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  1. This plugin allow players release hand when they are hanging. minHang = CreateConVar("min_Hang_time", "3.0", "the min time you need hold", CVAR_FLAGS, true, 0.0); dropDmg = CreateConVar("drop_damage", "10.0", "damage when you drop", CVAR_FLAGS, true, 10.0); CrouchJump = CreateConVar("the mode of release", "0", "[0] = hold crouch, [1] = hold jump", CVAR_FLAGS); You have two choice: if CrouchJump == 0, you can hold crouch button to release your hand. if CrouchJump == 1, you can hold jump button to release your hand. Are you lost patience to wait teammates' help when you are hanging? Do you want do something for your team though you are hanging? Maybe drop will hurt you but you will free and fight with your team rather than just look them been surrounded by zombies. So you need this.:):):) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ledge_release.sp - 6.5 KB) ledge_release.smx (8.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. Why this game too hard for me? Can we have a function to recover our HP just like some FPS games? You know, in some FPS games, if you didn't been attack you will recover you HP by deep breath...XD So why we can't find a safe place and drink some cola and take a rest?(just kidding...) OK,let's our plugin: "l4d_recovery_hp_enable", "1", "0:disable health, 1:enable" "l4d_recovery_hp_add1", "5", "when hp lower than l4d_recovery_hp_limit1,hp recovery, 0:disable" "l4d_recovery_hp_add2", "2", "when hp lower than l4d_recovery_hp_limit2,hp recovery, 0:disable" "l4d_recovery_hp_add3", "1", "when hp lower than l4d_recovery_hp_limit3,hp recovery, 0:disable" "l4d_recovery_hp_duration", "10", "hp recovery for every 10 seconds" "l4d_recovery_hp_limit1", "25", "hp limit1" "l4d_recovery_hp_limit2", "45", "hp limit2" "l4d_recovery_hp_limit3", "85", "hp limit3" "l4d_recovery_hp_max", "100", "if survivors' hp more than this, plugin stop." these digital controlled by cfg(I think these needn't some cmd to change in game(I'm lazy XD)) (My English is bad, but I have Google translator.....) This is my first time release plugin(In fact today is my first day since I had registered~~~) So though I have some useful idea, I'm not write in script because I don't want to make mistake. Hope this plugin is useful for you. If something goes wrong, welcome feed back. Next time I will do better~~~:oops::oops::oops: I have many interesting plugins and if anybody want some useful plugins, just ask me.:D:D:D My steam url: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Auto_recover.sp - 3.3 KB) Auto_recover.smx (6.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. This is an alternative version of BOT Benson's plugin which was later modified by Agent Wesker. Description This fixes client crashes that have been happening since Valve introduced Panorama. This is achieved by forcing clients to reconnect on map change. This does not look for hooks in Sourcemod plugins, it waits until CSGO's server_spawn event occurs then initiates a timer (2 seconds) before sending retry. The double loading map issue is eliminated because the retry commands are not sent until the map has actually changed. From my testing it will work with any map change (sm_map, RTV, changelevel etc.) because the server_spawn event always occurs when loading a new map regardless of how it was called. With multiple clients connected to the server I have not been able to initiate a client crash in 100 or so map changes. Installation Place smx file in csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins/ Code This can definitely be optimised, I have absolutely no experience with Sourcemod. The timer IS required, the server_spawn event occurs within a second of a map change being initialised and it doesn't detect clients are still connected. It might be that you can reduce the timer if required. Code: #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #pragma semicolon 1 #pragma tabsize 0 #pragma newdecls required public Plugin myinfo = { name = "MapCrashFixAll", author = "Kashinoda", description = "Prevents client crashes on map change", version = "1.0 Test", url = "" }; public void OnPluginStart() { HookEvent("server_spawn", EventNewMap); } public void EventNewMap(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) { CreateTimer(2.0, Timer_RetryPlayers); LogMessage("Map change, reconnecting players in 2 seconds..."); } public Action Timer_RetryPlayers( Handle timer , int _any ) { RetryClients(_any); return Plugin_Stop; } stock bool RetryClients(int forceChange) { for( int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++ ) { if( IsClientConnected( i ) ) { ClientCommand( i, "retry" ); LogMessage("Sending retry to %N", i); } } if (!forceChange) return; } Attached Files mapcrashfixall.smx (4.3 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (mapcrashfixall.sp - 976 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Hi, This plugin Forces alien drones to ragdoll and gibs underheavy load for perf reasons. About: I had a problem with the default game of handling alot of alien deaths I mean 100s clients would either endup @10fps or crash due to particles the game does not manage limited on the amount of effects shown to clients, this fixes that by default and can now play at an expectable framerate with 100s of aliens. :twisted: Problem with forcing ragdolls Using cvar "rd_alien_instagib 1" helped with perf but removed ragdolls:cry: but blowing up 100aliens could a crash. I can't show an image of a particle crash because it crashes :grrr: This will help alot with particle crashes with 100s of aliens but will not prevent them because other factors in gameplay. There is cvars to playwith to change however you like. For local hosting: Spoiler I added a method to cut the effects displayed to the host by half, you will need to edit the sourcecode by changing "MANAGEHOST true" and recompile plugin. /* Change me to true to limit effects shown to host by half */ #define MANAGEHOST false Cvars: swarm_drone_force_ragdoll.cfg auto created when plugin is loaded. PHP Code: // percent chance blasts will cause ragdolls to fly up // - // Default: "5" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "100.000000" swarm_chance_to_fly "5" // uppderlimit to amount of deaths to show to clients before culling not counted when alien ragdolls // - // Default: "30.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" swarm_max_shown_deaths "30.0" // max amount of deaths to show in 1 server frame // - // Default: "30" // Minimum: "1.000000" swarm_max_shown_deaths_frame "30" // uppderlimit to amount of drone ragdolls once exceeded will cause aliens to gib instead(perf reasons) see "swarm_max_shown_deaths" & "swarm_shown_deaths_per_sec" // - // Default: "30.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" swarm_ragdoll_max_count "30.0" // max ragdolls that can be shown per second while at the upperlimit // - // Default: "5.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" swarm_ragdoll_per_sec "5.0" // max deaths that can be shown per second while at the upperlimit // - // Default: "60.0" // Minimum: "1.000000" swarm_shown_deaths_per_sec "60.0" Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Swarm_Drone_Force_Ragdoll.sp - 5.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Description: This plugin is intended for L4D1 maps with generators: - Crash Course : Lots - Sacrifice : Port It prevents generator from been started in such cases: - previous wave is not killed yet; - not all tanks is killed yet (before first wave and until next waves); - at least one player is dead before first wave (so, you should wait a little bit and find them in a safe room). Exclude: - admin. clients is always allowed to start the generator. Additional present: - Show message about player who was able to fix the generator in "Crash Course : Lots". - Show message about player who was able to start the final generator of elevator and save a team in "Sacrifice : Port". Commands: Nothing. Settings (ConVars): l4d_block_generator_enabled - Enable the plugin (1 - Yes, 0 - No) l4d_block_generator_allow_admin - Allow admins to start generators without restrictions? (1 - Yes, 0 - No) l4d_block_generator_wait_saferoom - Wait for rescuing players from the saferoom before the first wave? (1 - Yes, 0 - No) Installation - place .smx file to addons/sourcemod/plugins - place .phrases.txt file to addons/sourcemod/translations Translation: - Russian - English Compatibility: - L4D1 - L4D2 (untested) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_BlockGenerator.sp - 17.9 KB) l4d_block_generator.phrases.txt (1.