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  1. About A pretty simple plugin that allows you to send JSON messages to Discord and Slack. Features Command to test the API: sm_testdiscord <webhook> <message> Auto format plain text into JSON for slack & discord Auto resend msg if the API is busy Installation discord.smx -> addons/sourcemod/plugins/ discord.cfg -> addons/sourcemod/configs/ Add your WebHook URLs to discord.cfg, if you are using Discord don't forget to add /slack to the end of the webhook url. WebHook URLs can be created in your channel settings on discord. Module: CallAdmin Requires: Calladmin discord_calladmin.smx -> addons/sourcemod/plugins/ discord_calladmin.cfg // Discord/Slack attachment color. // - // Default: "#ff2222" discord_calladmin_color "#ff2222" // If enabled add a random refer ID to the report title. // - // Default: "1" discord_calladmin_refer "1" // Remove this part from servername before sending the report. // - // Default: " | By" discord_calladmin_remove " | By" // Remove this part from servername before sending the report. // - // Default: " | " discord_calladmin_remove2 " | " // Config key from configs/discord.cfg. // - // Default: "calladmin" discord_calladmin_webhook "calladmin" Module: SourceBans/SourceComms Requires: SourceBans++ (edited version, original sourcebans has no ban forwards, feel free to request compability for other sourcebans versions) discord_sourcebans.smx -> addons/sourcemod/plugins/ discord_sourcecomms.smx -> addons/sourcemod/plugins/ discord_sourcebans.cfg // Discord/Slack attachment color. // - // Default: "#ff2222" discord_sourcebans_color "#ff2222" // Link to sourcebans. // - // Default: "{STEAMID}" discord_sourcebans_url "{STEAMID}" // Config key from configs/discord.cfg. // - // Default: "sourcebans" discord_sourcebans_webhook "sourcebans" discord_sourcecomms.cfg // Discord/Slack attachment gag color. // - // Default: "#ffff22" discord_sourcecomms_color_gag "#ffff22" // Discord/Slack attachment mute color. // - // Default: "#2222ff" discord_sourcecomms_color_mute "#2222ff" // Discord/Slack attachment silence color. // - // Default: "#ff22ff" discord_sourcecomms_color_silence "#ff22ff" // Link to sourcebans. // - // Default: "{STEAMID}" discord_sourcecomms_url "{STEAMID}" // Config key from configs/discord.cfg. // - // Default: "sourcecomms" discord_sourcecomms_webhook "sourcecomms" Download Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. DAMAGEINFO I know there are many other plugins that do this, but those that display at the chat area may interfere with menus and very distracting. While those that display at the center can only display one damage at a time. So I made this plugin to display the last 4 damage at the bottom right corner. Feature List : Show damage events when you deal damage to other player or when you receive damage Show up to last 4 damage event at the bottom right keyhinttext Example: You shot <enemy name><enemyteam>: <damage><body part><damage> Format differs for gun/knife/grenade/other inflicted damage CVAR List: Code: sm_damageinfo 1 // enable/disable, 0 to disable Changelog Quote: 9th Jan 2017 *Initial release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (damageinfo.sp - 7.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. [TF2] Old Weapon Drops Pre-Gun Mettle! Description: This plugin brings back the old dropped weapon mechanism before Gun Mettle. For people that don't remember, you could get ammo from dropped weapons until Gun Mettle came out. This plugin brings that feature back into the game, replacing the new system. ConVars: Quote: Spoiler owds_enabled (Default: 1) - Enable the plugin or not. owds_drop_ammo_packs (Default: 0) - Wether to also drop ammo packs along the weapon or not to. owds_adverts (Default: 1) - Wether to advert if the plugin got disabled or enabled or not to advert. owds_version - Don't touch this. For your own good. Changelog: Quote: Version 1.0: - Initial Release. Special Thanks: Pelipoika: Teaching me how to get model names from indexes and much more stuff. You're a great man :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (oldweaponsystem.sp - 3.3 KB) oldweaponsystem.smx (12.