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  1. Good everyone, I would like someone to make me this little plugin, since I am admin on my server, that in the commands of the player there is this option GOD HP and that it is 65099 of HP health (either for the admin or any connected player) I would only miss that, since I do not want to use the GOD command that does not lower anything at all from HP health, please I would greatly appreciate it :( :( Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. So i have this problem in the screenshot below and i don't know how to resolve it. Can someone help me? This shows at other plugins as well if that plugins sends popups like this one. Attached Thumbnails Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. About: Inspired by the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series. Something I wanted to create for years and slowly wrote over the past year. Features: Randomly spawns on any map after players pass a certain flow distance. Specify with cvars. Slowly moves around and can move up/down stairs etc. Electrocutes Survivors, Witches, Common and Special Infected. Only possible for 1 to spawn and exist at a time. Please do not request for multiple Anomalies. Admin Commands: (requires "z" flag) PHP Code: sm_anomaly // Create an Anomaly where your crosshair is pointing. sm_anom // Create an Anomaly near you using the random spawn placement system. CVars: Saved to l4d_anomaly.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder. PHP Code: // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d_anomaly_allow "1" // How close entities must be to the anomaly before being struck. l4d_anomaly_damage_distance "200.0" // 0.0=Off, also disables effects. The amount of damage to deal to Common Infected when being struck. l4d_anomaly_damage_infected "20" // 0.0=Off, also disables effects. The amount of damage to deal to Special Infected when being struck. l4d_anomaly_damage_special "20" // 0.0=Off, also disables effects. The amount of damage to deal to Survivors when being struck. l4d_anomaly_damage_survivor "10" // How often to damage entities within range. l4d_anomaly_damage_time "1.5" // 0.0=Off, also disables effects. The amount of damage to deal to Witches when being struck. l4d_anomaly_damage_witch "50" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all). l4d_anomaly_modes "" // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none). l4d_anomaly_modes_off "" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together. l4d_anomaly_modes_tog "0" // How far can random sparks shoot out. These do not affect players and only visual effect. l4d_anomaly_random_dist "200.0" // 0.0=Off. Display random sparks and sound after this many seconds maximum. l4d_anomaly_random_max "5.0" // 0.0=Off. Display random sparks and sound after this many seconds minimum. l4d_anomaly_random_min "2.0" // 0.0=Off. Automatically spawns anomaly when Survivors pass between this minimum and maximum map flow distance percent. l4d_anomaly_spawn_max "70.0" // 0.0=Off. Automatically spawns anomaly when Survivors pass between this minimum and maximum map flow distance percent. l4d_anomaly_spawn_min "20.0" // Anomaly plugin version. l4d_anomaly_version Changes: Code: 1.0 (04-Mar-2020) - Initial release. Requirements: Uses Left 4 DHooks Direct plugin. Won't work without. L4D1: Requires adding the Tesla particles. See this post by Dragokas for the download. No source changes required. Installation: Click "Get Plugin" and put the .smx file into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_anomaly.sp - 32.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Hi I changed this part PHP Code: set_pev(ent,pev_rendercolor, g_fColor[g_iColor[id]]) to this PHP Code: set_pev(ent,pev_rendercolor, g_colors_lock[random_num(0,MAX_COLORS_LOCK)]) error PHP Code: L 03/04/2020 - 02:05:15: Start of error session. L 03/04/2020 - 02:05:15: Info (map "bb_cg_hard_base_v4") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20200304.log") L 03/04/2020 - 02:05:15: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "basebuilder65.amxx") L 03/04/2020 - 02:05:15: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds L 03/04/2020 - 02:05:15: [AMXX] [0] basebuilder65.sma::cmdLockBlock (line 2032) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. If a player collects more than 10.0 Tk points, then