D2 - untested. Should work ok. Commands: Nothing. There are several service cmds in debug mode for test reasons only. Settings (ConVars): - "l4d_TankAntiStuck_enable" (1) - Enable plugin (1 - On / 0 - Off) - "l4d_TankAntiStuck_non_angry_time" (45) - Automatic tank teleport if he is not angry within specified time (in sec.) after spawn (0 - to disable) - "l4d_TankAntiStuck_tank_distance_max" (1000) - Maximum distance allowed between tank and the nearest player (after been angered). Otherwise, it will be teleported (0 - to disable) - "l4d_TankAntiStuck_head_height_max" (150) - Distance under the head of player, tank will be instantly teleported to, by default, when tank failed to unstuck wasting all attempts to free using smooth teleport - "l4d_TankAntiStuck_head_height_min" (80) - Distance under the head of player, tank will be instantly teleported to, if plugin failed to find more appropriate location - "l4d_TankAntiStuck_check_interval" (3) - Time intervals (in sec.) tank stuck should be checked - "l4d_TankAntiStuck_non_stuck_radius" (15) - Maximum radius where tank is cosidered non-stucked when not moved during X sec. (see l4d_TankAntiStuck_check_interval ConVar) - "l4d_TankAntiStuck_inst_tele_dist" (50) - Distance for instant type of teleport - "l4d_TankAntiStuck_smooth_tele_dist" (150) - Distance for smooth type of teleport - "l4d_TankAntiStuck_smooth_tele_power" (300) - Power (velocity) for smooth type of teleport - "l4d_TankAntiStuck_all_intellect" (1) - 1 - Apply anti-stuck to both: when bots or real player control tank, 0 - apply to tank bot (fake) only - "l4d_TankAntiStuck_apply_convar" (1) - 1 - Apply special ConVar in attempt to fix problem when tank losing its control after stuck (just in case). 0 - do not apply Using: Copy smx to addons/sourcemod/plugins Credits: * Peace-Maker - for some examples on TraceHull filter. * stinkyfax - for examples of teleport in direction math. * cravenge - for some ConVar, possibly, preventing tank from losing control when stuck. ChangeLog (pre-release) 1.2 (05-Mar-2019) - Added all user's ConVars. - Added late loading code. - Included anti-losing tank control ConVar (thanks to cravenge) 1.1 (01-Mar-2019) - Added more reliable logic 1.0 (05-Jan-2019) - Initial release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_TankStuckTeleport.sp - 26.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Select to close the friendly damage type. PHP Code: GENERIC = CreateConVar("sm_GENERIC_damage", "0", "Generic damage.", 0); CRUSH = CreateConVar("sm_CRUSH_damage", "0", "Damage from physics objects.", 0); BULLET = CreateConVar("sm_BULLET_damage", "0", "Damage from bullets.", 0); SLASH = CreateConVar("sm_SLASH_damage", "0", "Damage from most melee attacks (that scratch, lacerate, or cut).", 0); BURN = CreateConVar("sm_BURN_damage", "0", "Burn damage.", 0); VEHICLE = CreateConVar("sm_VEHICLE_damage", "0", "Hit by a vehicle.", 0); FALL = CreateConVar("sm_FALL_damage", "0", "Damage from high falls. (can be used to disable player fall damage).", 0); BLAST = CreateConVar("sm_BLAST_damage", "0", "Damage from explosives (ear-ringing effect).", 0); CLUB = CreateConVar("sm_CLUB_damage", "0", "Damage from some enemy melee attacks (blunt or unarmed) e.g. Combine melee attack.", 0); SHOCK = CreateConVar("sm_SHOCK_damage", "0", "Damage from electricity (creates sparks and puff of smoke at damage position).", 0); SONIC = CreateConVar("sm_SONIC_damage", "0", "Damage from supersonic objects.", 0); ENERGYBEAM = CreateConVar("sm_ENERGYBEAM_damage", "0", "Laser or other high energy beam.", 0); PREVENT_PHYSICS_FORCE = CreateConVar("sm_PREVENT_PHYSICS_FORCE_damage", "0", "Prevent a physics force (e.g. Gravity Gun Jump on Props).", 0); NEVERGIB = CreateConVar("sm_NEVERGIB_damage", "0", "No damage type will be able to gib victims upon death.", 0); ALWAYSGIB = CreateConVar("sm_ALWAYSGIB_damage", "0", "Any damage type can be made to gib victims upon death.", 0); DROWN = CreateConVar("sm_DROWN_damage", "0", "Damage from drowning.", 0); PARALYZE = CreateConVar("sm_PARALYZE_damage", "0", "Damage from paralyzing.", 0); NERVEGAS = CreateConVar("sm_NERVEGAS_damage", "0", "Damage from nervegas. (GLaDOS's gas from the ending of Portal).", 0); POISON = CreateConVar("sm_POISON_damage", "0", "Damage from poison (e.g. black head crabs).", 0); RADIATION = CreateConVar("sm_RADIATION_damage", "0", "Damage from radiation (Geiger counter will also go off).", 0); DROWNRECOVER = CreateConVar("sm_DROWNRECOVER_damage", "0", "Drowning recovery (health regained after surfacing).", 0); ACID = CreateConVar("sm_ACID_damage", "0", "Damage from dangerous acids. (gives a light-cyan