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  1. Came back from a game of danger zone and found that my survival_equip bind crashes the server. I don't know if anyone else has this issue, but if you do here's a small plugin to block the command. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (dz_fix.sp - 472 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Download MoreVIPFeatues, a compact plugin with more features for VIP players! With this plugin, you can customize almost everything. From which grenades should be given, to the amount of health the player should get. Features Grenades Smoke FlashBang HE Grenade Tatical Grenade Taser MediShot Enable respawning Max respawns per map Armor Kev Kev + Helmet Health Bonus per kill Health Bonus on a normal kill Health Bonus on a headshot kill Max health that a player can have Feel free to submit a Pull request or an issue if you have any idea or suggestion of something you would like to see in this plugin. How to install? Simple! Just drag the MoreVIPFeatures.smx file to the plugins folder and the MoreVIPFeatures.phrases.txt file to the translations folder! Commands "sm_vipmenu" - The menu that shows the activated features "sm_vipspawn" - The command to respawn Changelog v1.0 - Initial Release. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Hi guys, I've seen a few prison plugins here. I would love for your personal recommendation on certain plugins Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Hello everyone, I am currently trying to redo a Zombie Horde because I had one a very long time ago (like 2007) that was always full and where we had a lot of fun. I added the RPGmenu mode to my old Zombie Horde server. What's is Zombie Horde ? Zombie Horde is a gamemode where the Terrorists are zombies and the Anti-Terrorists are humans. Zombies are played by bots (more than 20) and there is no infection, only knife damage. When a human dies, he must wait for his team to win the round or lose it to repeat a new round (like Zombie Riot(outdated) but no waves) I need you, for the moment I have something correct, I used: -Headshot Only (the money is blocked at $0, I'm looking in the settings of the plugins to edit) -sm_skinchooser (I can not force the bots to have a lot of zombie skins, someone have an idea?) -SMRPG (working great) I still need: -Plugin to force like 20-24 bots only in Terrorist Team -something very difficult, I want to redo what Zombie Horde was doing in 2007, green powerup balls (with different power like Berserker, Regen auto stuck at 120hp, Gravity, you burn (malus), ...) -Dark ambiance plugin (sky, sound,...) Here is what I have in mind, if I have any other idea I will tell you. Thank you for future people who will give me help, I'm not very good at coding but I learn. PS: I looked for other posts like this but they are all 5-6 years old Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Cvars: • bhop_prefix Prefix for Bhop menu. (Default: [Bhop]) Compiling: • Download the Bhop.sp file. • Upload the Bhop.sp file to your compiling folder. Commands: • sm_bhop • Thanks to the K1lleR_gamea ($uicidE) for helping me write the code Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (bhop.sp - 2.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Description: This plugin allows you to respawn not just in a spawn room, but on any ally, that is undamaged or unhurt for about at least 3 seconds (~3-4). However, if your entire team is wiped out, you have to wait about 15 seconds (default time, there is convar for that one). This in turn makes following points: You must have at least 2 persons in teams at all times alive to respawn fast. Otherwise the team is punished for dying together. There's a sound played every time frontline respawn is utilized. If you are seen by the enemy, you can't spawn allies for a short amount of time. A disguised spy can't spawn allies, for that matter it also denies enemy frontline spawns just as well by being in line of sight. A sentry gun is the only engineer building that denies frontline spawning for the enemy as well. If you get hurt by the enemy (not self inflicted damage) you can't spawn allies for a short amount of time. Lastly, if you don't care where to spawn but any ally will do, just say !respawn once and it will toggle that option for you. Otherwise spectate ally and press E (Medic!), and it will tell you, if it's not okay to respawn there or spawn you right away. I play tested this with 24 bots. I had quite an amount of situations where I felt like in circus and ~10 clowns could exit a car at any moment. (by car I mean the enemy bot who turned around the corner and left my line of sight for 3 seconds, heh) In ctf_2fort I had a moment or two, where I killed about 70 enemies in one life by having a medic heal me and picking up ammunition from dead enemies. I recommend installing a plugin that restricts suicide (because as long as allies are nearby, losing