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  1. Description An advanced reset score plugin for CS:GO. You can customize your messages, tags, and more... Also if you have some idea, what i can add to this plugin, tell me i should add it. Cvars Spoiler // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.9.0.6267) // ConVars for plugin "resetscore.smx" // 1 - Enable only for alive players, 0 - enable for death + alive players // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_ars_alive "0" // 1 - Disable reseting MVP, 0 - enable reseting MVP // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_ars_mvp "0" // 1 - Disable reseting score, 0 - enable reseting score // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_ars_score "0" // Sets tag for messages. // - // Default: "[SM]" sm_ars_tag "{darkred}[SM]{default}" // 1 - Enable only for VIP players, 0 - enable for everyone // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" sm_ars_vip "0" Installation Download file, open zip file, drag files (addons) and place it into your csgo root folder Change log Spoiler 1.0.0 - Initial commit Download Plugin | Source | Repository | Ideas? Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. In This Plugins, VIP Players Can Choose An Item From Them VIPMenu With Their Credits. Only VIP Players Can Use This VIPMenu And Need Some Credits To Use Them. Take a Good Game Server With This Plugin :) Attached Files (18.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Just And Original disawar1's SAM_VS will make "AFK players"(See the original post for details) spectate,but i just want they idle,so i make disawar1's SAM_VS and NgBUCKWANGS's ABM are one Change Cvar:sam_vs_spec_time,after some time,AFK survivor player will auto idle even in versus and scavange(so you can use it in coop and survival mode) Zombies players will not be affected When enable this plugin,maybe you can disable abm plugin,because this plugin is abm too Sorry my bad english,by google translate Attached Files (81.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. WELCOME INTRODUCTION: Tired of bots stealing your kills? Tired of other people gets your kills only by shooting the last hit? Want to know what class of special infected was killed besides his name? Reading this with tv-vendor voice? So, this plugin is for you. DESCRIPTION: This plugin sets the survivor killer to who caused most damage to dead infected. It also shows statistics after killing. BONUS: Appends infected class to nickname, on versus mode. Now you can know what class of infected was using the infected player who died. REQUERIMENTS: - Sourcemod >= 1.9 - SDKTools. Change log: version 0.1.0 BETA[24 JAN 2019] - Initial BETA release. Convars: PHP Code: // Kills count mode. 0:last-shoot based(game default), 1:damage based. // - // Default: "1" l4d_killsmgr_count_mode "1" // Enable/Disable this plugin. // - // Default: "1" l4d_killsmgr_enable "1" // Count damage done by bots? 0=Disabled, 1:Count always, 2:Count only when there is ONE human survivor player. // - // Default: "1" l4d_killsmgr_include_bots_damage "1" // Shows damage statistics. // - // Default: "1" l4d_killsmgr_show_stats "1" // When in VERSUS mode, append infected class to nickname // - // Default: "1" l4d_killsmgr_vs_append_class "1" Console commands: No commands implemented. Known bugs: - None at the moment. To do list: - Hook headshots. - Include witch statistics. - Hook user changename (without recursion). Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_kills_manager.sp - 10.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. I want to warn you that Updater might not work for your servers as I need to further test it. This plugin will allow the CT to instantly defuse the bomb when it is undoubted to succeed. Any live molotov near the bomb or any thrown nade in the map ( I do not know nor care enough to handle calculating trajectory of nade to see if it'll reach the bomb ) will forbid instant defuse. If all dangers clear and a defuse is already running, instant defuse will auto-activate. The command !settings will allow certain players to disable instant defuse for themselves for whatever reason they deem necessary. Cvars: instant_defuse_noob_margin - To prevent noobs from abusing instant defuse into knowing a defuse is impossible, a margin for the noobs exists. The formula to whether or not an instant defuse will occur is defuse will occur if[red](Defuse Time Left) + (Noob Margin Cvar) < (Bomb Explosion Time Left)[/red]. The cvar defaults to 5.2, and setting it to 0 will allow instant defuse to always work given the defuse is capable of working. Setting to a negative value will give CT defuse hacks AKA instant defuse will be allowed even if the bomb wasn't supposed to explode, therefore you shouldn't set it to a negative value