flash ingame).", 0); SLOWBURN = CreateConVar("sm_SLOWBURN_damage", "0", "Slow burning.", 0); REMOVENORAGDOLL = CreateConVar("sm_REMOVENORAGDOLL_damage", "0", "No ragdoll will be created, and the target will be quietly removed.", 0); PHYSGUN = CreateConVar("sm_PHYSGUN_damage", "0", "Damage from the Gravity Gun (e.g. pushing head crabs).", 0); PLASMA = CreateConVar("sm_PLASMA_damage", "0", "Turns the player's screen dark and plays sounds until the player's next footstep.", 0); AIRBOAT = CreateConVar("sm_AIRBOAT_damage", "0", "Damage from airboat gun.", 0); DISSOLVE = CreateConVar("sm_DISSOLVE_damage", "0", "Damage from combine technology e.g. combine balls and the core.", 0); BLAST_SURFACE = CreateConVar("sm_BLAST_SURFACE_damage", "0", "A blast on the surface of water that cannot harm things underwater", 0); DIRECT = CreateConVar("sm_DIRECT_damage", "0", "Damage from being on fire.(DMG_BURN relates to external sources hurting you)", 0); BUCKSHOT = CreateConVar("sm_BUCKSHOT_damage", "0", "Damage from shotguns. (not quite a bullet. Little, rounder, different.)", 0); LASTGENERICFLAG = CreateConVar("sm_LASTGENERICFLAG_damage", "0", "", 0); HEADSHOT = CreateConVar("sm_HEADSHOT_damage", "0", "Damage from a headshot.", 0); VERSION: 1.0 New Plugin. 贊助網址 Donation URL Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (friendly_damage.sp - 6.9 KB) friendly_damage.smx (6.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. About This plugin is based on another plugin, "Spitter Auto Kill" by diorfo, but I've identified that some things could be improved, so I'm releasing this one. Goal The aim of this plugin is to improve the rotation of the special infected (SI), in this case, the Spitter. This plugin is most useful on versus servers but can be used in cooperative game modes as well, since most of the time, the Spitter AI is useless until it's spit is reloaded, which takes time. On servers that have a spawn limit on the number of simultaneous SI, a player who holds the Spitter for a long time is a disruption because other players cannot spawn as Spitter and move on to the next strategy. (e.g.: Combo => Charger + Spitter). Some servers the time it takes to reload the spit does not compensate (for balancing reasons), so it becomes more advantageous to release the Spitter to another person on the same team. This way the player will not be able to hold the Spitter for a long time after spitting. Cvars A configuration file called "l4d2_sdas.cfg" will be automatically created for you upon first run, in "/cfg/sourcemod/" folder. PHP Code: // ConVars for plugin "l4d2_sdas.smx" // How long (in seconds) will Spitter have after spitting before being killed by the plugin? [Default: 10] // - // Default: "10.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" l4d2_sdas_alive_time "10.0" // Enables/Disables the plugin. 0 = Plugin OFF, 1 = Plugin ON. [Default: 1] // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" l4d2_sdas_allow "1" // Enables/Disables the plugin's behavior on Spitter bots. 0 = OFF, 1 = ON. [Default: 1] // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" l4d2_sdas_bots "1" // Enables/Disables a blip sound during the plugin's countdown. 0 = Plugin OFF, 1 = Plugin ON. [Default: 1] // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" l4d2_sdas_countdown_sound "1" // Players with these flags are invulnerable to the plugin's behavior. Empty = none. [Default: (empty)] // - // Default: "" l4d2_sdas_flags "" // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). Empty = none. [Default: (empty)] // Known values: coop,realism,versus,survival,scavenge,mutation[1-20],community[1-6],gunbrain,l4d1coop,l4d1vs,holdout,dash,shootzones. // - // Default: "" l4d2_sdas_gamemodes_off "" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). Empty = all. [Default: (empty)] // Known values: coop,realism,versus,survival,scavenge,mutation[1-20],community[1-6],gunbrain,l4d1coop,l4d1vs,holdout,dash,shootzones. // - // Default: "" l4d2_sdas_gamemodes_on "" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0 = All, 1 = Coop, 2 = Survival, 4 = Versus, 8 = Scavenge. Add numbers together. [Default: 0] // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sdas_gamemodes_toggle "0" // Displays a message to the client during the plugin's countdown (after spit burst event). 0 = OFF, 1 = CHAT, 2 = HINT, 3 = CHAT and HINT [Default: 2] // - // Default: "2.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "3.000000" l4d2_sdas_msgdisplay_countdown "2.0" // Displays a message to the client when the Spitter dies by the plugin. 0 = OFF, 1 = CHAT, 2 = HINT, 3 = CHAT and HINT [Default: 2] // - // Default: "2.