ammo or health is not an issue that much). And maybe one to have engineers build multiple buildings, because turtling is much less useful and is a lot harder, depending on player count. Teleports itself are near useless with this. This is basically proof of concept. I scripted this in about 2 hours just by looking at about other 3-4 plugins on this forum. Because of the nature of this plugin, it may naturally conflict with any other respawn management system, so if you enable this one, disable the other ones. Cvars: sm_fr_enabled - Default 0 - Respawn disabled/enabled cvar sm_fr_time_red - Default 15.0 - Respawn time for Red team sm_fr_time_blue - Default 15.0 - Respawn time for Blue team Installation: 1. frontline_respawns.smx goes to addons/sourcemod/plugins folder. 2. extract archive contents to tf folder, it doesn't replace anything, but adds resources this pluign currently utilizes. 3. change map (or load plugin) and sm_fr_enabled 1, have fun. Current Issues: I personally don't like that you can suicide and get fresh health and ammo. But I'm not sure how to prevent that. Other than that I haven't caught any issue of about hour of playing with it with bots. Also I might add more convars... Changelog: 0.0.1 - Literally first public version. Initial release so to say. Sadly I couldn't manage to play test this on normal server with actual amount of people. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (frontline_respawns.sp - 21.3 KB) tf.7z (300.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    Flashboosting (CSGO)

    Flashboosting in csgo The other one did not seem to work so I decide to upload the fixed ver:bacon!: Attached Files flashboost.smx (18.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. Hello, My English is Bad This plugin allows bots to play robot destruction gamemode but have a small bug Plugin is automatic Plugin can disable by self on non robot destruction maps Credits tRololo312312 - based on payload race bots plugin Bugs -Bots trying pickup unspawned health packs -Flag sometimes teleporting to ubercharged robots To Do -Fix bots go to unspawned health packs -Fix flag teleport to ubercharged robots Have Fun! Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (tf_bots_on_robot_destruction.sp - 16.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. Description: Show random MOTD picture on each round start. Newly connected players will see the default motd.txt. When you press press "H" you should also see the default motd.txt. Using: - You should prepare picture1.jpg, picture2.jpg --- ... --- pictureX.jpg files and upload them to your site (content-server), e.g.: They should be directly accessible from the browser. Compatibility: - L4D1. - L4D2 - (untested) - СS:GO - (untested) - TF2 - (untested) Commands: Settings (ConVars): sm_motd_random_enable - def.: 1 - Enable plugin (1 - On / 0 - Off) sm_motd_random_picture_address - def.:{}.jpg - Web-address of pictures. {} will be replaced by number (1 ... N) sm_motd_random_count - def.: 10 - Total count of pictures on FTP sm_motd_random_selection_type - def.: 1 - How to select picture number: 0 - randomly, 1 - consistently sm_motd_random_title - def.: Welcome - Title of MOTD (TF2) dynamicmotd_big - def.: 0 - If enabled, uses a larger MOTD window (TF2-only!). 0 - Disabled (default), 1 - Enabled Using: Copy smx to addons/sourcemod/plugins Credits: * Thanks to "p3tsin" for "String table MOTD replacer" * Thanks to "psychonic" for "Dynamic MotD Replacer" Most of code is based on above works. So, most regards to that guys. Known bugs: - Possibly, you could see MOTD window appear twice on round start. Support: - support is lazy. I don't have much time for this plugin. Better, donate code. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_motd_random.sp - 17.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. I've always wanted a homing projectile plugin with some custom settings that implements the RTD's homing algorithm. So... I made it. I also added a boyncy feature.. (why not?) I plan to add more features to it to controll the homing behavior so it can orbit' in dodgeball Cvars: Quote: hbp_defaultHomingState "0" // < 1 | 0 > Default homing state for all players hbp_defaultBounceState "0" // < 1 | 0 > Default bouncy state for all players hbp_timetoStarHoming "0.2" // < 0 | n > Time to wait before start homing hbp_maxModifiedProjectle "50" // < 1 | n > Max Homing Projectiles that will be handled at the same time hbp_homingSpeed "1.00" // < -n | n > Homing projectile initial speed hbp_homingSpeedMultiplier "1.10" // < -n | n > Homing projectile speed multiplier on deflect hbp_projectileMaxBounces "10" // < 1 | n > Amount of times that a projectile can bounce hbp_noHomingTimeOnBounce "0.3", // < 0 | n > Time that the projectile will stop homing after bouncing hbp_timetoStarBouncing" "0.1" // < 0 | n > Time to wait before start bouncing Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (hbp.sp - 14.3 KB) hbp.smx (14.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    900hp soldier