ever. instant_defuse_pref_default - If 1, new players to the server will have auto defuse preference cookie ( the one changable in !settings ) set to enabled by default. If 0, the exact same thing but disabled by default. instant_defuse_inferno_duration - Valve constant that indicates the duration of molotov. Default 7.0 instant_defuse_inferno_distance - Valve constant that indicates how far can the molotov spread + you standing as far away as possible to defuse it. Default 225.0 To do: Make the plugin work on CS:S, which will require you to take this plugin into a CS:S server and report all errors so I know what differences to put. DO NOT EVER PRESS GET PLUGIN AS IT WILL REMOVE UPDATER AND AUTOEXECCONFIG FUNCTIONALITIES EVEN IF YOUR SERVER HAS THE PLUGINS NEEDED. Optional includes to properly compile the .sp: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (InstantDefuse.sp - 9.1 KB) InstantDefuse.smx (14.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this plugin is to display the name of the player who fired a car alarm. This plugin only works on Left 4 Dead 1. There is a plugin similar to mine, created by user eyal282, but his plugin only works on Left 4 Dead 2. CONVARS: The CFG file is located in left4dead/cfg/sourcemod/l4d_who_fired_car_alarm.cfg. l4d_who_fired_car_alarm_version - The version of this plugin. l4d_who_fired_car_alarm_enable - Enable or disable this plugin. CHANGELOG: 2019-01-19 (v1.0.0) Initial release. DEVELOPMENT: This code can be found on my github page here. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_who_fired_car_alarm.sp - 3.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. WELCOME DESCRIPTION: This plugin creates camera's inclination according you are walking to left or right, just like Black Mesa Source. REQUERIMENTS: - Sourcemod >= 1.9 - SDKTools. Change log: version 0.1.0 - Initial release. Convars: PHP Code: // Max rotation angle // - // Default: "12.0" l4d_sidewalk_angle "12.0" // Enable/Disable this plugin // - // Default: "1" l4d_sidewalk_enable "1" Console commands: Spoiler cl_sidewalk_center: "cl" Resets camera. Use in case of bug. cl_sidewalk_reset: "cl" Alias of cl_sidewalk_center. Known bugs: - None at the moment. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. This plugin was made to enable No-Spread on vote. What's No-Spread? No-Spread makes it so the bullets will hit where you're aiming even while you're moving fast. Commands: sm_votenp - Starts a vote to enable No-Spread sm_enablenp - Enables No-Spread sm_disablenp - Disables No-Spread Attached Files VoteNP.smx (5.4 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (VoteNP.sp - 1.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. This add 5 last requests (Fists, Zeus, Hammer, Axe and Spanner) to the LR list. Currently it supports throw damage and melee damage, but I'll add an menu for the prisoner. The entities will be automatically removed to prevent stacking and server lags. This plugins requires: Hosties Download | Source Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Handle Dumps Filter (HDF): HDF provides a lot of ways how you can filter your handle dump, and by using sm_checkhandles -h you can see whole list of available arguments. To filter handle dump use sm_checkhandles command. Feel free to submit an issue if you found one, or if you want to suggest something. NOTE: Output of that command may not fit in the console/chat in game, so I suggest to use that command through server console, that way output should be shown correcty. Known issues: You may get Script execution timed out error if you are trying to filter or compare big handle dump(s), to fix that, you need to set "SlowScriptTimeout" in addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg to something higher then default values is, 60 may be a good one. Available cvars: hdf_handledumps_folder - Folder where all handle dumps will be stored, path relative to game folder; hdf_handledumps_savefolder - Folder where all handle dumps will be stored if -sd param was used; hdf_handledumps_amount - Amount of handle dumps stored in the specified folder; hdf_handledumps_fileprefix - Prefix that will be used for created dumps; hdf_handledumps_timeout - Time to wait for handle dump to be created; hdf_logerrors - Set to 1 if you want to log every occurred error; All available arguments: -h - print help list; -sh - print sort help list; -th - print all available memory output types; -sd - save handle dump under the directory specified in hdf_handledumps_savefolder cvar; -so <path to file> - save output to a specific file; -c <path to file> - compare currect handle dump to another dump; (You can also use words "lastsaved" and "lastcreated" to get the appropriate files); -d <path to file> - set different path for raw handle dump; -st <sort type> - set custom sort type; -mt <memory type> - set