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    [ANY] VPN Block

    Description This plugin's purpose is to kick anyone who tries to join your server with a VPN. It does it by checking from this website whether the client who is joining your server is using a VPN or not. It then saves the ip and whether it's a proxy to a database so it doesn't need to check the same ip many times. The plugin creates a log file to sourcemod/logs/VPNBlock_Log.txt and logs everyone who tries to join the server with a VPN. Required extensions System2 Installation Make sure you have System2 installed. Upload smx and translation file to your server Add a new entry called "VPNBlock" to your databases.cfg. It can be either mysql or sqlite. Github repo Direct download Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Description: Adds unranked Melee weapons round-type that exists in CS:GO like fists, axe, hammer and spanner. Remember to use sm_reloadroundtypes for reload rounds and then type guns in chat. Requeriments: Multi-1v1 Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [Any] Force Auth

    Force Auth v 1.0.0 This is a very simple plugin that forces players to authenticate by reconnecting them. Sometimes players are not able to properly authenticate with steam servers or the event doesn't fire at all, which can cause conflicts with other plugins, or even bypassing bans. This is similar to another plugin I've posted, however that one kicks the player and logs it to another file. This plugin will log reconnects to /logs/error_date.log . Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (authorizeplayer.sp - 726 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [CSGO] HexRedirect

    Installation: Quote: Download there the plugin. To install the sourcemod plugin just merge the addons/sourcemod located in GameServer/ folder with yours. To install the php script, just move it(WebServer/redirect.php) to your webserver. Configure the php script, editing the redirect.php, following the instructions. Set your motd.txt to redirect to the php script. Notes: Quote: The plugin configuration is located in sourcemod/configs/hextags.cfg The patter is "command" "url" Make sure to include the full url with the scheme as well(https or http). The only cvar is sm_redirect_method that must match the PHP Script value. It can be either steam or ip Example configuration: PHP Code: "HexRedirect" { "google" "" "!plugins" "" "zombie" "steam://connect/" //Your server IP, this will make the player join there } To report see/issue the current TODOs and bugs check the ISSUE Page on github Source Code How this works: Quote: When the user types that are listed in the cfg his ip/steamid is saved in the database, and when a user opens the motd page, it will check if the given IP/SteamID has any url to be redirected, if not it will just send to the set homepage. Note that the PHP and the GameServer configurations must match, and if you the steam method is choose he will be required to login in, however his session his stored so he'll need to login once per session. I know that is could not be the most reliable way (especially if two player have the same IP), but it's the only the I could figure without having the user to copy-paste the url. Video: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. The plugin has been completely rewritten (plugin rework): No longer requires the SendProxy extension. Requirements: Sourcemod 1.9 VIP Core: (Not necessary) Description: Replaces a decoy grenade to snowball. Use: Take the 'decoy' grenade in hand. Cvars: HTML Code: // Create a blot on the wall? 1 - yes / 0 - no // - // Default: "1" snowball_lite_blot "1" // What is the snowball damage? // - // Default: "50.0" snowball_lite_damage "50.0" // Endless snowballs? 1 - yes / 0 - no // - // Default: "1" snowball_lite_endless "1" // How many seconds will the player be frozen? 0 - do not freeze // - // Default: "2.0" snowball_lite_freeze "2.0" // Create a trail for a snowball? 1 - yes / 0 - no // - // Default: "1" snowball_lite_trail "1" // Snow issue only VIP players? 1 - only VIP / 0 - all // VIP_Core: // - // Default: "0" snowball_lite_vip "0" Demonstration: - How to make a snowball only for VIP players? 