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "3.000000" l4d2_sdas_msgdisplay_death "2.0" // Displays a message to the client when the Spitter's spit hits the ground. 0 = OFF, 1 = CHAT, 2 = HINT, 3 = CHAT and HINT [Default: 3] // - // Default: "3.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "3.000000" l4d2_sdas_msgdisplay_spitburst "3.0" Change Log Code: 1.0.3 (03-March-2019) - Plugin Improvements. (by Mart) *Renamed from "Spitter Auto Kill" to "Spitter Dies After Spit (SDAS)". *Added L4D2 engine game check. *Fixed bug where the client dies after the respawn when is killed before the timer triggers. *Fixed bug where the client dies while in ghost mode. *Fixed bug where the client dies during scrambles/auto-balance. *Fixed bug where the client dies when a map changes. *Added countdown and death messages. *Added a blip sound on the countdown. *Added chat/hint messages by translation file (en/es/pt). *Renamed the chat tag to "[SDAS]" and added a hint tag "|SDAS|". *Changed the chat's color and highlighted in a different color the number of the countdown. *Added more controls through cvars. •Enables/disables plugin. •Enables/disables plugin on bots. •Enables/disables plugin on players by flags. •Enables/disables plugin on game modes. •Enables/disables blip sound on the countdown. •Customizable display message mode (off/chat/hint/both) by event (spit burst/countdown/death). •Customizable time that the spitter will be alive after spitting (used by the countdown event). 1.0.2 (20-January-2019) - Small changes and fixes. (by Mart) *Removed deprecated flag "FCVAR_PLUGIN". *Fixed missing parentheses. 1.0.1 (08-May-2017) - Fixed Spitter's auto kill through a timer. (thanks to "xines") 1.0.0 (08-May-2017) - Initial release. (by diorfo) - Thank you! Silvers - for the clean codes available in the forum, that I used to have some basis, and which helped me a lot to write this plugin. Mr. Zero - for his useful stocks code. xines - for helping to make the first code release work. diorfo - for the first code release. Installation Put the "l4d2_sdas.smx" file in your server's "/addons/sourcemod/plugins/" folder. Put the "l4d2_sdas_phrases.txt" file in your server's "/addons/sourcemod/translations/" folder. Note This is my first time posting a plugin, so maybe my coding has some mistakes, any constructive feedback will be welcome. Including bug report. Thank you in advance. Attached Files l4d2_sdas.phrases.txt (644 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_sdas.sp - 26.1 KB) l4d2_sdas.smx (10.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Simple Mute All Plugin By Pilo Simple plugin to mute all players in the server. With option to change prefix with a cvar! :P PHP Code: cfg/sourcemod/muteall.cfg Cvars : PHP Code: "sm_muteall_prefix" (Default > "[SM]", Allow you to change plugin prefix! Commands : PHP Code: "sm_muteall" (Mute all players) "sm_unmuteall" (Un-mute all players) "sm_mutet" (Mute Terrorist (To unmute terrorist type "sm_unmuteall")) "sm_mutect" (Mute Counter-Terrorist (To unmute ct type "sm_unmuteall")) You can't mute admins with this! Feel free to ask me for more commands or anything! Can add me on steam : Pilo Attached Files (7.4 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (MuteAll.sp - 3.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Description: It allows players to teleport to each other, return to the point of spawn and many more Command: Code: sm_tp // forced teleport somebody(need ban flags) sm_tphere //forced let somebody teleport to your side(need ban flags) sm_tpa //teleport to somebody sm_tpahere //let somebody teleport to your side sm_tpyes //agree sm_tpno //disagree sm_tpaccept //same as sm_tpyes sm_tpdeny //same as sm_no sm_tpnoforever //do not allow others to send a request to you sm_spawn //teleport to spawn(respawn) Installation:Put basic.smx in addons\sourcemod\plugins\ Put basic.phrases.txt in addons\sourcemod\translations\Changelog:1.0 -20190302-Initial release.Need to compile Sorry about my code and english. :) Attachment 174076 Attachment 174078 Attachment 174079 Attachment 174080 Attached Files basic.phrases.txt (2.7 KB) basic-tf2.smx (17.1 KB) basic.smx (17.2 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (basic.sp - 11.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. you can triple jump without grabing atomizer now! CVARS "sm_atomizer_enabled" <0-off/1-on> : enable this plugin or not. Attached Files Atomizer.smx (5.9 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (Atomizer.sp - 2.