custom memory output type (eg. KB, MB, GB); You can use any amount of arguments at a time, there's no limit for that. If you use same argument twice or more then last one will be used. Examples: sm_checkhandles - basic usage of a command, that will create handle dump in temp directory specified in hdf_handledumps_folder cvar, and will filter that dump. Here's how output will look like: sm_checkhandles -st -m - that will create handle dump in temp directory specified in hdf_handledumps_folder cvar, and will filter that dump using custom sorting type -m (sort descending by memory). Here's how output will look like: sm_checkhandles -sd -st pln -mt kb - that will create handle dump in save directory specified in hdf_handledumps_savefolder cvar, and will filter that dump using custom sorting type pln (sort ascending by plugin name) and will use KiloBytes as memory type. Here's how output will look like: sm_checkhandles -c lastsaved -d handles/dump.txt -st -h -so dumpoutput.txt - that will create handle dump in specified directory handles/dump.txt (Note: it will not auto create directory), and will filter that dump using custom sorting type -h (sort descending by handle count), also it will compare newly created dump relative to specified one lastsaved (In that case lastsaved means that it will use dump that was last saved using -sd argument during plugin lifetime) and finally it will create file dumpoutput.txt with output. Here's how output will look like: and the dumpoutput.txt file: Download Source code Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Description: This plugin seeks to stop players unwillingly bumping into each other during gameplay. It does so by confining players into 'safe bubbles'. Players within the bubble become invisible to the owner and owner only, tricking the game into not performing client-side avoidance or so-called 'soft-collisions' Here's a bubble protecting the client from collisions: Keep in mind that these 'safe bubbles' are computed client-side. Smaller bubbles result in less invisibility but provide less effectiveness at higher latencies. By default, bubbles have a radius of 64 units. Users are given the ability to resize their bubble to a size that works best for them. They can also choose to disable it entirely or hide teammates at all times. This is achieved by going into Settings (/settings) > NoBump Preferences or with the command /safebubble Known Issues: - Players can still bump into connecting players during practice mode. CVars: sm_nobump_enable (1/0) (Default: 1) Enables or disables the plugin. sm_nobump_default_safe_radius (1/0) (Default: 64) Default radius of safe bubbles. Players within this bubble won't collide with the client or be seen by them. Set to 0 to disable bubbles by default and -1 for 'Infinite' (hides everyone). Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nmrih-no-bump.sp - 6.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł


    ProxyKiller Proxy client kicker with customizable services and caching Get Plugin | Get Source | "Documentation" Requirements SteamWorks A working MySQL database Installation Download ProxyKiller-Latest.smx and drop it to /csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins/ Edit or use the example configuration and drop it to /csgo/cfg/sourcemod/ProxyKiller-Config.cfg Add an entry called "ProxyKiller" to /csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg Notes See bitbucket repository for more detailed documentation Issues and feature requests are more than welcome! Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Hello friends, Is that plugin still works with last sourcemod dev build which is 6376? It was working before and I dont know what happen with the plugin in my servers. My plugins are in disabled/jail vs but it is not working for now. Thank you. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. This plugin respawn players that have the slot reservation flag and also prevents players from death spamming. This will prevent players from instant respawning if they die in les than 1 sec after respawn. To change the respawn flag just add a overide to: "instant_respawn_flag" Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (InstantRespawnAntiflood.sp - 1.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Hi, Defib Ragdolls is an alternative from the valve static survivor death models this plugin tries its's best to mimic functions and damage forces of clientsided ragdolls and will copy over any LMC overlay models on death. There is no adjustable console variables. Early version of just me smacking bodies around :twisted: Bug: Survivor Models sometimes don't render(no idea). Important Notes: Spoiler 1: Yea the ragdolls are server sided. 