    just move the .smx file to \ addons \ sourcemod \ plugins and the soldier will have 900 hp Attached Files tf2_soldier900hp.smx (4.5 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (tf2_soldier900hp.sp - 779 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Tested on HL2DM, but I don't see why it wouldn't work in other games. I don't think anyone really plays anymore, but I'll share anyway haha. I've only ever seen "prop grab" features that would tie the props position to the players position, I've never liked this as it makes fine-tuning and precision a pain, so I decided to make my own. By keybinding "+movexy", and while looking at a prop and holding that keybind, you will be able to maneuver the selected prop around the X and Y axis by moving your mouse around, this is done via TraceRay and Entity Teleporting on a timer that repeats every 0.1 seconds. This is my first ever plugin, so it could definitely be better, however it works great for what I wanted it for so I decided to share it. I will however, be trying to make it more efficient and precise for learning reasons. NOTES: Try to grab the props at the lowest point nearest to you, it will make the movement a lot cleaner and precise, grabbing higher up can make the movements very un-likeable, due to the TraceRay reading farther past the prop. (Workin' on it). Prop will be frozen when grabbed to prevent it from spazzing out and will remain frozen when released. (it remains frozen after release because this works best as an addon to a build mod that supports unfreezing props) Does not move along the Z axis (Other build mods support this, I use SimpleBuild) No admin rights are required to use, change that in the OnPluginSart() function if wanted. Like most plugins, this is implemented simply by dropping the "moveprop_mouse.sp" file in your "scripting" folder, compiling it, and copy/pasting the "moveprop_mouse.smx" file located in the "compiled" folder, into your "plugins" folder. OR, take the .smx and drop it right into your plugins folder if you don't care for the source code Anyway, hope someone finds this useful, and please feel free to share any tips, feedback or ways of increasing precision! it would be much appreciated. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (moveprop_mouse.sp - 3.4 KB) moveprop_mouse.smx (7.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Description A c4timer plugin for CS:GO. It is show how many second remain to the explotion with sounds. If you have some idea, what i can add to this plugin, tell me. Thank you. Sounds available on two languages : - Hungarian - English Commands Admin commands sm_c4timer 0/1 - Disable/Enable plugin sm_c4timer_sound 0/1 - Disable/Enable plugin sounds Color support {default} {darkred} {green} {lightgreen} {red} {blue} {olive} {lime} {lightred} {purple} {grey} {orange} Installation Download file -> open zip file -> drag files (addons)&(sounds) and place it into "csgo" folder. Attached Files (399.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. "For a short period" At least that statement is true for the lost-footing condition. When you're airblasted, you get the "aircurrent" condition permanently. With aircurrent, you can't strafe really at all. It's a bit difficult to tell but is more noticeable on VSH/FF2 or maybe Surf servers. Here's a patch. Has one cvar: sm_aircurrent_time (default 1 second) Attached Files (39.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Description A simple reset score plugin for CS:GO. It is reset kills,assists,deaths,MVPs,points. If you have some idea, what i can add to this plugin, tell me. Thank you. Commands Player commands !rs, /rs, !resetmyscore, /resetmyscore - players can reset their scores sm_resetmyscore 0/1 - Disable/Enable SimpleResetMyScore plugin Color support {default} {darkred} {green} {lightgreen} {red} {blue} {olive} {lime} {lightred} {purple} {grey} {orange} Installation Download file -> open zip file -> drag files (addons) and place it into "csgo" folder. Attached Files (17.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. sm_ragspec_reset_time How long it takes to reset your view in seconds Default: 4 (0 disables the view reset unless you spawn) Attached Files ragspec.smx (7.