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  1. Description Toggle tracer rounds on/off. Commands sm_toggletracers - Toggles tracers - ADMFLAG_ROOT Changelog Quote: 17/11/2017 (v1.0) * Initial release. Installation instructions 1) Place tracer_rounds.smx in your sourcemod/plugins folder. Dependencies TF2Attributes Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (tracer_rounds.sp - 1.6 KB) tracer_rounds.smx (4.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. This plugin adds colorful player trails with special effects (such as Spectrum Cycle, Wave and more). Source code Commands: !trail / !trails - Opens the Trail Color Selection menu. CVars: sm_trails_enable - Enables or Disables all features of the plugin. sm_trails_adminsonly - Enables trails for admins only. (VOTE Flag) sm_trails_life - Time duration of the trails. sm_trails_width - Width of the trail beams. Installation: 1. Drag and drop trails-chroma.smx into your plugins folder 2. Drag and drop the materials folder into your csgo folder 3. Restart the server. Requirements: SourceMod 1.8 or above Screenshots: Attached Files (52.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Gnome Hunt (v3.0 - 09.12.17) Description Administrators can select places for gnome to spawn. First player who find and shoot him will be rewarded. Feature list Friendly interface to hide gnome: rotate, move gnome position with interactive menu. Spawn interval for gnome. Spawn chance. Lifetime of gnome. Executed command on gnome destroyed. Gnome protection from different factors (explosions, world damage). Custom gnome model (one model already included). (Optionally) Messages on gnome spawn, despawn, destroy. CVARS Spoiler // Explosions can't kill gnome // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_blast_protection "1" // reward for destroying. Possible aliases are {cid} for client id, {uid} for userid, {name} for client name. // - // Default: "sm_givecredits #{uid} 1000" sm_gnome_hunt_command "sm_givecredits #{uid} 1000" // Show message when gnome's lifetime ends // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_despawn_message "0" // Show message when world kill gnome // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_destroyed_by_world_message "1" // Show message when player kill gnome // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_destroyed_message "1" // max lifetime (0.0 to life whole round) // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_lifetime_max "0.0" // min lifetime // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_lifetime_min "0.0" // gnome model // - // Default: "models/props_junk/gnome.mdl" sm_gnome_hunt_model "models/props_junk/gnome.mdl" // spawn chance // - // Default: "50" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "100.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_spawn_chance "50" // Show message when gnome spawn // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_spawn_message "0" // max time to spawn // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_spawn_time_max "0.0" // min time to spawn // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_gnome_hunt_spawn_time_min "0.0" Commands sm_gnome_hunt_menu - Open plugin menu. Require root flag. Installation instructions Extract archive in root folder of your server. Configure convars as you want and start with sm_gnome_hunt_menu command. Notes Sample model is included in 7z archive. May not work or work with bigger model in l4d2 because model was taken and resized from that game without changes in model path. Attached Files (430.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (gnome_hunt.sp - 20.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. First of all, I want to thank Figa for his original plugin [L4D] Useful Upgrades. Just type !perks to choose the most necessary(in my opinion) upgrades, or take all with one click. Also there is a command for each upgrade for those people who already has binds: sm_laser - Toggle Laser Sight sm_silencer - Toggle Silencer sm_reload - Reloader sm_speed - Adrenaline Implant sm_magazine - High Capacity Magazine sm_upgrades - All in One. Attached Files l4d_simple_upgrades.smx (8.4 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_simple_upgrades.sp - 6.8 KB) l4d_su.phrases.txt (2.