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Not sure if plugin of this type is already posted, tried searching everywhere, sorry in advance. Have been playing CS:S recently and thought it would be nice to know when and where your teammates died and ability to see team list without pressing the "TAB" key. Not very useful plugin but well heres the screenshot. Feature List : List of teammates are shown on the left panel together with their health (if alive), for dead player a *DEAD* prefix is added infront of their name. Panel is displayed when the round starts(after freeze time) and removed when round ends or upon death/teamchange. The list is numbered and dead teammates will shift to the bottom of the list. Lastly, a notification of death location when teammates die at the bottom center hint text. CVAR List: Code: sm_teampanel 1 // enable/disable teampanel, 0 to disable sm_teamdeath 1 // enable/disable death notification, 0 to disable Changelog Quote: 8th Jan 2017 *Initial release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (teaminfo.sp - 6.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [ANY] Discord

    Send message to a discord server/channel. Native: SendMessageToDiscord(const char[] channel, const char[] message); Command for root admins: sm_testdiscord <Channel> <Message> You can add more channels in configs/discord.cfg ( Thanks to ImACow and Phire for their snippet ) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. Reason Visual77 is this plugin author Thank Visual77 Help me make a simple effect this plugin+Transparent special infection=Super scary special infection like a ghost:shock: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (bodykill.sp - 705 Bytes) bodykill.smx (3.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Using the spec_goto command, players can crash servers by inputting impossible values. It's fixed by this plugin Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (specgotofix.sp - 740 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    [L4D2] Trails

    ********************************************* *********** Credits: Fredd (Grenade Trails) Ludastar (Code) ********************************************* *********** Trails: Granade + Grenade Launcher + Jump Hunter + Jump Jockey + TankRock ********************************************* *********** Sprites : Grenade + Grenade launcher = "Laserbeam" (Valve) Jump Hunter + Jump Jockey + TankRock = "Glow" (Valve) ********************************************* *********** Color HTML Spoiler Pipe bomb (Firebrick1) Molotov (Yellow1) Vomitjar (Chartreuse1) Grenade Launcher (Purple1) TanckRock (OrangeRed) Hunter (Turquoise1) Jockey (Magenta) ********************************************* *********** Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (trails.sp - 2.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. About: Provides an API that allows plugins to: - Listen to messages on Channel - Send Messages to a Channel - Get Guilds - Get Channels for a Guild It's barebone now, just the basics. If people are interested I can add more features. Check github page for some documentation. Bot token can be obtained from Dependencies: SteamWorks smjansson Github Repository Attached Files (36.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Hello everyone!:3 First of all I'm Japanese and I'm not good at English. Overview This plugin can use a simple shop. The only things you can use are the player skins and items that can be created individually. One example is "Random Gold Box". With this item you can earn random gold from 1 to 1000. Play Time : You can purchase items at Shop according to playing time. The price is set to the set price / 10. How to add items ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Shop_Plugin_v1.0.sp #define MAX_ITEM 20+1 Increasing this value will increase the number of items that can be used. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Item.sp CreateItem(Num, "Name", "Skin path", type, price, trade check); type: 1 = Player Skin, 2 = Normal Item trade check: true = can trade false = can't trade Code: public CreateItem(Num, String:ItemName[256], String:ItemModel[256], ItemNumber, ItemPrice, bool:itemtradeCheck) { Item_Name[Num] = ItemName; Item_Model[Num] = ItemModel; Item_Number[Num] = ItemNumber; Item_Price[Num] = ItemPrice; Item_trade[Num] = itemtradeCheck; } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing cstrike\addons\sourcemod\scripting\ Insert the All File. This plugin uses a database. Code: "ShopDB" { "driver" "mysql" "host" "localhost" "database" "ShopDB" "user" "root" "pass" "" } Admin Commands sm_gold "Name" "Amount" - Give Gold ex) sm_gold Cron 1000 - give 1000 Gold sm_item "Name" "ItemNum" "Amount" - Give Item ex) sm_item Cron 1 10 - Give [Num1 Item]×10 Client Commands sm_shop - Open Main Menu sm_trade "Name" "Amount" - trade Gold ex) sm_trade Cron 1000 - give 1000 Gold sm_trade2 "Name" "ItemNum" "Amount" - trade Item ex) sm_trade2 Cron 1 10 - give [Num1 Item]×10 CS:S Only Nightvision Key(default N key) - Open Main Menu Attached Files (6.