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. (L4D2 particles and beams, presets saved to map test) (Preset with 100 beams saved 41 times - 4,100 beams. Plugin loaded 5,300 beams in 26 seconds @ 0.1 interval.) [Client was in windowed mode - this crashes fullscreen clients so max beams/particles must be limited] Thanks: "Don't Fear The Reaper" for the rotation matrix code "Boikinov" for 3 functions used in rotation. "Dragokas" - Testing and scripting advice "Lux" - Scripting advice "Visual77" - Scripting advice "Mr. Man" - Testing Features: Maximum Beams: - Avoid spawning more than 700 in one visible area (CSGO particles - client crash) or 2,000 (L4D2 - buffer error, see screenshot 2). - It's possible to spawn 60,000 beams/particles with clients in windowed mode but the map will start to disappear. - CRASH: Fullscreen clients will crash with far fewer beams or particles. This is why I've added cvars to set their max limits. Painting: - VIP command to spawn temporary beams every second (controlled by neon_paints cvar) in a line where your crosshair is aiming. Presets: - Create presets to save and load multiple beams/particles at once. Forced to be created on a flat wall with specific angles as other surfaces will mis-align. - Please create and share custom presets! See post #2 below for various presets and screenshots. - All preset names must be unique. Save to Map: - Auto spawn individual beams and presets on round start which were saved to the map. - The cvar neon_late controls if new clients connecting after round start are individually sent the saved beams. - Loads 32 (neon_cfg_max) beams every 0.2 seconds (neon_cfg_time) at round start after (neon_cfg_load) seconds. Custom Beam Colors: - You can define your RGB color list used in menus by editing the \addons\sourcemod\data\neon\menu.cfg config. Particles: - Games using the custom particles/materials can create 10 particles (L4D2 uses 9 inbuilt particles), with the same features as standard beams. Their color cannot be changed. Admin Commands: Requires "z" - ADMFLAG_ROOT flag PHP Code: sm_neon // Open the main menu for Neon Beams. sm_neon_temp // Menu to spawn temporary Beams at your crosshair. sm_neon_save // Menu to spawn and save Beams at your crosshair. sm_neon_preset // Create or edit a preset with Beams: sm_neon_preset <config file/preset name>. sm_neon_preset_temp // Opens the Preset menu list, to spawn temporary presets. sm_neon_preset_save // Opens the Preset menu list, allowing you to save them to the map. sm_neon_preset2 // Create or edit a preset with particles (if game supports). Usage: sm_neon_preset2 <config file/preset name>. sm_neon_save2 // Menu to spawn and save particles (if game supports) at your crosshair. sm_neon_temp2 // Menu to spawn temporary particles (if game supports) at your crosshair. sm_neon_delpre // Remove the last saved beam from the currently selected preset. Or delete a preset config, usage: sm_neon_delpre <preset name> sm_neon_del // Remove the last placed preset or beam from the saved map config (regardless of who placed it). sm_neon_overload // Overrides the duplicate load prevention, and loads the auto spawn data config for the current map. sm_neon_load // Reloads the Preset and current Map configs, used to refresh the plugin after manual changes to the data config file. sm_neon_stats // Shows details about how many beams were spawned and how long it took etc. VIP Commands: Requires "o" - ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1 flag You can override commands to change user access PHP Code: sm_neon_paint // Menu to start and stop painting (continuous spawning of beams) with color selection. sm_neon_paint2 // Menu to start and stop painting (continuous spawning of particles) with color selection. ConVars: Saved to neon_beams.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder. PHP Code: // 0=Plugin off. 1=Plugin on. neon_allow "1" // 0.0=Off. After round start and all connected players have spawned, wait this long before spawning beams and particles saved to map. neon_cfg_load "5.0" // Max beams and particles to load in 1 frame. More than 32 cannot be loaded at once due to engine limitations. neon_cfg_max "32" // If beams or particles are deleted on round restart you can enable them to load here. 0=None. 1=Load beams on round_start. 2=Load particles on round_start. 3=Both. neon_cfg_round "2" // Interval to wait before loading the next set of beams and particles. neon_cfg_time "0.2" // Distance from the wall to spawn beams, particles and presets. neon_distance "1.5" // 0=Off. 1=Send clients the saved beams map data when joining after round start. 2=Send particles (attempts to hide from others). 3=Both. neon_late_load "3" // The sprite halo used for beams. neon_mat_halo "materials/sprites/glow.vmt" // The sprite material used for beams. neon_mat_sprite "materials/sprites/laserbeam.vmt" // Maximum number of beams allowed on the map. neon_max_beams "768" // Maximum number of particles allowed on the map. neon_max_parts "768" // Transparency of beams. 0=Invisible. 