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. New Years is soon! We need to properly prepare the server to raise the New Year's mood! Especially for this, I collected New Year's plug-ins, skins, maps, so that everything was in one article and it was more convenient for you to transform your server. What New Year's plug-ins for CSS and CS: GO put on the server? First of all you need snow, what a new year without snow? Snowfall Snowfall plug-in - Snowfall, suitable for any game on the Sórs. This plug-in makes a managed snowfall on any map, using the commands: sm_snowfall_type "3" // Precipitation type sm_snowfall_density "75" // Density of precipitation sm_snowfall_color "255 255 255" // Color of precipitation sm_snowfall_renderamt "5" // Render of precipitation These values ​​should be written in server.cfg, you can podshamanit with variables. (If you have a weak iron, the plugin can cause the server to crash, since snowfall does not eat a small part of the resources). Fireworks The plug-in for fireworks, the chief administrator of the 31-1 number can go to the server and meet the new year with the players. The plugin begins to congratulate players on the new year and lets the favers over the players with sound. Supports: CS: GO (in the css is not tested). Plugin commands: sm_celebrate - Begins to congratulate players. sm_firework - Launches fireworks over the players head. sm_stopevent - Stops congratulations and fireworks. These commands need to be entered in the console or with! Celebrate in the chat, to activate congratulations and fireworks. Also, you need to throw the music tracks into the jump file, for example, in a folder or shop. Fireworks: download. New Year Timeleft This module shows how much is left before the new year. After the coming of the new year, he will write in the chat room instead of time, to congratulate on the new year. Set the desired date in the plugin. TS2018 - do not change, if you need for 2019, 2020, then use the site: Timestamp, specify the desired date and paste instead of #define TS2018 1514764800, for example for 2019: #define TS2019 1546300800, and for 2020: #define TS2020 1577836800. Plug in your time zone. By default #define TSOFFS -3, Moscow time (utc +3 hours), if you live in the Urals, then put -4, and so on. You can adjust the frequency of the appearance in the chat, initially it's CreateTimer (GetRandomFloat (300.0, 600.0), 300-600 seconds). New Year Timeleft: download. Ice grenade Specific plug-in on the ice grenade, which freezes players, turning into ice at n time and n radius (which can be adjusted). The plugin supports the xc and xc along with the model. The plug-in has several versions, an ice grenade can be put on false, light, smok. Read more about the plugin: ice grenade. VIP_ICE_HE, module for VIP The plug-in is a copy of the above mentioned, but only for VIP players and for the geek. Also works in kss and ks. (I was not tested in other games). More details: VIP_ICE_HE. New skins for CS server: GO New Year's skins for kt and t. In the complete set a plug-in which replaces standard skins on New Year's. New Year skins: download. Pack all New Year skins JackFrost - Angry Snowman from the game Killing Floor. Grinch Pack - the thief of Christmas! Natalie (Santa Girl) - a bad Snow Maiden. Santa Claus - Santa Claus (Yohohoho). Christmas Zoey - New Year's Zoya. Xmas skins red and blue - old models of Christmas kt, etc. Fenrir - New Year's deer. PrisonerTurok Christmas - New Year skins for prisoners. The whole assembly of skins: download. This is until all the New Year skins, perhaps closer to the new year will appear, found a new skin? Share with us! Assembling New Year cards for CS: GO How can it be without New Year's cards? Here is an assembly of 36 cards. I apologize for the bad english. Offer your skins, plugins, maps in the comments! Merry Christmas to everyone! Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. BoomPanel is project that I have been working on for too long (, its an admin control panel, that allows you to control your servers without beeing in server. You can control all the bans, mute/gags, admin activity, chat logs, etc. It's currently in BETA version so no all the features that you see in the left sidebar are finished, but they will be and there is more to come. Im posting this here to get more feedback, bugs, ideas and suggestions, because with just few people testing it doesnt give me too much info. I also hope there will be people who would love to contribute and help out to make this panel even better than it is right now. Right now its tested on CS:GO only, no idea how it would work out with other source games, but it might be working so try it out, because there isnt really anything that much based on CS:GO from what I remember. As this is BETA version, do expect to see some errors or bugs. And if you do see, please provide me with them and I will try to fix them as soon as possible. Right now Im running this on my own servers and so far it seems to be going pretty good. :) Will try to also provide you guys later with more info about cvars, natives, how the website structure works (even it is pretty easy