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  1. Command listsm_devtag Toggle your dev tag (On by default) Changelog19/06/2023 (1.0) Initial release. Attached Thumbnails Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (devtag.sp - 2.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. I have one of the match/captain plugin where two captains are selected, they duel it out, select teams and then select players. But when the players selected from the spectator, some of them lose their crosshair and have to reconnect. Can anyone help me fix this please? Its a real nuisance to players. LetsSecondChoosePlayers() is similar to LetsFirstChoosePlayers() Code: // transferring all players to spectator public Spec() { new iPlayers[32], iPlayersNum, iPlayer get_players(iPlayers, iPlayersNum) for(new i;i < iPlayersNum;i++) { iPlayer = iPlayers[i] if(is_user_alive(iPlayer)) { user_silentkill(iPlayer) } if(cs_get_user_team(iPlayer) < CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) { cs_set_user_team(iPlayer, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) } } } // MENU TO CHOOSE PLAYERS FOR FIRST CAPTAIN !!! public LetsFirstChoosePlayers(id){ new players[32], count; get_players(players, count,"eh","SPECTATOR"); if(count > 0){ new iChoosePlayers = LetsFirstChoosePlayersMenu( id, "Choose A player.", "LetsFirstChoosePlayersHandler" ); menu_setprop( iChoosePlayers, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\y" ); menu_display( id, iChoosePlayers ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else{ set_cvar_string("amx_warname","Teams Are Set!") set_dhudmessage(0,255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8) show_dhudmessage(0,"Teams are SET ! ^n ^n First Half will start Now.......") // Set Tasks set_task(0.1,"SetMatchCap"); set_task(1.0,"LiveInThree"); set_task(1.2, "SV_Restart", .flags="a", .repeat=3); set_task(3.0,"StartMatch"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } LetsFirstChoosePlayersMenu(id, const szMenuTitle[], const szMenuHandler[]){ new iChoosePlayers = menu_create( szMenuTitle, szMenuHandler ); new iPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer, szPlayerName[32], szUserId[32]; get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "h" ); new PlayerWithPoints[128] for(new i = 0 ;i<iNum;i++){ iPlayer = iPlayers[i]; //Add user in the menu if - CONNECTED and TEAM IS T. if(get_user_team(iPlayer) == 3 ){ get_user_name( iPlayer, szPlayerName, charsmax( szPlayerName ) ); formatex(PlayerWithPoints,127,"%s",szPlayerName) formatex( szUserId, charsmax( szUserId ), "%d", get_user_userid( iPlayer ) ); menu_additem( iChoosePlayers, PlayerWithPoints, szUserId, 0 ); } } return iChoosePlayers; } public LetsFirstChoosePlayersHandler( id, iChoosePlayers, iItem ){ if ( iItem == MENU_EXIT ){ new iChoosePlayers = LetsFirstChoosePlayersMenu( id, "Choose A player.", "LetsFirstChoosePlayersHandler" ); menu_setprop( iChoosePlayers, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\y" ); menu_display( id, iChoosePlayers ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new szUserId[32], szPlayerName[32], iPlayer, iCallback; menu_item_getinfo( iChoosePlayers, iItem, iCallback, szUserId, charsmax( szUserId ), szPlayerName, charsmax( szPlayerName ), iCallback ); if ( ( iPlayer = find_player( "k", str_to_num( szUserId ) ) ) ){ new ChoosenPlayer[32] get_user_name(iPlayer, ChoosenPlayer, charsmax(ChoosenPlayer)) CromChat(0," &x04Captain &x03%s &x04chose &x01Player &x04%s ",g_Captain1,ChoosenPlayer); if(!is_user_connected(iPlayer)){ new iChoosePlayers = LetsFirstChoosePlayersMenu( id, "Choose A player.", "LetsFirstChoosePlayersHandler" ); menu_setprop( iChoosePlayers, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\y" ); menu_display( id, iChoosePlayers ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else{ CaptainChoosenID = id WhoChoseThePlayer = 1 cs_set_user_team(iPlayer, cs_get_user_team(id)) LetsSecondChoosePlayers(ShowMenuSecond) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. I get the following errors with this mod: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "rubakamod.amxx", version "1.0") [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds [AMXX] [0] lrubakamod.sma::postThink (line 1642) [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "rubakamod.amxx", version "1.0") [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds [AMXX] [0] lrubakamod.sma::preThink (line 1383) [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "rubakamod.amxx", version "1.0") [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds [AMXX] [0] lrubakamod.sma::show_colored_message (line 1099) [AMXX] [1] lrubakamod.sma::client_disconnected (line 1020) [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "rubakamod.amxx", version "1.0") [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds [AMXX] [0] lrubakamod.sma::client_disconnected (line 1033) Attachment 200960 Any ideas? This mod is super fun, but console gets flooded with these errors. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (rubakamod.sma - 98.9 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. [TF2] Arena Waiting For Players A extremely simple plugin for Team Fortress 2 that enables Waiting For Players in arena mode. Defines a single convar sm_arena_waitingforplayers_enabled that is used to enable or disable the plugin. 🡺 Source Code on GitHub Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (arenawfp.sp - 3.1 KB) arenawfp.txt (1.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Original plugin made by Andi67. I just update code for working without errors. setting in dod/cfg/dod_grenadeprotection/dod_grenadeprotection.cfg Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (dod_grenadeprotection.sp - 3.7 KB) grenadeprotection.phrases.txt (276 Bytes) (8.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. This plugin is taken from the maps bugfix plugin created by : FeuerSturm + darkranger, vintage Original bugfix : dod_anzio, dod_avalanche, dod_donner, dod_flash , dod_winter : Bugfix by FeuerSturm + darkranger, vintage, I haven't checked everything but one thing is sure is that the bug in the box in Axis side on dod_flash has been fixed. For the rest, it does not cause any problems. My Bugfix : dod_bodange: The bug in the Axis spawn is fixed by adding walls. dod_crash_dust, dod_crash_dust_final: Added crates to prevent players from hiding in objects, and I put a tank in place of the horrible, half-destroyed yellow car.. My improvements: dod_convoy_b20, dod_convoy, dod_convoy2_rc1, dod_convoy2_rc1_fixed: Added spawn protection walls. dod_convoy_summer,dod_convoy_summer_final: same. dod_convoy_new_noel, dod_convoy_new_year_2011: same. dod_deux_chateaux_final, dod_deux_chateaux_LS, dod_deux_chateaux: Added tanks in front of the spawn exits. dod_fightzone_voodoo, dod_fightzone_voodoo_final: Added walls to prevent players from using the ladder bug to get to the top of the map. dod_gan, dod_gan_32, dod_gan_xmas_b1, dod_gan32: Added spawn protection walls. dod_gan_extended_se: same. dod_mario_air: This map is identical to the following two, but the correction is different: Teleporter to hidden room (forbidden) redirected to the second hidden room, at the very top + addition of walls to block the exit from the forbidden room. Mario poster teleporter redirected to the second hidden room, at the very top. mario_air_32, mario_air: Teleporter to hidden room (forbidden) redirected to the second hidden room with zombie + added walls to block the exit from the forbidden room. cdc_mario_air_flag: Blocked all teleporter and walled all hidden rooms. Added a small mod: This mod appear tanks randomly (at the start of each round) to strategic locations on these maps, which completely changes the gameplay of these maps : 3xi_trainmap dod_fight_arena_urbex, 3xi_urbex dod_bunky dod_fight_arena dod_normandie_fight_arena This mod can be enabled/disabled in dod/cfg/dod_blockexploitmaps/dod_blockexploitmaps.cfg This configuration folder and file will be created the first time the plugin is launched. Sorry for my English but I am French. ;-) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (dod_blockexploits_maps.sp - 27.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. PHP Code: public mmLoadMaps(szConfigDir[], szMapFile[]) { new szFilename[STRING_MAX] new szData[STRING_MAX] g_mapNums[g_modCount] = 0 formatex(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename) - 1, "%s/%s", szConfigDir, szMapFile) new f = fopen(szFilename, "rt") while(!feof(f)) { fgets(f, szData, STRING_MAX) trim(szData) if(!szData[0] || szData[0] == ';' || (szData[0] == '/' && szData[1] == '/')) continue // server_print("Loading Map %s for %s mod", szData, g_modNames[g_modCount]) ArrayPushString(g_modMaps[g_modCount], szData) g_mapNums[g_modCount]++ } fclose(f) } I have map voting plugin and normally the plugin takes map names on list. Example list: de_dust de_inferno de_cbble Normally with this list, 3 map is voting and i want to this: de_dust,de_inferno de_cbble If I separate the maps on the same line with a comma, one of the maps will be chosen randomly. One of the de_dust, de_inferno maps will be selected and a total of 2 maps will be put to the vote together with de_cbble. Przeczytaj cały wpis

    RSSAdmin Grab