2: These are very expensive on the NET. We can bypass the upper limit of the maxroutable using packet splitting(1200 per update to 2400) before we drop updates(A tick) and bypass rates. Add these to "server.cfg" Cvars: Code: sm_cvar net_maxcleartime "0.0001" sm_cvar net_splitrate "2" sm_cvar net_splitpacket_maxrate 30000 Ignore this below if you don't run tickrate enabler. This is important if you run tickrate enabler, you have to besure you don't put the net_splitpacket_maxrate above the tickrate or will get huge loss for connected clients! (tickrate * 1000) an example is for 67 tickrate is (67 * 1000) = 67000 sm_cvar net_splitpacket_maxrate "67000" For self compile Includes are located on this thread. Lux's Model Changer Thanks NgBUCKWANGS for testing on your servers. Requirement: Lux's Model Changer Modules required: LMCCore LMCL4D2CDeathHandler Attached Files Defib_Ragdolls.7z (15.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. [TF2] Special Ragdolls Description: This is a cosmetic plugin intended for server donors. It allows players to change their enemies' ragdolls into something such as solid gold, ice, electrocuted, etc when the enemy is killed. Video Demonstration: Command: sm_ragdoll - (Default Access: ADMFLAG_RESERVATION) Opens the Ragdoll menu. Installation: Install Sourcemod. Click "Get Plugin" at the bottom of this post. Place it in your addons/sourcemod/plugins/ folder. Restart the server or type "sm plugins load specialragdolls" in the server console. Changelog: Spoiler v1.0, 1-9-2019 Initial release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (specialragdolls.sp - 10.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Usage: s_teleport <target1> <angle> <target2> ex: s_teleport @me 1 @me s_teleport @aim 2 @me s_teleport "i am invincible heavy" 3 @me s_teleport "jack liber" 0 @me angle: 0 is default angle, 1 is client angle, 2 is target1 angle, 3 is target2 angle Cvar: teleport_sound "file" ex: teleport_sound/teleporter_receive.wav(default value) ex: teleport_sound/spawn_item.wav AND DO NOT USE @bot, @red, @blue, @humans, @all …. Attached Files singular (326.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Not so important Because of this post what next continue to this I started build new plugin what I should not post in same topic as [CS:S] Max Money And I don't have no information, does this plugin already exist. So, this idea should be simple. - You can set default max. money, players can gain. (Player respawn event reset money amount when over limit) - And you can also set max. money limit to each admin groups. Install - Place plugin file ...addons/sourcemod/plugins/maxmoney_admin_groups.smx - Place config file ...addons/sourcemod/configs/maxmoney_admin_groups.cfg Configure maxmoney_admin_groups.cfg - Add/rename admin groups with max. money value Code: // // Place this file ...addons/sourcemod/configs/maxmoney_admin_groups.cfg // Add admin group (admin_groups.cfg) and max. money value what specific group can gain overall. // ex. // "default" "16000" // Use this to set default max. money value to everyone // "Full Admins" "32000" // // // "Groups" { "default" "16000" // Default max. money value to set everyone. Removing this line or set value -1, stop limit players max. money "Vip Silver" "20000" // Max. money value by this admin group "Vip Gold" "30000" "Vip Platinum" "65000" } How to set admin/vip ?? - If you haven't know, you can give multiple admin groups to one admin. - You can create new empty admin group or use exist one. admin_groups.cfg Code: Groups { /** * Allowed properties for a group: * * "flags" - Flag string. * "immunity" - Immunity level number, or a group name. * If the group name is a number, prepend it with an * '@' symbol similar to admins_simple.ini. Users * will only inherit the level number if it's higher * than their current value. */ "Default" { "immunity" "1" } "Vip Silver" { } "Vip Gold" { } "Vip Platinum" { } "Full Admins" { /** * You can override commands and command groups here. * Specify a command name or group and either "allow" or "deny" * Examples: * ":CSDM" "allow" * "csdm_enable" "deny" */ Overrides { } "flags" "abcdefghi" /* Largish number for lots of in-between values. */ "immunity" "99" } } admins.cfg Code: /** * USE THIS SECTION TO DECLARE DETAILED ADMIN PROPERTIES. * * Each admin should have its own "Admin" section, followed by a name. * The name does not have to be unique. * * Available properties: (Anything else is filtered as custom) * "auth" - REQUIRED - Auth method to use. Built-in methods are: * "steam" - Steam based authentication * "name" - Name based authentication * "ip" - IP based authentication * Anything else is treated as custom. * Note: Only one auth method is allowed per entry. * * "identity" - REQUIRED - Identification string, for example, a steamid or name. * Note: Only one identity is allowed per entry. * * "password" - Optional password to require. * "group" - Adds