1. On cvar snowball_lite_vip '1' 2. Add the following lines to the translation file (vip_modules.phrases.txt): HTML Code: "Snowball" { "ru" "Snowball" "en" "Snowball" } 3. In groups.ini add "Snowball" "1" // 1 - enable / 0 - disable Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. BriefCustomize No More Room in Hell's weapon stats and animation speeds. See below for all customizable properties. This plugin re-creates a feature that used to be included in the Quality of Life plugin. It requires DHooks with Dynamic Detours extension. FeaturesCustomize weapon behavior: Damage (normal, headshot, shove and thrown) Pushback chance (normal and headshot) Stamina cost (shove and melee attack) Shove cooldown time Magazine capacity Explosion radius of grenades and flare gun Whether weapon can be used to suicide (gimmicky due to missing animations) Whether weapon can perform skillshot (Linux servers only) Customize weapon speeds: Melee, shove and charged attack Hip-fire and ironsight shooting Reload, unload and ammo check Maglite activation Barricade speed, e-tool toggle Example config PHP Code: "weapon_options" { // High-capacity, super revolver "fa_sw686" { // Super damage "damage" "500" "damage_headshot" "1000" "damage_shove" "25" // High capacity "capacity" "12" // No cooldown between shots (shoot as fast as you can click) "hip_fire_delay" "0" // 2x faster ironsight shooting speed "sight_fire" "2" // 1.5x faster reload speed "reload" "1.5" // 4x faster ammo check speed "check_ammo" "4" } // Faster, more agile knife "me_kitknife" { // 6% faster charge-up and charge-release speed "charge" "1.06" "release" "1.06" // Time between attacks is 0.4 seconds "quick_delay" "0.4" "release_delay" "0.4" "shove_delay" "0.4" // Charge attack can be unleashed after 0.1 seconds of charging "charge_delay" "0.1" // Throwing knife of death "damage_thrown" "1000" } } See 'addons/sourcemod/configs/weapon-configs-example.cfg' for more examples. ConVars sm_weapon_config - Name of active weapon configuration excluding the .cfg extension. Set to "" to disable weapon configs. Weapon configs are relative to your nmrih/addons/sourcemod/configs folder. Installation Install Metamod Source Install Sourcemod Install DHooks with Dynamic Detours extension For Windows servers that use Sourcemod versions newer than, download the DHooks-detours7 build attached to the bottom of this post Otherwise download the latest build from its thread Download from below and extract it into your nmrih/addons directory Credits NMRiH dev team Sourcemod crew Drifter and Peacemaker for DHooks extension rio for their suggestion on how to return a null CBaseEntity from DHooks Changelog 1.0.0 - 2018-12-12 Re-release of original QOL system in separate plugin Attached Files (442.5 KB) (47.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Description: Simple plugin to force players to spawn with fists instead of knives. Cvars: Code: sm_csgofists_team "4" // Apply only to a team. 2 = terrorist, 3 = counter-terrorist, 4 = both. sm_csgofists_knifeandfists "0" // Give knife and fists or just fists? 1 = both, 0 = only fists. Todo list: -Cvar to force fists only to a team (good for jailbreak servers). (done) -More ideas? Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [CSGO] PickMelee

    As explained in the description, this plugin will allow the players to pickup any melee weapon such as axe, wrench and the hammer. This plugin is meant to be used with mp_drop_knife_enable set to 1 otherwise you won't be able to drop the knife to pickup the other weapons. Idea from Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (pickmelee.sp - 1.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. Quake Style Weapon Floating Description: The weapons lying on the ground will rotate like the weapons from Quake. Requirements: VPhysics CVars: The configuration file is automatically created by the path: cfg/sourcemod/qswf.cfg Code: sm_qswf_version - The version of the plugin sm_qswf_enabled - Enable or disable the plugin sm_qswf_motion - Enable or disable the motion of the weapon (when other factors interact on it) sm_qswf_speed - The speed of rotation of the weapon Media: Attached Files qswf.smx (6.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (qswf.sp - 3.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Thanks to Bacardi for helping me with this. I don't think if I can call it my plugin. Nice for Cristmas theme servers Download Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    SQL Matches