    Description :- A Better admin grab plugin with extra features, You can grab any object you desire in the map, as well you can grab multiple objects at once but first you need to select the desired objects to grab, to select an object you need to aim on an object then press 'R' (+Reload) Key, same thing for deselecting, Now if you want to deselect all objects at once, all you need to do is tap 'R' Key three times in less than a second, After that to move one object you need to aim on it and then hold the 'E' (+Use) Key, while when you have multiple objects selected all you need to do is Hold 'E' (+Use) Key. Now there's a toggle method for activating the grab ability. To enable/disable grab ability you need to hold the 'R' (+reload) Key for approximately 2.5 seconds, this value is change-able in the sma. (grab ability is disabled by default) There's an object properties menu, that you can open when you're holding the object\s by pressing 'F' (impulse 100), for brush entities you can rotate them clone them as well restore them to their original origin, next you've clone entities you can do to them the same as brush entities but you can also remove them, point entities you can do the same as a regular brush entities but you can't restore them back to their original position, while for the player entity currently there're some stuff you can do to a player which are heal, un/set godmode, un/set noclip, freeze/unfreeze. Last but not least is you can throw a player when you're grabbing him/her by pressing 'G' (drop) key. * Commands Authorizes a player to be able to grab objects.amx_authorize_grab<name/steam/#userid> Strips a player from the ability to grab objects. amx_strip_grab<name/steamid/#userid> If you found this helpful and joyful, please donate to show appreciation. :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (admin_grab.sma - 46.7 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. Does someone know how to make the PODBOT can't see through the smoke? If so, let me know how to do it. If there's a plugin please give it to me as I really need it for my gameplay purpose! Thank you.. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. ... Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. Hey, When I start my server with the deathmatch plugin from h3bus, the server crashes after I join. Unfortunately I can't see anything in the error log, do you have any idea how I can get more detailed information about the crash. I have already entered -condebug in the startup option. But I can't find any real error messages under the sourcemod logs. My OS is Windows 2022 Server Many Greetings LappenHaft Przeczytaj cały wpis

    RSSIp lock amx

    I wanted to know how can i lock my plugin just for that one ip. Like when its on my server it works but if is on another server it wont work? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. Description: AEROBOT.XYZ is an Artificial Intelligence or just a simply computer controlled player directly written as an AMX Mod X plugin. This script was developed for programmers who wanted to create AI, but not familiar with C++. Does not requires making waypoints. Supports GoldSource based mods. Currently supported mods: - Half-Life - Deathmatch Classic - Adrenaline Gamer - FFA and FFAX mode - CSDM FFA Deathmatch - CSDM Team Deathmatch - fy_ and aim_ maps - Counter-Strike fy_ and aim_ maps - partially default Counter-Strike maps - scenario scripts not implemented - partially default Counter-Strike: Condition Zero maps - scenario scripts not implemented AI actions implemented: - Random movement at any direction. - On the way objects detection and destroying attempt or turning around. - Ragebot with random spray pattern. - Trick movement: Double Duck, Duck Jump, Jump Peek, Show off with the Knife switch. - Random Spray and flashlights usage (mp_flashlights must be set to 1) - Trashtalk. Chatting and supporting Bugfixed HL. Requirements: Developed using required Metamod and AMX Mod X version, but should work fine with any else. - Metamod-P 1.21p38: - AMX Mod X 1.10: Installation: - open aerobot/0x0001_settings.sma and start setup AI depended on your game. - #define PB_WEAPON_MODE - Comment this only for Counter-Strike FFA/Team Deathmatch Mode or Zombie Mode - #define PB_TEAMGAME - Comment this for Adrenaline Gamer FFA and FFAX mode and for Counter-Strike FFA Deathmatch. - Compile aerobot.sma and install like any other plugin. Server command usage Guide: - apb_add - add one bot to the game. - apb_fill - fill server with bots. - apb_kickall - kick all bots from the server. - apb_kill - kill bots. For Counter-Strike only. Feel free to edit, continue work and improve. Attached Files (18.0 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. Fixes irritating bugs in existing death checkers such as takeover terminating a round. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_deathcheck_final.sp - 7.