one :D), maybe some documentaion, dont really know. Here Im listing all the features that are currently done, but it doesnt mean they wont be updated anymore. Adding server admin groups Adding server admins by the groups that you have added (also supports limited time, for example VIP for 30 days) Bans - edit ban time, reaso, see if the ban is active, etc Mute/gag/silence - the same idea what is for bans, you can see/edit reasons, length, etc Player search - you can search for particular player who has been in your server by username, steamid32/64, steamurl, see their online time, ip Servers: control your servers live, see online players, ban, mute, gag, kick them live from the server. Chat: search particular users chat messages, or messages where someone mentions something Admin logs, more advanced version of logging all the admin commands that were executed and at what time Panel admin permissions, to give them access to particular pages Simple php files where I get out all the bans, mute, gags with pagination, except no css. You just need to change css and maybe do iframe or move the file to your own main website, to simply get out all the data. Those files could also be used as example, how to get data out of the database correctly from my panel Login saved in cookies, so you dont have to login again if the session ends Admin online time - last 2 weeks/ last month/all time, etc Community bans - other communities can give you link (json format) to their banlist and you can use it on your own community Annoncements: send important message to multiple servers or particular servers, to annonce something. See annoncement history. Most active players in last week/month/all time or your selected time. Statistics, from which countries most of the players are, how long they stay in server, etc Player profiles in website, so you can see how many times they have had a ban, mute, gag, what they have wrote in chat, their username history and some other stuff Send private messages from servers tab, so you can chat with any player Live chat? If this will be requested, then probably will add it, just didnt saw really purpose of this one Other things that I had in my mind but I dont remember Here is just a simple two screenshots, of how the admin panel looks like, so you can get the idea: Here comes the fun part: Download latest version from github (master branch recommended) Upload web files to web Upload server files to server Upload the database.sql file to your database In web files open config.php , and edit all the neccessary configs there In server addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg add new connection to database by name: "BoomPanel" Edit cfg/sourcemod/BoomPanel.cfg if necessary Download latest version from github Replace all the web files, except config.php Update your database by running "database-update.sql" Replace all the files in server except the config files that your already have Recommended to download master branch :) Dont want to miss all the news around boompanel, want to give suggestions or just want to get support for your problems faster, join DISCORD. If you want to support me anyhow, buy me some beer: . Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Tactical Shield >>Github page<< Please go to github for more up to date informations on the plugin This plugin adds a tactical shield (or ballistic shield) to the game. It is designed to improve the tactical side of the game. Installation Simply download tacticalshield.smx and place it in your server inside "csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins/". More information here. Features Feature Request/Bug report CVars Commands Media Changelog Have fun!! vvvvvv That attachment isn't updated very often, please go to Github for the up to date plugin Attached Files (1.11 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. Description Administrators can add to any map rechargers using command "sm_rechargers". Players can manually regenerate their armor or health using these entities (like in Half-Life). Optionally you can configure each recharger: Containing amount of armor\health points. Amount of restored points per tick. Activation delay. Recharge cooldown when all contained points was depleted. Price of one usage. Restrict to one team only. How many points can restore for one player. Screenshots Charged healthbox (left) and armorbox (right) Depleted healthbox (left) and armorbox (right) Convars Spoiler // how much health armorbox restore in one heal // - // Default: "10" // Minimum: "1.000000" sm_rechargers_armorbox_amount "10" // color of empty armorbox // - // Default: "255 0 0" sm_rechargers_armorbox_emptycolor "255 0 0" // color of full armorbox // - // Default: "0 0 255" sm_rechargers_armorbox_fullcolor "0 0 255" // restore armor until // - // Default: "100" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_rechargers_armorbox_max "100" // model of armorbox // - // Default: "models/recharger/suit_charger001.mdl" sm_rechargers_armorbox_model "models/recharger/suit_charger001.mdl" // how much costs one armor restoration in armorbox // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_rechargers_armorbox_price "0" // time of restoring armorbox reserve // - // Default: "10.0" // Minimum: "0.100000" sm_rechargers_armorbox_rechargetime "10.0" // how much health contain one armorbox // - // Default: "100" // Minimum: "1.000000" sm_rechargers_armorbox_reserve "100" // sound of armorbox // - // Default: "rechargers/suitchargeok1.mp3" sm_rechargers_armorbox_sound "rechargers/suitchargeok1.mp3" // sound of armorbox // - // Default: "buttons/weapon_cant_buy.mp3" sm_rechargers_armorbox_sounddenied "buttons/weapon_cant_buy.mp3" // sound of armorbox // - // Default: "rechargers/suitchargeno1.mp3" sm_rechargers_armorbox_soundempty "rechargers/suitchargeno1.mp3" // delay of activation armorbox (counts from round_freeze_end) // - // Default: "10.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_rechargers_armorbox_startdelay "10.0" // which team is allowed to use armorbox (0-all, 2-t, 3-ct) // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "3.000000" sm_rechargers_armorbox_team "0" // how much health healtbox restore in one heal // - // Default: "10" // Minimum: "1.000000" sm_rechargers_healthbox_amount "10" // color of empty healthbox // - // Default: "255 0 0" sm_rechargers_healthbox_emptycolor "255 0 0" // color of full healthbox // - // Default: "0 255 0" sm_rechargers_healthbox_fullcolor "0 255 0" // restore health until // - // Default: "100" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_rechargers_healthbox_max "100" // model of healthbox // - // Default: "models/recharger/health_charger001.mdl" sm_rechargers_healthbox_model "models/recharger/health_charger001.mdl" // how much costs one heal of healtbox // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_rechargers_healthbox_price "0" // time of restoring healthbox reserve // - // Default: "10.0" // Minimum: "0.100000" sm_rechargers_healthbox_rechargetime "10.0" // how much health contain one healtbox // - // Default: "100" // Minimum: "1.000000" sm_rechargers_healthbox_reserve "100" // sound of healthbox // - // Default: "rechargers/medshot4.mp3" sm_rechargers_healthbox_sound "rechargers/medshot4.mp3" // sound of healthbox // - // Default: "buttons/weapon_cant_buy.mp3" sm_rechargers_healthbox_sounddenied "buttons/weapon_cant_buy.mp3" // sound of healthbox // - // Default: "rechargers/medshotno1.mp3" sm_rechargers_healthbox_soundempty "rechargers/medshotno1.mp3" // delay of activation healtbox (counts from round_freeze_end) // - // Default: "10.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_rechargers_healthbox_startdelay "10.0" // which team is allowed to use healtbox (0-all, 2-t, 3-ct) // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "3.000000" sm_rechargers_healthbox_team "0" Important notes Maximum rechargers per map: 8 hp and 8 ap. This version was tested in cs:go, previous in cs:s. Probably supports other source games. Models and sounds included in .7z archive. Special Thanks To Xblah for textures (Health Charger BM (Half-Life 2 > Skins > Wall Chargers) - GAMEBANANA) (Suit Charger BM (Half-Life 2 > Skins > Wall Chargers) - GAMEBANANA). EPacker2 for compilation of textures. Attached Files rechargers.7z (420.2 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (rechargers.sp - 57.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. [ANY] Alerts Description Allows admins to send alerts to everyone. Commands sm_alert <message> - ADMFLAG_CHAT Changelog Quote: 1-12-2017 (v1.0) * Initial release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (alert.sp - 1.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. [TF2] Meet Burstchester Taunt Description: This plugin can used with Burstchester Taunt , it spawn a medikit where you aiming , can be used like a normal medikit for your team but is trap for the enemies ^^. Note: Kits can't be spawned near spawnrooms / Intel / CP / Cart(pl_map) Cvars "kit_max", "2.0" max medikit can be spawned , after 60 sec will be deleted. Changelog: 1.0 Initial Release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (chester_taunt.sp - 14.6 KB) chester_taunt.smx (14.