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  1. Description: This plugin allows Administrators to start a countdown that will display to all players on the center of their screen. The TF2 Announcer will voice the last few seconds of the countdown. Commands: !countdown X (where X is a number) - This will start the countdown !stopcountdown - This will stop the countdown Example: !countdown 15 This will start a countdown of 15 seconds. It will display on the screen of all players. The TF2 Announcer will voice the last seconds of the countdown. Credits: Headline for some snippet of timer code I found that you created Video: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (countdown.sp - 3.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Description You can create lasers on the map that can be fully customized (damage, color, frame rate, amplitude, width) Cmds !laser_control - to open main menu !respawn_all_lasers - to reload config and respawn all lasers Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Laser Creator.sp - 25.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Spitter can throw a tank rock every 5 seconds by scratching(m2). I'm not sure why but it doesn't always work properly if there are multiple spitters, however in my testing works fine for 1 spitter. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (spitter rocks.sp - 1.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Description: This plugin allows players to use emotes from Fortnite. Type !emotes in chat and choose an emote. This was from this but since the topic author dont want to add the extra emotes to the main post, here a new topic with all the emotes, more features and support for the extended version. ConVars: Code: sm_emotes_cooldown (default: 4.0) - Cooldown for emotes in seconds. -1 or 0 = no cooldown. sm_emotes_save_weapons_round_end (default: 1) - Save players' weapons after round end (only for dancing players). Set it to 0 if you're running jail, retake, etc. server. sm_emotes_sounds (default: 1) - Enable/Disable sounds for emotes. Todo list: -Add multi-language. -Admin commands for force emotes/dances. -Optimizations. -Bugs reported (?). Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. (Pic1, Pic2, Pic3, Pic4, Pic5, Pic6, Pic7, Pic8, Pic9, Pic10, Pic11, Pic12) About: 12 different types. Customise which types to allow and which grenade they work for. Players can equip a grenade and hold SHOOT + SHOVE keys to change grenade type. Adding new grenade types should be easy so feel free to suggest ideas. Grenade Types: Molotov: - Bomb: Explosive grenade. Detonates on impact. - Cluster: Shoots out multiple explosive projectiles. - Firework: Firework crate explosion. L4D2 only. - Smoke: Smoke screen to hide an area. PipeBomb: - Black Hole: Pulls enemies in toward the center. - Flashbang: Blinds Survivors and Special Infected on detonation. - Shield: Reduces damage to Survivors inside the area. - Tesla: Electrocutes enemies inside the area pushing them back. VomitJar: (L4D1: these types are split between Molotov and PipeBomb) - Chemical: Acid puddles on the ground to damage enemies inside the area. - Freezer: Freezes enemies inside the area of influence. - Medic: Heals - only works on Survivors. - Vaporizer: Dissolves common infected within the area. Cvars: Saved to l4d_grenades.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder. PHP Code: // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d_grenades_allow "1" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all). l4d_grenades_modes "" // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = off). l4d_grenades_modes_off "" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together. l4d_grenades_modes_tog "0" // Grenade Mods plugin version. l4d_grenades_version Changes: Code: 1.0 (03-Oct-2019) - Initial release. Installation: Download the .zip and extract the files to their respective folders in your servers \addons\sourcemod\ folder. Current Translations: English (en). Attached Files (67.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. About: In Versus by default a Survivor loses health while being dragged by a Smoker. In Coop they don't lose any health, so this plugin addresses that problem. Please suggest good damage and time values to use. Currently does 10 HP per second. Thanks: XJR15 - For the idea and request. Cvars: Saved to l4d_tongue_damage.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder. PHP Code: // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d_tongue_damage_allow "1" // How much damage to apply. l4d_tongue_damage_damage "5.0" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all). l4d_tongue_damage_modes "" // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none). l4d_tongue_damage_modes_off "" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together. l4d_tongue_damage_modes_tog "12" // How often to damage players. l4d_tongue_damage_time "0.5" // Tongue Damage plugin version. l4d_tongue_damage_version Changes: Code: 1.0 (02-Oct-2019) - Initial release. Installation: Click "Get Plugin" and put the .smx file into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_tongue_damage.sp - 8.