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Hey guys this is my first plugin ever so I'm sure the code isn't 100% optimised and might be a few bugs, so if you could check it out and give me some feedback that would be great! Summary BetterBan will SteamId ban a user when they are IP rejected from the server. Banning a Steam client using a generic method will just allow the user to change account and continue playing on the server. BetterBan will ban the client and also (for a specified amount of time bb_ip_banlength) will ban every user that attempt to connect using the same IP address. You might be thinking, why dont I just ban their IP? Well this will work but wouldn't you like to ban their second account or third account (and so on) that try to connect but are IP rejected? This is the functionality of this plugin. The only case that this plugin is inneffective is if the client changes their IP address before connecting with a new account. Installation Drag betterban.smx into your Sourcemod plugins folder and restart your server or type "sm plugins load betterban" into the server console. How To Use betterban <clientid> [Message to user] The clientid can be retrieved by typing status and using the second userid digit, as highlighted in this image Message is optional and needs to be quoted. Example: betterban 1 "You have been banned for wallhacking" Each entry of IP addresses (along with a EPOCH timestamp) are stored line by line in addons/sourcemod/configs/iplist.cfg Commands: bb_ip_banlength - determines the time (in seconds) that the IP addresses will ban a client, after this time the IP addresses will be removed from the iplist.cfg file. The default time is 432000 (5 days). Attached Files betterban.smx (7.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (betterban.sp - 4.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł

    eXyHide v1.0

    eXyHide Allow players to hide other players based on team, enemy or all. Makes it easier to see who you can kill during combat surf. See = Shoot!! Intended for CSGO but should work on other mods. Usage: !hide !hide off !hide team !hide enemy !hide all Changes: 2017.01.03 (v1.0) initial Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (exyhide.sp - 3.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Before I describe this plugin, I am obligated to write that my plugin is a derivative of an existing plugin by Machine called 'Weapon Attack Speed Modifier'. The link to Machine's plugin is located at the bottom of this post. Weapon Rate Of Fire Modifier With this plugin, you can modify the rate of fire for many different weapons individually. Enable / Disable ROF mod: l4d2_weaponspeed_enable <0|1> Change ROF: l4d2_weaponspeed <weapon_name> <rof: 1.0 - 2.0> Supported weapon_names: weapon_rifle weapon_rifle_ak47 weapon_smg weapon_smg_silenced weapon_rifle_m60 weapon_hunting_rifle weapon_pumpshotgun weapon_shotgun_chrome weapon_sniper_military weapon_shotgun_spas Notes: The rate of fire value is sensitive. For example: a good value for the m16 is 1.005 As I stated at the top, this plugin is a derivative from Machine's weapon speed plugin: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_weaponrof.sp - 4.4 KB) l4d2_weaponrof.smx (6.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Easy Downloader (v1.00) By Invex | Byte Description This plugin is a simple downloader plugin which downloads/precaches files on any mod. Supported Mods Any (Only CSGO tested) Acknowledgements I decided to write this plugin after SM File/Folder Downloader and Precacher ( stopped working for me. Huge props to SWAT_88 though, RIP buddy <3 Instructions Compile easydownloader.sp Copy easydownloader.smx to your server. Configure files to download/precache by editing text files in /config/easydownloader Change map on server. Config Files Use file paths relative to gamedir root. One file per line. Blank lines and comment lines (starting with //) are ignored. decals.txt - Uses API function PrecacheDecal generics.txt - Uses API function PrecacheGeneric models.txt - Uses API function PrecacheModel sentencefiles.txt - Uses API function PrecacheSentenceFile sounds.txt - Uses API function PrecacheSound ConVars N/A Suggestions If you need any extra features, I can probably implement it to make this plugin more robust. N/A Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (easydownloader.sp - 2.8 KB) easydownloader.smx (5.2 KB) (1.