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Description: This plugin is intended to play one random music on each new map start (the same one music will be played on round re-start). Only one song will be downloaded to client each map start, so it will reduce client connection delay. In this way, you can install infinite number of music tracks on your server without sacrificing connection speed (compared to: if you would download all files at once). Plugin will display menu to clients on each round start (can be disabled by "l4d_music_mapstart_showmenu" ConVar): - greetings and congratulation lines (see translation file) - 5. Stop music - 6. Play music again - 7. Volume - 8. Next track (in debug mode) Commands: sm_music - open music menu sm_music <arg> - play specific music by id, where arg should be 0 .. to max or -1 to play next index (Use together with #DEBUG 1 mode only!) sm_music_update - populate music list from config (use, if you replaced config file without server/plugin restart). Settings (ConVars):l4d_music_mapstart_enable - Enable plugin (1 - On / 0 - Off) l4d_music_mapstart_delay (default - 17) - Delay (in sec.) between player join and playing the music l4d_music_mapstart_showmenu - Show !music menu on round start? (1 - Yes, 0 - No) Music preparation & Optimization & Installation & Testing Spoiler Preparation of MP3 files - file names Ensure noone file has special characters like "long dash" (–) or so. - sample rate All MP3 files must be encoded in 44100 Hz sample rate, otherwise it may not play at all. To ensure, you can download MP3 Quality Modifier tool: and re-encode all files at once. - file size Next, it is recommended every file will not be > 5 MB. in size (to improve download speed). To decrease the size, sort all your files by size, send the files > 5 MB to above tool and re-encode them in 128 (or 192) Kbit/s bitrate (select "constant" mode first). Preparation the list Download and unpack archive from the 1st post. Copy MP3 files to sound/valentine folder. Run (double-click) sound/valentine/create_list.bat file. Setup server to work with downloadable content ConVars in your cfg/server.cfg should be: Quote: sm_cvar sv_allowdownload "1" sm_cvar sv_downloadurl "" / <= here is your *.mp3 files Edit greetings and congratulations see addons/sourcemod/translations/MusicMapStart.phrases.txt file, items: - Congratulation1 - Congratulation2 - Congratulation3 Uploading files to server. Phase 1. 1. Upload "sound" folder to content-server 2. Upload "sound" folder to basic server. 3. Upload "sound" folder to your client's \steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\ folder (for test reasons). 4. Upload "addons" folder to basic server. Testing the music Edit addons\sourcemod\scripting\scripting\l4d_Musi cMapStart.sp file: Quote: #define DEBUG 0 replace by Quote: #define DEBUG 1 compile it, l4d_MusicMapStart.smx file copy to addons/sourcemod/plugins folder on server. Reboot the server. Join, wait until all sounds will be downloaded. Wait the menu (if it is not opened, enter !music in chat) Check that every sound is played correctly by pressing "Next track" menu item or !music -1 in chat. Remove or fix the broken tracks. Finalizing Return back initial line: Quote: #define DEBUG 0 re-compile the plugin and upload it to server. Remove "sound/valentine" folder from your steam client's game folder. Reboot the server. Join and ensure sound is correctly downloaded and played on map (round) start. Known bugs: - sometimes "PlayAgain" button is not working. You need to press it several times. (Reason is unknown) - some default game sounds interrupt music sound on map start, so you need to set large enough value for "l4d_music_mapstart_delay" ConVar (like > 10, by default == 17) (Walkaround is unknown) TODO: Add cookie for saving individual client's preferences for: - Volume level - Show this menu on start - Play music on start Credits: - Lux - for some suggestions on sound channel Attached Files (6.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    Plugin that allows admins to carry out technical work. They are able to kick players when connecting to the server / entering the team. He also has the opportunity to set the approximate time of technical work and show and display it in the server name. Variables sm_techworks_cn - 1 - change name, 0 - no sm_techworks_im - 1 - admins have immunity, 0 - no sm_techworks_wk - 1 - kick players when connected, 0 - kick players after selecting a team. sm_techworks_km - Post Kick. May have Russian letters. sm_techworks_nt - Server name if the estimated time is not specified or the estimated time has expired. ALL LETTERS MUST BE ENGLISH Commands sm_techwoks - start/end tech works. sm_techworks time in min - start tech works with time. It will be showed in server name as it setted up in settings. DOWNLOAD Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. Take an important note, this plugin still requires someone to actually build a map to it. I'll try to find maps and link them here. Notes for mappers: 1. The VIP gets 200 hp and 200 armor when spawned. The VIP's player model is "models/player/custom_player/legacy/ctm_gign.mdl" if it helps in something. 