one group to the user's group table. * "flags" - Adds one or more flags to the user's permissions. * "immunity" - Sets the user's immunity level (0 = no immunity). * Immunity can be any value. Admins with higher * values cannot be targetted. See sm_immunity_mode * to tweak the rules. Default value is 0. * * Example: "BAILOPAN" { "auth" "steam" "identity" "STEAM_0:1:16" "flags" "abcdef" } * */ Admins { "BAILOPAN" { "auth" "steam" "identity" "[U:1:12345678]" "group" "Full Admins" "group" "Vip Silver" } "BAILOPAN" { "auth" "steam" "identity" "STEAM_0:1:123" "flags" "abcde" "group" "Vip Gold" } "BAILOPAN" { "auth" "steam" "identity" "STEAM_0:1:1234" "group" "Vip Platinum" } "BAILOPAN" { "auth" "steam" "identity" "STEAM_0:1:12345" "group" "Vip Platinum" "group" "Vip Gold" "group" "Vip Silver" // Last group what have given is this player max. money amount } } *edit Ou ye, I have not test in CSGO game. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. Description: Simple plugin to freeze players on round start until all of them finish loading the map and join the game. During waiting you will see the countdown message on the center screen (see translation file). Commands: 1. "sm_unfreeze" - Manually unfreeze all players (in an emergency). Settings (ConVars): 1. "sm_wait_conn_enable" - Enable plugin (1 - On / 0 - Off) 2. "sm_wait_conn_min" - Minimum delay before checking connection 3. "sm_wait_conn_max" - Maximum delay (timeout) to check for connected players 4. "sm_wait_conn_include_bots" - Do we need to freeze bots as well? (1 - Yes / 0 - No) Using:Compile script. Place smx in "plugins" folder. Place wait_connection.phrases.txt in "translations" folder. Translations - English - Russian CompatibilityTested on L4D1 only, but should be applicable for any game. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_WaitConnection.sp - 6.2 KB) wait_connection.phrases.txt (214 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. How to play: 1. Type apo_hg_menu in console or press delete key. 2. Select how much you want to bet and how many players will be killed by headshot (odd or even) before round starts. 3. Wait until round ends, then you will earn or lose money. Notice: 1. If you quit too early, you will lose your wager. Please wait until round ends. 2. If no one has been killed by headshot, all gamblers lose their wagers. Console variables (These CVARs will be applied when new round starts): apo_hg_primary_control: Enable Headshot Gamblers when N player(s) are online. Default: 10 (Set to -1 to disable Headshot Gamblers.) apo_hg_communication_control: Can alive players receive message from dead players and spectators? Default: 1 (Alive players cannot hear or see messages form dead players and spectators, prevent cheating.) Tips: I'm not good for making plugins, even not good for English. If you find out any bugs, please tell me. Attached Files HeadshotGamblers.smx (9.4 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (HeadshotGamblers.sp - 15.3 KB) (12.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    Danger Zone Plugins

    I developed several plugins for Danger Zone servers that I wanted to release in hopes of stimulating danger zone community servers. I would love to see some American servers than I can join with some big maps (e.g. Hunger Games maps) and modifications to the game play to explore different possibilities. Background I began setting up a server hosted by a large gaming community (Games For Life, owned by Gamemann). I later found that I dont have the time/energy to devote to this server. I discussed the change with Gamemann and notified him of release of my plugins for DZ. With a large enough community and some well-planned events (multi-day tournaments with stats being tracked), I think the game mode could be successful enough for community servers (I see it working in some other countries that I cant connect to). I'm unsure Gamemann's plans moving forward, but provided he still is opening the server, you could contact him to play on a DZ community server and perhaps participate in any events they host. That said, these plugins are largely untested. The only testing involved me by myself, or one or two others present. As such, I would not be surprised if there is a bug or two. Let me know if you run into any. I will try to note anything I know about outstanding bugs in the write-up below. TOG Danger Zone Stats Simple stats plugin for danger zone. I had a bunch of plans for this to create a good ranking system, but it will need further work to get there. Namely, I was planning on adding in !top commands to run queries for top players in different stats categories (you'll even see some commented-out sample code in there from my scrim plugin). You'll also see some commented out code for managing/uploading server demos for each