    SQL Matches I was looking around for a script what did something like this, couldn't find anything so I decided to create my own. Setup tutorial on github. Preview: Download: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. A project I've been working on for the past year or so without releasing publicly because it needed that One Last Thing™. Why TF2Jail Redux? Born out of my dislike with how unorganized the original TF2Jail plugin was, I went out and did a complete rewrite of it, combining features of different plugins to create a more unique and pristine version that is very developer-friendly. The entirety of the plugin is built with developers in mind, which is why much of it (especially Last Requests) are hard coded within it rather than having a config file with limited control over gameplay. The plugin is essentially developer framework, however it has enough cvars to allow server owners to adjust the plugin to their liking without having to dabble in the source code. What's the Difference? The main difference between the 2 Jailbreak plugins is that there is no config file for the creation of last requests. This means that there is no strict limitation on what can/can't be done, with the penalty of the requirement of some kind of SourcePawn knowledge. Rundown: 13-15 Already-included last requests to use. About half are from TF2Jail. More Warden features such as markers and a laser pointer. More mute features. A built-in Warday feature. Doubled character length of last request names.:bacon: Some new, creative target filters. Warden-banning in the Teambans plugin. A custom-made weapon blocker. And some more kickass stuff. For Developers TF2JR utilizes methodmaps both in gameplay orientation and in player-based structures. This OOP approach is (in my opinion) easier and more beneficial for developers to customize the plugin to their liking. Secondly, through the usage of the plugin's SDKHook-style forwards, you can not only craft and create new last requests, but control gameplay aspects without having to muck your way through the plugin's source code. The plugin is organized into meaningful file names, so you probably won't have much of an issue finding your way around anyways. There are plenty of natives and forwards, so if you're looking for a more flexible approach, you can create some wicked third party plugins. There are two example last request plugins that are included in the repository: PropHunt and Versus Saxton Hale. So, anything is possible really. You don't necessarily need hardcore SourcePawn knowledge to use the plugin, but you'll need some if you plan on editing it or making your own, custom last request. For more details and a basic run-through of last request creation and forward/native usage, check out the wiki. Installation Grab a download link from the GitHub repository and follow the detailed instructions in the installation section of the wiki. Go wild. Thanks To nergal, whose plugin design I adopted from VSH2. Drixevel, with the original plugin. FlaminSarge, with Be The Horsemann. retsam, with Aim Names And others Requirements SourceMod 1.9+ TF2Items TF2Attributes (optional) SteamWorks (optional) REPOSITORY WIKI Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. video Download l4d_tank_props for L4D1 Download l4d2_tank_props_glow for L4D2 L4D1 CVars: PHP Code: // Prevent tank props from fading whilst the tank is alive l4d_tank_props "1" // Show Hittable Glow for inf team whilst the tank is alive l4d_tank_props_glow "1" // Props Glow Refresh time interval l4d_tank_props_glow_Refresh_interval "0.5" // Spectators can see the glow too l4d2_tank_prop_glow_spectators "1" L4D2 CVars: l4d2_tank_props_glow.cfg in \cfg\sourcemod\ folder. PHP Code: // Three values between 0-255 separated by spaces. RGB Color255 - Red Green Blue. // - // Default: "255 255 255" l4d2_tank_prop_glow_color "255 255 255" // Only Tank can see the glow // - // Default: "0" l4d2_tank_prop_glow_only "0" // How near to props do players need to be to enable their glow. // - // Default: "5000" l4d2_tank_prop_glow_range "5000" // Spectators can see the glow too // - // Default: "1" l4d2_tank_prop_glow_spectators "1" // Show Hittable Glow for inf team whilst the tank is alive // - // Default: "1" l4d_tank_props_glow "1" Enjoy~ Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_tank_props.sp - 11.4 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_tank_props_glow.sp - 10.