2. The VIP needs to reach a hostage rescue zone in order to win, whose classname is "func_hostage_rescue" 3. Creating a hostage inside the rescue zone but making the hostage unreachable ( probably with combination of a custom .nav mesh ) will most likely force bots to reach the destination, if anybody wants to play the game offline for any reason. 4. My code allows as much rescue points as you want, go wild. 5. In the original counter-strike there were some weapon limitations, I didn't do these and you'll need a separate plugin should you want to avoid negev disaster. Notes for server owners: 1. Don't press "Get Plugin", press "AsGamemode.smx" instead. 2. There are some cvars that will appear in csgo/cfg/sourcemod/AsGamemode.cfg for you to edit, should you dislike the current state of the gamemode. 3. I couldn't find translation files for personal award when being rescued as a VIP, so I decided not to add it, hopefully it won't be OP. Attached Files AsGamemode.smx (19.5 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (AsGamemode.sp - 19.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. [CS:GO] [G]amerX Anti-Cheat AKA Cow Anti-Cheat Pasta ABOUT: Ladies and Gentlemen grab your popcorn, because this thread is about to be LLIIIIIITTTTTTT. So let me start by saying I did not create this plugin and I want absolutely no credit for anything to do with this plugin. Even though most all of the detection methods are copy pasted directly from Cow Anti-Cheat. I am releasing this so no other SM/AM community members get scammed. I was made aware that a steam user under the name "The [G]amerX" was selling an anti-cheat for CS:GO servers that was marketed as a high quality, and robust anti-cheat system. He was selling this plugin for $140. Once I contacted him I said it's very disrespectful to copy paste my detection methods and violates copy right. I then asked for him to put the GNU License back on the file and give me credit for my work, he said "I don't care what you think of me" and blocked me. Without further ado lets take a deep dive into this "Top SHELf PremiuM QuALiTy AnTi-cheAT". QUALITY CODE: Lets start with the first thing that caught my eye while I was looking through this masterpiece of a plugin. EZFrags Detection Method PHP Code: if(IsValidClient(client) && detectEzFrags[client]) { char text[512]; text[0] = '\0'; GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text)); StripQuotes(text); TrimString(text); if( StrEqual(text, "Visit for the finest public & private CS:GO cheats", false) || StrEqual(text, "If I was cheating, I'd use", false) || StrEqual(text, "Stop being a noob! Get good with", false) || StrEqual(text, "Think you could do better? Not without", false) || StrEqual(text, "I'm not using, you're just bad", false)) { detectEzFrags_count[client]++; FormatEx(discord, sizeof(discord), "%N %s has been detected for EZfrags cheats! (Check #%i)", client, nonprime[client]?"[Non-Prime]":"", detectEzFrags_count[client]); SendMessageToAdmins(discord); FormatEx(discord, sizeof(discord), "**%N** (%s) %s has been detected for **EZfrags cheats**! (Check #%i)", client, f_authid[client], nonprime[client]?"[Non-Prime]":"", detectEzFrags_count[client]); SendMessageToDiscord("anticheat", discord); if(detectEzFrags_count[client] > 1) { FormatEx(discord, sizeof(discord), "%N %s has been detected for EZfrags cheats! (Banned)", client, nonprime[client]?"[Non-Prime]":""); SendMessageToAdmins(discord); FormatEx(discord, sizeof(discord), "**%N** (%s) %s has been detected for **EZfrags cheats**! (Banned)", client, f_authid[client], nonprime[client]?"[Non-Prime]":""); SendMessageToDiscord("anticheat", discord); SBBanPlayer(0, client, 0, "Mutli-Hack"); } } } This anti-cheat is marketed as "100% detect ezfrags". With this detection method a legit player could type one of these chat messages 2 times and get permanently banned for "Mutli-Hack" (yes I know he even spells Multi-Hack wrong). Name Stealer Detection Method PHP Code: public void CheckClientName(int client) { char steamid64[512]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_SteamID64, steamid64, sizeof(steamid64)); char url[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; Format(url, sizeof(url), "", steamid64); Handle request = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGET, url); if(request == null) return; SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(request); float timeouttime = GetEngineTime() + 5.0; int responsesize = 0; while(GetEngineTime() < timeouttime) { SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodySize(request, responsesize); if(responsesize > 0) { OnInfoReceived(request, false, true, k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK); checking_name = client; return; } } OnInfoReceived(request, true, false, k_EHTTPStatusCode5xxUnknown); } public int OnInfoReceived(Handle request, bool failure, bool requestSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode statusCode) { if(!failure && requestSuccessful && statusCode == k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK) SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyCallback(request, APIWebResponse); delete request; return 0; } public void APIWebResponse(char[] response) { KeyValues Kv = new KeyValues("response"); Kv.SetEscapeSequences(true); if(Kv.ImportFromString(response)) { if(Kv.JumpToKey("players")) { if(Kv.JumpToKey("0")) { char szGameName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; GetClientName(checking_name, szGameName, sizeof(szGameName)); char szSteamName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; Kv.GetString("personaname", szSteamName, sizeof(szSteamName)); if(!StrEqual(szGameName, szSteamName, true)) { FormatEx(discord, sizeof(discord), "%N %s has been detected for Name Stealer/Faker! [Game Name %s | Steam Name: %s]", checking_name, nonprime[checking_name]?"[Non-Prime]":"", szGameName, szSteamName); SendMessageToAdmins(discord); FormatEx(discord, sizeof(discord), "**%N** (%s) %s has been detected for **Name Stealer/Faker**! [Game Name **%s** | Steam Name: **%s**]", checking_name, f_authid[checking_name], nonprime[checking_name]?"[Non-Prime]":"", szGameName, szSteamName); SendMessageToDiscord("anticheat", discord); checking_name = 0; delete Kv; } } else delete Kv; } else delete Kv; } else delete Kv; checking_name = 0; } In case you don't want to read the spaghetti above, he is querying the SteamAPI to grab players names to check for name stealing. Only if GetClientName didn't already exist.... COPIED CODE: [G]amerX copied every single detection method from Cow Anti-Cheat line for line. This is just an example of one of them. You can look through so source if you would like more proof. He also stole methods line for line from SMAC. Pretty wild, probably would have been less time consuming to just write his own instead of moving everything over... I don't really have much left to say. Except [G]amerX is the scum of the SM/AM community and I would like to see him banned. Don't buy into his scams and if anyone is contacted by him to purchase a plugin "he made", just message me and I will personally make it for free. :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (gx_anticheat.sp - 46.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [CS:GO] Ban Checker

    [CS:GO] Ban Checker ABOUT: This is a simple plugin that alerts admins/players about users who join the server on a previously vac banned account. It also notifies them if the account is less than 1 week old. DEPENDENCIES: REST in Pawn Extension (Required) CONVARS: bc_admins_only - Only prints messages to admins (default: 1) Attached Files (1.27 MB) Get Plugin or Get Source (BanChecker.sp - 5.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Intro The idea of this plugin arises from the fact of avoiding the excess of weapons. This usually happens when players abuse weapons spawn. In addition to other plugins that generate weapons which several of these are abandoned. Since also the excess of these weapons on the map can cause the server to warp or even crash due to excess entities. This plugin consists of an independent timer countdown for each weapon, and this is activated when the weapon is left on the ground, similar to KF2. Feature list: cleaning weapons drop cleaning weapons drop by player dead cleaning weapons drop by player(bot) kicked cleaning weapons spawned in game (except map weapons) filter the weapons for visibility set effects on weapons with the timer (blink/glow) Cvars: PHP Code: // 0:Disable, 1:Enable Plugin // Default: "1" weapon_cleaner_enable "1" // Set name weapons to exclude, example: gascan,propanetank,first_aid_kit,...