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. The Ultimate Cooperative Campaign Experience Created in 2010 to make Left 4 Dead / Left 4 Dead 2 campaign / coop more fun / challenging using mods and plugins and VALVe convars. This is a great mod to play with your friends to pit their FPS mettle against a more dynamic / challenging A.I. Director, with stronger, faster, special infected. Demonstration here More videos here Download Right now only a Linux version is available (server side) but windows, linux, etc. can play it. Installation instructions in the zip file titled ReadME_InstallationGuide.txt Steam Group Feel free to join us and set your server up with the group if its using the l4d2 arcade modifactions and more! Useful commands if you are admin of the server: sm_qcvar l4d2_ais_spawn_size 4 sm_qcvar l4d2_ais_limit 14 sm_targetd - change another players character Basically you can set the spawn size from 1 - 14 or limit from 1 - 14. Very useful! Left 4 Dead 2 Arcade Edition main attraction modifications are found in the server.cfg file and in cfg folder! Mod comes with lootdrop, character select menu, pro infected bot spawner, and more! Make sure you keep the server.cfg file intact as it houses most of the A.I. Director and Special Infected changes & modifications! Useful commands for any player: sm_targetb - change your players character from 1 - 8 Survivors! Bill, Zoey, Francis, Louis, Nick, Rochelle, Coach, Ellis! This mod scales well with all player skill levels feel free to play on Easy Normal Advanced only! Mod is not recommended for Expert mode level difficulty of play as the fun factor was not designed for that difficulty however you will still be met with a considerable challenge on Easy Normal and Advanced difficulties as the mod is souped up to be extremely fun and intense on those modes! Give it a shot and let me know what you think! Also feel free to Add/Modify to your liking and show us your server with the mod running with your mods in addition going! Report any problems/bugs here and I will see if I can fix it ASAP! Or email me at [email protected] Have Fun!!!!! :lol::D:lol::D Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. WELCOME! Today, I bring you my very first plugin (submitted to Allied Modders that is ). Basically, all my plugin does it goes through and mutes all of the non-admins in the server. It's nothing special, but it's something to get me started. Commands: sm_muteall - mutes all non admins sm_ma - same as sm_muteall sm_unmuteall - unmute all non admins sm_umna - same as sm_unmuteall Cvars: sm_mutenonadmins_version: "1.0" - Mute non Admins Version Number Installation: - Put MuteAll By BaljeeT.smx in "csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins" - Put MuteAll By BaljeeT.sp in "csgo/addons/sourcemod/scripting" -included file: in "csgo/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include" -included file: in "csgo/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include" - Relaunch the server or change map Tested And Worked Perfectly. Attached Files MuteAll By (14.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Description: Directory mode allows players to select temporary binding commands. bind - SCORE,DUCK,ZOOM,WALK,SPEED Plugin testing is available player command: sm_bind_menu The server administrator provides five open-bound instructions conVar: sm_command_1 "" sm_command_2 "" sm_command_3 "" sm_command_4 "" sm_command_5 "" version: 1.0 new plugin My plugins 贊助網址 Donation URL Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (server_bind_key.sp - 11.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. For custom map servers :: Description :: Block to unexpected generating .nav file. It prevent trouble like stucking players. Also, can create blank .nav file when loading nextmap. In this way, BOTs can't walking with his own intention but server can have BOTs. (It is useful if you using BOTs just as fake, like replaying surf/bhop records) :: Dependency :: DHooks of Experimental dynamic detour support version: * This plugins does not work with DHooks of normal version :: Commands :: sm_navgenerate (Root) - Generate a blank .nav file for current map sm_navgeneratenextmap (Root) - Generate a blank .nav file for next map (If mapchooser vote has finished) :: ConVars :: sm_navgenerate_autogenerate "1" - Enable/Disable auto generate a blank .nav file for next map :: Attention :: Don't forget put "" on addons/sourcemod/gamedata/ :: Git :: :: Updates :: v0.1: Initial Attached Files (452 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (navgenerate_blocker.sp - 5.6 KB) navgenerate_blocker.smx (7.