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. [TF2]Chester Spawner Description: A simple plugin spawns burstchester model under the players positions and push him out and kill them Commands: sm_chester <#userid|name> - Spawn chester under the target ( work with @all , @red, @blue) sm_bigchester <#userid|name> / sm_bchester <#userid|name>- Spawn huge chester under the target ( work with @all , @red, @blue) sm_chesterme - Command for Vip (flag Custom1- "o" ) to use chester like a fun command. Changelog: 1.0 Initial Release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (chester.sp - 9.7 KB) chester.smx (10.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. [TF2] MySQL Weapon Pick Rates Description: See the GitHub for full details on what this does: Installation: Consider why you're installing this in the first place because there's nothing really made to display the pick rates yet. Make sure you have Sourcemod. Get Plugin below. wprdata.smx goes in tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins/ ch.wpr.cfg will be auto-generated in tf/cfg/sourcemod/ wprdata.sp / are only needed by programmers. Changelist: Check out the GitHub commits to see how it's changed over time. Except really, I made this all in one go one day and started running it and it was fine, then I made the GitHub repository 10 months later. TODO: (As I get to it) Spoiler * No real plans to do more with this. * Individual player's pick rates. * FF2 support. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Description Boomer is another class of zombies for Zombie:Reloaded as a Boomer in L4D. It can erupt vomit for a short distance (buttons Reloaded [R]). When his vomit falls on the player, he stops to see clearly what is happening. Requirements This plugin requires Zombie:Reloaded and ZR Tools. In the class settings, add a line: "class_zombie" "boomer" Example: Server ConVars sm_boomer_enabled - Responsible for the operation of the class on the server (Default: "1") sm_boomer_distance - The distance at which the ability (Default: "280.0") sm_boomer_radius - The radius on which the ability (Default: "80.0") sm_boomer_resetovelay - Time through which the player's overlay will be removed (Default: "15.0") sm_boomer_resetvomit - Cooldown ability (Default: "15.0") sm_boomer_sound - Way to the sound (Default: "zr/bv1.mp3") sm_boomer_vomit_vmt - Way to the VMT (Default: "materials/overlays/zrblyvota.vtf") sm_boomer_vomit_vtf - Way to the VTF (Default: "materials/overlays/zrblyvota.vmt") Changelog 1.0 - Plugin Release GitHub Attached Files (301.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (zr_zclass_boomer.sp - 9.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Introduction Phoenix0001 suggested a plugin like this so Tak (Chaosxk) wrote a short one. Unfortunately, it wasn't properly checking for the amount of players on the server after every map transition. Lux then revised the code but the plugin still didn't work reliably. I then decided to revise his revision and made this. Description Adjusts difficulty based on the number of clients on the server. The requirement for each difficulty can be set via cvars. Difficulty is adjusted by updating (resetting and checking) the client count each time a player joins or leaves. The client count is also updated on round start, round end, map transition, and map start. This will ensure that the client count is monitored throughout the game to keep an accurate representation of the difficulty rate. Cvars Spoiler PHP Code: // Minimum players required for Advanced. // - // Default: "3" l4d_da_advanced "3" // Minimum players required for Easy. // - // Default: "1" l4d_da_easy "1" // Enable the Difficulty Adjuster? (0: OFF, 1: ON) // - // Default: "1" l4d_da_enable "1" // Minimum players required for Expert. // - // Default: "4" l4d_da_expert "4" // Minimum players required for Normal. // - // Default: "2" l4d_da_normal "2" Credits Tak (Chaosxk) - For the original code found here. Lux - For revising the original code found here. phoenix0001 - For the idea, original post here and new post here. Changelog Spoiler Version 1.0 (November 22, 2017) Initial release. Installation 1. Place l4d_difficulty_adjuster.smx in addons/sourcemod/plugins folder. Upgrading to Newer Versions 1. Delete l4d_difficulty_adjuster.smx from addons/sourcemod/plugins folder. 2. Delete l4d_difficulty_adjuster.cfg from cfg/sourcemod folder. 3. Follow the Installation guide above. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_difficulty_adjuster.sp - 4.