(etc) ( // Default: "gascan,cola_bottles" weapon_cleaner_exclude "gascan,cola_bottles" // Set delay to clean each weapon in seconds // Default: "300" // Minimum: "1.000000" weapon_cleaner_delay "300" // 0:Disable, 1:Enable visibility filter on weapons // Default: "0" weapon_cleaner_visible "0" // 0:Pause timer if is visible weapon , 1:Pause timer if someone is aiming at the gun, 2:Reset timer if is visible weapon, 3:Reset timer if someone is aiming at the gun // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "3.000000" weapon_cleaner_visible_mode "0" // 0:Disable effects on weapons in timer cleaning, 1:Set blink effect(RenderFx), 2:Set glow effect(L4D2), 3:All effects modes // Default: "1" weapon_cleaner_effect_mode "1" // Set percentage of delay time to activate effects on weapons, ex:("0.2")=>(0.2*delay=0.2*300s=60s) or Set time in seconds value if: (value >= 1), ex:("60")s // Default: "0.5" // Minimum: "0.010000" weapon_cleaner_effect_time "0.5" // Set glow color in Hex Format (L4D2) // - // Default: "808080" weapon_cleaner_effect_glowcolor "808080" Notes: -if you wish to compile a version yourself, l4dstocks is required. -possible bug on weapon switch, with the plugin:Multiple Equipments and its other rewritten versions.(to be confirmed) credits zipcore Mr. Zero AtomicStryker berni Bacardi KissLick pd: sorry for me bad english :/ Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (weapon_cleaner.sp - 14.5 KB) weapon_cleaner.smx (13.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Introduction Tiny 4 Dead takes the original [L4D2]RandomTank by Lux to the next level, make gameplay more interesting. This was just a simple small project altho i really hated the data input part enjoy :D :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (Tiny 4 Dead.sp - 6.4 KB) (1.92 MB) (2.25 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Hi all. The plugin informs players about the state of health. This is a beta version that does not claim any continuation. PHP Code: 17.03.2019 - Release. Installation: PHP Code: addons/sourcemod/plugins/l4d_health condition.smx addons/sourcemod/translations/health_condition.phrases.txt Attached Files l4d_health condition.smx (6.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_health condition.sp - 3.9 KB) health_condition.phrases.txt (591 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Description: Read TF2 item definition properties from game memory. Alternative to TF2ItemsInfo (only took 7 years for that mem-hacking version!) and TF2 Item DB. ConVars: tfecondata_version: Version string. No touchy. Dependencies: stocksoup is used to compile the shared plugin, using a few of its handle and memory-related stock functions. You don't need it unless you're interested in working on the library itself. Installation: Go to the releases page and get the following: Copy tf_econ_data.smx to plugins/ Copy tf2.econ_data.txt to gamedata/ Copy to scripting/include/ For plugin developers: Some example code is provided in the project README. The include file should be easy enough to read if you're familiar with how TF2 handles items; if there's anything that is unclear file an issue or post in the thread. Source / Download Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. is that possible to restrict weapon for people that are not vip or admin? Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Intro This plugin is a rewritten version of the original plugin: [L4D, L4D2] No Death Check Until Dead . Since that version did not end the round correctly on the first attempt. In L4D2 it could be solved with this cvar: allow_all_bot_survivor_team, but L4D1 does not have that cvar. For that reason I decided to create this corrected version, in which also added another option to end the round, which consists of a countdown timer. Cvars: PHP Code: // 0: Disable plugin, 1: Enable plugin // Default: "1" deadcheck_enable "1" // Enable plugin on these gamemodes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all). // Default: "" deadcheck_modes "" // 0: Bots and idle players are treated as human non-idle players, 1: Mission will be lost if there are still survivor bots/idle players but no living non-idle humans // Default: "0" deadcheck_bots "0" // Enable debugging output // Default: "0" deadcheck_debug "0" // 0: Disable, 1: Enable Timer CountDown for gameover // Default: "1" deadcheck_timer_on "1" // (t)s: Time countdown in seconds for gameover // Default: "10" deadcheck_timer_count "10" // (t)s: Time countdown in seconds for last survivor , 0=No change Count , -1=Game Over // Default: "0" deadcheck_timer_count_last "0" // "Mensaje": Info mensaje in timer // Default: "s" deadcheck_timer_info "s" // 0: Disable, 1: ChatText , 2: CenterText, 4:HintText, 7:All PrintModes // Default: "4" deadcheck_timer_print "4" // 0: Disable, 1: Print Instructor Hint (L4D2) // Default: "1" deadcheck_timer_print_hud "1" // 0: Disable, 1: Enable timer reset_mode if some survivor died ,-1: Enable reset_mode only for last survivor // Default: "0" deadcheck_timer_reset "0" // Select file sound, example: "ambient/alarms/klaxon1.wav" , "": Disabled // Default: "" deadcheck_timer_sound "" Credits chinagreenelvis nico-op Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_deadcheck_timer.sp - 18.7 KB) l4d_deadcheck_timer.smx (12.