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. About: Adjustable melee range for individual melee types. There's no clear and easy way to detour or change the range per client specifically so this will have to suffice. If someone melees within 5 frames of someone else (about 0.2s) it won't set their melee range but instead use the range from the previous person. The distance is used over those frames to calculate hits during the swing. If you want to increase or decrease sensitivity change the "g_iFrameCount++ <= 5" value. Not sure how many frames it calculates over exactly. Might be 6 or so. Thanks: xZk - For the idea and request. Cvars: Saved to l4d2_melee_range.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder. PHP Code: // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d2_melee_range_allow "1" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all). l4d2_melee_range_modes "" // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none). l4d2_melee_range_modes_off "" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together. l4d2_melee_range_modes_tog "0" // 70=Default. Range for Baseball Bat. l4d2_melee_range_weapon_baseball_bat "150" // 70=Default. Range for Cricket Bat. l4d2_melee_range_weapon_cricket_bat "150" // 70=Default. Range for Crowbar. l4d2_melee_range_weapon_crowbar "150" // 70=Default. Range for Electric Guitar. l4d2_melee_range_weapon_electric_guitar "150" // 70=Default. Range for Fire Axe. l4d2_melee_range_weapon_fireaxe "150" // 70=Default. Range for Frying Pan. l4d2_melee_range_weapon_frying_pan "70" // 70=Default. Range for Golf Club . l4d2_melee_range_weapon_golfclub "150" // 70=Default. Range for Katana. l4d2_melee_range_weapon_katana "150" // 70=Default. Range for Knife. l4d2_melee_range_weapon_knife "70" // 70=Default. Range for Machete. l4d2_melee_range_weapon_machete "120" // 70=Default. Range for Tonfa. l4d2_melee_range_weapon_tonfa "120" // Melee Range plugin version. l4d2_melee_range_version Changes: Code: 1.0 (02-Oct-2019) - Initial release. Installation: Click "Get Plugin" and put the .smx file into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_melee_range.sp - 8.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. Sometimes you have to test something where bots are also needed, but many hosts prohibit this action by adding to the server startup parameters -> `-nobots` -> This mini-plugin solves this problem :) You say - But there is VSP No Hosting Limits -> For that extension, you can get a ban and the hosting can easily detect that you changed the command line parameters. Plugin - does not manipulate your startup parameters -> It just removes the check on the server itself, therefore, to detect this -> It is not enough for the hosting to verify your parameters externally. Also in the plugin there is a fake plugin name. To disable this, you need to do #define SPOOF_NAME in the seventh line -> // # define SPOOF_NAME In version 1.1 - when a plugin is loaded, a gamedata is created with a random name - the signature is loaded and right away deleted for determine this plugin more difficult. Version 1.0 is also present in the archive - it has a slightly different address definition + static game data. Also, it didn’t have to deal with KeyValues bugs, so - if something like this happens, which will cause version 1.1 to bug -> 1.0 - it will work fine Attached Files (14.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. Plugin features: Fix cappers count limit on capturing the control point:wink: Source code: Releases: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Print hint text countdown timer when round start, this plugin follow cvar value "mp_freezetime" Cvars : None Commands: None Credits : kRatoss (main idea) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (countdown.sp - 9.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. this simple plugin and doesn't have cvars or configs, there is only client preference. Players can Enable/Disable join music and select volume Commands: !joinmusic or !settings --> Join Server Music Cvars : none TODO: add configs and allow client choose music credits : "AbNeR_CSS" client preference from his round end sound plugin Attached Files (1.46 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. This plugin show Health & Stamina when player crouch. Example. Health: 100 Stamina :130 Made by Dayonn_dayonn Attached Files health_and_stamina_disp (4.