255=Solid. neon_opacity "128" // Interval between each paint. neon_paints "0.5" // Width of beams. neon_size "2" Natives for developers:See post #3 below for details and examples. Config Paths: Plugin data saved to \addons\sourcemod\data\neon\ folder. All comments in the preset/map configs will be lost. Manual changes will be lost if the plugin saves data and the configs were not reloaded via command. For manual changes to take affect, you must either: A) Use this command sm_neon_load B) Reload the plugin. C) Change map. Changes: Code: 1.0 (20-Aug-2018) - Initial release. - Originally created on 02-Jan-2012. Known Issues: (NoFix) The engine can only load 32 beams in 1 frame. If you really think other plugins are conflicting (eg tracers), and preventing some beams from loading, you may want to consider lowering the neon_cfg_max cvar. You might only need to increase the neon_cfg_time cvar if some saved beams fail to appear when first loading after round_start. (NoFix) Clients cannot see beams created during the process of alt-tabbing. (WontFix) Dedicated servers only, I don't support listen servers. (WontFix) When multiple plugins spawn presets or arrays at the same time they're prevented from loading data while the servers spawning is already progress. HardFix: use an asynchronous method for queuing the data. (Bug) Creating presets on angled surfaces or walls which are not vertical and aligned at 0,90,180,270 degrees to the map will mis-align. Current fix only allows presets to be created on the required walls. Don't know how to fix. The problem iirc is a small mis-alignment most likely from the position setup and rotation matrix. (Bug) Some presets spawned on angled surfaces don't align to that surface slope correctly or spawn slightly off 90 degreees from the players view. Don't know how to fix. Possibly using TraceHull or multiple traces to find an average surface angle. Spawning beams on round_start might fail for untested games, please request support. Possibly other bugs, please report. I tested as much as I can over the years. Installation: Click "Get Plugin" and put the .smx file into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder. For custom particles (not L4D/2) download the .zip and extract the \materials\ and \particles\ folders to your servers main game folder. Optionally: download presets from post #2 below and extract to your servers \addons\sourcemod\data\neon\presets\ folder. (Tested on: L4D, L4D2, CS:GO, TF2) Attached Files (111.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Description: This plugin will remove the stun from a stalemate and grant crits and Friendly Fire instead. (Thanks Meten for image) Cvar: sm_stalemateff_enable <1/0>:Enable/Disable Friendly Fire. (Default on) Todo: Supress sv_tag changes later for servers that don't already do that. Special thanks to Meten & Timely for their code contributions. Also if anyone has ubercharge as a method of spawn protection feel free to uncomment that line out of the source to remove it on stalemate. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (stalematecrits.sp - 1.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. Description When your character speaks, this plugin will choose a random class to say it instead. Can also be used to replace your VO with a specific class, or a duck, whatever floats your goat. Commands /vor - Opens up the player Voiceover Randomizer menu, where they can set their mode, see FAQ and Known issues and whether Admin Override is active or not. /vor_admin - Admin only command, that is used to set up Admin Override, which will force everyone to use a specific VOR mode. Cvars Code: cvarPlayerModeDefault - When a player joins the server, they will default to this VOR mode. Modes are: 0 = Don't randomize, 1 = Randomize, 2 = Duck, 3-11 = Mercs (3 = Scout, 4 = Sniper, 5 = Soldier, 6 = Demoman, 7 = Medic, 8 = Heavy, 9 = Pyro, 10 = Spy, 11 = Engineer) cvarAdminOverrideDefault - Whether Admin Override is on by default or not. 1 = True, 0 = False. cvarAdminOverrideModeDefault - What Admin Override Mode is on by default, see above for the different modes. Known Issues This isn't full-proof at replacing voicelines, in most cases where the plugin fails to find a replacement, a quack will be used instead. Calling someone a Spy will usually call them the wrong class Group taunts don't have replacement lines Pyro voicelines (mumbles) are usually broken Everyone hears a different voiceline, in randomized mode, what may be a Demo to one person could be a completely different class to another (I think this is a Valve issue though) Installation Place tf2_VO_randomizer.smx in addons/sourcemod/plugins Place tf_vo_randomizer.sp in addons/scourcemod/scripting If you have any suggestions/ideas, let me know! Attached Files tf2_VO_randomizer.smx (13.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (tf2_vo_randomizer.sp - 20.