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. Hello this plugin by default Fixes valve's stupid idea to turn the world model at very stupid slow speeds This can also fix bug where tanks can throw rocks from around corners! This should also be useful for the competitive scene yay. Cvars: PHP Code: // Speed at which worldmodel turns to match viewmodel pitch angle, default l4d2 speed is [100], 2160 closely matches l4d1, // - // Default: "1620" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "9999999.000000" worldmodel_turnrate "2160" GitHub Repo Related L4D1 restore: [L4D2]Survivor_Legs Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (L4D2_WorldModel_Turnrate.sp - 2.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Description: - Fixes a bug when your hp is increase after you were revive from hanging on a ledge. - Adds a penalty to basic and temp health after reviving if you hanged on a ledge for too long. Note: it is alternative of this plugin, because it doesn't work for me at all. Commands: Nothing Settings (ConVars): Nothing Using:Compile script. Place smx in "plugins" folder. CompatibilityL4D1. L4D2 - is not affected by this bug, AFAIK. TODOEverything working good. However: - Not the best mathematics is used. Possibly, find ConVar responsible for *3 value. - Possibly, find the property where game store the basic previous hp at the moment when player is hanging on the ledge. - Alternatively, try to find another way to get previous basic hp (player_ledge_grab + EventHookMode_Pre is too late). Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_HealthExploitFix.sp - 5.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Introduction Smart Item Selector (sIs) is based on [L4D & L4D2] Round Start Items Giver by kwski43, but takes "item giving" to another level. sIs intelligently gives selected items to survivors each time they spawn and includes an option to give different items to VIP/admins. This is my first public plugin so constructive feedback is welcome. sIs Goals Simplify: by eliminating the need for numerous timers there are fewer cvars to set and hopefully, increased reliability. Add intelligence: only give items if they are needed or according to a prioritization system. No brute-force item giving and no excess item spawns. Add VIP/admin options: offer server operators the option to give different items to VIP/admins based on one or more flags. Add flexibility: give items anytime a player spawns (first spawn, bot takeover, rescue closet, re-spawn, joining an in-progress map, etc.) not just at round start. The Prioritization System sIs uses a 3-tier prioritization system comprised of base, random, and VIP item selections. A base item selection is overridden by a random item selection and both of those are overridden by a VIP item selection. However, an override will only occur for the same item type (i.e. a VIP primary weapon selection only overrides the other primary weapon selections). 1. Example: if you configure a base primary weapon and a random primary weapon and a vip primary weapon, survivors will receive a random primary weapon (overrides the base item) but VIPs will receive the VIP weapon (overrides the base and random item). 2. Example: if you configure a base primary weapon and a random SECONDARY weapon and a VIP primary weapon, survivors will receive the base primary weapon and a random secondary weapon. VIPs will receive the VIP primary weapon (overrides the base item) and a random secondary weapon. Item Replacement Logic 1. Health Items: These always have priority. If a survivor has an ammo upgrade pack on their back and a health item is configured (base, random or VIP), the health item will replace (but not destroy) the upgrade pack. 2. Default pistol: when a player spawns on the first map of a new campaign, he receives a default pistol. If you configured a secondary weapon selection AND set l4d2_sis_remove_pistol "1", sIs will remove (destroy) the default pistol and replace it with the selected secondary weapon. This is done primarily to eliminate pistol drop clutter on large co-op servers when new items are given. 