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Helps mitigate the spam shown in this video by setting a cooldown on audible reloads. Voice lines will continue to play on the client-side while restricted, but other players won't hear them. I've also included an option to disable them entirely, as well as other radial commands. CVars: sm_voice_commands (1/0) (Default: 1) Toggle voice commands on and off (Note: also mutes bleeding and grenade throws). sm_audible_reloads (1/0) (Default: 1) Toggle audible reloads on and off. sm_audible_reloads_cooldown (Default: 15) Mute audible reloads for this many seconds after the previous one. What about a voice command cooldown? That's already in the base game: sv_voice_cooldown Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nmrih-mouth-tape.sp - 1.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Description: A soccer day CTs vs Ts match soccer. I made this plugin specially for my server so maybe some configs are missing. Zones to create with !zones: goal1 - contains the goal of the team1 goal2 - contains the goal of the team2 soccer1 - spawnpoint for the team1 soccer2 - spawnpoint for the team2 soccerzone - contains the soccerzone Requeriments: DevZones - SmartJailDoors - MyJailBreak - Commands: sm_soccer - start a vote for soccer day. I was thinking in a "vip" feature with this command have cooldown for custom flag 1 users and no cooldown for root users. Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Idea from CS:GO Quickswitch Reloading Videoshowcase Description: 1.Weapon Quickswitch Reloading in L4D, see videos above. 2.Quickswitch so it looks like professional.8) DO IT FOR STYLE :3 Install: Download l4d_weapon_csgo_reload for L4D1 Download l4d2_weapon_csgo_reload for L4D2 Changelog: Spoiler v 1.0: Initial release. L4D1 CVars: Spoiler PHP Code: // enable this plugin?[1-Enable,0-Disable] l4d_enable_reload_clip "1" // enable previous clip recover? l4d_enable_clip_recover "1" // reload time for smg clip l4d_smg_reload_clip_time "1.65" //reload time for rifle clip l4d_rifle_reload_clip_time "1.2" //reload time for hunting rifle clip l4d_huntingrifle_reload_clip_time "2.6" //reload time for pistol clip l4d_pistol_reload_clip_time "1.5" //reload time for dual pistol clip l4d_dualpistol_reload_clip_time "2.1" L4D2 CVars: l4d2_weapon_csgo_reload.cfg in \cfg\sourcemod\ folder. Spoiler PHP Code: // reload time for ak47 clip // - // Default: "1.2" l4d2_ak47_reload_clip_time "1.2" // reload time for awp clip // - // Default: "2.0" l4d2_awp_reload_clip_time "2.0" // reload time for dual pistol clip // - // Default: "1.75" l4d2_dualpistol_reload_clip_time "1.75" // enable previous clip recover? // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" l4d2_enable_clip_recover "1" // enable this plugin?[1-Enable,0-Disable] // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" l4d2_enable_reload_clip "1" // reload time for grenade clip // - // Default: "2.5" l4d2_grenade_reload_clip_time "2.5" // reload time for hunting rifle clip // - // Default: "2.6" l4d2_huntingrifle_reload_clip_time "2.6" // reload time for mangum clip // - // Default: "1.18" l4d2_mangum_reload_clip_time "1.18" // reload time for pistol clip // - // Default: "1.2" l4d2_pistol_reload_clip_time "1.2" // reload time for rifle clip // - // Default: "1.2" l4d2_rifle_reload_clip_time "1.2" // reload time for rifledesert clip // - // Default: "1.8" l4d2_rifledesert_reload_clip_time "1.8" // reload time for scout clip // - // Default: "1.45" l4d2_scout_reload_clip_time "1.45" // reload time for sg552 clip // - // Default: "1.3" l4d2_sg552_reload_clip_time "1.3" // reload time for smg clip // - // Default: "1.2" l4d2_smg_reload_clip_time "1.2" // reload time for smg mp5 clip // - // Default: "1.7" l4d2_smgmp5_reload_clip_time "1.7" // reload time for smg silenced clip // - // Default: "1.1" l4d2_smgsilenced_reload_clip_time "1.1" // reload time for sniper military clip // - // Default: "1.8" l4d2_snipermilitary_reload_clip_time "1.8" Enjoy~ Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_weapon_csgo_reload.sp - 22.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_weapon_csgo_reload.sp - 12.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. Description: A thanos special day round for jailbreak servers. I made this plugin specially for my server so maybe some configs are missing. Screenshots: Requeriments: SmartJailDoors - MyJailBreak - Commands: sm_thanos - start a vote for thanos day. I was thinking in a "vip" feature with this command have cooldown for custom flag 1 users and no cooldown for root users. sm_setthanos - set thanos to a player instead of do it random. Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Heres the file of all u need i already compile it remember dont download old one if u want to download his 1.5.0 u can but u need to compile it on your own if u download mine i already compile it Heres the link of installation: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. hers the file of all u need remember if you dont know how to install go check the wiki! Attached Files SlenderFortress (582.