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. About: The latest "Helms Deep" map updates added various (mostly blank) SourceMod and Valve configuration files, overwriting their functionality. Malicious scripting attempts from a megalomaniac (SeriouS_Samurai) who wants to remove SourceMod and MetaMod from running with his map. Thanks to Valve the .cfg files do not work (obviously he didn't know): "February 21, 2017: Configuration files are no longer loaded from addon vpks. These configuration values were sometimes used for malicious purposes". This plugin fixes various files he's attempted to overwrite, restoring BaseBans plugin and other things. I've included the .cfg files anyway just in case. Each time the server is started it will generate and load new VPKs allowing for any changes to your configs. I chose this method to learn VPK creation via SourceMod. It also prevents modifying the maps VPK and any legal infringements. Couldn't detour functions to block overwriting files. What This Does: Modifies AddonList.txt to load the VPKs. This is required otherwise only some of the restored files are loaded. Creates two identical VPK addons (sm_helms_patch1.vpk and sm_helms_patch2.vpk) with the following files. Fixes BaseBans plugin. Fixes SourceMod files: Spoiler addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_groups.cfg addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_overrides.cfg addons/sourcemod/configs/adminmenu_cfgs.txt addons/sourcemod/configs/adminmenu_custom.txt addons/sourcemod/configs/adminmenu_grouping.txt addons/sourcemod/configs/adminmenu_sorting.txt addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg addons/sourcemod/configs/admins_simple.ini addons/sourcemod/configs/banreasons.txt addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg addons/sourcemod/configs/languages.cfg addons/sourcemod/configs/maplists.cfg cfg/sourcemod/sm_warmode_off.cfg cfg/sourcemod/sm_warmode_on.cfg cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg Fixes Valve mission files: Spoiler missions/holdoutchallenge.txt missions/holdouttraining.txt missions/parishdash.txt missions/shootzones.txt cfg/listenserver.cfg Admin Commands: Requires "z" - ADMFLAG_ROOT flag PHP Code: sm_vpk // Unloads all VPK addons, creates the Helms Deep Patch VPKs and reloads VPK addons. sm_vpkb // Prints the valve file system and local file system versions of sourcemod/configs/banreasons.txt. sm_vpks // Shows the VPK addon load order. Shorter wrapper command to show_addon_load_order. ConVars: PHP Code: // Helms Deep Patch plugin version. sm_helms_patch_version Changes: Code: 1.0 (14-Aug-2019) - Initial release. Requirements This plugin is only required if your server has "Helms Deep" map installed. Installation Click "Get Plugin" and put the .smx file into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder. Refresh your plugins to generate the VPKs and restart the server to load the patch. Or restart your server twice. Uninstalling Delete the plugin from your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder. Delete sm_helms_patch1.vpk and sm_helms_patch2.vpk from your servers \addons\ folder. Restart the server. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_helms_deep_patch.sp - 21.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. ADMIN BROADCAST v1.0 Hello everyone. This is one of my first plugins ever created and i decided to release it. I'm new to coding so don't judge me too hard. DESCRIPTION - It's a simple broadcast plugin that's sending a custom message. - Usefull for making announces. - Minecraft inspired me on this one lol :lol: COMMANDS - sm_bc <message> - sm_broadcast <message> - sm_shout <message> ADMFLAG_SLAY - required for running this command. Enjoy :) SCREENSHOTS P.S: Sorry for my bad english ;) DOWNLOAD Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Hi guys, I am looking for a csgo plugin, that will store Chat history of CS:GO server. I would like to save it in a file or in a database. If that plugin exists it would be very nice, thank you. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. as title and description put it, there is really nothing else at play here you can set rebel footsteps to combine, combine to rebel, both to either due to how stupid this system is, it will give the melee weapon of the team the footsteps belong to (this means rebels will get stunstick if you give them combine footsteps, for example.) maybe i'll make an extended version of this where they get the appropriate versions of weapons or something if you want a reference on this, from sdk: CHL2MP_Player::GiveDefaultItems (source-sdk-2013) cvars: Quote: this goes along with the cvars, so you know what to put in for the numbers: Code: enum { PLAYER_SOUNDS_CITIZEN = 0, PLAYER_SOUNDS_COMBINESOLDIER, //1 PLAYER_SOUNDS_METROPOLICE, //2 PLAYER_SOUNDS_MAX //dont use this }; // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.9.0.6281) // ConVars for plugin "hl2_footsteps.smx" // What footstep sound should combine use? // - // Default: "2" sm_combine_sounds "2" // What footstep sound should rebels use? // - // Default: "0" sm_rebel_sounds "0" Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (hl2_footsteps.sp - 2.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Description: Shows who how many killed on the HUD infected and bosses Important: I highly recommend not to use this plugin on servers where there can be more than 4 players also to use this plugin you need have installed VSLib. I also need tests of this plugin Know issues: Endless spam messages in the console. ☆Screenshot☆ Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Hud Counter.sp - 6.