3. All other weapons/items: sIs looks at each survivor's weapon slots and if they are occupied (other than with a default pistol) it will not give them a new item. VIP selections are the exception. If the VIP's existing weapon/item is not the configured VIP item, it will be replaced by the VIP selection, but not destroyed. Note: incendiary and explosive ammo upgrades are treated as equal and mutually exclusive. If a survivor has either one of them and your item configuration calls for the other ammo upgrade, the existing ammo upgrade will not be replaced. An argument can be made that either incendiary or explosive should have priority (I think explosive should), but I chose not to make that judgement call for this first release. If there is sufficient need for a prioritized ammo selection, I will try to add it. Using Vip/Admin flags: Add one or more admin flags that should receive Vip/admin items to l4d2_sis_vip_flags Multiple flags are accepted, just don't separate them with spaces or other characters. Players with any of those flags will receive the VIP/Admin items. This was done to provide greater flexibility for server operators when configuring VIP options. To disable the VIP option, just set the VIP item cvars to zero. No need to remove the flag(s) from l4d2_sis_vip_flags setting. 1. Example: if you set l4d2_sis_vip_flags "a", only players with the "a" flag will recieve VIP items. 2. Example: if you set l4d2_sis_vip_flags "abo", players with either the "a", "b" or "o" (custom1) flag will receive VIP items. Chat Message: l4d2_sis_info_message 1 will display a message like this to each player if they are given items. The message is customized to only show the item(s) they received. Thank You: Dragokas - code review, help and ideas, and the Russian translation. nosoop - example code to handle the weapon upgrade bitvec and optimization Crasher_3637 - code review and optimization Lux - code review Silvers - for his great formatting l4d Competitive community for creating the original Optional dependency for the Knife: To use the knife option for a secondary weapon, your must have the [L4D2] Knife Unlock plugin by Silvers installed on your server. Smart Item Selector checks for the Knife Unlock plugin and if it is not found, substitutes another melee weapon for the knife. Bugs: None so far... To Do: 1. Release an update to add support for l4d. Possible Future Upgrade: 1. Add a menu for VIP/admins to configure a personalized equipment load-out. Data storage method TBD. 2. Add Silvers game mode toggle code so server operators can chose in which modes sIs is enabled. CVars: - All cvars, except for the plugin enable cvar, VIP/admin flag, and pistol replace cvar, are set to 0 or off by default for easier configuration. PHP Code: /* ============ General Settings ============ */ // Is the Smart Item Selector plugin enabled? 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. // - // Default: "1" l4d2_sis_enable "1" // Send each player a message informing them which item(s) they recieved?. 0=off, 1=on. // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_info_message "0" // Survivors with any of these flags will receive VIP/admin items. [example admin flags: a=Reservation, b=Generic, c=Kick, d=Ban, o=custom1, etc.] // - // Default: "a" l4d2_sis_vip_flags "a" // Remove the default pistol before giving another secondary weapon?. 0=No, 1=Yes. // - // Default: "1" l4d2_sis_remove_pistol "1" /* ============ Base Item Section ============ */ // Give the survivors a Primary Weapon? 0=disable, 1=pumpshotgun, 2=chrome shotgun, 3=spas shotgun, 4=autoshotgun, 5=smg, 6=smg silenced, 7=smg mp5, 8=M16 rifle, 9=AK47 rifle, 10=Desert rifle, 11=SG552 rifle, 12=Hunting rifle, 13=Scout sniper rifle, 14=Military sniper rifle, 15=AWP sniper rifle // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_primary_choice "0" // Give the survivors a Secondary Weapon? 0=disable, 1=magnum pistol, 2=knife (requires [L4D2]Knife Unlock plugin), 3=frying pan, 4=tonfa, 5=crowbar, 6=cricket bat, 7=baseball bat, 8=machete, 9=katana, 10=golf club, 11=fire axe, 12=electric guitar. // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_secondary_choice "0" // Give the survivors a Health Item? 0=disable, 1=medkit, 2=defib // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_health_choice "0" // Give the survivors a Throwable? 0=disable, 1=pipe bomb, 2=molotov, 3=bile jar // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_throwable_choice "0" // Give the survivors Meds? 0=disable, 1=pills, 2=adrenaline // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_meds_choice "0" // Give the survivors an Upgrade? 0=disable, 1=laser, 2=incendiary ammo, 3=explosive ammo // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_upgrade_choice "0" /* ============ Random Item Section ============ */ // Give the survivors a random Primary Weapon? Overrides previous primary weapon setting. 0=disable, 1=enable. // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_random_primary "0" // Give the survivors a random Secondary Weapon? Overrides previous secondary weapon setting. 0=disable, 1=enable. // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_random_secondary "0" // Give the survivors a random Health item? Overrides previous health item setting. 