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Description Allows players to refer other players to the server via a referral code and get access to commands ConVars referrals_playtime - The amount of playtime needed for the referral to count - default 30.0 Commands sm_referrals - Opens the referrals menu sm_redeem - The command to redeem someones code sm_getcode - Prints your referral code to your chat. Changelog Spoiler Code: 1.0 Initial Release Links Github Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Big Bertha is my way to improve the most expensive, crappiest weapon in history of Counter Strike. It's a M249 that shoots at 50% starting rate of fire, and every bullet you fire increases it by 2%, up to 200%. It has 150 total ammo and no reserve ammo, with the cool ability to replenish 2 ammo every 0.5 seconds. Everything is configurable. Big Bertha works the funniest with these attributes on the weapon_m249, which mimic the negev's recoil: Code: "recoil angle" "0" "recoil angle variance" "0" "recoil magnitude" "30" "recoil magnitude variance" "2" "recoil seed" "57966" To add the recoil stats, search in folder "csgo/scripts/items/items_game.txt" an entry of "weapon_m249_prefab" and append in the end of attributes entry the code above. If you're too lazy to edit the recoil, it'll be extra hard to control a 200% fire rate gun. I don't expect any server to use it but someone might surprise me. Video of me Acing bots ( As gold nova 1 ) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (BigBertha.sp - 9.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. Hello everyone ! Presentation of plugin : There is my first plugin, simple but usefull, created for my team : Old School Css and i wanna get a vipmenu that you can config your menu by selecting an option like "Bhop command" that execute !bhop in chat. It work aswell atleast, but it's not perfect, So I try to make a v2 of this plugin with the benefits listed below. PS: I am French, I thank you for being indulgent on my English :) Works on which games ? I tested it only on Counter Strike Source, but i don't know why it will not work on others Source games, just notice me below on which games my plug aren't supported and i will try to fix it :) How to Install : Download .rar of your languages Put OSCVipMenu.smx into addons/sourcemod/plugins Put OSCVipMenu.sp into addons/sourcemod/scriptings (Required for compile ;) ) How to config commands and names of menus Open OSCVipMenu.sp with any text editors You will have this code : Code: #include <sourcemod> public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "-=OSC=-VipMenu", author = "Old School Css Scripters", description = "<- Our first Official Team Plugin ->", version = "1.0", url = "<- Coming Soon ->" } public OnPluginStart() { RegAdminCmd("sm_vip", Afficher_Menu_event, ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1, "Afficher menu vip"); } public Action:Timer_Announce(Handle:timer, any:user) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(user); if (client !=0 && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client)) { PrintToChat(client, "\x04[\x03OSC\x04]: Ce serveur utilise \x05-=OSC=- Vip Menu\x01! Par Old School Css !"); } } public Action:Afficher_Menu_event (client, args) { new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(Afficher_Menu_evenement); SetMenuTitle(menu, "OSC VipMenu"); AddMenuItem(menu, "option 1", "Commande BHOP"); AddMenuItem(menu, "option 2", "Commande Skins"); AddMenuItem(menu, "option 3", "Commande d'options generale"); AddMenuItem(menu, "option 4", "Commande Avantages"); AddMenuItem(menu, "option 5", "Commande Respawn"); AddMenuItem(menu, "option 6", "Commande !Trails"); AddMenuItem(menu, "option 7", "Commande !Givecash"); SetMenuExitButton(menu, true); DisplayMenu(menu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } public Afficher_Menu_evenement(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, itemNum) { if( action == MenuAction_Select ) { switch (itemNum) { case 0 : ClientCommand(client, "sm_bhop"); case 1 : ClientCommand(client, "sm_models"); case 2 : ClientCommand(client, "sm_settings"); case 3 : ClientCommand(client, "sm_vipmenu"); case 4 : ClientCommand(client, "sm_vipspawn"); case 5 : PrintToChat(client, "[OSC]A venir ! Taper !Trails pour ouvrir le menu de trails"); case 6 : PrintToChat(client, "[OSC]A venir ! Taper !Givecash pour ouvrir le menu de dons"); } } } Change as you want :) Add infinite lines and case Check Here and Here if your a beginner into scripting ! Benefits : Ability to change the name of the orders and their actions into a cfg file Display in the chat the name of the command carried out with mark enable / off against the chosen command (for a command like! bhop which directly activates the command) And many other functions to come Commands : !vip /vip sm_vip CVars : No CVars At The Moments Includes : No includes needed for the moment Languages for Configs help: French English Attached Files OSCVipMenu-ENGLISH.7z (6.2 KB) OSCVipMenu - FRENCH.7z (6.