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. Hello everyone! This is my first ever real sourcemod plugin, so please let me know if I'm doing some practices wrong, or if the code itself is just inefficient. As the description says, this plugin is supposed to reflect all random crit damage back onto the attacker and ignore any other source of crit, such as those from: The Kritzkrieg, CTF cap crits, victory crits, and etcetera. Here's a video of it in action: (slight volume warning until :16, had music playing) Changelog: 20/09/2019 | v1.0: * Init. release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (reflectCrits.sp - 3.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. It is a simple manager for sourcemod admins and VIP I was kinda free for few days so i decided to make this . This took me nearly 2 weeks and several mental breakdowns Special thanks to PYTHON Discord group for helping me a lot , 2 gud , cuz i started learning python like 1 month ago only , join them here - I know its a crappy software , but get the job done , you can just ignore it if you don't want to use it How it works on LINUX ? INSTALLATION :- (bare with my crappy english ;-; ) Dependicies : Python 3.6 or up for linux python3 - sudo apt-get install python3 Copy , , verify_without_minus_day, to you addons/configs folder To add a VIP or first time installation :- run .enter the details Edit your file with your path to .don't enter a string value in time , it will stop the program right away .If you using Linux enter this in your terminal of the machine Code: sudo crontab -e Choose your preferred editor put this in the end :- Code: 30 00 * * * bash path/to/your/addons/sourcemod/configs/ to test if that works fine Code: */1 * * * * bash path/to/your/addons/sourcemod/configs/ check raw_time.txt file in next 2 minutes it should decrease 1 to the time press ctrl + O and then enter to save press ctrl + x it should print :- crontab : installing new crontab Done .If using Windows use task scheduler to execute DONE Note - I never posted something on this forum , so tell me if I am doing something wrong :) DOWNLOAD Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. [Levels Ranks] Core is a statistics plugin that will be a perfect substitute for other statisticians like RankMe, Sod Stats and the like. The essence of it is simple, you perform various game actions and get/loss experience points for it, at accumulation/loss of certain quantity of which, you receive a certain rank. You can also edit the number of ranks. The plugin has 3 types of statistics. 1. Accumulation system The point is that you start with the lowest rank and you have to accumulate experience points starting with 0. And the more you play, the higher the rank. 2. Rating system (extended) This type of statistics is analogous to HlstatsX. Its essence is that you get an average rank and 1000 experience points. And depending on how you know how to play and how well, depends on your rank. 3. Rating system (simple) This type of statistics is analogous to RankMe; the essence of this type of statistics is the same as the type of statistics above (rating extended), but there are no additional bonuses, there is no multiplying coefficient to regulate statistics, and in this type there is another formula for calculating experience points. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source SourceMod and higher (stable version only) sm_lvl (main menu) sm_lvl_reload (reload the system) sm_lvl_reset (full reset statistic) 1. Read the complete description "ReadMe.txt" 2. Uninstall the previous version of the plug-in, if available 3. Extract the contents of the archive into folders- addons (plugin and its settings) - FastDL Server (plug-in files for Web Hosting) - Game Server (plug-in files for the server itself) 4. Configure the files:- addons / sourcemod / configs / databases.cfg - addons / sourcemod / configs / levels_ranks / downloads.ini - addons / sourcemod / configs / levels_ranks / settings.ini - addons / sourcemod / configs / levels_ranks / settings_ranks.ini - addons / sourcemod / configs / levels_ranks / settings_stats.ini 5. Restart the server Is not needed, but is a cool feature: Source:HLMod Forum Core Support for the plugin: Roadside Romeo Discord Support for the Webpanel: M0st1ce Discord Special Thanks goes to Roadside Romeo and Wend4r that update the plugin and add more features and thanks also to M0st1ce for the good work, she has created a webpanel for Level Ranks. Attached Files levelsranks.smx (33.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (levelsranks.sp - 5.3 KB) [Levels Ranks] Core v3.0 (132.