he gets a ban for 24 hours You need a plugin to work: GagMute What are given and taken away Tk-points: Player damage: Attacking player receives TK-points + Player sight rises a little up (depends on the type of weapon) Player incapacitated: +0.5 Tk-points + 20 sec WP If a player repeats this event within 20 seconds, Penalty mode turns on WP (shtrafnoy rezhim): +1,0 ochkov TK, +20 sec WP i +10 sec WPT WPT (Turbo-shtrafnoy rezhim): +2,0 Tk, +20 sec WP i +10 sec WPT Killed a player: + 3.0 Tk-points Cured Player: -1.0 Tk-Points Helped the player rise: -0.3Tk-points Resurrected Player (Defibrillator): -1.5Tk Points Map Change: -1.0Tk Points Also, all Tk-points are saved in a weekly file which lies in the date folder Each Sunday, a new file will be created automatically. Attached Files l4d_stoptk.smx (8.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_stoptk.sp - 12.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Hello. Is there such a plugin where it detects someone using AWP model with crosshairs and kicks them? I need something like that if there is. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. Description: I made this plugin with Zombie Escape in mind. A lot of ZE maps have admin rooms that let you change levels and its rather annoying to have to noclip/tp to the buttons and then try to find the right button. This plugin looks at all the func_buttons on the map with certain names and adds them to a menu admins can use to use the button. Features: The plugin automatically makes a list of all the buttons with substrings found in the admin_buttons.txt file. The plugin allows viewing of the buttons that are in the list accessable to admins, and a list of all the maps buttons. The plugin allows root admins to temporarily add other buttons in the map to the list of accessable buttons with a simple command. Commands: sm_buttonwatchlist: List all phrases flagged by the Admin Buttons plugin sm_buttonlist: List all button names on the map sm_buttons: Allows admin to activate any buttons on the map (Reserved for generic admins and higher) sm_buttonadd <arg>: Allows root admin to add a search term and redo the button search for that term (Reserved for root admins) (eg. "/buttonadd bubble") Installation: Just go to my github repo and download the sourcemod folder, then drag it into the addons folder. You can add keywords you want to be automatically found in button names by adding them to new lines in the admin_buttons.txt file Big thanks to everybody who has helped me on the Sourcemod Discord server! Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    Anti Zoom

    Hello. I need a plugin that limits the awp zoom, like if you hold the zoom for 3 seconds your awp disappears. So you're not allowed to hold zoom more than 3 seconds. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. Hey, so there is this plugin: When I press 'E' on my keyboard it instantly blows the bomb up. Is there any way to add a delay for that? Thanks! :crab: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. Custom Taunts A taunt plugin that allows normal and custom taunts! Description: This is basically a taunt menu plugin where you can use any taunt, but you can also add you own! This is essentially a step up from individual taunt plugins and allows an all-in-one package. Documentation: Creating custom taunts requires making new models (don't ask me :() but there is documentation on configuration in the GitHub repository. Installation: A simple drag 'n' drop, if you just want to use the default taunts. TF2Attributes and TF2Items is required to run. Source code is here and compiled copy here. Credits: FlaminSarge for [TF2] Taunt 'em This is in the work-in-progress phase, there may be bugs, any feedback is appreciated. :3 One more thing that I did port ShadowMarioBR's Default Dance for use in this plugin. Credits to him and DNWS Attached Files (39.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. When the player dies, the last player killed comes alive where he died. Attached Files WaitForYour Killer.smx (3.4 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (WaitForYour Killer.sp - 1.