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. This plugin will display your time exactly how steam does (x hours on record, y hours past 2 weeks). This is usefull for admin requests, personally I don't care about your time made 6 months ago. You need a "timeplayed" configuration in databases.ini: PHP Code: "timeplayed" { "driver" "mysql" "host" "" "database" "" "user" "" "pass" "" //"timeout" "0" //"port" "0" } The data will be saved by days, so a database with large space will be required. Commands: - sm_time (!time or /time in chat) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (timeplayed.sp - 2.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. This makes things spin again. These things haven't spun in the 11 years TF2 has been a game, I think. Only works in: ctf_2fort (skybox clouds) cp_egypt_final (skybox clouds) cp_gravelpit (spinny thing & spinny satellite dish thing) cp_gullywash_final1 (skybox clouds) cp_steel (spinny thing & spinny satellite dish thing) pl_frontier_final (spinny thing or spinny satellite dish thing, I forget which) Video showing what this does soon. This is just a minor "enhancement" plugin that I made because why not. You just load it up and ignore it. Or like that Ronco guy says, "Set it and forget it!". Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (TF2FixFuncRotating.sp - 3.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. GunGame For TF2! Play in a Deathmatch against the other players in which every kill progresses you one weapon forward, and the first to get to the end of the series wins the round! This mod is mainly made for gg_ maps, however, it should work on other maps as well, but perhaps not as balanced. DEPENDENCIES Sourcemod 1.9+ TF2Items INSTALLATION Drag the contents of the attached zip into your sourcemod folder Customize the configuration as you see fit, there's a lot more information available on the GitHub repo. TODO Add an override for the weapon viewmodel/worldmodel More gg_ maps CREDITS Screwdriver (Programming) Benoist3012 (Programming Help & Moral Support) 42 (Mapping) Translators listed on GitHub repo As for maps, hopefully there are more on the way. One great map is gg_burgstadt by 42. Be sure to check the GitHub repo for a lot more information. P.S. I appended 'Redux' to the name because I found out another plugin with the name existed at some point; I have no affiliation with the original plugin maker. Attached Files (44.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (tfgungame.sp - 24.4 KB) (1.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. GunGame For TF2! Play in a Deathmatch against the other players in which every kill progresses you one weapon forward, and the first to get to the end of the series wins the round! This mod is mainly made for gg_ maps, however, it should work on other maps as well, but perhaps not as balanced. DEPENDENCIES Sourcemod 1.9+ TF2Items INSTALLATION Drag the contents of the attached zip into your sourcemod folder Customize the configuration as you see fit, there's a lot more information available on the GitHub repo. TODO Add an override for the weapon viewmodel/worldmodel More gg_ maps CREDITS Screwdriver (Programming) Benoist3012 (Programming Help & Moral Support) 42 (Mapping) Translators listed on GitHub repo As for maps, hopefully there are more on the way. One great map is gg_burgstadt by 42. Be sure to check the GitHub repo for a lot more information. P.S. I appended 'Redux' to the name because I found out another plugin with the name existed at some point; I have no affiliation with the original plugin maker. Attached Files (44.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Hi guys, I need a plugin that can force players to enter in "counter-Terrorists" or "Terrorists" through STEAM_ID Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Credits for : twistedeuphoria ( MultiJump Plugin ) Plug-in : SoccerJam VIP Plugin Author : Alex Boxer + twistedeuphoria Version : 1.0 Hi everyone im new here :D I "created" a plugin for soccerjam mod - SoccerJam VIP Plugin But i have one bug for this plugin, when i press G for speed boost in soccerjam. When speed boost is done, vip speed return to normal 260 speed.. :D Who can fix it for me plss ? i will add him to credits. Thank you so much. Spoiler #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <fun> #include <hamsandwich> #include <engine> #define VIP ADMIN_LEVEL_B #define PLUGIN "Speed | Gravity" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "Alex Boxer + twistedeuphoria" // -- || Variabil's || -- // new Speed[33], Gravity[33]; new jumpnum[33] = 0 new bool:dojump[33] = false // -- || Cvar's public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, "AUTHOR"); //Cvar's