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. [CS:GO] Item Buy Notification ABOUT: When the player buyed item, they show the other team friends what they have received as a message. CONVARS: bin_type "0 = disable || 1 = only console || 2 = only chat || 3 = chat + console" bin_prefix "Plugin chat message prefix." Code: cfg/sourcemod/Buy_Item_Notification.cfg Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (bin_en.sp - 4.8 KB) bin_en.smx (5.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. When the player buyed item, they show the other players what they have received as a message. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Description: Create and edit multiple func_tracktrain systems in game using path_tracks and a specified model for the trains. I made this for fun, I don't know if anyone will have any use for it but here it is. You can place path_tracks throughout the map, set the model, sound, speed and orientation (These can also be changed with sm_train_edit <train#>) of your train and execute it. This should also be able to be used is CS:S and CS:GO, you will have to change the two model paths on lines 25,26 to something specific to your game, line 25 has a model supported by CSS/CS:GO commented next to it. Credits: Mehis from this post Requirements: This uses the Morecolors plugin for the chat messages, if you don't want this you can convert all the "CPrintToChat" methods to the standard PrintToChat format within the .sp file and recompile. Notes: Admin isn't required, but you can set the flags if wanted. Currently, as it stands, the max train limit per player is 4 and each train can contain 15 path_tracks. (These can be changed in the .sp file, they're defined on lines 28 and 29. The command I am using to grab the path tracks (cans) is not included in this, that is a command from my build plugin. If this is an issue I can include some simple method of moving them. The track is looped, meaning the train will make its way back to the first path_track when it reaches the last track (it will go through walls if first and last are not lined properly). The train values are not specific per-train, meaning if you create a train with certain values, then create a second train with different values, then edit and start the first train without changing values, it will start with the same settings as the second train. values can not be changed to a train while it is in motion. I did not spend a whole lot of time on this and I am still fairly new to source mod/engine so this may be a little messy, I'll try and do some edits to remove some redundancies, clean code and add some different features when I get a chance. If you catch any major errors or anything, please do let me know as I have not debugged a whole lot. Commands: Code: sm_train_track (*TWO REQUIRED TO START*) Place a path_track prop at cursor position (If you havent exceeded max Tracks or max Trains) sm_train_model <model path> (*REQUIRED TO START*) Set the model of your train, format: "models/combine_helicopter.mdl" sm_train_sound <sound path> (OPTIONAL, DEFAULT: NONE) Set the sound of your train, format: "npc/attack_helicopter/aheli_rotor_loop1.wav" (remove sounds with "off" or "0") sm_train_speed <1-1500> (OPTIONAL, DEFAULT: 80) Set the speed at which your train travels, the max value is 1500 (max and default can be changed on lines 30,32). sm_train_orientation<0-3> (OPTIONAL, DEFAULT: 0) Sets the orientation of your train, this will control whether or not and how the train will rotate/turn towards the next path_track 0: Never turns (Fixed) 1: Turns near the next path 2: A Linear Blend 3: Eases in and out sm_train_start Start the current train you're working on (If model is set and 2+ path_tracks are placed) sm_train_edit <train#> Edit the specified trains values and track, train will need to be started again after. sm_train_delete <train#> Delete the specified train and all it's tracks. Installation: Simply drag and drop the .smx file into your addons/sourcemod/plugins folder, and optionally the .sp into your scripting folder. Todo: Probably add settings for a few other of func_tracktrains keyvalues/inputs (Such as solidity, currently, the trains are solid by default). Make train settings train-specific as not to have to re-do all the settings of a train during edit after creating another train with different values Add a setting for how to handle the ending (loop, reverse, stop) currently it is looped Clean the code... Attached Files TrackTrain.smx (21.9 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (TrackTrain.sp - 23.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. Description This plugin prints how many fall damage players have received. Default tag: [HNS] You can customize plugin tag and message colors through the scripting file. Screenshot Attached Files falldmg.smx (4.2 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (falldmg.sp - 1.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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