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Player Pings This plugin allows players to point at the world and create a visual and audible ping that can be seen and heard by other players. The ping can be used to communicate locations, objectives, enemies, items, or anything else in the game world. Features Customizable ping icon, color, sound, lifetime, and size Cooldown system to prevent spamming Option to disable pinging players or NPCs Option to allow dead players to ping Installation Grab the latest ZIP from releases Extract the contents into addons/sourcemod Reload your translations: Code: sm_reload_translations in server console Load the plugin: Code: sm plugins load player-pings Optional requirements The Client Preferences extension to allow players to hide pings via Code: sm_settings Configuration You can configure the plugin by editing the following console variables in cfg/sourcemod/player-pings.cfg: sm_ping_enabled - Whether player pings are enabled (Default: 1) sm_ping_cooldown_tokens_per_second - Tokens added to the bucket per second (Default: 0.05) sm_ping_cooldown_bucket_size - Number of command tokens that fit in the cooldown bucket (Default: 3) sm_ping_icon_height_offset - Offset ping icon from ping position by this amount (Default: 30.0) sm_ping_color_r - The red color component for player pings (Default: 10) sm_ping_color_g - The green color component for player pings (Default: 224) sm_ping_color_b - The blue color component for player pings (Default: 247) sm_ping_lifetime - The lifetime of player pings in seconds (max 25.6) (Default: 8) sm_ping_trace_width - The width of the player ping trace in game units (Default: 20) sm_ping_range - The maximum reach of the player ping trace in game units (Default: 32000) sm_ping_icon - The icon used for player pings. Empty to disable (Default: icon_interact) sm_ping_sound - The sound used for player pings (Default: ui/hint.wav) sm_ping_circle_radius - Radius of the ping circle (Default: 9.0) sm_ping_circle_segments - How many straight lines make up the ping circle (Default: 10) sm_ping_players - Whether pings can target other players (Default: 0) sm_ping_npcs - Whether pings can target zombies (Default: 0) sm_ping_dead_can_use - Whether dead players can ping (Default: 1) Usage A. Open the voice menu (Default: 3) and press the Use key (Default: E) B. Bind a key to the Code: sm_ping command. For example: Code: bind mouse3 sm_ping Overrides This plugin supports the use of overrides: ping_custom_duration - Allows players with this override to specify a custom duration argument for their ping, with the syntax Code: sm_ping <seconds> ping_cooldown_immunity - Makes players immune to the cooldown system Download: Source code: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. This plugin is a really stupid simple bug fix that sets the proper playback rate to the reload anims by adding an attribute on every respawn or inventory refresh. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (tf_reloadanimfix.sp - 373 Bytes) tf_reloadanimfix.smx (2.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. I'm looking for the following: The fastest round is saved and displayed in colorchat. For example: The CT team took only 20 seconds to defeat the opposing team. If someone was faster then a message comes: WOW! Record was broken, the... team only needed 19 seconds... However, the plugin should only work with a minimum of 20 players... Can someone please create this or does it already exist somewhere? THANKS Savetyp maybe nvault? No mysql Databases avaible for me at the moment Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. Hello Guys i need help please, can anyone fix this? L 06/09/2023 - 11:46:19: [AMXX] [0] staaatsneuneu.sma::get_top_format (line 1487) L 06/09/2023 - 11:46:19: [AMXX] [1] staaatsneuneu.sma::cmdTopX (line 1143) L 06/09/2023 - 11:46:19: [AMXX] [2] staaatsneuneu.sma::cmdTop (line 1122) L 06/09/2023 - 11:47:08: String formatted incorrectly - parameter 19 (total 18) L 06/09/2023 - 11:47:08: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "staaatsneuneu.amxx", version "1.4") L 06/09/2023 - 11:47:08: [AMXX] Run time error 25: parameter error L 06/09/2023 - 11:47:08: [AMXX] [0] staaatsneuneu.sma::get_top_format (line 1487) L 06/09/2023 - 11:47:08: [AMXX] [1] staaatsneuneu.sma::cmdTopX (line 1143) L 06/09/2023 - 11:47:08: [AMXX] [2] staaatsneuneu.sma::cmdTop (line 1122) The problem is that the command /top15 dont work and some other. statscfgmenu is fine, so i think it should have to do with these errors... using Amxmodx 1.9.521 Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (staaatsneuneu_NEEDFIX.sma - 53.4 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. This plugin adds commands to deal with situations where players are missing from a checkpoint that requires everyone to proceed. It can force all players to be in a required checkpoint within a time limit or face consequences (teleportation or death). Actions can also be automated via configs Info: Download: Source code: Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Forum: Unapproved Plugins Posted By: Pizza baiana Post Time: 06-08-2023 at 11:32Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Forum: Unapproved Plugins Posted By: Pizza baiana