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. About: Provides a config to specify which VScript files to override. You can replace the whole script or search and replace specific strings. Supports RegEx matching for filenames and for matching strings within the VScripts. Currently supports: CS:GO and L4D2. Can be extended to other games which use VScripts. Please request if required. Some games or maps will have embedded and possibly encrypted scripts preventing any reasonable method to modify them. This plugin makes that happen. Thanks: "Peace-Maker" - Fixing dHooks SetParamString. "Lux" - Testing "Dragokas" - Testing "Mr. Man" - Testing Admin Commands: Requires "z" - ADMFLAG_ROOT flag PHP Code: sm_vs_dump // Dumps all found VScripts from the servers /scripts/vscripts/ file system to /scripts/vscripts/vscripts_dump/. Automatically decodes if required. sm_vs_encrypt // Usage: sm_vs_encrpt <filename.nut>. Encode the specified script, must be inside the servers /scripts/vscripts/ folder, include the extension. sm_vs_file // Usage: sm_vs_file <filename>. Extracts the specified VScript from the Valve file system to the servers /scripts/vscripts/vscripts_dump/ folder. Automatically decodes if required. sm_vs_list // Show data config tree of modified scripts for the current map. sm_vs_reload // Reloads the data config. This also replaces files in the override folder. ConVars: PHP Code: // VScript File Replacer plugin version. vscript_replacer_version Config: Plugin data config saved to \addons\sourcemod\data\vscripts_override.cfg. Here is an example demonstrating various features and techniques. Spoiler PHP Code: // When a script is replaced they are saved to your servers /scripts/vscripts/vscripts_overrides/ folder. // Do not save files there, they will be overwritten. // The extension ".nut" or ".nuc" shouldn't be added to any keyvalue data. // This is an example script with comments on the features provided, delete the sections you don't need. // For L4D2 I recommend keeping the "jukebox_dlc1", "jukebox_main" and "helms_deep" sections. "vscript_replacer" { // /* CS:GO + ANY: delete the // on this line to comment out everything and start from fresh. // All maps ".+" { // L4D2: No more jukebox debug spam! "jukebox_dlc1" { // Find and replace the string literally, you must always escape any quotes or backslashes: " with \" and \ with \\ // Strings must be less than 8192 characters. Use the file "override" keyvalue for anything longer. "DBG <- ::JUKEBOX_DEBUG <- true" "DBG <- ::JUKEBOX_DEBUG <- false" } // CS:GO test: script_execute birds/birdspawner; "birds/birdspawner" { "m_bIsBirdSpawner <- true;" "m_bIsBirdSpawner <- true; printl(\"BIRD WATCHING\");"; } } // Map name to activate on. Supports RegEx matching. For RegEx testing use: or any similar site. // This matches "c1m1_" to "c99m99_" for example, all Valve maps in L4D2. "c[0-9]m[0-9]_.+" { // VScript filename to override, searches the Valve file system and gamedir. // This matches the script "some_vscript_file". "some_vscript_file" { // The "override" key is reserved for replacing the whole VScript file with a custom one, if both files exist. // The specified value must point to a filename in your servers /scripts/vscripts/vscripts_custom/ folder. // The file is copied to the your servers /scripts/vscripts/vscripts_override/ folder. "override" "my_vscript_file" // Can still use other keys to find and replace strings within the override file. "some_random_var = false;" "some_random_var = true;" } } // L4D2: This map created by a megalomaniac. It used to execute the "KillServer" command when detecting MetaMod or SourceMod. // Why block the communities plugins? We will always reverse. "helms_deep" { "helms_deep_.+_survival" { // Script name will be matched with RegEx. // 1=RegEx match script name. 2=RegEx search string for replacement. 3=Use RegEx for both. Delete line to not use RegEx. "regex" "3" // Replace all string occurrences // These were removed from the latest versions of the map, however kept here in-case they return. "metamod_version" "metamod_working" // Makes the Helms Deep VScript search for the wrong cvar "sourcemod_version" "sourcemod_working" // Preventing the VScript from executing KillServer command. // RegEx replace all matched SteamIDs with Gabe's SteamID. "(STEAM_[0-5]:[0-1]:[0-9]+)" "STEAM_1:0:11101" // Your donators can fuck off too. } } } Changes: Code: 1.0 (10-Aug-2019) - Initial release. Requirements: DHooks (Experimental Dynamic Detour support) - Version: 2.2.0-detours8 - 03.08.2019 Installation: Download the .zip and extract the files to their respective folders in your servers \addons\sourcemod\ folder. Attached Files (27.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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