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Map Deleter by SpirT What is this? A Map Deleter. This allow you to AUTO-DELETE default maps of CS:GO when your server Updates Requirements - SourceMod Installed on your server (at least 1.10 build 6459) Installation Upload all files to your server Restart your server / change map / type this command in your server console: 'sm plugins reload spirt_mapdelete' Config file is automatically created on 'csgo/cfg/SpirT/spirt.mapdelete.cfg' ToDo List Create a config file where you can delete a desired map For any issue or bug, reply to the post or contact me on steam. Attached Files (16.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (spirt_mapdelete.sp - 25.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Connection Data Description: A plugin which stores player connection data in a database. Similar to the player analytics plugin by McKay. Requires extension GeoIP2 and a database configuration in databases.cfg for "connectiondata" Creates two tables, one which stores each client session and one which stores clients accumulated number of connects and total connect time in seconds. Stored data: ServerIP. Player count (at time of user connection) Map name Client name SteamID2 Connection method Date Time Day (0 - 6, starting from Sunday) Formatted date string Session connection duration IP, City, Region, Country Connection count Total time connected in seconds Project here: Github Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Hello i want to use a shop menu for furien mod but i got some bugs with it . The comands are missplaced PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <cstrike> #include <fakemeta_util> #include <fun> #include <hamsandwich> #include <colorchat> #define PLUGIN "Jail Break Shop" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "GhosT" new const szPrefix[] = "[SHOP]" new const sk_model[66] = "models/v_super_knife.mdl" new bool:SK[32]; public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) register_clcmd("say /shop", "shop") register_clcmd("say_team /shop", "shop") register_clcmd("say shop", "shop") register_clcmd("say_team shop", "shop") register_concmd("shop", "shop") register_event("CurWeapon", "CurWeap", "be", "1=1"); RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "SK_Damage"); } public plugin_precache() { precache_model(sk_model) } public client_putinserver(id) { SK[id] = false } public client_disconnect(id) { client_putinserver(id) } public shop(id) { if(get_user_team(id) == 1) { shop_te(id) } if(get_user_team(id) == 2) { shop_ct(id) } if(!is_user_alive(id)) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Nu poti folosi shop-l cand esti mort !", szPrefix) return 1 } return 1 } public shop_te(id) { new menu = menu_create("Furien Shop", "give_te") menu_additem(menu, "Super Knife \y$11000", "1", 0) menu_additem(menu, "He Grenade \y$3000", "2", 0) menu_additem(menu, "100 HP \y$2000", "3", 0) menu_additem(menu, "100 AP + Halmet \y$2000", "4", 0) menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL) menu_display(id, menu, 0) } public shop_ct(id) { new menu = menu_create("\yAnti-Furien Shop", "give_ct") menu_additem(menu, "He Grenade \y$3000", "1", 0) menu_additem(menu, "Defuse Kit \y$500", "2", 0) menu_additem(menu, "100 HP \y$2000", "3", 0) menu_additem(menu, "100 AP + Halmet \y$2000", "4", 0) menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL) menu_display(id, menu, 0) } public give_te(id, item, menu) { if(item == MEXIT_ALL) { return 1; } new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) new access, callback, data[6], szName[64]; menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, data,charsmax(data), szName,charsmax(szName), callback); new key = str_to_num(data) switch(key) { case 1: { if(iMoney < 11000) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Nu poti cumpara acest item din lipsa de bani !", szPrefix) return 1; } else { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Ai cumparat^x04 Super Knife^x03 !", szPrefix) cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney - 11000) SK[id] = true; CurWeap(id) return 1; } } case 2: { if(iMoney < 3000) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Nu poti cumpara acest item din lipsa de bani !", szPrefix) return 1; } else { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Ai cumparat^x04 He Grenade^x03 !", szPrefix) cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney - 3000) give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade") return 1; } } case 3: { new iHealth = get_user_health(id) if(iMoney < 