match. If you uncomment it, I believe it may work, but I never tested it. This one was still a WIP, but I believe it was working as-is for basic stats collection. This plugin would be great for collecting stats from multi-day tournaments, etc. TOG Danger Zone Team Selection Provides menus for team selection at the start of a match in danger zone. There is similar code floating around the forums somewhere. TOG Danger Zone Spawn Weapons Controls spawn weapons for Danger Zone. Code was based off stuff found on the forums. I'm aware of one bug: If you throw your melee weapon, it messes up that weapon slot until you pick it up again (after which throwing wont mess it up anymore) - havent had time to address this yet. TOG Danger Zone Weapon Clips Moves ammo from reserve to the gun clip for all weapons spawned (by default, each gun must be reloaded upon pickup - this makes it so that the ammo is already loaded). Coding disclaimer Note: This could be coded more efficiently, as I use two ArrayLists for checking if entities are primary/secondary weapons. This could probably just be a static array or something else, and could combine both lists, as they are not used separately. It was a copy/paste from another of my plugins where the Arraylists made more sense, and I didnt get around to editing this one to be coded differently. That said, it shouldnt make much of a difference anyways. These plugins are being released as-is, though I may provide some basic support to them. Hope this encourages a few more community servers to take a stab at running some DZ servers and perhaps get some different (bigger) maps in there. Attached Files (9.0 KB) (2.08 MB) (17.5 KB) (7.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [CS:GO] 1 ammo fix

    Fix bug with incorrect display 1 ammo in reserve Attached Files fix1ammo.smx (4.9 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (fix1ammo.sp - 2.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [Any] Save Loc

    . Save Loc v0.1.0 Description: Retains position, angles, and velocity data. Information is temporary - removed on disconnect/map change. Max of 10 saves client; new saves will remove oldest save. Useful for practicing surf/rocket jump/bhop/etc Commands: sm_sl - Save loc sm_tl - Tele loc sm_ml - Loc menu (Allows chosing from one of 10 recent saves) sm_rl - Remove Loc - Opens menu to select a save to remove Project here: Github . Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Introduction: During a gameplay, while holding a gascan, I've figured out that I was too exposed, so I took this idea from "Molotov shove" plugin to get a better way to carry a gascan while getting rid of infected. Description: Allows survivors who are holding a gascan to ignite common and/or special infecteds. Changelog: Version 1.0: Initial release. Cvars: Saved to cfg/sourcemod/l4d_gascan_shove.cfg directory. Spoiler // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d_gascan_shove_allow "1" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all). l4d_molotov_shove_modes "" // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none). l4d_molotov_shove_modes_off "" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together. l4d_molotov_shove_modes_tog "0" // 1=Common, 2=Witch, 4=Smoker, 8=Boomer, 16=Hunter, 32=Spitter, 64=Jockey, 128=Charger, 256=Tank, 511=All. l4d_molotov_shove_infected "511" // 0=Infinite. How many times per round can someone use their molotov to ignite infected. l4d_molotov_shove_limit "0" // These infected use l4d_molotov_shove_timeout, otherwise they burn forever. 0=None, 1=All, 2=Witch, 4=Smoker, 8=Boomer, 16=Hunter, 32=Spitter, 64=Jockey, 128=Charger, 256=Tank. l4d_molotov_shove_timed "256" // 0=Forever. How long should the infected be ignited for? l4d_molotov_shove_timeout "10.0" // Molotov Shove plugin version. l4d_molotov_shove_version Installation: Click "Get Plugin" and put the .smx file into \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ directory. Related Plugins by "Silvers": [L4D & L4D2] Molotov Shove [L4D & L4D2] Pipebomb Shove [L4D2] Vomitjar Shove Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_gascan_shove.sp - 9.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. This is the very simple plugin that blocks m_hObserverTarget prop from being sent to other clients, so, other clients will don't know if somebody spectating them. Some cheats can use that info to display to cheater if somebody spectating him, disable aimbot, etc. To make this plugin work you need to install slightly modified version of SendProxy extension, that allows "change" props individually for each client. Plugin & extension binaries & sources in the attached archive below. :wink: Attached Files no spectator (187.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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