0=disable, 1=enable. // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_random_health "0" // Give the survivors a random Throwable? Overrides previous throwable setting. 0=disable, 1=enable. // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_random_throwable "0" // Give the survivors random Meds? Overrides previous meds setting. 0=disable, 1=enable. // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_random_meds "0" // Give the survivors a random Upgrade? Overrides previous upgrade settings. 0=disable, 1=enable. // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_random_upgrade "0" /* ============ VIP Item Section ============ */ // Give the VIPs a Primary Weapon? Overrides ALL other primary weapon settings. 0=disable,1=pumpshotgun, 2=chrome shotgun, 3=spas shotgun, 4=autoshotgun, 5=smg, 6=smg silenced, 7=smg mp5, 8=M16 rifle, 9=AK47 rifle, 10=Desert rifle, 11=SG552 rifle, 12=Hunting rifle, 13=Scout sniper rifle, 14=Military sniper rifle, 15=AWP sniper rifle // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_vip_primary_choice "0" // Give the VIPs a Secondary Weapon? Overrides ALL other secondary weapon settings. 0=disable, 1=magnum pistol, 2=knife (requires [L4D2]Knife Unlock plugin), 3=frying pan, 4=tonfa, 5=crowbar, 6=cricket bat, 7=baseball bat, 8=machete, 9=katana, 10=golf club, 11=fire axe, 12=electric guitar. // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_vip_secondary_choice "0" // Give the VIPs a health item? Overrides ALL other health item settings. 0=disable, 1=medkit, 2=defib // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_vip_health_choice "0" // Give the VIPs a Throwable? Overrides ALL other throwable settings. 0=disable, 1=pipe bomb, 2=molotov, 3=bile jar // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_vip_throwable_choice "0" // Give the VIPs Meds? Overrides ALL other meds settings. 0=disable, 1=pills, 2=adrenaline // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_vip_meds_choice "0" // Give the VIPs an Upgrade? Overrides ALL other upgrade settings. 0=disable, 1=laser, 2=incendiary ammo, 3=explosive ammo // - // Default: "0" l4d2_sis_vip_upgrade_choice "0" Changes: PHP Code: 1.0 (24-Feb-2019) - Initial release. Compiling: 1. Put the include into your \addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\ folder. 2. Put the plugins .sp file into your scripting folder and compile the plugin. Installation: 1. Put the l4d2_smart_item_selector.smx file in your server's \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder. 2. Put the l4d2_smart_item_phrases.txt file in your server's \addons\sourcemod\translations\ folder. 3. Restart your server and then set your item preferences in the \cfg\sourcemod\l4d2_smart_item_selector.cfg file. 4. Restart your server or change the map. Attached Files l4d2_smart_item_selector.smx (14.3 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_smart_item_selector.sp - 19.7 KB) l4d2_smart_item.phrases.txt (5.3 KB) (10.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. 服務器開啟並返回上一個遊戲地圖。 The server is turn on and returns to the last game map. 地圖開始,保存地圖名稱(data\save_map.txt) 第二次重啟,遊戲的地圖名稱與保存的地圖名稱相同則寫入預設地圖名 第三次重啟,返回預設地圖 Start the map and save the map name The second restart, the map name of the game is the same as the saved map name, and the default map name is written. The third reboot, return to the default map Cvar: sm_default_map "c1m1_hotel" (you can change your default map, cfg\save_map.cfg) version: v1.0 new plugins 贊助網址 Donation URL Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (savemap.sp - 1.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. If not Client Connected or Client In Game or Valid Client,kick Client Cvar: sm_scan_client_time "10.0" //scan time log file: logs/clear_invalid_client.log (I have a record of kicking an invalid connection, the plugin should be valid) Version: 1.0 new plugins 贊助網址 Donation URL Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (clear_invalid_client.sp - 1.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. In This Plugin All Players Need Prime Status Or VIP In Your Server (Use Flag "a") In admins_simple.ini To Non-Prime But VIP Join In Your Server. Attached Files PrimeOrVIP - (241.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. fix bug with floating trees, just kill env_wind Spoiler Attached Images treebug1.jpg (67.8 KB) treebug.jpg (67.0 KB) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (fixwind.sp - 489 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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