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Earn credits with CoinFlip Features !coinflip <T/CT> <amount> has a 50% chance of winning and losing Sound effects when winning/losing Translated to English and Portuguese(Contributions are welcome :wink:) Changelog Code: 1.0.2 Initial Release at alliedsmods All content prior to this version will not be listed here ConVars There are currently no cvars Instructions Click here to download! Upload everything to its folder Dependencies This plugins depends on which is provided in the github repository, thus the web compiler won't work and you will have to use github to download the plugin It also depends on the Zephyrus Store Links GitHub Repo Direct Download from GitHub Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. Multi-purpose VIPMenu Features Works with any gamemode Enable/Disable any VIP Perk VIP Flag is ADMFLAG_CUSTOM / 'o' (Will be replaceable in the future) !vipmenu Opens a menu that can be used anytime !vipspawn Respawns the player. Usable only once per round For a list of VIP perks check the github Currently the plugin is in Portuguese but will be translated soon enough (Contributions are welcome :wink:) Changelog Code: 1.7.4 Initial Release at alliedsmods All content prior to this version will not be listed here ConVars All needed infromation regarding this topic is listed in cfg/sourcemod/kewaii_vipmenu.cfg and since it's a long list I won't be explaining here. Instructions Click here to download! Upload everything to its folder Configure each ConVars as needed Dependencies This plugins depends on which is provided in the github repository, thus the web compiler won't work and you will have to use github to download the plugin Links GitHub Repo Direct Download from GitHub Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Description Implements a shottimer, akin to the one found in basketball for the 5CP gamemode. For more information see this reddit thread. If a team caps a point that they don't own by default a timer will start. When the timer expires the aggressive points will either be unassigned (sm_5cpfs_punishment 0) given to the defensive team (sm_5cpfs_punishment 1). Based on suggestions from FUNKe, MR SLIN and sigafoo. FUNKe in Youtube Video Comment Quote: "Do you think resetting point captures without changing player locations would work? Example, blue holds 4th for too long, let's say 4 minutes, points reset and now they have to recap mid, ideally with a slower capture rate that becomes extremely fast when stacked with multiple people. Now the attacking team is forced to send at minimum one scout back to recapture, giving defenders number advantage on a potential push. Ideally the mid cap becomes extremely slow when it resets. Attackers cannot take last because mid has to be capped, defenders now have an opportunity to push without major reprocussions. It would be best to insentivize two players recapping mid, because a single scout cap still leaves attackers with a hard to crack stalemate, but it at least creates an opportunity that your defenders dying might not be terrible because they can respawn before attackers take 2nd again." MR SLIN in Youtube Video @ 8:'35 sigafoo in Youtube Video @ 1:'48:'38 The timer is arbitrarily set at 360 seconds (6 minutes) by default. The plugin can not detect whether or not a map is 5CP, which means you will have to enable and disable it manually. Artist's rendition. CVAR List Code: sm_5cpfs_version - Current version. sm_5cpfs_enabled - Is the plugin enabled or disabled? [0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, Default = 1] sm_5cpfs_timer_mode - Where should the timer be shown? [1 = HUD Timer, 2 = Chat Timer, 0 = No Timer, Default = 1] sm_5cpfs_chat_interval - How often should the chat timer be shown? [0 = Never, =>1 = Whenever the timer is divisible by this number., Default = 10] sm_5cpfs_countdown_voice - Should Announcer voicelines be played when the timer is about to run out? [-1 = Don't play any sounds, 0 = Only the stalemate sound will be played., =>1 = A voiced countdown will play at this number (max 5)., Default = 5] sm_5cpfs_debug_switch_teams - See known issues below. [1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled, Default = 0] sm_5cpfs_punishment - How should the offensive team be punished for letting the time run out? [0 = Points are unassigned, 1 = Points are assigned to the defensive team., Default = 0] sm_5cpfs_punishment_timer - If sm_5cpfs_punishment is 1, should a new shottimer start for the defensive team since they are aggressive in mid? [1 = Yes, 0 = No, Default = 0] sm_5cpfs_shottimer - What should the shottimer start at? [>= 1 = The timer will start at this number., Default = 360] sm_5cpfs_show_timer_below "30" - When should the timer be shown? [0 = Never, => 1 = The timer will be shown when the time left is below this amount.] sm_5cpfs_stalemate_sound - Which sound should be played when the points are reassigned? [Default = "vo/announcer_overtime.mp3"] Changelog Code: [2017-11-21] (1.0) * Initial release Known Issues If the defensive team is capping a point while the timer runs out the HUD will show that