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Hey0, Today I'm going to present a Plugin to you that is available in other forms but not with this featureset. This Plugin allows you to add Vips on the fly to your Server, extend their Status or Remove them. You can also lookup the details of Vips in a simple to use Menu. The Plugin was designed for Large Communities that run a big amount of servers. This is why it has a live MySQL Sync. This means no data is stored locally and everything is instantly synced to the database to allow a seamless workflow. Let's get to the details. I'm not providing you a config since you should be able to compile this Plugin yourself. The default MySQL config is tVip which needs to be added to your database.cfg. If you want another name, change line 13 in the .sp The default flag is Custom5 (19). This is editable in the .sp in line 21 The following commands are available: Quote: sm_tvip - Root Flag - Opens the tVip Admin menu sm_addvip "<SteamID>" <Duration in Month> "<Name>" - Root Flag - Add a Vip manually (offline) sm_vips - no flag - Shows all VIPs That's about it. I hope it's usefull for some of you. If you are interested in other Plugins, checkout my Website Images: Github: Attached Files tVip.smx (29.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (tVip.sp - 17.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. Simple Pug Plugin By Bladesmc Recommended SourceMod 1.7 to compile Description: This plugin is a simple Pick-up Game Plugin for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It is designed to be used as a lightweight alternative to Warmod. Features: Pros: Ready-up system Automatic Live once the player quota has been met Anyone can pause Players can vote to start even if they don't have full teams No configuration required (no ConVars, but can still be configured in the source code) Admin commands No external dependencies required to compile! Cons: No admin menu No reverting rounds No automatic GOTV recording (although it's so easy to set up without the plugin) No complex statistics Not multilingual No kniferound support Commands: !ready (alternative: !readyup) - signal yourself as ready to play the match !unready (alternatives: !readydown, !notready) - signal yourself as no longer ready to play the match !mystatus - prints your current ready status to chat !readycount - prints number of players ready to play in chat !pause - pauses the match. Only the player that paused the match can unpause it !unpause - unpauses the match. Only the player that paused the match can unpause it !voteunpause - players can vote to unpause the match (manual override in case someone is abusing the pause system) !votestart - players can vote to start the match even if they don't have enough for 5v5 Admin commands: (requires ConVar flag) !forcestart - forces the match to start !notlive - cancels the match !forceunpause - force-unpauses the match Inspired by Warmod by Versatile_BFG ( Attached Files pugcommands.smx (8.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (pugcommands.sp - 10.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Description: This plugin allows the player to be expelled when shooting with the MAG7, similar to the rocket jumping (TF2). Installation: * Compile 'mag7_jumping.sp' (Or retrieve it from below ('Get Plugin')). * Put the compiled file 'mag7_jumping.smx' in 'addons/soucemod/plugins/' Et voilà, the installation is done! Cvars: PHP Code: "sm_mag7_knockback" : Set the MAG7 knockback value (Default: 650.0). "sm_mag7_velocity_kept" : Set the player velocity factor to keep (Default: 0.3 [=> 30%]). "sm_mag7_ground" : Set if the knockback works when on the ground (Default: 0). Todo: ... --------------------------- Have fun :bee:! Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (mag7_jumping.sp - 3.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Quake Mod : Offensive Description : This plugin add quake player sounds to events : Hurt, Hit ,Death, Fall ,Spawn, Talk Cvars: csgo_quakemod_enable 1 Enable/disable Quake Mod: Offensive. csgo_quakemod_talk_enable 1 Enable/disable talk sound. csgo_quakemod_talk_senderhears 1 If enabled sender hears talk sound sound too. csgo_quakemod_talk_playmode 0 Talk sound play mode. 0: Play always, 1: Play only for all chat, 2: Play only for team chat Changelogs: version 1.0 initial release Credits to shaman for css version Attached Files (437.