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Description: Create dynamic light when the witch spawn. Selected randomly the colors. Compatibility: - L4D1. - L4D2. Nothing. Using: Copy smx to addons/sourcemod/plugins Attached Files l4d_witch_mirror.smx (5.9 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_witch_mirror.sp - 3.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. This is my first plugin hope you like it. Description: This plugin is like days in jailbreak. in each round there is a chance that is doing to be Special Round Special Rounds: Code: * HeadShot Only // You can only kill players by HeadShotting them * Random HP // Sets everyone health to a random amount of HP * Knifes Only // The only weapon that deals damage is knife * Shotgus Only // Gives eveyone random Shotgun * Rifles Only // Gives eveyone random Rifle * Pistols Only // Gives eveyone random Pistol * SMGs Only // Gives eveyone random SMG * Space Round // Low gravity with scouts only In the rounds like Rifles only and Space Round the only you can use is the weapon you spawn with Requirements: Code: #include <sdkhooks> ConVars: Code: * sr_Enable // 0 = Disable , 1 = Enable * sr_Chance // The chance of activating special round // Min : 0 , Max : 100 * sr_Gravity // Sets the gravity for the space day // Min : 0.0 , Max : 1.0 * sr_MaxHealth // Set the max amount of health you can get in Random HP round * sr_MinHealth // Set the min amount of health you can get in Random HP round NOTE : The value of sr_MaxHealth needs to be bigger than sr_MinHealth Commands: Code: // All Players * sm_srinfo // Opens menu with all the special rounds and information on each one * sm_srmode // Says what mode is currently active in this round // Admins * sm_srset // Enable and disable certain modes * sm_srforce // Force a special mode to get started next round Files: The plugin will create a folder with a database to save the settings of the plugin. Code: Path : addons\sourcemod\data\SpecialRounds Attached Files [Special Rounds].smx (14.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source ([Special Rounds].sp - 19.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    Slay Bots Plugin

    Hi Community, This is my first very basic plugin. I needed something to kill all bots that served my purposes. It was developed with Insurgency 2014 in mind, but may work for other SM games. I'd love to hear any feedback, or ideas! Cheers, ozzy Attached Files slaybots.smx (12.4 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (slaybots.sp - 1.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. Critical Hits A simple plugin to add critical hits similar to crits in Team Fortress 2. Comes with Console Variables and natives/forward API. Download | Repository Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. CS-SellItems A simple plugin which allows you to refund the current item based on a percentage of the default price in your hands by simply typing 'sell' into chat while in a buyzone. Console Variables are available for customizations. ConVars and all other information can be found in the Github repository. Download | Repository Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. This plugin will display informations of disconnected players (steamid, name, time). You need sourcemod 1.10 or higher because this plugin is using enum structs. GitHub: Commands: sm_playerhistory Cvars: sm_playerhistory_size Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Description: In some moment your weapon can break and you will not be able to shoot. ConVars: vChance - the chance that the weapon will break. vShots - Number of shots to trigger the chance. vTime - Number of seconds to fix the weapon. vIsHint - Message type 0 - Chat, 1 - Hint. The plugin is completely in Russian. Sorry I don't know English Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (WeaponDestroy.sp - 7.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [TF2] Sheens

    This plugin allows you to apply sheens and killstreak effects on a weapon. Command: sm_sheen | ADMFLAG_KICK Cvars: sheen_version - Shows plugin version Installation: Put sheens.smx into tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins Put sheens.txt into tf/addons/sourcemod/gamedata Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sheens.sp - 7.7 KB) sheens.txt (3.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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