the point capture has no progress and that you are not capping the point. This is purely a visual bug, the progress is saved and you can still cap but the HUD will not update until you actually cap the point. On the following maps: cp_badlands cp_prolands_b2c cp_process_final cp_gullywash_final1 cp_metalworks cp_sunshine cp_granary_pro_rc8 cp_reckoner_rc2 the OnCapTeam1 and OnCapTeam2 do not return the values that the official documentation say that they should. Instead they return the opposite. I have tested the above maps and the plugin is working on them. If you experience weird behavior in regards to the wrong control points being unassigned, try to enable sm_5cpfs_debug_switch_teams. Notes/questions for people who read the source code Does AlliedMods/SourceMod have any coding standards? Plugins I looked at seemed to use systems hungarian, although I am not a fan I kept it since I couldn't find anything that laid out a specific coding style. When should you precache sounds and how much of a performance drain is it to unnecessarily precache sounds? Is there a way to get the current owner of a CP on demand? Neither the team_control_point nor trigger_capture_area seem to have any outputs for this. What is the SOP for creating ConVars? The way I'm currently doing it with a global var that constantly has the value seems to work fine, although it might get stupid if you need a lot of ConVars. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Description: This plugin ease the way to make classrush votes, its quicker and less "annoying"; Cvars: CreateConVar("sm_acr_enable", "1", "Set to 1 if its a vsh or dr server"); CreateConVar("sm_acr_vshdr_server", "0", "Set to 1 if its a vsh or dr server"); CreateConVar("sm_acr_timer", "15.0", "Time in seconds to wait once a menu is displayed"); Commands: "sm_autoclassrush": Launch the vote; "sm_autorush": //; "sm_acr": //; Video of the plugin (first part): Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. Description Smoker is another zombie class for Zombie:Reloaded like Smoker in L4D. He can drags humans by holding Reloaded, like Smoker. If Smoker receives 700 damage by human drag ends. Requirements This plugin requires Zombie:Reloaded and ZR Tools. In the class settings, add a line: "class_zombie" "smoker" Example: Server ConVars sm_smoker_enabled - Responsible for the operation of the class on the server (Default: "1") sm_smoker_cooldown - Time between each use (Default: "18.0") sm_smoker_distance - Maximum distance between attacker and victim (Default: "2000.0") sm_smoker_damage - How much damage do I need to interrupt (Default: "700.0") Changelog 1.0 - Plugin Release GitHub Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Description Give noblock in props for humans to prevent block to teammates. This is a very old plugin that I made time ago. I will rewritte it. Tested and working well on CS:S. No idea if this works in CS:GO too. Requeriments: ZombieReloaded Download: Main repository Direct download Code changes Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Description The plugin adds to your server a unique class of zombies, which allows you to jump in the direction of your sight (buttons Duck+Use). Requirements This plugin requires Zombie:Reloaded and ZR Tools. In the class settings, add a line: "class_zombie" "hunter" Example: Server ConVars sm_hunter_enabled - Responsible for the operation of the class on the server (Default: "1") sm_hunter_cooldown - The time between each jump (Default: "6.0") sm_hunter_leappower - The power of the jump (Default: "650.0") Changelog 1.0 - Plugin Release GitHub Attached Files (60.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (zr_zclass_hunter.sp - 2.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. ASteambot Inventory Rank Before anything, read this : You will need ASteambot to run this plugin. You need at least the version V 2.7.0. You need to open at least 1 port. This small plugin simply display tags next to the player's name indicating the value of his backpack. See "Media" section for a video example. Everything is fully automatic Easy configuration Fully configurable Translations Download and run ASteambot, it can be downloaded [here] Install ASteambot_Core : If you already have installed ASteambot_Core, update it. 0) Install socket extension 1) Grab ASteambot_Core from [here] 2) Put in your plugins folder : addons/sourcemod/plugins 3) DOWNLOAD AND EDIT THE CONFIGURATION FILE AND PUT IT IN [SERVER PATH]/cfg/asteambot/asteambot_core.cfg !!! 