Post Time: 06-06-2023 at 15:20Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. CREDITS TO THE CREATOR OF TWO PLUGINS THAT SERVED AS INSPIRATION TO MAKE THIS ONE: WhatsAnName (Fast Resuscitation) = WhatsAnName (fast cure) = -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ In the original plugin, the creator edited it to heal and revive teammates quickly and with a super health boost. In this version that I edited from two plugins from the same creator, I established the game's default revive and healing time for those who would only like the health improvements (a more vanilla version). I particularly loved the health improvement that the author made because it's very strange when we use some medicine and it doesn't increase our health to 100%. some functions have been added to help mainly those who want to have an easier time surviving experienced modes alongside bots. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ CHARACTERISTICS: improved healing: -Medical kits will take the standard time to heal and will give the player 100% health. - Pills provide 100% health to players. -adrenalines provide 100% health, the amount of health provided by adrenaline will be the same amount that the speed special effect will last = improvement that was not in the original plugin - during the drain effect, the player will revive other incapacitated players at the speed of 1 second only = improvement that was not in the original plugin - using defibrillators takes 1 second to revive = improvement that was not in the original plugin revive and death improved: -Fallen players take the standard time to get up and will receive 100% health (THIS HEALTH THAT FALLEN PLAYERS WILL RECEIVE IS NOT THE SAME HEALTH AS THE MEDID KIT, IT IS THE RED AND TEMPORARY HEALTH OF THE GAME ITSELF) - after players died and spawned at the spawn points, they received the same primary weapon they were using instead of receiving a weaker tier weapon (weaker tier weapon: game default) = improvement that was not in the original plugin - incapacitated players received 600 health instead of 300 (300 = game default) = improvement that was not in the original plugin - disabled players did not receive penalties to their accuracy with pistols or primary weapons (primary weapons: another plugin is needed for this function) = improvement that was not in the original plugin - incapacitated players did not receive penalties to their rate of fire with weapons, instead they will fire faster (fit for you who didn't find a plugin that uses primary weapons) = cociderable improvement that was not in the original plugin - the number of times needed to die after being incapacitated (black and white vision: death vision) changed from 2 (game default) to 5 = improvement that was not in the original plugin -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ PACKAGE WITH SEPARATE FUNCTIONS: - the plugin was made to help the player survive better in experienced modes, but you can download a package made by me with separate functions if you only want one function specifically. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ATTENTION: instead of criticizing the plugin for free, you could help to improve it by posting your code line that may also include some of your ideas, this is what I would do in particular. even if my posted plugins are horrible in the eyes of someone who is a veteran in the subject, I think exclusively of players who just want to play and not become programming wizards, I also ask for humility because I am a newbie in the subject! Below there will be one of the most beautiful phrases I've ever seen on the source code website: ~ "If you don't like the plugin then make your own" - Silvers. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ NOTE: if you want to edit the values of this plugin, just use notepad++, all plugins posted here including in the separate package, there will be source code just to receive modifications. they are quite easy to edit. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ INSTALLATION: download the file and paste it in: \Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\addons\sourcemod\plugins Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (IMPROVED_HEALING_AND_MEDICINES.sp - 1,012 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (IMPROVED_DEATH_AND_REVIVE.sp - 1.1 KB) (31.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Forum: Unapproved Plugins Posted By: Pizza baiana Post Time: 06-07-2023 at 12:20Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Forum: Unapproved Plugins Posted By: Pizza baiana Post Time: 06-06-2023 at 20:12Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. Forum: Unapproved Plugins Posted By: Pizza baiana Post Time: 06-06-2023 at 16:06Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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