2000) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Nu poti cumpara acest item din lipsa de bani !", szPrefix) return 1; } else { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Ai cumparat^x04 100 HP^x03 !", szPrefix) cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney - 2000) set_user_health(id, iHealth + 100) if(iHealth > 250) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Nu mai poti cumpara Health , ai atins limita maxima !", szPrefix) return 1; } return 1; } } case 4: { new iArmor = get_user_armor(id) if(iMoney < 2000) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Nu poti cumpara acest item din lipsa de bani !", szPrefix) return 1; } else { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Ai cumparat^x04 50 AP^x03 !", szPrefix) cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney - 2000) set_user_armor(id, iArmor + 100) give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit"); if(iArmor > 300) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Nu mai poti cumpara Armor , ai atins limita maxima !", szPrefix) return 1; } return 1; } } } menu_destroy(menu) return 1; } public give_ct(id, item, menu) { if(item == MEXIT_ALL) { return 1; } new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id) new access, callback, data[6], szName[64]; menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, data,charsmax(data), szName,charsmax(szName), callback); new key = str_to_num(data) switch(key) { case 1: { if(iMoney < 3000) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Nu poti cumpara acest item din lipsa de bani !", szPrefix) return 1; } else { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Ai cumparat^x04 He Grenade^x03 !", szPrefix) cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney - 3000) give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade") return 1; } } case 2: { if(iMoney < 500) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Nu poti cumpara acest item din lipsa de bani !", szPrefix) return 1; } else { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Ai cumparat^x04 Defuse Kit^x03 !", szPrefix) cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney - 500) give_item(id, "item_thighpack") return 1; } } case 3: { new iHealth = get_user_health(id) if(iMoney < 2000) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Nu poti cumpara acest item din lipsa de bani !", szPrefix) return 1; } else { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Ai cumparat^x04 100 HP^x03 !", szPrefix) cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney - 2000) set_user_health(id, iHealth + 100) if(iHealth > 200) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Nu mai poti cumpara Health , ai atins limita maxima !", szPrefix) return 1; } return 1; } } case 4: { new iArmor = get_user_armor(id) if(iMoney < 2000) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Nu poti cumpara acest item din lipsa de bani !", szPrefix) return 1; } else { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Ai cumparat^x04 50 AP^x03 !", szPrefix) cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney - 2000) set_user_armor(id, iArmor + 100) give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit"); if(iArmor > 500) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "%s^x03 Nu mai poti cumpara Armor , ai atins limita maxima !", szPrefix) return 1; } return 1; } } } menu_destroy(menu) return 1; } public CurWeap(id) { if(get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_KNIFE && SK[id]) { set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, sk_model) } } public SK_Damage(iVictim, iInflictor, iAttacker, Float:fDamage, iDamageBits) { if(get_user_weapon(iAttacker) == CSW_KNIFE && SK[iAttacker]) { SetHamParamFloat( 4, fDamage * 2.5); return HAM_HANDLED; } return HAM_IGNORED; } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. Do someone know a link to a vip system for CS:GO where include: VIP-Ranks/groups VIP-Give grenades/weapons,healthshot,etc.. bunnyhop extra damage vip tags vip hud vip menu health and armor double jump infinite ammo and faster reload (for lower vip ranks) vip welcome/bye a script where he can enter the server even if is full more money per bomb defuse or headshot walk faster vip efects like trails/ respawn efect/ auras etc... and extra stuff, why not... THANKS Przeczytaj cały wpis

    Top Player