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. [Multi-1v1] Challenge INTRO: Many may know of the challenge plugin I posted long before this. The old challenge plugin is much different than the one I'm presenting to you today. With a completely rewritten core, natives, forwards, and Zephrus store support: This plugin rocks. Originally being made for private use, I've decided to come out with a public release. Here we go ABOUT: This plugin is a "!challenge" addon that works with of the Multi-1v1 Plugin made by Splewis. If you are not running this mod, this plugin WILL NOT WORK. This plugin allows players to type !challenge to challenge their buddies which places them into a private arena where they can then fight each other. Once the challenge duel is over, the players get put back into their old arena locations. COMMANDS: Code: sm_challenge - Opens challenge menu sm_challenge <target> - Challenges a specific target INSTALLATION: Make sure you are running SourceMod Verson 1.7 or higher Install hl_challenge.smx into the /plugins/ folder inside of sourcemod on your game server Load the plugin manually, or change maps Edit cfg/sourcemod/hl_challenge.cfg to your liking Enjoy! NATIVES/FORWARDS: View all natives and forwards here BUGS: If you have any issues or bugs then you should create an issue on GitHub! SOURCEMOD 1.7+ ONLY DOWNLOAD : HERE Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Plugin Manager Reborn This plugin allows you to load, unload and reload your plugins through a menu or commands, you can also specify flags for different plugins. e.g. everyone with the flag b can load/unload/reload basecommands.smx Commands: Spoiler sm_plugins - Opens a menu with all installed plugins where you can load/unload/reload any plugin (This menu is available under Server commands in admin menu) sm_load - Load a plugin sm_unload - Unload a plugin sm_reload - Reload a plugin sm_pmrefresh - Refresh the config file (If you wanna edit it while server is running) The flag system works the same way as adding admin flags: Code: "pluginmanager" { "pluginmanager.smx" { "flags" "abcdef" } "anotherplugin.smx" { "flags" "z" } } Github: Attached Files (13.6 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (pluginmanager.sp - 11.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. This plugin patches the server to allow 10 human players to join a MvM game(no console spam). For Windows server it is ok. For Linux, at first will still show 0/6 players BUT after first player it will show x/10 players. GitHub: Test server: Attached Files (1.4 KB) tf2mvm10plr.smx (4.2 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (tf2mvm10plr.sp - 1.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Collision Rush This plugin allows servers with a lot of players and collision enabled to solve the rush problem by disabling the collision for a few moments and after that enable the push away effect. Because sometimes the push away effect is not enough(players get stuck with each other), there is a sm_unstuck / sm_unblock (!unstuck/!unblock) command so players get unstuck on their own. Cvars sm_cr_nocollision_time - No collision time offset(after freeze time) sm_cr_pushaway_time - Push away time The plugin was tested on CS:GO. GitHub: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (collision_rush.sp - 2.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  23. Installation: Auto Bunnyhop: server/cfg/sourcemod/plugins/sm_bhop.smx Commands: "!autobhop" — Toggle Auto Bunnyhop. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_bhop.sp - 1.1 KB) sm_bhop.smx (7.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Hello The Best Supporters of Allied :) Please if can some one help me :/ I Need This plugin In cs1.6: IF Team Ct Or Team Terro Lose The Round The Lighting Kill hem and a cmd play a sound of lighting Please if some one know help me <3 And T'hanks so mush :oops: #DMC Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  25. Connect/Disconnect Message Description: A plugin which allow you and all the connected players on the server to see info in form of name, steamid and country of connecting/disconnecting players in the chat. Easy to edit by using the CVARS, if you for example would like to only show name and steamid in the messages and so on. CVARS: sm_connectmsg - Shows connecting messages 0 = Disable | 1 = Enable Default: "1" - Enable sm_disconnectmsg - Shows disconnecting messages 0 = Disable | 1 = Enable Default: "1" - Enable sm_steamidmsg - Shows the STEAMID in messages 0 = Disable | 1 = Enable Default: "1" - Enable sm_countrymsg - Shows the COUNTRY in messages 0 = Disable | 1 = Enable Default: "1" - Enable Installation: Put connectmessage.smx to sourcemod/plugins Put connectmessage.sp to sourcemod/scripting Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (connectmessage.sp - 3.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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