4) Restart your server Install ASteambot_InventoryRank : 1) Grab the smx file (ASteambot_InventoryRank) on github, [here] 2) Grab the translation file (ASteambot_InventoryRank) on github, [here] 3) Grab the configuration file (inventoryranks.cfg) on github, [here] 4) Put the smx file in your plugins folder : addons/sourcemod/plugins 5) Put the txt file in your translation folder : addons/sourcemod/translations 6) Put the configuration file in your configs folder : addons/sourcemod/configs 7) Restart your server and you are done ! sm_inventoryrank - Reload your tag sm_invrank - Reload your tag sm_ir - Reload your tag ADMIN : sm_inventoryrank_reload - Reload the config file, require the config admin flag. Feel free to ask >> NEED HELP FOR TRANSLATIONS << None found yet I'm lazy, so, again, none. All files are on Github : Enjoy ! Logs : Spoiler 1.0 - First public release Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Description: allows admins to toggle chat on/off Commands: sm_togglechat - toggles chat on/off - ADMFLAG_CHAT Changelog: Quote: 18/11/2017 (v1.0) * Initial release. Installation instructions: Place toggelchat.smx in your plugins folder and in the master console type: sm plugins load togglechat Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (togglechat.sp - 1.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Description A position manager for TF2. Commands sm_posmenu - Opens the position manager menu - ADMFLAG_ROOT sm_savepos - Saves your current position - ADMFLAG_ROOT sm_loadpos - Loads your saved position - ADMFLAG_ROOT sm_currentpos - Prints your current position in chat - ADMFLAG_ROOT sm_savedpos - Prints your saved position in chat - ADMFLAG_ROOT sm_deletepos - deletes your saved position - ADMFLAG_ROOT Changelog Quote: 17/11/2017 (v1.0) * Initial release. Installation instructions 1) Download "" from the attachment. 2) Extract "" 3) Open the position_manager folder and choose the folder that matches your server operating system. 4) Drag&Drop the sourcemod folder into your addons folder. 5) Reload the current map or restart your server. Attached Files (46.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. ASteambot V.I.P (Very Important Player) Before anything, read this : You will need ASteambot to run this plugin. You need at least the version V 2.7.3. You need to open at least 1 port. The plugin will allow players to donate to the server through steam's trade offers system and after the trade is completly finished, the player will become a VIP player. Everything is fully automatic Support mobile confirmation Easy configuration Fully configurable Translations Download and run ASteambot, it can be downloaded [here] Install ASteambot_Core : If you already have installed ASteambot_Core, update it. 0) Install socket extension 1) Grab ASteambot_Core from [here] 2) Put in your plugins folder : addons/sourcemod/plugins 3) DOWNLOAD AND EDIT THE CONFIGURATION FILE AND PUT IT IN [SERVER PATH]/cfg/asteambot/asteambot_core.cfg !!! 4) Restart your server Install ASteambot_VIP : 1) Grab the smx file (ASteambot_VIP) on github, [here] 2) Grab the translation file (ASteambot_VIP) on github, [here] 3) Grab the configuration file (vippackages.cfg) on github, [here] 4) Put the smx file in your plugins folder : addons/sourcemod/plugins 5) Put the txt file in your translation folder : addons/sourcemod/translations 6) Put the configuration file in your configs folder : addons/sourcemod/configs 7) Restart your server and you are done ! Install the VIP addon : 1) Follow the install instructions [here] or just take a look at the spoiler below. Also, make sure that you have downloaded the modified SMX attached down this post ! Spoiler 1. Put the VIP-Manager.smx file in the sourcemod plugins folder. 2. Configure "vip-manager" in database.cfg. Code: "vip-manager" { // your configuration here } *Note if "vip-manager" isn't present in database.cfg, VIP-Manager will use the "default" configuration. 3. Create an admin group called "VIP". All permissions will controlled over this group. For more information about admin groups visit 4. Load VIP-Manager. If there are no errors, VIP-Manager will create the "vips" table in your database automatically. 5. Add, remove or edit VIPs. - Mmmhh ? Why do you need this ? Because SourceBans++ team is a much lazy as I am, and they didn't made an API to simply add/remove/edit admins. So, f*ck it. I stole the work of ShadowManGer because I'm a douchebag like that. sm_donatevip - Display the VIP package menu based on player inventory. None Feel free to ask >> NEED HELP FOR TRANSLATIONS << None found yet I'm lazy, so, again, none. All files are on Github : Enjoy ! Logs : Spoiler 1.0 - First public release >>> Don't loose your sh*ts, mods' , I can't upload source here for some reasons... <<< Attached Files VIP-Manager.smx (15.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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