    Hello can you creat somebody one plugin to show in HUD and HUD to stay all time to show Top Round : nick | Kills: | HS: i mean to show people who kill in round ? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. Hello, I could ask for a zip package. "confetti balloons" and step by step installation instructions? I will be grateful, thank you very much! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. Hi guys, i m new here and I need your help . I would need, if somebody can help me of VIP plugin with the following features : --> VIP CT MENU <-- - M4A1/Ak47 gold (to offer 30% more damage than usual damage for all players) at $5.000 price - no flash to buy (4000$). - VIP flag at scoreboard PASIVE : x3 jump +15 hp per kill + 500$ per kill personalized skin ----> VIP T MENU <----- - super knife (12.000$) to offer 30% more dmg then usual damage to simple knife - grab - pack of grenades (1 flash + 1 smoke + 1 HE) at 5.000$ price PASIVE : x3 jump +15 hp per kill + 500$ per kill personalized skin. If anyone can help me with this request I would be very grateful! Thx so much <3 <3 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. I want a menu for the VIP and the player See the menu in the video: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. Hello, how are you looking for a knife plugin by levels that has no experience that reaches the level requested by the model and can be used, sorry for my bad English. That has v_knife and p_knife per level only Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. Hello AlliedModders! Is it possible to add some features to this Jail plugin. The command for jailing a player is amx_jail <name | #userid> , in order to be like: amx_jail <name |# userid> <minutes> [reason]. Then if possible, the reason and the remaining time in center HUD (green color) of the player, who is jailed. In case of players who are trying to avoid the jail.. adding "kill" command block,change team "M" block and in case the player reconnects to remain in the jail till the time is up. Thank you all in advance! I would be so thankful! Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <fakemeta> #include <fakemeta_util> #define PLUGIN "Jail" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "Unknown" new Float:g_jail_origin[3]; new bool:g_jail_exists; public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) register_concmd("amx_jail", "cmd_jail", ADMIN_RCON, "< name | #userid > Place player in jail!") new jailfile[64]; get_configsdir(jailfile, sizeof(jailfile) - 1); add(jailfile, sizeof(jailfile) - 1, "/jails.ini"); if( !file_exists(jailfile) ) return; new curmap[64]; get_mapname(curmap, sizeof(curmap) - 1); new f = fopen(jailfile, "rt"); new data[128], map[64], x[16], y[16], z[16]; while( !feof(f) ) { fgets(f, data, sizeof(data) - 1); if( !data[0] || data[0] == ';' || data[0] == '/' && data[1] == '/' ) continue; parse(data, map, sizeof(map) - 1, x, sizeof(x) - 1, y, sizeof(y) - 1, z, sizeof(z) - 1 ); if( !strcmp(curmap, map) ) { g_jail_origin[0] = str_to_float(x); g_jail_origin[1] = str_to_float(y); g_jail_origin[2] = str_to_float(z); g_jail_exists = true; break; } } fclose(f); } public cmd_jail(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if( !g_jail_exists ) { console_print(id, "Jail does not exist for this map!"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new Argument[32] read_argv(1, Argument, 31) new Target = cmd_target(id, Argument, CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF) if (Target) { fm_strip_user_weapons(Target) set_pev(Target, pev_origin, g_jail_origin); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  22. hi. i have this plugin and when its hs only on (amx_hsonly 1) you can hit and kill players only with hs, but sometimes some players can hit and kill their enemy with no hs.. i don't know why, the plugin don't shows any warnings or errors on compile. HTML Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <fun> #include <csdm> #define TASKID 127546 static None[]=""; new bool:bEnabled; public aim_prac(id) { if (id && !