register_cvar("amx_maxjumps","1"); register_cvar("amx_mjadminonly","1"); register_event("CurWeapon", "CurrWeapon", "be", "1=1"); RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Spawn", true); // Add your code here... } public Spawn( id ) { if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP) { Speed[id] = true; Gravity[id] = true; CurrWeapon(id); } else { Speed[id] = false; Gravity[id] = false; CurrWeapon(id); } } public CurrWeapon ( id ) { if(Speed[id]) { set_user_maxspeed(id, 280.0); } else { set_user_maxspeed(id, 280.0); } if(Gravity[id]) { set_user_gravity(id, 0.75); } else { set_user_gravity(id, 0.75); } } public client_putinserver(id) { jumpnum[id] = 0 dojump[id] = false } public client_disconnect(id) { jumpnum[id] = 0 dojump[id] = false } public client_PreThink(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if(get_cvar_num("amx_mjadminonly") && (!access(id,VIP))) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE new nbut = get_user_button(id) new obut = get_user_oldbutton(id) if((nbut & IN_JUMP) && !(get_entity_flags(id) & FL_ONGROUND) && !(obut & IN_JUMP)) { if(jumpnum[id] < get_cvar_num("amx_maxjumps")) { dojump[id] = true jumpnum[id]++ return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } } if((nbut & IN_JUMP) && (get_entity_flags(id) & FL_ONGROUND)) { jumpnum[id] = 0 return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public client_PostThink(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if(get_cvar_num("amx_mjadminonly") && (!access(id,VIP))) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE if(dojump[id] == true) { new Float:velocity[3] entity_get_vector(id,EV_VEC_velocity,velocity ) velocity[2] = random_float(265.0,285.0) entity_set_vector(id,EV_VEC_velocity,velocity ) dojump[id] = false return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } Attached Files vipsoccerjam.amxx (2.3 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (vipsoccerjam.sma - 2.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Description: TITLE IS NOT WRITTED CORRECT IT S YOUR NOT YOU RE This plugin able you to show adverts into your server.You can make money again wih adverts.Solution is there. Commands: sm_bonusmenu - players bonus menu Cvars: sm_bonusmenu_type Requirements: WebServer or Webhost. CsGo Server Additional notes: All plugin configuration is explained into plugin github repository Download Steam Github Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Handcuff for JailBreak Description The plugin allow Guards to use Handcuff after a player amount. Prisoners won't be able to use or pick up weapons while handcuffed. After getting uncuffed the prisoner gets back his weapons. Here is a video about the plugin... Translations Defaults, English and Hungarian Features HandCuff prisoners HandCuff sounds Minimum players to use Anti-InstaUse ConVars and Commands sm_hc_enabled - Enable/Disable Handcuff feature sm_hc_minimum - Minimum players to let guards use handcuff sm_hc_radius - Maximum radius to target a player !handcuff (also !hs) Installation Upload the files Load the plugin or change the map Configure the plugin over ent_handcuff.cfg (csgo/cfg/sourcemod/ent_handcuff.cfg) Requests or Known bugs Nothing yet Includes SMLIB EntCuff (uploaded with the sp) :fox: Github here Download here Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (handcuff.sp - 11.1 KB) (3.0 KB) handcuff.smx (24.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. One in the Chamber One shot, one kill. Don't waste your bullet or you'll have to knife someone to get it back. About A really fun gamemode I used to play all the time in CoD: BO2. Normal round ends(Hostage rescued, time limit reached, etc.) do not actually end the round. Each map by default has 3 rounds(can be changed), and in order for each round to end, a player must score the maximum amount of points which is 25 by default(can be changed). Commands PHP Code: sm_setpoints //Usage: sm_setpoints <name> <points(0-24)> Cvars PHP Code: // The maximum amount of points to gain before winning the game // - // Default: "25" oitc_maxpoints "25" // The maximum amount of rounds before switching the map // - // Default: "3" oitc_maxrounds "3" Video Installation 1. Drag "OneInTheChamber.smx" into your "plugins" folder 2. Start server and enjoy! :wink: (Optional) 3. Configure oitc.cfg in "csgo\cfg\sourcemod" to your liking Downloads Attachment 172417 Attachment 172418 Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (OneInTheChamber.sp - 7.9 KB) OneInTheChamber.smx (9.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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