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serwerów CS

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6 Attachments

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Witam mam problem z wgraniem na serwer tego pluginu

wyrzuca taki komunikat 

L 08/17/2017 - 11:44:25: [SM]   [1] Line 66, D:\Sourcemod\ServerAdvertisements3\ServerAdvertisements3.sp::OnMapStart
L 08/17/2017 - 11:44:25: [SM]   [0] SetFailState
L 08/17/2017 - 11:44:25: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 08/17/2017 - 11:44:25: [SM] Blaming: ServerAdvertisements3.smx
L 08/17/2017 - 11:44:25: [SM] Exception reported: [SA3] SteamWorks is not loaded

oto cfg 

    "ServerName" "[{orange}SERVER{default}]" // Server tag
    "MySQL" "0" // If 1 -> Messages will be loaded from MySQL
    "ServerType" "default" // Only if MySQL is 1 -> Simply divide messages to groups (e.g. 3 servers uses ServerType surf and 2 servers uses jailbreak)
    "Time" "5" // Time in seconds
    "Languages"  "PL" // List of languages / Keep the main language first (If player connect from Country you did not translated. He will get messages in language which is the first in list).
    "Default language" "geoip" // Value = "geoip" or "ingame"
    "Log expired messages" "0" // 1 = Enabled -> Messages are loged in Sourcemod's error log
    "ServerTracker" "1" // 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
  "Welcome Message"
    "Enabled" "1" // 1 = Enabled / 0 = Disabled,
    "Type" "T" // Type of message - Only T and C types are supported right now
    "PL" "{orange}[PLHW] \n{darkred}Witamy Cię na serwerze only mirage {PLAYERNAME}! \n {lime}pack by Dark."
    "Delay" "5.0" // Time in seconds after is client connected to server to show message
    "flags" "" // Client with this flag will get welcome message - Keep empty for all
      "enabled" "0" // Message is temporarily disabled - Default: 1
      "enabledtill" "30.05.2017" // Date DD/MM/YYYY -> Message will be available till 30. May 2017
      "maps" "all" //- Default: all
      "PL" "Gramy Aktualnie na {CURRENTMAP} \n Gracze online: {PLAYERCOUNT} \n Nastepna mapa : {NEXTMAP} \n Friendly fire: {mp_friendlyfire} \n"
      "type" "T"
      "tag" "[{darkred}SYSTEM{default}]"
      "enabled" "1" // Message is enabled
      "maps" "all"
      "PL"  "Admini ONLINE na serwerze : {ADMINSONLINE}"
      "type" "T"
      "ignore" "zb"
      "maps" "all"
      "PL"  "<font color='#ff00ff'>Właścicielami są {red}Łysy Grzeniu i Mirek <3</font>"
      "type" "C"
      "tag" "{orange}[PLHW]" // Message without tag
    "4" // Message with "ServerName" option tag
      "maps" "all"
      "PL" "{DEFAULT}Co posiada vip ?{GREEN}wpisz !vip"
      "type" "t"
	  "tag" "{orange}[PLHW]"
    "5" // HUD MESSAGE
      "enabled" "1"
      "type" "h"
      "color" "255 112 0" // RGB (R G B)
      "color2" "255 255 51" // RGB (R G B)
      "effect" "2" // 0,1,2
      "channel" "5" // Any number
      "posx" "-1.0" //left to right
      "posy" "0.05" //top to bottom
      "fadein" "0.2" //Fade in time
      "fadeout" "0.2" //Fade out time
      "holdtime" "5.0" //Message hold time

Z tego co wiem nie działa wersja tłumaczenia na "cz" i zmieniłem na "PL" ale nw czy to coś da, widziałem że csgo nie wspiera pluginów które generują wiadomości HUD w grze. Co może być problem.

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