((get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_CVAR))) { client_print(id, print_console, "[Indungi] Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda.") return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } new arg[8] read_argv(1, arg, 7) if(equal(arg, None)) { client_print(id, print_console, "amx_hsonly <on/off>"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if((equali(arg, "on"))||(equali(arg, "1"))) { set_user_hitzones(0 ,0, 2) client_print(id, print_console, "[Indungi] Modul HS Only a fost activat.") new name[32] get_user_name(id,name,charsmax(name)) colorchat_CC( 0, "!E[Indungi]!N Modul!V HS Only!N a fost activat de catre!V %s!N.", name) set_hudmessage(0, 100, 0, 0.02, 0.18, _, _, 1.0, _, _, 1) show_hudmessage (0, "HS ONLY: ON"); bEnabled = true; } else { set_user_hitzones(0, 0, 255) client_print(id, print_console, "[Indungi] Modul HS Only a fost dezactivat.") new name[32] get_user_name(id,name,charsmax(name)) colorchat_CC( 0, "!E[Indungi]!N Modul!V HS Only!N a fost dezactivat de catre!V %s!N.", name) set_hudmessage(0, 90, 0, 0.02, 0.18, _, _, 1.0, _, _, 1) show_hudmessage (0, "HS ONLY: OFF"); bEnabled = false; } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Aim Practice","1.0","James Romeril") register_concmd("amx_hsonly", "aim_prac", ADMIN_CVAR, "") set_task(1.0, "ShowHudMessage", TASKID, _, _, "b"); } public ShowHudMessage() { new iPlayers[32], iNum; get_players(iPlayers, iNum, "ch"); if(iNum > 0) { bEnabled ? set_hudmessage(0, 128, 0, 0.02, 0.25, _, _, 1.0, _, _, 1) : set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.25, _, _, 1.0, _, _, 1); for(new i; i < iNum; i++) { show_hudmessage(iPlayers, "HS Only: %s", bEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF"); } } } stock colorchat_CC(const id, const input[], any:...) { new count = 1, Jucatori[32] static msg[191] vformat(msg, 190, input, 3) replace_all(msg, 190, "!V", "^4") // Culoarea Verde replace_all(msg, 190, "!N", "^1") // Culoarea Normala a Chat-ului (galben) replace_all(msg, 190, "!E", "^3") // Culoarea Echipei : CT = Albastru | T = Rosu. if (id) Jucatori[0] = id; else get_players(Jucatori, count, "ch") { for (new Y = 0; Y < count; Y++) { if (is_user_connected(Jucatori[Y])) { message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, Jucatori[Y]) write_byte(Jucatori[Y]); write_string(msg); message_end(); } } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. fiz error plugin PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <fun> #define ADMIN_FLAG ADMIN_LEVEL_H #define SPEED 800.0 new bool: colorprint[33]; new bool: speed[33]; public plugin_init() register_clcmd("say /menu", "clcmd_vip", ADMIN_FLAG); public clcmd_vip(id, level, cid){ if(is_user_alive(id) && cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3)) return 0; new menu = menu_create("VIP Menu", "handler"); new formatex_colorprint[20], formatex_speed[20]; formatex(formatex_colorprint, charsmax(formatex_colorprint), "Color Print [%s]", colorprint[id] ? "Defult" : "Light Blue" : "Purpel" : "Withe"); formatex(formatex_speed, charsmax(formatex_speed), "Speed [%s]", speed[id] ? "ON" : "\rOFF\w"); menu_additem(menu, formatex_gravity); menu_additem(menu, formatex_speed); menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL); menu_display(id, menu); return 0; } public handler(id, menu, item){ switch(item){ case MENU_EXIT: menu_destroy(menu); case 0: { if(colorprint[id]){ client_cmd(id, "con_color ^"255 155 50^"") } else { client_cmd(id, "con_color ^"0 255 255^"") } else { client_cmd(id, "con_color ^"255 0 255^"") } else { client_cmd(id, "con_color ^"255 255 255^"") } } case 1: { if(speed[id]){ set_user_maxspeed(id, 400.0) speed[id] = false; } else { set_user_maxspeed(id, SPEED); speed[id] = true; } } } return 1; } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. Description: Players can tag the players they want by typing !tagging. Commands: !tagg || Tagging enable and disable !tagging || To tag a player Cvars: "etiket_yetkili", "1", "Can the admins also tag the players who have closed the tagging? 1 = Yes || 0 = No" "etiket_suresi", "10", "How many seconds can a tag be used again after a player has been tagged?" "etiket_kapali", "0", "Can the players who have turned off tagging use tagging? 1 = Yes || 0 = No" "etiket_ses", "1", "Play a sound when a player is tagged? 1 = Evet || 0 = Hayır" Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Player_Tagging.sp - 9.1 KB) Player_Tagging.smx (6.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. I'm using Deathrun Manager and everything works good but in the first round, when first ct dies, server restart with Game Commencing, any idea why? how to solve that? Przeczytaj cały wpis
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